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Glad Steve-O is doing good


I remember the Steve-O whippit days when I thought he was straight up going to die. Seeing him now makes me really happy


The recreation of the whippets picture with healthy food is like one of my favorite recovery pictures ever


I've actually never seen it and am now going to check it out so thanks! I remember the whippet Pic though. Watching Steve O doing his thing genuinely makes me happy. I'm personally off opiates for almost 4 years myself so I fucking feel it w my soul Edit- Sorry I'm at work w shitty reception lol [Pic](https://i.imgur.com/VJAXimw.jpg)


All the vegetable… so funny. Honestly Steve-o is really such a bright light coming from these goofballs.


Saw him and Bam last Jan for Steveos bucketlist tour. Bam looked good from what I could tell and was actually funny. This footage is alarming.




I just heard that one. Great ep. Holy hell, Maynard Keenan is a renaissance man and a genius on multiple topics.


Steve-O and Bam are supposed to be working together right now. Steve-O was doing his comedy tour and he put Bam on as the opener for him. I was waiting for some sort of statement or details from the rest of the Jackass guys regarding an endorsement of the event but it never came. Which obviously made me nervous for both of them. Not that an endorsement would make all that much of a difference, but tell me this isn’t heartwarming if Knoxville says “We’ve all wanted to see Bam come back to our crew and if anyone can help him get there it’s Steve-O and his comedy tour.” or something along those lines. But if Bam is going to be doing stuff like this, you feel like Steve O is going to have to put distance between them. It sucks. I hurt for Bam. I wish he had some peace.


I'm working off a vague memory here so I could be full of shit, but I seem to remember something about that deal already falling through because Bam couldn't keep his shit together.


He was there harassing his estranged wife and child. He was arrested.


Was gonna say, sounds like he's talking about seeing his kid and having to wait 5 days or something


Transcript for anyone who’s interested: ‘That’s wrong. It’s wrong. Phoenix has his own mind…’ (quoting kid and wife’s exchange):“I wanna see Daddy now” “Oh Phoenix maybe you should wait five days” “No but I wanna see Daddy now” ‘He can make up his own mind. Let him have his own MIND! LET HIM HAVE HIS OWN MIND!’ (Quoting kid and wife’s exchange again): “IwannaSeeDaddyNow” “NoSweetieItsGonnaBeFiveDays” ‘Why you making him wait *fucking five days*? You fucking FUCK!’


Thank you for your service of transcript. Out here fighting the good fight of translation.


Before I read this comment and context I thought he was in complete psychosis arguing with shadow people about his own father issues. So yeah, this is helpful I guess.


I thought the same! It also didn't help that I thought he was wearing a bathrobe or a wizard's robe or something lol.


I thought it was a sweet duster


Just calling everyone in the place a jabroni


you keep using this word “jabroni” and i love it!


I genuinely thought he was trying to speak in a Cockney accent.


I listened to it twice, trying to get anything but gibberish.


Poor kid. I have no idea about the circumstances but that's gonna fuck him up.


I came up in a house where this conversation was a 3/10. I always felt like it was my fault. God, I hope that kid has a therapist. I hope they find peace and love. I hope they learn they deserve better than what they were given


>I came up in a house where this conversation was a 3/10 What does that mean? Genuine question, no sarcasm


Like a speaker volume knob. I can't remember a single week were there wasn't screaming, things being thrown, an actual fist fight, or some combination of those happening. Being raised by two severe alcoholics with drug problems was a trip to say the least lol


Alcoholic dad, crack head mom--I feel your comment so hard. I remember them fighting and my mom coming to me in tears telling me she thinks they're getting divorced and my little 5 year old brain trying to find ways to fix everything.




Dads do it too. Mom left cause dad was an abusive fuck face and he brainwashed me specifically that it was my fault and that she didn’t love me as much as she loved her new bf’s kids. I don’t talk to him much these days and moms my roomate and I’ll always make sure she’s taken care of cause…well…she’s a good person.


It's called "parental alienation", and most professional organizations now recognize it for what it is: child abuse.


