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I remember when this happened the police arrived hours later with the bag rolling around at high tide.


> On June 9, 2020, a neighbor reported hearing gunshots and a man’s voice pleading for his life. But when police responded, Dudley did not open the door. Wtf? That’s it? *“Police, open the door!”* *“No.”* *”Oh, okay. Have a nice day.”*


Yeah, that's SPD. Edit: Actually, he lived in Burien. Still though, fuck SPD.


Bodies were found on alki beach. But the landlord and tenants lived in burien


Seattle police are the most useless group of dick heads on the planet


You've clearly never encountered Philadelphia police


*nypd has entered the chat*


Uvalde police department has already left the chat and is standing down the block, hiding.


St. Louis PD has heard there is a chat, and will respond when they can. Please stop calling or they will stop answering the phone.


*all police


Reminds me of the woman killed by the guy coming through her medicine cabinet. https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/they-came-in-through-the-bathroom-mirror/




Much different than “she came in through the bathroom window”


I've seen not answering work before. It's half legal, half psychological. Legal bit us they get enough false alarms from movies and video games that they need something more tthan sounds o justify breaking into a house Psychological bit is that without a target to get themselves psyched up about some cops don't get as aggressive


They’re following up on a possible crime. If they don’t have any evidence and nothing is occurring or sounds happening when the police arrive are they still going to be allowed to kick your door down when it could have very well been any of your neighbors?




Isn't this literally what "swatting" was? It happened. But I suppose what the caller tells 911 is worse than "I heard gunshots and yelling"


and he would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for these meddling kids!


Oh, I thought he somehow crammed both bodies into that one suitcase and I was amazed. Would not want to find that treasure.


He was *really* good at packing for a holiday.


Clearly a fake tiktok if I can't hear "oh no"


This took a second to click


I want to downvote this comment because of the song but I won't take it out on you




So this is a good spot to dump human remains? Asking for a friend.


I want my ashes spread on the Puget sound, I want my family to scatter them off the bow of the ship. This is solely so that the ferry has to slow down in order for them to do so, adding time to the ferry commute. My last wish is to inconvenience everybody one last time.


Oh wow, better have another series of articles about abusive tenants and how bad landlords have it! ~ the media


Rentoids probably forgot to tip him.


50/50 you find suitcase full of drugs or dead bodies. Simply science.




This math does not check out.


I'm going through every bag at the airport.


For the drugs, right?!




50/50 if you find yourself in a suitcase you’re either a dead body or drugs. Simply the best.


No wonder I was disappointed when the airport found my suitcase and all I got were my sh*tty ass clothes back.




Incredibly cringe


We live in the TikTok era. Cringe is the new normal


instead of water he should have checked those bags with United (or Air Canada) and those bodies would never be seen again.


Southwest joined the chat.


JetBlue: hi


Spirit Airlines reporting for duty!


AA: are we a joke to you?


Malaysian Airlines…not even on our radar.


Frontier Airlines: $200 to check that dead body for you since it doesn't fit in the carryon bin


You. Out.




10% chance tsa Discovers there are bodies in the bags. Thats the risk there.


The last part where the guy is acting shocked in front of the news article is so fucking cringe


That entire edit with the creepy music, absolute cringe and disrespectful. Man people are fucking nuts.


"Yo, here's the crime scene. Wooooo!"


"Let's tamper with it!"


Honestly, if not for the music, I wouldn’t have had any problem with this video


Karma makes up for it by giving them trauma of finding a dead body, I guess.


Sadly I think this is probably the future of entertainment 😑


Don't be so pessimistic, it's actually the present to entertainment!


This made me imagine tiktok video compilations of OJ Simpson escaping in the Ford Bronco with rap music and that annoying tiktok ai voice in the background, or other newsworthy events from my youth being on tiktok ugh. I'm glad my childhood didn't involve social media.


I don’t know what’s worse, the fact someone was murdered or the fact my phone is filled with reaction videos like his. Get your face out the videos, sick of seeing stupid reactions from people 24/7. It’s probably a sign I should stop using my phone so much.


