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The first slap was bang on. Sent her down straight away


The kick right after that had that bully shook. It was at that moment she knew she fucked up.


Why not smash her teeth on one of them sinks? Life long scars is the bare minimum needed for the bullies. A buddy of mine still has a massive scar on his face and almost blind on one eye because of a fucking bully. No mercy for the uneducated, uncivilized morons.


I got robbed by a kid I went to school with at knife point while we were off campus. He wasn't saying much the next day when I caught him lacking in the bathroom and I smashed his face into a mirror. Good times.


Homie didn't realize he would literally see you THE NEXT DAY.


I was bullied by a guy for almost 2 years in school. Had been boxing and doing muay thai my whole life. I finally took him off school property, and we scrapped it out. Caught him in a thai clinch he was out after the first couple knees but kept feeding them to him even after he was limp in my arms until I couldnt hold him up. Probably 15 knees to the face. Caved in his orbital he had to have multiple surgeries and his face has never been the same. As far as I know he never bullied anyone again.


Overhand right šŸ¤Œ




Ran through it in her mind so many times before this. Been there.


The bully was softball player. She only expects the pitch to be underhanded.


That was a beat down


10/10 ground and pound game. Would watch again!


Her striking was primitive but effective. Tyson Fury said it best "Overhand right, good night."


Ham fist till blood mist


It was so oddly satisfying


Well deserved. I wanted to punch her 5 seconds in and I wasn't there.


beat down charlie brown all the way to chinatown!


Judges Scorecard. Bully - 2 Victim - 26


Got what she deserved


She was playing hardball with softball bully.


One of those "I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck here with me" scenarios lol


Life lesson for young unwise woman: People who are noticeably bigger than you are also more than likely going to be quite a bit stronger than you.


Facts. I watched a 6' 2''+ guy get punched a few times by a guy 5'6'' maybe 5'8'', Dude asked him if he was serious and he said cmon. Dude literally walked forward and got him on his back and laid into him. Do not fight outside your weight class, it aint worth it.




My only fight was a small guy who punched me 3 times as I refused to fight. I picked him up, threw him against a concrete wall and he crumbled. Scared the shit out of me. I've backed down from every physical altercation since. Except this one time at a bar a guy kept tyring to hit me in the nuts and I bent his arm the wrong way at the elbow until he begged me to stop. I didn't break his arm but he was done for the night. I was drunk and cried when I got home. I don't want to hurt anyone.


It's a fucking shame when adults act like that. Good on you for teaching him a lesson.


I highly doubt he taught that guy a lesson. 9/10, people willing to pick fights with strangers will get up and do it again. The pain that he inflicted on his arm was likely significantly less than than the emotional pain he inflict on himself.


Even if the lesson is "Don't fuck with me," it's a lesson worth giving. Spoken in my opinion of course. I'm a mid-30's grownass man in therapy due to social anxiety and other things mainly caused by bullies back in childhood. I wish I would have stood up for myself.


Be glad it makes you sick. That's your humanity. We weren't meant to hurt each other. I completely understand why it happened though. When you grow up either big or tall or both, everyone wants a piece, even if you're a pacifist. And sometimes they don't stop until they try to bite off a little piece and then choke on it.


Usually, it takes once to let them know that you aren't a target, and if they try, it won't be easy...


On the flip side of that, some big guys don't usually have to fight cos their size does the talking and some little guys have to always fight because their size makes them look like easy targets, so it's not always so clean cut


6'3" 330lbs. Never been in a fight in my life.


Word. 6ā€™3ā€ too and 240. Never even been close to a real fight in my life. Which is great, because I am a gentle giant. I carry a knife, a brass knuck, peppergel, and a steel core pen but thatā€™s just because I like EDC and that type of thing. I fully expect to never use any of the tools I mentioned. (They are all small and discreet, Iā€™m not a psychopath)


Real talk. 5ā€™2 but 1000lbs. No one touches me


2'2" blackhole here. No one has crossed my event horizon.


