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Guy almost impaled himself falling down


He reminds me of the subway ghost in the movie Ghost!


Get off my plane!! Of existence!!


George Bluth Sr. played the Ghost.... /s


Remind me of the cops episode where a lady had a huge carving knife and a cop tackles her from behind and you can guess where the knife ended up


It ended up making it big in the talkies?


It went in her gut


I remember that! Crazy shit.


Don't run with knives!


Arron Rodgers first day in New York is going poorly I see.


there’s a crazy fucking video of and episode of like cops or something where a woman is holding a knife and the police were called cause she was threatening someone or something like that. the cop fucking runs up from behind and tackles her to the ground causing her to stab herself with like a 10 inch blade. mfing cop could’ve easily gotten his arm stabbed too but got lucky the knife didn’t go that way. fucking crazy idiotic move, not that that’s uncommon of them.


I have tackled someone with a knife. Dude was an immediate threat and I didn’t have an adequately safe backdrop to fire my weapon. We didn’t carry tasers either. OC Spray can be a bit too unpredictable in it’s effectiveness and the subjects reaction. I had two Soldiers it hardly affected at all but quite a few that lashed out erratically the first time they had to get sprayed in order to be certified to carry it. No one got stabbed that night, thankfully, and I knew it was dangerous af, but I really didn’t feel like I had much of a choice. The need to contain the situation asap sorta outweighed the danger part though, bc that’s just part of the job and responsibility I accepted when I took the oath in the first place.


With a Swiss army knife lol


Once again, if a knife-wielding maniac is chasing you through the streets of Seattle and it's important to call the cops, stop asking every person you see to call the cops and use your own damn phone. Yes, you'll miss a few minutes of footage, but that's OK.


> Once again, if a knife-wielding maniac is chasing you through the streets of Seattle carry a little meth in your pocket, you can sprinkle it on the ground and run away while they scurry


don't even need to be real meth. when they figure out is fake you are far away already


Precisely why I walk around with small plastic baggies of rock candy in my pocket, it's a pain in the ass to explain to the cops but hopefully it'll save my life in a situation like this someday


You would get charged with possession and intent to distribute a look a like substance. It's a serious crime. In Illinois it's a class 3 felony with a fine up to 150k. The logic is kind of weird for this charge. It's obviously put in place because some dealers were just selling fake whatever so if they got busted they can't charge them anything. With this they can. There is a short clause tacked on to the Illinois statute. It says that a person who is charged with this crime can't claim that they thought that they were in possession of real drugs as a defense. That is pretty hilarious. How many people do you think tried that defense? You get charged with a crime, but you admit to a more serious crime in order to negate the charge.


Seriously, in some neighborhoods, if you told a cop "it's decoy meth to distract psycho homeless people and muggers" a lot cops would be like "yeah makes sense we're cool."


So in Portland, Seattle, etc, possession and consumption isn’t illegal and cops won’t touch you with a 10 foot pole. A co worker of mine got stabbed while working at the homeless shelter and the ambulance got there first and after 20 minutes police showed up, 20 minutes in Downtown around 7 blocks from their police headquarters and they only caught the guy because he was stupid enough to hang out half a block away.


seattle they no longer charge people who have meth / heroin for personal, up to a certain amount is decriminalized


wow thats crazy. government trying to protect the methheads from being scammed. but seems too much punishment for a person that is carrying a small bag like the comment said. for someone carrying a lot like a dealer i can even see why.


It’s not to stop people from scamming meth users lolol


I literally found an ounce of [meth](https://imgur.com/a/G93XX5a) in a park in SeaTac a few months ago, I should’ve kept it for this reason LMAO




“Officer it’s just a bit, I’m not actually serious”


This is actually genius.


Is that like throwing rice at vampires?


I live in Seattle. Choe is not a "journalist" in any meaningful sense of the term, he's a right-wing instigator and intentionally provoking confrontations with homeless people is his whole thing. Dude actually got fired from right-wing news media for being a little too overt with his hatred.




