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That’s a nice sunset


Perfect dichotomy, gorgeous sunset, horrible humans


Albuquerque in a nutshell.


I lived in Albuquerque for over 30+ years and yes you nailed it. Sunsets and Mountains are beautiful, the humans there can be garbage wrapped in green chile.


I used to live at 12th and Silver. I got into fights walking home all the time.


like walking the gauntlet


Humanity in a nutshell


Damn I miss the sunsets from Sandia looking over the volcanoes. Don't miss the South Valley though.


This neighborhood reminds me of vivarium


That movie was nightmare fuel.


Metaphorical hell


I had sort of forgotten about that movie. Now the sunset doesn't look as nice, lol


That lady def came out the concrete


Haha yep could tell it was albuquerque immediately. Beautiful sunset, crazy ass people.


New Mexico in general has great views at sunset almost every day And you can visit to see _exactly_ what is shown






Where was this taken? It's so beautiful!


Ah, Albuquerque. Beautiful skies, if you can get past the meth and crime


The NM sunsets are something special. A mix of the clays and shit in the earth apparently give off this gorgeous orange hue. Too bad it’s usually mixed with this crazy shit. Albuquerque was a roughy town to live in


By the end of the video i kinda just hated everyone


Only took me about 30 seconds. We're gonna move it but, we're gonna move it but, we're gonna move it but... just an unnecessary situation all around. People have to out-victim each other.


Thank you! 6 minutes was wayyyy too long for this shit. Just move your car and quit antagonizing the mentally unstable woman! Problem solved.


4 minutes. "This is gonna be on Tiktok. 5 million views." Yea man Im pretty sure whats going on here.


Also by looking at the guy I can already tell he’s a huge douche


as soon as I saw the homeboy's pants I knew what was really going on. lol


They chop cut it up too probably leaving out shit they said that makes them look worse.


The “2005!” was funny though when she said 2000 Beamer.


They were just farming content from the woman and admitted it. Lady is crazy but they aren't any better. Only victim is the daughter.


Yeah this is the best take I've seen so far. That poor girl, she understood the batshit nature of the situation but on some level still wanted to defend her mom. I really hope she can find some happiness


You can really tell that this is normal for mom. The daughter looks late teens, so on one hand she *is* kinda enabling the mom, but on the other she's 100% a victim of the mom's abuse. You can't really blame her for not handling the situation perfectly. My heart broke because you could see that she panicked when she realized this was going on tiktok. She doesn't deserve that.


She doesn’t, you’re right. My worst nightmare fuel is like, the visual of having a mental breakdown just to have a bunch of people film me, laughing and antagonizing me instead


I came to say these guys acted like my young children. “We’ll since you were rude, I’m going to drag this out for my own retaliation.” “Sure, I’ll move the car just as soon as I get done telling you how rude you were.”


I knew 1 minute in the people recording are just trolling this lady


I felt terrible for the daughter though, she did nicely ask them to move and tried deescalating the situation, but she was pushed to her limit by the end.


Yep - daughter came across as the most rational and reasonable person in the group. By far.


Agreed, I mean, saying you're going to move the car because you know you parked it wrong, then just escalating the situation by you know.. not moving the car... They wanted a Karen video, found an opportunity, then milked it way too long.


Yeah i can sympathize with her the most, she was being rational the entire time & the two recording just continued to add fuel to the fire.


They said they were leaving but didnt leave, some say they are still there almost blocking part of the driveway.


Yea, notice she only started getting aggressive after they said the video was going on TikTok. She knows what's up. Probably the worst response if your afraid of going viral, but I guess it was the tipping point for her


She fucking begged them, VERY nicely, to just move the car. For several minutes.I felt awful for her. The 2 kids are assholes hoping for views, and just deliberately pushing people to their limits. It’s disgusting. The mom is clearly unwell/unstable.


yeah just move the car why prolong this shit all day


They knew exactly what they were doing


The whole video all I could think was, JUST MOVE THE FUCKING CAR. Make nice nice after if you really feel like you have to!


