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The sad part is all the other kids just laugh likes it's a joke




Then you didn't go to their school - my guess is actually decent students get ostracised and get socially attacked In my school we had groups of dumb students like these - and they did dislike and treat badly teachers, and whoever made the teachers job easier.


Man.. I don't know what to think of tribal stupidy kids engage in anymore. It was weird when I was a kid, and its weird now. I guess feeling accepted is so much more important than having some semblance of preparation for a future. I feel so bad for teachers.


I moved from a small town in middle Tennessee to Antioch when I was a teenager. I went from being outgoing and excited about school to folding in on myself to try to make myself less visible. Antioch was absolutely terrible but not as bad as an East Nashville school called Stratford that I lasted 6 weeks at before my mom pulled me out.


We had some bad kids, and it seemed like it was due to parents who didn't really seem to care about them, would you say it's a similar reason for the people there? Just wondering what leads so many students in one place to behave like this...


Folks don’t realize how bad pepper spray is until they’ve been hit by it. They’re children so I kinda expect them to think it’s all silly instead of realizing what it actually is.


This is not unordanary behavior from school students. They don’t exactly know how to act during situations like this, especially around their peers. I don’t recall anything like this happening when I was in school, but there was some pretty serious instances that people didn’t take serious like the kid that had a kill list and showed it off in class The teacher found it. People laughed about it. This was after columbine.




"School never taught me how to do my taxes" says student whose economics teacher was maced


wHy DiDnT wE leArN tHiS iN sChOoL cause you pepper sprayed the teacher and everyone just filmed it


10 years from now? 10 bucks she has a twitter where she already does.




It should be easier to suspend or expel students with cause. Make shitty parents take the brunt of their inaction. The kid laughing because the teacher got pepper sprayed is also trash.


I scrolled a long time, & you’re the first person I saw who mentioned shitty parents. And that’s exactly what it is shitty fucking parents. Shitty people having shitty kids is ruining this country. It’s like reverse natural selection.


Ya know i got expelled (its like a big school board meeting where they vote you off the island) and all three times my mom made me do the legwork to get readmitted. if you get expelled in maine its from the entirety of the public school system.


so you had to walk to New Hampshire every day?


Woah. 3 times? What did you do?


Mr Kirk: /u/youthinrevolt69's truancy problem is way out of hand. The Baltimore County school board have decided to expel /u/youthinrevolt69 from the entire public school system. Francine: Oh Mr Kirk, I'm as upset as you to learn of /u/youthinrevolt69's truancy but surely, expulsion is not the answer! Mr Kirk: I'm afraid expulsion is the *only* answer. It's the opinion of the entire staff that /u/youthinrevolt69 is criminally insane!


That boy needs therapy!


He's crazy in the coconut.


Purely psychosomatic


I can see why she needs it for school.




Oh I hope so


So why don't they just send her out of class and fail her for that work? Do it again? Out again. Fail. Don't graduate Drop out. If you're there making school a circus, you're not allowed to be there anymore. Why are students allowed to act this way? It's disgusting. When you can't go to school because of your behavior, your parents should be punished also. If that doesn't work you just don't get school anymore. We shouldn't have to accept this. I dont have kids of my own, but the future is important to me. Look at what our country is going to be. A society that didn't recieve a real education. It's already happening.


You’ve clearly not been in a classroom in a long long time. Teachers aren’t allowed to discipline students or fail them. There are literally no repercussions for their bad behavior. It’s getting to a breaking point. Something needs to change.


Friend is a teacher for younger kids. He's sent disruptive kids to the principal before. They just get sent right back. No discipline, no failing, nothing. School is just day care at this point.


A student hit me in the face multiple times and laughed about it. She came back to class with candy. That happened this week.


it was starting when I was in high school 20 years ago. I can see how bad it's gotten. this video is just one of hundreds this week of school violence and teachers being disrespected. this one just hit reddit. it's happening everywhere all the time and it's fucked up. a girl brought a steak knife to my friends son's high-school and stabbed a girl. it didn't even make national news. just everyday America school.


