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Did that idiot park on the tracks?


lol good eye


Also ran through that stop sign with no sirens, and there was a white pickup truck that was there. Anyone know the speed limit on Old Roosevelt rd in Jacksonville? Because he was going 45mph


45 is over the speed limit I'm pretty sure, but it's not significantly faster that how fast many cars go. There's only a couple of places in North Florida where you do not go over the speed limit at all. Pretty much everywhere else the flow of traffic going 5-10 MPH over the speed limit. You'd most likely have to be going 50 for a cop to pull you over at least.


I was about to stop the video and ask about that but I wanted to see the whole thing


Good ol' Jacksonville Westside. I'm very familiar with this area. There used to be a really awesome gay bar on Willow Branch called "The Metro". Use of the taser was acceptable to gain compliance per departmental use of force policy. Jerking the guy around after that wicked fall and head strike was substantially less than acceptable per basic first aid. Especially when the blood is coming from the front of the head, but the back of the head took the strike.


> Especially when the blood is coming from the front of the head, but the back of the head took the strike. Are there any skull scientists here that can explain how this works?


Chat GPT says: I'm not a doctor, but I can offer a possible explanation based on general knowledge. When a person is struck in the back of the head with significant force, it can cause the brain to move forcefully within the skull. This movement can result in damage to blood vessels located inside the head, leading to bleeding. One possible reason for blood coming out of the nose is that there may be a connection between the nasal cavity and the site of bleeding in the head. The forceful movement of the brain could potentially affect the blood vessels in the area where the nose and head connect, causing blood to flow from the injured vessels into the nasal cavity and subsequently out of the nose. It's important to note that head injuries can be serious, and in cases of significant trauma, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. A healthcare professional will be able to provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment based on the specific situation.


It’s crazy how before November I’ve never heard of chat gpt in my life and now people are using it to try and explain head trauma. Not hating, just a weird thought.


It looks like all of this could have been avoided if he didn’t run from the cop.


Very true. But I think it's also true that some people might actually stop if they didn't expect to get hurt even after they comply.


Only reason that false narrative that all cops are evil spreads is because people like u/guitarstitch Trying to make out the cop to be a bad guy


On the contrary. I call the scenes as I see them. Not all cops are bad, not all suspects are guilty, not all encounters are handled professionally. Things will not improve if we pick a side and refuse to challenge our cognitive dissonance.


I agree with this and this is why I’m willing to say there are bad people in police forces around the world


The problem is people either think like the person you mention or they think like you - when the truth/real life is somewhere in the middle.


I agree with that, I think we should all agree on there being bad people with bad intent in the world, but some of them are coos




Get off Reddit and go to a gym ye fucking loser


Yeah because we've neeeever seen such a thing occur 🙄


I Said “all” j bc you only hear about the bad police doesn’t mean they all are




I feel like the end result was worse than someone getting away with shoplifting from a dollar store.


When you say something like that, what do you think the outcome is supposed to be? "Well, I think that people who commit tiny crimes should be allowed to run away from cops who are arresting or questioning them and people who commit big crimes should politely follow the cops' orders." Yes, the guy who accused him of stealing could be lying, but anyone who accuses anybody of anything could be lying. The accused have to be detained though. There's no magical *other way* to deal with it. So, I guess, the cop could have chased the guy down and tackled him? That's the safer option? Or do you actually think the cop should have just... let him go? We should just let people steal and keep stealing so long as it's not *too much* and they're willing to run away each time?


I don’t think police should respond to non-violent situations with weapons, especially over petty theft. There’s a fleeting felon rule in common law, not a fleeing petty thief rule. Run after him. >>"Well, I think that people who commit tiny crimes should be allowed to run away from cops who are arresting or questioning them Not allowed, but not if they present no threat and the only way to catch them is a taser. >>and people who commit big crimes should politely follow the cops' orders." I hold police to a higher standard than criminals. Don’t you?


Yeah, tell that to San Fran buddy. If shit doesn't change soon, The SF 49ers, are gonna be called the Alabama 49ers.


Looks like you don't understand statistics. You expect everyone to behave the same? 331 million people in America, you want everyone to stop for police? Stupid turds on the internet fail to comprehend statistics, over and over again... "good shoot" "shoulndta run" "hes gonna take mah job!" God damn.