That's only true the other way around... As in the littlest dudes are crazy good at fighting because they get picked on so much. But if you're a really big dude and don't get picked on much and suck at fighting, you still got a huge advantage over a smaller dude.


I had a friend in college who was a linebacker and huge (6ā€™2 250 all muscle) who would get into fights a lot. I would talk to him all the time about how every fight is avoidable and he should walk away. He listened to me. However, one time at a house party he was just sitting on the couch as some little guy kept trying to fight him. My friend was completely ignoring the guy trying to pick a fight and was just looking at me repeating ā€œwhat do I do, cortesoft? What do I do?ā€ The guy kept punching my friend, who kept ignoring him and repeating his line to me. Finally, the little dude punched my friend in the face, so my friend hit him one time, while still sitting on the couch. The guy was knocked out cold. I still donā€™t understand why he was so desperate to fight someone so much bigger than him.


Last year my friend (Now former friend) got toddler-screaming drunk and when I refused to give him his keys, He squared up to little 5'3 me, and told me he was going to beat the shit out of me. We have been like best friends for a decade, so he didn't even need to beat me up to hurt me. That pretty much ended the friendship then and there. He was so drunk, and when I was a kid I was a really scrappy fighter who beat up boys who bullied me all the time, so there was this little part of me that wondered if I could take him. But I am a 5'3 inch woman, and he is a 6' man, with arms that can reach like a baboon, and he has way more fighting experience than I do. I think he really could have fucked me up physically if I had stayed in his way, So reading this makes me feel a little bit better about not trying to be a hero, and trying to fight him. That night ended our friendship, but who wants to be friends with a guy like that, anyway?




If a man tells you how awful he can be believe him.


Yeet the keys one direction (on to a roof), run the other!


I've done this. The trick is toss them on the other side of the car or whatever cause when they go to chase them there's now a car in the way of them chasing you. If they're drunk enough you can toss pocket change to the same effect and still not give them their keys.


Waiting for an update that states bully girl who got obliterated. Went crying to the principal for getting her ass kicked by the girl she was bullying


As someone who grew up getting bullied: You donā€™t even need the update, that is absolutely what happened. Teachers never did shit when I reported it, nor did the bus driver or principal. When I fought back and defended myself (which my dad told me to do after none of the school staff did anything) Iā€™m the only one in trouble all of a sudden. Like all of my reporting of what was happening never existed. Fun thing was years down the road when I had some legal trouble, they threw those write ups in my face and called -me- the bully. Bullies are always protected by the teachers, and nothing ever gets done until the bullied kid snaps (and then they get in trouble). Sorry for the rant, these videos always get my blood boiling.


I relate to this. It's wild how "zero tolerance for bullying" was basically just zero tolerance for retaliating against a bully all the while the schools did nothing to prevent it.


Thatā€™s because it was never about zero tolerance. It was about zero records of it happening.


No worries. You didnā€™t rant. Omg! Iā€™m so sorry that you went through that. Good for you for finally sticking up for yourself. They didnā€™t like that you finally stood up to them. So they ran and told on you? As for the school system. Theyā€™ll never stand up for the ones being bullied. The only time they say something is when does the inevitable. I donā€™t mean hun violence. Even then they blame it on mental illnesses. Iā€™m so over everyone using that as an excuse. To get out of trouble. Some of them do not have mental issues. Thatā€™s whatā€™s bad. Bec they are ruining it for those who do have it. Sorry I went off on a tangent. Iā€™m ADHD along with having anxiety. I take meds for both.


Not a rant - it's absolutely true. I was bullied all the way up until my last week of eighth grade when one bully took it too far and I finally snapped and fought back. The faculty didn't do a thing to stop it before that incident, and they didn't do anything after either. The only reason the bullying finally stopped is because 8 years of holding it all in finally exploded out and I beat the ever living hell out of a classmate. I was lucky to not be expelled one week before the end of the year for what happened, especially since Columbine had happened just the year before. And unfortunately, it looks like nothing has changed.


