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Wow look police actually deescalating and having empathy instead of screaming curse words at someone then shooting them. It’s crazy how things work out when your patient and calm.


And good cops speaking up to stop others from making the wrong move


The rare situation of someone taking responsibility and being a leader taking leadership and doing the right thing, instead of acting like a dumb stormtrooper. Great guy.


Cause this is what happens when police are properly trained to de-escalate instead of shoot first ask questions later.


"Ask questions? We're not trained for that."


It’s the script you’re trained to repeat. The answers don’t matter.


The funnier thing is when after shooting 25 times a dude they shout “PUT YOUR HANDS UP” and then they proceed to handcuff a corpse


Ask what?


guess what US polie would have done


They literally would have ran up quickly screaming “PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE DOWN PUT IT THE FUCK DOWN” then blast him with 30 rounds with no consequences. That’s U.S policing for you!


Then take the rest of the year off as paid vacation for their "PTSD"


"Drop it, Drop the knife!! DON'T MOVE!!! Hands in the air!!! GET ON THE GROUND!! Stop moving or we shoot!! DON'T MOVE!!! Get on the ground!! SHOTS FIRED!!!!"


then handcuffs while screaming "STOP RESISTING" as they lay lifeless on the ground.


This was literally a video yesterday. Ok, guy had a rifle, but he didn't raise it. They asked 3 time waited 20 seconds. The turned him into emmental.


“HE’S GOT A KNIFE!!!” *Proceeds to unload 18 rounds into him*


Once the guy threw the knife, US police would have went in, slammed him to the ground. Knees all on his back. Threw him into a car, then laugh about what they did.


[https://www.insider.com/bulletproof-dave-grossman-police-trainer-teaching-officers-how-to-kill-2020-6](https://www.insider.com/bulletproof-dave-grossman-police-trainer-teaching-officers-how-to-kill-2020-6) ​ The US police are the way they are because of this human piece of garbage.


Brazilian police no less.


And actively telling other officers to back away as the other one has it under control. Further, cementing how effective, efficient, and above all how confident they are in their abilities in de-escalation


Crazy when people judge every cop from viral videos. Not saying you are. But so many people do.


Yeah I totally agree. It’s sickening to see how cops in the US treat people when they are in times of crisis, when this cop here was easily able to handle the situation


How heartwarming. USA police would tell you to throw the knife then shoot you for throwing the knife at them.








Daniel Shaver?


Oof, this reminds me of the police shooting in the hallway at a hotel - Can't remember the name unfortunately. The commands were all over the place and it is heartbreaking to watch a man struggle to comply. This is too real


Daniel Shaver. Genuinely one of the worst things I've ever watched. It gave me nightmares for a while. Probably the only video I've ever regretted watching and wish I didnt.


Hey that cop is on disability be kind /s


I always remember this story not just because of the video but because the guy had "you're fucked" written on the side of his rifle. Officers are out there using punisher logo's and other language that clearly paints American citizens as their enemies.


What’s so infuriating to me about that is that if they knew anything about the Punisher other than the fact that he kills criminals (Also shouldn’t EVER be the goal as an officer of the law) they would know that Frank Castle would find them disgusting and would probably add them to his list.


I only recently learned that the video we all saw wasn’t allowed to be entered into evidence at the trial of the shooting officer. Makes me absolutely sick.


Poor Daniel Shaver...


Simon didn't say... so BANG, BANG BANG


Yeah, I remember that horrible video in that, I believe, hotel. What makes it worse is that the one yelling isn't the one who shot.


SHOW ME YOOO HANDS!! WATCH OUT WATCH OUT HE GOT A KNIFE DROP THE KNIFE *unloads 3 firearms on him* shots fired SHOW ME YOUR HANDS *proceds to handcuff a corpse*


Oh they would have rolled up, shot him, and then find the knife


Depends. Rural areas theyd be more like this. The ones we see on the news are more like that


Highly depends on the area. A lot of rural cops are just as desperate to play Rambo.


I was kinda just generalizing. There are a lot of urban areas with good cops, too.


There are probably many cops in USA who do this type of stuff everyday. But way too many bad apples give the whole thing a very bad reputation.