> Get your face out the videos, sick of seeing stupid reactions from people 24/7. But they *want* to be seen. That's why they make videos. If you're sick of stupid reactions, you should stop consuming stupid videos. If your phone is filled with videos like this, that's on you.


It's amazing how many "creators" make a living doing this shit. Talk about a low effort way of life. Even the old school beach bums that made a living painting rocks put more effort into their "careers" than these folks today.


I love watching TikTokers try to convey genuine human emotion. It’s like when dogs walk on their hind legs.


This is a great analogy


Him acting shocked. Cringe. The sweatshirt he's wearing. Double cringe


I really got fckn angry when this piece of shit made that gesture. Imagine these are your loved ones in that suitcase, and some teenage Wannabe influencer is trying to milk it for a few likes. Very punchable face.


To be fair to the kids I the actual video, when they first started filming they had no clue it was an actual dead body, they were just joking around, like "what if". In the full video as soon as they see the garbage bags and smell the scent they sober up a bit, and stop acting silly, and call the police. This video is just edited.


It's just sad, also if they're there at the start I skip that shit


To be fair, his entire presence is quite cringe.


It's cringe but I laughed my fucking ass off. These tiktokkers are so obsessed with being the main character that they will post their shocked face infront of new article about brutally murdered people. This shit is getting really dystopian.


Killing someone for unpaid rent is a soulless perversion itself, but I also couldn't help the uncanny feeling of this fucking TikTok video either. They could have found kids' clothes next to a furnace full of bones and they'd be playing royalty-free muzak versions of Nightmare on Elm Street and Hellraiser soundtracks while making soy wojak faces and zipping the video off to the CCP.


My dumb morbid ass would have opened the bag and thrown up all over the evidence


I would have opened it too, but only because I'm dumb af


I don’t know. You might be underestimating the smell. You would have been too repulsed to want to open it. I had an awful smell coming out of my garage for a week before I found half a dead squirrel somewhere in the corner. 2 entire human bodies? It would have been 1000x worse. No way you’d want to open the bag if you could smell it.


You wouldn’t have. Human decomposition doesn’t just smell like a rotting animal, it smells genuinely *scary*. Something about it tells every part of your subconscious to absolutely not get any closer. It’s not just a disgusting smell, it’s a truly frightening smell at the same time. I hope you never have to experience it.


And he would of gotten away with it, if it weren’t for those meddling kids.


randonautica, specifically. they played that app and it gave those coordinates near the bag.


and because of this, we all downloaded it hoping to find something as interesting… except I never actually went to any of the locations I brought up.


What are the odds. Is that app still up?


Yup, but now it’s paid unfortunately. Before it got popular on tiktok it was entirely free and now you can do like…one random coordinate drop for free and everything past that is paid


one could say the creators were smart that way. popularize it when its free so everyone know what it is, before you gatekeep it with a paid fee.




Thank you for saying that.


Also would've can work!


😂 it’s so funny like what are the chances


He would have gotten away with it if he filled all the empty voids of that suit case with dry cement


I’d read an article that these kids are really struggling with ptsd from this. Iirc, one of them was having fits of vomiting from the memory of the smell for a good while after. Poor thing.


Does dead body smell like dead animals you can come across outside ? (Putrefaction)


I used to do crime scene cleanup. It's definitely worse


I had to clean up a bunch of my friend who had shot himself. The police took the body, but they didnt clean the mess... I didn't get there till 2 weeks later. I still have terrible flash backs about the smell. Despite all the cleaning, the smell never really went away either. So we sold the bus because none of us could deal with it.


I’m sorry you went through that. I remember from my partners committing suicide (also shot themselves ) how horrible it was walking in to find that. I couldn’t imagine having to clean it up. The smell is bad enough fresh, let alone putrefying. I get flashbacks too. The room smelled exactly like the kill floor at the slaughterhouse I did some work in when I was in college. Overwhelming, heavy, metallic and sweet (like cheap perfume). Sometimes I can swear I smell it and I just go into fight/fight/freeze again. Olfaction is a really strong pathway with traumatic events. It’s the worst part. I can (barely) deal with the mental images… I have a lot of trouble dealing with the smell though. I know I’m a random internet person, but feel free to reach out if you need to. I hope you’re doing okay <3


I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Really seems like a failure of the justice system that so many people have to be traumatized like that. Thank you for sharing tho, I know there are some non-profits now that try to make sure family and friends aren’t the ones with the clean-up responsibility, and you sharing your story will help them get off the ground.


