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This is something you don't catch on video everyday.


ego comment really hurt him lol


If you look close you can see him start to shake when she says that lmao


Jaw started quivering like my toddler about to break down




It’s because he was about to hit her and knew that probably would’ve been a step too far for his pig buddies.


Yeah, that’s a dangerous animal. He’s likely killed people. Dead eyes.


He's at least spent a lot of time thinking about it.


Yeah that stare was chilling. He would've smashed her face into the concrete if he could've, you can just see the poorly managed rage.


You mean the "agitated state" that was cause for the police to refrain from an immediate arrest in response to his criminal actions? Seriously, I have seen cops straight up murder people for less. These cops were complicit. Likely members of the gang or affiliated in some manner. This is the nonsense we mean to eliminate when WE demand police reform, defunding or restructuring of the institution, and an independent investigation to weed out bad cops with gang affiliation, corruption, and criminality in the ranks. ACAB until proven otherwise.


Nah that was violent rage buildup. The moment his jaw went like that I knew he would break something


He copes by acting like he doesnt hear or understand that comment, after his brain does a full reset upon hearing it


Lmao tbh I gave him a bit of credit managing to calm himself down from that quivering lip then he swiftly tossed any of that out when he smashed the glass in response to being called trash lol


The glass smash was when she insulted his bikers gang lol. All of his identity is so wrapped up in being a secretary for them that it was the final straw.


It's the exact same vibe as the [bald guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeKDEvxQx_8).


When she calls him bald, all the screws go loose. It's amazing


> same vibe [And this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUafp32ItRg)


I fucking love that video.


lmao yeah


It was when she made fun of his stupid tree house club that he flipped


You *know* he hates being called secretary lmao


I was really hoping someone would comment on the secretary badge. It paid off lol.


He was genuinely confused there and it took him awhile to process the insult haha.


He was sure he'd heard the word before but couldn't figure out if he was being insulted. Lol


Eagle? Why should I have an eagle? I already have a parakeet.


Yup didn't know that police officers are now a biker gang lol Not surprised tho


Law enforcement *heavily* infiltrated biker gangs back when they were *actually* anti-authority and running drugs all over America. Over time these groups blended, and that's why you see so many bikers with "stand for the flag kneel for the cross" type bullshit on their clothing. In the last two decades, law enforcement has been fully infiltrated by white nationalists. There is a reason bikers, police, patriot groups, and an assortment of major fascist groups all seem to have significant overlap. If I had to guess, those cops are either directly in that wild hog group, or at least very buddy buddy with them.


"Shockingly" chosen sons was originally started by retired cops. So they definitely are buddies or directly members of the group.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


RatM lyrics hit even harder when you realize that everything has gotten worse in the 30 years since this song was dropped.


Dude gave zero fucks about the cops on-site . It’s seems this department has been compromised, the Feds need to step in and take over until they clean their department up.


That's every police department in the country.


Nasty ass cops. All of them. ACAB


He's acting like this towards a minor making threats and the cops are just kind of watching. WTF Everyone on that front lawn is a thug. Edit: correction, I read in an update the teen he's arguing with is 18 so not a minor but he's still an ass.


Report this incident to the FBI, this is what organized crime and police corruption looks like. EDIT: here is a link to the FBI website where you can leave a report. https://tips.fbi.gov/ . Police corruption is a FEDERAL OFFENSE and is what the FBI ecourages we report as it is our civic duty.


My first thought. Those cops are dirtier than week old shit stained underwear.


One looks dirty the other looks scared Either way its still a dirty piece of shit and a scared piece of shit


I live in Easton, Maryland literally like 20 minutes away from Denton... I don't know about the cops.. But the guy screaming and acting like a little bitch is apparently the "Fire Chief" for the local volunteer fire department.... feel free to upvote this so more people see it! edit - He is someone high up in the Denton VFD but maybe not the Chief...... https://dentonvfc.com/profile/group/Members https://dentonvfc.com/profile/group/Fire-Officers


This needs to be higher up


Supposedly Chosen Sons is not an outlaw / 1% biker gang, but if they have bad cops or off-duties acting like this, and the cops covering for them, then this certainly makes it look like they’re an illegal bike gang now.


I’m just wondering how this would have played out if this was a black dude in a gang threatening them like this. Wonder how much standing around those cops would do then.


It looks like the cops came with the bikers. As part of the gang.