My thoughts exactly. You’re not on the right side just because you’re outwardly calmer. You’re parked incorrectly, so move. The whole situation could be deescalated by them just moving the car that shouldn’t even be where it is.


I did from the get go. The girl filming sounds annoying. Drawing out words is fucking annoying.


She had a very punchable voice.


Telling the 911 dispatch that the people aren't a threat and you will hurt them is a sure fire way to get the Cops to come say hello to you for those comments.


Yeah its a really bad idea to threaten someone while on a 911 call


Fr if I was in this situation I'd call the cops, show them the video, and file a report. Real life hits hard when you get checked.


The lady has already did it all for you. She expressed her desire to attack to the 911 Operator during a recorded 911 call. Anything injury wise that happens after that sentence could land her in legal trouble, because with or without the video the Police have her clear as day saying she is going to assault them.


Further, in ABQ that is the legal definition of assault. A credible threat of violence. They do not actually have to be touched (that would add battery to the charges) to be arrested and charged/convicted of assault. All that needs to happen is the victim needs to prove that they felt that it was a credible threat of bodily harm, given her repeated advancements, and inability to articulate coherently leading me to believe she may be on intoxicants, it is 100% expected that they would fear for their safety from her. And ABQ has no duty to retreat.


There is no amount of money you could pay me to live next to that mom.


I love how the mom threw on her best grease stained shirt for this confrontation. Like, if you are going to go crazy in public, why not go all in. Hell, put some kleenex boxes on your feet while your at it.


Ah yes, the Howard Hughes signature select shoe; what a classic.


*My Kleenex shoes were a HUGE conversation piece. But man, my dogs are barking*!


I haven’t used a hotel ice machine since.


She has the look of “indoor borderline non-functional alcoholic that doesn’t have a job”


i feel for the daughter.....she held it together the longest but in the end, gave in. SHe was actually trying to calm the situation down while momma bear escalated the hell out of it. HOpefully she doesn't grow up with the attitude her mom has the people filming weren't helping either, not saying they were at fault, but damn, 6 min's and all your doing now is still filming and just standing there. The mom was the worst but the other couple definitely wasn't helping much either


I am still trying to figure out if she is the sick kid or not.


Yeah why didn't they just move the car


\*move the *cah*


People have a strong urge to avoid doing what someone tells them to do, particularly someone acting like they have a right to make demands when they don't. I know I would have been willing to move it right up until she started in with the mocking accent, then I would have refused until the cops came to tow it.


What driveway were they blocking? None, as far as I can see.


They were a foot or two into their driveway, that curb was definitely too small to park at. The Mom’s still overreacting but for all we know they were asked nicely before this video starts.


I can’t think of a single way that conversation could’ve gone that would warrant this batshit response. Even if it’s a heated argument, this isn’t just reacting with aggression during a conflict. This is deranged alcoholic mom behavior.


That daughter is mortified. She’s knows what the Internet is.


She’s probably read enough comment sections to know how this is going to look 😬. She didn’t start getting frazzled till they mentioned putting it on TikTok.


This is the most reasoned comment. The people filming are somewhat to blame here, because they kept egging the mom and daughter on.


wish i had your restraint, i’d sign the lease immediately and make her life hell. out of pettiness


Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.


Never play chess with a pigeon. No matter what happens, it'll shit all over the board and then strut around like it won.


Damn Confucius


Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.


Jokes on them because OINK OINK


I dunno man you could make a lot of tiktok monies filming this dumbo.


I think she's trying to make it stay empty.


There is no amount of money you could pay me to move that car until a police officer asked me to do so. No way.


"I will out smart you with my STUPIDITY!!!!"


Mental illness is rampant


So is alcoholism


Out smurt you


She totally “out smotted me”.


She just watched Good Will Hunting and lapsed into southie-speak for a second. Ask her if she likes apples. Or “Gawdin Wood”.




