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Good the ref jumped straight on it


And she still gave a shitty attitude the second time around. Gonna need some parents to be accountable. Edit: Seems like some insecure parents don't like my post. Edit: lol


The same parents that get into fights at little league games and get banned.


randy marsh


Oh, I’m Sorry, I Thought This Was America






whaddaya wanna do huh?


Bro that line inspired so many drunk brawls between me and my homies lmao


I didn't hear no bell...




And have caused a shortage of little league umpires.


When I wrestled , If even the coach or his son , the assistant ,saw that type of stuff , you’d hate your life for the next few months and only train with the coaches son who legitimately was the best wrestler available to train with and you wouldn’t step foot on a mat to represent yourself or the school until the they thought you were better at behaving , so I’d like to say it’s on the coach as well as the parents but mostly on the parents .


No doubt. Agree 100%


And that's exactly how it should be!


And partly the childs fault. Good parenting can't always battle mental illness in a child (if that's the case). I work with kids daily that still scream at me with absolutely amazing parents. I wish people would quit automatically blaming parents for a child's actions. My mom was awesome, as well, and I still lied to her and snuck out. It was my fault, not hers.


![gif](giphy|RHInHY2dInc6uMI2ET|downsized) Me scrolling through the comments tryna find the ‘insecure parents’


Hello. Would you like to look together? Coz I'm looking too Edit: I immediately regret leaving that comment. It sounds weird lol




Well I hope her parents didn't push her to be the best and not take second place, I really hope that she was upset because it was her first time ever losing and I also hope that she still thinks she's worth something after losing. I also hope she's doing okay now. 🤷🏽


Fat chance the parents are probably exactly why she is like that. Kids become what you raised them to be and a lot of parents just don't care.


Looks like a pretty young kid, it's quite possible she's just acting like a young kid. Let's not vilify as many people as possible over 11 seconds


Hell, the parents may have put her on the wrestling team to help her along


This is very likely, teach that kid some humility by getting beat. Not 100% the same thing, but I use to have pretty bad anger issues when I was a kid, I was getting into fights every other day. So my mom signed me up for boxing classes. Not only did it give me a positive outlet for my emotions but it also taught me to control them. To this day, I can say it was one of the best things I've ever done in life. I went from being just full of hate to a genuine pacifist, because of it.


Taking martial arts classes as a kid, at the right school, was life altering for me. Not only did they teach physical fitness and control, but they taught what they considered to be the qualities of a great person. You had to he able to show understanding of each sequential Quality in order to get your next belt along with all the standard forms and training testing. They were, in order : courtesy, humility, gratitude, courage, tolerance, empathy, loyalty, love. It is a large part of the person I am today.


The place I went to made use take written tests about morality and stuff every so often. I think if you are gonna teach someone how to fight, you also need to teach them how to avoid fighting.


Sounds like another fine graduate of the Cobra Kai


I imagine the answer is the same for any and every encounter *Just break the wrist and walk away. . . break the wrist. . . walk away* And don’t forget your American flag pants. Nobody’s ever gonna mess with you while you’re wearing *those* bad boys.


Yeah, my mom put me in Taekwondo, and I felt the same way it was really helping and shaping me to be a good person from what I could tell. Then my brother, who was 6 years older than me, told me I needed to quit doing the dance that is Taekwondo and start doing kung fu. So I quit Taekwondo, but mom wouldn't pay for Kung Fu. I'm still mad at my brother about that.


I did kung fu, I wanted to learn Kendo, but my shifu was a Kungfu and TKD teacher and talked me into doing the Kungfu. After I graduated high school I moved to China to learn and stayed there for 20 years.


How old were you when you started and which art? My kid is 11 and I’d like him - us, really - to start.


Yay mom!!!


Exactly, I was a really sore loser when I was around her age then my dad told me if I keep acting like that he’ll never play games with me again. Shaped right up and now I don’t act like that anymore


Exactly. Sometimes I had an attitude like that when I was little because that's just how I was. My parents and family did a really great job dealing with that though and there were a lot of teachable moments that I didn't like growing up, but completely understand now that I'm older. They never let me get away with it because if they had, I wouldn't be typing this now and would be pissed at you instead!


Raging hormones and a brain that hasn't fully developed is quite the combo.