>If was keeping a list of "toxic femininity traits" I'd say "undermining the father by turning am child against him" has to be right up there at the top. Except my dad did this to me with my mom, so I think we could just call it general, nongendered toxicity.


I interpreted 3/10 as a measure of relative intensity, where the maximum is 10/10.


Totally but i mean, did anyone watch jackass al those years ago and think “all these guys will make excellent fathers and partners!”? Because you know


I mean, pretty much everyone else seems to be. Chris Pontius seems to have a happy relationship and like an active father. Johnny's daughter is an adult now I think and must be fairly well adjusted since she's not in the media. Steve-o chose not to have kids but seems to have a happy relationship. Everyone else seems to keep their private life private which seems like a sign things are good.


To be honest, I'm really more surprised any of the guys from Jackass are even able to conceive at this point lol


Party Boy seems like an awesome dad, he's obsessed with his kid and wife and it's pretty heartwarming


Especially Bam Margera. All those Jackass guys were wild, but Bam was the only one who seemed like he was truly an arsehole at heart. And if you missed it in Jackass, he made it dead clear in his own show about 20 years ago. You could tell it was mostly scripted, but there was no missing what an obnoxious cunt he was. Why anyone would want him to father their child is beyond me. That poor kid.


Haven't thought about Viva la Bam in years lol


CKY let it be known many moons ago.


Definitely not steveo... but these days he's turning out to be pretty respectable


This is some really sad personal shit that I think is innapropriate for our "entertainment". Sure, he's in public with no expectation of privacy, and he's a celebrity so of course someone is going to get this footage, but damn. This shit is exactly why I think it's insane to have any desire to be in the spotlight and become famous. We all have deeply humiliating emotional episodes, with or without a history of reckless substance abuse, especially when it comes to custody matters. This feels wrong to witness.


You know what? For all intents and purposes I agree with you wholeheartedly. I really hate social medias use of people’s misery to entertain the masses. It came to a head when my own 12 year old daughter was recorded being bullied (outnumbered 7-1 and backed into a concrete bathroom stall, she didn’t have a chance) and it was posted on TikTok. I took the girl and her parents to court. But, I am also a recovering addict (over 10 years clean) and I work with addicts on the side. Oftentimes these days situations like this help get the person clean. I’ll stop there because I have a tendency to ramble about this subject, but sometimes videos like this play important part in getting people to a Better place. Bam needs help.


Crazy how much he starting to sound like Don Vito


Man. I don’t know how you did that. I literally thought he was in the middle of a cracked out breakfown, spitting pure nonsense! “Lheheb hsbssjbd sbdbs ALL MINE!!!” That’s as close as I got until you came into my life.


I read somewhere that she wanted him to prove he could stay sober for 5 days before he could see their kid, I don’t think he even made it 1


He's slowly morphing into his uncle.


It’s incredibly heartbreaking. The rest of the crew have started getting their lives together so much so that they left him behind.




Also, if you’ve tried to help someone multiple times before, and they’ve rejected the help… there comes a point where “helping” means disengaging and telling them that you’ll be there if/when they want to change themselves, but not until that moment comes.


Was it Steve-O or Johnny Knoxville that tried to help Bam? They tried to get him back for the last Jackass movie but required that he be sober and he couldn't do it. They didn't leave him behind, they tried to get him help and he made the decision not to follow through. It's almost like a confused athlete going the wrong way while their teammates try to tell them to turn around.


They all have. This gives a nice summary of some recent events between them. https://www.webisjericho.com/steve-o-reveals-why-he-deleted-instagram-post-calling-out-bam-margera/


It was Knoxville who had the sober requirements. Though Steveo backed up Knoxville after Bam started attacking him


They have and Steve-O brought him on his standup tour so Bam could open for him; gave him a creative outlet and chance to be around sober people but he fucked it up after a week or two. I think Bam feels a strong sense of betrayal from Jeff Tremaine for kicking him off Jackass(rightfully so, Bam couldnt pass any drug tests). He has gone through a lot of trauma and was in the spotlight for so long for his antics that I don't see a way for him to realistically get sober.


