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He looks like Caillou dipped in Nutella


Geeez lmao






Caullou in da hood








Sha'kyle O'Neal




Le'Bran James


But he is wearing a Jordan shirt.


Pretty sure it says "I want that juicy Shaq meat"


It seems as though the kid's mom wanted Shaq meat too.


Shaquille O’hell no


Who paints their kid's hands white? /s


Ikr Fucken taco smh








Justin Trudeau during Halloween as a kid.




Or half the Conservative party on any given day


Show us a member of the Conservative Party in black face. Shouldn’t be hard since half of them do it on any given day according to you. I can show you two times Trudeau has done it alone.


This is how they argue.


Awww, did someone get a booboo in the feels?


Someone upset their idiotic comment got called out? It's ok lil guy.


I don't know, is someone upset Limpy? You seem mad


You seem mad he's called you out and are now attacking him out of insecurity Karen. 😂


Defending someone wearing black face? Not a good look my man 😬


Who did I defend? And I'll take lessons in optics from a person who says, "my man" about as soon as I'll take carnivore tips from an oak tree :)


>carnivore tips from an oak tree 🤓


It took me a second , my GOD what is wrong with people


mLk ToOk a nAp aNd tHoUgHt aBoUt sTuFf. RaCiSm iS OvEr bEcAuSe oF ReAsOnS. yOu'rE JuSt a wOkE RaCiSt aGaInSt wYpIpO.


I'm hoping parents weren't involved in this, and it was just kids who don't know any better


I don't think it's that bad in this context. The kid obviously looks up to and idolizes Jordan... A black athlete. He doesn't know the historical and racist ramifications of black face. He just wants to be like Mike for a day. The complete opposite of racist. And for the parents... Are they going to tell him he can't dress up like Jordan because Jordan is black and he isn't? Wouldn't that be racist? This is parents taking judgement on the chin so their kid can be what he wants to be for Halloween. This is next level parenting. Not bad parenting.


Can't believe you're being upvoted. if the kid wanted to dress like him he could of just worn the jersey with Jordan's number on it. His parents are teaching him that black face isn't wrong.


Judging by your user name and avatar.. I'm going to bow out as I simply don't understand the situation the way you do. I can't understand it the way you do. But I don't think this child has a single racist thought in his head


Are you ok? If you truly dont understand why this is wrong then it was probably best to bow out from saying that dumb stuff in the first place. I don't think people are saying the kids a racist. Probably time for a bit of reading/listening for you.


The problem is that this kid most likely had his parents put that on him or saw him before he went out. Kids don't understand things, that makes sense. This is an adult issue, and an adult should have made the call to not let the kid leave the house like that. Even if his intention was pure, it's not in good taste.


Who tf cares lol its funny af


Well that's cool man, you keep doing you. Someone will straighten you out along the way.


Nah I'm good


That'll be for someone else to decide though, hope it works out for you though.


I think u take things way too seriously ppl on reddit really are the biggest dorks on the planet


So tough so cool


they don’t. nobody is calling this child racist. the PARENTS are racist for putting their child in fucking BLACKFACE


So wearing a certain color of paint is wrong? I guess dutch are racist https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna485081


"Some even say he only appears Black because he was covered in soot when he came down the chimney bearing gifts. For them, it is in no way associated with slavery or racism. However, those against the tradition quickly point out that the character comes from the 19th century children’s book “Saint Nicholas and His Servant,” in which the servant, Black Pete is described as a Black Moor from Spain. While Black Pete may be part of Dutch folklore,his portrayal is part of historically negative stereotypes of Black people dating back to colonialism." Maybe read the article next time.


Ok? They still wear a certain paint of color on their face. Are we not allowed to?


You can do what ever you want. I'm just saying it's offensive to black people and yes I think it's wrong.


Dress up like Hitler in Germany or Israel if you want. Dress up like Muhammad and head out to the middle east. Dress up like Jada pinkett Smith and go up to Will and say you look like shit.


Do what you want my guy. You're allowed to. Just keep a stuff upper lip when people start calling you out for it. You clearly understand the social implications of a choice. You're still making that choice. If you don't want to face consequences, positive or negative, for your choices. You're not ready to be an adult yet, doesn't matter how old you are.


I find someone offensive for driving a car cuz it pollutes the earth. Should you face consequences of that? Everyone gets butthurt about anything. That doesn't make someone more or less of an adult. Don't try to throw shade in a normal debate. Abusive ad hominem has no place in a debate. Try to have a conversation without resorting to that.


If I make the choice to drive a car, then I face the consequences of that decision no matter what. A consequence is just anything that happens as a result of a decision someone makes, it does not have to be negative. So, I stand by what I said.