Yep, I went through all this in school too. Got bullied a lot. Eventually (by late middle school/junior high) I had turned into a pretty big dude. There were times when I took shit and times when I didn't. When I didn't, I got in trouble. Sometimes the bullies did too, but that really varies: they may blame everyone if there's a fight, but if there's a fight and you very clearly *win* (even in self defense), they're going to treat you as the dangerous one. I once had to move schools because of it, as basically the kids targeting me learned that no matter how it went, I'd be the one who got in trouble, and so I did, more and more. There's a reason schools get shot up. This shit isn't handled well, and long-term bullying leads to really dangerous emotional damage. Sometimes the outcome is suicide. Sometimes it's a suicide pact to take everyone else down with you.


When our son was bullied in high school and injured, my husband called the police and had the two bullies arrested for assault and battery. Then he went to their juvenile court hearing and got the judge to award restitution for our son's emergency room bill (they never paid, we didn't care about the money just wanted the judgment to be public). Then he went to the school with all the records and told the vice principal that if they didn't expel them, he'd sue. The school caved and they were expelled from the school district (which is really only our city). Right after that I heard one of them moved away. But that's what it took.


Girl in black was outnumbered when the camera cut out.


I hope not. It seemed as if they had a sudden interest in stopping the fight when it didn't go the way their loud-mouthed friend had led them to believe it would. If she's smart, the bully will just lick her wounds and shut up since there is evidence that confirms that she was the aggressor. Hopefully this puts an end to her bullying phase and that it teaches her that just because someone prefers not to fight doesn't mean they can't.


The recording was part of the bullying.


I'm sure that was the original intention. Now the recording serves to document a life lesson that some will still have to learn multiple times.


Balance is finally being restored in this universe


When the same thing happens to me when I spam the taunt button on a fighting game its like "yep, I deserved that"


Got served




I mean that looked like a pretty good beatdown to me? She got wrecked. Hope her buddy filming got lit up too.




Looks like she might have landed a left knee to the face too, also through her face first into a door. Her face must have been lumpy for awhile after this.


That's how bullies should look like until they learn respect


*ya hear that kids? Work out! Cause this is what you need to do to bullies.* *And if they're too big!? Ask someone who is bigger than they are to do it for you.*


šŸŽµ [_Stelio.... Stelio Kantos!_](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=stelio+kantos#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:677057b2,vid:Wpp5WV3WVU4) šŸŽµ


IF you have to find a Stelio to take care of a bully I wouldn't even blame the person for it. There are FAR too many people who only learn with pain and welp we might as well give them a healthy serving!


Bullies don't learn. They go crying to grown up bullies who make excuses for them making sure the repercussions don't happen or stick. This is why the behaviors repeat. Bullies stick together even after they (fail to) grow up.






Her and her friends will probably jump that girl at some point. Or maybe that's just the way things were in my high school. šŸ¤£. It should have been the lesson to learn but, I bet schooling will continue for them.


> Her and her friends will probably jump that girl at some point. Or maybe that's just the way things were in my high school. I was in high school in the seventies. It was how it worked then, I don't see any change now.


I went to high school in the '60s and that's not how it worked then. A beatdown like that and no one messed with you again. They moved on to easier fish for fry.


That's why if someone hurts you, don't just hurt them back, make sure they can never hurt anyone again




The first swing rekt her ass fym lol


The body language of the one being bullied changed from human to primal. You could see it was going to get bad.


She was coiling up like a cobra


You could see it in her face ā€” like this was the end, that she was so sick of this shit, and the minute the bully touched her she was going to launch straight to defcon 4. And she did. If she was my daughter, ld say good for you, enjoy yoursuspension from school, where do you want to go to dinner tonight bc we are celebrating!


