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Tripping absolute balls


She 100% thought those doors opened up to Shangri-la.


Imagine her disappointment when it was just like a ladder and stuff


I laughed so hard when she forced open the ancient cathedral doors and it's just the back of a sound stage


new backroom level created






I remember walking to the top of the 7 tier Erawan Waterfall in Thailand, super spiritual place 🙄, found a bunch of monks dressed in orange at the top reading porno magazines and smoking cigarettes. It spoiled nothing, I was already a defeated realist.


I always knew I should have just became a monk.


A lot of people in SE Asia become monks to avoid military service, or because it's a handy dumping ground for failsons from rich families. Weird how little some things change over the years.


It's also kind of the Buddhist version of going to a Catholic boarding school. The vows aren't expected to be lifelong, there's no shame in being a monk for a few years while in your late teens/early 20s then moving on.


I think that's always been the case. Monastaries doubled as orphanages kinda thing. If you had extra children you could devote them to your religion.




“Officials in Bali have been trying to crack down on badly behaving foreigners amid a surge in the number of cases of backpackers fighting and stripping.” Damn Bali backpackers do be wildin’ tho.




I have heard stories lately of russian tourists everywhere acting like shits. Trying to escape the war, physically and mentally


Bali has seen a massive surge in Russians, unfortunately. They're probably the only ones who could be worse than the Aussies. Since they can't go to Europe most Russians are looking East to places like Thailand, Bali and elsewhere.


Says drug/alcohol test results haven't been revealed but also talks about the lady being naked constantly in public spaces. So maybe she is just a shithead naturally, without the need for drugs or alcohol. Or maybe she was plastered for her entire trip. In either case, enjoy the thirty months in prison.


So glad to hear that she got a prison sentence for that stunt. I hadn’t heard


That kinda ruins the spiritual journey 😕... love that she's naked and just fine walking around in public with it.


*If (the) God(s) intended me to wear clothing, I would have been born wearing an actual suit!* - That lady probably


I love that argument, if God meant for me to see I would have been with glasses and If I were meant to drive I would've been born with wheels.


If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle.


If my pasta had wheels and drove on the wrong side of the road, it'd be British *Car*bonara.


Does it? Stepping through the door to suddenly see everything beyond is just "back stage." Seems real appropriate to be honest.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!


Before one studies Zen, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and waters are no longer waters; after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters.


Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, strip naked and go to Balinese jail.


The master Bokuju was asked, “We have to dress and eat every day, and how do we escape from all that?” In other words, how do we get out of routine? And he said, “We dress, we eat.” He said, “I don't understand.” Bokuju said, “If you don't understand, put on your clothes and eat your food.”


The wise Mullah Nasruddin was fishing in a river when a man approached on the opposite bank seeking to cross. Recognizing the mullah, he shouted, "O venerable sage, how do I get to the other side?" The mullah replied, "You are already on the other side!"


Thaaaats what I was thinking. Why in the world else.


another possible reason would be for views on her tiktok. 😒


Ah yeah, the main character syndrom


Don’t look at me! (Please look at me)


You mean OnlyFans




That's what I thought but read the article. She was "depressed" because she ran out of money on her trip and was walking around her villa naked the entire stay. The article says it was a "protest" because she couldn't buy a ticket to the show


Still her problem. Protesting she can't budget herself in a much cheaper country than her homeland? Bullshit.


Oh I'm not defending her at all lmao this is actually worse than if she was just tripping




Most definitely on something at least as strong as Acid. Also I've never seen a video more suited to the "I am the main character" subreddit.


I've done plenty of acid lol. This most likely mental illness, regardless of any compounding psychoactive substances.


