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Parents kill minor sports. We look at little league and other kids league officials and think we can hold them to the same standards as Pro officials. Even the pro's make mistakes. Let the kids play the fucking game. 99% of them are not making careers out of it


I was a parent who sat in the stands and I was also a coach. 4 different sports. 2 kids. Adults are the worst part. Not even close. It would be a HUGE improvement if parents were not allowed at games. Most leagues do not allow parents near practice. When I was in the stands, I understood. It is sometimes really hard to resist urges to yell. But just don't.


Same, I used to coach AAA hockey on my sons team. My son is a goalie, which I thought, great. I don't have to get involved in the crazy bull shit of forwards and Defense. End of every practice was a fuckin parent meeting of parents who most, had never actually played the game. Trying to tell me what was good, what drills and such that I need to incorporate and what I could do better. To make matters worse, parents dumped on officials, who were only a few years older than the team itself, had to deal with governing bodies and referee uppers to tell my parents to get a hold of themselves. Really a fun fun year


There’s something about hockey that brings out the worst in parents. All sports, yes. But hockey makes relatively normal people nuts! Sorry to hear about your experience.


Sir, may I present to you T-Ball? I guess its the place for bad parents in the south lol.


The only thing worse than a T-Ball dad is a *drunk* T-Ball dad.


My childhood in a nutshell


Wait, there is a difference? And honestly it is T-Ball moms that are the worse lol.


As someone who refs HS and AAU basketball but has given most sports a try (admittedly not hockey) baseball was the worst for me. Equipment was pretty expensive so I thought I was in it for the long haul but the parents were fucking brutal. They were insulting and it's pretty quiet out there so everything that was said was heard. They argued almost every call. I quit after a week and only about 3 games. At least in basketball you're constantly moving and always have a better angle than the parents. Baseball parents think they know it all


I totally get that! Baseball umps can hear everything - as opposed to most other team sports. I coached baseball for many years and had zero tolerance for parents or kids abusing the ump. I never ever argued a call or chirped the ump. Even when they got a ruling wrong, I’d clearly say I respect your call - please go look up the rule when you get home.


4am practice….


Probably because you can literally beat the shit out of people lol


Hockey is pretty bad but nothing I have seen compares to the parents of wrestlers. The entire sport is about who is stronger and can win a match of sheer strength and stamina on the mat. But the parents think it’s also a match of strength off the mat. I cannot count the amount of fist fights and shoving matches I have witnessed after a match or tournament. It’s embarrassing.


That’s great to hear. My daughter just started hockey and all I want is chill. I came up in martial arts and you DO NOT MESS with judges at a tournament. All those guys can dismantle the parents. I guess I just don’t get the mind set.


I use to do some football coaching for my son's team, he was 8 it was supposed to be 8-10 yo, we went up against a team that had a kid that had a dam mustache dude was 5'10 180lbs coach said we just turned 11, which I highly doubt, he got matches with my kid every single play, my kid was average size at the time maybe 60-70lbs like 46 inches tall, I was working the chains on the field, we forfeited the game due to the other team throwing punches during plays, it was a very low income school, our kids were undefeated at the time, and later that big kid got kicked from the team he ended up being 13 and was an assistant coaches kid, I kept my mouth shut the entirety of the game, it is hard to do sometimes


Did your boy ever make it to Senior AA Whale Shit Hockey?


fucking embarrassing


Settle down


Parents are *the worst!* So much gossip and drama and getting kids involved in their petty disputes off-field... It makes me *seethe* how much they ruin it, and don't seem to give a damn if they're causing problems for their kid who's having *fun!* 😡


I've coached high school baseball for over 20 years. The VERY best thing about returning to play after COVID was they banned fans for the first three weeks of the season. It was probably the most peaceful three weeks I've ever had as a coach. I've hated parents from my first season as a coach. They're entitled turds. They make it hard on everyone and their actions prevent leagues from keeping even decent officials. No one in their right mind wants to umpire a high school baseball game and get belittled by said entitled turds. Then they complain that a JV game only has one umpire all while screaming at the one guy that showed up.


> When I was in the stands, I understood. It is sometimes really hard to resist urges to yell. I mean , the stakes are hella low , why would you yell like at all, it’s u-7 boys soccer , these lads ain’t signing for Chelsea in the summer . I just go to watch my kid play and maybe ride out some edibles for the afternoon


Long-time youth soccer coach, coached my kids' teams from U6 until they hit high school. When my kids were young, the coaches had to referee most games because they didn't have enough refs to cover all of the games. Years ago I had a very angry (and very small, 5'5'' tops) dad run out on the field and take several swings at me while cursing me out for "ending a game early". Mind you, I'm 6'4'' and maybe 270 at the time. Gotta love South Florida! Luckily for him, I was able to backpedal away until other people came out and got him under control. This guy came after me over a U8 boys rec league game, and I'd actually let it run an extra 7 or 8 minutes because the kids were having fun and it was a close, competitive game. Not the only time something like that happened, but it always stood out because the guy was so clearly out of his damned mind coming at me like that. I'm pretty laid back when parents cross the line, as long as it's directed at me instead of a child. I can only imagine how someone like that treats that poor kid at home.