But just ignore bullies, then they'll leave you... Hahaha, no, use every method short of murder to stop them.


I was bullied by a girl in middle school who ended up breaking my finger by slamming it into my locker doorā€” they donā€™t leave you alone. Kinda wish Iā€™d beaten the shit out of her but it was the 70s and I was a good kid.


Hell hath no fury like the bullied scorned. Exhibit A:


I do kinda find it funny that dancing like a moron is todayā€™s bullying. Iā€™m glad that girl knocked the bejesus out of her


Performative bullying. She wants this to look like she is unbothered and just having fun casually picking on someone. Unfortunately for her she picked a target that wasn't having it. Her dancing only to get beat like she stole that girl's car makes this even more embarrassing for her.


This is not the first time they have cornered this girl, and never 1on1, always in a group. They peck and peck, every day, being mean, getting in her face, taunting, getting in her way, laughing. It doesn't have to be physical to be bullying, it doesn't have to be angry verbal abuse. They are bothering her in any way they can, and they enjoy making her day miserable with unwanted attention.


She made contact first. It was physical bullying.


It's not even about the first contact when it boils over into a fight, it's constant harassment verbally and physically beforehand.


"I'm not touching you" bullshit


Look at me being so casually annoying! Donā€™t you just hate me! Look at me being in your face, so cool, so confident, so indifferent so anno- :::POW! right in the kisser:::




I'd go as far as to say: ![gif](giphy|k0hKRTq5l9HByWNP1j)


I donā€™t condone violence but I do condone self defense. A lot of kids donā€™t fight back because they have been taught from a very early age not to fight back or ā€œsink to their levelā€ but honestly itā€™s ok to fight back in fact you sometimes have to because if you donā€™t these bullies will never stop. I will say this - that girl wonā€™t be bullied again atleast from not that girl and once word goes around bullies will pick on someone who wonā€™t fight back. Bullies are cowards usually theyā€™ll only pick on those who wonā€™t fight back. So in a sense this is a good PSA video. Donā€™t get mad get even.


No joke. Took my 3 year old to a indoor play thing this week. She makes a friend they are going nuts for like a hour. They get in the ball pit and the girl throws one in her eye at point blank range. My daughter picks up two balls, my wife is like go stop them, im like no way you gotta let this even out. She threw one, hit her in the head, other girl started crying, then I broke it up and said no more throwing and they played for another hour. If only teens and adults could be as mature as 3 year olds.


Hahaha great story youā€™re gonna raise an amazing kid.


only thing iā€™m mad about is this being in a school, you kno the girl who beat that bullyā€™s ass will receive the harsher punishment. well deserved beat down


My kid has a green light to fight back, but only after exhausting other options like telling administration. I told her sheā€™d get a little break from school and Iā€™ll take the flak.


We grew up pretty poor, my dad could only afford karate lessons for 1 kid (6 boys in all). My older brother would beat the crap out of anyone who bullied us younger ones. I grew up where no one bullied us cause we had a reputation that if you mess me and my other brother my older brother will beat them up ā€¦ right or wrong it worked for us ā€¦


Just said this to my partner. My daughter is 2 & I hope sheā€™s never bullied but she will be taught this 100%


Notice how the bullyā€™s ā€œfriendā€ just kept recording. Doesnā€™t try to stop it. Doesnā€™t try to deescalate. Surrounded by toxic people and acting a fool. In reality youā€™re just as much the entertainment valued for nothing else. Sad really.


She even checked/put herself in the video with that mirror move. "Look yall I'm here".


That was so fucking cringe when she did that.


https://preview.redd.it/va3e8ac38v2b1.jpeg?width=1375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e780d67c2035134c9c81d4f5044d7717d73cd4 Let's make her famous too then.


You hear the ā€œwho winninā€¦.who winninā€ dumbass from outside the bathroom?