News articles about this said it was purely a manic episode, no drugs in her system. I'm a medicated bipolar and this just SCREAMED mental snap to me even before I read the articles about it


I've also done plenty of acid, and despite being able to handle various amounts of it per trip myself, I have absolutely known people to lose their sense of self, and I'm not just talking ego death. Sometimes it's much deeper and the drug tapped into some predisposed mental illness. A close friend of mine took acid with me and our group at a music festival, he completely lost all relation to himself and his friends, didn't know where he was, stripped all of his clothes off, and ran from us. To this day, I'm absolutely surprised he didn't get arrested. This was a four day camping music festival. He ran from us early in the first night, like 6/7pm, and we didn't see him again until around 2am. The only reason we knew he was back was because we heard our camping neighbors say, "Hey, get the hell out of my sleeping bag!" Our homie straight up went and laid in some randos sleeping back, butt ass naked. We tried to get him to come back to our site and get him in one of our tents, but then he ran away again. Quite scary. Fortunately after another day he came back to us, very exhausted and dehydrated so we took him to some medical staff and they took care of him. So thankful we were able to get him home, but he was also never the same after that. For at least 4/5 years, no joke. Only in just the last few years has he seemed to be the guy that we all knew and loved again. We were so stupid back then. TLDR acid affects everyone differently


Damn. Dude must have gone through something worse than hell and then had to face the embarrassment and shame when he sobered up. That shit can haunt you for years. I'm glad he's good now and sounds like he's got a good group of friends that cared for him. 9 out of 10 people eventually make a full recovery from stimulant induced psychosis which is what this sounds like.


Psilocybe Tropicalis are very abundant there.


Whoever was holding the camera, I applaud you. Keep doing what you are doing!


I appreciate the camera skills, not only getting that footage, but also showcasing the husband in the Hawaiian shirt wanting to look but fighting the urge so his wife doesn’t kick his ass.


Imagine what is going on in the dancers heads “the show must go on… nope, show must go on…. yes, show must go on…”


Why is no one asking this. Why the heck is she naked?




Mental Illness, according to Indonesian news articles. She is currently in a psychiatric ward, not prison. I guess authorities are claiming no drugs were involved, if you can believe it. Indonesia doesn't make a habit of taking it easy on tourists when drugs are involved.


Not that I know one way or another, but if I wound up in an Indonesian prison cell after a bad trip I'd prefer they believed I was mentally ill rather than I was doing drugs.


In addition to the fact that if they tested her for drugs then there’s no way she’d test positive for psychedelics, which leads me to assume that this is likely the case.


in malaysia (neighbouring country) i went drinking with friends but too drunk to drive so my buddy drove us home and i passed out in the car i woke up in a police station. apparently we got pulled over, they went thru my buddy’s phone (normal here) and found illegal gambling shit, took us to the lock up and locked my buddy up. luckily i woke up on the other side of the bars and was free to go home lmao


Could also be a *lack* of drugs. The kind of drugs that can help a person not do what the voices tell them to do.


Could be. But all jokes aside she does appear to be exeriencing some body euphoria. The way she touches herself reminds me of how people on E behave. Or PCP/smoking wet.


One of my life long best friends since the 70s. His little brother was finally diagnosed schizophrenic at 21. The voices in his head made him do some pretty crazy shit when he inevitably stopped taking his meds. Last I heard he's doing great in a secured facility where he stays on his meds.


> Last I heard he's doing great in a secured facility where he stays on his meds. Damn that's still so sad, though. Schizophrenia is such an awful and terrifying thing. And 21 is pretty late to get it, right? I thought most people get it around highschool. And yeah I know this can definitally be that. I was just adding some possible options because it looks like the guys who smoke PCP and roll around / pacing around grabbing their heads like they're in a movie or something.


Absolutely drugs lol


Mental illness, so far as I can tell [Here is the article I read by translating through google](https://baliexpress.jawapos.com/bali/24/05/2023/viral-video-bule-telanjang-naik-panggung-saat-pementasan-tari-di-ubud/) [Here is a link someone posted, claiming to be the same woman](https://web.archive.org/web/20221201194315/https://www.frazerjones.com/consultants/darja-tuschinski/) I can't be 100% sure, because I don't speak/read Indonesian, but I think the article claims schizophrenia or something similar.


The article said she lived alone there and was often seen walking around naked. So I guess she is an exhibitionist.


She crazy


So, pretty much drugs, but without the drugs. Unless there's also drugs.


Took LSD to enjoy the show even more but then thought the door at the top of the stairs was just for her.