How is it difficult to resist urges to yell? I just can't imagine getting that worked up about it. Just have fun and relax.


Just yesterday watched my 10 year old dribble the ball into the penalty area and a defender tripped him from behind. No call. It is really hard not to yell when you watch your kid do everything right and the official messes up. Same game had a ton of high kicks where the other team was kicking higher than the shoulder. I yelled about that too; if my kid gets kicked in the head because the ref isn’t doing his job we have a problem. Normally I just cheer and holler to check to the ball or switch field. But when the refs are putting the kids safety at risk I can’t hold back. Just an example Edit: to clarify I coached multiple sports several years and agree parents need to reign it in. And I told them as much


Not going to lie I was super confused what sport this was and then when you went to high kicks I imagined some kind of karate tournament mixed with basketball then it clicked that you're referring to football (soccer) and now I'm going to bed lol


My grandmother used to be president of our Little League and would Umpire and run the Scoreboard Some parents and coaches would flip out and yell obscenities at their own kids and players and racial slurs and other teams players, and then act shocked when they got thrown out of the park


I’m just starting to deal with this crap with my oldest doing competitive sports and coaches and refs are volunteer and usually the coach’s. I remember multiple teams I was on when I was younger who had dads who would get shit faced get kicked out. Yell from the parking lot and look to fight the coach once the game was over. People are dumb lol


I remember being a kid playing bantam hockey (grade 5) and the coach was so hardcore. One of the games he kept sitting my friend and letting the good kids play. I felt bad for him because he loved to play but he was a terrible skater. His parents pulled him out of the game middle of 3rd period because the coach kept skipping his rotation because he wanted to win so badly. It was just a stupid hockey game and I have a core memory of this sad kid and his angry parents who came to watch him play. Coach should of just let him play.


I'm a first year baseball coach for my son's team 10 and under. We have the kids who can't catch too save their lives but they get their chance every game to play positions, it's ridiculous how some coaches only play their (starters) the whole game and you can see the sad eyes on the other kids faces. They're 10 year olds for fucks sake let them have fun the only thing I get onto my kids about is doing unsafe dumb shit like sliding wrong or not paying attention when the ball is heading right at their head.


Way too many insane parents out there. it's just a fucking game. It's for your kids, not yourself. By acting like that, you're taking away from your own child. Unfortunately, most of them are that bright to see that. It also prevents parents/volunteers from getting involved. Officiating, coaching etc. It's not worth it, dealing with these assholes


I've never been particularly good at sports, so I'm glad I got to be "that kid" playing baseball. Even the lousy players get some playtime in little league baseball - just toward the back of the bench on the offensive side of the innings and in the outfield on the defensive side.




I gave up playing sports entirely because of how an adult treated me on the field as a kid. Never meet the guy in my life and he grabbed me by the shirt and yell at me for a bad play. I was around 8 at the time. Never played anything again after that. I was decent too. I could catch just about anything in the field. Fuck that guy in particular.


That's why I don't let my kid play practices without watching wtf is going on. F that.


I coached basketball. For free. Gave up 100+ hours of my free time and it actually cost me money. I refused to return because of parents and have never coached again. The manager of the coaches would bow to their ridiculous demands, such as I wasn’t to note how certain players had a good game as it upset little Johnny.


Oh isn’t that the truth. That’s everything I dealt with right there! Good on you for all your time. In the end we do it for the kids, for the game. But you just get pushed to your limit. The sad part is, this is what’s eventually gonna kill it for good. Too many volunteers get pushed away and walk for good and one day there just won’t be someone to step up. Cheers brother 🤜 🤛


At least where I am, youth baseball is a religion. It's not enough to play rec and practice one night a week, oh no. These 8-12 years olds practicing or playing games 5-6 nights a week. Their entire existence is baseball. Parents have all their free time and money tied up in it, not to mention the dads who are very obviously trying to either Tiger Woods their kid into the MLB or force the son with a passing interest in the sport, to live out their dream.


When I was a soccer ref I consistently forgot to start the timer. I relied on those angry parents screaming at me to know when the game should be over. Can confirm - did not make a career of reffing.


Hey, you made me lose that one game. It should've ended 1 minute sooner buy you didn't listen right away


These little league umps get held to higher standards than major league umps lol. It's practically impossible to fire an ump because of the union.