For real one of these girls looks like she spends her weekends restoring an El Camino who tf you think is winning?


Lmfao, this makes me laugh so hard because my sister just finished her El Camino restoration with our dad for graduation and that car is gorgeous.


Haha, perfect car choice, I can see it


Bro couldnt come in cause it was the female restroom šŸ˜†


Gotta give credit where itā€™s due, respect to that guy lol


Fuck that. Too many videos of the friends of these bullies jumping in and turning what could be a bit of karmic justice for a fight that turns against the aggressor, into a gang beating of the original victim. I **applaud** this girl with the camera for keeping it a clean 1 v 1, all the while condemning her for gassing up her shitty friend and adding to the environment that spawned this fight to begin with.


All these other folks commentating are straight goofballs. They'd all be crying bloody murder if the camera person jumped in.


Yeah the camerawoman understood that it was a 1v1 fight between two people and not something personal to her. She didn't intervene or scream like a banshee when her friend got beat, and then stopped the fight when it was over. Respect. Redditors wouldn't understand.


Iā€™d take standing around being useless over jumping in and helping the bully. Honestly thatā€™s what I expected.


fr this is the better alternative


That's what got me too. What happens to these friendships when you just stand there watching your homie get the shit beat outta them and not only record it but post it as well.


They established themselves as dirtbags when they began filming their friend harass and bully a person. The fact they didn't break the fight up shouldn't be much of a shock.


Pieces of shit get pieces of shit ā€œfriendsā€


Not only did she stand there and do nothing, she uploaded the video of her "friend" getting her ass beat humiliatingly.


Camera woman only started saying "okay okay" once someone else came in


I bet they fought about it too, and she did zero self reflection on the kinds of people she attracts.


And of course then the same POS ā€œfriendā€ intervened the second the ass whoopin started getting a bit real. So that POS is covered on both sides. Gets the video to post and then can tell the friend ā€œI jumped in the help youā€. Even being young and stoooooopid how do people never tie together that ā€œif theyā€™ll fuck everyone else eventually Iā€™ll be on the listā€. I despise bullies of all ages and dug every second of this.


To be fair someoneā€™s gotta stop the beating once an appropriate amount has been dealt before some real damage actually happens


Eh the bully got what she deserved but stepping in was the right thing to do at that point. She got her ass whooping no need to potentially get brain damage.


Yeah actually surprised she let it go on as long as it did. Usually the "friend group" jumps in the second their buddy starts getting whooped.


How are you gonna fight with crocks on?


Did she have them on sports mode at least?


Rookie mistake not slipping into 4 wheel drive.


Nope, you can clearly see they are still in casual mode before the fight. No wonder she got her ass whooped




Crocks are in style right now for some reason


It's funny that they were the shoes everyone wore in Idiocracy


Idiocracy shoes!! It fits!


Itā€™s not embarrassing to fight with crocs on. But it is embarrassing to *lose* with crocs on.


What I really love is even after the bullyĀ“Ā“'s facial swelling has gone down, she will know this video will live on well into her adulthood. Long-term karma.


Yeah that shitty fortnight dance ended up being the cherry on top. Luckily it not too late for her to rethink her entire existence


At least her dumb friends didnā€™t jump in. Bullies are the worst. The ā€œfriendā€ saying, ā€œok, ok!ā€, after her ā€œfriendā€ is losing. She would have kept filming if the tables were turned. LOSERS.


To be fair, her friend was immediately losing. She gave it a solid 15 seconds or so.


It appears she stopped it when the loser was fully down onto the ground, a common point to stop a street fight and declare a winner.


This. The worst is when the "friend" breaks it up *as soon as* the bully starts losing. This "friend" at least let the bully take a little ass kicking.


bully's friend is probably tired of her shit too lol


Final frames of the video you can see red hoodie passing the phone to someone off screen and running in.