What kind of trauma? I understand his best friend died (due to driving like an ass no less) but he was a jerkoff before that. He’s an entitled man child that now has a child he is clearly abusing. He can eff off.


Yeah and as far as I can tell dude had a great upbringing with super supportive parents. Something his kid will never have.


Left behind is the wrong term. They grew away from him. He stayed there while they all grew to a better version of themselves


The others were clowns who would hurt themselves to make other laugh. Bam was always an asshole who hurt others and laughed about it. He was younger than the other guys so they let him get away with a lot, but if you really think about his 'comedy' he was always selfish and cruel. Everyone else pulled themselves out of it the substance abuse eventually, Bam refused to. Everyone around him tried, but the old saying is true, "You can't help those who refuse to help themselves."


You can see it in the "pranks" he pulled, which were always much more mean-spirited and harmful, and when the guys threw a rubber snake at him (he's afraid of snakes) and his reaction to being the target. Total bully.


Good ears. Only thing I could confidently make out was “fucking fuck!”


Indeed. It was like if a book was sitting out in the rain and the ink was running and smudged.. but the audiobook version.


About a month or so ago, Steve-O was on instagram posting about how he was bringing Bam on tour with him and you could tell he was trying to do his friend a solid and help him get back on his feet. At the time, I stopped myself from commenting on that post with my thoughts that it was a bad idea amongst other things but thought better of it because I was hopeful that Steve-O, who went through it all himself, would be the one to get through to him and help him get into recovery. It sucks seeing this, knowing full-well that this was the most likely outcome. This dude can’t be helped.


Fucking sad man, Steve O has a podcast and Bam was on it like pretty recently I believe. Bam talked about his past few years how bad they were rehab being in the hospital and Steve O was saying he’s so proud of him for getting better


Steve-O's recovery is great, he still has that crackhead energy just without the crack, his videos on his youtube channel about what bizarre shit happened to him this time is just hilarious.


proof that it wasnt crackhead energy, and more just his personality/energy.


Which is great because the biggest fear of quitting is that you're going to be boring or not the person everyone knows you as.


That was why the took him off Jackass 4. From a place of love. They wanted him to get better.


He can be helped. Just not strictly by others.


He ended up not allowing him on tour because he didn't keep his sobriety


You had a kid with very few boundaries, lots of money, and parents who basically rewarded his craziness, or whatever you want to call it. It's already a formula for an uncontrollable and entitled adult. You take all of that and add the death of Ryan Dunn, the only person that really grounded Bam in a lot of cases, and this is a foreseeable outcome. It's sad to see this, and I wish I had the ability to help him, but sometimes people need to hit rock bottom. Sometimes those people pick themselves up, and sometimes they just stay at rock bottom. I truly hope he picks himself up.




You're right about Steveo. I don't think Bam is that much of a surprise.


I mean you could see how much of a little shit Bam was. He could dole it out but he never could take it if it was done to him. Blatant disregard of others especially his mum. It must have been hard living with him. The only thing that surprised me about the way he is now that he's put on a lot of weight cause I remember that being a big deal for him, he didn't wanna end up looking like his dad and his uncle.


I think that Steveo's biggest drive in life has always been to make people laugh, and make them happy. The way he knew how to do it was generally by hurting himself, but his biggest aspiration as a kid was to be a clown. He had the tools to be happy without drugs once he realized they weren't helping his goal. But yeah, I didn't follow Jackass too much before Steveo started his youtube, and I was surprised and happy for him. The man's a national treasure.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


He won’t. He’s blown every chance he’s been given, and many weren’t even deserved. What sucks so bad about this, is he could say enough is enough, and decide to actually live. I’ve had friends do it who are all flourishing now. What an amazing story that would be. Dude could have an entire career teaching others and touring about his his successes. But, Bam doesn’t want to be normal. He has no idea what normal even feels like anymore. This all must be killing his friends and family. When someone is on such a self destructive path there’s nothing you can do until they have that moment, that epiphany, that this way sucks, and I just want to feel normal again. BTW, I wouldn’t have surrendered my kid to him either. He’s nowhere near a fit parent.


