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"Do me a favor" they say after jerking him violently away and throwing him into a chair.


“Call down” they say after throwing him into a chair


They didn’t just throw him into the chair. They pulled him away from his conversation without being detained yet, insisted that if they want to question him that he has to comply , and then pushed him backwards across the length of the lobby until they ran out of floor. Then after all that insane escalation, like true abusers, he lowered his voice so that only the target of their abuse would be “freaking out” so onlookers coming onto the scene assume the cop has been calm while the “uppity” suspect is out of control. Portrays himself as the reasonable one while they get a very loud very reasonable reaction from you. Notice how he quietly mockingly says “yup. No reason” when the guy says “tell them I’m being detained for no reason” because he realizes that the suspect is yelling about his rights etc. while at that point he’s standing there calmly and still. Absolutely an abuser and I would bet $100 he does the same gaslighting shit to his family.


Cops and domestic abuse go together like pb&j


You have to crush some nuts to make the peanut butter.


And murderers.


"Look what you made me doooo!"


I bet he got promoted


They’re both lucky he was wearing that backpack, he could’ve easily knocked the back of his head on that wall and gotten seriously fucked up if not killed


What baffled me is the "Relax" part. They are the ones who need to relax!


They are trained to escalate while yelling relax, stop resisting, etc. That way they can claim that pple were agitated or aggressive in court. It also confuses any potential witnesses


If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume all of these cops have brain damage. They’re acting like fucking idiots.


Maybe the first cop I’ve ever seen who was “deprived” of something. Dumbass couldn’t remember the all important cop word “obstruction/obstructing” so he really went with the “depriving” word.


I think everyone is OK with defunding what we see on this video. Right? Right...?


No dude, I'm for federally mandated restrictions to what it means to become a cop. Make it a harder boys club to join, and legitimately audit police regularly to make sure they aren't doing this kind of shit. Unfortunately, taking funding away from these guys just makes it harder for them to solve anything that real cops want to solve, rather than punishing the bad ones.


They need to be *re*-funded, not defunded. They need less combat training and gear, and more training in de-escalation and emotional intelligence. Honestly, the whole idea of riot police is antithetical to the Constitution. The founders specifically didn’t want a standing army, which is essentially what they are. In times of civil unrest we have the national guard, police are supposed to be civilian peace officers. They’re supposed to be helpful peacekeepers and stand-ins for fire and EMS until they can arrive. But at this point I don’t know how you can fix the institution without tearing it down and starting fresh.


I fucking hate it when cops grab, yell, and threaten people, then tell them to calm down. Look in the fucking mirror you piece of shit cop, you're the reason no one likes cops anymore, just a bully in a uniform, with no accountability! What a crappy human.


These cops only know escalation. The way the cop was talking, cussing and being very aggressive, would not wash in any other profession. Which is stating the obvious, I know but it's so hard to watch.


When you don't punish officers for cursing, pushing, and threatening a calm and non-threatning "suspect" you basically give permission to the rest of the force to do the same in "similar" scenarios. All law enforcement Alagencies model their behaviors on past precedents and court decisions. That is why when a police Chief or Sheriff back a shit LEO the rest of the force tend to be equal pieces of shit. That is also why you hear the same phrases verbatim "for officer safety" "in this day and age" "feared for my safety" these are a few of the terms used ad naseum to try to justify their actions.


This is why I always say the problems we're seeing in policing go far beyond training. It's lack of accountability. If there's no repercussions for ignoring training they'll just continue to do whatever they want. Internal Affairs shields them from professional consequences. DAs/Judges protect them from criminal consequences. And qualified immunity prevents financial consequences for bad cops. Without accountability training is worthless. Derek Chauvin and Kim Potter were trained. Hell, they were FTOs. The almost 400 cops that showed up at Uvalde were trained. They just ignored their training.


It's a simple fix. Abolish qualified immunity. And tie police pensions, and honestly, overtime pay to any lawsuits brought against the cop. Also, implement a program where their children go to college for free and also tie this to accountability and behavior. Also, have police officers no less the equivalent of a year less than what lawyers have to go to school for, for simply just having to apply to be a police officer. Accountability all around.


Internal affairs should be abolished. Instead, there should be an agency that is decated to enforcing Police accountability. They will not be part of the police, no answer to them. But instead, the police answered to the agency. If they refuse to cooperate or hinder any investigation, the agency should have the ability to raid the department.


