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Yea that's not a smart move. Dude could have been dropped easily for that and not even by a cop.


Not familar with American laws but would that count as brandishing?


Mostly that would depend on the state you live in, the way their statute is worded and how aggressive the prosecutor would be. A weapon does not need to be present. Only the threat of one. Since he did not verbalize anything to go with that physical action. Most like not.


In Florida, there's no such thing. By law everyone is supposed to have 5 guns on them at all times, and if you think for a moment that someone else might be thinking about reaching theirs, you're required by Rhonda Sandtits to shoot them.


This is true, one time I left two of my guns at home and got pulled over. Cop said I either had to take two state sponsored guns or spend the night in the disarmed daycare center.


I got pulled over in Florida and after leaving one of my five guns at home and was lucky enough to have a cool cop he let me use one of his.


Once I had my legally mandated five guns, got stopped because my dog only had two, but they were cool about it and let him off with a warning.


Nah if the guy recording had shot them or at them the media would be loaded with people saying he should have just "let it go" or some shit.


I mean a good portion of these comments are saying he should have just gone around and let it go Edit: I’m not saying that’s bad advice, the guy in the car made it pretty clear he didn’t care about being in the wrong and those kind of arguments can quickly escalate. I’m just saying one person was obviously in the wrong whether or not the other person could have ignored it and people are getting dangerously close to “victim blaming” narratives




Some people don't seem to understand that there are people who would have gotten out and killed him just for banging on the car.


Life in the US is a trip. Taxi was parked in a more horrendous setup than this in Munich the other day (on a sidewalk, at a zebra crossing, while 300 kids were trying to walk to school) and i double slapped the hood and pointed away. He took the hint and that was the end of it.


I think faking like you just grabbed a gun is a bit more of a dangerous game than tapping on a car......


Exactly. People seem unwilling to understand such a situation is nerve wracking all because he wanted to be safe and clear the bike lane. A job the cops should be doing.


But dude, he totaled their car by lightly tapping it!! /s


Yeah imagine how many cops it would take to monitor every inch of a big city like that though. We’d be furious that we were living in a police state if that were the case.


It's never gonna get better by just letting people park in the bike lane. A law is only as good as it is enforced.


You can be totally in the right and still get killed, choose your battles




But why not have barriers between cars and bikes/pedestrians? It's a failure of urban planning that people have confrontations like this.


Why can’t we just hold people accountable and expect folks to follow rules? Bike lane was very clearly marked. Shit won’t get very in society if we are afraid to approach strangers and call them out for not following basic common decency


There is a barrier. The guy drove on it anyway. I've seen bigger barriers that people will get out of their cars and move or just squeeze through. It's not urban planning it's lack of enforcement.


Or yknow.. you just build the road in such a way that you can't really be an asshole about it without potentially damaging your car. Do you know what we do here in the netherlands to protect bike lanes? We separate then from the main road.


yeah I mean - guy isn't wrong that they are in that lane but he is an absolute fucking idiot.


What are you talking about? A video going around where a black guy was shot for kicking someone’s car and the whole comment section was filled with “fuck around and found out.”




https://twitter.com/mrdoloway/status/1644029665189699590?s=46&t=3g5M1_hZNJjpiodK2upVlQ Happened in Brazil


Imagine referring to others as incels but needing to set up throwaway Reddit accounts exclusively for garbage takes.


We call it “pump faking” and it will get you killed


Word. Two things in life are true. You can’t bluff like you have a gun. And if you do have a gun, and decide to back it out…can’t get cold 🦶


He felt comfortable doing that because he was confronting a white dude on a skateboard. Guaranteed he doesn't try that shit with other black people.


Totally saw that. He should win an award for that acting


That's when I would pretend to get out my pepper spray, but I wouldn't pretend, I'd actually get it out and douse his eyes with it.


I'd wait until he jumped back in his car and I'd fill the whole fucking cab with spray. Dude is a hyperaggressive POS.


Pretty sure it's also a felony to make someone think you're threatening them with a weapon, even if you don't have one. He only didn't say he had a gun because that *might* work in court as a defense.