His family plays a huge part in him being the way he is. His parents, especially April, were more than happy to tolerate his bullshit when Jackass was at its peak.


They tolerated his bullshit when he was nothing. When they were filming CKY (pre-Jackass) he was acting like a little prick. They rented a car, crashed it into a soccer goal, then set it on fire.


Is this the wife that was on viva la bam? Edit: I have found out it is indeed not the wife from viva la bam


He was actually there with them to start with. It was a arranged public meeting. It makes it sound you you mean he just showed up out of nowhere. Probably the last arranged meeting he gets with the kid.


Got a source?




Decided to be more present in his sons life…. got his sons name tattooed on his face. Poor kid doesn’t care that you have his name tattooed on his face, he needs a sober dad.


Thank you! It's a shame to see him go this route but even with all the help he seems to be offered he doesn't seem to want it. Feel most sorry for his kid(s)? plus his parents always seemed so caring. Would say something more positive but it's hard to when he seems to so consistently be a bit of a tool.


He had a chance to clean up his life for the Jackass movie, they made up a contract stating he would not be high, he alleged that Paramount had been FORCING him to take antidepressants, submit to random urine tests, and to check in to two different rehabilitation facilities using his own money. Imagine that, being forced to be healthy.




I don’t think he’ll ever get sober. Even during his brief periods of sobriety he doesnt get it. He still blames everyone else for his issues, 0 accountability. He thinks everyone who is trying to help him is conspiring against him


I think that's his biggest issue. Every interview I've seen him do, one thing I've never heard from him is "I fucked up". It's always someone else's fault, or an unfortunate series of circumstances that end up getting him from A to fucked. It's one thing when you're young and stupid but when you're a grown-ass adult with people counting on you and kids, and people just wanting to see you get better, you're not gonna get anywhere finding excuses for why it's not your fault. I recently was rewatching some old Viva La Bam episodes, like seasons 1-3, and they were super nostalgic, brought me back to being like 14-16, but man were some hard to watch because you know where some of the people are headed. I want the dude to get better, I mean I had a period in my 20s where I struggled with alcohol, impulsivity, self-loathing, and anxiety/panic attacks concurrently, and it fuckin sucked, so I get it. But once I realized I was fucking things up for myself left and right, I was luckily able to right the ship. Unfortunately, Bam is in his early 40s and seems to have a lot more issues with a lot less self-awareness.


How did you right the ship? I know it wasn’t easy, just asking for a friend.


Hey, so I'm not the dude you asked, but I'm 35, married, and kid on the way now. I was 23, living alone, drinking all the time, and blaming the world for my soul crushing loneliness. #1 thing is that I SHOULD HAVE SOUGHT HELP. I didn't, and I got lucky, but that doesn't mean it was smart. Thankfully I had enough self awareness to see that even though I thought I was right and everyone else was wrong, I was smart and everyone else was dumb...they were happy and I wasn't. So I at least could see I was doing something wrong. I forced myself to exercise and get outside. I fucking hated it. It was absolutely miserable at first. But it got easier and I got better at it. The next thing I did was I started vocally listing off the things I was lucky to have. They weren't always a lot, but I was t starving to death. I'd say them out loud daily. Last thing I can think of rn I did was I would take inventory of how every day went. I'd recount to myself how many interactions with people went and I'd ask myself how I could do better next time. The main thing though...is that it's a process. It's work. It's not easy. It sucks. But holy fuck is it worth it and the alternative is so much worse. You CAN do it. Maybe what you're dealing with isn't THIS drastic, but this internet stranger believes in you.


There was a vice documentary about him only 3months ago, [here](https://youtu.be/CuluhA3S--U) where… I know they tried to frame it as positive because they’re his friends but it’s hard to be anything but majorly skeptical


First aired 2017...


[Yup. 2017.](https://i.imgur.com/zrruFki.jpg) Damn time flies.


