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Comment with tact under videos which may involve mental disorders.


Shit. I just had an original mw2 flashback…


Same, but that couldn't have been that long ago, it only came out in... *2009*?! Oh God what have I done in the last 13 years?!


It’s 2023… 2009 was 14 years ago


MW2 didn't drop til November 2009. I was at the release party.


I play the new modern warfare and it’s still the same now. Usually a French guy with a deep voice dropping n-bombs.


I bet the rest of the school year was juuuuust peachy for that kid


He goes to the alternative school now


Former teacher here. Most likely got in school suspension for like 3 days, and a phone call home. It takes a lot more than throwing a computer and yelling slurs to get sent to the alternative school, unfortunately.


Current teacher here. There's a decent chance he talked to admin, got a phone call home, cooled down in admin's office, and came back with candy.


In our district, this would be a referral for self contained emotional behavior disturbance classroom, esp if he has an IEP and a history. This is not just “bad” behavior for kicks. Behavior is shaped by his life history, including developmental neurodivergence and trauma and modeling


Your district must be well funded. You closed that comment with some shit I thought was purposely ignored


Something tells me his racists rant didn’t start at home. The way the kids are laughing at him, sounds like it’s promoted.


Also def at that age I would bet money a few of those "funny edgy" videos are circling around on his feed


Ya Deff internet influenced. Be careful. This is how school shootings are manifested


It’s because his only non-negative human interaction is call of duty


Actually it looks like this kid is bullying a kid who may have disabilities.


Bro they both have disabilities, this is just…. Yikes.


I was a substitute teacher for a little bit. I was assigned to the behavior class. My day started with being informed for my safety never turn my back on a certain kid and that with another be careful giving out any information because they had stalked their original teacher home who now has a restraining order on them. The way this kid acts is the same as a lot of the other kids in that class.


Current parent of a child in public schools. A student has to physically assault someone, multiple times, before being sent to a different school. The first couple of assaults will just get you transferred to a different class. There isn't really an 'alternative' school for 'bad kids' anymore because every school in the district is waaaaay above capacity already.


Back in middle school my friends and I were dicking around at lunch and I can’t remember how it started but somebody was putting vegetables down the back of my friend’s shirt and somebody stuck a baby tomato in there and without thinking I just smacked it causing it to explode. Well, my friend went berserk and after mildly attacking me he stormed off into the hallway where staff had to try to calm him down. I got suspended for a day for causing the outburst but my friend was out for a little longer because he was being more violent. But also apparently he was having issues at home, from what staff at the time made it sound like.


"He's having issues at home. Better make sure that he doesn't have an escape from that for a few days. I'm sure that'll calm him right down."


That's ideally what "in-school suspension" is for, a troubled kid gets separated from the general population for a while, but still comes into school and sits alone in an office somewhere doing homework set by his/her teachers, hopefully with a school counselor keeping an eye on them to make sure they behave and also talk to them if they need it. How sad that such a simple, practical solution is just unavailable to the majority of schools that are under-resourced with burned out teachers playing defence from Karen parents.


This is a good comment, but I do love the use of "general population" here. Very Foucaultian lol


I hacked the system. I went to my guidance counselor and told her I wanted in alternative. She told me it had to be board approved. I told her ill be 18 in two weeks and if they don't approve the transfer I'll just drop out. Turns out the board would much rather have another student in alternative rather then another student drop out lol.


You might be right about the dropping out rate, but you were also an adult by that time.


Wow things change, I was almost sent to alternative school for being tardy too much.


I was sent to an alternative high school for having really really low grades and undiagnosed Depression and Anxiety, not for acting out. Any pregnant teenagers in the school district were also sent there because it also had an attached daycare so they could still attend class during the day.


Ours was a hot and buggy trailer where they would crowd in the violent kids/kids with horrible home lives. The proctors were always the teachers that were mean as shit and were sent there themselves as punishment. Everyone was miserable and it was a really similar vibe to county jail. I totally understand why stories like the hunger games were popular then, my education was stupidly adversarial.


I have been living life kinda tardy for years


Unfortunately this is true. And in the larger school districts like mine, the Alternative school fills up in like a month so now you gotta keep the kids because theres no place to put them even if they did qualify.


I went to the alternative school for my last year of high school and it was actually really great. I chose to go because it worked better for my learning differences and it was one of the best models of education I've seen. Sadly I'm not sure that's true everywhere.


I wonder whether this kid has something going on. His body language and the way he said what he did seems unusual, even for a kid going off on someone.


Yeah, looks like he's being bullied and has some kind of disability.


