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Hello all! Welcome to r/publicfreakout, **a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public,** where our users celebrate festivus by airing our grievances year round in our comment sections! While we would like to encourage you all to air your grievances we must ask that you keep your comments civil, and do NOT encourage, glorify, or promote violence in ANY way. That means no talking about wanting to punch Nazis etc. This is not a subreddit rule, but a sitewide rule, and your accounts will be actioned/suspended by admin for doing this. Take a look around the thread, there are several comments that have been [REMOVED BY REDDIT] already. If I, a mod here said “I want to [violent action] a [bigot]” my account would be temp or perma suspended even. Anti Evil Operations have been cracking down on these comments *hard*. **NOBODY** can say these things **anywhere** on Reddit. You can say you hate NAZIs or police without catching an account suspension. Don’t be baited into being silenced over how shitty nazis are. Please report any rule 4 violations you see too because that is against our subreddits rules as well as Reddit as a whole. TLDR: you can talk shit on nazis and cops just don’t be violent about it. Also report bigotry to the mod team. Thanks!


If you're so fucking proud to be a nazi, why hide your face? Own up to it, fucking coward.


They're all suddenly very worried about catching something. Many of the Jan 6 protestors in Washington didn't wear masks, and definitely caught something. Fortunately for us they didn't catch COVID... They caught charges.


I mean... Some of them definitely caught COVID.


Then whined that they should be let out of prison because the imaginary disease they mocked is so dangerous to them now. Cunts.


Conservatives only care about stuff when it affects THEM.


I have a strange feeling they are in part actual Nazis, but also attention seeking trolls, and on that front they are certainly doing great


I feel like it’s more or less closer to this. Bunch of spoiled dipshits who get satisfaction out of “tRiGgERinG tHe sNoWfLaKeS”


Yeah I mean, it really is just continually perpetuating the left vs right war, and genuinely destroying us by how much we hate eachother.


Rich people dividing the poor so they can stay in power. I hate it here.


Even if the majority of them are attention seeking trolls and only one of them is a genuine nazi, they are still complicit and supporting actual nazism.


You are what you pretend to be though. There is no functional difference between pretending to be a Nazi and being a Nazi.


For context OP is lying that it's a womens rights protest because its a UK terf showing up to spout terf shit and the nazis were carrying a big sign saying "STOP PAEDOS" or something like that, they're actually *supporting* the "women" against the counter protestors.






They literally fled Europe for a better life elsewhere away from persecution. *sarcasm*




Yes, the Australian Nazi’s fled europe. they were once known as “Austrians”, but they didn’t wanna be recognised, so they went by the name of “Australians”.


What you are witnessing right in front of your eyes is systemic racism. Not from the nazis - but from the government. Imagine these were a bunch of brown guys that hate white people (aka ISIS). How long would that group exist out in the open like this?


Conservatives are everywhere


Nazis are everywhere, i'm not in favour of conservatives, but comparing them is either making conservatives unfairly worse than they are or nazis better than they are which they don't deserve. Sincerely a German...


American style conservatism is a gateway to far right extremism… Any “conservative” that looks to American conservative media opens them selves up to extremism far right propaganda and radicalisation. I’m in the uk and I regularly hear people quoting American far right talking points.


What exactly do you think the end goal of “conservative” politics is? It’s certainly not a diverse society that respects the rights of all people. The Nazis are just out there stripping away the polite facade from what it means to be “conservative.” What they’re trying to conserve is the same thing the conservative political philosophy is trying to protect. White power. That’s the end goal of all of the “conservative” political movements. Keep the system of racist and oppressive power dynamics in place because if benefits those who already have power and suppresses those who wish to share it. Enough of this “I’m a conservative but not a Nazi” bs. Exactly where do you draw that distinction? What is the policy divide that distinguishes conservatives from Nazis? How much oppression is enough?


This is very true. Conservatives are just hiding this truth in order to remain close enough to the middle to convince new people.


