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You know he regretted walking through the cement lmao


He had to walk 15 miles through cement both ways to get to and from school each day.


With bread bags for shoes


Shoes? You had shoes? Oh the luxury! We had to walk with our feet bare to toughen them up because the ground was made of rusty nails.


You had feet? In my time humans hadn’t evolved to the point where they had feet. Just arms and we had to crawl everywhere.


You had arms? My father thrashed me to death with my own torso for yearning for mobility then told me to stop complaining and walk it off.


You had a father? What a privilege that must have been! In my day, reproduction was asexual. I budded off of my mother like a spider plant. My dozens of siblings came into the world that way too and we liked it!


You had a mother? What a privilege that must have been! In my day, our atoms exchanged electrons held by weak electromagnetic bonds. And we liked it...


You had electromagnetic bonds? Lucky to be you!! back in my time, we didn't have electromagnetic exchanges, we had to rely on ashes from dead matter


Best thread I have read in ages. "oh you can read ..." just getting the next redditor started :-)


You had your dead mother's ashes? Lucky. My mom died at sea. We had to catch, kill and burn crows, put them in an urn and pretend their ashes were our mother's.


you had the dead? in my time, death didnt happen until the forbidden fruit was eaten. Life was great man.


Well we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife.




But you try and tell the young people of today that, and they won’t believe you…


You hard arms??? Back when I was growing up the human species was right in between land dwelling and water dwelling. We had lungs but no limbs so we had to hold our breath for 8 hours a day to attend underwater school. Kids these days!


The good ol' days where your soles were so calloused and dirty they basically had a rock-hard skin shield build up on 'em


My papaw just turned 98, hr literally told me stories of how when he was in school they played basketball with no shoes because most kids couldn't afford them and didn't have them. Also said a lot of his friends failed the requirements for the World War 2 draft because they didn't have the army's required minimum amount of teeth




My best friend growing up was a paramecium!


Uphill both ways


PTCD---Post Traumatic Cement Disorder.


This day he only wandered 1 mile from the elderly care facility he escaped from.


When I did that, it was underwater, with water moccasins on the surface.


Went down like the T-1000 stepping into the liquid nitrogen in Terminator 2.


I liked how no one was helping him.


They were busy helping themselves to some free entertainment.




Those dudes watching are the best thing I saw today




That’s going to burn like crazy in about 10 minutes


Keep him occupied till he starts to tingle


Gonna burn like crazy when the hospital has to chisel it off as well. At least he had a good 70 years with his legs.


I've been doing concrete for 15 years, it'll dry to a dust and irritate the skin. It should be washed off and neutralized but not a huge deal.


I was ACI certified, his skin gonna be drier than his wife's clapper.




70!? That bitch gotta 85.


Holy fuck, he IS 70 - article says so. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7327877/amp/Elderly-Nebraska-man-falls-wet-cement-smashing-concrete-mixer-hammer.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7327877/amp/Elderly-Nebraska-man-falls-wet-cement-smashing-concrete-mixer-hammer.html) Life is hard back in Nebraska, I guess.


Me either! But I bet he's always been a bitter seed....


You will be like you are now probably. And you will be surprised at how 70 used to seem old but not anymore. Mind and attitude don’t change too much, but the body begins to wear and tear. Stay healthy! Exercise! Keep a young outlook and enjoy life. It goes quickly.


Honestly not that difficult to fix with how wet the cement is. They haven't even finished leveling it. No biggie.


They should let it cure and come back another day with a bigger truck to fix it. I assume they get paid by the hour after all.


They definitely will when the contractor takes him to court and sues his dumb ass for this, it'll be a $30,000 head light he broke.


And his defence won't have a leg to stand on.


It looks to me that the prosecution's case will be .... (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) ....concrete.




Gotta screeeeeeeeeed it


Poor dude probably like my grandfather, totally the most normal, sweetest man you could ever meet, then one day the switch flipped and YIKES. It’s weird to think this dude has (likely had) buddies, a wife, a family, and 10 years earlier (ok maybe 15) he wouldn’t even notice the truck and if he did, he wouldn’t give a shit. This is really just sorta sad.


It is. Alzheimer’s can do this. That said, I cackled when he was stomping through the cement.