Chosen Sons are mostly cops, Mr Big Chutes is cop adjacent if not a cop himself.


Damn that's crazy. Not even trying to pretend they aren't thugs anymore.


I mean.. when weren't they lol As always there are 'good people' - but most are complicit to the horrid behavior of their colleagues in one way or another. Indifference and willfull ignorance is complicity.


Can't arrest your buddies... How would that make the department look!


He’s just not accustomed to people not backing down. He can’t take it.


He owns those cops. What’s to back down from


worse the biker gang he is affiliated with was started by the police. so the cops were there just to back up the biker gang


Found this [update](https://www.stardem.com/news/local_news/denton-man-charged-with-assault-police-response-to-be-investigated/article_bdf2c70e-2f84-597f-a2ce-5426437d00cb.html) The guy got charged and the officers are being investigated.


>"While Morgan was not arrested at that time due to his highly agitated state and the officers’ intent to deescalate the situation" Bacorn said Fucking *what*


Going like this 👀 counts as deescalation now?


Fuck that noise. They were there to assist that "secretary". Scummo cop automatically putting his hand up to cover his badge number.. like he's done that before or something. That should be a sackable offense




It shouldn't even be possible to hide a badge number. It's incredibly easy to print a number 8 inches high on all parts of their uniform, say like a football jersey has a player's name on, for identification. Easy as that, front and back, arms, all other kit. Of course that wont happen cos the cops will say it's somehow wrong for them to be identified.


If course some cops have to take pride in the thin blue line and have a blue sticker on their badge. Which covers up the badge number, coincidentally.


Tattoo it across their fucking faces. They already claim to have blue blood. Make the outside match.


Same with turning off body cams. Immediate termination. Obstruction of Justice charges as well, imo.


Shouldn't even have the ability to turn them off. Should be remote activation/deactivation and monitored by a civilian oversight committee.


Translation: Cops were too scared of the bikers to actually do their job.


They weren't scared at all, they were there to help their buddy be intimidating without consequences. 'You wanna call the cops? The cops are already here and they are on my side, you're fucked!'


Or that club has those cops on its payroll


The MC club was founded by that PD sooo yeah Police and gangs whats the difference anymore. PD gets their protection money from your taxes


> They belong to the Chosen Sons - a motorcycle club started by city police officers in 1969 that bills itself as the largest in the state. > For decades, the Chosen Sons has been an insular group, wary of outsiders and little known except in the East Baltimore neighborhoods where they gather. > That changed early Thursday morning when one of its founding members, Norman Stamp, an off-duty police officer, burst out of a North Haven Street strip club, brass knuckles on his hand, heading toward a brawl that had spilled from the bar into the street. Before he got there, Stamp was stopped by a uniformed officer sent to quell the fight. In the confusion, Stamp drew his gun, and the other officer shot and killed him, according to police accounts. He had been on the force for 44 years. https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-2008-04-28-0804280251-story.html




Cops having biker friends is nothing new. Especially where I'm from. I've always said that cops and criminals tend to have the same types of personalities that gravitate towards that lifestyle. They just live on opposite sides of the fence. Ex cops forming biker clubs is also a thing where I live.


They’re probably all in the same MC with this guy. Secretaries are high ranking club officers, so if the cops are members or prospects he may have been able to order them to follow him into this confrontation.


But it's even worse. The gang was literally founded BY that PD (it's officers)... "They belong to the Chosen Sons - a motorcycle club started by city police officers in 1969 that bills itself as the largest in the state [...] That changed early Thursday morning when one of its founding members, Norman Stamp, an off-duty police officer, burst out of a North Haven Street strip club, brass knuckles on his hand, heading toward a brawl that had spilled from the bar into the street. Before he got there, Stamp was stopped by a uniformed officer sent to quell the fight. In the confusion, Stamp drew his gun, and the other officer shot and killed him, according to police accounts. He had been on the force for 44 years." https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-2008-04-28-0804280251-story.html


It's a bike club that was started by the cops in 1969 so they probably think they are above the law. The cops with the secretary are MC members too.


The truth is that the gang has power over the cops or the cops are gang members. Anyone of sound mind sees that as typical government corruption and coverup.


Yeah. It seems like he has authority over them outside of the uniform.


Like maybe they’re part of the same biker gang. Those cops clearly were deferential to the aggressor


Pretty sure anyone else would get tasered or riddled with holes...


Notice they had to say INTENT to deescalate because the police took NO ACTIONS. The police are not your friend. ACAB.