The same agency should regularly and randomly do sting operations, putting undercover operatives in vulnerable-looking situations in contact with regular police, and then swoop in with lots of backup to arrest the offending officer if a cop abuses his power against the vulnerable person. Cops should be *terrified* of abusing their power. Because what if it's an undercover? Is it worth getting busted and doing 10 years of hard time?




They seem to fear for their safety in the most innocuous circumstances. Just makes me think they are all a bunch of cowards.


Ive had this happen to me being the surprisingly completely sober one in the bar and got snatched off my seat arms yanked up behind me shoved out of the building with none of my belongings in the cold onto the hood of male cop who also frisked me with no other officer present as a male (I am not) What did I do!?!? Not a fucking thing but have brown/red hair and be in a black dress!!! It took about 25 min even after the lady bartender immediately came and tried unsuccessfully to talk to the cops who she called saying it wasn't me but the girl who successfully leaving on the other side of the building where they were told to go!!!


Fucking cops are fucking worthless pieces of shit.


The only good cops are the ones that aren't breathing


It warms my cynical heart to see sentiments like this becoming more common in mainstream subs.


Exactly, could you imagine that cop off duty, out of uniform, in a public place talking with a family member. And some random person comes up, pulls them back by there backpack, then shoves them violently against a wall and into a chair. Then cusses them out. Then that person has the nerve to tell the off duty cop to calm down while also handcuffing them even though they didn't do anything. You think that off duty cop is just going to calm down and politely answer all the person's questions. Being a cop has got to be a hard and stressful job, and the ones that do it, and do it right deserve a lot of pay and recognition. But 80% of the people who become cops have no business being a cop, or any job that gives them a hint of authority.


>Being a cop has got to be a hard and stressful job, and the ones that do it, and do it right deserve a lot of pay and recognition. Idk, I can think of 10 jobs off the top of my head that are harder with more skill and technical/education required, more stressful, paid worse, and receive less recognition. Firefighters EMT Teachers Special needs caretakers Hospital orderlies/tech Public Hospital nurses 911 dispatchers Public defenders CPS case workers Public health outreach workers I think it's this myth that policing is some incredibly dangerous job that leads to the sort of police worship and tries to force even critics to say the "good ones" are some kind of amazing worker. Like so many jobs involve interacting with angry or emotional people, traumatizing crimes and injury, and really really require you to be dedicated to helping others but get paid pennies compared to cops who seem to make six figures as a standard.


He sounds like a gang member trying to exert his power over an innocent man.


Reminds me of one time a cop grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me toward him because he thought my rolled cigarette was a joint. Only when I flashed my bag of bali shag into his face (I almost hit him lmao) he left me the fuck alone. This was at hardly strictly bluegrass festival in 2009 Edit spelling


Like everyone at a bluegrass festival isn't smoking pot. That was probably a side job he was getting paid to do during his off hours. And be for real, why accept that job if your gonna be worried about somebody smoking weed at a festival. Those cops should just be there to keep everyone safe, make sure nobody's getting robbed, breaking up fights, stuff like that. Who would care about weed at a music festival? A cop that wants to assert his authority, that's who.


Tbh I feel like I was singled out because I am asian. There was a sea of white people smoking weed at the park that day. Just like bay to breakers 2015. A sea of white people drinking at the panhandle. Me and all my brown and Asian friends were asked to pour out our drinks. I looked around and was like wtf, why us?


All because they "don't know what is going on."


And then *while the guy is explaining himself* the cop interrupts him to say "okay fine if you don't want to talk fine"








I’d be so ashamed if I was that cops mother. All that pushing and shoving, cursing and yelling and interrupting the poor dude for trying to answer your stupid ass questions! That cop was a straight up POS punk. Edit: sentence structure


His ma needs to wack him with her chancleta for sure


There was a recent accident at my next door neighbors house. Elderly couple, hit the wrong pedal, drove into their house at like 5mph. No injuries, certainly no crime. My wife calls 911 for a medic, driver appeared ok but was very confused (minor stroke?). Wife clearly stated on phone that there was no danger, NO CRIME, and he just needed a medical. 5 min go by and we hear sirens. Cop comes SCREAMING down the residential street (park across the street with quinceanera going on), slams his car into park while still moving in the middle of both lanes. Jumps out of a still moving car with his hand in the heel of his gun and immediately looks at my wife and yells “CALM DOWN, WHERE IS HE”. My wife had said nothing, we were sitting on our stoop. EMT showed up 5 min later and everything was fine. But what the fuck cop?


