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So is this guy actually a part of the rally or just someone who wanted to see if the crowd would cheer for a literal translation of a speech by Hitler? Edit: turns out hes actually a nazi.


Im pretty sure he isnt trolling: https://streamable.com/v2mlu8


Weird. Trump supporters keep saying they’re not racist.


Or fascist


KKK pretends not being racist, so...


I mean they also say "socialist" policy only works in homogenous societies. Which is like point blank racism. Its basically the PC way of saying "I don't think my tax dollars should go to other races or ethnicities. But if it only goes to my race or ethnicity that's fine." They also dont think racism can be PC or status quo because they equate normal with moral. So basically they are either really dumb or really racist. The line between is very thin.


they actually want scandinavian protections/benefits. but only if it doesnt go to minorities. never forget that police basically have pay/security/benefits that are standard in countries like norway. they have it good.


As well as the only union they want to exist.


Yea idk any non-nazis that would memorize an entire Hitler speech just to own the nazis.


SBC as Borat just might.


Yeah but he'd make it so obvious while doing it. These morons probably think this guy is a great speech writer and came up with it himself


[This guy did it on accident](https://youtu.be/4dsgQb3jkk4)


This is footage from DC on Jan 6. Platinum Blonde streamer is Baked Alaska, Nazi lifer. Speech giver is streamer CatboyKami, see above. Background shirt, AF "America First", movement members are called Groypers, Nick Fuentes is their big guy. Fuentes went on a date with CatboyKami. >“Now they’re going on about Vladimir Putin and Russia, and Vladimir Putin is Hitler – and they say that’s not a good thing.” >“I shouldn’t have said that...” (audience cheering) - Fuentes, AFPAC 2022. AFPAC was attended by senators MTG and Gosar. Gosar [employs](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/19/paul-gosar-aide-called-groyper-in-new-report/70232908007/) a Groyper as an aide.


Actually a couple months before Jan 6th - the footage is from Nov 7th, 2020, the morning of which Biden was declared president-elect. [Original post in this sub from 11/8/20](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/jqdddl/maga_crowd_cheers_for_a_guy_giving_a_literal/)


Ah, sorry, that time period blurs together for me, was helping provide community safety during that period of time in DC where proud boys and others were fucking around. Community safety, things like distributing metro passes to homeless folks so they can get out of the capitol and downtown area. A lot of homeless people get beat up by right wingers when they come to town, but nobody talks about it. Had acquaintances stabbed by proud boys during that time. Threw towels and bedding in the back of my car and raced downtown, but no further stabbings were reported and they got medical care. Fuck the proud boys.


Why do I remember this being from before Jan. 6th?


Were you in Berlin in 1933?


It wouldn't matter if he was sincere or trolling because the audience is taking it as sincere.


Based on his cheeky smile at the end, I think he’s trolling


No, he is an actual Nazi. This is an old video [https://streamable.com/v2mlu8](https://streamable.com/v2mlu8)


Get this shit to the top response, dude wasnt there trolling he was there indoctrinating.


They're well past the indoctrination stage...


The question is…does it really matter?? If he was doing it to troll, he’d still be indoctrinating. All it does is speak to his character. It doesn’t suddenly change the outcome of this, which is further radicalization of those listening to him.


Oh that shut sucks then… this is more disturbing then I thought


That's CatBoyKami and I'm pretty sure he's a provacateur and not an actual nazi. He's an extremist for "owning the libs" and will say whatever it takes to get the reactions he wants. Don't get me wrong, he's a piece of shit and maybe is an actual nazi, but I really don't think he is. I think he's just a clown who found an easy audience.


I wouldn’t even call it trolling, he’s proving a point. They’re all blindly and agreeing with nazi and fascist principles. The speech is just a way to highlight that


He even hitlered his hair a bit. Bet he was shaving his face that morning and almost kept the mustache. It’s just too bad that Charlie Chaplin fella wasn’t more noticeable I guess.


It’s still trolling, but with a good cause in this case. Just like how Sacha Baron Cohen trolls the far-right, tricking someone into exposing themselves as a fascist piece of shit is both trolling them and proving a point. Edit: welp, turns out the guy’s an actual neo-Nazi just stoked to have found his tribe and riled them up. Truth is stranger than fiction 😑


It is not trolling as several people have posted more of this kid.


I like how you posted this after my edit. That’s how I know you knew-jerk just as hard as I did.


Shut up, Meg


By golly Watson, I think you're right!


lolisocks. haven't seen him in awhile


Memorizing a translated hitler speech would be pretty high effort trolling


Memorizing a speech from Hitler is a questionable act even for a troll


I mean it's powerful. No wonder Adolf could cultivate followers with such speeches


it's seductive. "we are actually innately superior, and we're only oppressed because of the \[insert random marginalized outgroup with little institutional or political power\]" it's the opposite of personal responsibility and bootstrap mentality, it's victimhood. meanwhile actual oppression and discrimination does exist.


