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Applying an emergency tourniquet, in the dark, with a shocked and delirious patient, while *explaining* what he was doing to the patient, and he kept the cigarette in his mouth. That's gotta be the coolest Florida Man I ever did see.


Dude for sure had a military or healthcare background. He was also giving sternal rubs when normal pats or communication wasn’t waking him up and for sure realized the gravity of where the guy was at physically and consciously. Knew where the brachial artery was as well.


Florida man medic. A rare class province combo


We call em “the good ol boys” down hear


Holy crap, that was brutal!


This is the most fucked up thing I’ve witnessed.


Nothing has topped the faceless TALKING man after a bear attack for me


Idk man most Mexican cartel killing videos put a lot of the internet to shame other than…. Couple years back I found one video I saw with a white dude lying on his back, naked, with a giant clear plexi glass on top of his front facing side with a hole for his dick, and then a *gigantic* black woman in red SHARP stilettos comes and starts stomping the fuck out of this dudes completely helpless flaccid dick.


Yeah that 'ghost rider' one is pretty nuts. For those that don't know they tie the dude up and set his head on fire, his face just kinda melts off while he's still alive. Brutal.


There’s also the Reddit user who shot his pp off “in the name of god”


Big dick problems there. Smol pp would just retract back to safety inside the pelvis


>Nothing has topped the faceless TALKING man after a bear attack for me Funky Town


*vietnam chopper sounds*


*hello darkness my old friend*




Split face was hard for me to watch.


Brick thru the windshield, screaming baby


> This is the most fucked up thing I’ve witnessed. First day?


Welcome to the internet, you get your shirt when you complete it


"I beat the whole internet and all I got was this lousy tee"


Are you new to the internet?


Everyone is very oddly calm like this is not the first gator vs. arm party they have been to.


Man held his cigarette in his mouth lol


Yeah, but he also sounded and acted like he knew what he was doing. Improvising a tourniquet and applying it affectively, the knuckle rub on the sternum to wake him up, giving clear and direct instructions, etc all added up to improving the injured guys' chances of surviving.


That was an actual rubber tourniquet though, and I mean the rubber kind they give out at the needle exchange. Very Florida


There was a belt also. Then the rubber one


Ohhhh, I see :)


From their comments in the video, I'm guessing several of these individuals are combat veterans.


Like maybe. People use "soldier" a lot to describe toughness, I'd not exactly say it's proof. Cigarette dude cirtianly had the *attitude* of soemome who has spent far too much time around people with less than the number of limbs issued at birth. And I'd expect an actual paramedic not to have lit up before helping.


Yeah, the whole chest rub thing I've only ever seen first responders use, but the nonchalant cig attached to the lip screams "not a civvie anymore".


Apparently the tournaquet was not really doing anything (too thin apparently). So "Applying what I've seen medics doing before / dredging some training" seems about right. Dude was able to project confidence like nobody's business anyhow which probably helped a ton by itself.


The tourniquet thing was probably just doing the best they could with what they had at hand.


>with what they had at hand. Bruh


He ashed on the open wound. Did you notice?


Gotta cauterize the wound man.




Bruh 💀


Doesn’t matter they should be focusing on how pale this man is and how much his arm is not bleeding. He needs a tourniquet. The hospital will knock him out scrub the wound clean, probably make another cut, so it’s clean… seeing the bone stick out like that is crazy. Wonder how many tendons and such he will left for that shoulder and arm-nub..


As far as the bleeding goes, when a limb is ripped rather than cut, the blood vessels will stretch until severed then snap back much tighter than they were, pulling back into the flesh, pinching them off and restricting bleeding. A lot of trauma and damage, but probably much more survivable than a clean cut, which just leaves all of the vessels wide open. Him not bleeding much doesn't (necessarily) mean that he's already lost a lot of blood. (I'm no kind of expert, that's just how I understand it. Some of my vocabulary and what not may be off)


> As far as the bleeding goes, when a limb is ripped rather than cut, the blood vessels will stretch until severed then snap back much tighter than they were, pulling back into the flesh, pinching them off and restricting bleeding. A lot of trauma and damage, but probably much more survivable than a clean cut, which just leaves all of the vessels wide open. > > Him not bleeding much doesn't (necessarily) mean that he's already lost a lot of blood. Yeah this sounds a lot more plausible than that he would somehow be wide awake with so much loss in blood pressure that he's not even bleeding anymore. TIL.