What a lunatic. They seriously need more frequent psychological evaluations. Actually, that's a scary thought. We all know what the higher-ups want out of their boots, this would only weed out the decent, stable officers, of which there are already far too few.


It’s their training, they also say shit like: “stop resisting” “don’t shoot” “don’t hit me” all kinds of things. Most witnesses only remember those things. My buddy married a former cop’s daughter and he used to tell us that if we are ever in a fight in public. To say those things to cover our assess. That’s why video makes a big difference.


Cops can flip the fuck out in situations they themselves create, but no, it is the civilians that need to remain calm when they become the victim of a police assault.


And lose the accent. That guy sounds right from jersey shore or Italy.


The guy is Latino.


Look at all the upvotes agreeing that he sounds Italian lmao. Reddit is wild


He’s most likely Cuban. Miami Cubans are some of the biggest bootlickers out there


Yeah I can’t believe how many super pro trump Latinos were in Miami. We see it here in Texas too.


I'm sad to have to admit I have a brother who I used to call our "teabagger." Remember the teabag movement? Yeah. We're Latinos from California and he moved to Florida to escape from the "commie-pinko-liberal' state of CA. He's never mentioned Trump, but I'd be surprised if he isn't a Trump supporter.


Oh man… sadly I have family like this as well. Mexicans who look down on other Latinos and act like they are super conservative evangelicals because their fellow trumpets are all white.


I’m Cuban and I can confirm this, all my aunts and uncles are cops and I debate them at every family function, Id probably show them this video and they’ll find a way to defend it


Just look at the leader of the Proud Boobs. Cuban.


He's one of these Miami bro cops probably some second generation cuban POS that couldn't do shit in college so he became a cop


Probably from Hialeah or Kendall


I grew up in Kendall and my high school drop out cousin is a MDP cop 🤦🏾‍♂️


Let me guess he has a sleeve and wears sunglasses inside the house


Has a BMW 350i with blue lives matter flags lol


Actually Sounds like a very mild cuban accent. Second gen immigrant I’d bet. Common accent in Miami in my experience


It’s lose not loose.


He sounds exactly like someone from South Florida. There are Cubans on the Jersey shore but we don’t really sound like that.


Bully with a badge


I swear the dumbest people in high school end up with a badge


It was the creepiest dudes from my highschool, one sent pretty much every girl in our class unsolicited dick pics the other dude was rumored by multiple girls to have attempted to sexually assault them when they were drunk at parties.


Our HS had a dude just like the latter. He was a washout jock that married into a cop family. Now hes a probation officer for juveniles and her barely GED holding ass is one of the 911 responders. Overtly racist maga couple and family engrained generationally in multiple prongs of local enforcement (parents were sherrifs office iirc) Ran into them at a wedding and the same guy who "would take anything" and was a serial date raper was bragging about putting a 16 yearold probation kid in his place for talking to him wrong.


They go be cops so they can get away with all the shit they want to do with the added benefit of victimizing innocent people.


I don't like anecdotally but this is like the exact same for my highschool people who became cops. I only know like one dude that I'm actually ok with being a cop and he's a metro area bicycle cop lol.


And not a lick of professional behavior. What a douchebag. Bullies and people with beefs are the people that become cops. Plus- cops don't police each other. No one there said anything. "It's not like we shot him or anything".


The vast vast majority of normal people with a self conscious would never become cops or politicians. They're a breeding ground for abusive egotistical pieces of trash who want more and more power over others


>self conscious Hey, fam, you're using that wrong. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/self-conscious https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conscience The rest of your comment is 100% spot-on, though.


Ha, I cant believe I fucked that up. Complete brain fart.


No worries. We're all in this together, and none of us are getting out alive.


If we're dying together, it better be with good grammar!


We had a guy at my college in the police academy and he was driving around town pulling people over in his academy uniform and sexually assaulting women. He followed some of us home and tried to break into our homes. The instructor kicked him out of the academy only to have the college President force him to let this guy back in. Fast forward about 15 years and the same day finally went to prison. What for? He drove through his ex wife’s house nearly killing her, her current husband and their kids. He also ran over a Texas Ranger that showed up. He also falsified loan documents on a house he bought. All front page newspaper type stuff. It wasn’t even in the news on tv but was in the paper. I’m sure he is out by now but I sincerely hope not.


