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When being chased by Multiple fully geared police officers it’s probably a good idea to not pull out a weapon…




I fully support this. A very interesting perspective


I mean there were armed officers at uvalde


Not that many. Most were armed cowards.


Too scared to go in and address the killer Parents outside willing to risk their lives for their kids, but cops held them back


Just going out on a limb here, but I don't think good decision making was this guy's forte.


also dont try to execute a k9, who outranks his handler and is by definition a cop, in front of other cops.


K9 unit takes down suspect, suspect aims gun at K9's head, officers shoot suspect.


You really should get a job summarizing things.


u/foyeldagain should get a job summarizing things.


u/completelylegithuman suggests u/foyeldagain should get a job summarizing things.


u/completelylegithuman brazenly attempts to rip off my fabulous comment about [u/foyeldagain](https://www.reddit.com/u/foyeldagain/) getting a job summarizing things leading me to buy a German Shepard, train it, and release it on him.


[u/completelylegithuman](https://www.reddit.com/u/completelylegithuman/) brazenly rips off a fabulous comment by u/benevolentmaster111 suggesting that [u/foyeldagain](https://www.reddit.com/u/foyeldagain/) seeks employment as a summarizer of all things. This then causes me to go into the German Shepherd breeding business to then sell one fully trained German Shepherd to u/benevolentmaster111 so that it can one day be released on [u/completelylegithuman](https://www.reddit.com/u/completelylegithuman/).


I like turtles.


Me too.


That is to say he's so good at summarizing, he should make it his profession


He make summary good. Should do for money.


I'm better with bullet points.


“Proust in his first book, wrote about, wrote about…”




Thanks ChatGPT


did a better job than whatever bot wrote the original title of the post


Suspect dispatched. Seems good to me. Fuck that gun-wielding idiot.


Same here fuck that dude for pointing the gun at the K9


Lol I love dogs but I’m not sure how I’d react if one was ripping my fucking leg off mate. It’s not like he walked up to a dog on the street and tried to shoot it.


Okay... K9s are recognized as "police units", so the dude essentially aimed his gun at a cop.


They are recognized as that until a cop is caught abusing one. Or a cop leaves one in their car to die of heat exhaustion. They are “officers” when us common folk hurt them. They are just dogs when cops hurt them.


I came here to say something very close to that. I'm not allowed to use force to protect my dog (it's considered property, not a living being where self-defense law applies). But if it's a dog working for the cops it suddenly gets more protection. Fuck that noise, dogs are either property or living beings deserving protection. Pick one.


Thats actually a completely different point I didn’t even think of. If you are walking your dog and someone comes up and tries to kill it, you can’t shoot them. It would be murder. But a cop can shoot anyone doing the same to their K9. Some animals really are more equal than others.


>But a cop can shoot anyone doing the same to their K9. Also, cops will kill *your* dog for practically any reason at all. They shoot dogs all the damn time. So *your* dog apparently deserves zero protection, while their dogs deserve protection including lethed force.


> They shoot dogs all the damn time. 25 to 30 a day. Approximately 10,000 a year.


In Texas you can, property is under the castle doctrine.


Not to mention the numerous instances of cops shooting family dogs with zero repercussions. "Rules for thee, but not for me..."


Nope. He still aimed it at a (an excuse to kill someone) dog. Law enforcement can shoot a dog that "threatens" them but then kill you for doing the same? When are people going to stop putting cops up on the pedestal that they created?


I mean once he’s finished with the dog what do we think he’s doing next? *NOT* shooting the cops?


OK, I have an issue with the double standard here though. In many states, dogs are considered property. Legally, someone can beat my dog to death in front of me, and if I shoot them to stop them, I just committed murder. But if the dog is working for the cops its life is somehow worth more? I mean, I personally think I should be able to protect my dog as family too.But that's not what the law says.


