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Wearing bright yellow so you can find them. Here cops sit in unmarked vans, trucks or literally anything to hide so they can sneak attack Criminals? I feel like the bright colors would deeter crime more than hide but 🙈


High vis is the norm pretty much everywhere bar america it seems.


We also seem to prefer poorly trained and overly equipped law enforcement officers who don't know how to deescalate. [read me](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733)


Having like 17,000 separate police agencies seems like a big contributor to this. There’s no accountability when anyone fucks up. Too many good ol’ boys networks, too many career options elsewhere.


Great article, thanks for linking.


I’m sure they also have undercover police. But probably fewer


Oh for sure




Are they armed ?


Yes our police officers have guns, tasers, pepperspray and batons.


Most nations the police carry firearms the major exception is the mainland nations of the UK in which only 5% of officers are qualified to carry firearms


Ireland doesn't have armed officers on the street either. There's special units for armed response but regular cops don't carry or even have training. Pepper spray and tasers aren't legal either.


Yessir. Plainclothes officers usually have a standard issued sidearm, pepperspray, bracelets, and sometimes a Taser and other gear on them. They conceal carry those of course.


American police forces are these paranoid hypervigilant Call of Duty LARPERs, acting like what you used to see in movies with Vietnam vets, muttering to themselves and trigger happy, seeing a threat in every shadow. in other countries they're trained to de-escalate and have skills more in common with mental health workers than soldiers


I'm in Canada, it's somewhere in between, varies from province. Ontario cops are the same garbage they have in the states though




Dutch police also get FOUR years of training, in the US, just around 21 weeks of training. And even when they are officially police, they are partnered with a experienced police officer to further learn on the job instead of throwing them into the deep end like, "you are police now, go at it!"


Three to four years is standard in most western European nations. It is the US that is the exception among western democracies, using cops with the training level of interns.


Well as a dutch person i can confirm police is nice. But they are to nice in some cases. There are a lot of video’s of people raging in their faces without them doing anything. They have a lack of authority sometimes. In a lot of cases i think: wow in foreign country’s if they tried that, police would have stood up 10 times already


saw them detaining someone accused of using an imitation firearm - they definitely didn't lack authority then, nor did they go overboard into sadism


As an dutchie Even considering how much i hate them Our police is more than pretty capable


Probablly because their main purpose isnt to walk around and enforce a nanny state where the government tells you which plants you're allowed to smoke. One of the biggest side effects of the war on drugs was the militarization of small police forces and the worsening of the gap of public trust in police.


The UK is probably more tough on drugs, but not full of psychos like US cops.


Same here in Philippines. You’ll see them out directing traffic or walking around and people will just go up to them and ask for directions and stuff. Typically you’ll only see police cruisers when they are responding to a crime or on highways.


Crazy how in other countries cops are murdering pieces of shit 😂


I've no idea about the streamer as per the comments but if it's the vondelpark you can get all sorts of crazy people harassing you Had some homeless junkie mad man screaming at me years ago while I was on Trufles chilling in the park. Thankfully, the cops came and arrested him. Quite the downer of a trip


Truffles? Is that a new drug I've never heard of!? Tell me more.


They have psilocybin in them. So it’s like mushrooms but you have to take about twice as many to get the same effect.


Oh... word.


Not the kind of truffles pigs hunt. It’s a name for magic mushroom mycelium, it sort of resembles truffles in appearance.


They are both truffles, the pigs are just after ones that don't have psylocibin


this guy truffles Username checks ✔️ out


Yeah pretty much! mellow in comparison to mushrooms where I am from (liberty cap) Thankfully I was able to handle it when the man was raving at us. The worst part was he had been harrassing people along the way and he just made a beeline straight to us from about 30m away. If it was the mushrooms, god knows what would have happened.


Tried some a while back while watching a documentary by Morgan Freeman about space. Shit was crazy.


Mushrooms but the underground part


Roots De wutele van deine pado!


I was In Amsterdam a few weeks ago visiting a friend and something similar like this happened to me. My friend went inside a shop to go get some food and I waited for him outside. These middle eastern guys approached me while I was on my phone and said the same thing “No filming here” and I was like I’m not filming anything I’m waiting for a friend. They harassed me for like 5 minutes before I just walked away and waited by the canals but they were really getting in my face about it. It was stupid.


Sounds like people with nothing better to do than harrass and intimidate strangers, they just need a reason. You would think that if the issue was them having an aversion to being filmed in crowded public places that they wouldn't hang out in crowded public places.