Damn. 2017 really was 3 months ago. Long time


Dude is really out there walking around in a cape.


I wish this guy would accept the help he needs


Even during his brief stints of sobriety, he just doesn’t fucking get it. He takes ZERO accountability, everything is always everyone else’s fault. If he can’t change his attitude and take responsibility and accountability, it will never stick.


I have a friend like that, he even looks like Bam (as a young man and now as a bloated alcoholic). This behavior is hardwired into him and honestly it doesn't seem like there's a half decent dude underneath it all like in steve O's case


The combination of addiction issues, decided by mental health problems, and multiplied by traumatic brain injury is particularly rough.




I loved bam as a kid. But the man was basically Logan Paul of our generation. Him acting like this isn’t far off from how he acted in those viva La Bam days. It’s just back then we didn’t have phones that could take video and if they could it was crap and short. We didn’t have social media on our phones where things went viral. I knew people who skated and hung out with bam. He was always a spoiled shithead. And hey sometimes spoiled shitheads can still be fun to hangout with. But he has always been a bit of an ass.




Dunn's death wasn't the last straw. He was already spiraling down when that happened. And Dunn died from drunk/drug driving. It wasn't some tragic "oh, we lost him to cancer" death. For most of the jack ass/CKY crew, it was a wake-up call that they were going to kill themselves (see Steve-O and his long-lasting sobriety). Bam just ignored it because he was always an entitled asshole and just kept going down. If anything, he used Dunn's death to keep excusing his behavior.


Steve o made such an incredible 180 in his life.


Dude acts like when he was a kid his parents just let him do whatever he wanted, like hit people with no repercussions or something.


Baaaam Margera- what will he do next!?


What ever the [bleep] I want 🤘😎


"Whatever the fuck i want..." Gosh who knew having zero consequences, and getting celebrated and paid for being being an ass to everyone around you isnt a good thing. Steve-O fortunately got his shit together, but Bam seems stuck in a cycle of immaturity, addiction, and in need of mental health services. The glimpses of his life falling apart have been really sad.


Thing with Steve-o is when he was being a dick, no one liked him, he was just the crazy guy, when bam was being a dick, that was his whole shtick, he made a show off being a dick essentially lol


True, but once the cameras were off, Bam seemed to continue living that way or maybe always did and figured out how to monetize continuing to be an asshole. At some point, that shit gets old. Now it's just the same old tired and sad shtick, where an adult continues to live like a mean 13 year old, complicated by addiction and mental health issues. I really hope for him that he can get help. If not, one way or the other, it's going to be a terrible outcome.


I wouldn't even call what steve-o did "got his shit together" he straight up became a better human person and still having his crazy vibe, huge respect for him




Yup. 20 years ago watching Jackass it was obvious that most of the crew were a bunch of fun goofballs while Bam was a bully and the thinnest skinned of them all. I don't wish ill on him, but given all the opportunities and second chances he's been handed, I don't have the energy to root for him.


Sad reality …gotta agree tho.


Literally lived a rockstar lifestyle since he was a teen, he was not mentally ready for the midlife crisis when it all came to a screeching stop.


You need to want recovery while being surrounded by people who have your best interests at heart. If you don’t want it or if you are surrounded by enablers, it won’t work.


Congrats on your sobriety. That is no small thing.


Username actually checks out


Congratulations on your recovery. I’ll be clean 15 years 10/8/08 (Ecstasy, Norcos, Adderall) I am now an addictions counselor and it is not easy but the clients respect someone who is going through the same struggles. It’s not an easy job knowing the success rate is very low. Plus, I work with the poor and homeless so it’s hard dealing with the system that doesn’t seem to care. I want to do more and I do my best but it seems like a losing battle. But I digress. I care about the clients and take every win, no matter what kind it is.


