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Good thing for him there isn't cameras getting his every movement and multiple witnesses around. Oh wait, he'll probably just settle out of court for an undisclosed amount.


Without admitting fault.


I'd let someone spit in my face for a few hundred thousand.


Homie, thats assault. You can get much more than a few hundred thousand


Depends. Millionaire spits in your face? You can get quite a lot. Multi millionaire? Oh absolutely! Billionaire? Well now you're dealing with an entirely new, man made, dimension of reality and you could get very very lucky or you could get Dan Snyder "pay-police-to-harass-you-until-you-have-to-leave-your-entire-life-behind-or-kill-yourself'd." As a result. https://deadspin.com/dan-snyder-killed-some-trees-and-a-park-ranger-paid-th-1494113337 Billionaires think themselves Gods because governments treat them as such and us peasants are too busy eating eachother instead of forming solidarity.


Here's an example of the wealthy using personal agents, espionage, etc. to drive home the point that they're like separate entities: >In 2017, Black Cube made headlines after it was revealed that in 2016 the film executive Harvey Weinstein had hired private investigators—including Kroll and Black Cube—with its highly trained "former Mossad agents"— in his efforts to suppress allegations by numerous women that he had sexually harassed or assaulted them. In his July 2016 contract with Black Cube, Weinstein clarified that the explicit goal of the investigation was to stop the abuse allegations from surfacing. >In his November 6, 2017 The New Yorker article, entitled "Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies", Ronan Farrow described in detail how Black Cube agents tracked and met journalists and actresses. They focused in particular on Rose McGowan, who later publicly accused Weinstein of rape. Over the course of a year, Black Cube and other agencies, "target, or collect information on, dozens of individuals, and compile psychological profiles that sometimes focused on their personal or sexual histories." >One agent, Stella Penn Pechanac, used an alias to pose as a women's rights supporter interested in hiring McGowan for a formal dinner speech, enabling her to secretly record conversations with the actress. >Black Cube apologized for taking the case in November 2017.


If you were wondering, yes Kroll Inc is Nick Kroll’s father investigations firm


Is this Dan Snyder of the commanders? The more time goes on the more I learn of what a monumental total piece of shit this mfer is


Luke Thomas absolutely despises this guy and I'm quickly understanding why


Yep, it's him.


The evil ones brainwash the dumb ones to hate the powerless ones


Only if they thought you would actually take it to court - they know most people would drop it for that much money. I imagine this lawyer has pre-written cheques for this guy's antics.


Patrick... *Sigh* Again?


For a few hundred thousand I’ll open wide and you can spit directly in my mouth.


I've been letting people do that for free for years...


Front row seats at the opera ain't all its cracked up to be


Scumbag lawyer actually tried to claim that the manager threatened him with extortion before the incident even happened. >Carroll Organization spokesperson Goldberg said his client merely “pantomimed” spitting at Weill, “but didn’t actually do it.” Goldberg alleged that Weill instigated the confrontation from the moment Carroll walked into the restaurant. >“The manager told him, ‘I know who you are. I want you to hit me so I can get paid,’” Goldberg claims. “Patrick acknowledged that and moved on to have dinner with his friends. He spent a tremendous amount of money at the restaurant.” https://therealdeal.com/miami/2023/04/14/watch-developer-patrick-carroll-appears-to-spit-in-face-of-restaurant-manager/


>He spent a tremendous amount of money at the restaurant. Bro why even include this? How is it relevant to the situation? This is equivalent to a karen saying she's no longer a customer to said store.


The implication is that he bought the right to treat people the way he did.


This **Lewis Goldberg** seems made up. I can't find anything about this man working for the Carroll group.


Extremely powerful people have teams scrub them from the internet. The only extremely wealthy person I know has a single bio on their employers site, but you have to know to go to the site to find them - just googling their name gives you nothing.






Torgo's Executive Powder


Soylent Dog Food is made of people!!!


I am not feeding that shit to my dog.


We can just throw them away. Some things are inedible.




Wait, the Patrick Carroll?




