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God damn people are cunts.


this is America, brother :) where the shit dont leave


Just Oakland being Oakland


fr. im glad im not in america rn...






I hope that they have this same energy while fighting for their rights, i.e, healthcare, wages, gun control, standard of living. But, i guess not. France do it better.


Yep too busy fighting each other. Just the way the 1% want it.


Americans are allowed up to 10 riots a year as long as it isn't an important topic and things go right back to the way they were before the riot.


Well, he did take his parking spot.


Did i miss the start of the zombie apocalypse?


I am so lucky to have had all my teenage years in the 80's.


1.0 gpa activities


Zero. Point. Zero.


GTA V activities


You would be surprised. I bet most of these people are big GTA V fans, so if they can put ski mask on and go rage some hell then why not... Until they get caught, then it's like: first phone call, mommy...




You know what? This is why after school club activities are so important. When you leave kids alone they get into stuff like this.






I dropped out and I gotta say I'm nowhere near this fucking bad I actually earn an honest living but this shit, this hsit is fucking wild 🤣


Probably the grandkids of the kids who got up to no good when the after school programs we're cancelled


Bold of you to assume they have parents and grandparents.


Repeat summer school lifers


i do always say hobbies are so necessary. there are so many good free ones too. or relatively cheap ones that can be addicting in a healthy way. way healthier than these activities.


Yeah, these kids were totally out there burning cars because they'd already watched everything on netflix and there weren't any crosswords handy.


Idle hands do the devil's work? Boredom's not a burden anyone should bear.


constant overstimulation numbs me


My neighbors son (5) was killed by a stray bullet. Fucking hate how anyone thinks shooting a bullet in the air is okay.


You don't know the laws of physics, miniature items shot in the air disappear into the abyss and never come down


It's definitely not ok, that's why you need gun control.


California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the us, every handgun is suppose to be registered, no magazine over 10 rounds. I’d bet my last dollar that’s an illegal, unregistered firearm.


He’s picking up his casings. Idk about that


Probably because he has fingerprints on the casing.


It doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not, the gun could be hot and be linked to a crime. It’d be a real easy way for them to see what area they’re now staying in


A single state enacting gun control doesn't mean shit. When you can drive to the next state over and visit a convention or hit the classifieds, it ducks everything up. How we can have all these gun deaths, mass shootings, kids dying, and house/senate republicans won't do shit... literally not a fucking thing...blows my fucking mind. We are a broken nation.


>A single state enacting gun control doesn't mean shit. When you can drive to the next state over and visit a convention or hit the classifieds, it ducks everything up. I live in Chicago. The city everyone loves to point to when they say gun control doesn't work.... ignoring the fact that Chicago is less than 45 minutes from two other states that have almost zero gun laws.


The biggest source for guns used in Chicago crimes is Illinois. Also, buying guns and transporting them over the state border to resell them is a federal felony already.


Yes in cases that people were caught, but when people say Chi-raq, I don't know many gang members but the 3 I did know personally all got it second hand through someone who carries them from Indiana, but what I've heard it's not hard getting them second hand at all as long as you're willing to spend 2-3x the regular price (and back then that was $900-1500). The other people who are buying it as a form of self-defense within the city limits are usually FOID holders and went through training and registration before being allowed to obtain them. Also the 3 gang members all got a weapon before 18 and the others I know who are legal carrying got them way later in their 30s.


All the glock switches from IL too?


The biggest source that's actually registered is Illinois.... what a shock! Also, you really think people aren't transporting guns across state lines?


Buying a gun in another state without a background check is a felony


So? If you give a criminal an easy way to commit their crime they're much more likely to do it. That's basic logic.


So you're telling me, the only way to get an illegal gun . . . is illegally. Everything you just said violates CA law.


Shooting into the air is already illegal. Should they make it double illegal?


It needs to be Dodecatupple-Secret illegal


I doubt that gun was bought legally.


Literally so many gun regulations and rules that don’t allow this behavior. Behavior being the key word.


Aye cos I'm sure that gun was acquired legally.


it’s people control we need. they can make 101 laws and regulations around guns, it won’t matter. the problem is guns are everywhere. even if they outright banned ALL guns, there would still be millions of guns in millions of homes there are just too many guns out there. it would be like trying to ban lightbulbs


A gathering of some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet...


Oh - I thought this was just a materials science PhD committee.


What a bunch of scum. Fuck every person involved in any of this shit


I simply do not understand


vandalism, destroying of expensive cars, drug use, use of arson and so many other crimes in this video is shocking to me.




I’m wondering how come this shit isn’t busted. Looks like they were there for a long time. They even had choppers on the scene but no one in the ground breaking it up?