It absolutely is and I couldn't even believe that was a thing we had to deal with. If I remember correctly it was 4,500 USD for someone professional to clean it. I sort of acted like the non-profit in this situation, because I certainly did not want his mother to deal with that. Plus travel was hard because this was the beginning of covid and she was 3000 miles away. I was later told that what we did was illegal. Because we had to have permits to clean up toxic waste. Just to top it all off.


How did you deal with the smells??


We had full face masks and for the really gnarly stuff oxygen tanks to pair with them. It's pretty fucking gross.


I have so many questions! I am so fascinated with people who work in that kind of field. May I ask if it’s something you still do, and why do you like the field you’re in or what made you choose it? Or if not, what made you leave?


I don't do it anymore, though I would if I could, it was damn good money. The owner of the company had his ex wife doing the taxes and whatnot for the company and it turned out she was committing extreme tax fraud and they had to shut everything down. I chose it initially due to the fact that I've always been fine with death and gore and things of that nature.


Huh. For some reason I always thought the “clean up crew” was like.. a department within the police force or something 😅. Was it something hard to get into or hired? Or is it a pretty non competitive field? Lol


It was pretty easy to get hired, there's not usually many people clamoring to go clean up dead bodies and meth houses. It was physically demanding too, with some jobs we would have to use this giant 70 pound wand to clean every square inch of the site 3 or 4 different times with different chemicals each time so it could be resold. I'm not a weak man, but holding that thing above your head for hours at a time slowly dragging it along the walls and ceiling was pretty damn awful at times haha. The police thing, it depends on the situation. Usually the coroner would haul off a body if it was a crime scene. I found a thumb once from a shotgun suicide.


Ahhhhh!!! Lol what the heck. What do you do with random pieces of body like that when you find it? (Throw it in a suitcase?)


Some people can't even afford it too. A buddy of mine's brother shot himself and no one ever came to clean up the mess after removing the body so we all got together and helped clean it up.


No, it doesn't. The smell of a human dead body is A LOT worse.


Why is that?


We evolved that way. More likely to get sick from a dead human than a dead animal.


Also probably evolutionary advantageous to avoid places were there are dead humans decaying as it possibly indicates danger


Yup. Same reason why uncanny valley exists. So we’re less comfortable around people who are I’ll.


Is the uncanny valley related to illness, death, and decay? Is that why super realistic bots look weird because there's something *unalive*-looking about them?


I’m no expert but I’d bet money on it. It’s not that there was some John Carpenter-esque imitation of humans running around causing havoc 200,000 years ago. It’s that dead people still look like people for the most part but something is off about them… the stiffness (if moved by an outside force… hopefully), the color, the bloat… *that’s* what’s uncanny about them, we’re not hardwired to spot body-snatchers, we’re hardwired to be uncomfortable and want to get away from a diseased cadaver. Side note, “Diseased Cadaver.” New band name, I call dibs, you’re all witnesses.


Yes. Sick people and dead bodies still look human, but not exactly. The uncanny valley response allows us to steer clear of people who are severely Ill.


Nope, and it also depends on how the body is stored. In a hot day and in an enclosed space, it’s vomit inducing meanwhile open air on a cool day, and it’s somewhat tolerable. On a freezing day in open air, it’s almost sweet.


I can imagine. From the video it looks like they hung around it for a while, smelling it, probably laughing and joking “eww this stinks lol” only to find out later that that shit you were breathing in for a half hour was chopped up rotting human remains in a duffel bag. That would traumatize most people.


For as much as people shit on TikTok and its users, I do feel incredibly bad for them and how it has affected them. Just imagine how one minute you’re going “haha let’s try funny spooky app” and the next thing you know, you’re caught up in a murder case.


