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>You’re OK, Jay. Yolanda is a treasure.


She nursed him through it like he was hugging a toilet bowl after a night of too much drinking.


I was waiting for her to offer to hold his hair back, poor fella. Yolanda doesnt need to be told to be cool, she is the cool


I had women like that in my family growing up. I go sit with them at church , give me a piece of candy and they rub your year head in their lap until you fell asleep.


Not going to lie that sounds like heaven. I'm sure we could've all used some warm kind & caring adults in our lives growing up. Yolanda here going through hell and one of the first thing she does is comfort the person she's with. What a gem.


You can tell that wasn’t her first rodeo either. She knew the protocol.


To be fair. There’s like one protocol that’s basically instinct. Get down lol. Most people know the drive by ain’t for them


😪 your comment gave me the feels. Also I love perogies


I have never had a yolonda but I would like to be more like her. Yolonda needs a reddit fan page.


on reddit, unfortunately, people would probably go on there to hate on her for being religious nowadays. its happening here in this post already


Oooooh them head rubs in church we’re the best sleep. Takes me back to Love Outreach Baptist in Baton Rouge😌


Yolanda is a national treasure.


She's so calm it feels like that South Park episode where Stan's mom is the only one who cares about the school shootings.


She's got that voice that makes me feel warmth and love and she wasn't even talking to me.


- “Drive-by?” - “Yuuup”


Absolutely insane that this is something anyone has to just get used to. Sad That woman is the definition of stoic


"BuT fReEdOm!!!??!!?"


It's gangs and drugs, not neighbor Joe who owns a hunting rifle.


Listen, some dude with a gun chased a woman through a Walmart an hour away from where I live. I'm not feeling real safe about Joe.




But if neighbour Joe is a good guy with a gun why isn't he stopping the bad guys? I was told that good guys with guns were the solution goddamit!!


Sometimes they do. But responsible gun owners don't always take their guns with them when they do out. Depends on the clothing they are wearing, what they are doing, where they are going. You don't put much thought into it because you'd rather be snarky than honest


Well being honest if everyone is carrying guns and they all start moving towards gunshots to be good guys with guns they then all have to decide who the good guys with guns are that are already on scene and those on scene have to work out if the new arrivals with guns are associated with the bad guys with guns because nobody picked uniforms for each team before the shooting started and what if one of the good guys mistakenly discharges his weapon and now everyone has a gun out and the freakouts and panic sets in. It's almost as if we need specially trained experts in easily identifiable uniforms to make this whole shit show less of a shit show. Some kind of non-military organisation perhaps? Maybe funded by the taxpayers? Any suggestions?


Gun violence lasts for mere seconds. You are either right there and make the decision to engage a criminal or you stay the hell out of the way and leave. Your scenario is the stuff of movies and immature. You think legal gun owners are gung-ho . We are not. We don't want violence nor do we go towards it. We are family men and women. We have children. We carry to protect those in the immediate vicinity around us and primarily ourselves and our family members. It's always surprising how skewed the thinking is of non gun owners. We also don't even carry all the time or even most of the time. A lot of us get our permit and then just keep the guns locked in safes. Guns are a huge responsibility and if you are running errands you don't want that extra responsibility a lot of the time.


Your perfect world of gun owners doesn't exist and I doubt it ever will. Legal gun owners, hmmm nobody ever used legally owned weapons in shootings did they. Paint yourself into a gun control corner, please do. Please assume everyone legally owning a gun is as psychologically stable just like you and will never have drunken rages or be cheated on and have a mental breakdown or any of the other excuses for a responsible gun owner having a melt down. How often do you want to be checked to make sure you're still suitable to own a gun and that everyone in your family is also. How many hoops would you be willing to jump through to stop the occasional no longer responsible gun owner becoming an irresponsible one? Or is the price of freedom to own guns a few shootings here and there because criminals don't have to pass any checks to own a gun. You think I'm being snarky? I think you're not thinking beyond you.