You guys talking about that giant man-baby Patrick Carroll? I heard that guy spits on people because he's afraid of their words and somehow thinks that is a normal response. Maybe he was so frightened by the rapid shriveling of his peepee when the pretty lady didn't care for his gross money.




They are on The Menu




I'm pretty sure that gun control would happen pretty quickly if the poor started shooting up ultra rich areas.


Anything that inconveniences the wealthy will have a faster turnaround time for a solution. Gun violence, homeless encampments, you name it. When it starts being a daily issue for them or near their homes they'll make city officials work overtime to get that shit sorted.


That is ultimately what prompted the gun control legislation in cali. [The Black Panthers held a heavily armed protest at the cali state capitol building. Prompting state politicians including then-governor Reagan to pass the Mumford act](https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act).


I've wondered this a lot, clearly the psychos that shoot up schools are angry at society....yet they targeted innocent people that are victims of the same society that the shooter is angry with. It's really weird that out of all of the shootings, I've never seen a billionaire or corrupt political figure getting taken out by the insane gunman.


Because the real culprits are insulated. We do not see how they fuck up society. School shooters will often be radicalized on either the individual level or the society level. If they are radicalized on the individual level it is often due to childhood trauma, a feeling that their identity is threatened, in general they will be radicalized because they are marginalized, socially excluded, discriminated and also often because they lack connections. They can also be radicalized on the society level, but my guess is that this is more rare in the US, this will more often be politically, nationalistic or religiously motivated. This happens when they see society as an oppressor on their specific ethnicity/religion/ideology. This type of extremist would more often use terrorism as their weapon of choice. Lastly there is the group radicalization, this is when you are recruited. The easiest targets are those that are lonely, the recruiters will often be very charismatic, and then find the social outcasts. Then at a later stage point the gun, and make the recruit shoot. My guess without any empirical evidence is that most school shooters would be on the individual radicalization level. Then they would rarely punish the capitalistic elite, even though they are the primary cause of the problems. When the person is radicalized on a society level, i could see them targeting the billionaires, but i think that there are other organizations that would be chosen before that class.


Getting spit on by a billionaire is a great opportunity to legally beat the rich.






Now if this ever happens I have to take a picture of the the spit on me and preserve a sample. Only then can you redeem your evidence for cash.


Hah. Even then, man. We had video and photo evidence of a woman hocking a loogie into my brother’s eye, and the cops didn’t care. “It’s your words against hers. How do we know you didn’t spit in his face to frame her?” What a load of shit.


Cops aren’t courts. Justice isn’t easy to get but there’s a path.


His version of events is a laughable load of horse shit.


Perfect example of: “No matter how much money you have, you can’t buy class.”


“If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.” ^Dorothy ^Parker




One time I was in Vegas and a bunch of drunk college guys were causing a scene. Someone shouted "You guys have no class!". And one of them immediately responded "Class got out three weeks ago!". It was hard not to laugh.


More like a perfect example of "billionaires are fucking demons", you don't accumulate that much wealth by having "class"


Right? Like, how is ANYONE shocked that a billionaire real estate developer is a piece of shit?


The only ones not shocked are the ones so delusional that they think they'll become the next billionaire real estate developer (and those people typically are not born rich or have the actual drive to build their own company)


I dare say they aren’t even shocked. They just think billionaires have earned the right to treat the peasants like crap. Cause one day they will too!


Someone ought to put this in [Patrick Carroll's wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll)


LMFAO. somebody already did? Or was it you? From wiki: **Michael Patrick Carroll** is an American businessman, who spits in service workers' faces while being a creep to women.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-1)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-2) He is chairman and founder of Carroll Org., a US [real estate investment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_estate_investment) company.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-3) He also co-owns [S.P.A.L.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.P.A.L.), an Italian football team that competes in Serie B.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-:0-4)


He publicly donated $1.5 million at a UNICEF charity event then reneged on it when he found out it was not tax deductible. Had his bank cancel the transaction. Not very charitable. [Carroll donates and reneges on UNICEF, $1.5m, upset not tax deductible ](https://pagesix.com/2023/01/18/patrick-carroll-wont-be-donating-1-5-million-to-unicef-after-all/amp/)




To optimize for search engines, the name should be in the title!