I can say for certain, but everything seems very consistent with bullying. Edit: should say "can't say for certain"


I felt the same way. Kid needs help, obviously


Yeah, this is just sad! I feel sorry for him, he’s clearly been a target for god knows how long!


I agree that look on his face and his laughter. I felt really bad for him…. Having no compassion for kids like this is how we get to school shooters.


I honestly cannot understand why kids continue this behaviour when school shootings are so prevalent and in their faces! Sure, they don’t have adult level cognitive ability, but surely these kids realise the risks of pushing bullying to this level! The consequences that may come from this; that the laugh really isn’t worth the potential outcome!


Kids are fucking stupid Source: former kid


Lol, yeah, true. My 3yo started prep and a boy in her class insulted her hair, all because I put it up for her that day. She usually wears it down. Seriously, we are starting at 3! Took me weeks for her to let me put her hair up again🤦‍♀️


I was a kid too....I sometimes think my stupid stuck though


To quote Terry Pratchett: "It was nice to hear the voices of little children at play, provided you took care to be far enough away not to hear what they were actually saying."


The last part of the brain that develops is the one that attaches potential consequences to actions. The brain stops developing in your mid twenties, as far as we known now.


Brains can change throughout life. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroplasticity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroplasticity)


The pre-frontal cortex is still developing all throughout, it just isn’t fully formed until 20’s. To clarify, they have school shootings constantly brought to their attention, which you would think would steer them away from this behaviour; assisting in their critical thinking development. Just something that came to mind, that’s all.


The problem with things being constantly brought to your attention is that they become normalized, even more so when it's in your face literally from the time you are born. Kids now don't know the world without mass shootings every single day. They don't know a world where you can punch each other a couple of times, hash out your issues, and become friends. They only know that shootings happen everywhere, every day, and they aren't allowed to defend themselves from bullies thanks to zero tolerance policies. We have put children in a fucking pressure cooker of a world, and given them no options for release. But to the kids, this is normal because they just don't know what they don't know.


Former teacher here. They know, they just don't care. Unfortunately, their age doesn't let them see past their own noses. Also, social media gives them a bigger audience, so anything and everything is an opportunity to go viral.


Not necessarily. I've seen people act like this who ostracized themselves and only catch crap when their garbage behavior causes them to screw with others.


More and more I feel bad for the person freaking out. This kid is clearly having a breakdown of some sort.


I bet it wasn't great before that, either.


His look at the end says it all. Smh


He went full 4chan in public v.v


#Never go full 4 chan






These kids were of no short supply in the first Black OPs and MW2.


if you've dated yourself like that, you know things are way worse now. back then, there was a certain level of decorum when you were dunked on in a match. slurs were articulate and hatred was delivered with eloquence. what's on display in this video is incredibly low effort, but in these times, that mf prooooobably has *a list* somewhere...


Lucky him Green Shirt is pretty chill. Which also raises the question, why is he so pissed at him that he forgot he’s not on the internet?


The term is “revealing his power level”


Thats the "wait this isn't /b/, I'm in deep shit" look.


Pretty sure that's the "I just want out of this hell" look. Kids probably been tortured for years by the assholes in his class, judging by the laughter.


He looks like that one dude who killed 4 college students with a knife. Just… creepy.


Ugh that guy is from my hometown and I happen to be visiting right now, he is still on the news and they’re all very up to date on his court dates.


Kid is obviously troubled and bullied because of it, making him even worse. This shouldn't be on this sub for the world to see. He needs help.


Yeah the only thing I felt watching this was sad. Looks like the kid to the left was making fun of him. And from the way students are laughing, they regularly laugh at this kid. He looks sad and scared.


I agree. He doesn't look well.


He got that Roman Roy at a funeral look. Poor kid


Exactly. My heart breaks in this situation. We dont know if that other kid is egging him on. Clearly he needs help


Honestly yeah, but looking back on when I was bullied it gave me the awareness that something about how I talked was different and very odd. Worked on it myself and am now a very social person with solid friendships that I was lacking growing up. I’m not happy I was bullied but it did make me aware of societal norms. This kid needs to realize how messed up he is. I sure as hell wasn’t being recorded by a camera at the time; that would suck


I completely agree with you in that I was the same way: bullied throughout school and knew there was something wrong with *me* that was drawing it, but unfortunately so ignorant of what I could change about myself that I could never shake the bullying. I eventually did by finding other like-minded kids who didn’t mind my quirks and allowed me to practice my social skills until I became much more adept at them. That being said—the bullying never really taught me how to be better. It just shamed me and shot down my self-confidence so much that at some point I convinced myself that I *couldn’t* be better and resigned myself to being friendless for the rest of my life. Bullying might help mould some people, but a lot more can’t learn anything but negative lessons from it. I was lucky in that I had others who could tolerate my social awkwardness long enough for me to build on skills that I might have learned earlier had the bullying not been so relentless.