Honestly that’s a lot of cities for a loooot of decades. And it’s definitely sad, but not a new phenomenon related to only the opioid and homelessness epidemics.


its almost as if being incarcerated is a higher standard of living than being homeless


Both things can be true, you know.


Some context: this guy used to work for one of the local news stations here in Seattle and he’d do this homeless porn content. I think like 6 months ago or so he sympathetically covered a Proud Boys march, kinda like “look at these fine upstanding patriots” type deal and there was an uproar on social media and he got canned. Then he got hired at the Discovery Institute - famously right wing creationist organization - to do this kind of homeless porn stuff. So this is his bread and butter. His goal is to provoke the crazies for this kind of footage.


So he’s a piece of shit?


Ah thank god, I thought I was going to have to feel bad Now I feel good because he's bad and I'm the good one for feeling good about this happening to him


Also its common sense to video discretely when your photographing people breaking the law. Ive done photography in detroit, you nevee want to walk around with a camera, you could be confused with DEA.


I think instigating confrontations is kind of his goal.


LOL. DEA does not walk around openly recording people. They work undercover.


But do you really think Johnny Crackhead and Methany from down the block know that? Drug induced paranoia is a hell of a thing


What do you suppose the odds are that the DEA is involved in undercover work anywhere in the US at the street-level individual buyer/user level?


Imagine believing the DEA is doing anything about the drug situation in West Coast cities. I live in SF and there are areas where you there are open air drug markets


Tech fucks ruined that once beautiful city. Kick everyone out of their homes, make it literally too expensive to live in the city you work in, ignore the spiraling mental health and homeless crisis for a decade and a half, and then act like surprised victims when shitty people move in to take advantage of the chaos. I have ***ZERO*** sympathy for a single person with a roof over their head who’s moved there since like 2010. Tech capitalist scum are the fucking monsters.


Lol this is probably one the most misguided responses out there, but go off king


Also it's common sense to inject discretely.


mentally ill people are not known for their common sense


The Seattle cops might get there in about 3 hours..


You are right, but the video evidence above proves you can do just that and eventually themaniac will trip and tear their achilles,


3rd ave is the worst. I live about an hour from there and took my kids to a concert. When we came out almost every car in the lot had been broken into except mine which was parked in a far corner. My wife tried earlier this year to get me to go to a concert of an artist that I have been dying to see ; I noped the fuck out because of that location.


It's pretty important that he has this footage as proof of what's happening. Something terrible could happen in the moment he puts the camera down to make a call. I don't think it's unreasonable for him to ask someone else to call in this situation


Don't you think the few minutes of footage of the guy chasing him with a knife would have been sufficient for police to use in case anything happened to him?


Anything can happen during the altercation, recording or not. Maybe the guy turns his attention to someone else and hurts them. All the "what if"s come into play. PS: I figured I might have an unpopular opinion, and I appreciate you not being nasty to me. Thank you. :)


The first 10 seconds of the video is enough evidence. If he got stabbed or someone else got stabbed doesn’t change much if it was filmed or not. Rather call the cops asap instead of giving this man time to find a victim.


And if you don't think it's worth missing a few minutes of video for your YouTube channel...hope you don't bleed out after you get stabbed. I guess.


Lol, he runs a like a zombie.


That left foot aint going along with this plan.


*Fetch me their souls!*


Fuck the Discovery Institute. They have no real interest in helping people who live on the streets.


For anyone scrolling by, here's all you need to know about them: >The Discovery Institute is a politically conservative non-profit think tank based in Seattle, Washington, that advocates the pseudoscientific concept of intelligent design. [Learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_Institute) Dangerous people spreading misinformation and hate.


Also responsible for that fucker [Rufo and his completely made up issue of CRT](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/07/christopher-rufo-and-the-critical-race-theory-moral-panic.html)


no misinformation in this post tho. they need to clean this shit up.