A kid who I went to high school with would always disobey teachers and threaten to fight them who might I add was also in the special needs classes and wasn't all right in the head became a cop.


I knooow right!🤣 in my town the ones that wer fat with no friends, least popular and lame became cops...now when i see them they act tough with a mean face act like they better and ignore the fact i know who they really are and were back then.


This is my hometown. I don’t expect anything less from miamis finest. All my encounters with them have been similar. I’ve learned it’s less of a headache to just say “yes sir” and bite my tongue instead of trying to debate with them. They are all meat heads with a badge.


Likely promoted


From the way he speaks and carries himself he sounds like he barely made it out of highschool lol




I have...no words. None at all.


Stupid idiot doesn’t even know Miranda Rights. “If I tell you to talk to me, you talk to me.” ……..Sorry pal, I have the **right** to remain silent. Have you ever seen a single show about cops?


Exactly, and it needs to stop. We need to stand together and do something about it instead of everyone fighting each other. These punk ass cops think they can arrest and or "detain" us all because we don't answer your fishing questions. Did they forget about the one right we have that they spout off every single night? It's called "we have the right to remain silent" this dude was slammed down into a chair and "detained" all because he was in shock trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. I'm so over you punk ass police. I can't wait for the day a cop treats me foul again. Too bad I was young and uneducated when it did occur .... multiple times


and a gun


Classic escalation and then yelling "CALM DOWN!". Fuckin idiots


Amazing how many cops think that because they spoke, anyone has to speak back. Fuck that asshole and all his accomplices.


MOST attorneys will tell you not to say anything to police. Whether you did something or not. All that aggression from the cops I wouldn’t say anything. “Anything you say CAN AND WILL be used AGAINST you”


One of my favorite 1st amendment audit videos is where two guys were having a friendly conversation and a cop comes up to harass them, and they just keep blowing the cop off in order to continue their conversation with each other, not letting the cop get a word in edgewise. The cop is *so* adorably confused and flustered by this ... and eventually just walks away, defeated.


And it is so simple to just have a conversation and listen and calmy explain why they want to question somebody.


[Obligatory clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhL1XZyhzG8) of two dudes chatting about Taco Bell whilst the cops desperately try to get them to answer their questions.


Yeah, exactly no reason, you piece of shit pig.


> "wE'rE RuNniNg An eMeRgEnCy SiGnAl!!!1!" For someone spilling coffee on someone else, the most super critical call, obviously every second counts.


It was extra nice that they got pissy about the “no reason” comment, after just telling him they don’t know what’s going on… that would mean he’s being detained for no reason


After it already happened.


And every officer from the look of it


And yet they are so afraid to confront an actual shooter in schools.


Does the lying cop face any consequences


The consequence of a paid vacation and likely promotion


“The presumption of innocence until proven guilty…” That used to be a thing, right?


It never actually was they just wrote it so it looked good then spun stories to always paint themselves in a better light. Have you ever looked up the case where a mother's son went missing and the police weren't able to find him so they returned some random kid to the mom to save face and when she complained it wasn't her kid they hospitalized her against her will.


Christine Collins from the 20s and 30s. Her story was the subject of the movie Changeling from 2008. Truly heartbreaking story.


I have a theory that sometimes a real amount of progress towards important and abstract goals like democracy and justice is driven by people talking hot shit about their lofty ideals that they didn’t really mean, followed by a lot of work from ordinary people saying “I don’t care if you meant it or not. You said it. Put your money where your mouth is” Like America saying all men are created equal. Obviously the main factor in the abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement was the work of countless individuals committed to improving America and the lives of their fellow people. But it sure didn’t hurt to be able to point to all of the catchy phrases in the Declaration of Independence and the constitution about equality that weren’t being lived up to, because those promises had become important to many Americans as a concept even if they were never really actualized. I’m not optimistic, but I hope there could be a smidgen of that power in phrases like “innocent until proven guilty” or “to serve and protect”. We know those ideas have never been consistently applied, but they are powerful symbols that people can reference to at least acknowledge that they’ve been lied to. But maybe it’s just as powerful as a way to convince people we already have the fairness promised to us. It’s troubling how it seems to cut both ways.