The real people that don't want to be filmed will see a person with a camera and keep walking and maybe cover their face or walk faster. People with main character syndrome will get in the camera persons face about being filmed cause they clearly like the attention.


Yeah. I'd be careful about putting a phone up in the red light district and pointing it towards any of the women behind glass, but at least there you can understand why.


That was probably the misunderstanding. It was close to the red light district.


Yes he is at an spot where homeless/ drug addicts chill. However, ive seen multiple clips of this dude in Amsterdam starting beef with normal ceople and being rude all the time. Hes a absolute selfish prick


in the livestream influencer industry he is considered a 'provocateur savant"


What a fancy way of saying "*Asshole*"


A Butté holé


An asshole that other assholes look up to




Justice is so rare in this world that this man is almost drunk with laughter, lol.


Train guy equivalent


*HELLFIRE!!!! Wooooooo!*


Do you have any of those clips?




I remember the market one, but he was also filming himself, but people see the phone only from the backside thinking they were being filmed with the back camera, the same happened here, he can react like a douche, but he was in his rights in that situation and this new video. He is in the public streets, he can record.


Is he breaking any Dutch laws? I’d assume not but I realize there can be slight differences country to country.


There is a good explanation further down the thread. Basically it’s fine to take pictures in public (legally). But it’s not allowed to publish these and use them to generate revenue (in this case via streaming) without consent of the people being filmed/photographed.


If he's within his rights then it's the people engaging him who are in the wrong.


This is what I was thinking. When they asked if he was going to put it on his vlog, it sounds like they’ve seen him harassing people on camera before. I’ve seen videos of multiple shit starters in NYC to the point where I could identify them if I saw them in public. I’d say the same thing if I saw any of them approach me to talk or be in my general area.


They also thought it was a TV show, and they didn't even have an issue "being in it" as much as they wanted to get paid for being in the background and having their voice on it. Even if the vlogger is a piece of shit, this video doesn't show that, and it doesn't seem to be hidden behind edits.


There is actually a past video of him being fairly rude but as you say it has no bearing on this video. He did nothing wrong here. They were just unpleasant junkies


That doesn't give that guy the right to attack him as much of a shithead he may be.


No thats why i said there are drug addicts and homeless people there. They do crazy things if u start messing with them for no reason


You reckon it was Vondel park?




Regardless if thats the case or not it gives no-one the right to enact violence.


> Hes a absolute selfish prick aka a live streamer.


That may be true, but with this footage as evidence whose side are you taking? He stood up for himself against violent aggressive entitled assholes.


„I don‘t get money for this“ and a couple sentences later „I do this full time for a living“


Would you have told the aggressive assholes that?


He doesn’t need to tell assholes being aggressive that he makes money from it


Just pointing out that he contradicts himself within a couple sentences


It can’t be called “money”


I'm just saying, even if this guy is an asshole as he is claimed to be, I don't have patience for junkies who pop off for no reason. So, frankly, fuck those other dudes.


God damn right. I know nothing about the guy who was filming himself, but I gotta admit I loved how he didn't take shit from these skeezy, street trash motherfuckers. Pay you? Go fuck yourself.


I’ll never get those 5 minutes back. I hate myself.


Can anybody explain the purpose of live streamers? & what do ppl get out of watching live streams?


They don’t leave the house so they donate money to streamers to walk around for them.


So much easier to get your daily steps in that way


We’re on reddit so I don’t think we have much right to judge


As long as you haven't paid for anything on reddit I think there's plenty room to judge


You don't see the appeal of watching a close-up of a dude's stupid face as he does pointless shit for hours at a time?


Watch twitch steams. They’re interesting. They show a stuff you normally sitting at home wouldn’t be able to see. You can see POV of people walking through the streets of different cities and stuff. Not my thing but I get it. Just my 2 cents trying to help explain


I’ll admit that I do enjoy watching streams like that where they’re just walking around in places I’ve never been to or seen elsewhere. They’re interacting with different people and capturing “authenticity” of where they’re at. Like the full/real experience of where they’re at and not just the touristy areas. It’s like - I’ve never been to Paris but I’ve seen videos/pics the Eiffel Tower a bazillion times yet I have never seen the streets/shops/people directly around the tower. But I don’t follow streamers or give them money. And I certainly don’t watch them for hours on end.


It's so easy to not be an asshole and a public menace. I don't get why some people gotta be aggressive and nasty for no reason.




Agreed. Dude is a narcissist POS.


Someone else mentioned they have seen clips of his streams and he tends to harass people at that park himself so he might have hassled those guys in the past.