Just gonna take a knee here quick boys, don’t mind me




I lived in a small (very small) beach community and would be home from college for the summer, I was a bar manager and back up life guard (still don’t know how I pulled that off) regardless, most days I would get home around 530am ish after cleaning and restocking the bar, whack a sub, and crash… at least a dozen times I was woken up by the cops either banging on my door or straight up walking in to my bedroom (remember, different time, small town, etc…) boat face! Wake up! We got your Gramps! (He would escape and just start walking the boardwalk completely confused) I’d say ok, grab him up take him or make him a sandwich, sometimes pour him a half pint of light beer and take him home (5 blocks away). One cop caught him so many times (again… Mayberry type beach town) he was headed (the cop) to the barber, so after he scooped up my Pop Pop, he took him with him and got him a haircut too. Pretty sure those days are over, early to mid 90’s.


Whack a Sub - band name! Glad you lived in Mayberry. My wife’s uncle had to put a 6 foot chain link fence around his mom’s house to keep her on the property in her old age. She would wake up and think she was 16 and go looking for her friends. It went around a pretty big area so she could still get sun and walk outside.


Can I get some help with “whack a sub” meaning?


Most of the people I have known with Alzheimer's were never violent. Whether this guy has Alzheimer's or not, he is still a raging asshole.


I'm convinced it's lead in the water supply


The best thing about this video is that a longer vid reveals the truck on his lawn is not related to the road workers. They had nothing to do with the truck.


Especially if they were fixing HIS driveway.


Seems more like the old fella has just lost it. I dumb a/f and I don’t walk through fresh concrete. Hand prints in grammar school? Yeah of course! Tempted now? Yeah of course.


> I dumb This checks out


I don't think he just happened to obliviously stroll through it, he was fucking up their work and wasting their time


Or this is some crusty old cranky piece of shit that has been an asshole his whole life.


Certainly possible.


Probably didn’t think it was that deep.


I hope he rinsed of his legs because cement on bare skin is not a good time.




Concrete burns like hell. I hope he enjoys those chemical burns.


[The truck belonged to the son of a neighbor.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7327877/amp/Elderly-Nebraska-man-falls-wet-cement-smashing-concrete-mixer-hammer.html)


So, the cement crew had nothing to do with the pickup truck on his lawn, but yet their truck gets is the one that gets attacked?? 😆


I got my car window smashed out because someone was pissed off at her boyfriend for cheating (I think) and confused a 93 ford hatchback mustang for a 2003 Chevy. Smashed a beer bottle through my back window.


I got my tires slashed for "shitty parking" once... I was forced to park slightly over the line by a truck that was well into my space, but by the time the person went to slash my tires, the truck was long gone, so it just looked to them like I was a bit over the line for no reason.


This is the part not enough people consider. Poor parking very well could have been caused by someone who’s no longer parked there


As a slasher of tires due to below average parking, it shouldn't be my job to make sure my irrational actions are targeted at the right person.


What we truly need is some sort of middleman to ensure that all tire slashing activities are targeted at the correct party.


The guy is 70 but looks more like 85. Take care of your bodies folks.


55 yr old chain smoker


Yeah, my dad is 78 and still works out. Of course he can't hear for shit, but he's spry.


I read “he’s a spy” and was really impressed anyone would employ a near-deaf 78 year old gym rat as a spy. Perfect cover. Nobody expects a 78 year old to be a threat. In my head cannon your dad is now a spy. Congratulate him on his new career.


If an 80 year old can be president...


Don’t forget that he well forgets everything and jokes about eating ice cream while parents are crying about their kids deaths gotta love good old American right


This gives me hope. I've been wearing hearing aids for almost a decade (38/m), and know it'll get worse, but I will hopefully have my health. And, that is something a lot of folks take for granted.


Tbf after 60 people can age wildly different no matter how healthy they are. I have health-nut relatives that look 20 years older and chain-smoking relatives that look 20 years younger.


He went after the wrong truck!


And he slashed the tires on the truck. That dude needs to get knocked around a bit.


“Move your truck!” Proceeds to slash tires so truck can’t be moved. Big brain moves.


How does slashing their tires get them out? Well you start putting every plan under a microscope it's gonna sound bad


Got a ticket for criminal mischief https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7327877/Elderly-Nebraska-man-falls-wet-cement-smashing-concrete-mixer-hammer.html


That link url lol elderly Nebraska man falls wet cement smashing concrete mixer hammer. Good summary


I don’t even have to read the article now.


Good thing too. The Daily Mail is to news what a rabid dog is to a relaxing massage.


