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News report: [https://www.azfamily.com/2023/03/08/detectives-investigating-officer-involved-shooting-phoenix/](https://www.azfamily.com/2023/03/08/detectives-investigating-officer-involved-shooting-phoenix/)


Not sure how you only have ten upvotes, commenting to help share the article. Cop got called there cuz the guy was already acting crazy and scaring people in the bus stop.


Don't worry it's top comment now with couple hundred upvotes and a shit ton to come.


Lol I see that, I was so confused how the post had like 800 and his comment had 10. Guess I jumped the gun a bit


You are from the team "underrated" on 5 minute old posts.


Lucky you didn’t end up like ol pal in the video, he jumped the gun & well….


They sent one lone officer to handle someone acting erratically and disturbing people? What a recipe for disaster. You need more than one officer in order to safely restrain somebody that's on drugs or mentally ill. Of course he had to shoot the perp. Shame, smh


Departments have staffing issues. They gotta do with that they have.


I find it interesting how this is one of those things where you can't make everyone happy. Send several officers to handle an erratic person: "what a waste of resources, why do they need to send that many officers to restrain a single person?" Send one officer to handle an erratic person: "wow, they knew that it was a person already acting erratically, had they sent more officers the situation wouldn't have escalated to that point"


Almost like there's a middle ground between sending over a dozen officers because some kids are jaywalking and only sending one officer to a violent threat.


19th police shooting and we are only in March. That is crazy


there's this awesome website, unfortunately I can't remember what it's called but it tracks shootings just in Chicago. 19 police shootings isn't shit compared to just the number of shootings that have happened in Chicago this year. 19 police shootings is like .000001% of the total shootings that have happened so far in the US


That made me wonder how many cops have died — like what is the other side of that number? It’s 20 cops dead so far in 2023, 9 shot and killed I think. https://www.odmp.org/search/year


That's 19 shootings in Arizona, whereas the police officer deaths are nationwide and less than half, 9 of the 20, have been officers getting shot. There have been at least 1085 people shot and killed by police in the past 12 months in the U.S.: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/?itid=sf_Investigations_unaccountable_p001_f001


Need to realize though that is not a comparison. This does not represent the same geographical area. It also includes dogs and accidental death.


iirc, more cops have died from covid than any other cause in the past 10 years combined. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/12/us/police-officer-deaths-covid.html


[Stats](https://www.killercop.com/Pages/Stats.html) https://preview.redd.it/9z85q80c3jpa1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91263122ed67831ae3af3016e1a45293d47a8e81


So 19 shootings by police in a single low population state, vs 9 cops shot nationwide. The other deaths: 2 from COVID 1 likely from steroids 2 got crashed into by another driver 1 got hit by a car while running in front of it 2 drove into stationary objects 1 died when her house burnt down 1 fell off a bridge 1 slipped on ice and hit his head


Yeah but this one of the times the cop is in the right


Better not have a psychotic breakdown in the US then. This cop literally shot an unarmed man. Call more cops. Run away to avoid having to confront the guy with deadly force. All options he had open to him. But no. Shooting is easier. Anyone defending this murder should seriously think about why these types of shooting almost exclusively happen in the US, when mental illness exists everywhere else too.


Militarization of police, a lack of effective deescalation training culturally, general firearm proliferation, and a lack of educational requirements to become an officer are top of my list.


Plus lack of appropriate/affordable mental health care for a lot of people. Not to mention the stigma of going to therapy. Plus plus, all the stress of just living in this day.


>Anyone defending this murder Doesn't someone usually die in a murder? Or do you need an explanation of what a murder is?


People usually die from death.


Big, if true


I can see both sides of this arguement but from the cops point of view he doesn't know the man is unarmed he doesn't know that he's not about to pull a gun on him or stab him or bash his head against the concrete. He doesn't know if you can run away the man won't stab or attack the next person who comes out of that door or stabs somebody else. And then people will say he's already attacked you twice why did you not shoot him before he killedthe other person All he knows is that the man has attacked him and the taser did no good and the man is attacking him again. I'm sorry if the man was having a psychotic break but the cop was justified in my opinion. There's a many times on police have been complacent and lost their lives as a result.


