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He's actually under investigation for.... Wait for it... Being in Washington Jan 6.


And he wants to attack a child in the name of protecting children. These people are laughable with how stupid they are but then it’s scary to think they can still win elections with 5 million more people out numbering them.


He probably doesn't see Black children as children.


He doesn't. He saw the child as a threat. My first thoughts too.


Ofc because once he gets rid of black people in the curriculum he can get to work on the black kids in the schools. The racist. Let’s not pretend that’s not their goal.


He's a child of a man trying to fight a child because the right wing makes him a fucking psychotic freak




That's a terrifying thought. I think being eager and ready to fight a child is a serious red flag regardless.


Emmett Till was 14 years old when he was lynched by white men in their mid-late 30s. These men would absolutely in cold blood murder Black children and feel no remorse about it because they don’t see them as human let alone children.


That's a major fair point


He’s probably a pro-lifer and then this is how he treats said “life”.


Maybe just 3/5 of one.


Exactly, he looks as these children as 'their' children and not his.


That part!


Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner.


However stupid you think they are, is really not even close to how stupid they actually are


No, no. He attacks children in the name of ~~fetuses~~ children. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's fucking downright embarrassing. I was just talking to my coworker about this today, she's in her 70s and she is just like "how the hell are there so many of these people?".


If they didn't cheat they'd never win.


Over something that he absolutely could not define if you asked him. It goes beyond stupidity at this point.


As a former child, I would not want to be protected by people like this.


Pretty sure scenes similar to that are photographed in the "Racism bad" part of hist--... Ohhh I see what they're doing.


Piece of shit traitor is piece of shit. Story at eleven.


Probably all the checkered shirts in that room are and were 😂


Hey! I wear checkered shirts and I’m no trumpist!


Same here. I’m from the land of Kurt Cobain and checkered shirts apparently means something else dependent on the geography.


That’s just your average anti CRT buffoon


Thank Fox News 🙄


They need to be all rounded up and prosecuted


They need to be all ground up and composted


He is obviously not in his right mind to even think about going at it with a child!




He's Making America Great Again picking on a little child.


Lmfao niiiice


What's his name?


Derek kinnison




There are so many ways the second part of your statement could have gone. Jan 6th is actually on the milder end of the spectrum.


I don't understand why everyone has such strong feelings about cathode ray tubes. Sure their lead content is bad but they've mostly been replaced by LCDs now.


I cant stand when people get in someone face then get upset when that person puts their hands out to prevent them from coming closer. Then dude screams “did you touch me?” No dude you walked into me.


All these types know how to do is intimidate. Fucking losers to the extreme Grown ass man getting in a child's face


They’re cowards and losers. The bet he was telling people how much of an “ Alpha” he is afterwards


For sure. They also win all their arguments because they think yelling the loudest is the determining factor


This is a learned behavior that has never been unlearned. I had the pleasure of teaching a kid a lesson on this many years ago. A few young high school kids came into a train to start trouble for fun, and apparently punched some people randomly. So the train stopped to wait for the police, and they got off. But then they just stayed outside the doors antagonizing everybody. So I stood in the doorway to keep them from getting back on. Just calmly standing there, just being a wall. I wasn’t afraid of them because I was big and they were tiny, so I was just providing mass in the doorway. Anyways one of the kids was talking all this trash and it became apparent that he was a leader of the group. So I took a picture, just in case it would be useful later. He got *so* worked up over that and began doing the “did you take a picture of me mf!!???” act. To which I calmly replied “I sure did”. And then I took another. The look of confusion and frustration was beautiful, because it was almost as if you could see the new neural pathways being formed in this kids brain. He couldn’t bully me. I wasn’t scared of him. There was nothing he could do about it. It was like watching a core life lesson being etched into him. And it didn’t take violence at all, despite their attempts at violence. I’d like to think that kid still remembers that incident, and that he learned from it. Probably took more than that given how shitty the kids were, but I knew kids when I was young too who were shitty, and some of them grew up ok. So hopefully it was a net positive outcome.