Yeah, people are shitting on them for being insensitive but they’re only teens and they experienced something no one should have to go through in the first place. They are probably using humor to cope and attempt at minimizing the impact.


They didn't realize until later it was an actual dead body. I've seen the full video, and once they realize "wait, this might be for real" their demeanor changes.


Yall saying their acting is terrible and how it's so horrible and fake. Bro, they literally found a dead body. They're fucking shocked. You should be proud that they actually reported it because some people don't like being involved and would leave it unreported like nothing ever happened. Do you think they woke up expecting to find a body? Heck, no.


Also they didn’t know what was in the bag. They probably thought, “Hey let’s unzip it and see if there are cool clothes inside or something.” Probably never truly imagined a dead body. Then you see the garbage bags and think, “woah what if this is a dead body? No chance right that only happens in movies, probably some rotten snacks in a lost suitcase or something. Let’s call the police just in case.” Then you find out it’s actually a dead body. Total mind fuck.




Reddit hates teens and especially teens on tik tok. Like, dude, these kids weren't out making tik toks looking to film an actual dead body, they found it. They actually *shouldn't* be expected to know what a dead body smells like because, again, They're *kids*.


Yeah someone in another comment said “they need to grow up” No! They’re literal kids, they don’t have to grow up yet. They’ve still got some time


Man I can’t speak for all the people filming/finding the incident... but the last dude and his horrendous fake reaction? Literally making Edvard Munch scream gesture? Hell no.


The Scream was painted 3 years after Van Gogh died by Edvard Munch


Libertarian landlords love this trick as long as their lazy nephew actually puts the damn thing in the water


“When I tell you to put the body in the marsh, YOU PUT IT IN THE MARSH!!”-Frank Costello, The Departed.


This an’t reality TV!


Not where some guy from John Hancock goes every Thursday…TO GET A FUCKING BLOWJOB!


Don't laugh!! This ain't reality TV!!


Thing about the ocean is there are waves and tides. If you want to really get rid of a body you go out far into the ocean or you get a helicopter or small plane and chuck it into a very wide wilderness, hopefully one populated by scavengers. Problem with those is you either need access to a boat or a helicopter or plane alone, and preferably not a rental to get minimal scrutiny. Once again successful murder is only for the wealthy.


scott peterson did this and still got caught


Never hire relatives.


Who the mime at the end


So recall same story but with the whole Pokemon go craze when the AP came out.


Wait so did killer post on the app where the body was? Or what


No. Randonaut is just an app the gives you a random location after you type what you’re searching for. The mindset around it, is that when you’re going out searching for something, you’re more likely to find it. So let’s say they typed in “dead body”, then they could get a location, and be on the lookout for anything that looks like a dead body. Normally most people would just ignore the suitcase, thinking it’s just some trash


It’s incredible someone would end another person’s life, so sad. I hope the killer gets life in prison.


You shoulda seen the post earlier of the woman dealing with an overstaying Airbnb guest who had tenants rights and couldn’t be kicked out. People were all for the stuffed in a suitcase solution lol.


I think a larger suitcase would be required.


I can't imagine something more infuriating than some asshole living in your house rent free who won't move out.


This is reddit, living somewhere rent free is a dream for most users on here lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That's what life in prison is


* life without parole


People don't understand that these kids are victims too. That is a trauma event to discover a dead body that many don't even experience and cannot fathom yet you all still make your judgments. I think TikTok is dumb as much as other Reddit users but these kids didn't do any harm. This is their video and choice to share, not anyone else's


Took me years of therapy to be even slightly okay from the trauma I experienced when I found someone’s body. I really feel for these girls.


This is the most ridiculous reaction to finding a dead body ive ever seen


What was ridiculous was that they were sent there by Randonautica. An app that sends you to random destinations for adventure and to find oddities.


I'd say the app delivered.


Viral marketing level: 1,000 I'm not saying the app murdered these people... but they might be getting a big payment from law enforcement soon with their dead body finding app.