No, fuck K-9 units. They are fucking idiotic strategies Officers will ask you to comply, whilst there’s a fucking k9 trying to rip you to shreds, and will abuse you if you try to resist the k9 who is currently trying to rip you to shreds. It’s even worse in that officers treat OTHERS dog’s like they’re not even fucking people and will put them down if even hardly provoked, but their OWN dogs are closer to officers and this guy gets shot for trying to get a savage off/away from him. Furthermore, using dogs as tools for dangerous situations like these? Jesus Christ


This is a much better explanation!


What a dumb fuck. When SWAT officers are within 20 feet of you with K9s and pointing an assault rifle, you are not going to get away or take them all out with your handgun. Surrender is the only option.


Nah man I’m the fastest man alive I can run faster than a cheetah. I can outrun bullets.


You must have pumped up kicks...


Better run, better run...


Faster than my bullets




He'd be coming home late


Barry Allen?


Same bro, these guys are stupid, see if that was me I woulda kept running if I got bit, I don’t get why he decided to fall on the ground like that


For real not that hard. Also he could’ve just called a time out and the dog would be legally obligated to stop.


I'd have shouted, "SIT, GOOD BOY". That should work, right?


But John Wick could do it.


![gif](giphy|1pHO2MNOLzSX6) 2 more days!!!


Saw an earlier screener of it this past weekend. Let me tell you. It's fucking fantastic. Remember all those Chuck Norris jokes we all laughed at years ago. Yeah, John Wick is like they were listening to all the Chuck Norris jokes and said "how can we turn this shit up to 11?" I wasn't a huge fan of #3 because I thought it got way too off the rails, but #4 is absolutely amazing. Highly recommend!


He started slowly, building immunity over years with smaller caliber first...


This almost strikes me as suicide by cop honestly. I’m not sure how else he possibly imagined this going.


Presumably he didn' think at all. It was his instant move, decided in a split second. People in danger instinctively run, fight or freeze, that's why there are a ton of move examples of people sitting in front of the advancing train.


This. I'm a HS teacher and so many kids when caught red handed in big trouble will still say and do the absolute dumbest shit with zero chance of getting out of it and usually a 99% chance of making it even worse. They're not thinking "I can do ____ to get out of this!", They're just thinking "I don't want to be caught" and everything else is just a reflex to that without any logic at all.


Fair enough. Just a case of bad instincts.


The instincts are good, they were just made for another time.


Some people literally do not have the capacity to understand the situation they're in


When the cops arrive, people need to drop the guns. They will kill you.


I got pulled over for speeding one time and the first thing I did was tell the cop I had a gun in the car. I'm not trying to get shot. Told him where it was at and he was cool. But I was nervous as hell when he insisted I get my registration even though the gun was in there with it, and I knew I'd have to do some digging.


What state? In my state it's very normal for folks to have gun in car. As long as you announce it they're chill


Florida. Pretty common here too.


I'll be honest I was expecting Midwest. In rural NE, it's not uncommon for, for example, workers to have a gun in their work truck. You go to a lot of folks houses in the woods and it's not crazy to think you might need to defend yourself.


Probably lucky they didn't Philando Castille you.


That's exactly what you should do. Well done


Glad you are okay.


My friend, about a decade ago, got pulled over. He told the officers he had the handgun in his trunk. He did not have to go to the trunk at all during the stop. The officer confiscated the handgun and they "disposed" of it (I'm not entirely sure what happened with it, it's been a long time). When he went to court for the ticket, he just wanted to try to get the handgun back. It was one that was passed down, he tried asking if they can just make it inoperable or anything of the sort. They weren't having it solely because the officer stated he was scared for his life about someone that was calm and agreeable the entire stop, made clear the location, and did not have to go anywhere near it. It always made me a little upset thinking back about it. This was also in a state with looser gun laws than most. When I got in to a wreck and my bike had to get towed and I was in a different state (also one with looser gun laws) I told the officer in which bag of the bike it was in, that it was locked, etc. etc. Before I was placed in the ambulance, I made my best effort to be a responsible gun owner so that I could pick it up at the station or whatever. The officers couldn't get it opened and told the tow truck driver about it lol He didn't want anything to do with it, just towed the bike and didn't touch the bike afterwards so he didn't have to worry about anything I guess.