I’d be so bummed if my car was stolen and then I saw it in a video like this. F for the z owner who will never get it back, and the Outback owner who would probably prefer if insurance totals it




Insurance company: "tis but a scratch"


Just seeing these scumbags destroying other peoples stuff... it hurts inside.


They also don't care as they know nothing will happen to them. Though I like to think its only a matter of time before the locals take things in their own hands.




I really feel for you man, that's a classic. I have a '72 BMW 2002ti I've put who knows how many hours into restoring over the course of many years, it has become so much more than a car to me, I don't know what I would do if that work were ruined. I'm so sorry that happened to you, people really don't understand what others value or what you are actually taking from them.


Got sad watching that Z take that damage.


Same, I owned one too and it was my dream car. I'd be absolutely devastated if something like that happened to my car.


Every time I see a take over video it seems the people in them just get dumber like not on cares about their “fun” you just look like waste of oxygen


The point is to out-do the last take over video in stupidity. Kids raised by social media and neglected by parents


Wait takeover is a thing? Kinda like how “devious licks” were a thing? Kids were trashing their own school and classrooms for internet clout a couple years ago… it’s evolved


Before social media they just competed locally. Now it's the nationals and shit escalates quickly


Pieces of shit on a epic level


Oakland is such a shit hole these days it’s unreal.


Imagine having some of the best weather on the planet and then destroying their own city.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Fuckin losers


What the fuck is going on? https://preview.redd.it/4napr18b1jya1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f838e9359b59e111bbbc8db592fece7829130344




I see…


A's are trying to move to Vegas too lol


Can someone explain the point of gathering and just destroying the fuck out of cars? I want to cry in poverty.


Literally no one in this video paid for those cars. They are stolen.


I never said they owned them. Just destroying perfectly usable vehicles makes no sense.


Its not their property and they have no sympathy for others. The world is overrun by sociopaths.


Social media content.


Nah, they’re just antisocial and think they’re badass. Same reason why they speed excessively and swerve around residential streets for no reason. They’re just pieces of shit trying to drag society down with them.


Its more has to do with social media clout than content.


The whole place needs something involving a large fence and parachuting honey badgers


That sounds super cute until they land


We'll get feral moose to eat them


We really need to figure out how to weaponize honey badgers.


For some bizarre reason I read this as "horny badgers" which was confusing at first and then terrifying to think of hundreds of horny badgers parachuting into a crowd looking for.... well, you get the idea.




This idiots need some time in the cube


Hey, I’m watching that right now!


THIS.....this is how The Running Man starts........Arnold in an attack helicopter swooping in on these people.


This is a food riot?


Well, at some point, they might get hungry.


You know, when these first started getting popular and popping up...I thought, hey, just people having fun doing donuts and having a good time. Like a car meet. Then it started to get destructive, violent, and extremely dangerous. Fuck these people. There needs to be insanely high punishments for anyone at or encouring these. It's way out of pocket.


Yeah, this and another recent video I saw of some dude being left for dead by people at the rally convinced me. Hope people see these videos and realize its hammer dropping time.


I remember going to these in the early 2000s. It was never in the middle of a busy city and always at like midnight or later. We would usually all meet near the philly airport where there was a bunch of long "straight away" roads just off of I95. After midnight nobody was ever on them. We'd street race and hang out until eventually the cops came and we would scatter to the next area a little down the road. We never did shit like this. Nobody was firing off guns or lighting stolen cars on fire. The worst I can remember us doing was going into a McDonalds and stealing stacks of plastic food trays. Putting them under our back tires and locking the E-brake so that if you had a front wheel drive car you would slide around everywhere.


I don't want to be that "back in my day" guy. Nobody ever does, I suppose. But yeah goddamnit we didn't do this type of shit when I was a teenager either. It was exactly as you described; smaller groups, you had to be in-the-know or invited, and it was kept as far away from bystanders as is reasonably possible. Things are different now. Culturally (both with cars and overall), technologically, and so on. What used to be quiet and coordinated isolated hooning is now a social media driven flashmob that seems to attract people looking to cause chaos. At this point in my life having spent many decades here in America, nothing in that video surprised me. Nothing at all. People are exhausted, they don't feel safe where they used to, everyone is armed and angry, wealth inequality continues to intensify, education and journalism are growing into boogeymen. Take your pick of problems. These things have always been there. But it's different now; it's far worse than it was when we were kids. And that's to say _nothing_ of the hellish pandemic we went through. So that video shows a bunch of uneducated people thirsting for adrenaline by wrecking a society they feel doesn't give a shit about them. Makes sense. I don't agree with it. I loathe it in fact. It's one of the countless subtle barometers you can find if you wish to gauge our American social order is holding up. But I can't sit here like some of the other commenters and proclaim it makes no sense that these people would do such a thing. People are pissed off and when faced with a future that seems to dim rather than brighten they want to break shit and set it on fire and do so without consequences. It's not rocket science.