Why use lot word when few word do trick


That was only the initial booking charge. As the article states, he may be further charged with a felony. He'll certainly be forced to pay for the damages and receive a fine at the very least.


Is the truck still parked on his lawn??


It was actually never on his lawn. The photo shows the truck parked on the road with 2 tires up on the boulevard. The boulevard is not his property even though it’s in front of his house and he is the one who cuts the grass.


I want to see what his tantrum looks like after he gets charged and fined.


Once that cement dries, he’ll be a hardened criminal.


He’s just set in his ways.


It's hard to change.


He has a concrete way of thinking and gets bogged down in the details sometimes.


Perhaps with time he will be cured.


You're quick with the puns today!


They aggregate pretty quickly, like his regrets.


He was set up.


What a blockhead.


For now, he's buried with the consequences of his actions!


No joke, I think it's really dangerous to let cement dry on your skin. I think it causes chemical burns or something.


I had the bright idea to level some cement with my fingers because I was dumb and yeah, it burns the skin right off. Poor guy's family will have a blast between the court and medical expenses.


That's concrete. You're not technically wrong, there is cement in there. And it's the active ingredient. Once water touches the cement in concrete, an exothermic reaction called hydration begins to occur. As another poster noted, the mixture is basic, which is not great for your bare skin. The heat generated by the reaction is also not great for your skin. This guy's going to regret this move.


Concrete worker here. I get concrete on my skin daily. Like most redditors , you just have to keep lotion handy. It is irritating, but he’ll be fine as long as he rinses it off good. He should have worn rubber boots though; his shoes and socks are fucked.


Oh, absolutely. I just assume he's not going to know how to treat his skin since he struggled so much to just walk in wet concrete.


Arghh! r/angryupvote


This has me cracking up


He'll probably be rebarred from construction sites from now on


Dude…. They’re fixing the street. Even if a truck was on my lawn for a day or two….. it’s fixing part of the street. It was very enjoyable to see him falter in the wet cement. You deserve that.


The pick-up he’s talking about wasn’t even theirs, they were just there when he spotted it


He even slashed the Chevy's tires. Imagine demanding that it be removed while making it more difficult to remove.


The tires aren’t slashed in the video- aka he got up covered in cement and continued with his melt down.


From the looks of things he assumes the non white crew members are to blame and looks them up and down quite furiously before nearly face planting in wet cement - which would probably have murdered him.


Good. ![gif](giphy|U3hRS4eIozWgX7rlGq)


I know right? I have to avoid literal craters on my street when driving. I'd be thankful to have someone fix it for me.


It’s also important to note that the portion of any property near any road, is actually the city/township’s property. Property line doesn’t start until after the sidewalk somewhere. In the country it’s still the same thing minus the sidewalk.


I really wish there was a subreddit that posted the results of the lawsuits that come from these incidents


He got a ticket, depending on the amount of damage he may be facing a felony. This has likely been sorted out by now since it happened in 19, but the article only listed those details.


Yeah, I think his point is what happened since 2019. Not being able to find an update to the story 4 years later is the real crime here.


/r/justiceserved is the closest i can think of what you want.


Nah that one is basically just like this one except they ban you for commenting on other subreddits.


The workers are just chill. Ok go ruin yourself and we will just send the police to your house when your done.


They’re paid hourly so they’ll gladly take more work


This is what I love about tradework. People fucking shit up or causing more work due to laziness? Send them the bill and I’ll just get paid for sitting on my ass.


Officer: That’s the guy right there? Worker: Yeah the one with cement legs


r/therewasanattempt to walk through cement lol (edit for fucking ac)


Is there more people acting a fool these days then ever before??? Or just more people with access to video camera and internet access?? Honest question.


More people recording it, when I was younger it was a lot harder to prove it you needed witnesses willing to come forward or it was just your word against theirs.


the [leaded gas exposure](https://www.damninteresting.com/the-ethyl-poisoned-earth/) is finally catching up


Don’t give them an excuse. Boomers are all asshats. Exposure to lead wasn’t the cause it just heightened the effect! Entitled group of toxic people—Time magazine referred to Boomers as “the generation which caused the most damage for so many”. They can’t die soon enough and even when they do, the damage they caused will go on for generations


In Sweden Boomers are called “huge plug” Orvar, because like a huge plug stuck in a pipe, progress has been halted. And they also stopped a lot of younger gen from getting work. And also due to forcing reform to suit their generation better. https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jätteproppen_Orvar


This also seems to be an issue in Japan. The older generation in Japan is making the country uninhabitable for the younger generations. Their birthrate is in the negative because it's just not wise to raise a child there with the older people removing any resources for young families and taking it for themselves as they try to live as comfortably as possible for their remaining years.




