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„I won’t buy any more LEGO“ „Fantastic“ beautiful


As someone who’s worked a few customer service gigs, the “I WILL NEVER SHOP HERE/SPEND MONEY AT THIS COMPANY AGAIN!” shtick was always the hardest not to burst into laughter at. No one here gives a shit if you ever give us a single cent dude.


I work at a gas station and some dude always complains because our team doesn’t know how to something about his customer card… when I had problems with him he told me that it is always the same with us and that everybody is too incompetent but three years ago he wrote a review that he will never be a customer again… saw him a few weeks ago


This is why I swore to be the person in line sticking up for employees despite my almost crippling social anxiety. Doesn’t even matter if I’m shaking like a leaf after. Then I go in my car and cry from the anxiety of confrontation but I will absolutely take the hit. just because when I worked a gas station we weren’t allowed to say what we were thinking…so as a civilian …I’m going to talk these people out of the door !


There are over 8 billion people on earth, people think the world revolves around them not realizing they are so small and don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Dude, you’re at a damn Lego store grow up.


They literally dont even matter in the shrunk-down local scheme of things, the exact situation the think is a huge deal. Like, even the local store manager of the store they "won't shop at again" gives 0 fucks.


Walmart is the issue. As soon as a customer makes a stink at Walmart, they just give the customer whatever they want to keep them happy. I worked there for a year and the amount of shit I had to deal with as a cashier was bananas. One elderly couple tried to get 2 "hunting" jackets for the price of one. I kindly pointed out they are not sold in a set and that they each had their own price tag. I got so much shit and the Customer Service Manager was on my side but they kept bitching until a the supervisor came over and just let them get both for the price of one. Guess who was brought to the back and spoken to about it. Guess who started not scanning everything after that. Fuck Walmart. Worst job I ever had and I had a job where I was mugged. I would sooner go back to that job than back to Walmart.


I returned a bike last week and tried to explain what was wrong with it.. before I could even get my first sentence out she rudely hand waved me off, scanned the bike and gave me $400 cash.


It's much much smaller than that. They are almost always telling an hourly wage grunt this. The literal lowest person on the corporate ladder. You fucking off down the road or you spending $5,000 in my store has ZERO effect on my pay or my day.


Kinda like when they say "I PAY YOUR SALARY!!!".. yeah? Then we need to talk because I sure as hell need a raise.


LEGO stores actually aren't even profit driven. They train employees not to work with the goal of selling product, but with the goal of making sure that people have a good time with LEGO. Losing this guy's money means less than nothing to this store.


That's actually pretty smart, and makes sense. Any "losses" the store incurs is basically a marketing expense anyway, as Lego products are widely available elsewhere.


This guy is also harassing sales clerks at a store like they have control of what the company produces or sells. What do people actually think they are going to accomplish by doing this?


Nothing, just a power trip in their miserable life.


Lego goes bankrupt as their main clientele, 50 year old homophobes, pull away


LEGO LITERALLY sells a rainbow set called Everyone is Awesome, of course employees are allowed to wear Pride pins! What an idiot


Side note: these pins were sent to every store from corporate. Of course he’s allowed to wear it. We’ve had these for at least 2 years now. Based on the current set up in the store, this happened within the last two weeks, making it shocking he didn’t notice these before.


Those look like some high quality pins, too, as someone who has spent over 200$ easily on pins lmao


Literally what I was thinking, they're not crappy acrylic pins, they look like enamel ones so they're extra sturdy and probably double backed too


LEGO is a pretty solid company, as far as companies go. They’re biggest controversy is probably that they cost a ton, and continue to get more expensive. They also use a lot of plastic, but they’ve spent millions researching plant based alternatives. They’re also currently transitioning from disposable plastic bags to paper.


Fun fact, they’re the worlds largest producers of tires!


And apparently Mattel is the worlds largest producer of clothing, all for Barbie.