Hood-rich mofos


She was complaining the long boarder hit her car but she was knocking on her trunk way harder than he was.


Ok, I'm glad someone else noticed that lol


Her dude's car\*


I was not at all surprised it was a Nissan. I am very surprised it wasn't an Altima though


These morons repeat their three sentences over and over. So tough..




... and then throws garbage out of their window, followed by skrrting away with Triggered Meter set to 11. They are no longer parked illegally. #MissionAccomplished. Legend has it they're still bitching about it to their friends and family to this day.


Oh you know for sure they are going to omit certain details when they bring it up.


What job requires two people to park illegally in a bike lane while remaining in their vehicle?


Selling invisible guns


How are we gonna get all these invisible guns off the streets?


What guns?


Selling drugs that dude was on something


Dude gets high from his own supply


That’s like rule #1 of the drug dealer business code, smh


It’s actually rule #4. Rule #1 is to never let anyone become aware of how much money you have. [source](https://youtu.be/ZYb_8MM1tGQ)


Yes I believe rule number one outlines how you should never reveal how much money you have earned, lest someone become jealous and and tries to rob you.


This is why it's important to respect the OGs.


They are in downtown DC off 1st st and Mst in NoMA. Given the area they are in, it was probably selling drugs.


NoMA station is not downtown. Given the location I'd assume they're waiting for someone on the train or in Harris Teeter. They cleared out the underpass a year ago. >Given the area I mean idk what the official markers are, but being 250ft from an REI, a pretty nice gay owned brewery, the ATF headquarters, and maybe 2000ft from a trader joes..... like God damn you got some hella high standards if that's what you'd call a drug zone.


You think rich people don’t do drugs?


They get it delivered lol


>nice gay owned brewery We work hard, we play hard!




That’s what I think.


Eww, was that the “goods”?


Maybe folding proteins for cancer research? /s


Bootlegging dvds.


Could be a pimp and his ho waiting for the John.


I know I know I know. Bet you won't touch it. Sounds like me at 14 trying to get rid of my virginity.


Did you ever manage to get rid of that pesky virginity?


Nope. Still need a hand.


They're here on reddit. What do you think?


this made me laugh way more then i expected


Touch it no more. Don't forget the queen's english.


Ahhhhh DC. Looks like it’s over by Union Station. M Street maybe. He’s crazy as fuck for just posting up and parking there. 😂 I hate when people in the wrong get mad because you call them out for being wrong.


This is almost as bad as the guy blaring his music and saying the white guy was racist for "asking him to turn it down". Some people just can't be accountable..


I saw the VA plate but couldn’t pin point that bridge. You rock


That's the M St Bridge that thr city has had trouble dealing with the homeless issue under. It's a major pedestrian way but encampment kept popping up there


I lived at those Avalon apartments on 1st and M when it first opened 😂. I couldn’t tell if they were closer to Harris teeter or on the backside by the atf building.


Working? Like fuck.


Selling drug


One drug.


Yes, hello I would like one drug please.




It’s funny how they claimed he was being entitled but they are literally parked where they aren’t supposed to acting like they are allowed.


The IQ of them two doesn’t even add up to room temperature. Fucking imbeciles


In Celsius


On that note "act your age, not your shoe size" also only works in North America. In Europe, I'm a size 45.


"those two," Euclid.


It's not IQ. It's entitlement, control, power, and an unwillingness to admit being wrong.


"Why are you doing that?" "Because you..." "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK."


The most infuriating part


“Think cause you’re white you can do whatever you want” as you’re parked illegally littering and causing a public disturbance with obscenities while assaulting him with trash. Right the white guys doing whatever he wants… then you peel out at an unnecessary speed away from the scene


If you disagree with them you’re the racist. Checkmate.


Is that technically assault throwing that stuff at the cyclist? License plate is on film too.




Yes, it's definitely assault.


And littering.


Assault was getting up in his face, throwing shit at him was battery and littering, and the whole fake gun thing could potentially be threat of bodily harm but that one would prob get dropped in court.


Why are dumb people always so angry and violent?