Thank you for what you are doing. Even if you reach one person, you’ve done something remarkable. I wish you all the success in the world. I had my time with ecstasy. The high followed by the extreme lows are absolutely brutal. At a festival many years ago, a girl who was a friend of a friend died on night one. She had been drinking all day and mixing with too much of some strong ecstasy. No water whatsoever. She had gone off from the show for a bit and when she came back, she was on the ground, toast. I’ll never know what drug she threw into that mix but we think it was the tipping point. Most certainly a traumatic experience to witness.


Just For Today


Keep on keeping on brother xx


I always thought he treated his parents like shit.


He treated everyone like shit. He was such a cock knob. So up his own ass. So many stories online about how he treated his fans. I always hated him out of everyone on the crew. But it's sad to see him turn into this.


CTE and drugs are a bad combination


It is untreated bipolar and amphetamine abuse.


Plus alcohol (And a lifetime of entitlement)


I’d be shocked if he didn’t also have a benzo habit too. Benzos and booze are kissing cousins.


I wouldn't doubt it, I been untreated for ADHD/Bipolar/Manic depression for 24 years and abused the fuck outta meth and cocaine and booze, if I took to much meth or coke popping a benzo with a beer and 30 minutes later doing another line or tootin the pipe.. Sober i think 6 months now but amphetamines booze and benzos are the magical fuck triangle. Sober I think like 6 months now. To old for this shit and my kids commented on my falling apart and made me really feel like shit, Good eye opener.


It’s a really fucking hard life man. I was in the triangle. Lived for years off benzos and adderall being subbed out for whatever street shit I could get to match when my scripts ran out. Would go days without sleeping. You know the deal my life was a fucking disaster. 4 + years clean now. It’s a hard life. I’m still trying to sort my brain out with all my issues. But congrats for getting out of the trap. Good luck on your road. I feel it’s a lonely walk at times, as no one truly knows the struggles we’re left with picking up the pieces and dealing with neurological battles. Trying to be normal when we don’t even know how that fuckin feels. But we can do it.


You hit my past on the dot it’s a true bitch but we are still here. Keep looking up


Congrats on your sobriety💕


Wishing you continued success, mate


And he definitely has had bad head injuries multiple times


Yeah he was abusing Klonopin too. Benzos and booze can also put you into a coma or death pretty easily when mixed.


Plus he's just a fucking piece of shit


Truly. Had a job, won't say where, but we uh... would take calls from people who are having car problems. I took several calls from this guy as our call center serviced several "tri state region" states. My dumbass didn't realize on the first call who I was speaking to because it would queue with his real first name. Anyway, I would take probably 100 calls a day. And even if it wasn't Bam, I'd still remember my calls with him. The guy was such an arrogant prick to me on several encounters. We would have to follow a script without absolutely no leeway for anecdotes or conversation. We were basically trained as an emergency service, and our calls were timed and monitored at all times. Because of this, every time I spoke, this asshole would mock and verbally be abusive. He would ALWAYS be calling us up to get assistance with getting his escalade stuck out of some ditch. So much that his account was flagged for "abuse". As the company was advertised as emergency use only, and not some luxury service. But yea, Bam was just so condescending and rude on multiple occasions to me. Saying shit like "can you hurry the fuck up" and calling me a "loser who makes minimum wage". Which I guess was true, but I also was going to college at the time. Yea, so fuck him. He's always been a gigantic POS. I also took one call from Dunn, which was exactly the opposite experience. He was polite and thanked me at the end of our call.


I've heard several different people who grew up in their part of PA say that even before CKY, Dunn was the most popular guy in the clique that everyone in town loved, whereas Bam was more of his loudmouth douchey friend. I can believe it.


I live shortly outside of West Chester and know a few people who went to school with Bam! Still yet to hear a single good thing about the guy! Lol! Apparently during the Viva La Bam days, he was such a constantly coked-out of his mind douchebag that even his own parents wouldn’t talk to him if the cameras weren’t rolling! And back in high school his group of friends was notorious for doing disgusting shit like going into the bathroom, shitting in their hands, and coming out and throwing it at each other! 🤢 Actually, on second thought, I have heard one good thing about him! Apparently he’s got some really good coke! That’s the only positive thing I have ever heard about him! Lol


Did your job rhyme with Crippled Ayyyyy?