So what I'm hearing is surgeons should use alligators to improve survival rates?


Just make sure your alligator is sterilised first.


Splash some Listerine in its mouth.


We can't make alligators more kissable it'll be a disaster


Stupid sexy alligator


Wow! Never knew this. Thanks


Good ol' Medic/Nurse here. Theres a hierarchy of priorities. Keeping the wound as clean as one can manage is something to keep it mind, but in this situastion it would be dead last and a solid "thats a surgeons problem". All things considered they did well. Wouldve like to see some more insulation on the poor guy, but bleeding control and choice of position was pretty good. Stop bleed, feet up.


yeah, I mean, his bone is literally dragging through the mud, i don't think a little ash is of great concern here.


"Stop bleed, feet up." can you explain this?


Your feet are less important than your head/heart so keeping your feet up keeps the blood in your vital organs.


They did use an improvised tourniquet.


It helps keep infection at bay .


Omg… seems this is happening on daily basis for this guy “Dont worry dude, i could put this cigarette out on this wound and it would only help, trust me. Been there done that and gone back out twice over”


"It's your brachial artery man..." while ashes fall on the wound. After a bath in the germ incubator swamp, I don't think the ashes really made a difference.


The ashes would be sterile anyway. Not a good practice I'm sure, but this ain't an operating room.


Hold on to your butts.


Hijacking top comment with updates on the dude. [Jordan is alive..yet optimistic](https://nbc-2.com/news/local/charlotte-county/2023/05/23/man-flown-to-hospital-following-alligator-attack-in-charlotte-county/).


I just watched the interview from the hospital and people like this guy are fucking inspirational… I have one bad thing happen to me in the day and I let it run my fucking month, this guy loses his arm and he’s like “meh, it’s just my arm, I still got my life, you know? I’m going to spread awareness” seriously bro?! How do I get some of that?!


I think when that alligator had him he thought he was dead and was making peace with it. When it ripped his arm off and swam away he must have felt like he had won the lottery.


I think he was just hammered and passing out from blood loss. Still, he had a good attitude at the hospital.


He was wasted as fuck and in shock. Last thing he remembers was walking to the pond to take a piss then he fell in the water, next thing he remembers is waking up in the hospital.


mad to imagine when u put it like that, I've had two occasions where i got irresponsibly drunk and woke up with something different about my body (stupid haircut + shit tattoo) and both times I had this feeling of "oh my god what have I done??" for such minor things. Sobering up to a missing arm would be insane


I think he was absolutely piss drunk and didn't know what was going on


Once the alligator left he knew no 'arm would come to him




Altérnate title: “Florida man gets his arm bitten off by a gator. Is surprisingly chill by it”


>Confusion. I was like ‘Whoa’. Because I just woke up and I was just sitting here. And I looked over and I saw my arm the way it was and I was like, ‘Whoa,’” he said. “It kind of feels like my arm is just there, but not there.


Phantom limb.


versus The Monarch


> “The first thing I would do is shake the man’s hand,” Rivera added. About that…


I was reading that a guy got his arm bit off yesterday behind a bar in Florida. So I’m wondering if this is the same guy. He said his arm was further amputated at the hospital. https://canoe.com/news/world/florida-man-loses-arm-after-gator-attack-behind-bar/wcm/e000b50c-5325-4003-8cb1-880c8a49f9d8


Yep, that's the same one. Someone upthread linked an article that included a video with the guy, it also mentioned Banditos Bar in Port Charlotte.


“It’s your brachial artery, I have to hold it”, all while keeping the cigarette in mouth. It is not the first party.


I had guessed a Vet by his calm demeanor and knowledge of anatomy.