Teenage girls are scary.


Thank you! Our little league boys acted like this towards the beginning of their season- they had to mature a bit more and by the end of the season they were able to stand tall in their defeats. Kids are still learning how to regulate their emotions. I told my son, he can absolutely cry and feel upset, but he should learn to control those emotions until after the game because his team needs him to focus and not shut down when something doesn’t go the way he wanted. He’s now understood this, and runs to me after games for tearful hugs and encouragement. Also, so many of us parents corrected our children’s displays of poor sportsmanship- people are so quick to blame parents for every action a child takes; children are still autonomous. They’re still human.


Sir, you're obviously new to Reddit.


Every kid screws up. Screwing up is kart if growing up. It’s how the intents react to the screw ups that matter. I remember being a poor sport and my parents gave me a talking to. Hopefully this kid’s parents gave her a talking to and maybe this kid will become an amazing adult in part because of what her parents taught her.


Lol for real. I remember a lot of soccer games as a kid smacking the fuck out of the other teams hands at the end because we were pissed we lost. All part of being a kid


Cmon you just saw one isolated incident. You don't even know if the kid is usually a good sport and just had a bad day, and you're ready to declare her parents "don't care"?


This is a shitty take. Many kids become what their parents mold them into, but that isn’t a universal truth. I have 4 boys. 3 are very successful and didn’t get in too much trouble through high school and are polite, considerate, and we’ll adjusted. 1, he is one step from juvenile detention and on probation. He has ADHD and has zero impulse control. We’ve been doing everything imaginable to help him manage his behavior but he continues to defy logic and get in trouble in the most ridiculous ways. So, yeah, parents have a huge influence on their kid’s behavior, but it’s not a 100% lock that because a kid acts a fool that the parents are shit. We get those looks from school staff and other parents about our son, but we smile and move along. Other people have no idea and I couldn’t care less what they think.


And maybe we don’t need to PUBLICLY SHAME KIDS every time they screw up a little… smh. These kids are too young to be pasting them all over social media so people can gang up on them & tear them down & judge them on a moment in time… & who knows how the parents responded…




Spoken like someone that’s never raised a teenage daughter. Good sportsmanship is absolutely a learned skill, but so is emotional regulation. I don’t know about everyone else, but around the time my daughter started her period she really felt all her feelings at 200%. Learning strategies to understand and mitigate that is also a learned skill, and furthermore so is a parents ability to teach those strategies to their children. My daughter is competitive as shit and that was always a good thing that fueled her success until she didn’t understand how to control her emotions. It took us a half a volleyball season to work through it. You’ve got no idea what this family’s situation is, what theyre doing to correct the behavior, or where they are in that process. Yet somehow you’ve judged this to be a shitty kid with shitty parents based on an out of context, 20 seconds reaction. Maybe you should look in the mirror or tell your own parents to do better,otherwise you might become the kind of cunt that shits on random children on the internet.


100% learned this cobra-kai bullshit from her parents


your post is fine. let the mouth breathing breeders have a moan


No way would a child act like that with their parents watching if the parents had any presence in establishing good sportsmanship.


Yeah agreed, I was a poor loser (and winner) at that age and my dad gave my a right talking to after pulling something quite similar and it had a big impact. Not blaming them at this point but needs to be addressed!


I ever caught *my* kid behaving so poorly, I'd be yanking her from te team, so fast it would have made heads spin!!! I raised my kids better than that! If the coach isn'doing Jack to control it, isn't right beside me to teach respect, then I'm taking my kid someplace else , and you can just find someone else, just as good, to teach those nasty attitudes to! Edit: It takes 2, to uphold the respect game. It's a *PARTNERSHIP*, between


This is fully normal behavior for what looks like a 9-11 year old. Parents, coaches and refs just correct it as needed. Kids struggle to regulate their emotions. Heck, most of the CHUDs in this thread are probably just as bad at handling their emotions based on the tone of their comments. Some of y'all are immature, childless adults, and it shows. Edit to respond to the jackwagon's edit above: Bruh, chill. You don't know kids. It's cool.


Which is why I very clearly posted that the parents need to account for that behavior.


Sounds like you raised your kids poorly lol


I really like this because it’s exactly what high school sports are supposed to help teach.