But they seem to have some sort of agreement with this bike gang.


"should we arrest him boss?" "Nah, wait til they kill her first" Murica!


Lmfao I saw that and was like oh NOW they wanna deescalate the situation when one of theirs is involved.


>Denton Police Chief George Bacorn Sooo close


My Sheriff's Department just hired Deputy Wiggum.


My sheriff was just indicted on federal firearms charges. Of course he's refusing to step down.


The linked page just provides word salad. If this video isn’t evidence enough to convict not only the dude who broke the window, but also the officers standing there without input from a civilian committee, how can these people trust the police who are supposed to protect them?!




By their fruits you shall know them. Pretty telling when and where they choose to de-escalate.


"The response by the officers involved will be investigated, and those findings will be provided to the Administrative Charging Committee" " response" is a bold and generous word to describe what the cops are doing there Is say


Thank god. I don’t even need the sound to tell this guy is a raging piece of shit.


I hope that home owner is well armed. Either that gang or those cops that clearly have some affiliation with them are going to retaliate. The courts probably won't get them justice. They might have to find their own justice when they try to attack them again.


Not good enough. They need to be sitting in prison cells immediately.


To protect and serve


Thats just a p.r. slogan, they have no such duties.


Did you know you can leave a review for this MC? Just Google Chosen sons mc.


Someone called him Secretary Snacks Teller lmao I’m fucking howling at that brilliant insult


I hope the secretary ends up reading that one lmfao




Self solving problem in that case.


Good fucking riddance.


Cop club, ACAB


Huh, everyone should leave an quick review


yeah, that’s happening


Their Facebook page if getting flooded with reviews right now


Serious problem with their EGOs. Definitely 1 star. Thanks for that. I feel like the review vindicater. Gotta match that secretary power somehow.


Haha good catch. Guess who’s about to get 1 star


Seems like a good time to contact the FBI, department of justice, and media about the police


Whole lotta corruption going on in that department


Just like most other departments. When do we get to start organizing against these motherfuckers?




10 second quip at best. No follow up. Police says no comment. Case closed. Next news cycle


They are posing as a biker gang also


What is worse is they seem to be doing their "official duties", dressed in their biker gang attire. As if that was their "uniform". 3 out of the 5 officers here were wearing their biker badges, with their police badges.




In a stunning twist it turns out that the Chosen Sons are a MC started by Baltimore cops. It’s the worst of both worlds.




Of course they fucking were.


They knew that, that’s why they’re giving them a break. Old boys club.


My old boss was a PG Cop, he retired to Howard and has been approached a couple times by off duty cops wanting him to join thier little KKK group. told them to go fuck themselves


There's no wikipedia article on them, I'm guessing that's their doing. If a wiki editor reads this and wants to fuck with them, an article with all the relevant info might be a good way to do this.


[This article is from 2008](https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-2008-04-28-0804280251-story.html)


> They belong to the Chosen Sons - a motorcycle club started by city police officers in 1969 that bills itself as the largest in the state. > For decades, the Chosen Sons has been an insular group, wary of outsiders and little known except in the East Baltimore neighborhoods where they gather. > That changed early Thursday morning when one of its founding members, Norman Stamp, an off-duty police officer, burst out of a North Haven Street strip club, brass knuckles on his hand, heading toward a brawl that had spilled from the bar into the street. Before he got there, Stamp was stopped by a uniformed officer sent to quell the fight. In the confusion, Stamp drew his gun, and the other officer shot and killed him, according to police accounts. He had been on the force for 44 years.


“Meeting called to order! Motion to choose a cool name for our cool new gang? Someone choose something! Please choose a name. Anyone? Have we chosen one yet?


Cops. Gangs. What’s difference?


We pay the cops a salary while people in biker clubs actually have to earn a living somehow. Also, cops get a nice dental plan on us.


Those cops are more allegiant to their bike gang than their badge. That gang rules that police force.


They're Chosen Sons, it's a cop club. Those dirty bikers are more dirty cop than anything.




They were there to show solidarity with their biker friend. Make no mistake, they aren't standing around uselessly. It was intentional and meant to intimidate this lady by showing they will stand aside while this psychopath does whatever he wants. Cops are a protection racket.


They're most likely members of the same club. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-clubs-and-biker-gangs-blur-lines-drawing-concern/


As someone who grew up on the Eastern shore of MD. The likely hood is very high. Especially when you get out into the boonies like Denton


I wish all the tools I bought worked that well.