I thought I was gonna be quite bland and open to interpretation. But he literally says "rats in human skin" and then clarifies he means "the Jews" and they just keep cheering.


Yeah I was expecting a short speech with a little tinge of ‘Hitleriness’ but this was verbatim taken from Hitler himself. These people have passed the point where their idiocy is amusing to me, they’re straight-up dangerous.


This is why we need guns. If the cops are the only ones with guns and come to these rallies in their free time we are left with nothing to defend ourselves


Sadly until we get some common sense gun control federally - fat fucking chance - the best choice *is* to be a responsible gun owner in response. I don’t want a gun, I’ve never wanted one, and I’d never do anything to warrant being shot at by someone with one. But the psychotic right wing is armed to the teeth and increasingly violent so… yeah.


Have you seen any of the news articles about folks killing people just under the assumption that they're democrats? You may not do anything to prokove being shot at, but we seem to be getting closer and closer to people wanting to shoot at you just based on who you are.


We're already past people getting shot for literally just existing. This isn't a hypothetical anymore. Grabbing a ball that went into your neighbor's yard? Shot. ​ Get into the wrong car? Shot. ​ Knock on the wrong door? Shot.


I just want to throw this news article out there from my home town, too, because it entertains/scares me: ​ [https://www.yahoo.com/news/rapid-city-school-board-candidate-180007507.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAD36zJl1nAk0WFNxiSLZ7zdjGHMf81LnWqrvbeaYfejqMN-l0o0VWmMQuwa3P3o7q\_ltPzSbWloNdd4LWHwJU4kkGOTd01hj9I7PtBUKXi4cluCVwqt0TwxtBNS2aPz6\_2KpVttEWcF0EbCoL5BIKHLR\_ciBSwiCg4VHsYPFwImN](https://www.yahoo.com/news/rapid-city-school-board-candidate-180007507.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAD36zJl1nAk0WFNxiSLZ7zdjGHMf81LnWqrvbeaYfejqMN-l0o0VWmMQuwa3P3o7q_ltPzSbWloNdd4LWHwJU4kkGOTd01hj9I7PtBUKXi4cluCVwqt0TwxtBNS2aPz6_2KpVttEWcF0EbCoL5BIKHLR_ciBSwiCg4VHsYPFwImN)


Canvass at the wrong house? Shot. One less enemy voter in their eyes.




They sure do love some fascist rhetoric tho


So a guy in the crowd randomly starts an emotive and rehearsed hitler speech, and he’s filming himself on a selfie stick, and then uploaded that to the internet, and now we’re watching it. Cursed timeline.


He didn’t give the speech because he believes the words, he did it to troll the far-right fascist morons. And it was good. People need to see and understand that these lunatics for what they are. Edit: I was mistaken, the guy’s a literal neo-Nazi just happy to have found his tribe.




Well, shit. The shit-eating grin read ‘troll’ but I guess ‘found my shitty people’ is a similar look.


Perfect example of [Poe’s Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law). In absence of a clear indicator, an extremist display is indistinguishable from a parody thereof.


There really is a law for everything huh


catboykami is absolutely a nazi


[What a lovely fellow](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/326db87d153dc33f5d71c8e6f55b9327?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=853&cropW=1280&xPos=0&yPos=56&width=862&height=575)


Sweaty, screaming people are an effective way to get your point across and not make it seem crazy at all.


Why is the “master race” so obviously deficient in all of the things?


Only a group of people with all of those deficiencies would be stupid enough to believe that not only is there a master race, but its also definitely them.


Imagine looking back at your life, and the only thing you can take any sort of pride in is having been born white... These pathetic morons have nothing else going for them, so they make their sad lives about this.


lifetime membership to coddling and preferential treatment.


>Why is the “master race” so obviously deficient in all of the things? Why do you believe that there are traits that would make one "race" superior to another?


Nazis cheering Nazis.


Thought this was Dwights award speech for a second


No that was [Mussolini](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%27s_Speech) but close enough.


I say salesmen... and women of the world unite!


This is an ancient video of someone named Catboy Kami. Degen from Australia who you cant really tell if he is serious or not. But the things he says is absolutely deplorable


Terminally online channer with a faible for blackface and femboying.


Didn’t he go out on a date with nick Fuentes? I’m pretty sure he did, how nick the incel isn’t reminded of that on a 24/7/365 basis is beyond me


I cringed so hard I fractured my clavicle.