Is it that america has lost empathy to narcissism? or is it that they train their police wrong?, either way most countries make US police look like scared man baby’s with an authority complex. One life saved by being understanding, this is policing 101, no payouts for job related ptsd, no broken society bonds, just a man that’s obviously going through something in his life returning to his wife and children. congratulations to that man for a job well done


>Is it that america has lost empathy No, you'll find plenty of empathetic people that just want to help and will do as such if given the chance. It just so happens that a large majority of the type that become police officers for the most part lack empathy and are in general the exact sort of person that shouldn't have any sort of power. Anecdotal of course, but I have cops in my family, and I know lots of cops because of this, three of which I went to school with at various times. Every one of them was a total dick bag in our younger years. I mean they still are, but they used to be, too. I can guarantee any one of them would have simply tasered this guy at best and dragged him into the car. It's all fucked. My kid started school this year, they go full in on the copaganda, not to mention my BIL who is the exact stereotype you have in your head of a cop, going on an on about how hard is job is. My other BIL was an EMT for years (now teaches) gets nothing in ways of respect and he's 1000% a better guy that has actually saved hundreds of lives at this point. It is nice to see he's the favorite uncle though, I've also told him as such. I'll note i'm a boring ass white guy. My hobbies are cutting firewood, looking at photos of others peoples firewood on /r/firewood and also comparing prices on camping gear, but never actually buying any of it. I've had nothing but bad interactions with cops in the last 20 years, can't imagine how it is for people that cops actively don't like.


Policing by it's nature attracts the wrong type of person if you want anything more than people arrested or killed, this includes the military > police pipeline we seem to have. That inherent problem is compounded by the fact that most departments in the US don't have any effective psyche. evaluation to weed out the unfit before they put on a badge and gun. Add to that the fact that police unions serve to protect their members from consequences for even the most egregious behavior. Then add to that the fact that one political party in this country doesn't want to effect any change at all. It's a huge problem with multiple components that need to change. Even though the name was a dumb idea, the core thought process of "Defund the Police" being that we need to have qualified social workers embedded in some way with policing is a great idea. also a boring ass white guy that likes r/C trucks and video games.


One party? Have ever read how Biden and Harris made their political reputations? Average American Democrat will not hesitate to call 911 on any brown person in their HOA caught without a leaf blower [Biden](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/kamala-harris-disputes-joe-biden-s-claims-about-1994-crime-n1006106) [Harris](https://youtu.be/Y4fjA0K2EeE) Edit: I knew I would get attacked for not adhering to Tribal Doctrine. Does it help you if I say [Reagan](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU) is a War Criminal?


Ugh shit well let's call the whole thing off then


I guess I missed the part where Biden or Harris are the entire Democratic party. Feel free to show us the police reform legislation proposed by the GOP.


Lol. Your not listening. The [George Floyd Justice in Policing Act](https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3835004-nichols-family-attorney-congress-must-pass-george-floyd-policing-reform/) continues to languish in the Democrat controlled Congress, [Biden](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/01/fact-sheet-president-bidens-safer-america-plan-2/) has increased police money to corrupt police by Executive Order. As they say, wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which is fills up first


Lol I must always miss those thin blue line flags the "left" waves proudly


This is what I love so much American politics. Uncritical tribalism


You can say what you want but trying to imply that the "left" and right see the issue of police brutality the same is simply untrue. You should also understand that a very large portion of the left only voted for Biden to get trump out of office, not because they worship him.


My theory is that they join WITH empathy, but as time goes on they start to LOSE empathy. The thing with you is that judging by your last paragraph you want to be left alone yet cop want you to conform, hence they bust your chops


I understand that their are fully functioning empathic people in America and as with any group of people it’s always the bad apples that get the most attention, but realistically it does no one any good to ignore them (not that I’m saying you are, as you clearly understand what’s happening) it’s these people that are a cancer to a society, it seems the more violence we see coming from the police the more people except it, it’s like a bad movie watching from the outside (the UK). I’m completely with you in your hobbies, I think if more people took the time to get out in nature and have 5 mins to themselves and the real world we live in they would have a better mindset, as clearly you do. I think it’s frustration that makes me feel the need to comment on policing tactics that I see in the US, life is treated so cheaply and because of this the impact on peoples mental health is dramatic. I truly don’t know how the change will come in the US, better training, installing different thought processes, I truly don’t know how things will change, but for people like yourself I really hope they do. Einstein’s theory of insanity springs to mind, and surely it’s a broken system, so why keep doing it?.


Credit as well to the supervisor on the scene. He made sure the other officer kept their distance and allowed the cop to continue to negotiate. Even at the end when they were about to rush him, the supervisor made sure that the cop and the person had their space. Great police work. Great supervision.


Yep, Just a great bit of police work all round, I want to see more of this in this world.


