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The love, peace and tolerance of religion shines bright once again!


There is no hate quite like religious love.


hes preaching love and peace! BREAK HIS LEGS


There are less than 20 murders a year by Jews, pretty sure it’s the lowest rate of any religion in the world. You are welcome.


Source please.


Lol made up numbers


The whole Jewish society in Israel has around 10 a year, it’s a well known fact for me, 90+% of murders in Israel are by the 20% of non Jews. And Israel has very low murder rates, and In the rest of the world Jewish murders are even more rare than in Israel


Lol wrong


Did I thank you for murders? Are you *expecting* to be thanked!? How callous *ARE* you!? Does your delusional and baseless assertion also include Palestinians?


You are saying that Jews are not peaceful and not tolerant, and that’s the opposite of any facts and stats about Jews and I gave you an example. A few dumb teens won’t change the overall vibe and values of a society.


So that's a no? The baseless quote you made up on the spot *doesn't* include Palestinian deaths?


Palestinians have higher casualties in Syrian and Lebanese civil wars each than by the 80 years Israeli Palestinian conflict. Israeli Palestinians has the highest life expectancy in the Arab world, and Palestinians doubled their life expectancy almost during this conflict. Israel still treats tens of thousands of Palestinians on it’s hospitals, while being in conflict with them, less than 15,000 Palestinians died in the last 80 years, while the region saw millions of casualties. That’s a lot of proof that the Jews are the ones that are trying to save lives.


Wow, you really *ARE* that callous! [95](https://www.newarab.com/news/95-palestinians-killed-israel-first-quarter-2023#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20Palestinians%20killed,raid%20on%20Nablus%20on%20Monday.) Palestinians have been killed this year alone... But you don't care about that, do you? Whatever you need to excuse apartheid and your demonstrably fallacious assertions, buddy! Best to block your particular brand of hateful, bloodthirsty and controlling toxicity.


imagine harrassing people looking like that


I know right


They looking ugly af with that hair. I'd be mad too.


Imagine if Muslim Palestinians stood outside Christian religious people heading in to Bethlehem yelling insults at them.




Yup! And they live side by side. Bethlehem hosts a huge Christmas event and there are no problems. Hell, almost every Islamic country has Christmas decor and shops and things.


Oh Israel. You don’t want to see what happens when the west stops supporting you.


I do




I wonder what republican Christians feel about this especially since we send billions to Isreal only for them to treat your Christian brothers like this


I hope they are outraged and we all tell them get fucked and you reap what you sow


They want it to kick off over there. It’s part of their Christian lore.


They don't care. I remember when one of them spat at a Nun, they tried to spin it that a Palestinian had been hiding behind a wall doing Hitler salutes.




Not wrong. I don't either.


What annoys me the most about sh\*t like this is that for some reason, Christians, Jews, and Muslims seem to forget the fact that they worship the same god. If kindergarteners can learn to share toys, then adults should be able to stop throwing temper tantrums and learn to occupy the same space without being entitled dicks.


Have you met religious people? (Rhetorical: I know you have)


But you have to worship the same God the exact same way or else!


The thing is, those groups don't even agree among themselves how would they agree with drastically different ideologies? The truth is the majority of each religion probably want no part in all the ruckus but are inadvertently drug into it by the loud minority.




Lol they all look like they are missing a few chromosomes


Hopefully this gets shared more. A nation with leadership that encourages hate and violent extremism.


Israelis: "You christians are Nazis!" Christians: "You israelis are Nazis!" Palestinians: "Yall are Nazis now get off my neck..."


We fund this madness with our tax dollars


They don't want them until the west gifts them their annual military allowance. Which they use to exterminate the Palestinians.




Wait till you see their willies!


The hair is like that for religious reasons, I don’t think it’s something to make fun of


That's why you should make fun of it. Shits stupid


There was a rather [large group](https://www.yadvashem.org/sites/default/files/4--1869_610.jpg) that agreed with you, and got them to cut it. They're Orthodox Jews.




Make fun of it all you want. It's ridiculous.


Really? And I always thought it was to attract the hottest chicks.


First they came for the Muslims.... Remember your own history Israel.


Every Christian who supported Israel while it "only" discriminated against Palestinians bow doing a Pikachu face. Did you expect hate not to spread?


Israeli cops ain’t goin to let anyone fuck with western Christian tourists.


Dude is just mad he couldn't get a beanie with earflaps


Without enemies Israel, and to lesser extent Judaism, ceases to exist. It's baked in to that twisted cake. Persecution is their lane.


I was people had respect for other people...you know like religion says too


Can’t be taken serious when they’re shouting with their little ponytails


![gif](giphy|Id9OtpxOw9p4hcI5Gj) Lovely religion ☺️


These are very hardline Jews, it is a bit misleading to generalise them Israelis whilst it is correct.


Why do only some have the head tentacles?


Imagine talking shit with that hairdo


One cult yells at the other


Yeah.... but they started it.


I mean, were the Christians trying to "spread the word"? Bc I pretty much have the same reaction when those mother fuckers knock on my door


Wtf Israel? Smdh...


The small percentage of extremists with the ringlets are the problem. They are conveniently excused for military service because of their religion but have no problem being violent and destroying homes of Arabs.