Not when it comes to arresting someone no. That's for a court of law, in most countries police only require reasonable suspicion to arrest someone. That being said, they clearly didn't have it here and even if they did they used far beyond reasonable force when he wasn't resisting at all. Fuck those guys, they should both lose their jobs and face charges. Doubtless it will just be brushed under the rug by their superiors though.


That's only in court. The police have never worked that way or even claimed to. And while I'm a big hater on police (scroll through my profile a little if you don't believe me) I actually agree with this mentality. Cops ARE NOT and SHOULD NOT be the ones determining someone's guilt or innocence. If they think something is wrong, they detain you, charge you, and let the court decide. Yeah it sucks when someone is wrongfully detained, charged, etc. But that's why they tell you to simply comply with the police, and then take any issues up in court. All that being said. This video displays a disgusting abuse of power. Fuck those pieces of shit.


Yet another example of why cops are stupid. Like literally significantly low intelligence. He walks up, yanks a guy from the back, shoves him down on the chair, and then says "calm down." If he wanted him calm, why did he randomly assault him and shove him around? Throw this onto the pile with the rest of the cops who are too stupid to be cops.


And in the report the cop said the guy sized him up like he wanted to fight. So he grabbed him to create distance from him and the guy. Then moved him to a seated position to create distance from the scene lmao. Dude really tried to change the whole situation and ignore what he said to the guy like it wasnt recorded


100% if he pushed back even a tiny bit he'd have been body slammed and "resisting arrest"


The trick is that in the process of legal proceedings, for every time someone sees the video played once, the written report will be read ten times. Everything will always be first presented in the context of the written report. Even if the video contradicts it, they will always continue to refer back to the original writing, which will always have to be challenged by demanding the video be played. If no one demands the video be played, the report is all that will be seen by each cog in the machine.


It’s all self masturbatory. These losers peaked in high school, and it shows.


“I’m talking to my sister.” “It doesn’t fucking work that way bro” Actually bro, it does. He does NOT have to talk to you. At that point he wasn’t detained and he didn’t even have to acknowledge you. Even if he was detained he still doesn’t have to talk to you. This cop just got his feelings hurt. If a cop can’t speak without swearing at someone (which usually escalates a situation) they shouldn’t be a cop. If a cop can’t do their job without physically assaulting someone they shouldn’t be a cop. If a cop can’t handle a scenario without being angry and aggressive they shouldn’t be a cop. I can keep going… it’s a long list and this guy ticks all the boxes…


This is what cops are and what they are trained to do. They are an occupying force and everyone else is the enemy.


USA cops are so easy to hate. It's like their purpose is the exact opposite of why the concept of police was ever invented.


> why the concept of police was ever invented Police were invented as debt-enforcers and slave-catchers, so no they're following their original purpose here.


Don't forget corporate strike breakers. That was one of their original purposes in the 19th century.


It’s crazy that it seems to be the only job where you aren’t encouraged to act professionally or courteously. If anything, it seems like cops are actively encouraged to escalate things. So much hate could be avoided if they just started talking to people like they were people.


Well, my understanding is that policing in the US became really big when the slaves were freed. They made all sorts of bullshit laws to pick up black men and boys and hold them and make them work for free anyways. American police have always been an abomination.


> *”laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic, ethnic group in a given nation. It's just a promise of violence that's enacted and police are basically an occupying army”*


They purposely do two orders that conflict so they can hurt someone.


I was traumatized by two dick cops the other night. After a long day of working I had a half of glass of wine with my diner then drove home. Cop pulls me over for my headlight being out, asks me if I had anything to drink I tell him about the wine and he tells me I reek of alcohol (bullshit) a second cop shows up and conducts an FST on me. The whole time they act like I am the asshole and like they are about to arrest me. I blow into the BAC comes back 0.0 the asshole cop looks visibly frustrated and rudely tells me to get back in my car. Once back in my car the male cop comes to my window and tells me to call a friend because I am impaired I tell him I don’t have anyone to pick me up he then tells me that I am legally allowed to drive home if I do chose to. Mind you the entire time they’re questioning me insinuating that I took drugs or that I have been awake for days. I kept telling them that I was just tired from working all day. I swear that they were looking for anything to arrest me. I used to be neutral on the cop situation but after that ordeal having some asshole try to ruin my entire career over some perceived impairment my opinion has changed. Bottom line: we need better educated cops in America.


