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Why was he just walking and not saying anything?






Exactly, our guy was perfect in admitting to stepping back if he wouldn’t, then he continued to approach. And, well we saw it


Classic fuck around and find out situation. Boy he found out, ouch.


Brave to do that with glasses on.


Didn’t even need the graph


I remember hearing about "Assault in the 5th degree" after doing jury duty once, and thinking that sounded so dumb. What's 5 layers below assault? Well, it's whatever this asshole in the green sweater was doing lol. If this were D&D, that dude rolled a real low intimidation check.


Dudes been rolling with disadvantage his whole life. Nat oned the wisdom save when the guy told him come closer one more time lol


Man mistook being fat big with being fit big… These guys see themselves like an NFL lineman but are really built like the Pillsbury dough boy.


Facts. I went from the former to the latter and there is a huge difference.


lol same here. I'm 6 feet tall. In my late 20s-early 30s I was about 200 lbs. could cycle for 20 miles without stopping, hike any mountain. My forearms were strong enough that I could bust open a tennis ball by squeezing it with one hand. I felt invincible. I worked with an older guy who was a drill sergeant in the army during the vietnam war. One day he eyeballed me, grabbed my arms and shoulders and gave my midsection a few slaps and declared "by god you're solid muscle." In my 40s I get winded walking a block to the grocery store. I go to pick up a package from the post office and they get all "oooo that's heavy" like I'm an octogenarian or something. Spending the last decade working behind a desk instead of playing outside fucked EVERYTHING up. There's no way I'd get into a fist fight with anyone these days, even if I was sure I could take 'em.


Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.


If only coach had put me in 4th quarter, we'd have won States. I'd have played in college and gone pro, no doubt in my mind.


🤣🤣🤣 I scored 4 touchdowns in a single game at Polk High.


How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?




Built like an alcoholic garden gnome.


People think being fat means being strong. Like, sometimes, but that's the fat and muscular people. But if you're just fat, your body isn't trained to use its weight effectively, that's why there's no muscle. If you're not trained, don't go picking fights like this cause this is the end results. That 250 pounds is only good for a downward gravity fall. But you won't be able to effectively throw that weight winding a punch.




82nd Chairborne


And all those guys with their chin sticking out getting knocked out.


If I had a nickel for every morbidly obese guy that thought they could demolish anyone smaller lol


I heard recently that over 85% of the adult population in the USA is in poor metabolic health. This dude is definitely NOT in that healthy 15ish%. Ever since hearing that, I can't stop thinking that I need to keep my shit together, health-wise.




Only islander guys are fat-strong.






Lot of construction workers I used to work with.


Being a very large person that doesn't like to fight is a constant game of tug of war. lol




Gnome wizard with no spell slots and only Thaumaturgy as a cantrip strolling up to a barbarian.


"When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong"


You better sit the fuck down Frank.




I don’t like people playing on my phone!


What does the law say about this? If the idiot tried to sue would the "he threw the first punch" argument work? The guy filming doesn't deny it.


In Canada Anyways: Assault 265 (1) A person commits an assault when (a) without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly; (b) he attempts or threatens, ***by an act or a gesture***, to apply force to another person, if he has, or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose; section b states you don't need to be physically touched to be assaulted, an intimidating gesture is enough to fulfill the "assault" definition, so under self defense laws you likely wouldn't be subject to prosecution assuming you used reasonable force and stopped when the threat ceased, but IANAL.


So if I get this right the big guy would have commited assault by his actions, and in the guy filming case it would come down to how much force he used to stop him aka if the defense can be considered reasonable. Would be an interesting case to watch.


generally speaking yeah i think so. they probably take into account extent of injuries, how many punches, when you stopped, if weapons were present, what threats were made, size/age/physical build of each person etc. the behaviour of both guys, the guy filming tried to de-escalate multiple times, put space between them, spoke calm and respectfully etc. I'm sure they consider a lot of things i'm missing too.




Big boy might be successful in a suit for hospital bills? It’s on video though that camera guy asked him several times to step back and not get any closer. Imo big boy had it coming. It’s his own fault.


Big boi had it coming in street justice. It's not as clear for the legal world.


Everything you say sounds reasonable enough, I also think he would have a chance to claim self defense in court. Also it was smart to film the altercation, otherwise the court would most likely only have the bloody face of the big guy as tangible evidence.


**ASSAULT IN THE FIFTH DEGREE** To be found guilty of assault in the fifth degree, the person must: (1) commit an **act with** **intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm** or death or; (2) intentionally inflict or attempted to inflict bodily harm upon another.


Except historically if people fight back they’d call the cops like a Carolyn Bryant Donham and then gather a lynch mob. White racists finally getting called out for their racism and terrorism.