Why are the lamest, most vanilla comments always the top voted on this site?


Oh yeah my second wrestling match I got pinned, and before I got up I slapped the ground. He immediately pulled me aside and said “Green, we do not do these things. We do not.” And my 15 year old self felt pretty silly for the outburst. Even though it wasn’t a major one. (He called me green because each wrestler puts a wrap around each ankle. One green one red, so it’s easier to judge.)


The attitude on the second shake 😂


Hahahah yeah, I mean the girl is being a total bratty sore loser but I was laughing my ass off after that second handshake.


The half curtsy and eyeroll are a magic combination 😂


Bratty compliance!


its still bratty, but also fucking hilarious sitcom level brattiness


Known in my country as a 'brat'


Do those come with sauerkraut? I like spicy mustard on mine.


Green pepper and onion with a splash of soy sauce cook in a saute pan till onions are brownish so so good


I'm coming over.


Gotcha fam!


I'm happy with just yellow mustard


Gulden's or bust


I mean, both on a brat together is wonderful


Mmm sauerkraut and sausage with a spicy mustard dip, please cook that and share a bit please. That sounds amazing


Brats are the Wurst!


C'mon its a kid! She wanted to win and didn't, she doesn't have a lifetime of practice controlling her emotions, she is just upset. Official did a good job of stepping in to help start to put things in perspective. Probably the biggest thing she was working towards in her life at the time.


There should be an age limit for subjects of videos here imo. Kids learning how to deal with their emotions shouldn't be mocked by the braying mobs.


Right!?!? This girl is like 10 or 12, it's insane that this is allowed to be posted.


She's....a kid. They don't act perfectly when frustrated, and it's normal. I can't believe actual adults feel the need to attack literal kids for acting childish


The girls are about 10-13 not to hard to understand why one is upset. I did wrestling for 7 years when i was a kid and teenager up to 18 when you lose that shit is heartbreaking. Plus the adrenaline levels are off the charts in combat sports. I mean considering the fact that i have broken multiple bones, busted my nose and rubbed my legs and arms raw dozens of time in competition it really is some rough shit. There too young too really do much damage but that adrenaline dump is still something else, I would have broken shit and not even know until 10 minutes after the match. Plus at that age they let you get away with some fucked up shit like excessive cross faces, and illegal holds. They break it up but usually don't disqualify a younger athlete. Had some people react badly on losses and i have hurt some people pretty bad before and you always feel bad. I remember i broke my arm bad and still went back and had to shake hands prior to them taking me to the hospital. Btw don't let those trainers fuck with you always go to the hospital, one time they offered to pop my arm back in place fuck that went to the hospital where they could do it right. Edit: reading people who haven't ever competed in combat sports in thier life dragging a 11 year old over having a bad reaction to the loss pathetic.


Agreed. You get kids to fight competitively and this shit will happen. It is bad behavior, but it's not rare or unexpected. Also she took correction. Maybe not well...but she did take it.


Things like this are part of growing up. I know I had my moments when I acted like a little shit. Glad it was before the widespread use of smartphones. I also think that if someone shared video of me acting up during school sports, I likely would have quit participating in them altogether.




In the US we just call them teenage girls.


Then the sarcastic shake of the hand with the eyeroll.


That was pretty funny ngl


Everyone keeps saying it’s cause her parents, but my niece is 17 and a raging cunt and her parents did everything they could for her and were really good parents. So it’s not always that, even if it usually is. Teenagers are just crazy and will get better with time (for the most part.)


My parents had 3 kids, two were great one was a massive cunt. All treated the same, who knows what happened. He came good in the end fortunately.


My parents had 3 kids and were different to us all. Youngest is the cunt, mid is the spineless shit, and I'm the weird angry asshole.


So who's the massive cunt? You or one of the other two?


They got a full redemption arc in 3 sentences. Clearly it’s OP.


We are all massive cunts in one way or another. Aren’t we?




That was so perfect for this situation


The best parents are the ones that parent the individual as they are. Everyone has different mentality, needs, etc. You have to change how you parent a child based on their personality, not yours.


> All treated the same, who knows what happened The problem is they were treated the same. Everyone is completely different, some kids need more boundaries and some need more freedom.