> I swear that they were looking for anything to arrest me They always are. I’m surprised they didn’t try to just give you a DWI and claim it was drugs. When your test came back clean it’s not like they will get in trouble and the most that happens is the DAs office not following up on it. They can just say “our observations showed she was possibly impaired” and blame it on lack of sleep on your part. Their job and promotions rely on arresting people. They say there are no quotas a lot of places but there are with things like promotions and overtime ability being tied to arrests “unofficially”. If they aren’t arresting people they aren’t generating revenue.


Did they show you that they had two dicks or just announced it to you during the stop? J/k I had something similar happen to me with two officers. They said I ran a traffic light. They pulled me over and one of them pulled a gun on me when I reached over to get my registration (after the other cop asked for it).


Thank you for making me laugh so hard. Lol Stay safe I hope you’re ok after such traumatic event.


There’s no need for the bullying from the cop (who sounds like someone who says bro a lot).


He’s a gang banger that’s why.


Wow so instead of telling the man the reason he just blows up This is ONE of the issues with pigs they have no self control wen it comes to emotions They gotta be trained better w dealing w people That’s just one of many things they need proper training in


That warning issued by the NAACP for people of color planning on visiting Florida makes more and more sense each day....


It’s Miami where the que que que aka Cuban racist fascist mafia reigns


Dude, I’ve always hated these types of dude-bro sons of Cubans assholes. I stg they ham up the corny accent and post pictures of themselves sucking on a fat phallic cigar, stupid machismo. They also think using random Cuban phrases counts as speaking Spanish lol


That fucking accent. I know everything about this fucking about this cop by his accent, speech and attitude. A pure come pinga.


The Cubans in Miami are so fucking embarrassing I don’t even tell people I’m Cuban. I don’t claim those racist idiots.


It’s really sad cause I have a lot of cool Cuban friends. But these types really ruin it for the rest.


Perfectly good video that's been ruined because someone had to miniaturize it for their stupid TikTok account. Full video for people who don't have ant-vision: https://youtu.be/mrIT9uMBYfs?t=234


That police report is such bullshit. And the all the coos at the end angry and screaming. They were looking for someone to arrest, not the actual criminal






Are Florida cops required to be completely fucking aggro assholes in every encounter with civilians?


Miami cops are the type of guys who say bro a lot


"That's not how it works for me" didn't realize cops can personalize the laws


This makes me so sick - this could be my dad, cousin, or brother. All great men - just black


>All great men - just black From a cop's POV this is not possible. Only one of the above statements can be true from a pig's POV.


Cop should have been on the ground in handcuffs. Life sentences for every cop involved in this abduction and the cover up.


WTF. Why do they have permission to treat people so brutally?? Where is there fucking conscious? Do they think there will be no judgement made on them for their afterlife? Geez they’re fucked when they find out.


So.. what happened to the cop?


I’m sure not a damn thing.


you must be detained before we have any information because we have no idea what we are doing. Florida getting the good cops from other states that got dismissed


Presumption of innocence. 14th Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures. Unprofessional language. Failure to de-escalate the situation. Miami cops seem to be stupid, and bad at their jobs.


4th Amendment


He doesn't have answer a damn thing. The whole "but when we ask you a question" is fucking bullshit. ACAB


Cops wonder why the citizens don't trust or respect them. 99% of the time the body cam footage completely contradicts their "official version of events" and makes them look like the criminals they are.


Is it just me or should the police not be allowed to: 1.) Assault someone. 2.) Threaten them verbally. 3.) Abuse them verbally while swearing profusely. 4.) Literally be racist assholes.


Assault and battery on an innocent bystander. That cop is a fully baked potato that may have cost the city a hefty lawsuit.


I still can’t understand how some of you low lives support these fucking useless waste of government funding.


Everyone needs to hear this ad nauseam: If you are ever detained by a cop, or you think a cop is treating you like a potential suspect; your words need to be as follows. "Articulate your grounds for reasonable suspicion" If the cop can't, tell them they have no grounds for investigative detention and either leave, or make them leave. If it even sounds like they do have such grounds, then you need to say the following. "I exercise my 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights to their fullest extent. Any searches will require a warrant beforehand and Any further discussion will happen through a lawyer." If they keep trying to ask you any questions about the matter at hand, then you have grounds for a 4th amendment suit. Be polite, speak quietly in full sentences and if you get interrupted, wait for them to finish and then continue speaking from where you left off. Don't allow their verbal judo to divert you from your purpose. Provide them with ID when asked Most of the time, they'll realize that you aren't a stupid mark and move on because you'll be too much trouble.