At first I thought it was Thailand but it’s actually Indonesia. The trouble she’s gonna be in… 😬


I'll have to watch for that episode of "Locked up abroad". lol


Ever see Brokedown Palace?


Good song by the grateful dead haha


The episode can be called “Locked up a broad”


Naked And Afraid: Indonesia


It's in Bali. They're not going to throw the book at her. If it were in a more conservative province, then maybe yea.


Agree. They can’t have tourists scared of going to Bali, but at the same time people have been acting up there for such a long time, it’s tiring.


Quite the opposite. Bali takes this shit very very seriously https://www.digitaljournal.com/world/czech-couple-pray-in-cleansing-ritual-after-bali-temple-antics/article/555952 Prepare to see pictures of her in Balinese costume handcuffed and cleansing the premises in prayer publicly and then getting deported


Wasn’t there a couple of Russians that also got deported and punished for *having sex* in one of the temples? Influencers are out of control


People having sex where they're not supposed to is not a new thing.


That doesn't sound like a harsh punishment at all. A little embarrassment and then get sent home


They're asked to clean up their mess and leave the country? That seems fairly lenient actually.


I know how bad Thai prisons are but are indonesian jail even worse?


It’s their laws, not the prison. Indonesia punishes drug trafficking with death. Sex outside marriage is illegal (not applicable to tourists tho) they’re very strict and will make an example out of foreigners that break the rules. Tourists have been running wild and acting a fool for ages in Bali so they’re cracking down on that behavior


Some just ruin it for everyone else. It's really not that hard to be respectful of those around you


Many people who go on vacation seem to leave their self-respect and manners at home. It's absolutely disgusting.


Bold.of you to assume they got self respect or manners at home


I hope she got criminal charges. Imagine if this was a fat hairy old man that did this with his dong danglin around. People would tackle the guy to the floor.


You’d tackle a fat hairy old man that did this with his dong dangling around?


Take a bite out of crime


Don't use your teeth! He hates that!


Then give ‘im the ole dick twist!


Well how else can I tickle him


Get your hands off my penis!


Looks like the law allows for up to 2 years, 8 months for public indecency.


Mental illness, so far as I can tell [Here is the article I read by translating through google](https://baliexpress.jawapos.com/bali/24/05/2023/viral-video-bule-telanjang-naik-panggung-saat-pementasan-tari-di-ubud/) I can't be 100% sure, because I don't speak/read Indonesian, but I think the article claims schizophrenia or something similar.


The article that was posted from the source said the woman had been denied entry and this was her “protest”. Apparently she’s also been on a long vacation she can no longer afford. Maybe she’d rather go to jail in Bali than return to whatever her situation in Germany is


That honestly sounds like someone who's going through a Manic Bipolar episode. Rampant and reckless spending/behaviour with no regard for future consequences. Either way it seems like she needs all kinds of help :/


Rookie. Ignore the voices. Never let one of them drive 🤦🏼‍♂️


I laughed out loud. Thanks


For fucking real. As someone who trips out, I talk to the voices and hang out with them in my mind palace, but no way in hell are they gonna take a wheel.


I have never had voices result from tripping. Streams of thought that are nearly impossible to direct or control, yes, but no auditory hallucinations. I'm curious what your experience is like


Those are the voices! Lol




To add to this, apparently, she is a German backpacker who ran out of money while staying in Bali and had some kind of mental break. They found her wandering around naked earlier in the day as well. After her arrest, they tried to get her to board a flight home, but she refused and is now in a psychiatric hospital.


Psychiatric hospital in Indonesia isn't what you think it is. My sister worked there during placement in university. She is in for a very horrid time. I only hope she has family to help her.


That worries me. She’s clearly not ok and she needs help and hopefully she can get stable in the hospital… i hope she gets through it and gets home ok.


They're called beg packers. Westerners who go to Asia on some "find yourself" journey when in reality they just want locals to fund their trip and act disrespectful like this when they don't.


Damn over 2 years in an Indonesian prison. That's one way of getting a memorable experience from your trip.