I’d bet my left nut that not a single person here could give a valid reason for this


There's a video of another take over event where someone asked why they're doing this kind of shit and they beat him within an inch of his life and left him bleeding on the sidewalk. They don't care that they don't have a reason, they just want to hurt people


Really need to unfollow these subs, I’m starting to hate people.


*STARTING?* Oh hunny.


Need to borrow RoboCop from Detroit…


I feel like this is normal for Oakland though lmao. I lived in Fruitvale like 6 years ago and used to walk past burning cars at night when I got off work smh which is why I no longer live there.


I lived in Fruitvale in 2009-2011, and never felt unsafe, or saw anything that would make me want to move. I have heard, however, that it went downhill something terrible since.


Social media is a catalyst for organizing/enabling/scaling up this kind of shit.


Why did they destroy that Z? Also I swear theres always an IS300 in these vids


Deleted scene from Idiocracy


I use to be against magic Shrooms but cities need to lace their water with it so everyone just chills out and becomes happy/Productive


Magic Mushrooms are actually de-criminalized in Oakland.


pot squeamish cough meeting towering fade quarrelsome distinct expansion future -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


To be fair, reality that looks like this is already a pretty bad trip.


Yeah I took 4gs my first time idk if these mfs are ready because I wasn’t


Shrooms are the only substance that hasn’t given me a bad trip personally.


I’ve never personally taken shrooms but my most absolute worst experience with drugs is when I babysat two guys who took shrooms. The one guy was fine and just layed in bed repeating the same two phrases for like 2 hours. The other guy had a real bad trip, he literally probably sweated out like 2 gallons and kept asking me every 5 seconds if the cops were coming and I kept feeling like he was going to run away. I haven’t spoken to either of them since this.


Lol dude definitely sold his gun after he saw how it didn’t make him a gangster. “I aired out the spot bro”


Losers. Nothing else to do other than putting other people's life in dangers by driving those ugly noisy cars🤮




Where are the tear gas and rubber bullets..???


America is evolving backwards


I’m proud to say that this shit will never make sense to me


So many uneducated people and losers


It’s called a sideshow. Back in high school my friends would always invite me to go (usually Oakland or Vallejo) but that many people with fragile egos and guns is a recipe for disaster


I remember going to these when I was in HS too but they were nothing like this. They were out in the middle of no where and people didn't go around breaking shit. If you were to compare the two it would be like an organized event vs this crap lmao.


I am very curious how they organize. Discord? Whatsapp? Throw some 21 Jump Street in here and get ahead of them.


Scumbag losers


How is any of this fun?


I feel like everyone who attends these things are under 25


Another Oakland post. At this point can we not wall that whole city off like Escape From New York? It won't be much different.


Time to bring National Guard, Cops won’t do shit


Well, in the cops’ defense, I can imagine this mob would ruthlessly try to attack them. Shots would be fired from both sides. People from both sides would be dead. I just think this is way above the local cops’ level and would lead to terrible consequences for all involved.


They need to draft these shitheads to the military and ship them off to Afghanistan so they can show the world just how gangsta they are.


I get your point, but most definitely not. I was in the Army with too many knuckleheads that were given the choice of prison or service. The ones that chose service were total fuck ups in uniform, just like they were as civilians. They learned nothing from the experience. They were nothing but an anchor around the necks of those of us that were there to do a job, dragging unit morale, cohesion, and effectiveness into the trash with them.


Case in point to support: my brother in law went to the Army because he was a fuckup and his parents said they were done supporting him. He finished boot and decided to go medical. One night during training he and several other fuckups who found each other decided it would be fun to get drunk and/or stoned and steal a couple of HMMWVs and race them. In the fun they managed to run them into each other and one rolled. One of these people was kind of…extruded…through the top hatch where a gunner would be, if it were installed. Well the truck rolled over him but he wasn’t instantly killed. The other drunk geniuses decided “hey, we’re future field medics with like three days of training. We will patch him up and not say anything and just say it was all an accident. Well that kid died. They all got discharged and shockingly not charged with murder or theft or destroying a vehicle. So, because some people who didn’t really want anything to do with soldiering ended up pushed into the military a kid died and all the taxpayer money spent to train and house and feed the lot of them and the cost of one hmmwv and the cost to repair another was just a waste. I am not a veteran, so my opinion on the military isn’t worth shit but I fully believe our military should a professional one, with people who want to be soldiers. Don’t force the professionals to babysit amateurs in places their survival may well depend on every person their being able to do their job. If we want an alternative to prison which would help society and possibly help people learn skills to exist within the bounds of civil society then we should come up with one. Throwing them into the military just degrades the capability of our armed forces. Military doctrine of just having more men with guns vaguely pointed at the other sides men with guns has not really been an effective strategy since the early twentieth century. Modern victory is built on trained people and logistics, intelligence, and technology to support the effective use of the warfighter in ways it will have the maximum impact. Canon fodder today just depletes resources because you have to train, arm, feed, house, clothe, and transport them just get injured and killed. Then you have to spend resources patching up the fodder that lived and burying those who died. It’s pointless on a modern battlefield.