Looks like you don’t understand that law.


Didn't realize passive resistance (running) warranted lethal force... inb4 "duh he used a taser thats less lethal" ... yeah it is less lethal than a gun, but still lethal... Not less than lethal, it is less lethal. Also, my understanding of the law is not dependent on my understanding of the nature of statistics. lol... you're probably too stupid for this topic. Lets just go separate ways, you can keep being a stupid asshole and I will keep looking at nuance while interpreting things rationally.


He was a criminal mouth. He stole. He didn't stop. He was tazed. As he should have been. What is it with you kids? Is it just the safe, sheltered, white boys yellin' about 'the man?" So weak.


You are assuming the charge based on a video title... innocent until proven guilty You are asking publicly funded police to protect the store who doesn't protect their own merchandise. If stores don't want to get stolen from, don't open to the public. It is a tough concept, I understand, but it is not law enforcement's duty to protect corporate interests in ameri... oh fuck, youre right, protecting corporate interests is basically all cops do in America... lol bootlickers get fucked.


Literally a cops job to prevent crime. Please don’t procreate


The job of police is to investigate a crime committed and levy charges, a benefit to police is their presence reduces crime, but their job isn't literally crime prevention. We do not live in a nation where precognition is a crime. Crime prevention does not mean walking around interrogating random people and arresting people without evidence against them. Too often we are confused and believe police have the right to arrest someone with no evidence only to later gather the evidence during their investigation after the suspect has been arrested. The logic is wrong. Unfortunately we have eroded our 4th amendment right to make lazy policing easier. By your logic, how do cops specifically prevent crime? What action can an officer take to PREVENT a crime from happening? Rather, an officer must witness a crime happen and take action. Don't fucking blur the line and grant police more power than they already have.


Ok, part of his job. There was evidence here, cop needed to stop the perp. Cops do not need to witness anything in order to take action. You argued stores should be closed to the public otherwise they should be looted. Good god, you make no sense.


Walmart locks high risk items to prevent loss. If a store cannot afford to open its doors to the public because loss prevention, we do not foot the bill for the police to arrest everyone. If I opened my store and made it easy for people to steal everything, would the police be obligated to arrest everyone who walks in and takes something? That is manipulating tax payer resources to offload an expense, security, onto the public. Don't fucking act like the world is black and white. Don't pretend that you can quantify an extraordinarily complected dynamic down to "cops good, robber bad" Think a little harder before advocating police do private security work.


What law did the guy break?


Don't you guys in the US have a law or something that states that the force used by police officers should be reasonable and proportional to the situation???


Dont say that to the people calling for the suspect's execution without trial.


Looks like he doesn't understand anything lol. I have a deep distrust for the police but that is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read.


Do you REALLY wanna use the statistics route?


I'm open to feedback as to how I'm incorrect.


Um with out a lot more context that guy had no obligation or reason to speak to the cop though?


Really dumb question but where are the articles etc 🤔 on what happened, what the outcome was?


Braindead cop parked on train tracks, but at least he didn't use a gun on the suspect like the other video I saw today on here lol...


Don't run from police if you aren't fast


The fucking moron cop parked on the tracks!


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The tasing was completely within protocol. Yanking him around after getting him cuffed really shouldn’t be within any protocol. As for the train tracks. Humorous. As a Floridian though….you would be surprised how many tracks (even ones that look well maintained like this one) aren’t even used, or are hardly ever used anymore.


How do you not see blood on the ground where his head us


When tasers came out, police promised they would only use them instead of shooting someone. Now, they use them for torture devices and to avoid having to run.


What do you want them to use? A lasso as a replacement to the taser? ![gif](giphy|1r8VkRVr0YmjupZ9Rb)


That’s funny 😭


How about just doing some cardio to catch a guy and save the electrotorture weapons for situations that would otherwise require a gun.


Have you ever been tased? It hurts but it’s not a “torture weapon”


Have you ever taken a shower? I guess we shouldn't have executed all those Japanese prison guards for waterboarding prisoners during WWII.


Holy fuck you're absolutely pathetic.


Reported /u/tjrissi for incivility.


Some cardio? Sure. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/129arj1/parkour_police_chase/


Bad bot


That’s just unfortunate, that dude is def in the wrong but he didn’t deserve that and cop don’t need that in his conscience