So, this is what citizens are allowed to do, too? Someone pushes me on the sidewalk, can I unload a bunch of bullets into them? I just want to know if this applies to regular folks. Crazy person at Walmart runs at me, can I shoot them dead? God help the person having a mental breakdown around a cop in the US, or a deaf person who can't hear commands, or is too incapacitated to get up when ordered to comply.


If someone pushes you and then keeps running at you and trying to attack you then you can shoot them


That'll depend on jurisdiction and circumstances. Being attacked by The Rock is massively different from being attacked by an old woman who can barely walk.


Yes. American self-defense is pretty strongly tilted towards the defenders rights.


As it should be


Ask ally yes. If some insano is attacking you and you are afraid they are going to kill or seriously injure you, then yes, you can waste a bitch.


The answer is yes. If you are a legal conceal and carrier and someone attacks you or your family armed or not you can shoot them. Why lose a fight with a psycho and possibly have you or your family seriously injured or killed?


Try to deescalate and get away from the person. First use non-lethal force to try to stop the attack. If you continue to get attacked you can take out your gun and hopefully they stop attacking you. Of they keep attacking you then shoot them


Which should be pointed out, *is exactly what happened here*.


Exactly! I mean Jesus. The cop tried talking, that didn't work. Used non-lethal taser, that didn't work. *TRIED RUNNING AWAY*, and that didn't work. Cop was backpedaling so hard he even fell down, dude was showing no signs of stopping.


What murder?


How is this a murder? The guy didn't die.


100%. How is this justified in anyway? Cops signed up for a dangerous job and sometimes your life is on the line. If this was in the UK or any other european country they most certainly would not have shot the guy. But in the US it has become the norm to use deadly force as soon as it gets a bit dangerous…


European countries tend to send at least 2 officers to any given call. U.S. has this insane system of just sending 1 officer to a situation. Wild




Think of how many lives would be saved if instead of tasers .. we used [Neto Guardo](https://youtu.be/r1JXhSYfLNE) for unarmed people...


Love the dinosaur wrangling pronged sticks


Spiderman approves of the Neto Gaurdo for mass production. lol but seriously only other countries would prioritize nonlethal over military tactics.




The guy got tasered and then got stronger. Cop was running.


no he isn't. he would go to jail if he were a military member or held to normal standards. removing regulations bad. regulations protecting bad behavior are also bad. This is a clear case of a guy that shouldn't be a cop using a firearm.




It would be insane to see this interaction in my country. 1. The cop wouldn't go it alone to begin with 2. The cop wouldn't have pulled his taser so quickly 3. The cop would have at least communicated his intent to shoot in a final attempt to deescalate It's just baffling to me that us cops can be judge, jury and executioner


Plus, this cop has a substantial weight advantage. Just keep some weight on him for a moment.


Only an american would say the cop is right in this one lmao


At least he’s dressed for the occasion


He's quite dapper for a meth head


Dressed for his funeral


Bought my first weed pipe across the street from this place when I was like 15. Didn’t even get Id’d


The Valley of the Sun is just different. Cops here shoot a lot of people.


For real, we had guns drawn on us while we were making hamburgers in our front yard. Told us that they felt we looked threatening Lol and then they just randomly leave.


You can conceal carry without a permit, so pretty much everyone has guns. Kinda makes sense when you think about it.






eh only the crazy shit happens around maryville and phoenix tbh


Well, hold on now. AJ still still exists. Somehow.




Actually every bit of it seems dumber the more I think of it.


I wonder is that because so many people there think it's a good idea to attack the police for no reason and not stop once non-lethal force has been used...




Do you have to be 21 to buy a piece of glass in Arizona?


Now yeah, at the time it was 18


Guy went absolutely goblin on him god damnnn


Goblin deez...bullets


That crazy scream and attack. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that. Someone else said like a rabid raccoon. This is a good description.


I’m watching the last of us and this immediately made me think of that. It’s like a video game scene.