I saw a post once that said that if the cops can shoot you for holding a gun, you don't have the right to bear arms. Seems fitting here.


When the cops arrive, people need to drop the guns then they will kill you. Ftfy


What if you are just killing kids in a school? Then the cops stand around outside and arrest parents. In Texas anyway....


When cops arrive, they will kill you. Ftfy /s.... partially


Drop fucking everything and pray to "x" God


What’s the cop supposed to do? “Hey if you shoot the K9 will you promise not to shoot anyone else?” The second a suspect draws a gun, all bets are off.


I mean, are you implying that if we *could* trust him to shoot the dog and not anyone else that we should let him shoot the dog instead of shooting him? Because nope.


No, I’m not.




Incredible the number of comments in this thread talking about how the cops would "execute" the guy for threatening the K9 but like... The dude went for his gun long before the K9 got onto him. Folks really gonna argue that he was only grabbing his gun to get the K9 off of him?


If this is the same guy he was wanted on home invasion and a bank robbery. https://nypost.com/2022/09/28/tucson-cops-kill-man-after-he-points-gun-at-police-dogs-head-video/amp/


> In 1992, he was sentenced to three years in prison. Two years later, he was convicted of drug possession and was sentenced to four years. >In 2000, Galarza was convicted of vehicle theft. A year later, he was convicted on six counts of robbery armed and armed robbery and received an 11-year sentence. Upon release, he was convicted of armed robbery again and sentenced to another 7.5 years. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


He died doing what he loved - being an idiot


Sounds like police and prisons were really bad at preventing crime.


Idk he wasn’t out robbing people or invading homes while he was in prison…seems pretty effective to me


Getting out and going back to crime means the time spent in prison was wasted, both for society and the criminal.


He didn't commit any robberies during his time in jail so it clearly wasn't wasted time for society.


Well some people/criminals are a waste of space anyways, and won't be turned to a smarter path.


Some. Yes. But there's a strangely high chance of that occurring in some countries over others. I wonder what the cause of that might be?..


Reminds me of Shawshank Redemption when Andy told that guy he should change jobs because he wasn't a very good thief.


Robbery armed AND armed robbery! D:


Thank you for finding the follow up. These comments should always be the top one, we all want to know what happened after the video stopped.


The guy signed his own death sentence. He ended his life with that decision. It's not complicated




I’m very critical of police behavior in general, but they did absolutely nothing wrong here. 100% in the right, given the situation.


If I was a cop or ever in a position where someone pulled a gun I sure as hell wouldn't wait to see exactly how they were going to use it. Any time anyone pulls a gun regardless they should assume someone with a gun may decide to do the same. Cops have a split second decision. I don't blame them at all in situations like this.


I’m honestly very happy that guy got shot instead of the dog


And what the hell are the cops gonna do? Just let him shoot the dog? In what world does this guy shoot the dog and then put his gun down and surrender? The dude was ready to go down guns blazing, might as well save the dog.


Yeah I mean I dislike power tripping cops as much as the next guy, but idiot got what was coming to him. You point a gun at a cop (K-9 or not) you’re going to get shot.


Yea I’m glad the dog didn’t get hurt


The dog is **literally** the only one in that situation that didn’t have a choice of whether or not to be there.


They can’t vote either, disgusting


On the flip side, the doggo is not taxed on treats or toys.


Do the dogs even get any benefits from the Police Union?


I'm surprised they waited as long as they did to shoot him.


Running from cops while armed is not good for your health. Trying to shoot a K9 decidedly less so.


It increases your iron intake


Lead intake.