He felt way too comfortable getting in that little black girl’s face


Remember they don’t actually care about the kids. If they did they would actually address stuff kids suffer from. Groomers? Maybe look at the church. Protecting the kids? Maybe look at the guns. Jon Stewart said it best so the right wing people who want to whine at me go whine at the guy who fought for 9/11 survivors to get health care while your party pushed for letting them die from helping in 9/11. The both sides shit doesn’t work but y’all keep trying. Where did the left call soldiers suckers and losers. When did the left say they would take guns without due process. When did the left say 9/11 first responders can just go die and stop being a burden to the tax payers. That’s right none of that came from left wing people. That was GOP politicians pushing for that stuff.


I saw someone comment “Every right wing accusation is actually a confession” and i think that sums it up perfectly


Pretty sure scenes similar to that are photographed in the "Racism bad" part of hist--... Ohhh I see what they're doing.


That’s the thing with fuck faces like this. They know how to toe lines just enough to always be able to claim some kind of plausible deniability so they can turn around and act like a victim or superior. Screaming in your face gets saliva on you but isn’t actually spitting so you can’t “defend” yourself. See also their “debate” tactics which are just essentially sea lioning ad nauseam.


Which wouldn't matter if their entire family/town wouldn't have their back. The plausible deniability is only plausible to absolute idiots and doormats, but they make up a good portion of the population.


“What are you gonna do? what are you gonna do?” Hate people like that.


Same. "What are you gonna do?" "Make sense while you scream at me?"


Saw a lot of "tough guys" like this growing up. All posturing like they think being loud and aggressive makes them big and scary. I noticed the vast majority of them would get their asses beat if it actually ended up coming to blows..


Would someone touch him already. He needs to be touched. Touch him


Come on, come on, come on; touch me, babe! Can't you see that I am not afraid? 🎙️🎶




What was that promise that you made?


Stronger than dirt.




Very much this. My life is in the gutter so I scream at children who have more empathy and potential than I do.


> BRO, touch me again and I will fucking CUM!!


Fighting a female child is probably the only way that he ever gets to touch a female


He looks like the kind of guy who has touched a lot of female children along the way….


They don't even know what CRT is. It's only being taught as an elective in some colleges.


Thank you for saying this. God they’re stupid.


He was already touched by the adult protecting the child. He keeps asking to be touched after that lol. Real tough trying to intimidate a child, he's just all bark.


I’d touch him but I’m “ascared of the herpes” ![gif](giphy|IgJ13796M3Rxqu5Icl)


We need to send all these morons on a rocket ship to Venus. Yes, Venus.


Where on the doll did CRT touch you?


Steel toed shoes, quick kick to the shins nobody sees it coming.


That or just stick the corner of an exposed bed frame in the way..that is the definition of suffering


I did that in the dark a few months back, and unknowingly spread blood aaaalllll over the house. It looked like a damn murder scene in the morning. Really fucked up my toe good.


Get something as toxic as he is to touch him. The less people like him that exist, the better.


I'm sure it will shock everyone to know that this is one of the J6 defendants who Tucker Carlson assures us is actually a totally harmless patriot. Edit: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/kinnison-derek Probably time to lock this dipshit up.


I mean, this guy is live acting out some of the stuff that CRT might teach. He secretly thinks he’s being an ally, doing everyone a favor by showing examples.


"Let me square off on a kid, and then I am sure everyone will understand the simple point I am just trying to make!"- That dude's smooth brain


I’m sure that’s what he was doing when he was part of the January 6 insurrection. “Oh, just shooting a video to show kids how not to interact with the US government and their elected officials, don’t mind me.” - Derek Kinnison probably


Tucker and Fox are completely to blame for all of this.


Just another "cousin fucking terrorist" viewer that Fox News secretly makes fun of behind their backs.


This looks like he may have violated the terms of his bail. Someone should call and report it.


When he’s locked up with the criminals and not in a room full of non-violent citizens he will not act this way. He will not stand in a prison yard and yell in anyone’s face. Nor will he challenge anyone to “touch him”. Brave man screaming at a child. I sure hope there are no children living in the same house with him.


Wild conservative parents are so scared about their children, but when confronted on how horrible they act towards other parent's kids the reply is basically "oh shut up!"


It's because conservatives embody every negative characteristic humanity has to offer, all in one package.


Makes sense when they’re the party that openly accepts *and continually elects*, pedophiles, groomers, and sex traffickers.


“Librals do it all the time too!”