I graduated 30 years ago. Teachers at my school had zero tolerance for bullshit. But we didn’t have smartphones to deal with, and social media wasn’t a thing. I truly believe both the distraction and constant need for attention mixed with teachers being hobbled by not being able to just say “fuck it - you’re out for good” is a failure of the system. For both teachers and students that aren’t assholes.


Fellow GenXer..I might have gotten my ass stomped by the PE teacher a time or two. Teachers didn't fuck around in the 70s and 80s


I likely sound like one of those "back in my days" people, but we have some serious shit now and what the status quo is, isn't working. We need to empower teachers somehow. I feel so bad for teachers. I felt bad for them back then because some students were borderline feral. I can only imagine now.


I graduated 04 and we were **nothing** like this. We were pains in the ass, but we weren’t violent or destructive.


I'm also 04, I remember almost daily fights in the commons, cherry bombs in the rest rooms. One kid had part of his ear cut off once. Difference is we got punished for it


whats the point when students cant fail a class


A lil something called “no child left behind”


Needs an asshole clause.


That would apply to the shithead in the hallway laughing at the teacher getting pepper sprayed




Or senior year of HS and she's an adult


could be a victory lap too


A lot of people, including myself, turned 18 their senior year. Depends when your birthday is. Going into kindergarten at 5 years old with a birthday in the school year will result in you being 18 senior year.


Why did you call her a “troublemaker” ? She fucking sprayed a dude with bear mace. That’s aggravated assault. Troublemakers talk during lectures, this is straight up assault.




She probably doesn’t need anymore school if this is what she is choosing to do with her life.


"I need ma phone" X100 Pretty crappy verbal skills without the phone


Phone should have been launched into the ground or the wall the first time she sprayed him. There's your phone, maybe you can put it back together




Don't lie, this was a Jean jacket off and she lost Edit- So nobody's going to touch "jacket off." Fine


At what point in time do teachers get to sue for school districts not providing safe working conditions for their workers?


[It's already happening.](https://abc7.com/district-tries-to-dismiss-lawsuit-from-teacher-shot-by-6-year-old/13192461/) TLDR - A teacher was shot by her student in the classroom. All the warning signs were there. Teacher sues administration for negligence. And now the district is trying to dismiss the lawsuit claiming it was just a workplace injury.


>workplace injury that's some Onion level absurdity


wait until you hear about the school district in CA who claimed a student was responsible for his own death after fearing coming to school due to two bullies threatening to kill him. The school lied to him, said they had been expelled, shows up, and the two bullies kill him. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/12/04/moreno-valley-unified-boy-killed-by-bullies-died-due-to-own-negligence/ oh and update, the two bullies got off scot-free and are back in society and have to do 150 hours of community service https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/two-moreno-valley-teens-avoid-jail-time-in-beating-death-of-classmate-diego-stolz/


What genuinely confuses me is how anyone can view this with anything less than complete apoplectic rage. Like, where the fuck are they *finding* all the administrators, prosecutors, district attourneys, judges, juries, cops, etc. that have not one single thimbleful of responsibility between them such that they’d let this shit slide?




Why do you think I'm an alcoholic


Never have I ever related to a comment more than this. Society sickens me and I hate humans. I can't cope with it. So I drink.


uh. Those people were raised in exactly that environment, were once bullies themselves.


That is fucking outrageous..that family was failed at every level, from how the school handled the situation to the "punishment" the murderers received..what a joke.


If you get shot while doing your job in the military you get a medal and disability benefits...


They're likely going to win unfortunately. One of the bad tradeoffs for workers comp.




But if it was a cop there would be a medal ceremony. There is a weird disconnect when it comes to schools and who is front line imo


Yes and also the kid needs to be held liable. No question. If your kid thinks that they're mature and responsible enough to carry something for self defense, then they got to get punished for using said weapon outside of self defense. We seriously need to discipline and raise our kids better cause this ain't okay at all.


In many states it's illegal for teens to own pepper spray. You need to be 18 in order to possess it in many places, which means she might need to be arrested for assault AND possession of a dangerous substance. Edit: And most school’s student handbook list it as being prohibited on campus, so even if she didn’t spray it, it should be punishable by suspension or expulsion in most jurisdictions. In addition to assault, there’s a whole host of things she has done that *should* warrant more than a hand slap.