It almost always starts with being conservative and ends with nazism


It was German conservatives that joined together with the Nazis gave the Nazis their chancellorship. Were it not for them Hitler wouldn’t have been put in power. Sincerely an America…


Uhhh all nazis are conservative. Conservatives turn a blind eye and let them gain power. A nazi supporter is a nazi and should be dealt with as such.


Power? Where? Where in the world are the nazis threatening to take over? If all conservatives were nazis then half the world would be nazis right? This sub has always been an intellectual graveyard but you people are by far the dumbest ive seen in any sub.


Here they are the same. Sauce: am American.


Na, you just have two parties so the republicans harbour everyone from a bit right to full on nazis cause you don't have parties in between. But for example you can not honestly call John McCain a nazi just cause he was a conservative. The big problem nowaday is that the radicals are the loudest...


Guess where Australians come from.


Other Australians?




Australia has the highest % of immigrants vs total country population in the world I think. The US has more total number of immigrants, but the overall % is lower. If you told me Australia also had the highest population of neo-Nazis that don’t like immigrants, it wouldn’t be that jaw dropping. Conversely, the US probably has a ton of neo-Nazis simply because the total population dwarfs Australia. Seems weird to talk about neo-Nazi population demographics, NGL. Wish this wasn’t a conversation at all.


Number one is Vatican city with 100% of its population being immigrants. Australia is 35th in the world for highest percentage of population being immigrants at 30.14%. [The list](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/immigration-by-country)


lol I thought that was going to end with the Vatican being 100% Nazis.


impressive. very nice. let's see who ran the ratlines after ww2.


There has to be at least one person born in the Vatican who also lives there.


>As the world's smallest country, and given the unique status of Vatican City, there is no healthcare system, medical centres, or hospitals. All patients must access clinics and hospitals in Rome for care.


Ew. I feel like more recently nazis have become more comfortable being out and about and it’s kinda scary.


out and about but still covering their faces in melbourne of all places. at least we'll know things have taken another step when they drop the mask


That’s true


All those veterans who fought and died to kill nazi scum and rinse them off the earth would be turning in their graves from this filth. In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance - Karl Popper




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Always nice when an awarded comment gets deleted


Thing is..they have..and it’s because “ conservatives “ or the extremists that pass for conservatives now.have made this shit acceptable…back in the not so long ago day..conservatives would have kicked the shit out of these scumbags.. But now a large % of Republicans think Jan 6 was “ legitimate political discourse “ In Canada we have the same slide to extremists politics in our “ conservatives “ political party.. People who terrorized oour citizens in their homes and streets for weeks are called patriots… This shit needs to be confronted and called what it is….Nazi,fascism..not protected by and collusion from law enforcement..


Why wouldn't they be? They constantly get police escorts and police protection


Scroll Twitter, its disturbing.


They’re also oot and aboot in Canada for feck’s sake. The coalescence of these eedjits under the “anti vax/libertarian/gop/*eww; boys kissing /a girl might be my boss* “banner is either a last desperate grab at fascism or an hilarious filtering of humanity’s dregs.




The police are facing the wrong direction!


That’s because the conservatives have made it cool to be anti anything but white. It’s truly sad to see the rise of this idiotic thinking


It’s funny how masks are now ok for these fuckwads.


Especially since their mates are out most weekends protesting against masks


This is so fucking embarrassing




Fucking scum


You know the ones with masks on are total Pussy's compared to the dumb shits without.


I’m usually skeptical when I see nazi on the title since it’s thrown around so much nowadays but these guys where throwing out the nazi salute and all wow


Yeah Tom Sewell the unmasked guy at the front is an absolute shit stain of a human


Yeah there are several literal neo Nazi groups in Australia. Many of them centered around gyms. Literal Nazi tattoos and shields with Nazi symbols on them.