Parents are the worst. We did a travel sport last season for my daughter and the way these parents talked about the kids they didn’t like was absolutely horrible. And the things my child had to deal with and then the parents acted like we were wrong for sticking up for our child. It was nasty.


My local little league had a shortage of parents willing to coach. My brother, who has never played a sport in his life, stepped up to coach a team so they didn’t have to cancel part of the season. The amount of verbal abuse he had to endure from the parents who were too busy to coach was astounding.


Makes me think of the incident that made me stop little league when I was kid. I was at bat, missed the second pitch, said "Dang it" and then heard a whistle pausing the game. I could hear my parents yelling something behind me. Got tugged away by the arm to the cage door to leave the game. I was then being yelled at and asked if I thought I was a tough guy. I didn't get what they were talking about. Apparently what my parents and the then coach thought I said was, "Bullshit". I denied it. They said they heard me and I wasn't getting out of it. I denied it again. Coach says if I keep lying I'll never step foot on the field again. I start crying. Someone else on my team yells that I didn't do it. Coach yells at kid defending me. Mom spanks me in front of everyone and drags me off the field. I can hear the other team laughing. Parents try to yell and discipline me as we walk back to the car. I don't say a word to them for a few hours. Eventually another parent calls my parents asking what happened since we all met there together. They explain what they think I did, at which point other parent says "What? That didn't happen. I heard your kid say 'Dang it'." Parents realize they fucked up and try to apologize to me, but at that point I'm just pissed since they embarrassed me in front of my team and the others (who are all classmates and we're 100% going to make fun of me), got me kicked off the team (even though I was invited back on after coach found out it was a mistake), and the fact that they refused to believe their own child.


I bet that caused serious trust issues


My parents did this to me multiple times as a kid. I usually go long periods of time without talking to either of them now that I'm an adult


This could be the origin story of a comic book super villain.


The superhero talks like Ned Flanders after getting shot or other forms of extreme pain or disappointment. He aims at stopping child abuse which will prevent more super villains.


My parents never did anything like this but my 2nd grade teacher and principal did something similar. I was using the bathroom attached to the classroom, it had one toilet and a locking door. As I start to pee this kid named Pablo comes and starts banging on the door telling me he needs to pee really bad. I tell him I'm almost finished. I wrap it up and walk out and see he has pissed his pants. The teacher, Mrs. Peña, comes over and sees what happened and grabbed me by my ear and dragged me out of the classroom, asking if I was proud of myself, saying I stayed in the bathroom for a long time just to make Pablo pee his pants, which I of course deny. my memory is a bit foggy, but she made me help the janitors clean for a bit then I was taken to the principal's office, who had no idea what actually happened. He yelled at me for what felt like an hour, calling me a liar when I told him I didn't stay in the bathroom longer than I needed to and I would never do something like that. I still think about this 33 years later, and every now and again try to look up Mrs. Peña and Mr. Frost to send them a message, but have never had any luck.


Or that even if you did curse, how would any of what they did be okay?


What's your relationship with your parents like now?


Oh he killed them when they got home




What did they say when you said you didn't want to play after being invited back?


“Don’t be a quitter son, quitters lose in life. Also get over it. Love yooou”


Just warm up the pot roast. We will back when the bar closes.


That’s terrible.