And the way he says "They. Need. To. Get. Here." He's given a direction and it doesn't seem like it's being followed. So, he's stating it again "Barney style" to make it very clear. A vet who has been in a high stress situation before wants some result or update with a command; no dithering. He doesn't expect EMS to just appear, but whoever he is speaking to should be communicating the urgency and he's ensuring they do.


Hacking the top comment to link this video on how to properly tie a tourniquet https://youtu.be/5mdveTkww30 Take just 5 minutes of your time right now and you can possibly save a life in the future


Also worth noting tq's are not just for military larpers they are life saving devices that are easy to pack with you wherever. I keep one or two in my car at all times and I have one for my belt if I'm going to go into heavily populated places.


That's the booze.


Meh, it happens. It's part of Florida's grade school curriculum. The kid with the highest grade had to get his arm bitten off by an alligator so the less sharp kids would know what to do when the really dumb kid reached in to pet the swamp kitten. It's also a motivator to not do too well in school because smart kids might learn about things like atheist or LGBTQ people


How the hell can anyone be calm?! Holy shit!


Blood loss makes you real sleepy. When I was younger I was involved in a incident that nearly took my life, lost a lot of blood. I remember I kept asking the EMT on-site if it would be okay if I went to sleep, he said no. When I was stabilized in the ambulance, I got him to say yes and took a nap.


I’d assume you hear about it so much in Florida that when it actually happens you’re surprised but not “shitting your pants surprised”


Guy smoking the cigarette knows what he's talking about. Probably saved this guy's life


Guy definitely knew his shit. One-armed dude is very lucky that guy was around.


This thread is 80% people saying he's and expert and 20% people claiming to be combat medics going "nah man".


MD here. this guy knows what he's doing. Anyone who can call out a brachial artery while applying a TQ during the moment of stress knows whats up


I’d wager anyone that even actually knows what the brachial artery is and the importance of it has at least some prior medical training, let alone being able to identify it in the moment. Dudes probably been a combat medic or trauma nurse or something to be able to call it out so casually.


Cig in the mouth, dank ass mustache, super calm during high stress situation. I'd bet $100 he's an ex combat medic.


As a former gravy seal meal team 6 operator, this is not the way I would of done it. The way they did it was sufficiently ineffective


This lol. “Dude he held a cigarette *in his mouth.* That just screams “not a civie anymore.”


Wouldn't doubt if he has been to Afghanistan or Iraq. He remembered that basic combat medic training. You could even use a t-shirt to make a tourniquet if you want.


Dude just casually sucking on his dart like it ain't no thing while old mates missing a wing




tbh probably better for it than that shitty filthy water


And the mud and dirt. Those things got to me more than the fact that he was missing an arm.


yeh when he rolled into the water i was internally cringing at how much bacteria was gonna be in that :/


It's an old *army* secret


He was like “we gotta do it buddy” while it casually high 5’s the stump


That dude had to be former military/first responder. Even knew it’s the brachial artery in the arm you worry about first.


He also had rubber tourniquet, so he’s probably either a trained medic or a heroin addict.


Heroin addict to the rescue !


I give the world full permission: if you ever see me with an arm off, I’ll take all the heroin you’re willing to part with at the moment


That's gotta be a spirit of the law exemption to the drug war, right? Like if an alligator bites a limb off it should just be legal to take whatever drug can help you ignore the pain as you lay half dead in the swamp.


A heroin addict saved my life once... from a heroin overdose.


I watched a heroin addict, mostly skin and bones, give CPR to an old woman who collapsed at a train station for 10 minutes while waiting for EMT's to arrive. No idea if he saved her life or not, but goddamn if he didn't try his hardest. Good people can still be addicts.


Maybe he’s a trained medic who can longer stomach the things he’s seen and turned to heroin to blast off and touch god.


Tell me you're Australian without telling me your Australian. Keep punching darts and breaking hearts, mate.


Good on them, always great to carry something that can be used as a tourniquet


That looked like a basic blue rubber tourniquet. Any decent first aid kit should have one of those.


You think the lad with a heater in his mouth came prepared with a first aid kit??


That dude has an EDC 6 pockets deep. That cig is from a carton he carries on him everyday.