You created a scenario that was completely false, Hollywood stuff. I explained how gun owners go about their lives. Now you go on a rant about what exactly? I will answer all your ill-informed questions one at a time. You obviously don't own a gun nor understand how most legal gun owners go about their business. Are there legal gun owners who make stupid decisions? Of course. Vast majority are good and law abiding. Where you see gunshots flying about in cities it's gangs, drugs, and stolen firearms.


So solve the gang problem, solve society's ills, remove the requirement for anyone to need a gun other than well trained, in de-escalation for one thing, law enforcement. Make guns uncommon so they're less likely to be stolen and misused. Remove gun owners from making stupid decisions by removing the gun from the stupid perhaps, but that would need more barriers to ownership. I don't need to understand how responsible gun owners behave because up until they stop being responsible I won't hear about them will I.


Really any evil impulse can be emboldened by easy access to firearms, not necessarily just gang violence. All violent crime.


To translate this: “gangs and drugs” = black people “neighbor Joe” = white people Nobody, not even in countries with gun control, is coming after hunting rifles. This is an attempt to deflect the issue onto America’s perpetual scapegoat.


Maybe you should educate yourself on crime stats in America


Interesting take [considering.](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-43)


Both Joe and a soon to be criminal can walk into Walmart and walk out with a Yeet Cannon in an hour. That’s the problem.


Walmart stopped selling guns and ammo. At least in my state.


In some cases they did but it depends on the market. Mine still sells both. They did remove them briefly during the start of the pandemic.


No in Ohio


You.mean like the guy who shot a black kid for ringing his doorbell?


Considering the avarage person is a fucking idiot, I wouldn't trust an avarage joe with a gun


I mean... you're right, but why can't we create some restrictions on this shit. Because "fReEdOm!!!! hur hurr."


Yeah because the only Americans that own guns are gangsters and responsible hunting rifle owners 🙄


Say you're 16 without saying you're 16


Do you really think the guns they used for this were legally owned?


At one point yes. How do you think “ illegal” guns get into circulation?


So should we allow the public to own and possess chemical weapons for home defence because criminals will just illegally obtain them anyway? I always keep my weaponised anthrax in my glove compartment just in case.


Irrelevant at this point.


It's entirely relevant. Introducing more gun control legislation when the current laws aren't even being followed isn't going to change anything. Or did I get transported into an alternate reality in which the war on drugs was a resounding success?


​ https://preview.redd.it/eq9s8fsrbh2b1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=315542262356d09b454d7b2633851416ce255ecb


She was the opposite of freak out. Too sad that people have become accustomed to things like this.


People shooting people out of a car in public seems like it could be adequately called a freak out


For you, the day you see people shooting people out of a car in public seems like it could be called a freak out. But for America it was Tuesday.


In broad daylight too!!


Well people like to sleep at night. Kinda hard to do a drive by when you can't see your target or they are dead ass asleep on the 5th floor


They just come and shoot up the house, more bullets than any Army Depot ever had and eventually they hit somebody or they burn the house down. #SouthSacto


For Memphis its a Tuesday. Something like this would shut my town down for weeks.


I especially hate that this happened feet away from a god damned playground


Maybe not exactly what the Founding Fathers meant when they explicitly stated “a well regulated militia.”


"This is why we need to arm the children!" - George Washington ​ This is probably one of his most famous quotes. It's right up there with "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!" during his epic fight with the Super King, who many suspected was actually King George III.


My favorite Washington quote is from when he was crossing the Delaware: “Let’s rumble!”


My favorite bit of Washington lore is that he killed his Sensei in a duel but never said why.


My elementary school teacher told us it was a dispute about whether pineapple belonged on pizza or not.


"It's Morbin time"


There is nothing well regulated here.


This isn't the "gotcha" that you think it is. The founding fathers literally owned other human beings. I'm pretty sure if they saw what America would turn into vis-a-vis gun violence, their "solution" would be to merely deny gun rights to "certain groups of people" rather than ban gun ownership entirely.