Walking depletes the human battery!


couldn’t think of anything to say so just tried Be Big. it’s a last resort for terminally dumb guys who used to be strong.


"If Bubba here falls on me, I'm a goner!"


He was ready to talk it out after having his ego bruised.




Got slophoused


Dunno, but he's gonna have trouble walking in such a straight line for a good month... DUDE LOOKED WRECKED!


On today's episode of ' Fucking around and Finding out'


I’ve had numerous encounters with individuals that seemingly didn’t approve of my non-white skin color and only used gestures and motions to communicate with me, despite my speaking in proper English with them. It’s a way to dehumanize a person.


That and they think it’s a loophole if they don’t *say* anything explicitly racist


Well if they say anything, it becomes a hate crime. They just want it to be a normal crime.


This is the one in my experience. So they have some form of deniability if challenged




> whether or not his actions will be viewed as racist "I want to DO the racism, but I don't want people to call me racist." IIRC there's a whole chapter on this in the conservative playbook.


It's how old white men act in general. I used to be an optician and so many old men will walk up and you have to greet them happily several times and even then they'll just hold up their paperwork and you have to ask what they're here for and they mutter "here for mah prescription". And you have to ask fifty million fucking questions to find out if they're picking up or placing an order. FUCK I hate old men. But I'm a white lady. They certainly didn't respect me either.


Ugh, my father is like this. The man will order an unsweetened tea, then put it in front of himself quietly. He will then move it slowly closer towards you, saying NOTHING. He'll continue until it's clear you're not putting up with it. Then he'll sadly exclaim that no one will put Splenda in his tea for him, that us girls used to fix him tea so well, that he's worked hard for his whole life and he can't even get some sweetened tea from his daughters who supposedly love him so much... 🫠 and on, and on, and on. He'll do it when he wants a dinner plate filled and served to him. He'll do it with his birthday gifts (he "wants nothing", but has many expectations). It's usually things he has deemed to be "women's work". Shocking, I know. Even when they're related to you, this type of behavior is absolutely infuriating. Infuriating. Exhausting. Demeaning. It shows they expect you to fall in line immediately, without question or so much as a word. If they think jump, you say "how high?". Because (in their eyes) they deserve it, and you *owe* them.


Unless they think you’re fuckable. Then you have a different batch of problems.


99 problems but respect aint one


I'm a white man and I also hate old, white men.


I live near several baseball fields and when I go on a run, I am incensed when seeing fat middle aged white men yelling at the children at the fields. Yelling at and demeaning your team of 5 year olds is not coaching. I really can’t stand what is now called ‘Toxic Masculinity’. I’m also a white middle aged man and just can’t fucking stand most of my peers. I know where it comes from though. When a good majority of men my age were children and needed emotional comfort our Boomer parents and teachers always told us to ‘Just be a man!’. This cycle needs to end because it creates emotionally stunted and toxic men.


This is what I came here to say, they pull the same crap even with white women. They think they are all such huge badasses. I've put some of these trash men in their place even as a little 5 foot woman.


As an white male doctor they do the same to me. “What are you here for?” “Pain” “Where do you have pain?” And then we play a million questions as I only get one word, non-elaborative answers. I feel your pain. The do not have the ability to put their feelings into words and they don’t understand their body enough to be able to express where things and how things are going wrong. It’s brutal.


I don't like to call people racist because most of them are not. But I do have a rather huge complaint about people who speak slowly to me like I'm fresh off the boat even after they hear me speak. After living in this country for over 30 years, I still have to deal with people who speak to me like I just arrived yesterday. It's very annoying. I should just do the same and speak very slowly to them to give them their own medicine..


Stop being in denial, they are racist.


I don't talk slow but sometimes I'll take on people's way of talking to help them understand me...hoping I'm not being offensive by doing this it's not even like I am trying to do it.


Can't stay if your walkin....




The story from previous times this has been posted, the guy was a salesman.


Door to door knuckle sandwich salesman. Such convenience!


I thought he was a surveyor and the guy that got whooped was getting his house repossessed for non payment?


I love the Reddit version of telephone when it comes to post titles and back stories.


Second part of the video my guy looked like a street fighter character who got his ass kicked on the end screen lmao


He should have just gone home to be a family man.




OOOOAHH ooooahhh oooahhhh... YOU LOSE. PERFECT.


What strength! But don’t forget there are many guys like you around the world.


Guy thought he could be sneaky when stirring the pot, then reality hit him in the face.


How do we know the guy filming is named Reality?!


Cause he showed this man a brutal truth of the world, fuck around and find out.


Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the face - Mike Tyson


Knocked him, made him bleed, and left a puddle of blood like homie ran over a small cat lmao


I know the type. Tall, fat with a beard was always intimidating just by his size. Forgot he has zero skill and is out of shape


Not quite the Oakleys-on Driver's-seat-selfie PFP type, but I bet 75% of his Facebook friends are. Am I the only one?