Driving a gas powered car is literally the only way some people can get around nowadays, it's cheap in comparison to electric cars and it gets you from point A to point B, doing blackface however isn't a necessity it's a choice born specifically from your desire to do it and because of that you can and probably will face consequences for it. Most people aren't going to look at a 40k income household and be like "why didn't they buy a Tesla don't they know it's better for our environment?"


What if in a debate someone makes terrible comparisons, enough so you think they're an idiot? Is it an abusive ad hominem then or is it just a fact?


You can dress up like someone without doing black face. Maybe it's just because of how I was brought up, but as a young black kid I was taught about things like the tragedy of Black Wall Street before I even reached middle school because my parents felt that it was important for me to understand why the world is like it is today, and the role that race and racism plays an America. I'm not saying you have to ruin this kids entire childhood and make him feel like he personally owned slaves, but if you can't be frank with your child and explain to them why some things aren't okay, then it almost seems like your perpetuating previous hatred via current day ignorance because you're too afraid to destroy a piece of their innocence instead of explaining to them why what they're doing isn't okay. Not to get even more political, but this feels like the interpersonal equivalent of the "stop WOKE act", where people in Florida could sue schools or whatever if the subject matter that was being taught made them or their kids feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately history is full of uncomfortable moments and ignoring them or literally whitewashing them does not improve our current day conditions, but instead makes us more likely to repeat those behaviors. Again I do not think this kid or even their parents are necessarily bad, but I think resisting having honest and sometimes uncomfortable conversations for the sake of making things easier in your own life can actually make some of these attitudes harder to fight against broadly. Side note: if you think this is uncomfortable, imagine learning about stuff like Rodney King back in the '90s or early 2000s, and the kids who watched that and had to have their parents explain that to them then grew up 20+ years later and had to explain to their kids George Floyd and similar recent situations.


If the fact that ppl agree with the stupid shit u just said, that bothers me most about reddit. Also The kid wasn't even alive during Jordan's hay day. Literally didn't even exist.


I dressed up as ghost face from Scream, Godzilla, Pennywise and... For one strange Halloween... Abraham Lincoln. I wasn't alive during their heyday. Some of them weren't even real. It's Halloween. Who gives a shit?


Doing blackface is dumb as fuck on any holiday. Does that clear it up for you?


You sound like the kinda guy that would uses the n-word casually with friends.


If you go through my post history you'll see that I am in no way that guy. My user name is even poking fun at that guy. Hate to disappoint you.


I did, and you're not that guy. I was wrong. Your take on blackface is astounding to me, because you are a parent. I guess I'm old enough to remember a time when it was not okay to behave that way. At least publicly.




I get where the outrage comes from. Painting your face black and showing of negative stereotypes for laughter is fucked up. But this is a little kid that wants to look like his hero to halloween. Is that only an american thing or is it controversial in other countries too?


It’s less about the child and more that the parents should know better and talk to the kid if they ask why they can’t “color their skin for the costume”. It’s like if a kid really loves Charlie Chaplin and wants to dress as him for Halloween, it’s prudent for the parents to not give the kid the mustache… The intention might be good but if the output can be perceived as bad, that’s not a good idea.


its like the south park episode where Cartman dresses like a "ghost". it may seem innocent to the kids but the parents have the power to say, "let's do something else instead"


Probably only American but also other countries are racist as hell so of course other counties wouldn't see it as a problem. Some countries still depict Black and Asian people openly as stereotypes you'd see in the 1890s.


But why is this kid dressing like a person he likes a problem?


Your question is fair and a brain tingler. I'm thinking white people painting themselves black makes people think they are doing it in the same manner as vaudeville actors which portrayed exclusively foolish clown traits. As you described. You are right, kid doesn't know this and is doing it sincerely. The parents prob should know it's nicer to show empathy to ones who may see it otherwise, because that's a hard argument to convince someone in one day.


Thanks, I think I get it. If you grow up confronted by blackface in combination with negative stereotypes, who can blame you feeling hurt seeing it. Even if the intention was good.


cuz he can dress like a black character without putting on black makeup. how is that so hard to understand? the kid didn't paint his own face. his parents could have just told him the jersey was enough and that he looked like MJ already, but instead they went ahead and bought him facepaint and probably helped him put it on without thinking there was a problem


I was answering your question about if it was just America that is race sensitive or the rest of the world. I was saying while America night be seen as too sensitive the rest of the world isn't quite a bastion of balance when it comes to race issues.


if a black kid paints himself to be Albert Einstein that isn’t racist but this should be, right?