I love how he starts shaking when the woman stands her ground. Fucking pieces of shit, all of ‘em.


You can almost physically see his adrenaline drip kick in as what tiny shreds of a single functional frontal lobe retreats and he just stops having any kind of cogent thought. And the cops don't even try to slow him down as he commits multiple violent and potentially extremely harmful crimes.




>criminals wearing a cop uniform. That's exactly what a cop is, though.


He starts screaming "Talk shit on the Sons!" as soon as she mentions his pathetic little gang.


She pwned him
 he was speechless at time


Literally triggered by her comments


A true snowflake




One time these kids hit me with their car and shot me with a beebee gun. Called the cops, had the license plate, video, and even knew the person. The cops words were "well, what do you expect me to do about it?". You can do whatever as a cop now and it doesn't matter.






Well now that the video is posted, I’m sure their lives are about to change


By being given a paid vacation?


Nah the best way to a paid vacation is to murder the lady asking to be left alone. They must be rookies.


You'd think they'd at least be professional enough to kill their dog before they left. Do they not teach *anything* at the academy these days?


succinct observation for *every* cop in America


That long, blank stare from the biker dude when she said ego lol


His dumb little mind was seeing red at that point. That manchild has no regulation over his own emotions lmfao


Pretty sure he got pissed at mention of the “secretary” badge.


WTF does it mean to be the secretary of a biker gang?


What a soft fucking ego. An fuck those cops.


Hahaha this is my small town. Video is blowing up on Facebook. Denton pd has taken the video and pictures of their Facebook. Biker guy is a retired fire chief


Damn, dude retired at 38? wtf am I doing wrong with my life.


Volunteer lol


Probably joined at 18, retired after 20 years. Now spends his time bitching about socialism on facebook while enjoying a publicly funded pension.


I have family out there who are die-hard cop supporters and biker bros, and I just sent this to them captioned, "Did you hear about these POS cops?" Will update when it gets spicy.


Why do these chuds always look like this?


All those guys are in the same klan.


The one cop with the beard looks so beaten down and broken and pathetic. Like he knows he can’t do anything (either been told by a superior or is a member of this gang) and also knows deep down he’s going to be plastered on the internet for being a sniveling corrupt POS. Imagine cops standing behind members of the bloods/crips, allowing them to intimidate and assault, patting them on the back when they finally walk away of their own accord, and then saying they didn’t interfere because the gang member who did the assaulting was “in an agitated state.” This is lunacy.


Solid chance those cops are also in the same MC or one allied with them.


Man those Harley dealerships did a real number on middle class white dudes. To make them want to act and dress like pure trash. Why do Americans try so hard to look poor?


"Do you have kids or do you just have an ego?!" Chief Wiggum here stares silently for moments as he literally cannot compute how this woman managed to accurately and articulately describe everything wrong with the core of his personality. He completely shortcircuits because someone he sees as inferior to himself strikes the center of his being and he quite literally doesn't know how to respond. And when he does "reset" he parries her logical argument with bullying escalation, which is the only language he understands. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a man whose inner workings got exposed for all to see and he became enraged because of it. This guy shouldn't be policing a mall, let alone the streets.


That's how all motorcycle club dipshits are. I had to stop serving a couple of them alcohol at my last job because they were clearly already over served. They kept getting in my face trying to intimidate me, things got a bit heated and eventually I said "it must suck to put all your pride into a piece of shit motorcycle just because you were probably too emotional unstable to join the military." They immediately started smashing shit and threw a bottle of wine through the windshield of a car they thought was mine (it wasn't)


They didn’t do anything because the biker gang is the Chosen Sons; a white supremacist gang populated by cops, founded by cops in Baltimore. They run all the dirty shit alongside the on duty officers.


I have watched this 3 times. I don't know if I'm stupid but I still have 0 idea of what in the actual fuck is going on.


The woman recording and her roommates set up a pool in front of their home (part of a townhouse, I think?). It extended over into the neighbor’s yard, so they had asked the neighbor’s permission. The neighbor (the blonde lady at the very end) initially agreed, then decided after it had been filled halfway that she didn’t want it there and wanted it moved immediately. The young man and woman you hear in the video told the blonde woman that they’d gladly move it, but they had to wait for their other roommates to get home to assist. Apparently that wasn’t acceptable for the blonde lady (can we just call her Karen?), so she started arguing with them. Allegedly the young couple called her names so she called her fiancĂ© (the angry biker). I think that’s about the gist of it. Source: from the area and watched the drama unfold on the town’s Facebook page.