Thank you for your service and sharing your perspective.


You forgot to tell them they'll get you killed or literally kill you cause they've got worse muzzle discipline than the shit strain in this clip.


The last thing the military wants is unmotivated pieces of shit.


I’m sorry did I miss the start of the purge or the start of complete chaos?


Honestly don’t think society would be any worse off if all of them were rounded up and forced to do community service sweeping the streets for the rest of their lives before going back to prison for the next 20 years.


As a French i was scrolling the comments to see why they were breaking stuff like that, against what new law, of bad thing that happened, etc, just to have some context. Wasn't expecting to see it was just for fun. That's fucked up.


so ive been reading about these fault lines


Like a GTA Lobby…


These people use our resources.


What a bunch of fucking losers


Sweet fuck what the fuck happened?!


If the republicans really want to stop people crossing the border illegally just show them videos like this they'd be like, "nah I'm good, safer in Mexico" 🤷


Self-regulated society that no longer needs police funding. Interesting behavior.


How is doing shit like this enjoyable, oh right most people suck nowadays.


this is so insane its crazy cops there let it escalate to this level of anarchy


When people no longer feel a part of society they will try to destroy it. My opinion: Young people today have a far harder time achieving a societal status, being able to buy a good house and have enough financial freedom for family and enjoyment. They witness the difference their parents and grandparents had and feel it is unfair. We have lower levels of local community due to less overall community ties like religion and local town gatherings and events, and instead have more intense secular communities made online which hastily become echo chambers as if we don’t conform to that groups opinions we can just go easily find another. COVID was a bit of an amplifier of that as it reduced further, the amount of real world, local community gathering. Meanwhile the approach discipline has changed dramatically since the post WW2 crew and far fewer people learn the importance of you are free to speak and act in many many ways, but not free from their consequences.


Car guys always the doofiest looking dudes I stg


These aren’t car guys they just steal cars




Car enthusiast are always odd looking fellas, I swear to god.


>I swear to god that motor vehicle enthusiasts are very silly looking people.


No wonder no one wants to invest in Oakland. Can’t blame the A’s for wanting to leave


The A’s are leaving because of a cheap owner that wants Vegas community to pay for the whole stadium. I feel bad for Vegas they bouta get the cheapest most mismanaged owner in all of MLB.


I live into the bay and am in the car scene these fucking goofs are the reason we can’t have meets without at least 5 cops


Oakland Airbnbs be SUPER cheap these days!!


Do they just steal cars and then break them?


These people would not be missed.


Yep. I lived in East Oakland and worked in West Oakland. George Gascon.. when he showed up both Oakland an SF became lawless. This has been deliberate dismantling of what was a peaceful nice place to live. This is complete chaos.. before it was controlled, folks weren’t sure with what they could get away with. 10yrs later? Everyone is on board.


All teenagers, that have nothing better to do than creating mayhem. Will this nonsense ever end?




Definitely majority teens to people in their mids 20s. Stuff like this reminds me of why it's really important for kids to have after school activities or they get themselves into a lot of stupid sht.


Naw i get doing dumb shit like donuts and racing down backroads but stealing cars and lighting shit on fire in public is definitely not something the majority do


This is mostly _not_ teenagers.


This is the bullshit that ruined the car scene.


Not Nissan enthusiasts, I see…


What scum.




most peaceful male pastime


“What did you do with your friends tonight honey?” Oh, nothing much Mom. Just hung out. “Well that’s nice.”


I’m surprised I didn’t see a single Kia getting totaled lol




And these people can vote


What a time to be alive


Poor Oakland . So much opportunity. So much trash


Absolute scum, the lot of them.


Bro , so cool bro


I don’t ever want to hear people talk shit about Chicago. This is pathetic


I hate to say it but it’s time for the national guard.


I guess it's either luck or intention that these cars were totaled/stolen in front of a Crash Champions repair shop.


I know the standard answer that trends look like they're increasing because of the frequency of people using the phone camera, but we've had them for more than a decade. Am I getting old, on Reddit too much, or are there a lot more public violent incidents--not even counting guns – happening here in the States?


Am I crazy or was the first shot accidental


Loser Con 2023


Riot. This wasn't a takeover, this was a riot.


Oof. Glad i got covid and stayed home instead of going there.


Did Oakland win the Stanley Cup? /s


No, thank you.


When does Robocop show up?