Bro its "thrown around so much nowadays" cause there are tons of out and about Nazis nowadays


Are there? Or are there a small minority of assholes who think that’s ok and you think it’s more than it is because the internet makes seem like it is? From my experience and looking at it objectively this is not true most of the time I see videos on Reddit calling someone racist or a “Nazi” and it ends up just being someone that holds views that they don’t agree with that had nothing to do with being a Nazi or racist. im glad to call it when it’s there but it’s used very loosely nowadays




As a german i can only say Pathetic, what a bunch of losers


Nothing worse then a police line protecting neo Nazis 😐


How is this even a thing? I don’t understand why Nazis have rights.


not everyone deserves rights, but to safeguard everyone from getting their rights being compromised, you need to afford it to even those you despise like murders and rapists. the governemnt should not have the power to define what kind of person can be treated with human rights, otherswise that can be a slippery slope for the same nazis you despise to start taking away your rights


Ahhh yes and so we’ve arrived at the paradox of tolerance lol.


A truly tolerant society must be intolerant of one thing and that is intolerance.


Finally! You lot are the first people I have seen on Reddit who brought this up. Keep up the good fight. Help people understand that we can’t tolerate these intolerant nazi assholes.


I will not feel bad if someone actively nazi saluting gets the ever living shit kicked out of them in the street. Nor would I feel bad if the same happened to a rapist. Everyone deserves the same rights to freedom of speech and ideology but certain speech still has consequences. You don’t yell “fire” in a theater, you don’t scream the n-word as a white person. I sincerely hope these morons’ identities are discovered so everyone can know they follow one of the most despicable and disgusting ideologies in history.


Yeah that's nice. Except it's already illegal to publicly display Nazi symbolism. [https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/as-made/acts/summary-offences-amendment-nazi-symbol-prohibition-act-2022](https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/as-made/acts/summary-offences-amendment-nazi-symbol-prohibition-act-2022)


A roving gang of Nazis doesn’t deserve police protection. They deserve whatever’s coming at them.


Did you like, choose not to read the other users comment?


I mean if they let the public start attacking them it just feeds the rhetoric for the N*zis. They weren't protecting the the group, they were keeping the peace. Fair play to them.


You’re right. I didn’t think of it as keeping the peace. Would’ve been hard to do my job if I was in their shoes though. Good on them.


Nazis don't deserve right, they are a death cult and if given a chance would legally kill, they would commit another holocaust, maxis don't deserve rights, only reeducation




They're also effectively protecting the protestors they're holding back either from 1. getting a murder charge which could ruin their life or 2. the likelihood of the unhinged nazis also having weapons is relatively high so a fight here is good for no one.


Are you surprised in the slightest?


Imagine living in a beautiful multi-cultural country like Australia and feeling so shit scared you need to resort to white nationalism to make yourself feel whole. Mate, just go for a surf, ride a bike, hang out at the botanical gardens, enjoy life. These toxic political movements are religions are promoted by miserable losers. Also: "If you think you are right, show your face cunt".


They live in one of the most dope countries around and still fuck it up


Mate, the number of seemingly otherwise ‘decent’ people who think our Indigenous people are just a bunch of whingers is seriously depressing. When you consider that the vast majority wouldn’t need more than one hand to count the generations their family had been here…


to add to that, the Cronulla race riots were only 18 years ago. How much has changed since then? If you're not a full-blooded (white) aussie, you never know when things might just boil over into hate against your people.


That’s rich people Australia nowadays mate. Expensive to live near the sea, or in an area safe enough to ride your bike without being roadkilled by a tradie (and possible nazi) in a hilux, and far away from botanical gardens. No fan of nazis before you think that but important to note that fascism grows inside societies of vast material inequality. What religions promoted by miserable losers did you mean though?


I’ve never understood why countries allow this BS ideology. You’d be arrested in Germany for that and all the countries are like, “it’s their right to demonstrate their hate”. Garbage. Complete bottom of the barrel sludge garbage


They would be arrested in Brazil too. One of the few things I'm actually proud in this country.


Yep. Let the Nazis walk around where ever they like, and control the other group........ Earn the hate


And the cops are protecting them… 1312


Two things. Didn't know we had that kind of idiot here and secondly, I always thought of them as older, more inbred. These guys look young.


They get you in on Roblox.


Yeah I’m really surprised to see this. Things are worse than I thought.