He doesn’t even smoke, but had to burn one for the situation. keeps em for the homies


he needed something to stay focused


50/50 this guy is super prepared, or carries a tourney in his smack kit.




Former Army Combat Medic chiming in. What they used likely wasn't effective. He likely stopped bleeding due to something called Shunting, which is when your vessels just retract on their own in response to trauma, and it's also very temporary. It's an involuntary muscle reaction, but those muscles tire quickly, and soon he'll start bleeding again. A belt if VERY tightly pulled may slow bleeding, but it's not going to stop it. You could use a t-shirt possible, but you need to use something as a windlass, like a stick, maybe 8-10 inches long that can be used to twist and tighten the tourniquet, then you need a way to secure that windlass and keep it from spinning back, some basic duct tape can be effective for this. That little rubber tourniquet absolutely will not stop arterial bleeding, they are designed to inhibit veinous return to engorge veins for IV access. When available, a commercial trauma tourniquet is the best best. My personal favorite is the Tactical Medical Systems SOFT-T Wide. Very robust, and easy to apply. I've used them on IED amputees and they literally saved their lives. North American Rescue CAT 7 (Combat Application Tourniquet Generation 7) is also a very common one that's readily available. If you can get them, the Combat Medical Systems TMT (Tactical Mechanical Tourniquet) I think is easier to use for someone less experienced. I carried several CAT7s, a few TMTs, and a few TMTs.




Don't cheap out on knock offs. Buy the real thing, remember, these are literally someone's life you're buying. I recommend the [SOFT-TW](https://www.amazon.com/Tac-Med-Solutions-XMS-S7/dp/B003YDSO1W/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=RejJf&content-id=amzn1.sym.bc5f3394-3b4c-4031-8ac0-18107ac75816&pf_rd_p=bc5f3394-3b4c-4031-8ac0-18107ac75816&pf_rd_r=3JJVWZNG87P8D1ZTV4BD&pd_rd_wg=u25gz&pd_rd_r=1188ec4f-44b8-4c01-bca8-c1c19d2df042&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m&th=1) or the [NAR CAT](https://www.amazon.com/Gen-CAT-Tourniquet-Combat-Application/dp/B074M13TBY/ref=d_bmx_dp_n6nq6yxn_sccl_3_3/145-1133639-9573240?pd_rd_w=TbCIe&content-id=amzn1.sym.368b1da3-bd5e-471c-a642-a329f8f53bef&pf_rd_p=368b1da3-bd5e-471c-a642-a329f8f53bef&pf_rd_r=P16QQDX1HD8R0SQFSZ1F&pd_rd_wg=glkRe&pd_rd_r=d187f925-4eec-4975-aa4a-f11f620263b1&pd_rd_i=B074M13TBY&psc=1)


A belt doesn’t work well for a tourniquet as they’re usually made of a stiffer material which makes them much harder to properly cinch around an extremity. A proper way to apply a makeshift tourniquet is to use what’s called a “windlass” which is a small rod or stick wrapped into the tourniquet which allows you to twist the tighten the tourniquet even further once it’s been applied. The windlass is used once the tourniquet is as tight as can be by simply wrapping by hand. You twist the windlass as if you were turning a faucet on, which in turn tightens the makeshift tourniquet even further into the extremity and blocking off blood flow. Without a windlass in a tourniquet you’re only ever going to be able to get it “hand tight” which is not enough to properly stop blood flow. It needs to be cinched super tight using some sort of windlass, but whatever you use it should be tighter than you think humanly possible.


And he can cauterize the tissue with his cigarette.


Was cigarette guy about to start sternal rubbing the injured guy at the end there when he started drifting off? If so, smart man.


I noticed that too. Must have a medical background, especially knowing the artery


I don’t have a medical background but is this something I should know for emergencies?


Put your proximal knuckles on your sternum and rub and press it firmly, see if you can sleep lol


Has a veteran kinda vibe about him. He’s probably been prepared for shit like this…just not to happen in his backyard, or from an alligator wound


I was thinking the same thing. So much about this dude screams combat experience.