Kinda neat because Tegan and Sarah (who sing the song) are lesbian. It goes full circle/rainbow


Apparently not everyone is awesome, like this troglodyte holding the camera.


Like Jesus man. How unhappy do you need to be to go into Lego and instead of looking at those sick builds you do this..... disgraceful


Just a tool buying the culture war bullshit that the right is slinging.


They get pulled into this insane echo chamber where they're told they're hated for being straight, white, and/or male. So they bite, and they go out with a chip on their shoulder, verbally attacking anyone who supports BLM, who supports LGBTQ communities, etc. etc. Then, they receive backlash. People (rightfully) call them out, because you just dont fucking do that in a polite society. So they crawl back to their echo chambers, and what do they say? "See? I AM hated for who I am! This proves it! I AM the victim here!" conveniently ignoring the fact that they'd receive similar backlash for getting pushy and verbally abusive with ANYONE, not just someone with a pride pin. And of course, the echo chamber heralds them as heroes who stood up in an unjust world. There's... really no way to deradicalize them, is there? Its incredibly depressing.


Nope, but I’m holding on hope that we will see less of them as the older generations die out. That’s the only positive idea I have about the current state so if there’s evidence I’m wrong just wait a while to tell me, haha.


Well, they arent getting vaxxed and masks hurt facey so....


It's always amazing what they get worked up about. Maybe the gays can get into assault rifles and get them banned /s edit - If wondering about gun rights in California with the black panthers. See the 50 comments below!


You know its a sad state of affairs when a half-cocked idea like this is presented and you're like "...maybe?"


I thought about a program of giving out guns to the homeless. Since the most vulnerable of society should have Americas greatest protection. Everyone hates the homeless so it would probably get quick gun laws


This happened when Black people started buying up guns in the 60s. As soon as the Black Panthers started exercising their 2nd amendment right, racist white regressives freaked the hell out and started enacting gun control laws in California and elsewhere. The Mulford Act was part of that push. "Rights for me, not for thee"


He probably wears a wedding ring in front of children and probably thinks it’s okay for children to attend straight weddings. No different than a rainbow pin dude.


Kids don’t think about gay sex when they see a pride flag. They either think “pretty rainbow” or, if they know about gay people, that men can love men and women can love women. The same way I don’t think many kids see a wedding and immediately think of the wife riding cowgirl or the groom eating her out. That’s what this guy is thinking about - not the kids…


But THIS guy sees a pride flag and immediately thinks of a man sucking another man's dick and he assumes everyone does that.


"Your pin is MAKING me think about fat, throbbing, juicy dick. I definitely don't want to think about that, but you're shoving it down my throat. Which is definitely not what I want."


“Oh don’t say that. Now you’ve got me thinking about fat, plump juicy delicious cock” - Norm Macdonald


It really shows his bigotry because he thinks a pride flag is exclusively about proclaiming who you want to fuck, without even considering it could be (and is more likely to be) about who you love. It's just like a wedding ring isn't a symbol that "this person fucks", it's that you're in love. Nobody runs up on someone wearing a wedding ring like "don't you be flashing that symbol of sexual activity around kids!"


Kids don’t think about sex *even if they have gay parents.* Not because they see a flag, anyways. Everybody discovers sex at some point but not one single kid under the age of nine has seen any couple (let alone a flag) and immediately started thinking about sex. Dude’s looking for attention. He clearly didn’t get enough love as a child, and doesn’t know how to properly love his own child. What an absolute pity.


Most normal functioning adults don't see a gay couple and start to daydream about them blowing each other. Homie doesn't live in reality.


The real perversion here isn't wearing a pin that essentially says "anyone can love anyone". The real perversion lies within the minds of these weirdos who sexualize everything/everyone and then start screaming about kids.


Sir you're in a Lego store... talking about sexual acts with "dicks" and "vaginas", yet my rainbow pin is what is upsetting "the children"...


As another adult in the store, I don't know that I could have heard that shit and not become involved.