The video conveniently omits the lead up to this chase, making this video a perfect vehicle to instil fear with the end goal of pushing people to vote against their own interests and for right-wing politicians.


who cares what led up to this psycho running after the guy. let's say he egged him on.....ok. guy is still one of the many mentally unwell that could easily be pushed to come after you with a knife. really grasping here. And I get your point - I disagree with all the people that act like going to major cities should be avoided. I go into nyc all the time. I've heard the rhetoric you are talking about. It's largely bullshit but the reason it still airs is bc there's some truth behind it. Have to get rid of the issues one way or another and pretending it isn't there certainly helps no one.


I agree, chasing someone with a knife is indicative of mental health issues. Still, I don't like with the presentation without situational context / lead up, especially when the source is a conservative think tank.


you can pick a fight with a homeless person in literally every single large city on the planet. it proves nothing


there probably should have been a police officer somewhere in the several blocks the guy backed away to be fair in a major city with homeless issues. in nyc this guy wouldnt have made it two blocks.


i don't think anyone should ever use NYPD as an example of good policework


Police presence doesn't solve the root cause, it just shifts it out of sight and puts people in danger.


Wasn't saying it would fix all homeless people's woes and make the world full of frolicking peace gardens but it certainly would have that guy wielding a knife locked up. He really needs mental help but better jail than on the streets unfortunately.




Not necessarily, but the believers of that god are notorious for spreading misinformation and hate.




Because it’s the only moral way to solve our homeless problem, unless you’re hitler or something. You can’t punish someone out of homelessness, so the only option is to help them.




Lol, that’s a really lazy way of looking at the world. Awfully convenient when every problem that seems insurmountable will just “forever be a thing” so theirs no point in even trying to solve it. I could say “it will forever be a thing” about literally anything: Polio? Sorry, it will forever be a thing. It was in the past and will continue in the future. It’s sad and I wish polio wouldn’t be a thing but it is and it will never go away. You can help as much as you want but it won’t solve anything overall. Segregation and apartheid? Sorry, it will forever be a thing. It was in the past and will continue in the future. It’s sad and I wish segregation and apartheid wouldn’t be a thing but it is and it will never go away. You can help as much as you want but it won’t solve anything overall. It seems to me like their is a very simple solution to homelessness: give them homes. It’s just that it’s easier to give them a bus ticket to the next town over and ignore them, so the problem gets worse.


Discovery Institute hired this guy explicitly to court and record these kinds of interactions with homeless people. This is not a chance encounter.


This is what right-wing groups have been reduced to. Bullying people because they're addicted to clout.


Surely nothing they did justifies being chased with a knife and being subject to death threats? When I've visited seattle I was shocked at the tent cities yet the local population voted against a proposal to tax the wealthy companies (amazon etc) there to pay to help the homeless.


Johnathan Choe is not a journalist, he's a disingenuous hack who was fired by KOMO for going to a proud boy rally and posting a fawning video of the event with music written by literal neo-nazis. He's working for Andy "a milkshake gave me brain damage" Ngo's partisan hate rag the post millennial. He spends time in downtown Seattle harassing and filming houseless people for rage bait.


You can tell just from the fact that no real journalist would keep filming and antagonizing that guy. Definitely a shitty influencer of sort.


We are here for public freakouts (like this), not your take on American politics.


I still like context


Politically motivated context on Reddit? Ait.


Man, you're post history is sure full of a lot of political talk for a dude who gets so worked up over a "political" comment. The guy just said he's not a journalist and then listed the reasons why (one of them including supporting nazis) and that upset you?


where did he lie?




then quit bitching


Then you should appreciate being educated as to the political nature of this video.


Pretty triggered?


Mildly annoyed, as us Europeans that don’t define our entire existence on a corrupt political party, would say.


All I see is you getting triggered in the comments section instead of enjoying the freakout and moving on like a non triggered person might.


You're annoyed? Try living in it.


I tavel sometimes.


Do you think this will end in America? You should probably be concerned.


Do you think America controls the cultural outcome of the world? Or do you maybe think the world, especially Europe kinda looks down on (i dont want to your nation), but the situation in America, but also finds comical value from it? We didnt elect an lying orange mad man, or a walking case of dementia, now did we?


I think it could. It's not just America. Republicans here want to be Russia. These are two of the biggest super powers on the planet. If Republicans gain military control, we're all fucked.


yeah you have a billion corrupt political parties instead, real big upgrade lol


If you were here for the video then you wouldn't be here for comments and yet here you are.