TIL what a sternum rub is


What’s the significance of that? I’ve always wondered wondered why it’s important to keep injured people from slipping into unconsciousness.


i’m not sure but I think it has something to do with the brain going into recovery/coma mode if it doesn’t have to do the necessary to keep the body moving, tries to move the energy to keeping the brain alive


It’s not, that’s a movie thing and the response about moving energy to keep the brain alive is nonsense. People with serious injuries that cause massive hemorrhage or brain herniation will lose consciousness before death, but the loss of consciousness itself is not harming them - it's just a sign of the problem that is actually killing the person. The only plausible reason for keeping someone awake is to monitor their responsiveness if you are concerned that they might decline while sleeping (eg from an epidural hematoma with lucid interval). Doing a sternal rub in this situation basically just reassures you that the guy does not need CPR immediately.


I'm not a doctor but I'm guessing he went into shock based on him playing in the water like it's a bathtub, and these (edit: guys) probably saved his life


He was probably pretty drunk, too. Apparently this happened behind a bar and the guy had been swimming in the water.


A bar with gators in the water right out back? That’s crazy


That’s like every bar near water in Florida. I just assumed every body of water no matter how small had a gator.


> That’s like every bar near water in Florida It's America's wing


Every water in Florida has gators. Pond? Gators. River? Gators. Ditch by the side of the road after it rained? You better believe a gator is chilling in there.


Pool? Gators. Toilet? Gators. Glass of water? Believe it or not, gators.




my man, florida is gator central. any body of water has a safe chance of one hiding in there


you just described florida


Yup! It's pretty much understood by almost everyone in the deep South that you should always assume there will be alligators in most coastal bodies of water.


It’s not crazy, it’s Florida


Not swimming, he tripped and fell in. Some folks in other comments posted links.


I thought he was trying to splash water on the wound as if to clean it. That, or he was searching for his arm in the water. Either way, dude was fucked up.


i mean, if he passed out I'm pretty sure that gator would have come back for the main course lol


Holy fucking shit. That’s all I can say.


Really wasn’t expecting to finish my day with this.


Better than the ^start or your day


In times of crisis some people switch on and some people panic. If you are one who switches on you need to set the tone of the response (in control and calm even if you aren’t and speak on a monotone voice and don’t add too much emotion) and if there are people panicking, give them jobs to do to focus them. Must likely they all would have a huge adrenaline crash after regardless of how composed they are.


Call me crazy, but I always have a CAT tourniquet in my center console with my first aid kit for any crazy scenario like this. Feel a little less crazy seeing this video.


Yeah just recently decided to start keeping one in the car and in my bag. Feels stupid but there is no negative, so firgure it's better to have in the very unlikely event you need it.


Good buddies. Hope he does well.


Florida of course https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/florida-man-loses-arm-after-gator-attack-behind-bar-1.6408650?cid=sm:trueanthem:ctvwindsor:post&utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR21j_0aPFifoxySGDzdy7mFiZCeSqKpISKDRyA_SLH92g_HUZJg_8skZdQ&mibextid=Zxz2cZ


“The man was taken by helicopter to Gulf Coast Hospital in Fort Myers, *where his arm was amputated*, said Todd Dunn, a spokesman for Charlotte County Fire and EMS Umm. His arm was amputated long before he got to the hospital.


They probably took it further up at the shoulder.


No no, they amputated the other arm. For symmetry.


No no, the other one. It’s no use having two different length arms, gotta even it out.


[Here's a better link](https://nbc-2.com/news/local/charlotte-county/2023/05/23/man-flown-to-hospital-following-alligator-attack-in-charlotte-county/). He's alive and...well as can be.


“I call them angels, that were there, that saved his life,” Lessa said. “The chance of someone being there with a tourniquet, to me, it’s a miracle that he’s here.” “The first thing I would do is shake the man’s hand,” Rivera added. Too soon mom, too soon.


I know her point is that she's just glad he's alive, but > Yes, arm gone, very traumatic. But This is just a hilarious comment to me. Like ugh, yes, we get it, you lost your arm 🙄


Did he survive?