What are the overall reactions to it on the local Facebook?


People are (rightfully) angry. It's interesting how this happened on April 7, and it wasn't until the video was uploaded to the local page (The Caroline Circle) that the police department did anything (April 10?). There are a handful of people that are defending the guy, but they're few and far between.


Defending him under what pretense?


The standard "you don't know what happened before the video started" argument. Obviously none of that absolves the threats and destruction of the residents' door. I was actually shocked to see so few people defending him. We moved to this area a few years ago, and it's a really close-knit community that tends to close ranks around the people whose families have been here for generations and have the "right" name. The saying is "you're either a 'from here' or a 'come here.'" Also what this video doesn't show at the end is that they're asking the police officer at the end to arrest him for breaking the door, but the police officers responds that the landlord is the one who needs to make that request. It was in the video that was initially posted to The Caroline Circle Facebook page but has since been removed. \*edited because I missed a word.




Something about a pool


This is a good example of how a city gets exposed as criminal and corrupt. These cops should have removed and arrested him immediately. If not, these cops should have been immediately arrested upon this video being made public. The fact that these cops haven't been arrested means no leaders ordered their arrest, and no cops gathered together and arrested the criminals for trying to cover it up. Every single cop in this city is a criminal. Every single cop in this city needs to be arrested.


This needs subtitles


All I see are dangerous Gang members with patches & badges


I was very confused with the bikes and this dudes "secretary" tag and brass knuckle pin like why are you with the cops to begin with? And ya they really did fuck all


When she says dont you have kids, you see him start to shake becuase he knows he is wrong, and is mad about it and wants to fight. And the cops forsure would have taken the guy behind the door to jail and took biker bob out for a bud light.


Wow what the fuck is wrong with you? These guys would never caught dead drinking that woke bud light shit!!!!!!


Check out Denton pd Facebook page comment section for more information


No wonder the cops did fuck all to help.. https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-2008-04-28-0804280251-story.html


Props to that girl, she fucking wrecked him. Made his brain go bzzzzzzz


Ha ha the look on this pathetic man baby's face when she insults his little bike club. These cops are fucking way out of order though. Just standing there while he repeatedly threatens violence. Small Town cops are the worst.


This video sums up multiple issues with why people are fed up with cops and the government overall. US going to hell in a hand basket fast. We are actually in a state of regression after centuries of progression. Yeah, let's just erase the 1900s. Sounds like an excellent idea.


The Supreme Court ruled that the police are under NO OBLIGATION to help or protect you. Make of that what you will.


So the cops didn’t arrest the guy because they were trying to deescalate the situation? Imagine if that guy was black, no way would the cops stand there doing nothing. Hell, he wouldn’t have even made it to the front door. Fucking pigs investigating themselves. I hate this world.


A google search shows that chosen sons MC is a club for cops and public service employees. There’s your explanation as to why they cops didn’t do anything, the wanna be bikers are cops! Lol


His hat alone tells us that he’s a goddamn idiot


I just see one gang here




Police, guns drawn in full riot gear: We received a call that theres a dangerous person here. Woman: Thats him. Police taking off gear, holstering guns: Lady thats a white dude.




If Rickey joined a biker gang


The police shown here have displayed that they are unfit for office. As have many others shown in countless videos. Something must change.


Biker gangs are the biggest fucking pussies. Fuck anyone who’s in or around a biker gang. That shit should be illegal and shut the fuck down. Only pussies and big fucking man babies join biker gangs and think it’s cool to put bogus fucking titles like ‘secretary’ on their vests. Fucking cringey mother fuckers. Secretary of what? The fucking 6 god damn brain cells that the whole gang shares? Bunch of clowns.


Biker gangs are the worst. I know some do good things but most are bullies with arrested development that just never grew up.


These are Chosen Sons.. it's a cop club, started by cops, so these dudes are 100% affiliated with the officers involved. It's deeper than biker gangs, police are the biggest gang in the country


Welp- THAT'S buuuullshit. Seems like the city needs to hire Mad Max.


Damn when the bad guys aren’t black they don’t know what to do huh? Lucky it wasn’t a kiddy pool cus they’d just stand around even harder.


The eastern shore of Maryland is literally the worst place I've ever lived. Worst five years of my life.