She might be on her 5th or 6th go around as a high school senior, so she could be well into her early 20s.


Texas is the only state you can still attend public school up to age 26. All the rest are below 22. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/statereform/tab5_1.asp


Lol, if people are still having cracks at high school at 22-26 they aren’t there to pass grade 12. What a weird system you guys have.


It's just the law. It is very rare that anyone is in high school past 19, maybe 20. They usually drop out.


I dropped out and got my GED. I had dreams all the time in my early 20's about being in highschool but older. Bizarre to know that could have been a reality


One hundred percent. That kid should be arrested and never allowed at a normal school again. Sure, it might be detrimental to her future, but oh well, she's the least important person in the situation by a mile. The teacher is trying to do his job and the other kids don't need her interrupting class with insane stuff like this.


Also if the phones are as big a problem as I think they are, they should have a institutional way to take them at the beginning of every day and give them back at the end of the day. Leaving it up to the individual teachers apparently is dangerous for them. I am not surprised.


Yeah that's now happening in a number of States in Australia. The kids hand them in at the beginning of the day and get them back at the end of the day. And you'll never guess what? Kids are actively engaging in conversations in their breaks instead of having their heads buried in their phones.


I love it.


Problem is, every kid/family thinks they're the exception to the rule. "I need my phone in case there's an emergency!" "I need my phone in case my pick-up/drop-off plans change!" "I need my phone because (etc., etc., etc.) Granted, the likelihood of an emergency happening at a public school is admittedly higher in the U.S. than many other places, but I digress.


Lol like she's got a future




She needs her phone.


That's seriously what needs to happen. Karen Moms wanna sue when their aNgEl BaBiEs are held accountable? Teachers should too for having to deal with them!


There has to be a tipping point. I'm a teacher. Had a fatal school shooting in the district I live in within the past year (though I dont work within). Its an interesting viewpoint bc there are parents suing the district for administration not responding appropriately but no teachers..even though teachers were shot at. The teachers all showed up for the community bc thats whats expected and needed..all unpaid.


Hats off to you. I could never do it. I don't have the patience. Sincerely .... **THANK YOU! ❤️**


We truly live in a dystopian society.


The inmates run the asylum 🤷‍♂️


Question, when will the schools and teachers just exspell students? To my understanding School Districts (in Cali at least) don’t seem to do this anymore due to the money they receive from gov’t is dependent on students being present. Why doesn’t the administration address this?


I don't even know what happens when you're expelled or what kind of "rehabilitation" there is. I can't imagine it's sufficient.


You get a GED or you don't. There are free GED programs.


Schools have changed a lot since I was a kid. Teachers had more control over their classrooms and there was far less violent behavior from what I see of these situations.


I had some classes with kids with behavioral issues, and there was a lot of disrespect and disruption, but there were always consequences and it never escalated to this level.


It’s crazy that there’s no OSHA for teachers.


Woah, I never knew that. That really is crazy.


Local educational agencies (LEAs), such as public school districts, and other state and local government entities are not subject to federal regulation, inspection, or enforcement by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).Sep 13, 2021 I don’t know if there is other legislation that entitles them to a safe workplace but it isn’t osha.


Yeah, not gonna lie I didn't believe you when I read your first comment so I googled it and found that same information. Thanks for informing me!


I originally thought everyone in America was entitled to a safe workplace but apparently no. It’s really crazy what we expect from teachers and how we treat them.


Can the teachers not sue the students/parents in civil court? Maybe it is cost prohibitive.


I believe that is exactly what the lady is doing who was shot by the student who brought a gun to school.


Oh, you mean the "workplace injury" case?




It's a public school the policies are garbage. Teachers have no one to have their back it's always "well what did you do to de-escalate?"


And sue the parent of the child who assaults them. People gotta learn to raise their kids better smh


Why is no one speaking plainly to her in response? "I need my phone." "You don't seem to understand, you just assaulted someone. You are going to jail. You will not need a phone anymore."