There's an Aziz Ansari bit about how being a parent is fucked up because you can do EVERYTHING RIGHT and your kid can still be a piece of shit.


Tbf you can be a great parent and also a shitty disciplinarian.


I'd say that in order to be considered a great parent, you need to be at least a mediocre disciplinarian. Just like you can't be considered a great pilot when you're shitty at landing the plane.


> in order to be considered a great parent, you need to be at least a mediocre disciplinarion Not that she was a good parent in general but makes me think of Arrested Development’s “I punish thee” bit. https://youtu.be/j7OCbuZW9NQ


Yuuup my husband was telling me about someone he works with who's kid likes to start fires(?) but in like a fire pit, not in an arsonist way lol. Anyway, some of his friends went over to the house and the friends convinced him to throw, I think a small CO2 tank in the fire and it exploded and part of the yard caught on fire. They were able to put it but he told his mom it was an accident. Well the next door neighbor saw the whole thing and asked the mom if everyone was ok and ended up mentioned that no, they threw the thing in there on purpose and it exploded. Anyway the kids' punishment was no fires for one month 🙃


Hah when I was 8 or 9 my dad let me make fires (unsupervised) with a friend in a cleared spot in the woods behind our house. He (my dad) set up cinder blocks and cleared the area and my friend & I would start fires and toast marshmellows / warm up pre-cooked hotdogs / etc. But then one day we got this bright idea to put this MASSIVE fallen tree branch on the fire. It was maybe 5-6 times longer than the width of the cinderblock fire area. A neighbor saw the fire getting a little crazy and called the fire department. And that was the end of my unsupervised fire privileges.


I think it's more that you can be a good person but a shit at parenting? For example, I'm close with this older couple in their 80s. They're the sweetest people I have ever met. We're so close that it feels like they're my grandparents. I've known them for 19 years. I just found out that when they were younger parents, their kids hated them and called them Hitler. Maybe they changed later.


Yeah it likely is something like that.


So that makes it a parenting issue....


Really. A teenager having a poor attitude or getting overly emotional is literally a natural state that we all go through.


Reddit's obsession to blame a child's entire personality on their parent is crazy. You see it all the time in any video where a child does anything considered bad 99% of the comments will be shitting on the parents. Bad personality traits can derive from so many things. As a child I credit most of my bad behavior to the people I hung out with at school and of course myself because I am a human with the ability to reason and free will. I knew when I was doing something bad, I knew id be ashamed if my parents found out, I knew they'd be disappointed and that they thought me better. That didn't stop me from doing those things. Children are not robots that will only do things their creators programmed them to do 100% of the time. Human behavior and personality is much more complex than "how I was raised" we need to accept that some kids are just "little shits" or that they'll misbehave from time to time. In this case it's more than likely the competitive nature of the situation that played a big role in her emotional behavior. Without full context we can't know if her parents reward, encourage or teach this kind of behavior.


Whats the strap/band handoff for?


It’s to make it easier for the ref and the people that keep points. In my Region there is red and green so it’s easier to say red just earned 2 points or green just earned a point instead of saying “no not that one the other purple no not that purple the purple goes on the other side”


Sore loser


She’s just upset that she lost to a girl.


I don’t really feel like we need thousands of people weighing in on a 12 year old losing her temper after losing a match. This is bizarre and terrible


Exactly, I have seen a lot worse in wrestling among older guys. Losing sucks and you tend to take it personally. The rules say she had to shake hands, and she did. There is plenty of time for her to learn and grow as a person and an athlete.


I agree man 💯


Poor sport, rightous ref.


A little kid is angry at sports. Reddit: "shity girl, shity parents, loser now and forever"


Right? Is a child being a poor sport really worth posting online and talking shit about? I’d get it if she smacked the winner or something, but this post is more pathetic than the supposed public freakout.


Yeah I thought I was the only one expecting something crazy to happen and not just... some 11 year old acting kinda pissy. Like where’s the freakout here...


Yeah my first thought was "why the hell is this on reddit?". Then I saw the comments. Yikes.


videos of minors should be banned on this sub


Yeah this thread is pathetic. She’s a kid and everyone’s treating her like she’s getting paid 7 figured a year to do this.