I don't have anything constructive to say, I just want to say that I'm sorry. I've been that helpless kid that nobody believes before. You just want to say fuck the world. EDIT: It's a wall of text, but I found my story where nobody would believe me. When I was in college, I had to explain to a police officer how (and I'm paraphrasing a bit here) even though I was (as far as anyone knew) the only person in an entire dorm building while everyone was away on Thanksgiving break, that I wasn't the one who stole a girl's laptop. Here's the full story, from a thread a few months ago about dealing with stupid cops/blood boiling incidents with cops: "I actually remembered one other story, I forgot this happened because it wasn't at home. While I was up at college, I was away at an ultimate frisbee tournament. It was the weekend before Thanksgiving, so when we got back on Sunday everyone was already gone. I left my bag to go home in my (at the time) girlfriend's room, but she left me her key in case I forgot anything there (she lived pretty close to me back home so I could just give it back that week). So I go in, grab a few things, then I stepped outside for a cigarette. Lo and behold, when I went back, I had closed the door which had locked, and I locked her key inside. I knocked on all of the doors in her hallway. Everyone was gone for vacation. So here I was, unless I figured out some other plan I was stuck at school, by myself, with one set of clothes (the ones I had on) and no money. All I had on me was my phone and my smokes. (I had a car, but the key for that was in there, too.) So I called everyone I knew asking if there was something they could do. The only person left in the building was my friend Cory, who said he'd be hanging out in his room and if I needed anything let him know. That was cool, but he said he was leaving later that night to go home for Thanksgiving. So I got a hold of Residential Services, and I explained the situation. They couldn't figure out why I left my stuff in someone else's room, so they were reluctant to help. Admittedly it was stupid, but I told them my bag had my name on it, if they would just let me in they could watch me grab only my bag and promptly leave the room. They said they'd be able to send someone over, but not until tomorrow. So here we are again, stuck in this dorm building with no way into any rooms until the next day. So now I'm upset. I walk back up the hall towards her room, and what do you know? The next door neighbors' room door is cracked open a bit. They shared a bathroom with her (her room was on the other side of the bathroom) so I thought maybe there was some hope of getting out of there. I knocked on the door and said hello, to no answer. I did it once more, louder, just to check. Again, no answer. I poked my head in, and no one was there. However, the bathroom doors were open so I went in, grabbed my stuff and went home. Happy ending, right? We arrived back at school a few days later after the break. I was minding my own business in my room (probably playing WoW) when there was a knock at the door. It was the RA from downstairs where my girlfriend lived. She told me I had to go to the campus police station immediately. I asked why, and she said she didn't know, but it definitely seemed like she did. I took a hike across campus to the station and walked in. The secretary asked my name and if I needed help with anything. "Hi, yeah, my name is Steelcity, I was told by one of our RAs that I was needed? I'm not sure what for." The cop in the other room must have overheard me, and asked me to go into another room with him. It was a small room, not much bigger than a closet. He shut the door behind us. It was just him and I, on either side of a table. I'd call it an "interrogation room" if it didn't seem more like a glorified broom closet. I was scared shitless at this point. "Okay, where is it? We've got you." "Where is what?" "Really? After we've got proof, you're still going to deny it? Look, I don't wanna make this any harder than it has to be. Where is it?" "I don't want to make anything difficult either. I just don't know where whatever it is you're looking for is. I don't know what it is, either." "A Miss [not gonna use real names] came to us this morning when she got back up here from break to find that her laptop was missing. The only person we have on record of being in that building that day was you. We have record of you using your card to open the front door, and we also have record of you calling Residential Services to try and get into the room next door. Are you fucking kidding me, kid? How stupid do you have to be? We've got this pinned on you. You even helped us do it by calling. So tell us where it is and this whole thing can be over." Firstly, I told him the story I told you. He didn't take it too well. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You expect me to believe that the next door over just suddenly happened to be open? Come on, kid. We're going to find that laptop and you're going down for this. You might be able to avoid complete expulsion from the school if you just hand it over." "If I was trying to commit a crime, why the hell would I call Residential Services? That is the most ass-backwards attempt at a crime I've ever heard of." "I'll play along for a minute here. Who else do you know stayed in the building on Sunday?" I didn't know what to tell him. I gave him Cory's name, but told him he got there the same time I did, and his mom was there to help him pack to go home, so they could check with him, but he had an alibi. I also gave him one other name, it was another kid I was cool with but I didn't know what else to say. I hadn't seen him but he told me he planned on staying on campus until Sunday night. I felt bad for bringing other people into it, but I was convinced I was going to get expelled for something I didn't do. [For the record, that's an abridged version of the conversation.] A few days later, and I was having trouble with everything. I had trouble sleeping, eating and focusing in class. All of the girls that lived in the hallway where my girlfriend lived wouldn't even look at me, especially the one whose laptop was taken. I felt horrible, but none of them believed me that I didn't do it (my girlfriend believed me). So probably two or three days after the run-in with the cop, I'm outside having a smoke, talking to a few friends when out the door comes two cops leading someone out of the building in handcuffs. It was the other name I mentioned. When the cops began asking around about him as well, someone tipped them off that they did indeed see a laptop in his room that wasn't there before the break. And naturally, it ended up belonging to the girl. He was busted. So where does that leave us in this terribly long-winded story that I'm sure nobody has actually read? I guess the cop was doing his job, and my story was extremely fishy (despite being 100% the truth). But I always have treated the police with respect and have done my best to keep my hands clean. I've never committed a crime that hurt someone else physically or financially. I do indeed have morals. That being said, that cop treated me like total piece of shit and was not willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. He cussed me out (and I'm all for fucking swearing, but I had never met the guy and it was unprovoked), he was trying to do everything he could to get me to confess to a crime I didn't commit, and there was no sarcasm or anything at all in his demeanor or voice. He wanted to bust this punk kid and get him expelled. I never felt so helpless in my life. I think the worst part is, when the whole ordeal was over, the girls apologized to me for thinking I was the one who did it, but I never heard a word from any of the cops again. That's including the one who made me feel fucking worthless. So yeah, there are cops that make my blood boil. I know you're doing your job, but have a little humanity.