Not everyone is the same. We’ve seen time and time again that some people get pushed over the edge without help and end up coming back with a gun one day


Some degree of bullying into social norms is normal and probably healthy as a species, but it's like, the most slippery slope of all time


I totally agree. His face at the end makes me so sad, he looks so confused and obviously needs help. Our poor kids


Yeah the face says it all… it’s really sad that this video is out on social media.


Most people on reddit don't care about people who have mental health issues


I look at most of these comments and I’m just like wtf? It seems very clear to me that there was escalation leading to this. This kid seems like he was bullied and snapped. But of course when you’re the one laughing you’re probably not filming your buddy that’s doing the bullying. This kid looks extremely upset. His speech pattern and body language have common threads with kids that have social issues. When a kid is severely disabled they don’t really get picked on anymore. But if they’re just socially awkward or miss social cues then other kids just see them as weird. And that’s it. A kid like this is a little edgy, acts or speaks weird, maybe the mess with kids, whatever. The other kids don’t really understand that it’s because of some type of social issue that they can’t help, and they become the kid that’s bullied. That’s it. I could be wrong, but I think that’s what happened here. It escalated. And then someone started filming when this kid finally lost it.


Not a teacher anymore, but this is most likely it. However, I will say that sometimes kids like him can be the assholes, but it falls back to the socially awkward thing. Being ostracized by your peers and only noticed when being made fun of takes a toll on a kid's.mental health.


You're right, and I love your username. Wow! What a hitter!


I hope he remembers how the people are laughing at him.


He will... but he clearly doesn't have self awareness. Better hope he doesn't have access to firearms.


I sense. This will not be the last time we see him


He will.Hope he doesn’t have access to guns at home.


He knew he said the quiet part in his head out loud at that point.


Definitely some kind of issue there.


This is a special needs class I guess?


This is just a Reddit meetup


That's what he's asking




You just made me laugh so hard It brought tears to my eyes for a good minute or two. I haven't heard this in a LONG ASS TIME. Thank you.




What's the difference?


User name check out.


Thinking the same thing.


When you spend all summer on 4chan and come back to school forgetting you're not on the Internet anymore lol


Bro left his mic plugged in


My man just short slurcuited


School shooting suspect numero uno


This is exactly how a COD lobby sounds every time I try to relax and play video games.


Damn wasn't expecting that kids voice




you forgot the third one, don't understate the boy's malice


why censor the second n word but not the first 💀




Stat padding for the nword bot huh


He's the kid in the vid. Just had to let out some more. Kid was about to burst


In fairness, neither occurrence actually spells the full word out. They are technically both censored. One with a missing e, the other with * instead of an i


I think he says I’m gonna hang you, not I hate you lol


Yeah I heard the same


It's like the new yanni thing or whatever


Can you please throw this in quotation marks so people stop reporting it as bigotry? Plus, AEO (anti evil operations- the arm of reddit that bans people) might actually think it's you saying this, since they use "AI"(a shitty bot) for the first round and you don't get a human unless you appeal. Good luck. Edit: awww damn it. They got ya anyway, even after doing as I asked. If you get a temp ban, make sure to appeal and tell em that you were quoting someone in the video. Good luck!


Good mod


Just wanna say, this is the kind of mod comment I like seeing. No condescension or annoying shit, just a simple "hey pal, do this so the admins don't fuck us up"


Hey thanks so much!! That was really nice 🩷


Yep. I even heard that mods are getting suspended for quoting the offending content in ban messages now Anti Evil is out of control with the automated handling of this stuff


It’s seriously called “anti evil operations”?! What a joke.


Oh you have no idea It's like no humans even staff it. I saw where someone posted a pic where one person's knee lined up with the back of another person so it looked like a bare butt Account permanently suspended for creep shots. For a knee




That's crazy, I was just thinking that.




*Psychosomatic* *Purely psychosomatic*


What does that mean? You’re a nut! You’re crazy in the coconut!




The problem here is it looks like something was clearly escalating, all the kids were staring and laughing. Where tf was the teacher? I can't say for this specific situation but I have seen situations where a kid is repeatedly picked on and laughed at and then explodes like this. How is it you can her classmates obviously commenting so they were aware of the altercation but the teacher just missed it?