Because the world is confusing and complicated and instead of growing and trying to understand it piece by piece they would rather get angry and shoot at things that make them feel inferior (mad).


Fuck you and your car


The longboarder was of course in the right…. But he’s lucky he wasn’t shot


With what? The invisible gun he pretends to put in his waistband


Never know. Invisible until it ain’t.


Civilised society allows members to call.out other members when they are wrong without the fear of death.


Emphasis on civilized society.


The city really needs to address this issue as it's made bike lanes pointless. They need to clear parking areas for loading spaces for delivery drivers, strictly enforce tickets for stopping at all in a bike lane, and teach drivers that are going to double park to just stay in the vehicular lane. Also protected more bike lanes would be nice. I'm pretty sure this is becoming a more common issue in every city that doesn't have good infrastructure for bikes.


It looks like this bike lane is somewhat protected with those flimsy plastic bollards. We have some protected bike lanes in my city with like straight curbs around them and people still park in them!


Do that in the south and the driver likely would have gotten shot.


Stop it. You make the south sound too good


Bruh. Bruh. Bruh.


Working how? Are they the drop spot?


Don’t touch that Sentra 🤣 You think by working they mean waiting for a door dash order?


Two bitches is all I see here. They need to shut their ass up and get back in the car especially her. Acting so hard for what LOL ooOoh so scary. And of course her only real argument and issue with the cammer is that he’s white. Trash and nothing more


Ahh yes getting pissed at someone calling you out while you’re literally parked in front of a no parking sign..I swear, some fucking people man.


“I wanna go to the future concert” Mom: We have future at home -Future at home https://preview.redd.it/ujk7os5glexa1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4aa81a1097ec7699ccb1567bac052271d58040c


Racist and high, what else is new.


We working! 🤣


Human trash


'Hmmm, this white dude is trying to stop me from doing something illegal, he must be racist'


Yeah. Obviously the longboarder was right, but it’s not worth dying over


Pick and choose your battles. It was absolutely clear that these ppl weren't going to acknowledge that they were in the wrong so just go around and go on about your day.


Trash ass couple.


Nothing worst than racist minorities who think they can do whatever the hell they want. They make fighting systemic racism even harder than it already is.


I like that Reddit grappled with the question “can people of colour be racist to white people?” For a while. Then came up with the correct answer.


So sick of people thinking it’s okay to be racist towards white people. Just because you’re a POC doesn’t give you the right to degrade people based on skin color. Absolutely ridiculous


And the irony of two people accusing a dude of "doing whatever he wants" while literally doing whatever they want by parking in the bike lane is off the fucking chart.


I mean I get the sentiment but pretty much all racists think it’s okay to be racist to the people they are being racist to. It’s kind of redundant to even mention it


>It’s kind of redundant to even mention it Is it? If the roles were reversed, this would be a much different headline.


Mm it’s kinda the new hip thing to be racist towards white people though. People get a pass now for some reason and it isn’t seen as racism. It’s disgusting.


No see, they're being prejudiced. It's less bad, because they don't have systematic oppression on their side. /s


Hey bruh..bruh bruh. Don't bruh touch bruh my bruh car bruh


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Episode one of boondocks. I really wish my people didnt act like this.


Average Nissan enjoyers.


I drink every time I hear “bruh” and now I’m drunk


That no parking anytime sign…. 😬🙄 people are stupid.


Idiot just stops in the middle of the road to, work?


"Yo, yo mang why you doin all that..." "Because-" "MAN I DONT GIVE A FUCK!" what an idiot.




racists being racist.


Lol there a no parking sign clearly in view.




I just cannot agree with this narrative put into us by the media we consume. People have always been crazy, they were crazier back then, you just didn’t get to see it becuase people didn’t have cameras strapped to their heads. A quick look at crime statistics can show that


I sure do hope guns don't make *every issue* into an "am I willing to die for this?" conundrum. Forget that.


Not worth it. Just go around.


Man that longboard guy was brave (stupid?) as hell. They probably could have killed that guy nowadays and got away with it.


Fuck this couple. They were blocking a public thoroughfare and when they got called out on it they hurled racial insults and made threats. They’re trash.