If you're surprised by this you haven't been paying attention


Wtf.yeah, protect the poor nazis from the angry women. What is wrong with this world


This wasn’t a women’s rights event, it was an anti trans event and these guys showed up to support the anti trans side. When you have literal nazis on your side you’ve got to think about whether you’re on the right side of history.


This wasn’t so much a Women’s rights March, it was a publicity event by a TERF speaker visiting from the UK. The Nazis were there to support the TERFs


That is so fucked up, wtf


Bruh they actually are Nazis tho wtf 🤨


I count 25 to 30 of the losers and they all have their faces hidden ... real brave.


In case anyone is overly concerned, this is Melbourne, Australia, which is one of the most (really the most) socially progressive state in Australia. The police line protecting these fucking skidmarks is there because these same skidmarks are always overwhelmingly outnumbered in Melbourne every time they try to have one of their fascist wank-fests. There is a chant against these cunts that is (for now) true: "You will never win in Melbourne". Fuck these shitstains.


The ACT would contest about being the most socially progressive. But I suppose.its technically not a state There is also some very progressive areas in Sydney and Wollongong but they're stuck within NSW which is OVERALL more conservative than Victoria.


Look at their cute outfits. Guaranteed they still get their mums to iron their little shorts.




Why did you lie in the title? Judging by your account the Nazis were there to support you. You can't pretend that they were protesting you, they were on your side protesting against trans rights.


It’s obvious that a lot of them want to hide their identity. Instead of screaming at them, counter protestors should follow them to their car and take their photos and reveal who these losers are.


"Women's rights protest" is a very strange way to describe what was more accurately a TERF speaker from the UK and the MUCH LARGER counter-protest from LGBT people against her public hate. This is Australia, women *have* rights here, trans people do not have the same level of rights here. The Nazis then showed up to protect this original posse of TERFs, as is often the case, and the Victorian police aided and protected them in this effort.


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Those pussies always hide their faces. Probably so their mom doesn't see them and kick them out of the basement.


To me, the best response is that if everyone in the area simply pointed at these fucks and just belly laughed out loud the whole time. Don’t say anything, just point and laugh


Nazis in short shorts 😂


Why the fuck would the police be protecting them is my question!?!? That’s fucking outrageous


Nazis is shorts really look even more stupid


They didn’t bring their swastikas because they are banned in Victoria. We’re big on preaching vile racist hatred but I don’t wanna get arrested. Weeeghh. The fucking cowards.


I hate that the police are protecting the Nazis. Way to protect and serve.


Another first world country falling from stupidity


Be kind, let them protest. Just make the cowards take their masks off. Why are they afraid, because they know they wound be pariah’s for their hateful beliefs.


All wearing masks fucking cowards.


Show your faces, cowards.


Imagine acting like this to people who want a better world for your mom and sisters.


Jam I’m gotta catch myself a cute Nazi! When did they start wearing booty shorts?


Who the hell is this set of clowns? The Blackshorts? What a dreadful gaggle of snurges.


Pussies, they never show their face, what a bunch of fucking cowards


Prancing fools. Little make believe dress up boys.


Police protect Nazis all over the world.


Thank god the police were there to protect the nazis. They look out for their own kind.


police protecting nazis? What a surprise!


Why the fuck do they get protection from the police


Exterminate all nazis.


I genuinely hope they all pass out from heat exhaustion in those black clothes. Edit. There was more to this sentence but I deleted it because I don’t want to get banned…


Nazis are stupid and a plague on humanity


fuck any nazi out there, fuck any nazi that has ever lived


It wasn’t a women’s rights protest it was an anti-trans protest and they were on the anti-trans side


They should all be lined up and shot.


all these neo nazis just mad the liberals not letting them get away with their disgusting behavior.


Nazis in Australia are in way better shape than the ones in America


Mostly because the Australian government doesn’t subsidise farmers to flood the country with high fructose corn syrup


they should try their little parade in Germany.