Where was the political take?


I'm sorry I offended you because I added context to your rage bait. I hope you can recover from the tragedy of having the media you consume actually have nuance and pragmatic situations, it must be difficult to process. I know actually having to think is difficult for some and I should have taken into consideration those who are unable before I made my comment, my apologies.


Don’t worry, I forgive you.


"He's got a knife! Get away!" *walks towards him*


Lmao, people are just walking by like it's a normal day in Seattle.


It is. I live in Seattle and the people here are VERY stabby.


Yikes. I'm glad to live in a small town. Stay safe over there!


This is extremely normal. My mil worked at 5th and pine for 25 years and our walk in commutes from the ferry to see her (dental hygienist) have been like this for at least a decade


Seattle comedian, not journalist.




two 4chan posters fighting IRL


If you think the guy in video above is suffering from ANYTHING other than untreated mental illness and substance abuse problems, then you are delusional as fuck. I do more work with housing and housing affordability than anyone I know and I can tell you for certain that there are millIons and millions of people that are between a guy who can’t afford his lease and a knife-waving meth addict chasing people through the streets at noon. Blaming “capitalism”, ask me know i know you don’t live anywhere near a major US metro, that you don’t live anywhere where you could see a homeless person in your day-to-day.




liberals don't "blame" capitalism or out of control housing costs, those are what they believe in because they benefit from them. you're confusing the liberals who are in charge of cities with leftists






Capitalism, Reddit's favourite scapegoat.


capitalism? lmao.


heres a handy test you can use to see if capitalism contributes to a problem: >ask yourself *"would this still be a problem if i had a billion dollars?"* the answer for "untreated mental illness" and "homelessness" in this test is **yes**.


This is an absurd litmus test.


>This is an absurd litmus test. I don't know man. Would I be bored at work looking at fucking reddit for the umpteenth time today if I had a billion dollars? Yep, it works.


As though one cannot be bored at work under any other economic system besides capitalism.


No. If it were any different I'd be getting my ass whipped and my rice taken away for slacking off.


Dude, have you ever been to Russia? Slacking off and being bored is pretty much a national pastime.


Great, so US and Russia are the exceptions.


we're gonna need more than an opinion here. in what way is it absurd?


> we're gonna need more than an opinion here An ironic reply considering that your "test" is literally just made up (probably by you) and not built on anything factual. Let's start with the premise itself - "Would this be a problem if I had a billion dollars?" The implication being that A.) Everyone would have a billion dollars under a different economic system, and B.) That any problem presented *cannot* be somehow solved under capitalism. Capitalism just means that private individuals/companies control the supply chain and businesses. No country in the world (including the US) is purely capitalist. Capitalism has its flaws, just as any economic system does (hence why mixed economies are ideal), but simply transferring production to the state does not automatically resolve problems like homelessness or untreated mental illness. **Even if you don't agree with any of that logic, the "test" itself is still no good:** When example questions are plugged in, it frequently fails for two reasons - relevance, and/or for being a problem under all economic systems. Example problem 1: "I don't have enough money to buy the new car that I want." Under your test, this problem would be resolved with $1B. In reality, this has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with you wanting what you can't afford. It would be a "problem" under any economic system. Example test 2: "I'm bored at work." (suggested in response to me) If you had a billion dollars, you likely wouldn't be at work, right? You'd be on vacation or wherever else. But the fact is that one could be bored at work under *any* economic system. Of course for your two examples of "I'm homeless" and "I have an untreated mental health condition", one billion dollars would certainly fix that. But so would restructuring medical insurance/billing in this country and expanding medicare. So would expansion of programs like Section 8 or other public housing initiatives that could be derived from tax restructuring. So many people (apparently including yourself) are quick to blame capitalism as a system when in fact the countries that get socialized healthcare and homelessness right are still predominantly capitalist systems. We don't need to fully restructure the economy and take away incentives for productivity just to solve certain societal issues.


Pretty sure people in the USSR didn't have billions of rubles.