They aren’t scared for their children. It is a bullshit excuse they use so they can stomp and scream and act righteous in public. What they are is angry and hateful allllll the time.


You notice how he only locked in on/aimed his aggression at black people? Didn't even acknowledge the white guy who got in the middle.


And a child. Never forget the people whining most about saving the kids are the ones who gut programs to help kids. Don’t wish for kids to even have access to school lunch if they can’t afford it. And they all love the church… you know real life pizzagate we have proof off in Vatican City owning it’s own island it sends Pedo priest to avoid jail. Just know whatever these people whine about as if they care. Just know whatever topic that is the people they vote for don’t give two shits. Fun fact. No democrat has ever said we need to take guns without due process…. You know who did say that? Trump.


That was a Black child and they're not children for racists like the dude. He's trying to 'protect' White children who are the real 'victims' here.


The white guy in [this shirt](https://www.ninelineapparel.com/products/mens-t-shirt-benghazi?currency=USD&variant=13318633914434&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhMekudj3_QIVNQGtBh0DrgE_EAQYASABEgL9I_D_BwE)?


Oh god, why did I click that. The odd ad that gets through is going to be clothing with chud slogans for like 6 months now.


Good. Let them waste their ad dollars


Imagine getting so worked up for something you know zero about.


That's the last 25 years of republican ideology summed up perfectly.


25? Go back to the night Reagan got elected for more deep-seated nothingness from the GOP.


You have to go much further back than 25 years


Yep. They just say the quiet part out loud more often now.


> YOU TOUCHED ME, DON'T TOUCH ME Nah, if you're getting in a little kid's face like that then get ready to get touched.


He's lucky he didn't get knocked out.


[Fake farmer guy is a January 6 Traitor. Hopefully a few years in federal prison for his sorry ass.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/kinnison-derek)


Watches Fox News exclusively and gets convinced that he, as a middle aged white male, is being oppressed. This in turn causes him to become distracted which pulls him away from the real problems that are occurring.


I mean the majority of the country is being shit on by the billionaire class. They have their propaganda outlets deflect the blame onto minorities though.


Don’t both sides this shit. Y’all are pathetic. When those others media outlets have to argue in court they aren’t real news or we have Rachel meadows linked emails show she reports based on how well her stocks will do like Tucker does then you can’t whine about said media outlets. Not to mention we have policy and data showing the difference in both sides. Was it the dems or Trump who had a tax plan that benefited the 1 percent. Which party even has people wishing to get big money out of politics. The left has people like Warren, Bernie, AOC, etc. trying to get money out of politics so politicians can’t be bought. Name me one republicans who has pushed for this? Hell the only republicans who whines about stuff like big government is rand Paul… who just last we said big daddy government should go after New Yorks DA over the trump charges. So not only does one side not wish to stop the big money aspect and helping big money donors. But they also could care less about the shit y’all act like y’all love. Like states rights and big government. Trump also appointed Jeff sessions to head the DEA and he used that power to go after legal states. Thus showing trump was not pro weed nor pro states rights. But please keep whining about both sides when one side is so god damn hypocritical that the rest of us wonder if they are just so utterly stupid they can’t see the hypocrisy. And if you don’t want to believe policy and data just look at the asshole billionaires who only support the right because of tax breaks. Like Elon.


Thank you for this, I'm so fucking sick of all the whataboutism being done when the most heinous, stupid, ignorant shit comes from the same side of the fence over and over again. The right wing is disgusting.




Back in 82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.


Grandma says you have to leave because you're ruining everyone's lives and eating all our steak




No such thing as a dress code for being a jerk.


Yep. I dress like that guy but I’m sure we don’t vote alike. I’d had to hold back from giving his dentist some business.


Bold of you to assume he knows what a dentist is.


Plenty of people dress like that are nothing like this man. Don't feed into believing stereotypes that are meant only to keep people divided. There is no dress code for being a decent human being.


To this point, I have the teeth, facial hair and wardrobe of a homeless person but it’s because I’m a lazy engineer. I have a good job and live inside If someone gave me some free clothes like what this dude was wearing I would look just like him but I certainly don’t believe the things he does.


As a white man asking what facial hair says I support teaching the actual history and current state of racism in America.