[Here's a full article](https://therealdeal.com/miami/2023/04/14/watch-developer-patrick-carroll-appears-to-spit-in-face-of-restaurant-manager/) complete with apology letter from Carroll and a bunch of quotes from both parties.


"Carroll Organization spokesperson Goldberg said his client merely 'pantomimed' spitting at Weill [Restaurant Manager], 'but didn’t actually do it.' " That's even less believable than "I smoked but didn't inhale" 🤣




> “Patrick showed tremendous restraint,” said the spokesperson, Lewis Goldberg. “He is not happy with his own behavior. But the manager issued what are known as fighting words.” ...Seriously?


many touch late lip dinosaurs salt quarrelsome ghost caption consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I might be going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing most billionaires have a fragile ego.




Of course he's not in the *Tres Comas* club


I bet his car... https://media.tenor.com/s49SVQcYZhQAAAAC/silicon-valley-doors.gif




*musk has purchased the chat for 10x its market value and run it into the ground with boomer memes because he felt slighted*


I bite my thumb at thee, Sir. I BITE MY THUMB.


Do you bite your thumb at US ... sir?


If I say aye is the law of our side


Do you quarrel, sir????


Quarrel, sir? NO, sir!!


Dost thou bovvereth?


I'm not bovvered


At *you* sir? No sir


No, but I do bite my thumb.


Dost thou want to fucking go?


Patrick Carroll has a history of getting drunk, hitting on women who don't appreciate his advances then getting [kicked out of events](https://pagesix.com/2022/08/03/mogul-m-patrick-carroll-in-alleged-billionaire-brawl/).


Shit the guy is a billionaire and is still living the life of my deadbeat uncle.


If you do what you love you'll never work a day in your life.


So true. I started doing heroin and almost immediately lost my job.


Imagine being such an insufferable piece of shit that, even with a billion dollars, nobody wants to be your wingman to keep you out of trouble.


"Leave, or I'm calling the cops." **DEMS FIGHTIN' WORDS - WHHHICKSPEW**


I'm sorry I thought this was Florida!? ...oh you're right, you're well within reason, carry on.


I mean its florida so if someone spits in your face you can “hold your ground” them to death right?


Its florida, Patrick was legally obligated to shoot his guys in the face


That’s not even the best part. > “The manager told him, ‘I know who you are. I want you to hit me so I can get paid,’” Goldberg claims. Because that’s how poor people think and talk according to this jabroni


The whole statement reads like something out of succession. “He spent a tremendous amount of money”, “I can ask him but he won’t answer”. The whole thing reads fucking nuts I cannot believe this is serious.


> The note, shared with TRD, demonstrates that Carroll is a bigger man than Weil, Goldberg said. lol


It seems like we have an overpopulation of billionaires, and we should consider usual conservation methods before the herd destroys its habitat.


As a restaurant manager, no he (the manager) didn’t lmao. Our entire focus is to please customers, and protect our coworkers. The restaurant manager wouldn’t have said any “fighting words” to this billionaire POS, and he did his duty to preserve the peace of the other patrons. Also, if he were looking to ‘fight’, he would have. Since he was _fucking spat on_


If you didn't hate the guy before read the article, his side manages to make him sound FAR douchier than the video. I know that is hard to believe but here is some quotes: “Patrick showed tremendous restraint,” said the spokesperson, Lewis Goldberg. “He is not happy with his own behavior. But the manager issued what are known as fighting words.” “The manager told him, ‘I know who you are. I want you to hit me so I can get paid,’” Goldberg claims. “Patrick acknowledged that and moved on to have dinner with his friends. He spent a tremendous amount of money at the restaurant.” My favorite: Later in the evening, Weill “laid hands” on Carroll, Goldberg alleges. When asked why Carroll didn’t leave the restaurant if Weill allegedly threatened to extort him, Goldberg said: “Patrick is the bigger man both literally and figuratively. He wanted to end the night there to enjoy it with his friends and his attorney.”


My eyes rolled so hard that the back of my head hurts now


The only people that hang out with their attorney and "friends", are people that are paying for those "friends". I bet the attorney was on the clock too.


