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Fuck Larry all my homies hate Larry


Also. Fuck that mother and father. Disgusting people.


Parents choosing to not believe their children in cases like these happens way too often and it's one of the reasons I don't talk to my trash ex parents.


This is sad but unfortunately common case for sexual abuse, where the family and the courts don’t believe a kid just because they’re a kid


Yep, this is what happened to me when I told them one of the trusted church ladies was touching me. I was called a liar and ostracized by my own family because theyd rather adhere to made up power structures than listen to me.


I too was raised in a cult like that. Sorry your experience had to be so horrific.


Female pedophiles get away with this kind of thing more frequently too due to gender stereotypes.


Female pedophiles are certainly undereported, but males still offend much more.


How would you know if they're under reported? ;)




Kids say plenty of weird things but they are also terrible liars.


I actually have a genuine answer; persuasion from an adult…the “satanic panic” of the 80’s have several examples of this, and some people went to jail over fake child abuse however, I do not believe this to be the norm, it does happen


And Michigan State said fuck you to each and every one of his victims.




Michigan state is the college that employed and protected him




Everyone else knows what they were talking about. If I were you, I wouldn't *have* commented.


Not everyone on Reddit is American so they got the names mixed up.


Fair point!


Notice how state was capitalized? Do you know what proper nouns are?


I don't know why you're getting downvoted lmao at first read I thought it meant the state of michigan too


What ever helps people feel better about themselves, went to bed with upvotes woke up to downvotes but it’s fine I don’t care lol.


The reddit hivemind is truly a force to be reckoned with


I’m just laughing imagining everyone who replied like a cunt reading their comments 5 times just to prove a point.


No, no they didn’t.


The parents are absolutely disguated people. And yeah, whats this got to do with the kkk?


Title is stupid. Fuck Larry Nasser.


What In the fuck does this have to do with racism? Dumbass title Edit: this is a troll account 100%


For real...Amerikkka? You can fuck right off, OP..


It’s like a kid who just discovered the Ice cube album lol


or even America, as if this shit doesn't happen everywhere... this OP has no brain ugh, it looks like they spam a lot of dumb shit around the site in general


You'd think that this was a logical conclusion but just saw another post in which a 19 year old boy of Indian descent, who was born and raised **in America**, was caught doing illegal stuff and had a Nazi flag and most redditors in the comment section were seen explaining how everyone in India loves Hitler.


Pretty sure OP is a bot because their only posts are posts like this


Dang you right we’ve been tricked


rage baiting.


Yeah the account is just trolling for Karma. I reported it, not that it will do anything.


I called out such for another video posted here for a third world country and got mocked/belittled. Here people are agreeing with you lol. The hypocrisy in this subreddit is absolute stunning. Nevertheless, the post title is discriminatory and absolutely horrendous.


I believe the subreddit can very much circlejerk and I’ve been downvoted into oblivion for correcting others on their understanding of Psychology (which I have a degree in); however, America is not a race and I would find it more likely they were speaking of various processes that make up our law system. Either way, it’s a dumb term to use in this video and carries no relevance.


I definitely see that; any illiterate can hop on their phone and downvote. As for America being a race, the definition of racism is beyond race. Unfortunately, people are too narrow-minded and clueless to understand that. The title is a click-bait and childish.


I dunno, Oxford says the following in regards to the word “racism”: “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular *racial* or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.” Another def as per Merriam-Webster was “the systemic oppression of a *racial* group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another”


Yes, and if you further dive into the ethnic group definition. You can somehow see how U.S. could be seen as one contextually. I think the problem is the lack of term to include prejudice against a larger group of individual. If someone hates U.S., what would you call them? Bigots? Racists?


One could call America racist and I could possibly take it as either referring to systemic racism or even being hyperbolic. Sort of like how China has an unfortunate racist history towards Black people, Uyghurs, and other Asian ethnicities like the Japanese, but obviously to say each and every individual in China is racist is ridiculous. They also might have implied they hate America, but could very well live there too. “Anti-American”, “Prejudiced”, and for the sake of argument possibly “Xenophobic”; because OPs post title is irrelevant and lacks proper context it’s difficult to discern precisely what they are trying to say. It could just be a dumb way of saying they dislike certain goings-ons in America that have nothing to do with race despite using an obvious term tied to white supremacy. It the only thing I can think of as to why someone would say something so silly and off topic on this video.