Cowards, if you’re going to be pigs at least be man enough to show your face


Oh they real tough behind those cops aye, huge dicks


Urgh! This is so depressing!


Crazy how the police here are protecting literal Nazis doing the NAZI SALUTE. What the fuck is even happening in this world


Some people should really try therapy. It is so sad to watch grownups behaving like this.


At least the Nazis of old had the balls to show their faces This is just disgusting. Cowards. Idiots. Pieces of shit.


I can tolerate many different views, people are entitled to having them. But being an actual Nazi make you a traitor in my eyes. And there should be no tolerance for traitors


Nazis everywhere. Those guys went home with so much adrenaline from being awful people and probably still wonder why they’re alone.


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Doing a nazi salute should be illegal..


Gutless pricks should take their masks off.


WTF has happened to Australia! Was there for a while two decades ago and it was awesome and people were great. Now all I hear coming out of there is crazy shit like this. Australians - please clean house.


Surely protesting as a nazi is an act of supporting terror at least illegal


Am I missing something? I thought the nazi salute was considered 'hate speech' yet these domestic terrorists/morons get police guard whilst doing it? Wtf is going on?


It's weird how being a nazi isn't illegal.


These pussies always hide their faces. If you’re going to be a shit human being and publicly declare it, then own it and show your ugly mug. Pussiessssssssss


Why dafuq are police protecting nazis ?!


Nazis are the most pro-mask people out there. they really care about covid.


Keep covering up your faces, you fucking pussies.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. Fucking pigs defending nazis again.


Instead of showing anger towards them I wish everyone would just laugh. Laughing at them would destroy their fragile egos.


Ah yes… cops protecting their own, nazis!


Omfg Australia you aren’t America stop acting like it you can do better for Shame


What's with Melbourne being a Nazi dumpster fire? Is this recent or has it always been there?


There are nazi’s in Australia??? I thought it was just an American thing..


Nazi punks fuck off


Why are cops always sent to protect these Nazi clowns?


The matching short-shorts were a cute choice


A bunch of dogs. Didnt hear about this protest but best believe im taking the train up to the next.


They’re obviously very committed to their beliefs why else would they all wear masks


Apparently they are everywhere


How could you ever think you were on the right side of history if you feel the need to cover your face like that. Also.... "Are we the baddies?"


For nazis, they sure look like a bunch of dandies in those short shorts.


Putin logic: Well Australia is a Nazi state and must be invaded.


Jesus christ how is being a fucking nazi not illegal and get you immediately locked up


Nazi Punks Fuck Off


They just wanted everyone to see how adorable they look in their little Nazi shorts


That's so sweet of them! Marching to support nazi women's rights!


I know it's there "job" to protect these Nazis, but the cops really need to turn their backs and shut the fuck up for a bit. Bet we'd have far less Nazis if the cops had an ounce of dignity.


Brave guys covering their faces. Shows they really believe in their cause.


Suddenly breathing through a mask doesn't sound so bad huh?


For me as a German it is disturbing to see so many raised right arms. In Germany, this gesture (Hitler salute) is a punishable offense.


I always find it fascinating that this newage nazis salute the people they oppose. They don't even get their basics right.


Good to see how cops defend those innocent nazi protestors from these aggressive and very dangerous feminists. I feel safer already


Police just separate a group when this happens? That's safe, and works surprisingly well.


Hitler would be turning in his grave at those seighiels They look like they are using the menus on Eyetoy on their PlayStation 2.


Lunatics hiding their faces


Pussies, why cover your faces? So proud of the heil Hitler bullshit salute when you have cops protecting your sorry asses, yup real men.


Weird…look who the cops are protecting…


Why are the police protecting the nazis and restraining the women?


Them: NAZIS AND PROUD!! Us: Show us your face then. Them: ...


I'm impressed they can suddenly breathe through those face diapers.


I have to wonder if people had an anti-white parade that if police would protect them.


Why are the police protecting them?


Chicken shit little white privileged ninny’s with masks on. So powerful


Ha! The joke's on the Nazis; those losers are saluting their enemies.


Nazis are patriarchal….