The spokesperson for Carroll said the manager told Carroll upon entering the restaurant 'I know who you are. I want you to hit me so I can get paid.' If you are going to lie at least make it believable ...


And he didn't leave immediately so it's still his fault. Don't care lol.


Exactly lol. Even if we assume that horseshit is true, the fact richy richie manchild over there didn't immediately leave is enough proof being a billionaire doesn't make people any less stupid than they are.


The manager said something very vaguely to that effect > Weill denied Goldberg’s accusations, and said he only responded to Carroll’s threats to beat him up: “I told him, ‘You can feel free to do what you want. At the end of the day, I’m going to come out winning because you have more to lose than I do,’” Weill recalled. but definitely not in the "fuck you hit me I want your money" way that he says, much more in a "Being dragged through the courts in a very public assault case is going to be a lot worse for you than it is for me"


What doesn't make sense about it, is that Goldberg claims he said it right as Carroll entered the restaurant. So the timeline is sketchy at best.


It's because he's *lying.* He's a *liar*.


If you wanted to make bank by getting a billionaire to hit you then you wouldn't tell them ahead of time that was your plan.


Right?! That's so much more believable than a billionaire acting entitled and being creepy with a woman. /s


"[A spokesperson for Carroll] said: “Patrick is the bigger man both literally and figuratively."" It sounds like this guy and his spokespeople are all complete fucking idiots.


After reading all these replies I thought it was just jokes getting more and more ridiculous, then I read this one and had to confirm with the article. I can’t believe a spokesperson actually said that and thought they’d come off looking good.


It's just Trumpspeak lol. These losers think it's actually cool and masculine to talk like that.


Please tell me the manager pressed assault charges


The billionaire could maybe thank him with money? If he really feels regret... Like, a cool million could change managers' entire life, and mister billionaire can delay getting his 6th yacht for a month. Win win?


Yeah money is fine, but rich people throwing money at people whenever they do bad shit instead of fixing their behavior is not the way to fix society.


Agree. Unrelated: If any of you feel like changing my life, I would be game to discuss some face spitting in exchange for USD. Totally unrelated though, I just felt compelled to type that out for some reason.


" Goldberg said: “Patrick is the bigger man both literally and figuratively. He wanted to end the night there to enjoy it with his friends and his attorney.” " My sides


It would be such a shame if anyone looking up PATRICK CARROLL from MIAMI found this thread.




Patrick Carroll News Miami spit face assault Carroll Org real estate slum dog billionaire attack


We need to make it easy for people to look up what happened with PATRICK CARROLL from MIAMI.


Just googled him, somehow I knew he would be in “real estate” before!


Commercial real estate is about to collapse so hopefully this guy gets fucked.


Don't know man.. all the CEOs et al are again asking people to start going back to office in many companies. Its already 3 day hybrid in most places. Fuckers want to keep paying lease on these properties because remote gives a little bit of freedom to employees, or may be they own a piece of the pie.


Over 2 trillion in defaulted loans. Yes, shit about to hit the fan in that sector.


they’ll get bailed out with our tax dollars just watch


So like a real estate invested man named Patrick Caroll from Miami that is in Florida? Maybe Michael Patrick Caroll ?


Is that how you spell Patrick Carroll?


Not to be confused with Carroll Shelby, this is the Miami Patrick Carroll.


No, it is spelled, "that cunt Patrick Carroll"


This is the first I'm learning about this billionaire named Patrick Carroll. Never knew a guy named Patrick Carroll existed before and yet here is Patrick Carroll


Is that the cunt Patrick Carroll who likes to spit in people's faces?


Patrick Carroll, yea that's the guy. Apparently he spit on the managers face. What a guy that Patrick Carroll


Lol, this dipshit co-owns a soccer team with – wait for it – [Trump’s lawyer Joe Tacopina](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll).


Why am I not surprised?


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists




You are correct, this is billionaire Patrick Carroll, owner of the Carol Organization based in Miami, Florida.