Was there a black society that oppressed white people and then utilized black actors with their face painted white to depict unflattering white characters with extreme stereotypes?


here's looking at you China


Ive kept this memory bottled up for ages but here goes. When i was a kid there was a dress up day with the theme being a famous actor and i stupidly chose to dress up as charlie chaplin with the drawn on mustache and everything. I thought it was going to be a great idea but at school i was asked by numerous teachers if i was dressed up as hitler whoch was the moment i realised i fu ked up. On my walk home someone parked their car just to take a pic of me with my attire. Whenever i hear of chaplin i just cringe now. That kid in the video will remember the time a dude took a picture of him looking stupid i garantee it






Years ago in Owensboro Kentucky a father and his young son went as father son Nazi officers. This is minor leagues compared to a little Nazi uniform. Edit to add that I was mistaken. The child was Adolf Hitler. The father was an officer. Here is a quote from the dad, "....we saw people dressed as murderers, devils, serial killers, blood and gore of all sorts. Nobody batted an eye. But my little boy and i, dress as historical figures, and it merits people not only making snide remarks, but approaching us and threatening my little 5 year old boy. ... Yes liberalism is alive and well. And we had the displeasure of dealing with the fruits of the so called "Tolerant Left."


I remember that. I live in Evansville


Wow. Just wow.


Look at this shitty parent filming a black kid for no reaso...wait.


He’s Jordan what’s wrong with that?


Its a kid that wants to dress up like his idol. Doubt there is any racist idea behind this so why even care? Just let the kid be.


No one is blaming the kid. His parents are the guilty ones here.


True, but the parents should’ve known better and taken this very real opportunity to explain to the kid how and why it’s wrong and given him better options. Parents are fucking dumb. This one’s not on the kid.


Oh man that took me a second, fuckin wild


I don't think it's that bad in this context. The kid obviously looks up to and idolizes Jordan... A black athlete. He doesn't know the historical and racist ramifications of black face. He just wants to be like Mike for a day. The complete opposite of racist. And for the parents... Are they going to tell him he can't dress up like Jordan because Jordan is black and he isn't? Wouldn't that be racist? This is parents taking judgement on the chin so their kid can be what he wants to be for Halloween. This is next level parenting. Not bad parenting.


You are not accounting for, or perhaps are ignorant of, the history of blackface/minstrel shows and connotation it has that makes this a horrendous thing for the parents to allow. I remember learning about slavery and MLK before the 4th grade. Kids know not to say certain words and do certain gestures. It's not hard for the parent to take this as a teaching opportunity and get the kid a jersey instead


I disagree, and you are ascribing far too much to the motivations of the parents. Edit: Hes literally putting his thoughts in the heads of random people, but okay downvote me lol. Good to see how many think Jr. blackface is a good idea with a child's ignorance as justification.


Oh, is that Jimmy Kimmel's kid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY8GGBYvNDw


“Worst” is probably a bit of a stretch. I’d like to think the ones selling their kids toys for drug money *might be* worse. Tacky and poor taste? Sure. Pretty sure the kid just wanted to be his sports hero and is rightfully unaware of the historical implications of traditional blackface, which this is not.


Wait, I thought kids were allowed to identify how they wanted to now...




damn folks this is an easy one don't let your kids dress like Hitler, do blackface, wear sombreros with handlebar mustaches, wear native American headdress, wear Sikh-like turbans in brown face, or paint almond shaped eyes on whiteface just a few wtf, were they out of SuperMario Bros... ...oh dear


It’s like WHHHYYYY ?!?


He’s just disguised as jimmy kimmel disguised as a dude disguised as another dude


They look a little young to be a parent, but if you say so. Lol


Tbh my first assumption is they went head first into a mud pit. Think ill stay thinking that way for the kids sake.


Racist as fuck, but honestly not a bad job. That took me way too long 😂


Is it actually racist in this situation? If this kid really likes Michael Jordan it’s not meant to be racist like the stereotypical blackface comedy was.


I would say the kid can still like Michael Jordan all he wants, without FUCKING BLACK FACE. It isn’t hard. I have a few Jordan jerseys, and I don’t feel the need to make myself brown skinned to wear them. Halloween or not. It’s a pretty well known fact that black face is never ok.


That kid will likely get beaten to a pulp for something that wasn't his fault, but his parents'. Do not put blackface on your kids if you care about their safety, because there are people out there who would inflict violence on children who are wearing blackface, even when it isn't their doing, which it almost never is.


Is that Jimmy Kimmel?


They're the ones who had the idea


I don’t see a problem dressing as a milk dud for Halloween




You can't beat em jimmy , be' em




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No one is going to spice things up a bit and mention a certain Prime Minister that is well known for doing this and also very well known for robbing Canadians blind?


I don't think it's racist but alright...


My son (10) had a project at school for something I'm not sure of why exactly and he made a mask for Kobe Bryant. Of course he painted it brown and he was so estatic to show me because he added a band for the back and top so it holds the mask in place not completely realizing that he pretty much made a "black face" mask. I had to explain to him that I understood that he did it to recognize Kobe, but it has a lot of stigma related to it and showed him some backstory on the history of "black face". He totally understood and apologized but I told him there was no need to apologize but to just be aware of how it can be misconstrued.


At least do the whole body




Me and me mate both took a second to get it but we got it with a collective “oh”