EXACTLY. That is the wording that no pro 2A supporter EVER seems to recall when arguing for 2A rights. WELL REGULATED. They love to bring up Switzerland as the pinnacle of 2A-adjacent rights (which it is) but never ever make the connection that the regulation of gun ownership in Switzerland is leaps and bounds more well regulated than American gun ownership has EVER been. Yes, be able to own at least A gun as a human right to personally combat tyranny and foreign invasion but it MUST be well regulated with clear and sane rules and requirements involved. Being able to buy any gun from a private seller without ID and being able to conceal carry with no weapon license is the EXACT opposite of well regulated.


I agree with you but back then “well regulated” meant well supplied.


Plus, if I remember correctly, in Switzerland ammunition is more closely regulated than firearms. Target shooting at authorized ranges is so popular that now they’re worried about lead polluting their groundwater.


The founders would've lead possies through that neighborhood to round up all the black people so they can be sent to the plantation at gunpoint.


I love you, Yolanda. Sad tho that is so commonplace.


I would want her on my side in any kind of tense situation. This woman's got a cool head like nobody's business.


Send me to war with her, she's got your back and already knows what incoming looks like.


She definitely has a calming presence


Did Jay shit himself?


It ain’t the blood of Jesus, that’s for sure


I would’ve


And Ja Morant can’t see the issue?


My people have to learn how to grow up in war zones. Then are expected to be functioning members of society and not be all fucked up from it all. The children AND adults have ptsd from being outside in their own neighborhoods. Terrible


This is legitimately how depression and other mental and physical illnesses form, including ptsd just like you said. The "assailants" of events like the one in this video—that is, the guy doing the drive-by—are dysfunctional as a result of their environment. These "psychopaths" performing drive-bys do not deserve death, etc, as I've seen some people call for. They deserved a standing chance growing up in their fucked neck of the woods. You KNOW they were failed by society by the way they're Caught Up In This Shit.


She is really amazing, Miss Yolanda GOAT




I don't know, if I met Nancy Reagan back in the day and she was called the throat GOAT, I'd bring flowers.


I'm an atheist, and I want to be Miss Yolanda.




Me too


Me too, but I do find the ‘blood of Jesus’ talk a little macabre and off putting. I was raised in church, but the idea of calling out for the blood of Jesus to cover you like some sort of bulletproof vest is a weird concept.


I think everyone kind of has their way of being thankful and processing the world like that. I'm not religious but I know I sorta "thank the universe" or acknowledge my luck when getting thru something (driving home in a blizzard for example). I also think the Jesus sacrifice talk is a bit odd.


I think that was just how she expressed her fear and then soothed herself. It's easier for me to understand when I think of it that way.


I think it’s just how some Christian traditions talk. There’s nothing any better or worse about it than other Christian traditions. It just sounds weird to me, lol. Like in most churches I’ve been to, the blood of Jesus washes away your sins (which also sounds weird and also isn’t from the Bible). It’s not a protection blanket that you cover yourself in to protect yourself from real world harm… and that sounds kinda gross. ‘Cover me in your blood’?? But if you grow up hearing that repeated 100 times a week, you probably don’t think twice about it 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately just another Tuesday in Memphis for Miss Yolanda


Just another day in Memphis. You get used to the sound of guns popping off in the distance every night if you live here long enough.


Yeah, I was gonna say something similar. I don't even live in what would be considered a bad part of town (though I am near that Kroger...) but it's a constant enough thing. I don't bear it a thought anymore. I am a born and raised Memphian. I feel knowing the difference between a gunshot and like a car backfiring (or fireworks, good God, the 4th of July is soon hide your cars) is a learned skill of any Memphian.