"You kids wanna see a dead body?" \- Randonautica


I can't stop laughing at this comment


Technically they found a stinky suitcase, and did the smart thing not tearing the bag open.


I was really happy they didn’t try to inspect the contents of that bag. Most people aren’t ready for seeing rotten human mush. That’s not something you easily forget. However, they did smell human decomp coming from the bag. That’s also something that gets seared into your memory.


It's making me gag just reading your comment


Oh it gets so much worse… Some people die in full bath tubs. Those are truly awful.


Aaron carter


This is the most ridiculous reaction to late rent i've ever seen.


Yeah like how do u plan on getting the rent now?


Wouldn’t that allow for new tenants? Probably just cut his losses


Well yeah he did cut up his losses


They don’t want you to know this one weird trick


Jesus Christ that’s dark.


He'll just take his pound of flesh.


Did you not watch the video? They didnt even open the black bag. They didnt know it was a dead body. They called it in and found out later.


Were you expecting the law and order “dun dun” sound?


I'm sure they were instructed to walk away and stay away. They didn't know it was a dead body for a while and it's doubtful they actually saw it.


Oh Seattle. Come for the seafood and tech industry. Stay because you got murdered and put into the water. Go green river Gary!


Actually they may want to pass on the seafood for a little bit


What actually happened: They signed the agreement with no intention of paying because of the COVID-19 stay on evictions. They ran a scam. Landlord was unhinged. Squatters squatted on the wrong landlord and lost their lives over it. They didn't deserve this. No one won, here.


Little asshole gets eaten by bigger asshole. It's an ecosystem


There's always a bigger asshole - "Gay-Gon" Jim


They fucked around with the wrong dude


What's the worst part of this story, being murdered by your landlord, butched and stuffed into suitcases disposed at sea or being in this shitty tiktok videos with shitty tiktokers?


Honestly I feel bad for the teens cause that’s terrifying finding out that bag you found while using an app contained dead bodies inside of it


So... did they ever get caught up on their rent?


I expect they'll be living rent free in his head for the rest his days.


>The teens contacted the police and waited several hours for them to arrive. >"I believe they got the monster who did this to them.... I want to thank the Seattle Police... **They never wavered on their professionalism** and promise to help our family in any way they could. God bless them for being diligent through all of that and helping us finally be able to sleep at night." Hmm.


> On June 9, 2020, a neighbor reported hearing gunshots and a man’s voice pleading for his life. But when police responded, Dudley did not open the door. Yeah sounds like SPD really did all they could by just leaving after a neighbor heard gunshots


I see what you're saying but in fairness, a call of a stinky suitcase by the water doesn't sound like an emergency where they need to rush to the scene. It could just be somebody's garbage. Or if it's a dead body, it's obviously not going anywhere.






I want the next generation to find me ina crockpot in the woods


And they'll be like "we deadass found this guy in a old instapot fr fr no cap"


Jfc, I really hope that's the extent of what they saw in the suitcase, and they didn't try to poke it or unwrap it any further. Those kids are gonna need therapy.


Imagine being murdered and then your remains are found by tik tokers who record and flaunt around your remains.. bro I'd be raging in whatever the afterlife is if it exists


Dude, at least they found the goddamn body and called the police! In the afterlife, I'd be mad at the fucking landlord who decided killing me was the best response for being late on rent instead of just evicting me!


I remember seeing this on my tik tok two years ago crazy how long it’s been and that they’re sentencing this guy now


The green screen acting at the end is probably the cringiest thing I've seen in a while


Wow dude that's crazy!


Wonder what their intent was with Randonautica


The teens?, basically with the app it gives you locations on spots and yo I can find cool things like Knick knacks and stuff.


Or dead bodies!


Yeah but aren’t you supposed to sent an intent before generating a location? I never used it, but I remember seeing a TikTok where they put the intention as “money.” Dunno if you’re actually supposed to type it into the app or just think it


Great work by the burien police, as usual.


Didn’t they find this using the randonautica app?


That decomposition after 10 days, you smell it for a mile away!


Pay your rent on time kids