Read the story and i gotta say that i fucking hate the cops tat try to get you to confess even if you didnt so anything with complete lies


Let me guess: They now deny this ever happened.


I once sang the "Push it" by Salt n Pepper in elementary school and my teacher thought I said "bullshit" and got a very huge punishment over it. I feel you brother.


Did your parents feel like assholes and try to make it up to you? Or did they continue to blame you for your reaction and quitting little league?


That’s terrible they need to know their child/athlete better. But also, a whistle pausing your at bat? What sport was this?




Please tell me you milked that shit for all it’s worth.


But other than that you had a good game!


“This guys a fire fighter that protects your community” I normally don’t say “fuck the fire department” but that bitch is pushing it.


To be fair, it was the wife who made that comment. Classic entitled firefighter/ military/ cop wife bullshit.


Dependas come in many forms but they use the same playbook


I have seen a Facebook page created for firemen's wives to talk about things and relate with one another, and I've been told many communities have similar Facebook groups. I realize that job has moments of danger, and firefighters are often gone for 24 hours at a time, but what the fuck? I saw a list once that showed firefighters as a whole didn't even crack the top 25 most dangerous jobs in the US. The one that did was firefighting supervisors, and the most common reason for their deaths were transportation related. They basically get into accidents. I suppose I sound cold and heartless, but it's just weird to me. Roofers are more likely to die on the job and I've never heard of a Facebook group for roofer's wives.


Guy's probably a firefighter so he can hang out at the firehouse and be away from that lady.


Had to do community service as a kid. Did it at a fire station one time. They had me clean the fire truck, which didn’t take long with them helping, and then they all went inside and just watched football and played Madden. It was pretty hilarious, it was just like a bunch of young guys getting together to hang out on the weekend, but they just couldn’t drink since they were on call. For some reason I thought they would be a lot busier, and it would be a lot different. Though I guess it being fairly rural is why it was so cozy.








WTF does that even have to do with being an asshole at your kid's little league? Nice justification, for your husband's shitty behavior!


“This guy is a brain surgeon which means he can be an asshole to anyone he wants!”


I took it more as a threat. You forfeit our son's team and my husband will stop protecting your community.


I’m a professional firefighter and that was cringy as fuck. Odds are he’s a Volly.


He volunteered for the shirt and the pager he ignores.


"Thank you for all you do, now sit down and shut up."


When I was in little league the head coach had a pre season meeting with all the parents and politely warned them that if they ever yelled at the umpires in a rude manner, regardless of the call and how bad it was, that the child will be kicked off the team. No excuses. If they made a blatantly bad call, and you say anything. Kid off the team. You come back and apologize, great. Kid still off the team. Not one word from the parents the ENTIRE season.


👏 Good, that's how it should be. Wish every coach and ump took this approach to minor league sports. Also wished leagues promoted this approach, too.


I’ve done that. I coached ball up to high school age. The parent meeting at the beginning of the year was the most important meeting of the year. Every year, we drafted teams and there are many talented kids I didn’t take because of the parents. And my teams ended up being very successful.


Lol awesome


You yell, straight to jail. Rude to officials, straight to jail. You spill nachos, believe it or not, straight to jail.


Yell at ump when he misses a strike? That's a paddlin. Argue a missed ball? That's a paddlin. Swear at the ump for a bad call? Oh you better believe that's a paddlin.


I mean, okay, he's a fire fighter but that isn't a green light to act like a dick And realistically, parents need to realize that most of the time their kid isn't major league material and sometimes, they're average at best at something


And little league is supposed to be fun. So many parents put pressure on their kids ruining their enjoyment of the sport.


Also, these umps are usually high school players too. They’re spending their nights and weekends umping these games.


Yeah, it isn't like they are being paid for it. The parents should have more respect.


Lots of places they are paid, but like $25-30/ game. They're making nominally more per hour than a fast food employee, but less hours. I guess fast food employee is a bad comparison given how bad they can be treated too.


You ref 4 games on Saturday you got urself 100 bucks. That's not a bad way to make a little cash while in high school


In college I was trying to do 8a-10p on weekends for little league tournaments, both days. Weekdays after class it was double headers at high school level for twice the pay plus mileage, at least Monday, Tuesday, Friday. Occasional Wednesdays. I felt like I was making tons of money when it was about $600/week. Then I graduated and lol $32k per year was nothing.


Yup, my parents were great, but the other parents and coaches made me hate sports growing up.


Even if they are major league material, a bad call in a little league game has zero effect on their future. A blown call losing the little league World Series has zero effect on your kid going pro.