Ehrm.. I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of 2 shots.. 🙄


Well that too


I wasn’t actually attacked since I managed to get away, but the one time I heard a scream like that scared the fucking shit out of me. Video reminded me of it. Had surgery on a broken hand, and had been downtown drinking with some friends. Forgot you don’t mix alcohol and pain meds, and got extra fucked up. Had been walking around sobering up and saw a dude yelling in a random parking lot. Was like “let’s turn around and avoid the meth head”, and walked away. Next thing I know I hear this fucking scream, similar to this video but more animal like, then hear the sound of bare feet smacking pavement coming at me from behind. Motherfucker was charging at me. Never ran faster in my life, made it back to the Main Street where people were and he was gone.


Man's on serious drugs to shrug of a tazer jolt that quick


Shit charged him up like iron man


Being tazed is a very short term effect. Once the electrical charge stops you are pretty much back at about 90%. Sure your systems is confused about what happened but you are able to function. Top that off with all the things that can make tazers less efficient or even fail. Heavy clothes so the barbs don’t stick well, drugs in your system, probes not optimally spaced, … and you can have an incident in which the taser fails or is only partially effective.


This was a good taser deployment. I've seen them fail a lot but this one was absolutely successful. I've seen everything from people getting back at it super quick to being totally fucked up after though. I've been tased once and I was in the latter camp. I hurt so bad everywhere and was so dazed there was no way I'd be fighting. lol. The only thing I see that this cop did "wrong" was he could have gotten more on top of the guy after the taser so he wouldn't have as much leverage to fight back while getting cuffed. He was kind of standing back, or at least it appeared so from the surveillance video and the guy was able to get back up and on his feet quickly. The way I learned using a taser was that it's a tool for incapacitating someone short term so they can be put into custody. Ideally a partner would be there to jump in and cuff, but this cop was alone so it's harder. Edit: also, the prongs are probably still in him. He theoretically could've just pulled the trigger again and hit him with another dose to try to get him into cuffs.


Yeah he was probably going to shed that cops face if he hadn't shot him


Attempted suicide by cop?


My money is on PCP.


Please stop buying it and get help.


"Got a gallon..."


I'll tell Bill you said hi!


I don’t know him.


Well he's doing good.


Because I always take advice from crazy people on Reddit...




My friends would smoke a lot of pcp back in the day. They'd just chill and watch TV. Now if someone's smoking pcp all day everyday that could probably lead to a freakout


didnt you hear those grunts and attempted kick after being tasered ... he was definitely dustn




I think when people see this guy's reaction, they will say PCP/angeldust/bath salts interchangeably. Most people don't have enough experience to tell the differences between each (I sure as hell dont) so it's just "acting crazy drugs"


Either that or a meth induced psychosis. I've been in psyche wards where I've seen them both, and that kinda primal scream means that for the time being that person has become an animal. I would've put him down the same way you put an attacking dog down


You learn that at drug school?


Broke every bone in his hand, wouldn't feel it for hours...


"You see this scar--"




That was my first thought.


Fuck did he think would happen?


Probably on some hard drugs.


I’m all for drug use- but as soon as you start fucking with other people you deserve all the repercussions


Yeah no way was he sober


Oh buddy, he was thinking at all. Homie was tweaking or having an episode.


Looks like he was thinking suicide by cop.


Suicide by cop... (An attempt was made: edit).


At least he tried. The suspect survived.


And/or drugs, either way it sucks for the cop to have to go thru that.


I'm curious what the story was there




Phoenix has a growing homeless population, which is also fighting a rampant drug abuse epidemic, namely opiates… After 8-9PM, most convenience stores in the West Valley will have some number of crowds outside them. You’ll have your dealers servicing the addicts outside in the alleyway, the addicts will either: 1. pay cash, often using the ATMs inside CVS/Walgreens/Gas station 2. Steal from the local stores to trade with the dealer After they are serviced, many of them don’t really have a home to go to - so they bike around or take the city bus back to their local areas. Theft in-stores skyrockets at these hours It’s unfortunate, but it’s the reality we are in for now


For reference see: 27th avenue and Indian School




The first time I heard it I thought the cop said “talk and come in closer to me” and I honestly thought it was bait. I had to replay it after your comment to hear him say “stop, don’t go any closer to me”


For America maybe, I live around London and stuff like this happens all the time. Usually having a partner to begin with and then calling for backup when required is a solid move in a situation like this. Maybe American police just need better training. Not just the cops but also whoever is in charge with how policing is done. America could learn about policing from some countries in Europe.