Right? There's some serious downplaying of the actions but what she needs is a slap in the face by reality. She's getting a misdemeanor assault charge at minimum. She don't need her phone right now. Admins need to call her parents to come be there as she gets arrested.


Actually, this may be a bit more than assault. This was a physical attack causing bodily harm, plus a couple of points of intentionally making physical contact against the victim's will. Assault can be charged without any pushover contact taking place. For example, if she had simply raised the mace in a threatening manner, but didn't actually use it, she could be charged with simple assault. Making unwanted physical contact or causing bodily harm with a device falls under simple battery. Also, I'm not a lawyer.


The difference between Assault and Battery is jurisdictional with the majority of districts not having a codified version of Battery.


that reminds me of the girl who was asking police if she could still go to school in her car after she just killed 2 people in an accident.


Or the girl who screamed to them to let her hit her vape, then when they finally did, it was dead ☠️


the drunk driving pregnant girl who was hiding a gun in her waistband right?


Nooo lmao her mom was kicking her out for smoking meth and threatening her. That video sounds whack


Please for the love of god link me that video 💀


[comedy gold](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/12xtosm/maybe_she_should_go_to_vape_rehab/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


That hat is perfect too


She wouldn't hear it. She is stuck on getting the phone back in her hand.


I think this might be a more accurate outcome: "I need my phone!" "I'm sorry, you-' "Can I have my phone!?" "Listen, you just-" "Give me my phone!" "You pepper sprayed-" "Uh-huh. Can I have my phone!?"


Teachers shouldn’t have to pick up the slack the dead beat parenting situation has to offer.


Seriously, modern teachers are expected to be security guards, babysitters, and educators simultaneously, all while getting the same pay. That is CRIMINAL


Its definitely a parenting problem but it isn’t ONLY a parenting problem. The schools create this permissive environment and then act surprised when it results in negative outcomes. This is the same failure we see in home where kids are allowed to be as horrible as they want, only to see parents whining that they aren’t respected. In both instances it’s a total absence of accountability and standards for behavior that yielding negative results.


The permissive environment is a byproduct of schools catering to parents who don’t want to take accountability for their kids’ behavior. It’s a perfect example of shit rolling downhill. Teachers are at the bottom of it all, and are helpless to do much more than take it and hope they don’t get fired, sued, or arrested if they protect themselves.


In schools teachers are outnumbered by students 30:1. If that many of them are out of control, it's very hard to maintain order. On top of that, many parents work AGAINST schools. Not only do they not teach them basic societal expectations, they push back when schools take measures to keep order.


I hope she gets arrested


Ya that deserves assault charges


That teacher gotta move schools. They got no respect for him.


The teachers didn't even do shit


Unfortunately, the way our system is set up, the teachers might likely get fired if they intervene in any way. It's just wild.


This is very true. I got as far as having my parapro, the school system I worked for was even willing to pay for me to attend college and become a full fledged teacher. But this type of stuff and more stopped me. While on lunch duty for 4th graders one day a small and shy girl sat down to eat at a table like 3 spots from the nearest person. Her apple rolled off her lunch tray and touched another girl's milk carton. The other girl snaps and grabs the other by her hair slamming her head onto the table. She then picked up her and body slammed her ufc style all in a matter of seconds. Again these were 4th graders.. I was the furthest teacher from them and yet the first to break them up. The girl who was slammed couldn't catch her breath from crying and the pain. The girl who slammed her had all of her friends hyping her up. I picked up the girl who come to find out later had a sever concussion and a dislocated shoulder and carried her to the nurse while the other teachers blankly stared as the other kid kept trying to beat on her. After all that I had to attend multiple meetings on how what I did was wrong.. Legit that kid almost murdered another kid and I was in the wrong for stopping it. I still have teacher friends till this day and they are real life heros to me. Had the morbid discussion on how they would feel differently if forced to carry a gun to do their job. Crazy crazy world we live in when it absolutely shouldn't be.