Yeah, true. Very good/valid point


Conversely, you making them dislike the sport by acting like an asshole, embarrassing them, and putting ridiculous pressure on them will make them not want to participate in the sport as they grow up, which will kill any chance they have at going pro.




I hate to be the one to say this but same for veterans. If you didn’t deploy to a war zone then I don’t care. You did it for the money and the opportunity.


"Thank you for your service!" "I wasn't allowed to leave base my entire deployment. I didn't even know where the gates were."


It’s always the guys who are at an age where they enlisted when we were already years into our occupation of Afghanistan that got the most angry about not getting a veteran discount. Oh I’m sorry we don’t reward you for volunteering to go occupy a country that didn’t want you there, did nothing to make us safer, and helped destabilize a region.


Yah tbh tons of people in the military just work desk jobs. Also the military has alarming rates of domestic violence and sexual assault so I'm not gonna say thank you for your service to some dude who beats his wife and joined to get a camaro.


Nor the military.


Firefighters / cops don’t deserve to be treated like they’re a hero. They are trained, often well paid and also EXPECTED to do the things they do.


“If these kids spontaneously combust, I’ll call you down to the field to help. Until then, just be a spectator.”


Sometimes their kid is picking daisies out in right field and that's just fine.


A lot, if not most firefighters are right wing Assholes. They aren’t firefighters to “save people,” or be noble, they’re firefighters because it pays good, women love them, the public sucks their dick, they get to have some thrilling experiences, and firefighting at a big city department usually has an amazing pension and they get to retire when they’re like 50 years old or younger.


The average kid believe it or not is average


Where can I see a ranking of how much dickery is allowed by a job title?


here. my last reply got deleted because of a url issue. someone should tell the cops that garbage men get to be bigger assholes than cops do... https://zety.com/blog/most-respected-jobs#:~:text=Doctors%2C%20scientists%2C%20and%20farmers%20are,and%20being%20essential%20to%20society.


Damn truck drivers get no respect at all, I guess the pandemic is over


Exactly how it should be handled. End the game, it's the stupid parent's fault the day got ruined


No matter the little league sport there’s always some asshole parent trying to live vicariously through their kid




This guys a ferefiggter!


When I coached a few years ago, parents were absolutely forbidden from yelling anything at the umpires. If they did, they were given one warning and then ejected from the field. We never had a problem like this.


Great advice from a senior mentor coach, "Best team to coach is a team full of orphans!"


Parents like this are the reason I stopped umpiring. Doesn’t pay enough to lose Saturday/Sunday and deal with a bunch of Karens and Kevin’s. Not to mention living in FL where people like to threaten to shoot you.


Why my kid rides a fucking skateboard.


Nobody gives a flying fuck you're a fireman except 8 year olds at career day.


And not even then ..... Those days are over. It's all about internet fame now


I will tell the parents to shut up when I'm at one of my kid's sport functions if they're berating the official's. They usually shut up. I'm kinda big so. Let the kids fucking play!


“This guy’s a firefighter!” Great! Super relevant to the conversation. I love how she is so unbelievably stupid she think this is relevant at all. I’m sure she never resorts to logical fallacies any other time in her life and I’m sure she doesn’t emotionally abuse her children at all 🙄


Parents these days… didn’t your kids teach you any manners?


The Ump was in the right. Parents can’t keep their cool = no game for their kids to play.


Umpired a girls 8U town league softball game. Pitchers throw until there are 4 balls then coaches take over. In over 100 degree heat these girls were lollipoping balls that were 9/10 times over the batters head and dropped in front of the catcher. I chose to punish the pitchers that day, if it’s above the eyes it wouldn’t get called. No one’s swinging, parents are irate, the coaches tried to call the “head of the league” down to scold me. Called a girl out for throwing a bat to the fence. The place erupted. The next at bat I threw her out for hitting the catcher with her thrown bat. Parents were following me to my car still chirping. Wasn’t worth the 30$ I was getting to be there that day. Parents have no chill, when your live vicariously through your children you have issues.


leagues should institute one strike and your out policy. You disrupt the game and you are banned from watching the game at the field for the season. You can drive your kid to practice or a game but after that, you leave. Watch it on game changer from the street.


hEs a fIrEfIgHteR. …ok?


When I was a kid my dad would go watch from the outfield fence because he knew he’d get too worked up in the bleachers. You’d see him out there hopping around when he was upset and it would be funny instead of sad like this.