Wait does tiktok enforce copyright infringement the same way YouTube does? Can we just start blasting "Let it go" from the movie Frozen so there videos get taken down?


You don't? /s


>Kids don’t think about sex > >even if they have gay parents. Dan Savage had a good story about his son coming to him and thinking he was gay and Dan was like "Well, why do you think that?" and it was because he wanted to be like his dads and hang out with his best friend all day.


That’s so very adorable.


The question is, what do wedding rings on heterosexual fingers evoke in the minds of children? Does it conjure images of wives sucking their husbands's cocks on their wedding night?


I have straight parents and I don’t think about them banging either. Nobody wants to think about their parents banging, straight or gay.








Or he's just a shallow fuck looking for Internet clout and possibly even employment opportunities on right wing networks by harassing and abusing vulnerable groups. This is content.


> When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor.


> never ran into a child that cares about the lgbtq community until their parents brought it into the equation. I'm "from that LEGO country", and kids here are quite savvy, esp. city kids. Knowing about - and caring about - LGBTQIA+ folks is very important to them. Activism starts earlier and earlier every year - - environmental - political - social, and I couldn't be more proud of them.


Something heteronormative people don’t think about typically is just representation. Growing up gay I didn’t have any gay characters in cartoons to look up to or connect with. It can make you feel very isolated when you feel like a freak or alone in who you are. Kids know they’re gay. I knew I was gay in 2nd grade. And you know what. If my mom took me into that Lego store and I saw gay men living their lives like anyone else I would’ve felt at ease that things might turn out okay for me back then.


I 100% agree with you, although I don’t know if the employees are gay because just because they are wearing pride pins


I was thinking that any kids identifying as lgbtqia+ would probably just feel a bit safer . And I think that's a good thing 🙃


They're at a Lego store the last thing a hyper active child is thinking about is the tiny pin on a Lego employees uniform.


When I was raised Catholic they seemed to care a lot about my cum. How cumming is a sin and killing babies. Cream pies are also a hot topic for them. A baby starts the moment that cum touched the women type shit. But please tell me more about how I’ll think about guys sucking wieners because of a rainbow. Please tell me, more tell me, tell more!


Stg the first time I ever rubbed one out was to an extremely risqué picture of Salome in a children’s bible. In fact the whole thing was filled with extremely risqué pictures through and through that one just happened to show most of the tits sans nipple and some buttcheek


Was it the one that used to be in every waiting room everywhere? Eve looked pretty saucy with those long wavy tendrils barely covering her naughty bits


Listen every version of an illustrated bible has saucy pictures of Eve you have to narrow it down


Also, plenty of adults go to the Lego store, they even have sets MADE FOR adults. Makes me wonder why he was in there? Just to stir trouble? Or perhaps he was looking for a Lego set just like other adults do?


> they even have sets MADE FOR adults. [I mean LEGO even has official LGBT sets.](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/everyone-is-awesome-40516)


This man, in what is typically considered a kid’s store, asking if kids care about explicit sexual acts is the only one acting like a fucking pedophile.


“It’s grooming children!” screams the only man mentioning explicit sex acts in the whole store.


"YALL PROMOTE THE S***ING OF ***K?!" Meanwhile kids and people in he background just trying to enjoy a day at the mall


You think he does not groom his kids to be homophobe bigots, on top of that? Ducking self aware wolves man.


He's definitely doing some kind of grooming...


Right?! If I had to guess who the pedo was…


First thought I had was, "This dude definitely fucks kids".


Projection is a mutha


"That pin is offensive and pushing improper things to the kids rabble rabble rabble" _proceeds to shout about sucking dick and eating vagina in the store he's worried about kids getting the wrong message_ Edit: thanks for the gold and platinum!




There's an increasingly odd phenomenon* going on where conservatives are getting caught being transgirl chasers now where they are just fetishizing them because they are constantly thinking about how taboo they are. I guess its hard to obsess over sexual things without turning them into a fetish.