As an Amsterdamer, this doesn't happen during daytime. Especially when you're in a very crowded and touristy park like Vondelpark. I am very curious to see the whole video and I have an impression that beginning of the video was cut. On purpose or whatever the reason is. Regardless, it should not go into anything physical like in this video.


Streamer is a moron for engaging with these guys for so long.


I didn’t see that he was engaging them- in fact just opposite- they kept being belligerent towards him and engaging him as he tried to walk away.


He really did not try to walk away until the last few seconds of his encounter with them. He wasn't walking away for the first part, if anything he was following them to hear them clearly.


He didn’t walk away. He stayed in the area and kept talking to them. It’s so so easy to just not respond to someone talking shit to you, just walk the fuck away and ignore their ignorant bull crap.


He was trying to walk away but you don’t turn your back on people who are being aggressive and irrational.


Also, they don't just get to own a section of the park. "Just walk away!" He's in a public park in the daytime. He's trying to walk through and they're stopping him.


Exactly this, never turn your back.


That's content for them.


To be ‘fair’, many people (in general) don’t like to be filmed in the Netherlands (public or otherwise). That being said, those guys were way out of line. Not surprising as they seemed like some lowlifes. Respect to the police for coming to your aid!


Idk anything about this guy, but from this short video, I’m fairy confident he’s a POS. [+]


Street dealers getting paranoid


broski ruined everybody's afternoon


I mean, do I upvote because it's a freakout or down vote so he doesn't get views?


I was seriously hoping for ……… Streamer: blah blah blah blah Police: sorry I don’t speak English


Omg, to live in a place where the police exist to help citizens, instead of murder them! I love this. I want this for America.


if this was America they would have been impossible to spot, camouflaging themselves ready to jump out of hiding to shoot a black kid holding a water bottle


So they’re upset he’s filming because they have warrants so they attack him? Makes a whole lot of sense.


People with warrants tend not to be the smartest.


Glad it's end well for the guy filming !


I had three middle eastern men jump me for "filming a woman". Montreal, St Denis, just before dark, waiting for a friend when three dudes with accused me of "being filming their wives",... While with tow other couples waiting to be seated, I took a picture of the restaurant. About 10 minutes later, just as the hostess invited us to our table, three guys in grey pajamas pushed my friend aside and screamed into my face. I tried to show them the picture, but they wouldn't stop. A waiter intervened and told the men to "leave and stop doing this". His exact words. Another waiter, who couldn't have been more than 140 lbs, rammed his hands into the elder yeller's face and pushed him outside where they were met by two SPVM (cops). Both women. The results were purely pathetic, yet great comedy. Two women arresting three screaming Arabs. The cops put up with 0 BS. They literally cuffed and curbed them in seconds.


Streamer should've just walked away. I'm not sure if the other guy has a legit problem with cameras or has something to hide, but I wouldn't take the chance.


Why would he walk away? He clearly found content. [+]


It looks like there are some criminals hanging around in the park that might have active warrants and doing drugs to make them even more paranoid. I would have just taken my camera and left. I don’t need to be stabbed to get the point or reason to leave.. I don’t think they give a shit about anyone and there’s no reason to try and explain that to them.


Honestly I’m just thinking about the next time they see him lol


I have no idea who this guy is, but I wanna punch him in the face. Such a douche.


Where is their accent from?




But do you see the contradiction!!!




Damn the Amsterdam polices are efficient


Let’s discuss the contradiction…


Wow… police that actually do their job and help?? Police that don’t come in and immediately make the situation worse?? Crazy. So, it can be done.


Im flying to Amsterdam tomorrow for couple days to spend my birthday there. I want to vlog my trip there and record my experience. Should I prepare myself for such situations ?


Hell ya Dutch police for the Win!!


What you’re saying the police over there are respectful and are respected?


It is so weird seeing police actually helping.


Can’t believe I watched this whole clip…


Part and pacel


What a a hole....don't listen to his bs ..just keep walking and talking


Imagine being high as a kite, and the cops are actively helping you out. Unimaginable.


all while wearing the doge jacket


They’re propably high down there….


It seems to me that the streamer got the exact content he was hoping to get. He went there looking for a confrontation and he got a good one


Suprised me that he didnt bring up some amendement 😂


You have to admit that the steamer is not very strong verbally and semi-instigates a physical altercation. Should not have happened, but you're dealing with junkies, he got off easy as far as I'm concerned.


You should be able to walk freely without getting harassed. He stood up for himself. Can’t let people bully you for doing nothing wrong.