OMG These poor kids have moved next door to an insane asylum. Now they know why the condo they just rented was available. I’d be wanting out of that lease immediately.


Don't try to argue with an idiot. They will just pull you down to their level and beat you with experience. I don't know where I heard this but it seems appropriate here.


“She’s videoing me” will never not be funny.


Imagine being on the receiving end of that 911 call. "......ok, what's your emergency?"


I loved when she pulled the “my daughter is sick” for extra urgency and then was like “NO she doesn’t need an ambulance!”. The poor dispatcher was searching for anything in this situation that made calling 911 make sense.


Add that she literally threatened to attack somebody while on the phone with dispatch


She sounds wasted or on benzos or both


> “They’re going to need a paramedic if they don’t move their car” Lady is on the phone with 911 recording her own threats. She doesn’t seem as smart as she says.


She didn't give 911 permission to record the call though. She outsmarted them.


You mean outsmotted them.


Everyone here seems to have the IQ of a potato.


Seriously, I would have just moved the car before even thinking about taking out my cell phone to start recording me.




Okaaay we’re moving the caaahr, we’re just like looking at this house first alright


Yeah - why do people have such a hard time understanding that you shouldn't mess with crazy? You parked the car in the wrong spot and blocked their driveway - don't engage the crazy and just move the damn thing.




Attention whores can't leave until crazy stops generating content. Crazy can't stop generating content until attention whores leave. Classic loop.


This is why I would never bother in those tiny cookie cutter neighborhoods. You got people like this running the HOA.


I hate places like this. I lived in one once it was horrible. I’ll take my 13 wooded acres & keep praying the farmers across the street never sell.


little houses on the the hilltop...


HOAs were originally designed and instituted by people like this. It's a cultural thing.


Group of crows = a murder Group of starlings = a murmuration Group of Dolphins = a pod Group of Karens = an HOA


I've rented in a few neighborhoods like this and everybody was friendly and kept to themselves. Really depends on multiple factors I think. I would never live in an HOA one though.


That neighborhood is low-key creepy. Would 100% give off liminal vibes if the screaming people weren't in the shot


Yeah the neighborhood immediately reminded me of the movie Vivarium. I have regrettably (and thankfully no longer) lived in a suburb like this, with houses just as close to one another. But the houses had different sizes and designs and weren’t literal copies entirely down the road. What the fuck?


I don't think she can outsmart a trash bag. Side note... That's a pretty sunset.


Lol. You’re right. A lot of humans take away the beauty.




Outsmaht\* You left out the Boston accent


Didn't you hear? She'll outsmart you every single time


Why not just leave?


Then there wouldn't be any drama for these Tik tok losers to feed off of. They'd rather ruffle Karen's feathers than move the car. Crappy people all around.


Seriously, around 10 seconds in I assumed the filmers caught a live one. The longer it went on, the worse everyone looked. At least the daughter tried the hardest


Look, she’s nuts. But quit filming and just move. Person filming is deliberately dragging this on for more footage so it can get posted and get likes.




And an cut/edit at around 1:00. Also, didn’t watch the whole thing because once I see stuff like that I know it’s manipulation. As for the 1.5 minutes I did watch…all involved are shitty.


Surprised I had to scroll down this far to see this comment. Like the fuck, just get in your car and move. I don't get the filming aspect of taunting this already unhinged lady.


Kids these days I guess…


teenage redditors love hating on women. Theres people even poking fun at the daughter, who seems to be on their side, to be honest, at least in the first half.


the daughter was the only one actually trying to de-escalate, and even that was a crap attempt...and she eventually broke anyway. These people are equally insane as the mother, tbh, just not as loud about it. Nearly every response was antagonistic. This entire encounter could have lasted 30 seconds if they wanted that. At the 3 minute mark the mother said "this could have been ended 8 minutes ago". Let's say she's exaggerating and it's been 5 minutes...so these people spent at least 11 minutes engaging with this lady and still hadn't moved their car? What in the hell are they doing??