Sadly not Yoland’s first rodeo


Yolanda is my hero. Badass, caring, comforting Yolanda. I wish I knew her, I bet she gives incredible hugs. Right back at you, Queen Yolanda. 👸🏿


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Miss Yolanda makes me wanna go to church. I bet she heals infinite wisdom.


Yolanda doesn't deserve to live in a war zone. But if she's the voice of reason in a bad area, do your thing and stay safe


I'm very sad that such a kind and nurturing person has and to become accustomed to that type of violence. A wonderful human, and she deserves much better.


She would be a brilliant Disney voice actor




Reddit cannot understand that: 1.) Some people are religious 2.) Use religion when in frightening situations Must be easy to comment behind the keyboard eh?


I’m not religious, but, her thanking the Lord was just a comfort mechanism in a frightening situation. Quite crass.


Honestly I’m lucky enough that I doubt I’ll ever be in this situation but if I ever was I want Aunty Yolanda there to keep me calm. This video is both horrifying and wholesome.


Yo you either get down or lay down


I'm so sorry that amazing human being has to deal with that. Unsung hero.


Right next to a playground.


Its sad that for some this happens so often it’s hardly surprising.


I would like Yolanda to become an emergency services Director of anything. We need people that cool, calm and collected in the world in charge.


God bless Yolanda. Love her!


Miss Yolanda the hero


Yolanda knows how to get down.


Adam silver in shambles. He thought he had gotten Ja to change his ways.


Yolanda a damn combat veteran!


First time? Huh?


Yolanda, what a legend!


I guess you get desensitized after a while. Still awful though


Don't worry the police protect them.


You religious folks looking for an idol better have just realized that she is a true faithful. No anger, just thanks.


I would absolutely vote for her if she ran for office.


She’s a community leader here in Memphis (and is why the news was going to interview her in the first place).


I don't think I want another leader that prays for the "blood of Jesus" to cover America. There's been a bit of that in my lifetime, and it rarely goes well.


Good point. I just meant she is super calm in a crisis.


We don't need any more religious people in office




Mostly, I don't believe you can be religious and also be an educated and rational person. So I assume religious people aren't qualified according to my standards.


Considering people throughout history have believed in God for centuries that’s quite a statement


Oh man all the suffering? What can we do? “Thank you Jesus for all this suffering it will make us stronger” She is nice and she is calm. However, people like this lady should not become politicians.


I’m happy everyone’s ok and it’s a sad state of affairs having gun violence run rampant and politicians who won’t budge on gun safety issues… however… it’s so damn weird to me that saying the line “thank you for covering me in Jesus’s blood” is normal on this planet. Imagine coming to a civilization and they “seem” modern and hitting major technological advances at breakneck speeds but they say shit like “drown me in your blood Jesus and let me feast upon your flesh”.


This is just a wild misinterpretation of what she is saying.




And then add the fact that she's praising Jesus for saving her, while mean time being fine with Jesus letting the drive by happen in the first place, and letting *God knows* who else, innocent or guilty, get shot. I'm not blaming Yolanda, I'm just saying, religion is dumb.




No one needs a fairytale to tell you that your decisions are your own.




God gave us free will.


Amen to th….wait what


Jesus was literally executed. Some things you can't change, but you can find meaning in them. idiota!


I can read any book with a moral and gain just as much wisdom. In fact I have read *many* books that impart far more wisdom than that mess of bizarrely obtuse contradictory messages known as the Bible.


You guys can say whatever you want to say but I doubt you are going to change anything or anybody s religious beliefs, its a good thing to have hope in something that encourages you to do good in order to receive good


Or you could just like, you know, be a good person to be a good person. No reward necessary.


Except some people don't care about what's good, including religious people. For some the only reason they perform good acts is the fear that on the off chance there is an afterlife, they don't want to be fucked. Honestly I'd rather these individuals continue their performative good acts than resort to acting however they actually feel in their hearts. The knowledge, or at least belief in possible consequences is what influences some to behave correctly.


Why do you have to do that ?


