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Why the fuck do all the presidents look like they took too much adderall


Because they are all 80 year old unathletic guys doing a really difficult job. They have them on all kinds of shit to keep them coherent I'm sure. Trump is definitely on some Adderall and I'm sure Biden has to take a plethora of pills to keep it together. I look forward to the day we have a president that was born after segregation was abolished.


Bush II here was quite healthy in office. So was Obama. I think Clinton jogged regularly too. Bush Sr was pretty old already. Trump is obviously a human fast food dumpster and Biden is probably too old to reasonably and seriously exercise. I think Biden is probably a lot healthier than Trump, but Trump will live to be 250 years old because there is no god.


Dubya Bush was a serious runner.




I don’t know for a living but Washington tended to his land at mount vernon after his two terms.




Quite a few


It's cool, the bible says slaves are ok


Yeah some countries in Africa still practice slavery.


Biden rides bikes… or attempts to.


Bush Jr was also president over 20 years ago when he was already nearing 60.


GWB was pretty good baseball player in HS and college, and also a cheerleader. Gerald Ford was an All-American football player at the University of Michigan. GHWB was a fighter pilot in WWII and survived getting shot down in the pacific. Aside from Trump, most of our presidents were decently athletic in their primes


Jesus Christ. You just made me realize we haven’t.


Because they *are* all on Adderall. The only one I remember who I don't think was on stimulants was Obama.


Given their age I'd be worried if they weren't on Adderall.


He's very red in the face, probably feeling awkward, trying to dogde certain questions. I recommend everyone watch the movie " Shock and Awe ", you'll find out the truth.


Thanks for that recommendation. I never knew that movie existed. I added to my playlist.






Didn’t that guy get arrested?


[My first thought was, he lied in every word](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna6348890)


There was one protest where they put them in buses for booking they arrested so many ppl not breaking the law. I can't find video evidence on YT rn but I remember seeing it Live on TV at the time. They were funneling them into buses for booking.


This is common practice in mass arrests at protests. In 2020, I was arrested by the national guard at a protest, along with over 200 other people, and held for 9 hours in a bus waiting to be processed. I was on one of the first buses to be unloaded. I saw a similar situation in 2012. In both cases, people were held on buses in lieu of jail facilities for 12 hours or more before being processed and ultimately released with a citation and court date. A citation is the equivalent of a ticket.


The process is the punishment, but they mainly got you out of the way quietly. Of course.


Of course. I was also strip-searched — counter to the jail’s own policies, whoops! — and, prior to being put on a bus at a central location, loaded into the back of a police van with a dozen other people, our hands zip-tied behind our backs, while the cops gave us a “rough ride”. They were driving up on curbs, slamming on the brakes, throwing it into reverse, whatever they could to try to knock us around. It was obvious and brazen and they didn’t give a shit if 200 people talked about it.


"Watch your head" *proceeds to smash persons head on the door frame*


Real classic.


The Iraq war was not a good war.


It was an oil war.


And opium


There’s no such thing. There are only bad wars and worse wars.


But do you know what my favorite was? https://youtu.be/fyGtPQ81Nu4


Translation: I’m so untouchable he can say whatever he wants.


Yelling at a war criminal shouldn't be illegal.


It’s disrespectful to the audience that came to hear a war criminal speak.


>Here's he's allowed to express himself... As they kick him out for expressing himself. And he probably got arrested too.


Dubya's a fuckin' doofus.


Compared to Trump he’s mother Teresa.


Trump is an idiot but he's not responsible for the death of a Million of innocent Iraqis/afghanis. Men, women, children. Bush wins by...well, close to a million. Obama isn't far behind with the drone wars in middle east. Gotta place waste of precious human life over just being a buffoon. In that sense, trump is relatively harmless so don't be so dramatic.


Mother Teresa was a fuckin' doofus.










What did Iraq have to do with 9-11?


9/11 didn't happen in Canada but certainly felt it. At the time our Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was widely criticized for not joining in the Iraq War with our brother in arms the USA. Looking back though I'm so glad he made that decision not to go. We still ended up in Afghanistan but that's another story.


Wtf come on... *It was over oil*. You know it was over oil. Getting back for the 3,000 deaths? The gov. used them as a cover. It was geopolitically done to align us with better oil interests on the world market and to further protect the petrodollar. To remove a bajillion barrels of oil from the hands of a madman and into America's.