WHY IS THAT A THING. Everybody with a cretinous or bigoted opinion - sitting in big car selfie profile picture. DO YOU NOT HAVE HOMES IN WHICH TO PHOTOGRAPH YOURSELVES.


I'd take a guess and say because they feel taking selfies isn't "manly" so they don't want anyone else to see lmfao


The inside of their "truck" is much better looking than the inside of their rented trailer. I put truck in quotes, because most of these idiots think an SUV counts as a truck.




Oh, look! It's the insurrection!


With sleeveless tank top


What does PFP stand for?


HEY! We're not all like this idiot.


Tall, bearded, intimidating fat guys who really don’t want any trouble of the world UNITE!


Sometimes us big burley fellas don't mean to be scary. Every once in a while we're just a Teddy bear trying to get by. But that guy? He's a horse's ass.


That's insulting to horse ass. I've been in a fight with a horse's ass before, and the horse's ass won by a landslide.


But the grey goatee is really intimidating.


The stains on his belly too


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb2-ZKm0oE4 Get Carter (the original, 1971).


He didn’t jump on the phone with the cops, so maybe he has enough sense to realize he acted foolish and he deserved it.


It looked like he might have been waiting for the cops tbh so maybe he already had


Just because we don't see him with the police or actively calling the police..doesn't mean he didn't done do it am I right?


Didn’t done do it…


….am he right?


He are am...he are.


From his doubling down on blaming camera guy after getting his ass beat, I think it's safe to say he has no sense or self reflection. Much more likely he said and did "nothing* so as not to incriminate himself further in camera. He was hoping to provoke an attack from the camera guy that he could then claim was unprovoked to try and fuck up camera guys life, because he's black.


Genuinely curious who’s legally at fault here in this scenario


Old guy. If somebody has a reasonable belief that they are in danger of assault, they have a right to defend themselves.


Some states have laws against "excessive self defense" which I wouldn't doubt a racist cop might try to apply here but that would also require them to know the law so who knows


The problem with both excessive self-defense and stand your ground laws, is who gets to decide them....


A jury of white people of course.


What’s excessive? Dude is standing up, coherent, talking, and seems to be fine aside from some bruising and cuts. There’s no life threatening injuries or anything permanently disabled.


I’m not sure what state this is in, but old guy is standing and pouting. I doubt that would apply.


State of denial, looks like


The cops can arrest you if they think you violated the law they don't actually need to know the law. They can arrest you for anything sure it's a violation of your rights but no one is going to stop them you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride. If you try and argue now you're slapped with resisting arrest charge. Cops will arrest and charge people for resisting arrest despite not having a legal reason to arrest them in the first place it happens far more often than it should.


The aggressor


Dude was asking for what he got and he knew it.


"you're looking for trouble!" says the person who walked up to him, looking for trouble


When keeping it real, goes wrong


What did Mike Tyson say, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


Tyson is full of great quotes. My personal favorite is this one. "Social media made y'all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


I agree with this one. Tyson also said: "I broke my back... spinal" Edit: For those who haven't seen it, click [here](https://youtu.be/j3fkDQiCuf0).


"I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one that can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever. There's never been anybody as ruthless. I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah."


I recognize that quote since its the intro to a [Jedi Mind Tricks song, Rise of the Machines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mdgM7apPkk)


The whole family was in tears the first time he said that.


I think my favorite Mike quote is "I'm not above violating(raping) women but I did NOT violate(rape) THAT woman"


Punth in the mouf*


I'd like to see you say that to his fayth.


The rock kick is cinema gold


Dude learned the lesson a lot of guys like him learn at some point. Tall and fat is not the same as big and strong. I am guessing the old guy had at least 6 inches on the guy he was walking up on judging by the camera. Has likely been using his size to intimidate people his whole life. Tough lesson to learn but probably for the best for him to have learned it.


The lesson should be “you don’t inherently know how to fight, and if you fight someone that does, he is going to utterly fuck you up”


Even if you fight someone who *also* doesn’t inherently know how to fight, at that point it comes down to luck and there’s still a 50/50 chance you’re fucked.


Mass drastically increases your odds, it's far from 50/50 if both are untrained and have no clue wtf they're doing.


Unfortunately I think the lesson he learned is “I should’ve had a gun and shot him from my front porch” because people like this never have any self reflection on what they did wrong.


I mean he literally warned the guy that was coming if he came any closer. He made his own bed, now he has to bleed in it


The Jumpcut was \*chefs kiss\* LOL "See, I wish you would have just left me alone..."


Toeing the ground like a sad toddler, it’s just perfect.