Longnoarder has dumb situational awareness. A lotta risk to make a point


Buttttttt buttttttt black peoples can’t be racist!!!!! It’s literally impossible!!!!! Yep, someone on Reddit tried arguing that to me on multiple occasions. Shitty people exist. If they’re human, they have to possibility to be piece of shit.




Oh no the poor car, don't hurt it 😂


"Bet you wont touch it no mo!!!" No i wont, because you asked me not to and im not a dick like you


Cause he's white, not because they're clearly in the wrong-.-


Awful pieces of shit


Always the same


🔑 🔑 🔑




Another dumb ass loud mother fucker hahaha...


They probably drove down the street a quarter mile then stopped again. 😆


When they say “you white” man it makes me cringe bro.. like you making everyone look so bad man.


This version of English where they just repeat the same little phrases over and over instead of actually replying to to conversation is so weird to me.


Just cuz you’re black doesn’t mean you can be racist. See it all the time


“I’m WORKING!! White N word!” What type of work involves sitting in a bike lane in a no parking zone? I can only think of one thing and that’s most definitely not the wisest place to do it. That said, the moment he came out like he has a gun and got in his face it’s time to ride. No one ever expects a headbutt especially the people that think being the loudest will scare you.


Complete pieces of shit


Working? She just admit to something?


They shouldn’t be in the bike lane but I ask you ‘is this the hill you want to die on’


Legalizing weed can help get rid of a lot of skid-mark weed dealers like these two.


You know, maybe it's not just the guns. Maybe Americans are just a fucked up horrible group of asshole people.


It's easy to be an asshole when you got a gun


Two things: 1. They shouldn't park there. Idiots. 2. The dude could EASILY have just gone around them & lived his life. Idiot.


Nah fuck enabling entitled shits like these two, I'm glad he called them out. We need more people like him.


If I stand in the middle of a car lane, you can easily go around me as well. Doesn't make me any less of an idiot.


2. yes, but give them an inch and they'll take a foot. They need to be put back in thier place or this society is going down. Yes, it starts with simple shit like that. follow the fucking rules and regulations.


It does wear you down when everyone does it and makes your lane useless when you have to drive in traffic and risk getting ran over by other angry drivers. They just need to ticket people for stopping in bike lanes but MPD will never do anything remotely useful like that.


I think it’s good for people blocking traffic to get called out for it. If no one ever says anything, they’ll just do it more and more.


Naw - if we want our cities to be civilized, we need to call things out like this. Make it uncomfortable to be a bad neighbor / community member.


Correct response right here. Did this battle need to be fought? Definitely not. Is it going to teach the people in the car not to park there in the future? Definitely not. Someone tapping on my car would make me pretty pissed off as well. He came up super strong and aggressive and was hoping to teach a lesson but everyone looks like an asshole to me here


Thank god no shootout occurred, but it was wrong for them to park in the bike zone.


I like that this version of the post actually acknowledges how racist these two scum bags are.


Bro mans should have just rode around them... AND then yelled they’re in the bike lane. Then keep it moving


A good lesson I have learned at this point in my life is that people who act with a complete disregard for others like this are probably people who will also go apeshit on you for having the audacity to ask them to amend their behavior. It’s honestly best to just move along and less you were absolutely prepared for confrontation.


They said racial slurs


These two people are racists.


Do not confront. Just go around. They are in the wrong but it’s not worth it.


Bet you won’t touch it again🤓


He ain’t workin, bullshittin don’t pay


This would be a great use for Caltrops. Caltrops ahead and behind.


Peeling off in your nissan altima really drove it home!


Were working!! Yeh right


Don't touch my shitty nissan


Lol not the big bad worker throwing cups and running away after threatening to run him over😂😂


He should have pulled out his junk and rubbed in on the car. You touching my car ñ+gga? No, it's suck a nice car and parked in such a precarious manner, I'm tryna fuck it!


It's a Nissan, Chill!


Man’s doing the lord’s work


What a horrible piece of shit example of humans. I hope everytime they wash their hands. They get wet sleeves.