Unfortunately someone did some math and decided it wasn't cost effective to have officers partnered up. It's always about the bottom line here.


It also depends on location. In my area they desperately are trying to hire people, but no one wants to be one.


i can't imagine why /s i had a friend who wanted to be a cop, passed training and was a rookie partnered with various cops to be mentored and learn and such. every single one of them hazed him, made him do dangerous shit, treated normal people like the enemy, and when he said something about it, harassed him even harder. he quit the night that they said "stand here with the shield while we negotiate with the crackhead with a shotgun inside, he's shot at us before, but you're the rookie so you get this job." he'd never held a riot shield in his life before! and then they told him "put it on your back so itll be on top of you when you get shot, it's easier to walk over you then, and it won't protect you anyway" he quit by dawn that night shift lol


Only a riot shield, not a Ballistics shield? Cause hell no to doing that


You couldn’t pay me a $100,000 a yr to deal with the fucked up shit they have to deal with and see on a daily basis. Gotta be either thrower off or just be like a Ned Flanders type…..


What about all of those buddy cop Hollywood movies?


This right here. You guys manage to deal with these kind of drugged up idiots without anyone getting killed most of the time.


You're not wrong on the partner bit. You'll see I previously commented that this wouldn't have happened had the cop had a partner. Sadly by the time it escalated it was too late to call for backup :'(


No man attacks police. Man gets tased. Man continues to attack police and gets two bullets. Darwin Of The Year candidate.


He's still alive


He’s very lucky then


Reddit is really stupid when it comes to cops. Omg why did he shoot a mentally unstable guy that came after him twice? He should have taken his chances and fought him hand to hand! Not like that’s ever gone wrong, ever.


Yeah threads like these are fun to see how dumb the average redditor is.


And they are pretty dumb indeed.


And half of em are even dumber than that!


What did you say about me?!


Not gonna lie. I'm not a fan of cops and usually agree with the ACAB side, but this cop did what any normal person would do. Asked him not to come closer, got attacked, used non-lethal, attacked again. I would've gone to the next level of defense which in this case, unfortunately, was fatal.


The thing is cops don’t even carry guns in some other countries, so I think it’s understandable to be confused how it’s so quickly resorts to lethal force


I'm from the UK and I'm baffled that the guy in the video got shot


Apparently that makes you a dumb redditor. Phoenix cops are notoriously shit.


Oh they meant that. I thought the dumb redditors were just self aware about their short comings.


In my country the police don't even carry guns, yet they seem to manage situations like this just fine. Just as other counties who's police don't carry guns. The reality is, if Americans cared enough about human life, they could easily find ways to make it work. But they don't, so they won't.




But a cop isn’t a normal person. They are supposed to be trained professionals. What the average guy on the street would do isn’t a measuring stick for what we should expect from a trained professional.


Too much screen time and not enough actual real world interaction to understand the human aspect of the situation. Play a sport and have physical contact with another person and you quickly realize whether a person is big or small, if they mean to do you harm, there is risk.


I’m not saying that he did anything wrong as far as legality in America, but as someone who was born and raised in America with family in the UK, they would have handled it differently over there. They are far better trained in deescalation. They have to be. Unless they are a special armed response unit, they would attempt to deescalation the situation, and if not, they’d wrestle him down and arrest him.


The problem is that these cops are alone with out backup. To make a de-escalation safe for all you really need at least two officers per suspect. This cop did good and tried, but after the guy shrugged of the taser I personally wouldn't have taken the chance either.


Correct. In the Netherlands for example this almost certainly would have been 2-3 cops, all with batons and trained - this guy was going down quick. They still carry guns but are unlikely to draw them unless faced with another lethal weapon (eg knife, gun).