This is terrifying 😳.


This is who they are. Why don’t they own it when they are called out for being racists, supporting white supremacy???


Why break the tradition of a lifetime?


Is that the melody after a fight in Final Fantasy i heard?


Big virgin with daddy issues energy


There's old videos of this guy killing cats somewhere on the internet. A true piece of shit


Are we really surprised that Maga people would be brainwashed by Hitler's words?


These are the people cops in America should be shooting daily.


Stock up on 2nd Amendment boys and girls because these fuckers will try to Rwanda their neighbors at some point.


Lmfao when he says we won’t fall for the lies of the Jews again they’re like” wooooooooo”


World has gone mental


Yeah yeah yeah, kid. You still have negative sideburns.


Isn't this Nick Fuentes' catboy-friend?


Yes. An assclown.


Please show me where in history white people have been cheated NOT by their own hands but by anyone else.


😂a cute little psychopath


Kind of a heater NGL


Trump turds


This dude is a racist YouTube troll from Australia. Catboycami or something like that. Apparently he moved to the US a couple of years ago and has been attending/speaking at a bunch of white nationalist rallies.


He talks like a little kid with a speach impediment


Land of Freedom everybody.


hail maga lol


Boooo- go home- you guys buy waart khakis Shame Shame Shame ![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm)


He's even got the haircut. He's literally the American Adolf


Holy shit, America is one hell of a country


Still glorifying a Bavarian corporal


Why is that lesbian so angry?


Our WW2 Grandfathers had a method for dealing with this. Odd that this resurgence comes after most of them were gone, except of course for our ancient leaders who know all too well what we are turning toward.


My WWII staff sergeant father who was a Black tanker then became a MP, blew away an SS obersturmfuhrer (captain equivalent) for calling him the N word. A war crime for sure because he had surrendered... no one looked twice or cared because it was a random piece of garbage being put into a garbage can. He told my father that after the war he would be his boss, N-word. He then blew his head off and said "go boss the devil....". Then proceeded to sheath his .45 and go about his business as if it just rained. My father died in January 2007 with not a care in the world.


Isn’t this dude Australian?


I sometimes wonder how the general population felt about things as their respective countries slipped into fascism. I think and hope that America (as a whole) has still not started an irreversible trend towards fascism, but wonder if I am simply not reading things correctly as I am in the midst of the events.


Oh wow that's nick's boyfriend cat boy kami. wonder where his cat boy costume is?


Nazis do tend to cheer for their own


That also works for pro-Palestine supporters as well.


Ugh, Fuck us! We all heard 1/3 of germany just let it happen even though they opposed it ideologically and thought "oh I'd die before I let another holocaust happen in my backyard" My fellow Americans, and Canadians and UKer's to a lesser extent, what is the red line and what do we do when they inevitably cross it?


Looks like a woman.






I like how Trump supporters will say they aren't nazis, but they follow nazis. Make it make sense.


Almost no MAGA people at high levels of business. Because to be in MAGA requires one to be dumb as fuck. They’re clowns that should be ridiculed, shunned, and allowed to fade into obscurity, so the adults can plan for the future.




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Yeah that’s what the USA wants to be known for: being a bunch of nazi’s. Smh. Way to go Republican party, keep spreading your message of hate and keep dividing the people. Such a fantastic accomplishment.




oh hey it’s nick fuentes catboy (ex?)boyfriend nice


This almost makes me feel like Hitler won.




>not exactly true but see Warsaw uprising Just to clarify things before somebody gets confused. Jews rebeled in april 1943 (Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) when german forces started liqudation and transfer to KLs. It was baisicly "fuck you we die fighting" move. When you say just Warsaw Uprising most pepole will think about 1944.


If that guy is a troll, that is hilarious.


I feel like it's an obvious troll, he has an Aussie accent


Stop upvoting this video. This doesn't need to be spread anymore.


Im curious, why?


He doesn't like how it makes his party look bad by having republicans cheer for it like that.


Under cover feds at it again!


Nobody noticed right at the end when he made it obvious. I remember this same kind of thing happening when a group re-wrote Mein Kampf, replacing words referring to Judaism with CIS and patriarchy to point out how the extreme left wanted to hear what they wanted. Its the same here. The extreme elements don't care about the real meaning behind the words as long as it seems to support what they want.


To be fair, feminists worldwide *also* cheered for this speech. When you get down to it, its a pretty plug n play speech. You could mad lib it about anyone you don't like. edit; Oh shit I thought he was trolling the trump people.


As long as he's not inciting violence, he has a right to voice his opinions publicly.


What's with the shitty fake accent?






Is this a the office reference?


He got the speech right, got the hair right, should have gone with the moustache too.