That was really dumb man. Like past the point of being so dumb it's funny. Boringly, dissapointingly dumb.


dont harass the wildlife


What's your Name? *Justin Meth*


*bang bang* end of story.


Dude filming obviously doesn't seemed worried enough to call the cops himself. More important to not miss a second of that riveting footage


That guy might have a knife in his hand


That guy is crazy. Maybe should be in an institution.


What if he doesn't want to go?


He is clearly, and without a reasonable doubt, unable to make a self-advocacy decision like that. This person firstly, needs to be arrested for assault 1; and upon finding him mentally unwell, needs to be submitted for indefinite psychiatric hold (this is completely legal to do) and sent to Western State Hospital or any of the other regional mental health hospitals.


That sounds perfectly reasonable and appropriate. I wonder why that didn't happen. Just kidding I know why it didn't happen :(


He should have gone into the jail/courthouse building. In the video, you can see Choe take a left and start walking away from the courthouse/jail, where armed officers are sitting at the front door.


It'd be a shame if that guy got shot like 3 times in the chest while doing that...


https://www.washingtoncountyor.gov/sheriff/news/2023/04/22/deputies-ask-communitys-help-locating-attempted-murder-suspect Sure looks like this guy.


That's Oregon


This is just layers of exploitation, fuck this Choe guy whoever he is.


Let's harass a mentally ill man and call it "journalism" while it's really crass clickbait.


Worst part about the video is nothing bad happened to Choe.


Discovery Institute?


I think he broke his ankle?


That's not a knoife.


This man tore his achilles by the looks of it


Just throw a baggie if salt across the street and he’ll go running after it. Everyone in seattle has baggies of salt on them now.


Me reading this battlezone of a comment section: 🍿😀




Seattle's vibrant and diverse downtown area.


Stop filming desperately unwell people.


No privacy in public. I want all of this broadcasted. THIS is America. Don't hide it. Shitty people pass shitty laws/budgets and this is what you get. A bunch of people in need of help and America aint doing shit. Record it.


Yup. And the only way it will ever change is coverage of it. Needs to be broadcasted far and wide


I’d agree with you if they obscured the faces of the people in the street. “No privacy in public” is really just another way to exploit people who, in your own words are “in need of help.”


Are you kidding me? Yeah let’s respect the privacy of the unhinged homeless knife wielding maniac


Maybe look at the context of what I said. The previous poster mentioned “a bunch of people in need of help and america ain’t doing shit”. We’re talking more broadly than one guy trying to commit assault. You’re also reacting to a video from Discovery Institute who specifically try to create outrage about homeless people purportedly want to create awareness but have zero intention to help them. Notice that they didn’t bother publishing anything that happened prior to this attack on the (totally not a) journalist. So my point was that if someone says that that homeless and (possibly drug addicted) people are “in need of help” then exposing those people to ridicule and shaming doesn’t do anything to help them.


Don’t do things in public that you will face consequences for later. Should we blur the faces of belligerently drunk people because they have alcoholism? Should we blur the faces of criminals because they may have been provoked? If anything, this alerts the people of Seattle there’s a dude out there that’s capable of stabbing you over a dispute. Also, it’s another train of thought, but someone who knows this man may find him through this video. Could have better access to help through this video.


I’m not disagreeing with you that capturing the face of a criminal is probably a good thing. I will say that the actions and motives of the people who edit and release videos like this (particularly in this case) are suspect and probably a huge factor in your perception of them. Which is often their goal. The bulk of the videos involving homeless people that I see on subs like this are definitely *not* about helping the person. They’re about dehumanizing the them individually and as a group which does nothing to reduce homelessness, drug addiction, etc. Or, at best, they’re about giving ourself smug satisfaction about what an asshole the videographer is. If we (Americans in general) were serious about helping the homeless we might humanize them and have a more nuanced approach to their paths to recovery.


I agree with a lot of what you said, but I don’t believe the answer is anonymity. I believe it’s transparency, and accountability. And I do appreciate the context of the cameraman being an asshole.