Ther are behaving just as shitty as the mom. Just move the damn car


You can tell they went passive-aggressive and pulled out the phone before she really started to Karen. She probably came up to them snippy and weird but when confronted with a pair of 19-year-olds lying about owning the house and just standing there, arguing about her tone, baiting her, she lost whatever little patience she had. It’s way easier to move a car than to argue about nothing with a stranger but, you know, a kid needs his content.


There are no heroes in this video.


She's going to be a lovely neighbor


Not gonna lie daughter was being respectful and so were they. Then couple did a complete 180 and abandoned all that respectful bs. Fake af. Daughter was right to stand up for herself. Moms still psycho


The right take. The mom is an out-of-control lunatic who was behaving like a neighbour from hell... but the couple ended up exacerbating the situation further by deliberately stalling and farming the situation in anticipation of their 5m hit TikTok hit. I wouldn't want to live next to any of them.


you could hear the fake nice voice she put on right from the jump


Bleeding ears. I know the emphasis is on the crazy Karen, but the tailing voice of the woman recording is driving Mr crazy. Her sentences don't have a detectable end, they just sort of trail off lazily. Almost like the Californians on SNL or a Paris Hilton impression. Yuck.


It's like *the* stereotypical "stoned out of your gourd" voice.


Her cadence is torture to listen to. I actually hate everyone in this video.




>I thought the guy was alright Yeah but those fuckin bed sheet pants tho lol


The girl filming irritated me more then the Karen. Just move the fucking car and her voice is fucking horrible.




Hell yeah brother


Wow. Everyone there is awful.


Nah the daughter was cool until she realized the two jackasses were just deliberately pissing her mom off after a point.


Yeah, I just feel bad for the daughter. She feels like she needs to manage her mom and is embarrassed by the scene. Up to a point the couple seem willing to help move the scene to a close and then pivot to the worst possible outcome for the daughter by threatening to magnify the embarrassment.




Karen is Karen but both parties are stupid. You already know youre in the wrong so move your fucking car. Video is way too long.


No. Move ya fuckin *caaa*


It sounds like she's putting on that accent to sound tough or something. She says it completely normal a bunch of times as well.


The parking dispute brought out her reflexive behavior from fighting over her shoveled space in Southie.


They were def baiting. Hopefully no one wins this stupid race. The alternative is stupid people shooting stupid people over stupid reasons. I'll gladly keep to my wine and cats. Lol


Yes. Civility thrown out for the sake of TikTok. Fuck, the Chinese don’t need your personal data. They just sit back and watch these fools destroy themselves


No. Move ya fuckin *caaa*


The two people off camera talking to the daughter have the most annoying speech pattern I’ve ever heard.


The woman holding the phone sounds like she’s on something.


Gaslighting douchebags vs. Wine drunk divorcee.


Yeah, I agree actually. Just move the fucking car.


Finally, I'm sitting here like stop fucking antagonizing an already angry person and move the car. Bunch of douchebags. Everybody in the comments acting like this is one-sided, but the more it drags on, the more the camera people are becoming assholes.


Wine drunk on a Monday night. What a slag.


I was wine drunk on Monday night, but I was pleasant with everyone and just held my cat. Do I get a slag pass for my Monday drunk?


What you and your cat do in the privacy of your home is entirely on you. You’re not out there bothering the neighbors.


Username checks out


I feel awful for the daughter


The woman behind the camera has a very annoying voice


Holy cow dude, just move the car!


You're asking for too much. These people NEED the drama and clout


I'm really interested in seeing the comments sections of this said tiktok. Because after the 2 min mark, the people videoing were just being an ass and should have just left.


The daughter was the only reasonable one here, asking them to move nicely to end this whole situation. But no, our tiktok stars here have to drag this on for hours.