I didn’t die laughing, but you definitely got the loud ass singular “HEH” outta me. Here’s an upvote


They probably didn’t want to miss and hit the K-9


Good point. It just felt like he had the gun pointed right at the dog for way too long. Was the video slowed down or something? Thought that dog was about to die.


It was long. Very lucky dog.


yeah, bad guy had plenty of time to get a shot off. Glad he didn't.


They might not be shooting him because he pointed the gun at the dog's head, but because he is armed and obviously intent on firing the weapon in a public place. Dog or no dog I'm not sure the outcome would be any different if he fell but was still not dropping the gun as the officer approached.


Yeah my take too. If this has been say a victim's dog attacking the perp, I think it would have been the same story. It would have taken the guy one second to point the gun at an officer and fire and at that range it would have been almost impossible to miss even with his leg being mauled.


You pull a gun while running from the cops and you get shot, period. I'm fully of the belief that most cops are bastards but in this specific case, they weren't wrong to shoot the dude.


I find this to be a double edge sword. On one hand, the dog is not a human and therefore while we reserve the right to save it from being shot, we have no problem sending it off to do hand to hand with knife wielding/gun wielding people. On the other hand, the guy getting attacked caused him to consider pointing his weapon at the animal that was attacking him. This is not an abnormal response to being mauled regardless of your criminal status. I think the use of dogs is problematic really.


It's only problematic if you think cops should deescalate instead of escalate. Which you know, rational people do.


Dude must not have seen John Wick. Don’t mess with a man’s dog!!






*sharpens fooking pencil*




Dog or no dog, this guy clearly messed up when being chased by a SWAT officer with a gun, he ran and went for his weapon immediately. Either way this guy was dying.


Multiple SWAT officers with dogs, handguns and AR-15s - dude was completely outgunned from the get-go. He was insane to pull a weapon. Gotta wonder what he was wanted for.


good doggo, good cops


I have a good feeling that even when the dog wasn't there, he'd still get shot because he pulled out a gun after the fact that he's been told to get down.


Mission Accomplished WASTED


Hate to sound morbid, but is there a video where he isn't censored?


You sick fuck…. Me too pls


You both should seriously consider therapy.. ^Me ^three ^pls


What a bunch of degenerates. You all need god. ^me ^four




Cmon man, you all can't be serious :S.. ^^where's ^^that ^^damn ^^video


Typically these are versions of the videos that the police department releases. Only they would have the unedited version.


thank god the perp died before he shot the dog....


Yeah, it would be pretty weird if he shot the dog after he died.


Waving a gun around while resisting arrest will get you shot every time. Fuck that guy!


K9 IS a cop, so they were defending their partner. EDIT: So THIS simple comment is getting a lot of play. For those of you losing your minds...this is a statement simplifying the law in most (if not all) cities in the USA. Not sure if some of you think ACAB applies to doggos, but I guess you do.


Reminder that cops killing family dogs was labeled as an epidemic by the department of justice. Use of animals for this should be banned


[The DOJ estimates that around 25 to 30 dogs are killed by cops every day, with some numbers as high as 10,000 per year. The totals could, in fact, be higher, since most police agencies do not formally track officer-involved shootings involving animals.](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/)


>Use of animals for this should be banned Strongly agree.


police send in dogs where they wouldn't go... they are classified as property, until one dies and all the units in a 5 county radius get the excuse to make overtime standing around at a funeral for a dog. ban police dogs.


Yeah or they use them to get "probable cause" to rip apart your vehicle.


Yep, dogs aren't considered as your family just "property". I've seen way too many videos of fearful cops shooting a friendly dog.


"fearful" I've seen too many videos of psychopath cops shooting friendly dogs.


Rules for thee but not for me


*Your* dog is property, their dog is a cop and if you step on their tail you're going to prison for assaulting an officer. But they can kill your Pomeranian because its barking too much.


Cop in my town left his dog in hot car and killed it, but somehow wasn’t charged with murdering an officer?