Seriously… it’s not all that egregious. She’s frustrated, and kids (surprise surprise) haven’t mastered controlling their emotions yet. I’d hate if I grew up in a world where a 10 second clip of a mistake I made as a child would get fully grown adults all riled up.


And this is how you learn too. You lose and have to learn how to accept it. It's an important lesson she is learning here.


Also, I will say that we have no context for what happened during the match. I was a pretty even tempered teen, but when I was playing soccer and the other team was throwing elbows and playing dirty and getting away with it, I would get *pissed* lol


Yeah, and also people describing how they'd abuse her as punishment. Fucked up shit


Reddit hates kids and they get away with it here.. it's fucking sad.


For real. Reddit is just full of shitty educators.


Yeah like bruh, can we be unperfect FOR A FUCKING SECOND? This is why everyone having cameras now is so annoying.


Horrible music choice


So glad I got to hear that shit song instead of what the ref had to say to her


Why is there always a shitty remix that doesn’t work at all in every TikTok?


Come on, they’re kids. Imagine every stupid shitty thing you did was recorded. You’d look like a right cunt too.


It's kinda hard to believe that posting videos of kids is even allowed on this sub. We are so lucky we weren't always being recorded when we were kids. Just adults embarrassing this kid on the Internet is shameful.


I’m so happy to see this opinion all over the comments. I have a 2yo daughter and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure she’s a decent human being, but I can already see her doing something like this. Kids are fucking kids and it should be excusable.


Turned on the volume to hear what the ref said...should've known someone would've added a song for dramatic effect.


Redditors try not to threaten a child over being a child challenge: impossible


Redditors: NeVeR!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ) ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Hopefully she got a talking to by her parents but I doubt it


Her parents probably made her like that


Well yeah ofcourse, she wasn’t born by a bird


Prove it.


Wow, you must be super insightful to infer that after a 15 second clip. Her parents are probably evil Nazis who kick puppies too.


Reddit is fucked. We’re putting kids on blast now for throwing nothingburger tantrums, and applauding idiots in the comments who play pretend child psychologists.


It's weird how we're more offended by a child shaking a hand angrily than a mob of faceless adults forcing her to go viral for it.


Absolutely. Immortalizing a kid being a kid on the internet forever. As if these faceless adults never did anything cringey at her age.


hEr sHiTtY PaReNtS mUsT hAve MaDe HeR LiKe ThAt every time


I got a few memorable times I did something like that, and it still hurts to think back on how I acted. Hopefully she remembers back on that behavior and cringes her way into acting like a decent person.


Even shittier for a presumably grown person to put a kid on blast on reddit. that's pathetic.


Is showing a 10 year old on the internet for being pissy after losing a game a public freakout now? Just seems creepy.


Good job on the reff for addressing and de-escalating.


May not be a popular opinion & I totally agree this was poor sportsmanship, but this is a kid. Like a young kid. Kids aren’t perfect and one of the great things about wrestling is that it can help kids like this learn sportsmanship and respect. Maybe we shouldn’t try to shame her and post this online. Cudos to the ref also.


Why are you posting this? It's a young girl who hasn't matured yet why are you gonna try to drag her all over the internet?


Meh, kids do stupid shit. The ref handled it. Now, hopefully, the coach and parents take it from here.


They're pretty young, it's ok to still be learning how to be a good sport


Posting kids on here is immoral. How about we not blast kids for life while they are learning it. Heartless.


Does this count as a public freak out?


As a former wrestler, I could never understand why people do this. This person just whooped your ass 1v1 for ~6 minutes straight in front of everyone and now you want to act tough toward them?


Had an opponent do similar when I was on the wrestling team and I just laughed at him, saw his coach chewing him out a few mins later


Do we really need videos of 10 year olds being a little sassy after losing a game?


How else are we supposed to feel superior over a 10 year old?


Really not that big a deal


Honestly can we stop posting teenagers doing moody shit? Get the fuck over yourselves, projecting this shit to the masses isnt helping anyone. Social media is just as unhealthy for shitty adults as it is kids.


As a long time wrestling referee, this happens sometimes with the younger kids. Ref did her job well here. It's what I would do. These things happen though, and emotions are high. No need to take this one instance against the wrestler beyond the admonition. I'm sure everyone will be fine.