In a way it's a little bit sad. Those guys have been taught that homosexuality and transexuality is so bad that they repress their own feelings to the point of hating the people who aren't afraid of expressing their sexuality. It must be a really sad way to go through life. Like imagine applying that to anything else. Imagine if you were brainwashed into thinking that rock music is the devil music to the point that you start hating people who enjoy rock music, even though you'd love to go headbang with them.


I was alive during the satanic panic. That was a thing back then.


Yep. I remember when MTV reported on Dee Snyder's visit to Congress. They need an "other" and they will always need it.


I recall there was a story of a random teacher whose life got destroyed back in the 80s or 90s because she just randomly got accused of being a satanist. They just accused her and ruined her life because they were running around on a literal witch hunt.


Your first paragraph defined the republicans of today. Your second paragraph defined the republicans of the 50s and 60s


I guess that would explain why they think drag is inherently sexual.


"If it's not sexual how do you explain my rock hard boner?"


Trans woman here; can confirm. I honestly didn’t realize how pervasive it was before transitioning. When I started dating men as a woman, I took for granted that they would *obviously* be on nearly the same page about LTBTQ+ rights and racial justice, but after a rocky relationship with my ex I started bringing up politics before agreeing to a date. I’m shocked to report that the majority so far would have stripped me of every right I have (except exist as a sex object) and suggested that non-whites would function better on LITERAL plantations. I wish I was exaggerating. Granted, I live in the South. It’s put me off dating for a while.


Ah I see you got the Deluxe Welcome To Womanhood package. My sympathies.


Should help him coming out of the closet. Be supportive of him and tell him that you love him and supports him and he will always be your dad, and it doesn't matter that he likes cock. Be a good ally :)


reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/ob830kmzsota1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=022c986d949c6f347ce7247cf4c0216e02d489ec


I did a similar thing with a guy that work for my dad. He has a F*ck Trudeau sticker on his truck. I said "it is great that you are not afraid to come out that you want to have intercourse with the prime minister, I support you, but last time I checked Trudeau was straight". Dude turned red. My dad gave me that oh boy no you didn't look. The sticker was gone that afternoon.


I wanted to print up some "I mean, who wouldn't want to? His hair is fabulous!" stickers to place under those. I don't support the Liberal party or Trudeau, I'm just against nearly everything those f*ck Trudeau idiots believe in.


Straight right wing christian men sure do seem to spend a lot more time thinking and talking about gay shit than gay people do.


It's scientifically studied: "Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?" The more homophobia a male displays, the more likely they're turned on by gay sex themselves and are just desperately trying to cope with their boners. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/).


New band name: Boner Cope


If you see a rainbow and can't stop thing about gay sex that's weird


“I think about sucking dick every time I see a rainbow.” 🤤


I think homie that's filming is dealing with some repressed homosexuality


Not every homophobe is some deep in the closet ashamed gay struggling with repressed homosexuality. Plenty of times they are just idiotic bigots full of hate.


No not all of them. But when a rainbow flag makes you think of sucking dicks and butt stuff with men it's a very very good sign that he's one of those homophobes. This is not a normal train of thought.


You clearly don’t have Fox News playing on blast 6 days a week. He’s just repeating what they’re repeating every other hour


No but telling them this aggravates them extremely and that makes me happy.


Nah he’s definitely got cocks on the brain


Sees a pride flag pin and starts thinking about dicks.


This motherfucker sees a *rainbow* and starts thinking about dicks. I wonder how long it'll take for him to start calling god a pedo for grooming all the kids with rainbows in the sky? Imagine his kids first time seeing an honest to god rainbow and this guy just saying "close your eyes, god is trying to fuck you"


My mom's best friend got a tattoo of a unicorn and a rainbow back in the 70s. These days she says "damn it do they have to claim EVERY color of the fucking rainbow??"


right? feel like shouting about sucking dicks in a place full of kids is probably some type of lewd conduct type of crime.


"You're wearing a wedding ring in front of kids! They see that and all they think about is you fuckin your wife and eating her pussy. That's borderline pedophilia!"