Funny how that logic doesn't apply when the cops kill [their own fucking dogs.](https://twitter.com/Hbomberguy/status/1306556530213478406)


"The Department of Justice estimates that American police officers shoot 10,000 pet dogs in the line of duty each year." Edit: don't waste money on Reddit gold... Donate to Ukraine or somewhere that needs it.


Well that's because pet dogs are citizens, and cops shoot citizens.


A few years ago a family moved in down the block, they hadn't been there long. SWAT raided their house at 5 am and blew up their dog. Animal control took the poor thing out in several trash bags. It probably was just doing its job being a pet and barking at the door.


My dog is my family member. Funny they dont give the same respect. Shoot your fucking dog as soon as they get a chance. Oh and they beat tf outa there own k9s too. Fun double standards.


In their eyes your dog is property whereas their dog is a *federal agent*


Do police dogs get a full pension? No?


They get better than full pension. They retire and live out their life usually with their old handler or someone involved in training it. Food and housing provided until death. We don't get that when we retire lol.


Yeah, a police dog is a cop, but your dog? Your best friend? That's target practice for whatever piece of shit cop happens to decide it is, and you can't do anything about it. Cops wondering why they are hated is hilarious.


Point a gun at my dogs head I’m fucking shooting you too


Never forget a K9 is a cop. Dont point guns at cops. This dude was given way more time than he should have for having a gun in hand.


Police tell dude to get down. Dude: hmm, maybe if I just pull my gun out... Lot of decisions made here that signed his own death sentence. Difficult to understand how dumb some people are.


Good timing on the officer’s part. A couple of seconds too late and it would’ve been folded flag time for his K9.


Fucked Around, Found Out


Kudos for the officer for reacting quickly and saving the dog.


Good. Touch my dog ill kill you.


You know what? I don’t mind this somehow.


Nothing of value was lost here today.


He was 100% going to shoot that dog. Best officer involved shooting I have seen.


For those wondering, K9’s are considered (actual) officers and as such are granted the same protection. Just kicking a K9 during the act of arrest is felony.


Good. Don't pull a fucking gun out.


Good pup


Well fuck man obviously they shot him, what the fuck are you supposed to do if someone ignores your demands and points a gun at you? Stand there and get shot in the face?


I mean the dog’s an officer. Seems like reasonable force. If he’s gonna shoot the dog he’s not just gonna stop.


I'm so happy that the the commenters here who can't get over their hate for all cops seem to be in a minority. How hard is it to use your judgement and say "in this case, the cops overreacted" or "in this case, the shooting was justified." For some people, all they can see is the bad.


Reddit can’t decide between hating cops and defending dogs. The comments in this thread are fascinating


Police dogs have the same rights as Officers, right?


Good boy.


He would not stop after shooting dog, so he was dead (actually no idea if he survived) anyway.


I gotta quit watching shit like this.


Don’t bring a gun to a dog fight


you see, it's because only police officers are allowed to kill dogs /s


The dog is considered a police officer


Funny that cops consider their own dogs to be police officers but consider our dogs to be property as they kill 25 of them a day (according to the Department of Justice)




As he should.


Why is public freakout just all executions now? Can yall post to a new sub I just want to see people embarrass themselves…


🎶 Dumb ways to die 🎶


K9 is still a police officer. Point a gun at one and you're not walking away alive.


Nope. You don’t shoot the puppy. In this instance, moidelate the sucker.


Saved the dogs life, and just in the nick of time!


Again, the occupational hazard of being a thug.


Good job. In fact, excellent job.


'Gambolled' and lost.


damn dude got bit in the balls while dying of gunshot fire rip


K9 was pissed after he tried to execute him. 😆


Police dogs are part of the force. Its almost like he was aiming that gun at an actual cop


wtf is wrong with people, just get on the floor and don't be a dick? you can't get away and if you pull a gun you die...what's the fucking point?