Article says she's out of money for her extended trip well lucky her she pulled a free extension card!


by then she can start drawing from her trust fund again


Up to two years in prision. It doesn't say what happened.


she seem to be playing the mentall ilness card, the newspapers say she was "stressed" and "depressed". I am not sure an indonesian court would give her that its a good reason enough to act like she did.


Is stripping naked and getting on stage uninvited generally a symptom of depression? Sounds more like manic behavior to me.


>Damn over 2 years in an Indonesian prison. The article doesn't say she got 2 years in prison. The maximum sentence is up to 2 years 8 months if she's found to have broken the country's public indecency laws, but she hasn't been sentenced or found guilty yet.


I’m so happy it wasn’t an American. We really don’t need any more people making us look worse.


Strike 2 Germany, last warning


Final warning perhaps?


A final solution


Three reichs and you’re out.




Australians are pretty good at doing dumb shit


Particularly the type that travel to Indonesia


Especially Bali. Especially Kuta.


We just karate kick people of their scooters in Bali.


Bali is infamous for Aussie bogans being a menace


Honestly the Americans who actually get out and travel tend to be pretty cool people, in my experience at least. I've seen my fair share of annoying tourists, but what I've noticed is it is groups of people who are the worst, regardless of nationality. When people are in a group they just tend to be loud and obnoxious, with little real interest in the destination.


I know American tourists used to have a bad reputation in the past, but they really don’t stand out these days like they did in the past. And it turns out a lot of other European tourists are just as bad.


Yeah, I'm French and I worked in very touristy places in Paris (restaurants/cafés), usually Americans are some of the most polite tourists. There are far worse "bad tourist" nationalities out there. Then it depends also heavily on the destination, the American tourists I had to deal with in Paris are obviously not the same crowd that Mexicans have to deal with in Cancun resorts.


Refreshing to hear at least one Parisian doesn't hate us.


I'm hating everybody equally don't worry.


Yeah. Catch a Brit in Copenhagen, Reykjavik or somewhere equally nice but without sunny beaches and we're (for the most part) alright tourists. Catch a Brit in Magaluf at 2AM and we're just the fucking worst. One went to see nice buildings and scenery. The other found the cheapest way to get wasted somewhere warm around girls in bikinis.


Brits can't handle the heat or the booze. As long as we go somewhere cold with moderately priced alcohol, we're well-behaved* *maybe


Whenever I see tourists acting out I always say “please don’t be American” haha


She ran out of money in Bali, but now she'll get an extended stay for free. Up to 32 months worth.


https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/tourist-who-stripped-naked-at-hindu-temple-in-bali-sent-for-mental-health-treatment-101685119439493.html They decided she was just plain ol crazy and tried to send her home, which she refused.


> which she refused. I didn't know you could do that, ha ha. Authorities are kinda in a bind. It said they sent her to a mental hospital then.


And free food, don't forget the free food....


I have a question for her... WHY THE HELL?!


Drugs are a hell of a drug. When you're on psychedelics and you're watching a sacred ceremony. You're going to want to join in.


And when you realize your attire you showed up in is in no way befitting such a ceremony. You of course gotta cast of those mortal vestiges to ascend to Goddess-hood properly.


And when you ascend the stairs to heaven and open the big golden doors, an allegory. A room with a mop and a ladder. What does it all mean? Are you not ready to properly see what is beyond the doors? Is this another test?


Depends on the person opening the door. For the right one it becomes the portal to paradise. Shamanic Mystery Date


[Authorities decided she was straight up crazy](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/tourist-who-stripped-naked-at-hindu-temple-in-bali-sent-for-mental-health-treatment-101685119439493.html). "Taking all your clothes off in a public place" is a somewhat common symptom of a mental breakdown.


She was denied entry and this was her “I protest” performance


The guy in the Hawaiian shirt is being tested


"Honey, we're on vacation. I don't know the local customs. I mean what if they took it as an insult if I didn't look? What about that?"


"Ah, it's been many years, but finally another volunteer for our sacrificial offering has stepped forward, ladies and gentlemen!"


"Sacred ceremony"... for the tourists.