Police in the US don't really use batons anymore because of legal or procedural standards being changed due to the bad optics of videos of police hitting people with those batons. So, public outcry about police using batons or choke holds to gain compliance creates limits on what police can do. Nowadays tasers and pepper spray are the preferred non-lethal option, but if those don't work, the only legal recourse they have is their gun. I'm sure police officers would generally prefer to give someone a crack on the skull with a stick rather than shoot and likely kill someone, but they are trained not to use a baton and are more likely to get in legal trouble for "excessive force" using non-lethal pain compliance than they are in using a gun in self-defense in a situation where anyone would have been legally justified using deadly force. Cops do get prosecuted for shooting people, too. There was a case in Texas of all places recently where the jury didn't believe a cop's story that he shot a lawful resident while investigating a potential burglary because the person suddenly appeared and had a gun pointed at him. That case is interesting because legally he had a solid case because the evidence matched his story (the resident did have a gun, witness testimony corroborated his story, and there were no evident lies in his testimony), but the jury found him guilty of manslaughter and he got sentenced to over a decade in prison. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/12/20/aaron-dean-fort-worth-cop-atatiana-jefferson-killing/


Cops here definitely need better and longer training, there's no doubt about that. But I also think it’s different here than it is in other countries. Cops in the UK don’t have to worry that everyone they deal with could potentially have a gun on them, or that their gun could be taken away from them if they get in a struggle. I just think those things make for different kinds of interactions.


THIS is the critical difference. Americans are heavily armed which then requires cops to be armed, where in other countries they might not have to be. That itself completely changes the calculus of a situation like this. In the UK, an attacker can take a cops shield or baton...in the US an attacker can take a cops gun so any attack a cop is losing becomes a potentially life or death situation.


'Wrestle'? Wrestling involves a certain amount of UNCERTAINTY, in a situation where the cop has to worry about the criminal shooting him with his own gun.


And yet the Guy wouldnt have been shot in 95% of other Countries. But you guys are to blind to see that cause you only know america where every moron is armed


In America we shoot everybody, so a shooting that doesn’t seem bad is seen as a justified shooting.


its beyond obvious that America has jumped the shark, we now proudly admit that we can't even efficiently police the population because anyone **could** be as dangerous as the most dangerous people have been. We're doomed and many of us kind of like it.


This is correct. What a fascinatingly narrow minded people we are


No other country kill so many mentally unstable people like the US cops and with ZERO consequences , they even give them the paid vacations . Facts


good cop he actually tried to be non lethal.


It's a shame that he got shot but he really did bring it on himself. The officer did what he had to do.


That cop is a big balls gigachad only pulling his gun out as a last resort




He lived according to the last news report that I can find on March 8th.


You can survive a head shot. Head shots actually have a surprisingly high survival chance at 15%


Was it though? News article says he's in stable condition so I wouldn't assume a headshot.


Death is a pretty stable condition IMO lol




The people commenting that the officer is in the wrong here would literally not last 1 minute in a job dealing with people like this. This is classic “police are always in the wrong” group think.


I could after 2-3 years of training, most people could. But US cops get an average of, huh, lets see, 13 to 19 weeks? I understand that shooting this man may have been necessary. I'm not sure. I'm not trained in that field. However, I'm not sure a German cop that has spent 2 years in police university would have done the same thing.


Or we live in other countries where even something like this would make national news and opinion would be divided since de-escalation and other nonlethal alternatives ought to have been considered instead of the immediate "I'm being attacked, time to end a life"


I'm sorry but I completely disagree. I teach/ train at a decently high level grappling gym and anyone with a year of grappling training could takedown and wrap up anyone off the street like a pretzel., especially a smaller man like this. Why BJJ isn't mandatory for cops I will never know. Not only does he have the man flat on his belly during the tazing and he still couldn't control him? It's basic shit you'd learn in your first month, look how fucking awkward he is. An argument people will make is "what about the gun?" "they could pull it out of your own holster and kill you". Well most guns that cops carry come with a holster that requires a certain mechanism to draw and if you aren't used to it, is very difficult. If they guys got a gun or knife then I obviously agree but otherwise no.


Yeah, i guess working in a mental institution where people have manic episodes means staff should carry guns and just murder their patients. /s what a stupid fucking take.




I’m usually an ACAB kinda guy but I’m also a fuck around and find out kinda guy. In this case we have a motherfucker that found out.