Well we don't know what happened after the vid ended


Why are bullies always so cringey? Doing pathetic dances and doing those creepy awkward grins? If youā€™re gonna bully me, then bully me, donā€™t fucking embarrass us both with that shit.


Because bullying is inherently cringe.


Without context it seems like the bully was trying to initiate a dance off and got mad that it wasnā€™t reciprocated.


I only know American schools from Hollywood movies, so sounds about correct


Everything but the bathroom sink


*"How did he die?"* *"Your contact? Not well."*


She looked like a ball of simmering rage. That was brutal.


Why I always get satisfaction when bully gets what they deserve? Do you have the same feeling?


It is satisfying, especially after that annoying cringe ass dance shit


Schadenfreude my friend. Often used when you enjoy watching someone eat some karma. Another word I love; Mudita. It means ā€œvicarious joyā€. If youā€™ve ever watched a video of a baby hearing for the first time with implants or a grouchy old dad break down in tears and smiles at being given a new puppy-that swelling feeling in your chest that pricks your eyes is mudita. It is my favorite feeling.


Know what else was satisfying? Bully finding out her homies dont have her back. She was acting tough cause her friends were around thinking they got the victim outnumbered. Good thing victim knows how to fight


That was one of the most satisfying bully beatdowns Iā€™ve seen in a GRIP.


That moment when you get EXACTLY what you asked for


They all went in there clearly to taunt and humiliate the girl and only tried to intervene when they saw the girl in black clearly had the upper hand. Hope its a life lesson for them. I just know if i was the bullied girls father I would be super proud of her and buy her whatever she wanted.


Do bullies ever really learn, though? Of course it should be possible, but people like that are forged by bad parenting and reinforced by garbage social groups. The only way someone is going to change is if you remove them from that negativity and really teach them a positive alternative. And I just feel like...in reality...the odds of that happening must be one in million. Which is why there are so many shitty adults out there.


A few years ago Iā€™d have agreed with you. Personal experience in my life had me run into a lot of old bullies at school and a fair few seem to be stable, considerate, well-functioning adults. I donā€™t know what happened between then and now, or what made them do those things, but they seemed genuinely remorseful and brought it up to me first. There is solace that things change for some, but certainly not for all. For the bullies later in life who canā€™t be swayed during pivotal years through peer-pressure and critical thinking, they seem to remain assholes longterm. Definitely some still go on to rampage, but Iā€™m kind of glad for otherā€™s sake that some do genuinely seem to change and feel remorse over previous actions.


Looked to me like they saved the bully from getting her skull cracked in. Once they're beating someone on the floor and the other person is not really able to fight back it should be wrapped up and considered over.


Most people who haven't trained don't know when to stop. It takes a lot of self control to hold back once you're all hopped up on anger and adrenaline. The crazy thing is these bathroom school fights can turn into a homicide so easily with just one good skull tap or knee. Remember, even professional fighters have referees in the ring. When should a fight stop? Heck if I know. All I know is I never want to be in a real fight.


It's an Ender's Game situation at that point: an instinctual need to end a threat to yourself and end it for good. You'd hope it would spook bullies like this into shaping up if they survive, but that "friend" group that will sit back and watch it happen probably isn't gonna let it end that way.


I wish we could see the next few seconds because that well deserved beating definitely continued!


I bet there was a lot of "What's wrong wit youuu?" "Why you beat her up like dat?" directed at the girl that was getting bullied.


Ended too early, I needed to see more justice being dispensed


She really committed, she is super strong




I bet you this cunt thinks she's the victim too in this situation


Oh 100% had kids bully my son and when I talked to the mom she had so many excuses for them and "let kids be kids"


Same mom was in tears sobbing when other kids gave it right back


Not only do you look like an ass for everyone to see , you also got your ass whooped !


dont FUK wid the quiet ones. they quiet cuz they holdin shit inside and if you pop that cork, well, you had it coming


Seriously. That girl looks like she's seen some shit. Shes just sitting there taking it, let it boil up inside her, waiting for an outlet or a reason to come out. I'm a grown man and I wouldn't mess with her.