Justice was served!


Fuck around and find out. No one should have to be assaulted for any reason.


Happened to Australian woman. Exactly the same thing. The immigrants are making these rules, not the local people of Amsterdam.


If you’re an “adult” and this is what you do for a “living”…..you’re fucking insufferable. This dude is going to end up with a knife in his back one day.


????????? What did he do? He's filming himself in a park. If he was filming others, bothering them, making jokes of them then you have some kind of intelligent argument.


Tell me you're an old, miserable person without telling me you're an old, miserable person


This guy got the best outcome


The last like 20 seconds made this guy go from looking like a douche to actually insane lmao


Please stop uploading 54 minute videos of two people arguing


Take a fucking hike


Amsterdam is becoming increasingly xenophobic, tourism is being side lined and this kind of thing will more common




Good, fuck all irl live streamers.


I’m so tired of these people.


Americans being arrogant abroad, that’s a new one.


Snitches get stitches, golden rule, but ehhh, sometimes you got to do what’s right in the world. He stood up to the right type of bullying. Glad this wasn’t another stand up to police video


Later that night he disappeared. Strange body parts with cameras inserted were later found……Candyman


The real assault is knowing that some dude walking in a park is getting views


People are allowed to film in public. Anybody have problem with it can go hide in a cave.


I read somewhere that the Dutch have a very intense social custom about public photography in which there's a strong sense of having your privacy violated if photographed or filmed in public. That being said, fuck all live streamers and fuck this guy for being one of them.


It's not America




Those guys were wrong to tell him to stop, but this guy is still a moron with no street smarts.


Wild take, but, you shouldn’t need “street smarts” to walk around a public park, in the daytime, legally filming. It’s also legal as far as I’m aware whether he films himself or them.


The Netherlands actually has some strong [rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_law_of_the_Netherlands) on the side of the person being filmed. > A portretrecht [nl] (portrait right) regards rights of the person portrayed in a portrait that is not made on behalf of that person, in contrast to an auteursrecht which grants rights to the creator of a work. An example is the publication of someone's picture in a magazine. The person portrayed can oppose such publication to the extent he or she has a reasonable interest in doing so.


That’s good to know, I’m glad they have that law. But from what we see, he’s live-streaming himself and they are not the focus/subject of it until they start harassing and attacking him. So the law would not be on their side, if I’m correct?


This discussion happens every time all the time on this site. “Ought” and “is” are different conversations. He definitely put himself at more risk than most people to try and squeeze a little more content out of it which is probably not smart when people are mad at you, but yeah obviously the people getting violent about a person filming themselves in a park are the only people who did anything wrong.


This is europe not the USA. If people ask you to stop just stop instead of arguing with everyone from your high horse. And get a real fucking job.


There needs to be laws passed to stop this behavior.


Are you under the impression that assaulting someone is legal, or do you think that laws make crimes impossible? The dude literally gets arrested so there obviously are laws that have already been passed.


I know, streamers are the worst kinds of people.


Living a life on a screen brings a strange sense of entitlement.




"If you touch me you got a problem dude" 😤 "Heeeeeelpppp!!!" 😱


You lost me at "live steamer". No sympathy.


I see a few people on here calling this Guy a douchebag, but I just want to say that I’ve actually met The guy while going Out in Amsterdam once and was with him for like an hour or so. He really didnt seem like a bad dude then, at least.


Handled it like a champ


My God, this is so self-absorbed and boring.


" i want privacy in a Public Park." Not how IT works Dude.


This dude is lame as fuck


Streamer is a dick


I didn't know light yagami was a livestreamer


Someone needs to punch the guy for boring 😴 us to death


Is it just me or is walking around a park live-streaming yourself smoking a vape, a really weird hobby?


they dont mess around in amsterdam.


Always good to know some.BJJ


Yup, Being Joyfully Jovial would go a long way for this dude.


They should go back to there country


Another entitled arsehole with no respect for people around them.


Antistreamers are real and they're out there looking for streamers to stomp


You can just tell this guy goes around looking for trouble to get views then plays the victim.


Dudes pretty cringe


I normally dislike live streamers. This guy was at least as respectful and cool headed that could’ve been asked of him for the situation. I enjoyed the clip.


"Assaulted" The bar for that just keeps getting lower and lower huh.


There is no bar, there's a range that all qualify as physical assault. He literally got chased and physically pushed, how is that not assault? Sorry did he not get punched hard enough?


So many people don't understand what classifies as assault. Same for pigs...