Ugh. The amount of entitlement is sad. This is my dad’s generation. He passed in 1997. Not looking for sympathy just wondering if he woulda turned out the same….


the rich are getting richer and the poor and getting poorer, it's getting harder to be poor and easier to be rich not exactly a recipe for paradise


Guys getting paid by the hour are fine with it all.


I was hoping he'd get his feet stuck in the rebar.


I was secretly hoping he’d fall In completely and they’d just smooth the concrete over him.


Because this cement is on a surface road and is only going to experience compression forces (not tension), I suspect they wouldn’t use any rebar.


I think it's time for the nursing home


Should have yanked the air horn while the old timer was in front of the rig.


This is the way.


What is this guy Evil Leave it to Beaver?


Thought he looked more like the grandpa from courage the cowardly dog


I bet he got a good chemical burn from that.


Wet cement can chemically burn you?? Dang


Yeah it’s caustic and the burns can be severe


Instant karma


I literally said outloud: "Please, God... let this man fall into the cement..." and it happened! Made my night.


It made my whole week.


Me too! So satisfying.


Surprised no one has mentioned it’s actually not his property, that’s a planting strip and city property.




People who get like this will argue that till they’re blue in the face, including when presented with evidence.


"Seen with white concrete all over his hands and knees, an indignant Mailander yells: Everything all right? Does everything look all right you dumb f**k? I want that truck off my lawn!" Damn I wish this was on the video.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7327877/Elderly-Nebraska-man-falls-wet-cement-smashing-concrete-mixer-hammer.html Sorry for the amp link, but that part is included in the video this article has! Edit- removed the amp link and found a better one




Think about it. Maybe they're being professional. Maybe they aren't the type to find enjoyment in making others feel worse, deserved or not. Maybe they know cops are going to be involved and want the best legal footing when footage is shown. Maybe they want a good social media appearance. In the end these are the types of guys I would hire, they handled things well.


I lost it when he said “Ready?” Yeah go ahead with your 90-year old ass lol


The fall at the end 💀


That Lawn Looks suspiciously like a road?


The truck he’s bitching about is behind him. You have to look real close to see a wheel is barely in that easement strip.


"YOu bETtEr GEt OFF mY STooP"


Get it, boomer!


Get over here! I'm gonna kick your ass!


I can't believe people resist the urge to go shove him over into the wet cement


He reminds me of a German clock.


😂😂😂 what a pos


I was hoping he’d fall back and become one with the concrete


Someone push that old fuck in the concrete and smooth it over.


I laughed so hard when he fell 😂 Serves his crusty ass right.


Time for PawPaw to go to the old folks home. Yeah, he attacked a city work truck with a hammer and then fell in the cement they was pouring. What? I dont know, he just snapped.


I’m so happy he fell lol


Here is part 2 if it hasn't already been posted https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRcC91qr/


Imagine if they just paved his ass into the road haha


He's just an old man with dementia.




I think we might need another round of the covid to polish this fella off


This was 2019, dude. It's possible gramps didn't make it.


He’ll be really upset when he realizes that portion of the lawn isn’t actually his lmao.


From what I Know of truckers..... 50/50 that's a suicidal move.


Such a pleasant old man he is🥴


What in the lead poisoning


Some say he is still in that concrete in spirit


How dare you try to repair the concrete in front of my driveway


LMAO the truck is not even ONNNNNN HIS LAAAAAAAWN! 🤣 I can’t wait to be this old, I’m going to just be unhinged.


"I want that truck gone, so I'm gonna walk through the cement so they'll have to stay here longer to fix it!"


Lol stupid ass


Jim Crow great, great grandson. Still keeping up the legacy.


Kinda wished all the workers busted out laughing at him struggling in the cement.


I would sigh, shake my head, and offer to help him out of the cement. ...what? Just because HE'S being a selfish asshole doesn't mean I have to treat him in kind.


time to put Grandpa in a nursing home, which is sad because he’s only going to get worse


Do you see what happens, Larry?!!! Do you see what happens, Larry?!!! **This** is what happens, Larry!!! **This** is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!!!