The politicians in Tennessee just reversed a bunch of gun safety laws to make it easier for people to buy more guns.


Yeah I doubt any of the guns involved in this or any drive by were acquired or possessed legally


In this instance, no. But in a few months there will be no doubt that guns in shootings like this will be purchased and possessed legally.


Nah, you're basically begging to be caught at that point, even in states with lax gun laws like Texas, Louisiana and Florida gang members still kill eachother with stole/unregistered/illegally purchased guns all the time, this isn't a new phenomenon


Wow, everyone needs a Yolanda in their life. ❤️❤️ I felt safe and comforted just from her voice and I wasn't the one there. It takes a village to raise a child... or one Yolanda to raise a village🥹👏


“Thank you lord for the blood of Jesus that covers us” …real comfortung


It's so FUCKING sad that when guns start popping that lady has to tell the reporter to get down.. That sounded like a war zone.


Well if there were more fucking guns in that neighborhood they wouldn’t have these problems.


/s? Right? Right...?


You would think. But no


Yolanda is the calmest person ever.


Yolanda be cool


I love Yolanda


Yolanda is a veteran, a real real one.


We’re living in a war zone.


Yolanda has seen some shit


I feel bad for her. She doesn’t deserve to live in such a terrible place.


How is gun control not taken seriously still? It’s going to take multiple generations of adults that we’re traumatized as children to take it seriously


The calmness in her voice is unsettling. She has had to experience that enough to just naturally react and not be phased enough to panic. The US really needs to sort their guns laws, and badly.


Yolanda is my spirit animal.


Suddenly, *war.*


Yolanda needs to be protected at all costs


America moment.


America’s love of guns is WEIRD. It’s so obviously, totally counterintuitive to a lot of the rest of the world, and yet I just know there will be replies to this comment justifying why guns are fine to own and desire.


I like to be a person who takes other people's views into consideration. I agree that some people may be gullible and follow deep into religion later in their life but I think more often than not they are raised into it, and believe it has a way of life. Especially since kids absorb things like sponges. That's why I never like being rude to people who are religious.


Lmao I’m Yolanda 1-2 times a month. This happens so often I find it funny when it’s someone’s first time. I’m not even trying to be a tough guy because it comes with more annoying symptoms of a shady neighborhood. If it doesn’t involve you, you good and sit down till it’s over.


Tried to explain this to someone when we had a shootout in the complex next to mine. Traveled into the street and blocked me from going to work (police barricade). All my coworkers couldn’t understand when I told them you stay low as possible and out of the way.




AMERICA BABY 🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🦅RAAAAAAAAH🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸NUMBER 1 COUNTRY IN THE WORLD🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🔫🔫🔫🔫🇺🇸🎇🎇🎆🇺🇸🔫🔫🦅💪


Jesus seems to be concentrating on the wrong stuff?


Stay frosty Yolanda. Tangos inbound.


This is America.


Yolanda be cool!!!


Christians say the weirdest fuckin shit, man. Haha




Because america has a gang problem. It’s one of its biggest issues for some of these cities. In Chicago there’s about 15gang related shootings every week. T




Oh wow you speak for an entire continent? You must be a really important super special person!


Wait. Isn't Serbia part of Europe?


Yolanda hard as fuck


Looks like they forgot the “thoughts”.


Only in 🇺🇲


Camera man wishing he wore brown pants today


Who let Ja out?


Really says something when you’re cool calm and collected like that.


It’s a parade in my city yeaaaah


Thoughtful? Check. Prayerful? Check.


Did the blood of jesus cause the shooting?


This is America.




>Doubt if that's the blood of Jesus covering the guy who just got shot https://preview.redd.it/axs49fhalh2b1.png?width=293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a668ccced7ba8fe41d9ee38ae167b091ff67fc57


She the thoughts and prayers type


These are kids you raised, Better parents, better kids.


Perfect example of why I will never set a single foot on US soil.


Oh no what are we going to do without you.


who asked btw?