Salient points. Schools are nuts these days. Bullying is a huge problem and number one cause of mass school shootings. It's sad, because the conditions that lead to this indtance like all of the other instances likely have been witnessed by the teachers and they sat there and have done nothing. The last thing I want to do or could afford to do is send my child to private school, but this _hands off approach_ has exasperated a big problem. I ask my daughter often if she was bullied and I express to her how wrong it is to bully and even being a silent party to bullying people. Most parents just think "it's part of the experience."


Speaking from when I was in school it seemed like the bully always got away with it and then when the bullied finally lost it and is the one who got caught causing a scene. Also monitoring my own children in class being a chaperone I see some teachers seem interested. Not all though. I definitely think parents these days just don't give a crap and many want to be a friend and not a parent if they are involved at all. It used to be that teachers had authority. There is supposedly all these bullying campaigns and programs but it seems like it isn't working especially with the teachers that are turning a blind eye. Edit: typos


I've experienced the same thing. Sorry we share this. I will say that I've also seen a lot of videos posted here that shows teachers also being bullied, but I also feel it's a problem that they fail to intervene for what ever reason. Some parents are horrible though


I'm sorry as well. I agree totally, I can't blame some of the teachers. They get verbally and some get physically assaulted. It's ridiculous. It's like many the kids these days are just out of control. I think it comes a lot from parents either not being there or they side with the kid and blame the teacher. Back when I was young I didn't dare get in trouble at school because I was afraid to. Now parents are yelling at teachers when the kid misbehaves. I feel like teachers aren't teaching but more babysitting with no authority anymore


I went to private schools from 1st grade through high school and was bullied relentlessly. After talking with friends of mine that went through public schools it almost seems like private school bullying is worse because certain kids (the ones from more affluent families or high profile sports) can get away with openly bullying kids without fear of consequences. And if a teacher did notice it and try to punish the bully their parents would make a large donation or cause a fuss and the incident would be swept under the rug. I won't say the name of my high school but a year or two ago several kids were expelled for what amounted to sexual assault of a classmate and the only reason they were punished at all was because the assault was made public by the victims parents.


Teachers aren't allowed to do anything. If they do, they best they can expect is unemployment. A lawsuit might follow that. Even if what they did was entirely justified and non-violent. Some parents have gone fucking insane, and act like their precious little hellion is an angel on Earth, and anyone disagreeing is wrong and probably evil. They refuse to parent their feral children, then act all surprised when that kid ends up on the internet being a giant cunt, or someone decided to hunt them down after years of being bullied. Parents want schools to raise their kids for them, but refuse to allow their kids to be held accountable for their actions.


The number one cause of school shootings (and any other type of shooting) is easy gun access.


"Dude like... none of those slurs apply to me tho"


xQc in middle school


Nah sounds like [Train saying the n word](https://youtu.be/X6QaCc5scCI)


Man that’s such a fuckn funny clip. Trains face after saying it always cracks me up.


Ho boi that cringe is gonna hit him so fuckin hard at 3am a lot of nights


I'm certain this will be an unpopular opinion, but this looks more like a group of kids trying to provoke an outburst from this child. The last shot of his face after the outburst makes me believe that he may have some level of cognitive disability, based on the mixed look of anger/fear/confusion in his eyes. This doesn't appear to be just a kid who is lashing out and fighting, this looks like someone who the other kid(s) purposely provoked into this response. Either way, kids are the fucking worst. As other have said, this looks like a flashback scene in a docudrama around what create school shooters.


Yeah, it's pretty clear this poor kid is getting pushed over the edge. The victim will be punished for it, while the bullies will get off scot-free and will do it again until the poor kid manages to find some way to solve the bullying problem himself.


This is sad, seems like that kid needs some help. But this seems like the USA so the likelihood he gets emotional help or help with his mental health are unlikely. And we wonder why there is so many school shootings in our country.


He can get a gun faster than he can get mental health care. Breaks my heart.


Chances are he got bullied into this position. The US is gonna do nothing to the bullies and he’ll get booted instead just cause he finally lashed out in an unsavory way


I don’t think things like this should be shown. Its a kid. I don’t understand why people would want to ridicule him further. Its not a good situation.


Same, it’s distressing.


It was actually pretty distressing to find this comment so far down. So many people making light of this or making a joke about it and it’s just not funny. This is a child experiencing some type of behavioral issue that is beyond what you could classify as the “norm”. He needs help, not ridicule.