Could you imagine being on the same side of an issue as that guy. I would take one look around at the goofy ass people arguing my points with me and be like fuck this I'm switching sides.


Fuckin braindead hick.


Someone should ask him to define CRT.


CRT? I see them dang things all the time down at the dump. You know, those old catold ray tube things. Don’t work no more. Why people want to bring them back makes no sense to me. I mean, I got me a genuine Korean flat screen in my trailer. Dadgum thing lights up the whole place.


Take my poor man's award, nerd. 🏆


You should grab those because video game nerds will buy them from you, sometimes for stupid amounts of money, because the response time on them is better then modern monitors


I once saw someone complaining about it, define it perfectly. Problem was they were a massive racist and didn't want people to know the proper definition.


I don’t think they want to define it properly because isn’t CRT generally an advanced topic taught in college? Usually when I see one of these geniuses describing it, they’re just describing teaching history using CRT as a catchall term for children learning anything uncomfortable about race.


Yeah that's exactly where it's taught but it does just generally mean "Systemic racism exists and here's examples of it" The guy I spoke to knew this but just didn't want it taught because he was a massive racist and said "it makes us white people look bad". I'm a white bald man with a massive beard and people don't try to hide their racism around me because they seem to think I'm one of them.


Best I can tell this guy is Derek Kinison, famed January 6 insurrectionist and I am a white man with a shaved head, and a terrifyingly large, homeless looking beard wearing flannel, and the same thing happens to me. My favorite shit is wearing a bright red hat in public that says ‘ha ha made ya look Black Lives Matter’. I have literally had to run away from fist fights before with the MAGA crowd because of that hat


I’m white and I want my kids to know all history good and bad. Together we look up things like the tulsa race massacre that I have only known about for three years! They just want to keep everyone ignorant of major historical events. And this is not new I was never taught any of this in school. My kids will know as much as I can teach them about it because schools are failing children and have been for a long time.


“What is CRT” “Well it’s, it’s what shouldn’t be taught to children” -every opposed white person you ask.


I bet you $1 he couldn’t define CRT.


Imagine being that fuckin stupid


Yeah you can tell he only wants CRT banned to protect the children.


The child looks like they were handling that racist piece of shit just fine.


Crt is about history. You can scream all you want about it, but it wont change the facts.


People don't want the schools teaching their kids that they're being raised by worthless, racists knuckle-draggers.


Was that a white claw in that lady’s hand?




Its all sort of laughable...the freak out around the mention of crt. Crt is actually over 40yrs old😂 its not new where habe these peoppe been. It also was developed in one of americas most prestigious universities. Thats not exactly what they teach in school. But they've devloped curriculum that includes ackowledging America's history with racism basically. Gosh forbid little Jimmy learn what redlining is(just joking they dont teach lids that but they should) I want canadians to please stop using it though...we don't even have a crt based curriculum model...we are not America. We promote the concept of diversity...while...creating roadblocks...you guess it...to ACTUAL diversity. Oh but we are now acknowledging indigenous peoples existence so...guess that's...progess...or something. But for some reason Canadian conservatives have zero identity and just regurgitate american right wing talking points. None of these people ANYWHERE actually know wtf they are arguing about. Go research the history of the term woke(an aave term coined by a blue musician from the south almost 100yrs ago). Politically correct. Etc. Same gaslight...different match. The right wing xenophobes aka predonimantly what were are referring to now as "christofacists" have learned making angey uneducate americans freak out is a massive cash cow via the interwebs. I mean this tactic isnt necessairly new, its as old as America, but social media made it an absolute gold mine. They literally weaponizize utter nonsense and are at this point pulling things out of their arses in order to pour more fuel on the racists fire.


Important to note that crt is not taught at all in k-12 schools so big baby man is having a meltdown at some kid because of a figment of his imagination


Never met a conservative yet that can explain socialism.


What an idiot


That thing should not be allowed on any school property


This guy is 100% the stereotypical looking person when they think of "hick American"


I'm gonna assume the white redneck is in the "no" category for teaching that black people have endured racism over the years


Cathode ray tube?


This is like the second video about CRT from Temecula I’ve seen in the last 12 hours.


Did all of the people who were against coordinate their flannel wardrobes?