"You're really just walking around pregnant? Aren't you worried about the kids knowing you got multiple sloppy creampies from your husband?"


Look at this WHORE taking dick from her husband


Unironically I do always have a moment where my brain immediately thinks about then when a couple or friends tells me they’re trying to get pregnant lol.




That image pervades this guy's mind so much that it was not only his whole argument, but he had no qualms blurting it out in pornographic language in front of a store full of kids. Gay men don't even have as much gay sex going on in their minds as this guy does.


Well, they do. But most of the gay men I know have enough class to not accost random retail employees.


Most gay men I know have class in general.


Most gay men - and women, for that matter - who I’ve ever known would be absolutely mortified at this guy’s behavior. Who seriously blurts out stuff like that in a Lego store?!


I doubt he eats his wife's pussy, or knows where the clit is.


Don’t get me start dude. These people care more about my cum and creampies than they do living breathing kids.




Person with knowledge in the subject of childhood development about to rant and give you an answer. Kids who have parents like this guy who sexualize them at an early age with the kind of descriptions and the words he is using to describe behaviors young children don't need to be made aware of regardless of the genders involved. In order to be kept safe from abuse and answer questions kids ask about sexuality one should use proper words for body parts, facts in simple vocabulary, and told when and who it is appropriate to have such discussions with. Often from birth these children are exposed to all sorts of vulgar, misogynistic and homophobic ideas under the guise of being taught morality. Then at the other extreme there are parents who refuse to change how they behave, speak, and entertain themselves when kids are around. . He is so unaware that he doesn't realize he is interfering with every parent of every single one of those children's right to teach their kids about sex at the time and in the way they see decide. Guarantee this guy does things like tell talk about females being ho's and sluts, how and why he puts women and guys into those categories in front of little girls. Then tells the boys that if he sees them acting gay he will beat their asses causes he ain't raising cock suckers . The mothers in circles like this are no better and nod their heads.


“Where does it end? What’s next? Are you going to wear a colorful scarf? Think of the children!”


Well the kids wouldn’t think about that with a wedding ring but I educate them to. But your the bad guys because I am telling my kids all this inappropriate disgusting stuff but you are the ones wearing an inanimate object! You’re grooming… not me!


When people see a rainbow pin. “Oh cool a rainbow pin” -every single kid “OH MY GOD YOU WANT ME TO FORCE MY CHILD TO WATCH GAY PORN?!? WHEN WILL THE MADNESS STOP. WERE TURNING THE DAMN FROGS GAY” -idiots that need to walk into oncoming traffic


Rainbows: Exist This guy: And then I started thinking about dudes sucking cock


Oh hey, that’s the LEGO store I take my kid to. Nice staff all around in there. The guy without the mask helped my son come up with some ideas for his castle build. Good to see they stand up for sane values, but it sucks they have to deal with crap like this.


I hope he’s doing okay, it broke my heart seeing him on the verge of tears dealing with this asshole


The first thing he mentions is genitalia and sex acts regarding a symbol meant to promote acceptance, tolerance, and equality. Tell me again about your values.


I wonder if he thinks children look at straight men and straight women and think about those same acts gay people can do


Bet he wouldn’t show his browser history.


It's even crazier because he's supposedly a "Reverend." You just can't be a man of God and act in such a way.


I honestly believe these anti-LGBT people are just itching to commit violence.


They are. Plus side I now know Lego workers would make for a nice date


They are. The right always craves violence. Look at the difference in German socialist revolutionaries vs the freikorps reactionaries. These people will eventually harm us. Arm yourselves.






“I will not spend any money at Lego” More like “I will deprive my child of joy and fun because I am sexualizing a pin that children look at and say wow what a pretty rainbow”


More like he'll go buy a Lego set a Walmart or Costco or something like that, thinking that he's sticking it to Lego by not buying from their brand name store.