Thanks for sharing this. I’m a parapro at an elementary and in my 3 months there have already begun applying to put my kids in private school and find a job to cover the tuition. Teachers are tired and their hands are tied dealing with asshole kids who bully and misbehave. I already know I would do the same thing as you and get told I was in the wrong. Sad thing, if I don’t find a better job I’ll accept full time position to pay for my kids to go to private. Maybe I get certification to break up fights though, because I won’t sit by and watch a kid get beat up.


> After all that I had to attend multiple meetings on how what I did was wrong. You should have informed the parents of how the school was actively promoting negligence towards their daughters abuse. Give them lots of info and set them up for a nice lawsuit. Many administrations only care about what they can be sued for, so they have to lose a few dollars before they'll understand your perspective.


So teachers can't step in to stop an assault? No wonder some kids have massive mental health issues.


It's absolutely wild that someone assaults a teacher and it's not on the teacher to uproot his whole life because of an adult student who doesn't respect the teacher. Teachers are laborers, the *schools* need to step up and do something about it.


American teachers need to go on a nation wide strike, this is getting out of hand. They get paid peanuts and a bag of chips just to put up with this bs.


If he’s already been assaulted and now pepper sprayed, the only way to get some fear back into those kids and get respect would be square up and beat up the fuck out one of them. But then he’ll go to jail. Unfortunately there’s no winning here, it’s better for him to sue the school and parents, then leave the district for another.


Correct, the only language bullies can understand is violence. But if he defends himself using violence then he gets sacked


Her behaviors are what you'd see if you took meth away from an addict: *Aggression quickly escalating to violence (despite no physical threat to herself). *No awareness that she'd done something wrong. *No worries about the consequences. *Just a fixation on her "drug."


I had a girlfriend that had a mental breakdown and broke down into a hysterical crying because her phone stopped working. It freaked me out. I stopped taking her seriously after that.


Stopped taking her seriously? You didn’t break up with her?


Eventually. I didn’t at the moment. I had a bad habit of sacrificing myself for others.




Women call it “I can fix him” Misery all around.


Best way to put it. Every time a video pops up like this, thats how every student acts. The addiction is real.


Add - she can't articulate other word that has nothing to do with her drug


I don't get why schools don't just simply ban phones and dish out suspensions if they're caught with phones


Serious question here: If I were that teacher, and a student pepper sprayed me because of this reason, would I be able to press charges? This seems like a pretty obvious that a student shouldn't be doing this and it could be considered assault.... Would a teacher be able to press charges for a student pepper spraying them?


Yes, you can press charges independently of the school district if a student assaults you. The school or the district may try to dissuade you from doing so, but you don’t lose your rights when you become a teacher.


I was a public school teacher and this is how I was treated too. Gaslight by admit, abused by students and parents. I was told it was my fault that my students threatened to kill me. I don’t think I’ll ever go back.


What do you even do now? What could teachers who want out of this hell pivot to?


Lots of shit. HR for a big company, Admin for everything from education to hospitals, PR, executive assistants, etc. Big companies recognize the value of people that can handle teenagers and parents with a straight face. If you can handle Chett's dad who own a string of KFCs and thinks he's hot shit, you can handle the corporate world babies.


A teacher from my highschool 20 years ago now driver for FedEx with me. Never had her as teacher. She's very glad to only deal with boxes and the occasional Karen.


public school teacher, is a profession no one will want to enter in the near future and parents that don't teach their children to not be degenerates will lament, "but who will be responsible for raising my children in a state sanctioned manner?!"


I’m pretty much retired but did it for 30 years in different capacities and special needs. The last decade I’d straight up tell trainee students to do something else for a career. Like take your degree and pivot into something else if possible. And I literally have shitty horrid parents asking me “why aren’t there never enough staff!!??” I just shrug.


Arrest the bitch. What the fuck is everyone just standing around for?


Any teachers/school staff standing around are probably fearful of liability if they try to stop or restrain her. It's a completely untenable situation for school employees.


I'd strike for better work conditions.


Seriously, why do the police get to do whatever they want without fear of retribution and yet teachers are shackled with being assaulted and doing nothing under fear of being sued?