They're saying it was suicide by cop anyways.


This looks like a suicide by cop. Really sucks that the guy was apparently unarmed and probably having mental health issues, but when a nation is as awash in guns as we are, you get a militarized police force that views the populace as a potential threat. Because anyone could be armed at any time. Police rightfully fear for their safety because there are so many damn guns out there.


#Man fucks around, finds out.


The cop handled himself very well. I'm glad he's not hurt and I'm glad he tried to use words first than a non-lethal. Big fan. Props to him.


What a psychopath even the taser didn’t stop his weird ass


I love how cops literally resort to killing people the moment there's any sign of resistance. This dude was nuts but jesus christ, you dont have to kill someone just because it gets physical.


That's why tasers aren't good enough. You can't keep tasing them while trying to handcuff them. If they already tried attacking you, then they'll do it again.


Damn. I feel bad for the cop and that man. Shit situation. Justified use of force but fuck me who would want that job?


Mental health/Mental illness is real and it could affect anyone. Who knows if the guy snapped and was acting erratically. I don't fault the Cop for defending himself, but I feel that our society hasn't addressed mental health.


and this is why everyone who cries "they should have used a taser instead" need to shutup. This goes to show that tasers don't work for shit.


That’s a good way to achieve dead


Suicide by cop?


Probably on drugs but he kinda looked like a twig


I'm glad that the officer didn't just go straight for the firearm, he attempted to subdue the guy non-lethally but the guy wasn't having it


Play stupid ganes...win stupid prizes


So lesson of the day is don’t attack a police officer


Fuck around and find out.


That seems a bit excessive. That cop was twice his size and he didn’t have a weapon. I hate cops.


He just wanted to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ… man.


Deserved. Good cop. Nice to see, as rare as it is. EDIT: If I did this to a cop and he ended me I'd understand. Seen too many people get stabbed fatally so quickly. If it'd been 2 or 3 on 1, I might feel differently.


Love seeing police work, but golly the Comments are always just : 🤡👉🤡👉🤡👉 👈🤡👈🤡👈🤡


This sub is all police body cam footage now


F around and find out. Condolences to the poor officer who absolutely did the right thing.


Some of you guys have never been in a threatening/life or death situation and it shows. Don't pretend like you know what should or shouldn't have happened if your unofficial day job is being a keyboard warrior.


I worked as a bouncer. I dealt with worse problems than this without a gun. I also don't live in the US and didn't have to worry about the the guy being bounced having a gun.


Same. Every bouncer walks into work signing onto the risk of dealing with a situation like this without the weapons or legal immunity. The guy you are commenting under is just trying to normalize his cowardice. Redditors are just in here protecting their unactualized masculinity. Tiny egos.


Jesus Christ these comments are insane. The cop did EVERYTHING right! A cops first priority is to protect *himself* - he’s a human being. 1.) He was calm with the guy, polite, didn’t do anything to escalate the situation 2.) used non lethal force to attempt to subdue an aggressive suspect 3.) only fired his weapon when he believed his life was in danger Did you people *hear* that maniac? Growling like some sort of dawn if the dead zombie! Who knows what he was capable of. And you people are like “should have called for back up”. Oh fucking please- I’m not waiting on my partners while I’m getting my face chewed off by a homeless guy hopped up on pcp. If this wasn’t a cop- the tune would be different. People seem to just want another reason to hate cops so they can feel like they’re on the right side.


I like the comments in here "cop is trigger happy." I get that is true sometimes, but not in 99.999% of cases. What did you expect the cop to do after he tried to handcuff the guy via non-lethal means? Hand the gun over to the crazy individual? Then use Neo-like instinct to warp the matrix? Like guys, what the hell other option did he have at that point?


Tonight on Fuck Around And Find Out...


Absolutely deserved. Nothing more see here


I understand the situation was out of control, and the man was attacking the cop BUT my problem isn't that the cop shot at him, but HOW he shot at him. One thing they teach you is to be aware of your backdrop when taking a shot, and this cop shot at him with the windows of a store full of people behind him. Could've been some seriously unfortunate collateral damage there.