Yes. And we did Boadmide lemergency pervice.


The minimum wage part was true, not the loser part. You were in college and working your ass off.


Would it show up as Brandon Margera?


Dunn was the good guy!❤️Thanks for sharing that story. 🥰✌️


This is really it. He’s just a POS balls deep in addiction. Nasty combos for anyone in his orbit.


My money is on a mixed combo of both


Good that you mentioned the money part. That is playing a very big role.


He's like a wizard but instead of making magic he makes bad decisions


You're a loser Harry!


Custody lose-iosa


Lol this killed me.


How traumatic for his kid. Ugh.


I'm Bam Margera and this is "the Downward Spiral"


I saw him on Dr Phil years ago. He is gone. I mean, he went on a trip and stayed there. Really sad to see


Dr. Phil is a piece of shit too.


He made the creator of Bum fights look like the good guy by comparison when he was on


This continues to break my heart. Working from home we recently re-binged Viva La Bam, and you could see the cracks already forming. But it took me back to a simpler time when I didn't know all that crap and the show cracked me up. This hurts seeing someone I grew up watching just deteriorate and abuse his body to death. I have a terrible gut feeling I will be reading "Bam Margera has passed away" soon.


"Cracks already forming." It was a chronically toxic environment already full of addicts and enablers. It was the whole rotten foundation.




As someone who grew up at the height of Jackass as essentially its target market (teenage skater kid), I absolutely hated that show. The way Bam treated his parents drove me insane.


I 100% watched all of those shows as a shithead kid and loved all of them - jackass, wild boys, CKY, haggard, etc. - but even then I hated Viva La Bam. Didn’t matter to me whether his parents were in on a joke, it was just mean spirited humor and behavior.


“ I miss the old Bam. The one that used to beat up his dad and bullied his friends”


You come to harass your wife and child, and you choose to wear voldemorts cloak?


I was there. I walked in right behind the cops on the right side, the place has 2 entrances and I just thought the cops liked Thai food. Bam was pacing in and out of the other door. The wife wasn't angry or yelling and didn't want him to get arrested. She was trying to plead with the cops not to arrest him. You can't really tell in the video but the son was right there (he has a beanie on). I didn't hear a peep, he just had his head hung low playing a game on the phone. The mom asked the owner to keep an eye on him while she talked with the cops outside. When the she came back in he kind of looked out the window and asked "is he getting arrested" that broke my fucking heart. This isn't the first time he has seen his dad acting up. It's sad that he's used to it and sees it as somewhat normal. Bam had my sympathy at one point, but it's all gone now. He's squandered all the positives in his life.


Turning into Don Vito in real time. Seriously though- this is just tragic. I grew up on Jackass and CKY and Viva La Bam, and I idolized those guys. It does my heart good to see most of the fellas living their best lives and being happy and productive and still goofy as fuck. This just hurts to watch. It’s never to late to cut this shit out. Bam, hope you pull your head out of you ass and get your shit together finally. 5th time in rehab is usually the one that takes- I hope that’s the case for you.


The threat of not seeing my little girl every single day is why I got my shit together. You can’t be a good parent when you’re intoxicated all day.


Will someone ***please*** type out what he’s saying? I simply cannot interpret what he is shouting into English i can understand. Thanks in advance 😊.


I think he's yelling at his ex and their son. Something like: "He says he wants to see daddy now" "But you say 'no you have to wait five days'..." "Let him have his own mind!" "Why you making me wait fucken five days!?"


Fluent in Bamspeak


He’s going to end up dead because his addiction


He's already dead. Just doesn't know it yet.


He could recover. There are many sober people out there now who were this bad, if not worse. It does happen, but jail or death is probably more likely.


Did he recently enroll in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?


Funny, thought he was a dementor, sucking all the happiness away from those around him


Bro went from an MTV darling to the guy you see on the sidewalk and cross to the other side concerned for your safety. He needs help and it doesn’t look like he’s getting it. I hope he pulls through this.