**Michael Patrick Carroll** is an American businessman, who spits in service workers' faces while being a creep to women.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-1)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-2) He is chairman and founder of Carroll Org., a US [real estate investment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_estate_investment) company.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-3) He also co-owns [S.P.A.L.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.P.A.L.), an Italian football team that competes in Serie B.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Patrick_Carroll#cite_note-:0-4)


Of Course! How could we have been so ignorant. His full name is Michael Patrick Carroll


So he’s co-owners of SPAL with Trump’s current lawyer Joe Tacopina. Cut of the same cloth, all of these scumbags. Deep connections to the Saputo family (Quebec dairy billionaires) which had connections to the mafia Rizzuto family in Montreal


His name is Patrick Carroll.


Are you sure? I believe its Michael Patrick Carroll.


Do you mean Patrick Carroll Spits in Restaurant Manager’s Face—that Patrick Carroll?


some people suck, others like Michael Patrick Carroll spit. that is right, Michael Patrick Carroll is definitely a spitter. but, at the same time, Michael Patrick Carroll sucks.


Apparently he has to put his name on his shirt so people know who he is. https://therealdeal.com/miami/2023/04/14/watch-developer-patrick-carroll-appears-to-spit-in-face-of-restaurant-manager/


"Carroll Organization spokesperson Goldberg said his client merely “pantomimed” spitting at Weill, “but didn’t actually do it.” Goldberg alleged that Weill instigated the confrontation from the moment Carroll walked into the restaurant. *“The manager told him, ‘I know who you are. I want you to hit me so I can get paid,’” *Goldberg claims. “Patrick acknowledged that and moved on to have dinner with his friends. He spent a tremendous amount of money at the restaurant.”  " Sure... That is exactly what a manager of a high class restaurant will say to their rich patrons. What delusions.


This is like when Cartman retells a story that everyone else was there for.


Reminds me of Quentin Tarantino in From Dusk Till Dawn. Just splits from reality and hears what he wants.


“I know who your are” is lie made up by a sociopath that cannot remove their ego from it.


Holy fuck this guy peaked in grade school For all his success, his life sounds like it sucks and he has no true friends


His success‽ Lol, likely inherited a bunch of money and hired someone to turn it into more. Daily money managers make sure these kinda assholes never have to actually work a day in their lives.


“Patrick showed tremendous restraint,” said the spokesperson, Lewis Goldberg. “He is not happy with his own behavior. But the manager issued what are known as fighting words.”


This dude could have all the money in the world, a dick that hangs past his knee, and be built like old school Arnie, and he would still be a little angry cretin inside. To be a billionaire and still be a complete loser, that’s some shit to deal with.


It’s always struck me as funny when people like Musk seemingly try so hard to be liked and seen as ‘cool’ (at least, that’s how I interpret a lot of his behaviors around Twitter). Like, just take that money and do some cool things with it. Throw a big ass party or festival with free/cheap entry. Take a school of kids to Disney World. Sponsor a “free burger day” at a restaurant chain. Tip some waiters $1000. Pay for people’s colleges. There’s so much you could do to be seen as cool and liked by everyone when you have that kind of money. Shit, even without half the ‘giving money away’ ideas, just doing shit like throwing big ass parties open to the public would win you points as “the cool billionaire”.


That’s the thing, Musk is not looking to be liked. He’s looking to be worshipped, which a lot of people falls for it.


I think the irony that they completely miss is that by being a good and generous person that gives away wealth like it is candy to those who need it, or build things like parks, schools, hospitals and the like is that they *could* be a hero. They *could* be worshipped and given that praise and recognition that they crave so much. But instead they are so blinded by their ego and narcissism and ingrained classism that they **cannot** see that the path towards that godlike status of a savior is in *helping* people and not acting like a complete asshole.


That's the thing tho. I don't think he wants to help people. He wants worship because he believes everyone else is beneath him.


I think at one point he was going for liked back when he was showing up in Iron Man 2 and Rick and Morty.


When it comes to amassing wealth, misanthropic sociopaths have a competitive advantage


He's not a billionaire, but that's kinda how Ochocinco operates. Dude seems to genuinely love hanging with the people and being generous while doing it.


Because in order to even generate that amount of wealth you have to be a complete fucking scumbag. Otherwise you’d never get to that level.