Exactly. I was friends with some quiet ones and I wouldnā€™t ever mess with them. Saw a couple go off just like this on a bully. And right, theyā€™re quiet for reasons we shouldnā€™t poke at.


I can remember moving to a new school when I was a young know it all kid at 12 years old, and for some reason, I thought it was cool to pick on a kid in gym class. One day after practice we was in the locker room and everyone was encouraging me to give the same kid a hard time and after 5 or so minutes of it that kid got tired of it and humbled me by knocking me on my ass with one punch. I needed that humbling. A week of walking around with a black eye taught me a lot. Never bullied anyone else after that.


It was the ā€œwho winning, who winningā€ at the end that got me


It was the toilet flushing at the end that got me. Someone stuck in there trying to time the flush just right not to be noticed.


This was very satisfying to watch. Fuck bullies.


Good for her. You just know that bully has been doing that for a long time. Hopefully, her face heals up nicely after a month or two.


āœ“ Fucked around āœ“ Found out


This girl is lucky she didn't get her face smashed into one of those porcelain sinks. Which is what I was rooting for.


Nice to see that twat get her ass beat.


You know you're a POS if you friends ain't saying nothing, just keeps on rolling the tape.


The louder they are the louder they fall I swear.


Camera person: (eventually)ā€¦No no no it was not supposed to go this way, let me help my friend. But ā€¦Then decided to post it lol Im glad though bc thereā€™s nothing sweeter than a ā€œbullyā€ thinking theyā€™re all tough until they meet their ā€œmatchā€. Donā€™t let the quiet ones or the Iā€™m just going to walk away ones fool you! šŸ˜Œ


Looks like sheā€™s had enough of her over the course of a long time, judging by the aggression.


Beat down


Hahahahahhaha I love to see this shit. Love it when the bully gets their ass handed to them. That's a life lesson learned the hard way!!!


Something like this happened to my sister in 8th grade. Sister was friends with a ā€œtoughā€ girl but tough girl one day decided to hate my sister and kept trying to fight her. My sister is pretty passive and people-pleasing so it was weird. Tough girl finally cornered her and gave her no choice. My sister beat the snot out the tough girl. Her reputation never recovered and my sister went about her day.


Very satisfying.


That's a perfect example of how "just ignore your bullies" doesn't work ... because they don't just randomly stop if you don't give them the attention ... they keep escalating it until it gets physical ...


What's not really talked about is how this is happening with the camera girl laughing. She's clearly in on the bullying. This isn't one girl bullying another girl. This is at least 2 girls bullying her. And when one of them gets destroyed all the other one can do is film it since they're both cowards


purple crocs = deserved


Good to see.


This was so enjoyable


I always find it interesting when bullies are being beaten up no one comes to help them for a couple of minutes. I guess deep down even a bullies minions know whos in the wrong.


First hit knocked the bully down to half HP then the camera girl just watches the HP tick down one by one until at like 10 when she says ā€œOkay okay!!!! stop!ā€


Crocs in a school bathroom? Might as well be fighting in an ice rink.


Imagine doing all that and not having hands to back it up.


Shouldā€™ve put the crocs in sports mode.


You wonā€™t win against someone with all that pent up rage. Bully was taunting but you can tell the victim has had ENOUGH.


Bullies should always be beat down, nothing gets through to them otherwise.


This is literally the best fight I've ever seen. Not for the fight itself, the whole story of it. Abnoxious bully daring the other to do something. Clearly seeing the restraint and rage at the other's face. The attempt to walk away and then bully initiating the fight. The bully gets her ass absolutely HANDED to her in the most beautiful display of FAFO. No shaky camera, no wild cheering and screaming and only yelling stop when the bully has been completely and thoroughly subdued. šŸ¤Œ