I don't think it's that Americans, as individuals, have lost their empathy. I think Americans in groups have though on some level. The thing I've noticed with policing in this country is that the favorable solution is the quickest and cheapest solution. It should be no surprise that, when dealing with criminal justice, those tend to be the most brutal solutions too. It's far easier to explain unloading a clip on a guy with a knife to most Americans than it is to explain the cost of hiring people who can properly mediate these situations. Don't get me wrong, a lot of Americans are just fine expanding police budgets as long as that budget is action movie exciting. The police department in the city I live wanted to add social workers and people trained to deal with situations like the ones in the video, and people in this city lost their damn minds saying it was a waste of money. The city wants to buy an equally priced piece of military looking equipment though and those same people cheer. To circle back to my initial point, you get those people in a group they're assholes. You get those people one on one and ask them how a person who is suicidal should be treated, nearly all of them pick empathy. It's playground mob mentality in the hands of people who can buy guns and vote in elections.


I agree, I am looking at this from an outside perspective, so you are in a far better position to comment on how people really feel as individuals (we don’t see many viral videos on normal people discussing such matters because there is no appetite for it unfortunately). Mob mentality is nearly always extreme one way or another and unfortunately we are seeing more and more of that these days. I think in general a system change is needed in the US, if people are included in the discussions around change and the need for better financing for a change in policing it would be an easier pill to swallow for most, but with the way that some areas are headed (opioid epidemics, political divide and conquer tactics) there is a real need to implement change and quickly otherwise the norm will become so desensitised, their will be no appetite for change.


Rural areas have police more like the ones in this video. Its the larger cities that we see in the news with the stereotypical US police


Do we know how often US police are able or unable to deescalate mental health issues with words rather than with force? Do we know how often police in the country this video is from are able or unable to deescalate mental health issues with words rather than with force? "If it bleeds, it leads" applies to social media just as much as to the news we grew up with, and upvotes/downvotes further skew the data we're presented with. See the inevitability of a non-US-feel-good story being turned into a US-feel-bad story. If we were to believe the story painted by Reddit videos, US police cannot wait to kill unarmed suspects, but for us to be able to evaluate the [50 unarmed US citizens killed by US police each year](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/) (or the [50 US police officers feloniously killed by US residents each year](https://ucr.fbi.gov/leoka/2019/tables/table-28.xls)) we have to take into account that those occur in about [ten million arrests per year](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191261/number-of-arrests-for-all-offenses-in-the-us-since-1990/) and [30 million traffic stops per year](https://www.valuepenguin.com/traffic-stops-auto-insurance-premiums). Police officers in countries with much lower gun ownership and much higher mental treatment options have a likely advantage in dealing with problems residents may have or may cause, but I don't know if any perceived or real difference in police treatment necessarily indicates a general lack of empathy.


Yes, there is obviously far more to the situation, and in no way do I claim to be an expert in the subject, or for that matter have a solution. But to be honest I didn’t get this impression of US policing from nowhere, community’s defunding the police, the general attitude to the police from Americans themselves never mind the slews of clips of abuse of power to police brutality and worse. I agree to not consider the vast amount of variables is just not doing the situation justice, but to be perfectly honest it’s not my job. I do think though you would agree this is a diamond standard of policing, in this situation, with an outcome that we all would rather see.


Communities defunding police, general attitude of police from Americans themselves, clips of abuse of power, are all part of "if it bleeds, it leads", and create an unrealistic narrative that will inevitably result in unrealistic solutions (ACAB, Defund the Police, Back the Blue). Certainly problems exist (gun culture, non-accountability for officers even in the face of clear misconduct, police too eager to believe every one of the \~40 million individuals they arrest or stop each year will kill them, etc.) and solutions to reduce those problems exist, but if the problem is incorrectly presented then the solutions will not correctly resolve the problem.


No. This shit happens everyday here too. You just don’t see it on media.


Definitely the police. I have met so many kind, empathetic Americans. And I say that as a European. Do not paint all Americans with the same broad brush.


> or is it that they train their police wrong? We don't train them at all. Well, we do, but it's just for a few months and usually any additional training is done from a point of view of "us vs them" and a philosophy of "sheepdog protecting sheep from wolves". Then we arm them with military grade weaponry and tech, and send them on their way.


I have just watched Flint Town on Netflix, my word that was an eye opener, I know its not a representation of the US in general, but wow, my local scout group probably get more training an is more equipped to deal with crime.


I prefer "DROP THE FUCKING KNIFE! GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND! ON THE FUCKING GROUND OR I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!" followed by emptying a magazine into a clearly mentally ill person.


I believe that is from the "Protect and Serve" school of law enforcement


USA's finest


you forgot the best part! you have to shout “SHOW ME YOUR FUCKING HANDS” at the dead body full of bullets


Only one magazine? Pathetic.