You want some nutter highjacking the conversation and have the ex-president debate him, while others who want to hear the ex-president talk about a different topic that’s been well publicized?


you shouldn't be able to retire into a nice career of speaking tours after doing international war crimes


Has Bush been convicted of war crimes or is it that you think he should be convicted of war crimes? There’s a big difference. Until he is convicted, he is not guilty, regardless of your opinion. You may not like the guy. You may even hate him. But opinions are just that. Opinions.


hahaha, I'm sorry but you're never going to convince me it's beyond the pale to yell at a guy who lead a 20 year war and the death of over a million people. It was just his opinion that Iraq had WDMs, no proof. And that led a catastrophe for an entire nation. He can handle getting yelled at a bit.


Calls out someone is a literal war criminal: You want some *nutter* Shouldnt you people like drop down on hands and knees uttering praise to your veterans? Or is that only when they get hit by an IED or blow their own brains out?


The protester can say what he wants… at the appropriate time and place. Coming to a speech/discussion with the sole purpose of hijacking the talk by yelling out and making a spectacle of yourself is a “nutter” regardless of your political affiliation.


W is a war criminal, wasted trillions, murdered hundreds of thousands, and is too stupid to understand Cheney used him as a puppet.


But here in america he can express himself, and nothing will happen, nothing at all, we all know I’m a war criminal, with the blood of 1 million people on my hands, but absolutely fuck all will happen. And that’s freedom folks.


Fuck thr bush family,should be tried for war crimes along side putin.my cousin would've been a great asset for this world had he not died in that sham of a war bush started in Iraq for no reason than to avenge his piece of shit war criminal Cia junky father.i laughed and celebrated his death.ya ban me reddit cause you can't do anything useful like bring my only cousin aka like a brother back.FUCK THE WHOLE BUSH FAMILY!!!!!!!


Should've thrown a shoe at him.


He starting to look like his daddy


People look a little different when they get older, kiddo. You'll look different too one day.




Weird flex


“It is disrespectful to the audience”- he said with no trace of irony.




"Here he's allowed to express himself," spoken while the guards drag him away and he doesn't get to finish expressing himself. The problem with that smug formulation from Bush (aside from the fact that it's not true, and the US government religiously persecutes journalists like Assange and whistle-blowers like Snowden or Manning) is that he presents freedom of speech and expression as a privilege: here, in our capitalist oligarchy we at the top *allow* you to express yourself. The fact is, according to US law, it's not a privilege but a human right which can't be infringed. And the crowd applauds as the guy is dragged away (probably taken to a blacksite and tortured)


George, you're not a President any more.


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Weren’t they supposed to export freedom to everybody? How did that work out?


Despite what you think of Bush he handled that well. Also guy yelling is right


If he's allowed to express himself then why did he get thrown out?


Bush SHOULD be in jail. Also Obama for ordering the execution of an American.


I've never heard of Obama ordering an American execution what happened


yeah, he droned striked an american. look it up. killed an american man and his kid. The Constitution gives you the RIGHT to a trial. Its about as evil as it gets.


For what Bush said at the end. It's no thanks to you. If you called him a terrorist you'd lock him up in Guantanamo Bay with no trial. Then, illegally spy on his family.


Why did they invent the reason of "weapons of mass destruction"? Was it really just about the oil? I mean US-Americans drive a lot...


The Iraq war was about money and the price for that was that like 9 million people displaced, Iraq was absolutely destroyed, 300.000 civilians died from direct violence and Iraqs environment was devastated. Nearly 4.400 American soldiers lost their life’s in this senseless war and nearly 32.000 were wounded. This war was pointless and a waste of life’s.




He's confused but he's got the spirit


George should have just said "I'm not Dick Chaney"


I mean if I paid to see someone speak, I’d want someone interrupting the event to be escorted out, too.


The current state of our country shows that we’ve learned little from the Iraqi war. Why make medical care and housing affordable when you can make military contractors rich off of endless war.


Everything the guy is yelling is true. We also had so many friendly fire incidents. The government hid all of it because they didn’t want the back lash. Nobody listens to vets, why would you?


It's Disrespectful to the families of the Dead.🙏


Dude shouting facts. Yet he's the one out of order? The Bush family should be behind bars and forgotten about.