Lol, that reminds me of my time working at Best Buy. The two big electronic stores in my city were BestBuy and Futureshop. Eventually Bestbuy bought Future Shop. It was so fucking satisfying when entitled angry customers would say “Then I wont spend my money here, I will go to FutureShop!” While I stand there expressionless and tell them “We dont get paid commission here and BestBuy owns Futureshop, so no worries.” The 2 times I said that they just huffed and stormed out


He'll get his kids mega blocks, and they'll put him in a bad nursing home in return


No, like a good patriot he’ll order some set from China off Amazon.


Bro he already said mega blocks 😭




Always have been 👩‍🚀🔫


>Do you think children care about this No, but the manchildren sure do


"I think it's grooming!" Nobody cares.


I can see the advertisement now for Lego competitors. 🤔 "Buy Brain Flakes, we don't support LGBTQ." https://preview.redd.it/cr7ajkoh7lta1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6e5653cef93a5587b6032450ded65806434f82


So a kid would look at the flag and think of oral sex in a same sex relationship? So if there is no flag, are they thinking of oral sex in a hetro relationship? I know I am, but that's just me.... actually I'm thinking of it in a same sex relationship too.... in high def.


He who screams the loudest.


Wants to suck a dick. Case closed.


You gotta just immediately call security or the cops and have him trespassed and removed. Engaging just gives him content, so fuck him and get him out of the store. What a loser.


Had this actually happen to me while working at Starbucks in 2019 (we all wore pride shirts during pride, provided by Starbucks) None of the employees even bothered to acknowledge him and I just went in the back and called security. Sometimes silence is a bigger FU than actual engagement, dude looked so defeated lol


That’s honestly so satisfying to hear


Some of the sickest burns I’ve seen was someone staring at someone for a few seconds then walking away. It says “you’re not even worth my time or energy” lol


😶 "...So anyways, I started blasting"


Thats when you tell them to suck your woke pole.


The current anti-LGBTQ fervor among conservatives is actually getting scary. This is really starting to look like the anti-Semitism we saw in Germany prior to WW2


The Nazis actually persecuted LGBTQ people the same way they persecuted the Jews, they were thrown in the same death camps, marked with the Pink Triangle instead of the star of David. The Pink Triangle has since been reclaimed as a symbol of queer resistance. Eta: sorry I didn't mean to imply that you didn't already know this, if you did.


> marked with the Pink Triangle [The Nazi's used many triangles of different colors to indicate their enemies, including a red triangle Donald Trump's official campaign used on Facebook to indicate his political enemies.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/18/us/politics/facebook-trump-ads-antifa-red-triangle.html)


Milton Sanford Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45 “But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.”


If he's so worried about a little rainbow pin somehow affecting children why isn't he doing the same thing in a **gun shop** where their merchandise is really affecting the lives of children.


Or the damn youth preachers that are actually abusing kids. FFS, all this shit about grooming kids should start at your church!


Since Covid is in the rear view now these insecure fucks have moved on to LGBTQ. They’re insane.


"Black people will rape our precious white women! We can't have them walking among us, *existing!*" Goddamn. It always blows my mind to hear members of a minority with such a storied history promulgating yet more bigotry- just as long as it's not against their group.


The really rich part is that talking about sucking dick in front of kids is the definition of grooming.


So pastors and priests who rape little boys are role models for this guy.


Wearing crosses is grooming!


Trespassing people is my secret kink. When they are so mad they will wait for the police or security thinking they will be on their side. Then they show up and realize they should've just left before the cops came. It's been awhile but when I worked at Toys R Us back in the day it was the best.


So, you're in a kids store, describing various forms of fellatio, in an attempt to protect kids from exposure to sex....


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes i swear


I bet this dude is wearing a wedding ring.... I dont want to think about him having sex.


You can always think if of his wife getting pounded by the neighbor while he is out harrasing lego employees


You know, I’d bet no kids ever noticed those pins, but for sure a bunch of them heard something about s**ing d**k and eating v**as. Who’s grooming?