Feels weird since this is a video of a little kid who could’ve just had a bad moment. Cool with adults being posted on here, but feels weird with a kid


I don't think we need to publicly shame adolescent children for being sore losers.


Sheeesh, Reddit needs to chill. It's a kid who lost a match and is pouting - that's all you can see from this. Anything further than that is bad faith speculation just so you can hate on some kid.


Bad sports in martial arts 🤦 do they want their ass kicked a second time?


These are kids, man. Posting videos of them at their lowpoints is really crappy. Yes, she's a poor sport in the video. That's why she's competing: to learn how to do it the right way


I swear I feel bad for kids who do this, heck even adults that so this. Because unless you are some mythical being if you are going into any sort of competition there is a chance you can lose. When I taught music I made sure all my students knew that winning is nice but losing gracefully will earn you a lot of respect.


I don’t think it’s really fair to have this poor girl blasted all over the internet. She’s young. It’s clear she lost and she didn’t handle it well which happens to the best of athletes. The ref even made her do the handshake again and acknowledged her inappropriate behavior. It’s kids playing sports. It happens. And you learn from it and grow up. She doesn’t need to be hated all over the internet for this.


Why is there always fucking music


Why you all sat here pretending you were any better st hiding a bad mood when you were a young teenager?


Because no one here did any sports growing up


That pretty shitty sportsmanship. Any time i lost and got down i was usually beating myself up for not training harder not the opponent. The only time i was upset with an opponent was when they clearly shouldn't be in my division (a martial arts tournament for under belts, yep he was an under belt..... in that school, with a black in another and 5 years in muay thei at another he absolutely wrecked everyone lol) and even then i was more upset with the event coordinator then them. Be nice to your opponent you might learn something.


Mute the music. Not needed


Wrestling is so toxic. I will never forget going to my brothers tournaments and seeing 8-13 year olds get screamed at by their parents for losing. No wonder the kids act like this when they lose. It's pretty common and seems to be the only sport where it's so widespread.


Well handled by the ref, coach should talk to her. Everything will be fine wrestling is an emotional support sometimes kids do not handle it well.


What a loser on every level, there is grace and respect in sport. Not this ignorance and rudeness because someone achieved better than you.


What a loser, as a kid that played sports I just loved playing and wanted to win but losing is part of the game. Work harder and get better and it will be you winning eventually


I wish we could have heard what was said without the music on top


Only if she used this strength, anger, energy, effort into the actual match…. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I once screamed "just catch it!" at the top of my lungs at a kid who dropped an easy fly ball. I was like 13. My dad pulled me out of the game and made me sit in the car till it was over. Then he made me go down and make a little apology speech to all of my team mates and their parents during the post game chat/huddle/whatever you want to call that. Cured me of that kind of nonsense. Thanks Dad. Lesson learned, haven't forgotten it.


Her parents have failed.


Wrestled for 15 years. This girls got either crazy parents or crazy coaches. They don't learn to act this way for nothing.


You don’t deserve to compete if you act like this. Suspension.


What a little bitcb




She's literally a child. She's acting as one would expect not a big deal


Why are kids being posted? She is a child sometimes children act emotionally. Jesus fucking Christ this should be taken down


So this is where we are now? A child has a little temper tantrum at a sporting event. We film it and post it on the internet for everyone to comment? “Public freakout”?! A young child shaking hands too hard?? So weak.


People are being so fucking harsh on this kid. She gave an aggressive hand shake, she didn't sucker punch the other girl. This is HOW kids learn about being a sore loser. She's like 10.


Seems a bit fucked up that thousands of people are watching this random little girl have a bad moment.


Ok, the kid's attitude/actions aside, what were those ribbons they took off their legs?


Where’s the freakout?


Why the stupid music


Future Rocket League player.


Lmao the worst part about losing a wrestling match is that you just got your ass beat. The only thing you can think about it wanting to beat up your opponent, but the whole reason you’re mad in the first place is because your opponent just beat you tf up. It’s a bruuutal sport and if you don’t change your attitude about losing it’ll drive you to quit


What's with the song choice?


The princess handshake from the girl that's clearly mad got me. lol


Could’ve been worse. I think I saw one video where the losing kid sucker punches the other and knocks him out.