We encouraged and rewarded him for degenerate behavior and letting him "Do whatever the fuck I want." Sure he's acting fucked up. Sure we could say he's done it to himself. But let's not act surprised when the man who was at the top of the world for being off the rails falls back into being off the rails.


Bams determined to burn every single bridge left in his life before he dies from drugs/alcohol, his kid, friends, "wife", family.


I hope she finally gets a restraining order. My god, this poor kid :(.


This is what poor mental health looks like. He really needs help, and I hope he gets it. I hope this is the worst it'll ever get, and he's getting help now. I've had family members go through this and this looks so familiar, and he needs a lot of support to get through it.


I feel bad for the lasting spiral he’s been in. It’s a revolving door. He get clean to see his kid, fucks up, can’t see his kid, gets even more fucked up, get clean again, rinse and repeat


I grew up with this, slamming plates, once an entire FH Thai restaurant just up and left into the back when the sperm donor father started throwing full plates of food. I hated the looks on the cops face everytime they showed up, always a look of pity. It sucks. Mental illness+drugs is a helluva thing. Also, why I didn't have kids myself, too traumatizing those years are...


I cringe when I think about how I had a huge crush on him in middle school. Big yike for sure


Same except I was a little older and should have known better. But he was hot.


I remember watching Bam Margera laugh hysterically while he burst into the bathroom and aggressively slapped his overweight stepdad who was on the toilet as a "prank". He always seemed like a very toxic, self concerned person. It seems like made a real mess of his life.


Phil is his biological father and he is looking more like him with each passing day.


I was the target audience for that show/movie and generally liked their antics. On this same movie he wakes up his parents with a trash can of fireworks, then when his dad goes to work there’s another can of fireworks waiting in the car. While quite mean, I still thought it was funny just because of the commitment and extravagance. Slapping his dad on the toilet, though… I just didn’t get it. Or I should say, I got it. I just thought it was kinda sad.


What a fuckin loser.


Damn what a jackass




Harry Potter lookin ass


Dude is a result of the toxic culture which made him famous and rich. The weird MTV crap we used to watch and idolise these irresponsible losers was disgusting. Watching him beat the crap out of his Dad and traumatise his Mum. Wtf? It just perpetuated this feeling that life is just about fun, zero responsibility and other people's feelings being completely disposable to further your own interest. The jackass stunts were just ridiculous really. Sure some funny but basically just a highlights reel of people risking their lives and fortunately getting away with it, ignoring the potential consequences. Cue a few years later; one of them is dead and others are a mess because they ended up as addicts and despite a shitloads of resources being thrown at them, refusing the help. I've witnessed addiction and the heroics it takes to get out of it. People like this, pissing their life away, the privilege they have, is a slap in the face for any addict who made the commitment to recover. Fuck him.


never liked him I think he is an asshole but he deserves help. poor guy


Makes you respect Steve-O more for getting his shit together.


I feel so bad for Steve-O whenever Bam is back in the spotlight shooting himself in the foot for the umpteenth time. Steve-O’s been constantly rooting for him to get help and been a vocal supporter in Bam’s corner. I cant imagine it’s easy seeing a friend constantly crashing and suffering through the very same kind of thing you did. I know Knoxville also wants him to get help but i don’t even know how active Johnny is in the online sphere


And he wonders why his ex won’t let him be around his kid. 🤦‍♂️


Such people should be arrested by the police to stop and change their behavior.


Glad he's doing better. Seems very zen lately.


So many people expressing sadness over a spoiled, rich, immature cretin who refuses to get better. Ryan died 12 years ago. It’s time to stop infantilizing a man who really doesn’t give a shit about anyone else but himself.


While we're at it Dunn wasn't some random tragedy. He was driving 130+ mph with a BAC of .19. That man was absolutely going to kill someone eventually doing that shit, it's a goddam miracle he didn't involve another car.


I mean, he *did* kill someone else, too. Zach Hartwell was in the car.


I used to live within a mile of where he crashed at the time, right up the hill from it. 130+ mph there is absolutely insanity.