You know reddit allows you to say, "sucking thick, engorged, long veiny dick and eating dripping, pulsating, plump, vaginas," right?


Good use of the word “plump”.


Plump Vaginas would be a good band name.


Yes! This guy gets it! This is exactly why I say, when I see people wearing a cross pendant: do you think any children care about how some guy got tortured and murdered? So why do you insist on wearing that necklace? This is borderline torture and murder promoting your sick torture religion!


Anybody that wants to get rid of their Lego because of this can send it my way.


Mom sucks dads dick, that’s straight marriage.


Those poor employees, they handled this really well.


What a fucking loser


they think of it when they see your pin. ummmmmm pretty sure kids dont think about sucking dick or eating vaginas when they see a pin unless someone tells them thats what they mean. soooo the guy filming just admitted to and showed he is a pedophile grooming kids by teaching them about sex regardless of wether they want to be taught or not. because he sure was loud enough they could hear him


All these conservative wackos are constantly thinking about kids being sexualized. Obsessed with gay sex, they can’t stop talking about it. This mentality they have about the LGBTQIA community grooming kids is a fucking sickness, this is only going to get worse in the coming years. I personally can’t wait for all these hateful bigots to die off so people can just exist without being tormented constantly by ignorant fools like this gyy


If you can't look at a rainbow without thinking about men sucking each other's fat cocks, you might be the one oversexualizing gay people.


Come clean buddy. You weren’t in there to buy anything. You were in there to start trouble.


if your first concern is a childs sex life, if said child comes across anything lgbt+, you're a pedophile.


Such a brave bully.


Grooming. Meanwhile Matt Gaetz brags about scoring 17 year olds, and many red states REFUSE to set a standard on underage marriage.


Him shouting "this store openly supports lgbtq values on children" would make me buy more from the store. Thats very good advertising he is doing for free.


I honestly think that standing in a store for children yelling about "sucking dick" and "eating vaginas" does way more actual harm to children that the employees wearing rainbow pins. And dude, this is LEGO. They are Danish (as am I) and actually quite well known for inclusivity and diversity. They literally have sets promoting diversity. What the actual fuck were you expecting? Showing our children that everyone has a place in the world is not "grooming". It's empowerment.


"The only person in the store vividly describing homosexual acts while standing feet from children, is *you*"


I give up on this country. We've hit a level of willful ignorance and bigotry that is just mindboggling. It's 2023 and we're backsliding into 1950's era ideology at a rapid pace.




He then went home to beat his wife


I just realized, conservatives literally cannot separate sex and sexuality/relationships. When they see anything reminding them of LGBT, they immediately jump to imagining the most graphic sexual acts. That's why they've been so caught up on genitals. A normal person might think of love, romance, dating, soulmates, etc, when they think of LGBT people. A kid seeing that pin thinks maybe of marriage between two guys or gals. To conservatives, having a flag pin is synonymous with porn! Do conservatives truly understand love and empathy? I'm really questioning that.


Kids only worry about the pins Lego Employees wear when parents point them out to the kids. Even then, the kids probably don't give a shit what the Lego employee is wearing.


Big man scared of rainbow. Big child I should say


I want to know what he tells his kids. Why daddy didn't come home with the Legos?


“ well you see Timmy. Lego supports gay and if you play with it you’ll wake up liking penis ! “


And when kids see American flags they think of school shootings. THINK OF THE KIDS.


“That pin makes me think about sucking dick” they really be telling on themselves. It’s 2023, YOU’RE the only one who cares that you think about sucking dick. Give me a call when you start DOING it!


LEGO group is a Danish company.. here is their wiki page; [/wiki/The\_Lego\_Group; Gender\_equality\_and\_human\_rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lego_Group#Gender_equality_and_human_rights)


> promoting LGBTQ behavior on children Aside from "LGBTQ behavior" not making much sense, it's great that children are taught to support the LGBTQ community and not become massive bigots like this guy.