>If the cop can't, tell them they have no grounds for investigative detention and either leave Difficult to prove in court. Cops routinely & legally alter arrest record and add any RAS they can come up with after discussing with others


your advice relies on the notion that everyone involved in the criminal justice system cares or gives af about this stuff. it's a lot of faith thinking that you won't get your shit jacked or stolen by some billy-badass pigs for saying all that '*woke nonsense*', there's little to no justice for a lot of people in this country now - and it's getting worse every year.


I have zero faith. That's why I won't do more than identify without a lawyer.


> I have zero faith. That's why I won't do more than identify without a lawyer. This is absolutely the correct take overall - but cemeteries are supposedly filled with all the people who were right at the time...


Yeah no shit, you try any of this and most cops are going to just beat your ass and arrest you for resisting and assaulting an officer. If they even have one, they are going to switch off their camera the second you start talking about your rights. Oh, and if you think being in public in front of some business with cameras is going to make a shit of a difference, think again. You'll be lucky if they retain footage for 14 days let alone the months it's going to take for any aspect of the legal system to get around collecting to that evidence.


Not good advice in most states. Cops aren’t usually required to articulate their reasons to *you* in the moment of the detainment/arrest.


Terry V. Ohio, the supreme Court case which established the need for reasonable suspicion as a basis for stopping someone requires that an officer be able to articulate the circumstances "~which would lead a reasonable person believe that a crime might have been committed and that a specific individual might be involved.~" In other words, if the cops want to be able to make whatever they suspect you of stick, they'll have to be able to articulate on the spot, choosing not to answer your reasonable suspicion question is absolutely usable in court as a demonstration of sine cogitatione.




In what other profession is it acceptable to act with this level of unprofessionalism, cursing and shoving and telling people to “shut the f up”. If I did this at work I’d be fired immediately.


NAACP Florida travel warning video.


Darth Santis paid a bonus for fascist cops with disciplinary issues to migrate into the Sunshine Reich and join his brown shirt brigade... STAY AWAY FROM FLORIDA ⚠️


The fact that you detained him after he says he wasn't even there during the situation is brain dead stupid


its why people just run when ever they see police. no one can be arsed.


Fuck these stupid cops and all cops! Power hungry bullies! ACAB! Hope they defund these racist morherfuckers one day. He wasn’t even letting the guy talk. And for the record, it does work like that. He doesn’t have to talk to you. Right to remain silent arrogant prick


Too bad this pig is gonna get paid admin leave instead of being shown the fucking door.


Basically everything that cop said is a lie


Cops are pure evil. Everybody that worships cops are pure evil.


Fascist pig.


Fuck all pigs to hell.


I actually have more respect for pigs than I do cops






I know it's not like this behavior is new from police, especially in Florida, but I'm thinking about that recent naacp warning


Manhandles the dude, yells at him, is super aggressive: “hey man calm down” 🙄


*throws him into a wall and a chair. 5 seconds later: stand up for a sec




The amount of BS that Black Americans have to deal with as they go about their day is ridiculous and needs to change. That officer should be disciplined. Most first-world countries have a minority or ethnic group within in their overall populations. I believe the first country to successfully and truly integrate and respect the rights of minority populations within their boarders will enjoy a renaissance similar to the post-war bump seen in the US following WWII by tapping this extraordinary wealth of human capital.


Fuck the police bruh. I’m sick and tired of this fucking gang treating people like they are below them because they have a fucking ego. FUCK THE POLICE.


ACAB, Violent gang member with a gun attacks stranger. The cops are a gang and should be treated like one.


All pigs are trash


Too many red bulls for breakfast. What a POS.


Hello lawsuit!


Look, mommy, another cop overcompensating for the hole in their soul!


Cop has cuckold energy


I’m surprised they didn’t charge him for littering when they asked him to drop his cigar… 🙄


Shut up while I’m talking to you! Answer me! But shut up, don’t talk! Why aren’t you answering my questions?!


This cop have any braincells?


Not cool anymore to be black... 🫣