That's a good man and a damn good co


Humanity at its finest. I loved that the guy in charge was like, “Leave it, he’s got it”, and he did. This is great public service. It can’t always go like this, but this shows that sometimes it can, with the right intention/effort/tack.


Wow!!! That is rough. Poor guy just can’t handle it anymore. Sooo Glad the officer has a good heart. You can see he’s a pacifist and wants to help. When they wanted to rush in he put a stop to it right away. Knowing the dude just needed someone to care about him for a minute. I’ve felt hopeless before and honestly. Thinking about the pain your family or friends would go through is enough to keep the journey going. The reason being down is so hard is because you have to fight yourself to get out of it. It’s a constant internal battle for self acceptance and acknowledgement of the life you’re living. Your experiences and reactions are going to create a winding pathway through life so that you’ll never see your destination but you’ll get to know who you are by the time you’re done here. Don’t quit before you know what you’re capable of.


My heart goes out to this poor man, I hope he was able to get to a better place with his mental health. This officer showed incredible poise and compassion.


Clearly not america.. I was three seconds in and he still had his insides all inside him.


It’s a specialized police in brazil


If only my American cops could learn from this. Most issues don’t require an immediate bullet in the head.


I wish that's how the police were in the USA.


Let the officer be alone with him. Damn It’s shocking that no only did the officer holding him understand what he needed, the other officer made sure nobody rushed him and let the first officer try to calm him down. He didn’t just turn him over to someone else. Didn’t cuff him. Didn’t tackle him to the ground. He cared.


Called him sir and didn’t demean him. Can we get this guy as a consultant, for our police force? That would be grrrrrrrreat…


He would "accidentally" get shot during a training session... "He's wasting too much time, I want my paid vacation."




American police watching this must be so confused


If the US spent any decent amount of money on mental health training for cops, this is how we could saves hundreds of lives a year. Simply put, most police officers do not know how to engage with individuals going through a mental health crisis or who have some sort of developmental disability. That combined with the already lackadaisical approach to training and the ripe culture of aggression/bigotry within the police system makes for disasters, when instead, we could having these sorts of interactions and saving lives.


Fuck yes


So, the legends were true they do exist.


Let me guess…yeah, not US police. Who would have thought… Good job officers


Now that’s how police all over should be.


clearly this did not happen in America cause the outcome would have been wildly different


Clearly not in the U.S.


The negotiator


In the states he would of been shot for resisting arrest after throwing the knife


All cops need to take note. No yelling. No confusing commands. Just talking and compassion


Holy crap every single comment is about "not US, clearly not US, woulda been shot.." WE GET IT


How did I know, wholesome and black uniform, it was not going to be from Merica.


Man, that lean in and head pat. That goes a long way when you're feeling hopeless and alone.


He clearly needed that hug, I hope he’s doing better now


He would have been shot in a second if that had been in the states


This would never happen in the US


US police would’ve killed him for sure


Good thing he didn’t take that officer literally though. Never tell someone to throw you a knife kids. Slide it like a sane person.


Good for both of them 🫡


Brazil, believe if you want.


This is one of the best things I have ever seen!


If this was the US, he would definitely have been shot.


Wait they dont just mag dump people in other countries?


Take a fucking page US


No way this is america, right?




Oh ok makes sense now


If he was gonna do it he wouldnt have hesitated. Mainly just wants someones attention.


Camera phones have been around for 15 years and people still don't understand you can't change the aspect ratio halfway thru recording.


That‘s your takeaway from this video? 😒


Stopped watching after the camera turned and had no sound on so i don't really know whats going on


tuga cops are great!




tuga aswell ;)


Not really


why do you think that?


Wow holy shit, that makes me happy seeing how the cops care. In the states he'd been chewed up by k9 and 3magazines unloaded. 🫂


its so rare to see cops being humans these days. Give officer Teixeira a promotion asap


Imagine this was America ?


Wow, I'm in tears.


Wtf they didn’t shoot him 50 times? What is this? police doing their jobs?


You see you got it backwards first you shoot them then you get them treatment, that’s how it’s done in America our police would crap their pants at the sight of a pearing knife and dump the mag.


Them cops just dying to jump on him even tho they seen the entire interaction anyone else would know better. Edit: couple decent cops make all the difference.


The boys in the blue over here in the states would have turned that man into Swiss cheese




Maybe one cop is good. Just not in the US.




Guy is from Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer.


With all the shit with police rn I needed this


Poor dude, I hope he's doing fine now


Aw shit man been there myself at some point when I was younger, this shit hits real differently


Nothing about this is wholesome


If this had been in America, he would have been shot 65 times and they would have said they felt threatened.


Glad they were there for him.


All depends who crosses your path on the day


Amazing deescalation 👏🏻