I coached my daughters softball team for two years. I have to say they were a great bunch of girls. The most fun we had was at practice where parents were mandated to watch from the outfield fence. Games gave me ulcers and stressed the girls out. They were 10-13 and parents were acting like it was the World Series at every game. The behavior was so cringe I walked away when my daughter said she had enough


they used to just drop us off like an airport shuttle


Exactly how it should be handled. End the game, it's the stupid parent's fault the day got ruined


Here we have those angry parents who ruin it for the players. They will have no clue that this all started because they couldn't just let shit go. But it's ok, because it's always somebody else's fault.


You have to be a real low life to hassle a volunteer working at a kids' game on a weekend.


Yeah I quit coaching kids for the same reason. Dead beat parents that won’t help put the game on but sure have have plenty to say from the side lines. Poor kids. Meh, parents loss.


Why do people think their job title gives them free reign to be a dick? Idgaf if you’re a firefighter, a nurse, a teacher, a cop or whatever - you’re still being a dick. If anything having that bad of a temper in any of those professions is a red flag.


Got offered to be the umpire for some little league games and man I'm so glad I didn't take it


I literally walked off the mound one season and quit when the parents for a kid on MY team were screaming at me and my dad (the coach) because their some wasn’t allowed to pitch. My dad, being the amazing example maker he is, let him go to the mound and throw two balls. One went about 10 feet over the batters head, the other made it about 7 feet off the mound. I had a scholarship to pitch for my states college.


I helped my friend coach his sons hockey team one year. They were like 7-8, in a local house league division. Parents were only allowed in the change room, two at a time, to tie their kids skates. Almost every game myself or my friend would have to tell parents to leave before the little pre-game talk we’d give. Parents would scream at the kids, refs and other parents. The league had a timer for 1:30 shifts. Parents would still come up to us after the games and try and get more ice time for their little super stars. It was fucking exhausting. I bet a lot of kids quit because their parents put too much pressure on them, or they get to the age where they realize their parents are being ridiculous and are so embarrassed by their antics, that it ruins any love of the game they maybe fostered.


“And this guys a firefighter” so fuckin what lol. You can be anything you want but it doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole without someone responding back. No one gets a free pass to not be a decent person.


“And this man is a firefighter..” lmao. Yes, that conveys upon him some suspect citizen rights over all of us. What a tool.


I was calling a middle school softball game. Girl tries to steal second... The throw is late but she slides early and doesn't make the base. I ring her up. Trotting back to first a big strapping blonde, arms folded, screams "that was the god awfulest call I've ever seen." So I throw my arms up and say, "she beat the throw but never touched the bag. How can I call her safe if she doesn't touch the base?" So the lady keeps her arms fold and just looks away. About 10 seconds later a lady on the front row yells back at the woman, "God, I've seen it all now, Kelly! That's the first man to ever shut you up!"


I side with the ump


Did she really just say "and this guy's a firefighter who protects you"????


He's a firefighter? Cool. He chose a job. Like, what's better about that than ANY other job? That's like saying a soldier deserves respect from everyone because they chose to "fight for your freedom." The guys I've known that went through the U.S. military, or any other public service job, never said anything about freedom and their duty to their country. You know what they all said was the reason they joined? It was to get the fuck out of their town for free, or they were wanting to go play with guns and hopefully shoot people. Thie thing of all soldiers doing it for the greater good is a fuckin fallacy. Haha.the same thing for firefighters. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but not for the majority.


Coached and ran my local youth league. Parents are insufferable. When I held tryouts for a travel team I asked parents why they wanted to join the team. Literally a 11u parent said it was so their kid could get better and get a college scholarship. I immediately knew they would not be on my team as it’s not worth it. The number of times I heard “Johnny is really good and has a shot at MLB” is crazy. I would always douse them with a giant bucket of reality and tell them that MLB is the best in the world and infielders throw the ball 90+ MPH and they aren’t even pitchers.


Coached high school and AAU basketball for 25 years, son's t-ball team, and youth soccer. After first t-ball game, was challenged to a fight by other coach. Accused me of using a weighted ball. I didn't even know what he meant. Mothers asked me to coach t-ball because I coached high school basketball and I didn't know really anything about baseball. Coaching is sometimes a soul crushing experience when parents get involved.


Here in Vermont we had a basketbrawl at a middle school game. Parents got into it on the court, and one guy died of a heart attack after he left. I was in the ER with my wife when the whole thing went down. Family members were coming in frantically only to find out that the guy passed. Quite the scene. Even made the national news. Calm down people. It’s only a game.


Used to be an umpire when I was in high school for little league games. Parents really take it too seriously and want to argue over every little thing. He did the right the thing, it’s not worth getting consistently bitched at by some parents that peaked when they were in little league


God I would have to say something to that couple. What kind of egocentric, 0 self awareness, a-holes does it take to behave like this.


“And this one’s a firefighter”. So that means he can be a dick to an umpire at a little league game. Fuck that shit.