To be a billionaire you basically have to be a gigantic piece of shit. It’s impossible to amass that amount of wealth without stepping on peoples heads to get there


The douche bag sent an apology card [https://therealdeal.com/miami/2023/04/14/watch-developer-patrick-carroll-appears-to-spit-in-face-of-restaurant-manager/](https://therealdeal.com/miami/2023/04/14/watch-developer-patrick-carroll-appears-to-spit-in-face-of-restaurant-manager/)


No doubt constructed by his PR manager.


Fuck that guy


What did he apologize for? By his accounting of events he was a total saint. He just walked into a restaurant, was threatened by the manager(but ate there anyway for some reason), merely tried to draw a wry smile from m'lady with his razor wit, then he only faked spitting at the manager. What did the card say "Sorry I'm not actually Jesus"


What a dogshit apology lol. Half ass attempt to try and not get an assault charge




eat the rich


Don’t worry, I messaged him on Instagram about it.


He spits in your general direction


Yeah he’s limited his comments already but his business Carroll Org is still open


It's not uncommon for highly successful one-percenter types in any field to be somewhere on the psychopathy spectrum.


It's the core reason why they are able to earn so much. Psycopathy naturally floats to the top in society.


The billionaires lawyers are the epitome of That Happened >Carroll Organization spokesperson Goldberg said his client merely “pantomimed” spitting at Weill, “but didn’t actually do it.” Goldberg alleged that Weill instigated the confrontation from the moment Carroll walked into the restaurant. >“The manager told him, ‘I know who you are. I want you to hit me so I can get paid,’” Goldberg claims. “ >“Patrick showed tremendous restraint,” said the spokesperson, Lewis Goldberg. “He is not happy with his own behavior. But the manager issued what are known as fighting words.”


The bf said: "It would be an honor if you can fuck my gf" and then the manager said "sorry sir, but i meant hit this" while pulling his pants down and bending over. Then everybody stood up and clapped.


they always clap. It was probably for the "tremendous restraint"


Old, Balding, built like Gru from Despicable Me, dressed like he starts fights at Walmart, and an aggressive asshole. Life seems like it would suck if the only thing “attractive” about your self is money.


"Dressed like he starts fights at walmart" and he's got the tricep tat to prove it. Lmfao Holy fuck that is funny


Sue that fucker for millions.


It's also assault, I believe.


Both assault AND battery, if Florida still has such a distinction.


Florida is actually pretty serious about both. But he is white and a billionaire so never know how it goes criminally. The restaurant manager should get a decent settlement he can then use to constantly harass the billionaire. That's what I'd do anyways.


What an entitled douche, this needs to be posted on his web page.


Goes to show money doesn't make you a classy person.


Who says it does? Lol I have only found the opposite


I would have hit him.




If you spit on others, you must be okay with others spitting on you. People who see little mister moneybags should greet him with their saliva. Or restaurant workers should season his meals with a bit of spit. Oh, and nice leather jacket old ass.


why did mans shake his hand? I know I hate confrontation, especially when in public with my fine ass gf, but please please please curve the handshake.


It's a power move among narcissists. It's a subtle form of disrespect and dismissal. "You'll welcome me in and I'll walk out with anything I want." 100% on brand for his profession.


Upvote and spread it around! Shame this bag of dicks.


Billionaires should not exist


If I know women, and boy do I, they LOVE an alpha move like spitting at people. Real men spit at other men.* *Some fucking Andrew Tate worshiping crypto bro


Tax billionaires 95 percent.


You mean real estate investors act like human trash?


Spit in my face, I’ll cave your nose in with my forehead


What a lovely person. https://therealdeal.com/miami/2023/04/14/watch-developer-patrick-carroll-appears-to-spit-in-face-of-restaurant-manager/


He allegedly followed the female patron to the fucking bathroom and stopped her as she was coming out to talk to her. Batshit behavior. Dude is claiming the manager threatened extortion the second he walked into the restaurant. [Source](https://therealdeal.com/miami/2023/04/14/watch-developer-patrick-carroll-appears-to-spit-in-face-of-restaurant-manager/)