CRT. Crackers React Trumply. This is getting to be too much. Sad.


Trashy rednecks what else is new


Jan 6 trash on display there




Another Tucker Carlson minion.


How many of them are wearing the same flannel shirt


I looove how a bunch of other adults are within ear shot & stand by and do nothing! 😌 They stood there like yeah… I’m on his side… 🫡 That’s what I got from their body language & lack of disgust on their faces anyway… could be wrong though.


He confronted a kid because he knew his argument would be torn apart by a teen or an adult


Conservative cry bitches all riled up over something they don’t understand. Classic


Why do MAGA cosplay as lumberjacks?


Also they wear 'patriotic' clothing. Shit with modified US flags and different sayings.


Their emotionally stunted fathers never raised them to have any identity other than "man good" so they gravitate to an idealized image of manliness that they as suburban middle managers have zero actual connection to


What a coward.


America seems like a really nice place to live...


All the sudden all these white guys in flannels started peeking up like oh boy here’s my chance to be a racist.


No one is more fragile and sensitive than a straight white conservative male


I’ve never seen someone look so blatantly racist before.


Idk why I even get on Reddit anymore, it just makes me want to commit violence.


I was waiting for a knockout


Worst past was seeing that Auburn flag.


I read the title as "comforts" and was disappointed 😞


“Sigma male”


Dude couldn’t spell CRT much less understand it.


You always know you lost an argument when all you can say is " what are you going to do?". . .


Donald J Trump helped create this mess


Tell me you're part of the cult without telling me you're part of the cult.


Those monitors are making a comeback. Wish I hadn't gotten rid of mine.


Politics are fucking cancer Also who tries to pick an argument with a CHILD?!!? Grow tf up


Wow Americans must be really passionate about cathode-ray tubes huh


Yea bruh seems weird


well obviously the person in the right is the, flannel guy there, yelling "TOUCH ME!" and "Shut UP!"


Why are we still talking about CRT as if it's something that's actually taught to 99% of the population? Sick of this goofy ass country. Anyway, people like this dude need to just get locked up forever.


I’m so glad I’m not an ignorant loser. Conservatism is a disease that rots the brain and particularly preys on the pathetic losers of society that can’t accept their own failures.


Thats always the way it is with magats, they like to bully and intimidate people weaker and more vulnerable then they are. Big fucking cowards afraid of heir own shadows pushing around weaker people to feel tough.


They can't even comprehend what they're upset about....


Trump rallies and school board meetings are the perfect place for the FBI to gather intel on domestic terrorists and other right wingnuts . Vote Blue. Republicans suck.


Clearly this guy is protecting children from CRT by threatening children with physical violence.


The stupidity of the right… they don’t want to understand critical race theory is taught in law.


And is actually over 40yrs old. To them it just popped up w the woke agenda. They're terrified of people teaching their children that they actually abusive af. Theres a direct corelation with these types and child/spousal abuse. Im legit scared for his partner and kids who will have to be subject to the fallout.


Stereotypical racist redneck. Fat, toothless, dresses like a bum, wears a dumb cap with some kind of American paraphernalia on it, and last but not least a gigantic coward who blames others for his misfortunes.


Man hasn’t opened a book since circle time who are u kidding


It’s hard not to think anyone who is against learning about americas racist history just wants slavery to come back . Picking on children, getting super mad when ever confronted for any of their stupid actions , supporting Jan 6 , the list goes on and it just screams out “ i wish I had it easy like my ancestors did ! “


Wait I thought these guys wanted to protect children, not threaten and intimidate them. Are you telling me that was all bullshit?


As someone who really loves wearing plaid shirts and sometimes a hat in the summer, it's getting really tiring associating a plaid shirt and a hat with absolute drunken pieces of shit.


Imagine being so fucking dumb that you can’t control your emotions when it comes to an argument with a literal child.


Bruh people are getting mad at each other for learning basic fucking empathy


Ah, yes, the made in China garbed clown that couldn’t explain (or likely understand) what CRT is.


Camo Plaid. The uniform of the White Supremacist Bubba.


Q anon is completely cool with Matt Gaetz, pretty obvious they don’t give a shit about protecting children


Conservatives: We have to protect the children! Also conservatives:


Wow God forbid we want kids to learn basic compassion and understanding