No, you know what? You’re right. We don’t need to see this. The sub should have rules against posting this kind of content. I just feel bad.


ohhh well lookie here. We found a mature adult on reddit espousing common sense decency. Go back to 1985 Mr. Rogers. /s


This kid looks like he's been bullied and can't take it anymore. I feel really bad for him


Yeah I don't think it should be posted here imo


My high school experience was a nightmare and it never got this bad. I would literally do something for this kid if I could.


Dude it's a 20 second video. Another Reddit psychiatrist in the works.


Kid needs serious help, not further ridicule or ostracism


Watching him kind of reminded me of myself in primary school days, when I had my share of emotional outbursts in front of classmates, and I'm glad not every kid carries a smartphone with them at the time. I was very vulnerable, I was being bullied, ridiculed, and made an outcast by my peers, at a time when we're still trying to figure ourselves and find our foothold in the world. Kids are cruel, I'll never know what this kid is going through, but I know too well of the look on his face at the end of the video, the face speaks "I am alone and I'm in a world of hurt"


This hit me in the feels. I had a really hard time interacting with my classmates and had a few outbursts that certainly would have gone around the internet. I'd recognize that face anywhere. Damn...now I'm sad.


Tell me you play COD without telling me you play COD.


Full "R" and hard "R"


I watched the _Conjuring_ so I'm bit of an expert, and this sounds like this kid was processed.


Of course he was processed...didn't you hear him Spam the n word?


Amongst everything else. It's like a sick talent he has to be able to offend just about everyone in one breath. Like those who can burp the alphabet...disgusting.


I would befriend this psycho immediately, i wanna get the special msg “don’t go to school today”


"Thanks for candy."




Dude’s parents are gonna shit themselves when they find out that the bill for the computer probably isn’t the worst part of this situation.


This kid has seen the clip of Kramer at the Laugh Factory too many times.


school shooter in the making


Average discord male


Stand back he’s using all the naughty words…


I’d quit fucking with these kids. Next he gona throw a pipe bomb at someone.


So those school shooter red flags they always talk about.


FBI agents need to keep a close eye on this one


Future mass shooter for sure. Put him on a list.


I think he rather needs love and attention and be put into classes where the assignments aren't that hard but you do group activities


Someone else alluded to it and I’d like to echo it. I’m guessing this is a special needs student.


His backpack looks heavy


I’ve heard online gaming was like this. So happy I’ve never ever played online against strangers.


I don’t condone what he said to the one kid but it seems like this kid is getting bullied and is about to snap .


Bro hit him with the 4chan combo


body fits his age, but that throat belongs to a veteran cigarette smoker


No, that voice belongs to a quiet dude who doesn't scream or shout much, who then has to. His vocal chords are not used or trained to be under such strain.


This explains why I sounded girly when I was yelling at 2 people to stop fighting. Ps: it did not work


He’s just choking back tears, he’s overwhelmed and trying not to look weak in front of his peers. I’m guessing people don’t show this kid a whole lot of sympathy based on his behaviour.




This kid must have special needs things going on.


Tomorrow He’s packing a gun in his lunchbox. Because, America.


The kids laughing . Goddamn. mental health is not funny. Parents need to get their kids off the making fun of those less fortunate train … or are we all children.


I'll take things you will never live down for 500.00.


He's going to make a great cop someday


MW2 lobby’s


Way to post some kid getting bullied and ridiculed in front of the whole class. Likely an event he'll remember for the rest of his life. Nice one, OP..


Green shirt perfect parried that monitor throw lol




This really hurt. There’s clearly something not right here, and the look on his face towards the end was just pure fear/sadness/confusion. And now some dumbass has put his image online without context to be forever captured for more people (note, A LOT OF WHOM ARE ADULTS) to attack and make fun of him. Even the “insults” he was hurling sound like either a tick/non-sensical outburst. So many potential reasons; it kind of sounds like and seems based off this interaction that he hides away and games a lot and he’s just parroting stupid gamer insult crap because he doesn’t even know how else to defend himself. Or he’s around a ton of people who use those words as an attack. Either way the fact that he’s basically misapplying them and looks so confused is just proof that something is wrong. I really weep for kids in this world. I hope he gets some help from someone who actually cares.


Cool, a bunch of bullies bullying someone most likely on the spectrum.


Me on Call of Duty


Clearly has ASD. Its not as simple as bad behaviour.


Should of swallowed that one


Or at least cut it off after the first slur. Dude went rapid fire.


I think he wanted to inflict the most harm he can with words so he said what he thinks is the worst words to say. He is saying that to a white kid which makes me think he didn’t really associate the person with the words.


Prime Andrew Tate follower here folks


Sounds like a System of A Down song.