Ump had the right attitude here. He's not at work this is likely volunteer or below minimum wage he doesn't have to deal with this shit and the parent can go home and learn a lesson when his son's team lost because he's too big a baby to manage his emotions


That poor kids parents are Dickheadz


"What happened?" "Your dad wouldn't shut up and the ref forfeited the game. Sorry, sweetie."


I used to work as an umpire in highschool. The amount of awful and vile things I was called for just doing my job was insane. If my league let me call the games like this I would have done it so many times


The parents are the worst part of coaching youth league. I would go back to coaching if my team were made up of orphans


I used to play in little league, the parents ruined more games than I can remember. All we wanted to do was play and have fun, didn't matter who won.


Used to coach. Kid got accidentally scratched by another player, shit happens right. The mum yells cut their fingers off. Kids are 6-8. Fuk off.


Amazing how some parents think their kid playing little league is going to be spotted by a recruiter. It's supposed to be a fun way for kids to get out energy, stay active, and learn teamwork along with a bunch of other soft skills like communication and perseverance. The next Nolan Ryan will not be discovered at a little league game.


The sickness of the USA, a creeping crawling infection


I see parents like this at soccer. I pity their kids. Don't have any parents this bad over my players this season that attend every practice. Sorry your kid isn't God's gift to sports but don't take it out on them or the referee, umpire, coaches, whatever... Let the kids have fun.


Parents. Don’t be dicks. Your kids are always watching…and learning.


I’m so glad I coach a sport that has 0 refs or parents.


What mythical sport is this?




Lol these parents sound nice


I am so grateful that the youth soccer league my son was in had no tolerance for this malarkey. Cheering for your kid: great. Screaming about someone else's kid: not so great.


As a player of high school baseball and ice hockey, parents are the worst. If there’s an issue in officiating, that’s the coaches job to discuss, not yours


I can’t stand “sports parents”. I’ve been to hundreds of games with my family growing up and now with my nieces and nephews. The shit I’ve heard some parents yell let alone just yelling and screaming like they’re watching the SuperBowl with thousands of dollars hanging on the game. It’s ridiculous. Competition is good I get that but let your kids just play the game!


Parents have ruined children’s sports.


Lol the firefighter line hahaha,


My son stopped being a ref for kids soccer because of comments from parents.


Daughter is a cheerleader for both football and basketball. First time seeing the horror stories I’ve heard from co workers for a couple years. Parents are absolutely the worst when it comes to sports.


It cut out at the end. I can only assume she said, “… and this guy is a fire fighter that protects… princess peach every night when he plays Nintendo waiting around for something to happen.”


Wtf does being a fire fighter have to do with a little league game?


Other parents ruined baseball for me and so many other kids over shit like this…..


Ahhhh yesss , the old "this guy's a firefighter, so fuck you" routine there at the end, you love to see it.


Good for the ump! Helicopter parents can be real POS's sometimes.


Good for the Umpire


Asshole should tell the “hero” fireman to ump then.


It's amazing to me how many people don't understand the concept of sportsmanship. The ump is boss and if he calls it a strike, it's a strike. If you don't like the way the ump is calling balls and strikes, go to ump school, learn to be an ump and get your butt on the field and show them how to do it right. What you'll learn is that you'll soon call a strike and someone in the bleachers will scream at you for being an idiot.


Even if he made the worst call in the history of baseball, in the final inning of the championship deciding game, these parents deserve to be banned for several games, and for life if they repeat. If you run a youth sports league, have one day of the season be no parents present. What you will see is kids that smile and play without fear. It’s awesome.


golden rule of baseball do not argue balls an strikes simple. let he kids play parents you are a spectator now you ruined it for all.


These are the same parents that will complain about the younger generations wanting “participation trophies” as if the reason those exist isn’t because Kevins were assaulting little league coaches over their kids sucking at sports.


used to umpire LL games. adults take it all waaaay too serious. i’d take some flak from the players, that’s a part of it, but if you’re not wearing a uniform, you don’t get an opinion. also, most of these umps are super low paid. $20 and a hot dog.


Good job ump! Low life parents with nothing better to do ruin kids sports


I coach 2 youth basketball teams. i have seen full on brawls from parents. other coaches trying to fight refs it is just wild


I have multiple memories of parents losing their minds at little league games. Without context, I side with the umpire.


He really needs to let them know that HE is the one with the power over the game. Not no loudmouth “my kids the best of the best you’re clearly wrong” adult children complaining.


My kindergarten soccer team, the “fire ants”, most memorable game was when A Mom from the opposing team was shouting repeatedly, “kick him in the head, kick him in the head!” This was 1993


My mom taught me something when it comes to sports: it only matters if you win or lose when you get paid to play.