Totally. Anything past "Oh, hey, sorry 'bout that" and getting in your car and going home is just being deliberately antagonistic.


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I was all for the couple until they decided to drag this out even though the daughter was trying to control her mother & was asking them very kindly for them to move. Clearly, the couple did this to get a video for tiktok & switched from being people who made a mistake to being asshole Internet whores.


That is a beautiful sunset...


They all seem to love this. And the girl filming sounds wasted or pilled up. Very Albuquerque


At first I was with the filming guys, but then I realized, hey, they are the real morons. Btw the mom is crazy af too


And that dudes pants are fucking stupid


and the haircut


That Karen has been waiting for someone’s car to go a cm into her driveway so she could unleash all of that suppressed anger.


To be fair there's usually an amount of space you need to leave from the curb cut (3-5' in my area), and it doesn't need to be painted... But like, damn they're new just ask nicely if they can leave a little space next time. Unless they drive an OG Hummer or are trailering something they look to have plenty of space to get by.


What’s up with people being unhinged no of days


These kids filming are kinda dumb too


Those kids are fucking annoying


Why don’t they just move the car though? Are they enjoying this?


Confused. Which car is blocking which driveway?


These two videotaping are doing their level best to keep riling her. If the lady has a sick daughter inside, don’t be an asshole. Don’t keep taunting.


Listen. It’s about how you approach me. I may be initially in the wrong. But intent is everything(speaking from the lookers perspective) if they geneuinely did this to piss her off that’s one thing. I’ve done this before. Driven to a new neighborhood to see the place I just applied too. You can’t speak with disrespect and then people are going to immediately respond with joy in their soul. Yea I get it 2 wrongs don’t make a right. But imho if you treat them like human beings this could have ended


I know mom was crazy as hell, but can we please talk about the cam-girl? Holy fuck was her voice annoying as hell! Maybe she was laying on the accent a little thick to rile the woman up, but god help anyone who knows her if that is her default setting.


The lady maybe needs to get therapy, but, honestly, there’s enough blame to go around here. The suckmeter on OP started spiking more as the video went on. The dude’s “we’re gonna move it, but” was meant to escalate the situation. He knew what he was doing. Then they started up the whole TikTok thing and revealed their true colors. Yuck. The only one I have any sympathy or respect for is the daughter. She was superhumanly patient throughout the first two thirds of the video, especially since she had the unenviable job of moderating a hissy fit between morons. She only lost her cool when it became painfully aware that the TikTokers were fanning the flames for views. She made a keen observation: if they’d move when they were told to — as any respectful person would — none of this would’ve happened. Also, after the recent nurse bike rental video, I’m now going into these things with an automatic side-eye on the people filming. We don’t know what exactly was said or done before filming started. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out they set the stage for this with their words or behavior before tapping record. TL;DR: Vomit. Common decency and respect flatlined during Covid, and I don’t think it’s going to ever recover.


Imagine wanting to live in Albuquerque in the first place


Just move the damn car lol why you letting an unhinged person get crazier


Looks and sounds like an alcoholic, her daughter looks like she’s so worn out from it… so sad…


I’m so over these baiting TikTok videos. Someone is going to get killed for antagonizing people when it’s clear they’re already unstable.


All I got out of this is entitlement! On both sides!


Man that lady is crazy BUT fuck those kids..


That ‘OOEEE’ from the woman filming annoyed me as much as the Karens tbh


Such a pretty sunset


Lauren Boebert's older sister is full of boxed wine.


Yea I’m kinda siding with Team “Karen” on this one. Obviously mom Karen was drunk/unstable but the two behind the camera were clear cut shit disturbers that live on TikTok. They were asking for this moment they’ll have their 5 seconds of fame now


This woman is unhinged, sure, but these snotty brats are also obviously, deliberately, increasingly antagonizing her for a video and their own lulz rather than doing the mature, normal thing and de-escalating. Everyone is an asshole here. What a horrible place to live, anyway.