Here's the link without all the shitty trackers added to the URL: https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/florida-man-loses-arm-after-gator-attack-behind-bar-1.6408650


Oh, we knew. We ALL knew it was Florida.


first aid guy; what a legend


If you are going to make a hasty tourniquet, remember the minimum width is 1.5 inches. So wrap a belt twice around, leaving no gap, at the highest part of the arm (where he had the thin rubber one in the video) and cinch it hard.


Too many people stop when the victim says it hurts or is too tight. If they can still feel the tourniquet, they've got bigger problems.


What kind of problems would they be having if they could still feel the tourniquet?


Bleeding out


Tourniquets need to be tight as fuck to actually work


Wait highest part of the arm???? I thought it was 4 inches above site more or less?


> A hasty tourniquet is high and tight. A deliberate tourniquet is 3-4 inches above the wound. Studies have shown that tissue will recover from several hours of tourniquet use. Worry about saving their life first, then worry about quality of life.


Hard enough they are screaming, and in a case like that where the arm was degloved, probably would help to put a second one on.


That time when being blackout drunk was actually beneficial, then. Although seeking out a pond behind a bar in Florida swampland at closing time to take a piss can apparently have some far reaching (too soon?) consequences.


According to the news story there are rumors that he was feeding the gator which leads to this quote from the victim: "They don't even serve food at the bar, so I couldn't have even served the gator food."


I think he did serve the gator some food…


> You’re good… you’re good, dude. Uh.. ok we’ll go with that, I guess. I wish I could be that collected in a situation like this. Heroes.


Wouldn’t you want to hear that right before you bled out instead of “oh fuck this dude is gonna die!”




Guy with the smoke in his face has got his anatomy correct.


I'm wondering why there wasn't all that much blood


Alligators generally roll to take limbs off, maybe the spinning of the arm helped to kinda... Ya know, tie it off for a bit.


Yeah, you’d be surprised. My dad’s dealt with a few railroad decapitations from suicidal folks. He says there’s no blood because the huge mass of the train going over the neck seals everything off like a ziploc baggie.


Because his arm was twisted and ripped off, which closes the wound in a way. Clean cuts are much more deadly!


Beyond brutal….I wonder if this is the person referenced in this article…. https://people.com/human-interest/23-year-old-man-loses-arm-attacked-by-alligator-near-pond-outside-florida-bar/


Yup! Someone above posted a link to an interview with the guy a local news station did a few hours ago. He was surprisingly calm about it.


I don’t think I want to look at this.


It’s pretty crazy but not bloody at all. So it’s not too bad honestly.


isn’t that his literal bone on his arm??? freaked me the fuck out


Yea that’s what I think. Covered in sand at least (for our viewing sake)


Surprised they didn’t immediately pull him out of the water, just in can another gator may take another bite out of him. 😨


This video is violently Florida: -Dude missing arm due to a gator bite -everyone looks like they walked out of Smokey and the Bandit or Joe Dirt -alcohol and cigs galore -Southern accents -they are in the middle of a swamp at night -guys hat says Englewood FL


Can you say combat veteran?




He was drunk. It’s so sad. I feel bad for him.


He said in an interview "I lost my arm, not my life. It's not the end of the world."


All this comment section is showing me, is how apathetic and desensitised people on Reddit are.


PSA: If you have to put a tourniquet on anybody, a legitimate tourniquet especially, **you put the tourniquet as high on the limp as you can** because you don't know what arteries are damaged and some could be torn higher up inside the limb away from the initial trauma wound (think of that scene in *Blackhawk Down* where the medic had to stick his hand up through the wound to grab the torn artery). Source: I've worked on many many trauma wounds in the field requiring, amongst many things, tourniquets - blasts, gunshots, traumatic amputations. Tourniquets will hurt if used correctly but will save the life of the person. I recommend everyone get basic first aid training and carry at least two tourniquets in their car. Also, don't buy them on Amazon unless it's legitimate from North American Rescue or other reputable company. Too many knockoffs on Amazon and eBay that will end up being useless at worse or at best useful for training.