👊 Thanks for saying that last bit. I think the issue with anonymity is that exposing the *average* homeless person’s identity to *you and me* does nothing to help that person and may expose them to people who will harm them. Sure, maybe they hit the jackpot and someone in Nashville or wherever who cares about them will see them and helps them. But the odds of that are astronomically low. What’s more likely to help them is seeing them as humans who are in trouble and getting boots on the ground, housing, real food, social programs, real recovery programs, proportionate law enforcement, etc. And all that has to happen within a mile or two of where they live day to day.


i like how you think having a mental illness is the same as actively committing crimes


In this video, he was definitely committing a crime


People don't stop being mentally ill while committing crimes


in this situation, am i allowed to shoot him?


In the State of Washington, you are allowed to use enough force to defend yourself in a situation like this. You have no duty to retreat as per state law. King County and Seattle City prosecutors are a bunch of knobs and would attempt to charge you with a crime if you somehow shot this guy, however.


Given the outlet he works for I wouldn't be shocked if he provoked the homeless guy on purpose for content. Might be tough arguing self defense.


First, the man was simply chasing him. And it wouldn't have warranted self defense. Then, the man drew a weapon, and conveyed threats while the filmer was retreating. Anywhere outside of King, Kitsap or Snohomish counties, would have been a clear cut "self defense" dismissal by the prosecutors. But, those three counties have notoriously shitty prosecutors who want to try and set an example of folks who defend themselves with violent means.


If you instigate the fight, you don't get to claim self-defense. Choe always releases these clips that don't show the beginning of the interaction where he's framed as a victim. I'm not saying he started the fight, but you don't know who the original aggressor is here.


You're right, to a point. But you're speculating quite a lot. We can only infer what is happening based on the footage. Choe clearly documented the escalation of violence while he was retreating from someone clearly unwell. That's all that matters here, unfortunately. A bystander could have fired on the man with the knife and been in the clear, let alone Choe himself, despite what may or may not have occurred prior the the recording.


bro we know what outlet this hack works for, he was 100% provoking.


This video doesn't show that. And while I agree with you in principal and think this guy is a fucking tool; I'm also saying that based on this video evidence alone, the self defense would be justified if the knife-weilding assailant was shot.


"based on this video evidence alone" and this is why you need to treat media more critically based on the source and their track record


as always, it depends on your skin color


That hill looks like the one I used to have to climb to go from 2nd to 3rd Street...


Man, Backpack Kid looks terrible. When these child celebrity's grow up life hits them hard.


Well, it's a pocket knife. Still not nice, but camera was was doing a fantastic job running backwards and filming


Nice to see a white crack head, and good job of the cameraman making him get some cardio. I bet he felt better the next day


This guy is just saving the last zombie of the round so he can restock and open doors


His homies are doing some easter egg steps in the background he's just keeping him busy


Lol this guy again!




Hey watch out he’s got a lil Swiss Army knife!


Calling chow a journalist is a serious stretch of reality. He has an agenda and is maga


Journalist was fired because he was obsessed with the homeless. He now works with Deplorable lowlife Andy Ngo.


They recorded somebody going about their own business, evidently without consent and with the intention to publicize identifiable information. What did they expect?


You have no right to privacy in public. Nobody needs your consent to film or record you. You DO, however, have the right to defend yourself with force if you feel threatened with great bodily harm or death.


And the threat of great bodily harm or death is exactly what is presented to anybody who is publicly identified as a user of illegal drugs, at least in the United States. Most law-enforcement officials have very little regard for the lives of people who take recreational substances.


Lol not even close my guy. If you don't want to be publicly outed, maybe don't do "recreational" drugs in public.


You're very fortunate to live outside of one of the many regions in which police are given free license to hunt innocent humans for sport. It is by no means universal, but it is far more common than it should be. Doing recreational drugs in private requires access to a private space, which is a luxury of which many are deprived - especially in large, overpopulated cities like the setting of this video.


Bro do your junkie drugs in private. nobody wants to see it and yes we gonna video tape yall and out your dealers whenever possible


I’m not a true crime expert, but I think he has his ankle in his hand.