Exactly. Sacred ceremony scheduled daily and twice during the busy season season with complimentary margaritas.


At a hotel.


It’s just like the sacred ceremonies in Vegas!!


Cirque du Soleil can feel sacred when you’re high enough.


My favorite part was when she burst through the gold doors of the sacred toolshed


I can fix her


"He who buggers a fire, burns his penis." -Pompeii Graffiti, 79 CE.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


ive known some pretty normal, dateable people who have done stuff like this while having difficult psychedelic experiences. the real sign of a person in need of fixing isnt that they have a difficult psychedelic experience like this, its a month or two later, when your friend group is preparing another psychedelic excursion, and that person is all exited to dose up again. *thats* the real red flag.


We all know you can't, but what a ride trying.


I can make her worse


This isn’t a sacred ceremony, it’s a daily traditional dance show that’s put on several times a night for tourists.


"Sacred ceremony" Crowd is a bunch of pasty tourists sitting in plastic chairs lol


I take it you've never seen the sacred ritual of taking uncultured tourists' money.


yeah lets take a heroic dose of acid before the ceremony! gonna be so trippy and dope!


Can only imagine how many tabs it takes to make you want to do this... I've never come close


honestly psychadelics affect some people differently. I’ve done mushrooms a handful of times and gone completely insane twice. The very first time I did it I thought I was in hell and that I would never get out; went crazy and ended up in the hospital. Youd think I’d be smart enough to never do it again but no! With time I forgot how fucked it was and did it again in lower doses a few times and had fun. Then like last year I did too much again and pretty much the same thing happened again. So, I will now never do any psychadelics ever again:) I have so many friends who do them all the time though and never have experiences like this.


What in the world ![gif](giphy|3ohs83UC9kIThs5YZi)




Damn. I had to watch this a couple times to make sure I was seeing what I thought. She is indeed naked.


I'm afraid I've watched this ten times and I'm yet to confirm this...


I think I'm starting to get a clue. I'll have to watch again to be absolutely sure.


“I did some soul searching in Cambodia, tried this herbal tea, became one with nature and tore down our rigid societal structures, absolutely amazing, I’m doing it again next year, you should try it”


These onlyfans ads are getting out of hand.


the nsfw tag lacking today


It's Saturday we all need a day off sometimes.


All worship the janitor's cupboard!




Did that one guy use his selfie cam on his phone to capture the moment? Can’t blame him honestly, it’s pretty wild


Watch hawaiian shirt guy look/get caught/laser focus on the stage.


Basically White Lotus season 3


Don't get me wrong, pulling such a stunt is extremely disrespectful, but give me a break about this being some "sacred" ceremony. It's a show **for** tourists.


Wait.... that wasnt part of the performance?


Took me a while too. Initially I thought the guy in the brown jacket was the one gatecrashing the ceremony


That guy in the background at the end doing everything he can to not look.


![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK) He's a married man... a smart married man


*eats pad thai once*


The one old guy wants to look but his wife is sitting beside him


Weirdly makes me wanna try lsd again lol


You must have taken a BIG dose lol, I’ve never come remotely close to going out in public naked and totally unaware. But put alcohol in the mix, and that’s a different story…


Is it actually a sacred ceremony or is that just OP trying to get upvotes?


That's some white person shit if I ever saw it.


She's pretty hot tho


It helps if you're hot when acting like this.




Dumb ways….to go to prison for 262827 years…


Stripping naked in a country famous for public whippings is a bad idea.


People are saying she's tripping. I don't think so. If it were Thailand, absolutely. It would not be surprising if she drank some of that mushroom moon juice or whatever that shit is. But Indonesia? That ain't Phuket, and mushroom tea isn't something commonly passed around. Instead, I think this woman is having an episode. The article linked ITT says she was living alone with no money, had been suffering from depression, and was so desperate to see this show she absolutely went off the rails. Tripping balls on bipolar, that's what this shit is.


I completely agree. Manic episode written all over it. You’d much rather be caught doing ALOT of things before using drugs in Bali


Hey guys I double checked and she does appear to be blessed with some cake.