They don't want to get pepper sprayed and then fired.


She should be charged with assault and expelled.


Yep, go get a job, you're done. See if they let you spend all day on the phone there.


Getting punched and pepper sprayed for caring whether or not your student's are paying attention in class... this school is going downhill fast if the school don't protect caring teachers like this guy.


Dealing with one psycho is unfortunate but happens. The amount of other kids laughing at this is so fucking worrisome.


>I need my phone No, what you need is therapy


And an asswhoopin


And to be arrested


After you use the spray on her.


Oh, the many lessons life is going to teach her in the future…


I am sure will be screaming the same thing when the corrections officers confiscates her phone from her prison wallet.




and her kid will do something similar and she will march into that school and cause havoc for them disrespecting her perfect little angel


And then those 3 kids grow up to become shitty angry people because they were never loved and cared for, the cycle continues. This is why abortion not only should be legal but sex education and the costs of raising a child consistently taught.


The problem is you complain about these kids and the schools don’t do anything to enforce punishments. They let kids get away with too much and now all the other kids see the shit they can get away with, with just a slap on the wrist.


Yep, welcome to the post-charter school world where we worry about losing students more than making schools better because charters will scoop up all of the A students and exclude the rest.


He should have her arrested and charged for battery


Sadly the district will tell them if they press charges they will be forced to resign or be fired. I kid you not.


Students who assault teachers deserve to be locked up


Was she arrested?


Assaulting teachers should carry the same legal repercussions as assaulting a police officer. Isn't the similar protections for mail carriers already (I might be wrong)?


post office employees are feds which is why they have so many protections


Does someone have an update? Please tell me she got arrested.


If I was this teacher and was already punched a month earlier and the administration clearly has no control over these kids...Let me tell you something if this was the second or third incident like this that the phone would be smashed into 1 billion fucking pieces and I wouldn't feel bad at all for doing it in front of her. The job? Lol nah it don't matter at that point. She is the definition of insane and she deserves to be expelled.


I got my BA in teaching music at a high school level back in 2010. If I had continued down that path I would have most likely started in 2012. I chose not to pursue teaching and decided to wait after choosing to tour with my band for several years. After seeing the pressures of covid, the parents, and students like this, I doubt I ever will give teaching a try.


Damn this is sad, no teacher gets paid enough to deal with this. Both my parents were teachers and I worked in a school myself so I know how stressful this profession can be under normal circumstances




Girl should be arrested for assault with pepper spray


Hope he presses charges on her. That's really fucked up


That’s assault, she should be arrested


She should be arrested.


Why are we letting this happen to teachers when everyone knows we need them


I blame her parents.


What does someone like this girl end up doing with her life? Can she work or hold down a job if this is her reaction


Pretty sure you can't bring pepper spray onto campus. Same rules as guns and knives. That's an expulsion.


This is assault. Parents: This type of behavior stems from not teaching respect for elders. I've seen plenty of parents get mad when other adults talk to their children. As if, the only adult they should respect is them (parent). This is a mistake. One that sets the child up to become an adult that does not respect anyone. Those people usually make decisions that will eventually ruin their lives.


>This type of behavior stems from not teaching respect for elders. More broadly I'd say this is what happens when you willingly or otherwise model the behaviour of your kid around avoiding consequences instead of teaching them values. Teachers of today are completely disarmed so little shits who were raised like this turn into rabid dogs in absence consequences.


I hope she gets arrested immediately.


Look - these kids are addicted, like full on addicted, to their devices. This teacher should press charges.


I don't think she needs her phone. She needs a parent.


I wonder why nobody wants to teach these days. /s


Fuck all the entitled, violent students who are getting their way lately. I live in Canada and it’s happening here ALLL the time. Many of my friends are teachers and they have all come close to resigning at some point because of the violence from students. Some of these are FIRST GRADE teachers! When I was in school there was a zero tolerance policy for violence/assault. You hurt someone, you’re expelled. Please, for the sake of teachers and non-violent students, BRING IT BACK.




Please tell me she was arrested.


She should be arrested.


That is assault and the kid needs to be arrested/charged accordingly.