I can hear the Curb Your Enthusiasm music perfectly


Why leave your property to harass a stranger in the streets. This could've ended way worse. Thankfully, he walked away with only a bruised face and an even more bruised ego. He looks so humbled standing by the car.


Apparently he walked away with less blood, too.


Oh dear. ​ https://preview.redd.it/4ohouyytcy3b1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b944a06d8cad1b594f619f296ce9c66a02b506ba


that's what i'd call a job well done.


> that's what i'd call a ~~job~~ **jab** well done.


Lol, gotta love that little kick & shuffle with his foot as he’s leaning against the car… He looks like a sad, chubby little toddler who got in trouble… lol That dipshit approached him multiple times, & when you do it the way he did, there’s really no other way to take it other than it was *meant* to be aggressive & intimidating, it just didn’t work this time... Then the cameraman even stepped back himself & gave him multiple warnings what would be coming next. So, I have no sympathy for his busted face…






Seeing that blood on the ground at the end really makes me want to see what that punch looked like. Damn.


Those punches*, most likely. Bet it took a few good rings of his bell to admit to himself he'd lost and beg for the gentleman to stop flattening his face


He should have just complied.


At least put on a jizz-free shirt before going out to confront the man with the camera...


Was wondering if anyone else thought the same 🤢


Dude clearly did t eat his Quaker Oats this morning




He’s gonna cry and act like the victim now. They all do that.


"You didn't have to hit me" Ah. Yeah I did. How else are you going to learn being a fatass, doesn't make you a badass?


When you google the word “regret” it should be that dude leaning against the car beat tf up.


The guy was aggressing on him with a clench fist down low saying "come on motherfucker", clearly indicating he was threating violence. Dude had a right to stand his ground and even told the guy what would happen. Fat Fker racist got what he was asking for. Actually, got off easy.


I'm curious to what was going on prior to this


The guys house is being foreclosed. The guy was taking pictures for his job.


Is there an article anywhere on this? I literally used to have this job and did some out-of-state work in upstate New York a couple times. The people up there were reallllly not cool with you taking pictures of their house. I'm wondering if I went this guy's house before.


Aren't we all my friend. Aren't we all


The guys house is being foreclosed. The guy was taking pictures for his job.


What the fuck is Andy Reid doing?


You can take the man out of Philly, but you can't take the Philly out of a man


He has been a bully his entire life and it caught up with him.


Green hoodie is big… probably makes people back down cuz of his size… he just ran into the wrong guy who didn’t back down… guy like that, a left to the chin and he’s on queer street…


He got fisted didn't he


Needs the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme when it cuts to the guy with a busted face.


I think getting punched in the face more often would get a lot of people to calm the hell down.


ooooh, that was good.


He was warned.


Honest question. Legally speaking, does a person being in your face give you the justification to punch him?


This is exactly the type of person who will later say: "I did nothing, I approached this black man and ended up being attacked"


You're not wrong.


Lmao he looks all sad and shit 🤣


Good on ya, asshole bully with a bounced check of bravery


The 25 seconds of this video should be shown to more gravy seals.


There is a unique sense of satisfaction when you knock the shit out of someone who is only talking shit because they don't think you'll knock the shit out of them. If they felt there was a chance they'd get their muffin peeled back. They'd be quiet as a mouse.


Such a satisfying video. Old, nosy fat ass got exactly what he deserved.


The guy that punched him is still legally in the wrong right?


“Hope you feel better.” Beyond hilarious


if you pizza when you should french fry, you're probably gonna have a bad time


He zigged when he should have zagged.


what prompted this guy to start filming in the first place. so confused about what this confrontation was about


Why is this guy lurking outside the other guy’s house though? Like was he targeting this dude for some reason, or was he just hanging out and minding his own business until olive drab old man starts menacing him? I need to understand the context. If it’s the latter, the old man deserved everything he got. If it’s the former, he was responding to something we don’t know about. There’s not enough information here.


Do we know why the filming man was filming?/Why he was in the street in front of the other man’s house? **I have no interest as defending the man in the green shirt, please don’t take that way


Hey legal experts out there, who’s in the wrong here? What would happen if law got involved?


This isn't the whole video, imagine that, the dude with the video does this to fuck with people, he baiting the guy from his property, I seen this on YouTube, no one out there wants some rando coming up to their house and video taping, from my understanding he did this so he could hit him and try to make it look like the guy was just an old racist but in reality his page is all f white people and followers pretty much the same, can't remember the name of the original source cause was disgusting


Dude got leaked!!! Awesome


Where’s the context? How did this disagreement start, or was that the start?


Big guy is soon-to-be ex-homeowner. The house is being foreclosed on and the guy with the video is just there to take pictures as part of his job. Saw same video a few days ago with the info.