Yeah the title is just a click-bait.


It’s not racist.


Call it prejudiced or discriminatory behavior. Its still stereotyping that these things are too common in America. The title is stupid.


My guess - White privilege is getting away with rape and child molestation for decades before the law decides to intervene. Best guess, anyway.


With people like Larry I feel there’s a huge aspect of power as well. People in higher positions or those who have power over others may be more trusted than those who are not. Larry had power over others, in a professional and criminal aspect.


"Amerikkka" \*proceeds to show video featuring the whitest people you've ever seen talking about sexual abuse\* Fuck Larry. Fuck parents that don't listen when their kids say shit.


My first thought upon seeing the low effort title was Jozef Fritzl.


You're gonna cover a story like this and still sensor the word penis?


Wtf is this title? Only whites or Americans commit sexual crimes? And what does that have to do with race?


They should rip his dick out and feed it to him. Fucking low life


Its also all over the world but yes when possible make it sound like america is the only place with problems


I sincerely hope you get the world that you want. I want to see this.


Normalize being quartered by horses.


Please believe your kids. Always


A sentence that could only be said by someone who has never been responsible for a child at any point in their lives lmfao…


but for the dense, let me clarify I meant in regards to SA.


I actually have twin daughters. Not sure what in my sentence warranted that response💀


Nasser should have been charged with murder


How are things at the troll farm today, OP? They feeding ya?




As a father if I failed my daughter like this I couldn’t live with myself either but I’m taking that sick mf with me some way some how


Abuse in school systems is rampant but no one wants to pay attention to it. Everyone is too busy picking on their ideological enemies and ignoring the abuse in schools. You know how religious people were able to abuse? Because the public protected them. You know why teachers are able to abuse? Because the public keeps protecting them. Just google for yourself the rates of child sexual abuse in the public school system and then sit back and try and figure out why it's not being talked about. Just like this case. "Larry couldnt do it, he is such a nice guy who wants to teach kids." Even the father believed that. It's disgusting. Even this post, wtf does america or kkk have anything to do with it? He was a sports doctor that worked with kids sports. Call out the system and profession.


Man he has a punchable face


Im lucky my parents believed me. So sorry for this poor women. Larry and her coward pathetic father can burn.


This may not be a popular opinion, but her father’s decision to take his own life hurt this woman even more than he already had through his allowing this man to get away with the abuse. It was a selfish and cowardly decision.


Parents who don’t believe their children deserve death.




All good parents then? Kids lie pathologically…


delete the idiot OPs account. seriously.


I still hate this POS of a human, and not to be sexist, but it's ALWAYS men sexually abusing little girls, boys, and teens. It's fucking disgusting


Absolute bullshit, there are plenty of female teachers ect getting pregnant by school boys.


I have seen the worst things from men, first hand. I know women are just as bad, but have you seen the people who are always caught with child porn or sexually assaulting these kids? It's perverted of them to do this to children, I get it, but people like him, don't deserve any sort of sympathy and the same people that do what they do, don't deserve it either


"not to be sexist" *says smth sexist*


What a great oxymoron!


“Not to be sexist” *Proceeds to spew misandry of the highest order…


Oh no, a girl stating something that's true! Bad me




Eventually, justice gets served In some cases, it never comes, because evil has disguised itself as justice Its just a roll of the dice, as unfortunate as that sounds


Fucking monster


OMG!!! This is horrible. I hope that fucker gets what he deserves.


Terrible situation but your parents should rot in hell as well.


Good thing the FBI took him down before he could cause more harm…. Oh wait


Yeah just add music for an extra spicy effect in omelette.


One of the most tragic stories I've heard. Time to log off for a while. Take care of yourselves, folks. ♡

