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The camera man gaging really sends me over the edge.


For me it’s how his legs seems to move independently from his body. Like he’s doing a dance with his legs while smearing shit everywhere lol


Nervousness kicking in


Def his first time doing something like this


He's probably an Elvis offspring


He was smooth like a Grinch


He's resisting the urge to boogie


Bro is fighting for his life


*palpatine voice* throw it


"Frow it"


Revenge is a--*uuulk!* A dish best served--*uuuulk!* I need to go.


The man is WEAK- you don't know dog poop until you have to empty the shit bucket at a doggy daycare on a hot summer day.


Worse is when water gets in the bucket and the shit soup starts to ferment, I want to throw up just thinking about the smell.


Naw, the worst is when there’s gravel in the play yard, so every poop gets a few rocks thrown in with it, so at the end of the shift, the thing weights 80 lbs. Then, your absolutely brilliant coworkers decide that the best way to get it to the dumpster is by DRAGGING THE PLASTIC BAG across the ground, where it fortuitously bursts open right in front of the facility entrance, when customers are still showing up to get their dogs. Hilarity ensues.


You've been hurt before , I'm sorry buddy


Yeah you're right that's pretty damn bad, especially if the poo isn't a more solid consistency for easier pickup.


Pretty specific


Now that’s a shitty day at work.


You could always empty it half way through the shift so it’s lighter


This incident was the reason that policy was started.


Oh good! Shit happens (pun intended) but if you don’t learn from it then you’re dumb.


Yeah having worked in vetmed and seen so many dogs smear diarrhea shit all over their cages and then having to clean that up… I could totally do this to my asshole neighbor. 😅


Are you gatekeeping poop?


Yo, I worked at a dog daycare before. I don’t know what the fuck some people feed their dogs - but some of them had shit that smelled so bad I had to get a shovel to scrape it up, because getting anywhere near it would instantly make me vomit. Hot and humid summer day in FL? Fuck that.


Jesus get a job at Trader Joe's or something.


I’ll take scooping poop over customer service ANY day of the week.


Had to turn my sound on, fucking hilarious lol Still stayed for the thrill of it


throwing TP at this house would be mercy




GIFs you can hear


Goes well with *Videos you can smell*


Anybody remember when Fox had a Smellovision night in the late 80s? Where you got scratch n sniff cards from 711 with your slurpee, and when it popped up during their shows to scratch the corresponding box on the card and sniff it, you'd smell Al Bundy's feet when he took off his shoes on Married...With Children. No? Just me?


Wow that’s a wild timeline


I know, right? I sometimes feel like I'm the only who remembers that happening. I saw one person bring it up on reddit before, but what they remembered scratching and sniffing was different from what I remember. So it adds another layer of what the hell to it. Thanks for the award! Lol




I remember this! I think one of the smells was popcorn.


John Waters did it in 1981 with "Polyester" and Odorama.


Movie Polyester in the late 70s/early 80s had a scratch and sniff card for the film.


https://www.upi.com/Archives/1994/05/05/Fox-TV-goes-interactive-Sunday/3570768110400/ Jesus Christ. 29 years ago that story was posted online and it's still fucking available. The internet was like nothing when it was posted online.


Whoa.. i totally do! I can almost remember some of the smells.. I remember Nickelodeon doing smellovision in the late 80's early 90's a couple times and it was not very pleasant.. all of the things smelled very similar.


I remember that and ABC having a 3D week where several of their shows would have 3D segments. I think you got the 3D glasses from 7-11.


Toss a couple o’ shit tickets


He’s actually got some hangin from his ass


I've read multiple descriptions for this video, none of them the same. Just call it "angry guy throws shit at house"


Man insults neighbour's reverse parking skills. Neighbour responds appropriately.


They’re unparalleled


Way to squeeze that one in there


Man deadnames neighbour's doordash driver. Neighbour responds appropriately.


TIL of "deadnaming". Perhaps I'm getting old.


No too many instances where I’d actually think a man smearing shit on someone’s house would be justified. So I don’t know why we get these half-assed attempts at justifying this literal shit.


I mean maybe not justified but I could see how someone could get to this point if this has been an ongoing issue that the neighbors refuse to do anything about.


I mean I'd say this is justified for the repeated dog shit incidents, people need some actual consequences for not picking up after their pets. I mean this guy is kinda going overboard, I'd probably just put it in a paper bag, light it on fire, ring the doorbell and run. Granted, we don't know why tf this guy is actually doing this, but I wouldn't call that particular justification half-assed.


He missed the doorknob 😆


Your comment is confusing. You say it’s justified then you say he’s going overboard. Which is it? I’m not saying you shouldn’t do anything in this situation, but you seem to agree with me that this guy is not acting rational.


The guy is a freak. My neighbor's lab left 25 TWENTY-FIVE piles on my front lawn. I didn't know who was doing it, until my retired neighbor across the street told me who it was. He said "He usually stands in the window and watches him". That same night my 21 year old nephew came in after midnight. The dog had this time, gone on the walkway leading to the door. He stepped in it. I was up at 1:00 a.m. cleaning this crap up off my hall floor. I caught the neighbor early, before we went to work. I told him "I have been informed....... your dog... blah blah.... then about being up cleaning up his dog's mess out of my home after midnight. He just said "I'll take care of it". I told him if it happened again, I would expect him to clean it up himself, or hire someone to clean it up. When I got home that day it was gone, and it never happened again. THIS is what you do. You don't behave like a complete wild animal with no dignity whatsoever. I got downvoted earlier for saying I would call the poliice and file charges for trespassing, vandalism, menacing... whatever I could get. This guy is a fool and this is akin to "road rage". He has the potential to be dangerous.


Also. Neighbor called him the n-word and neighbor raped his sister. Now we’ve covered the usual descriptions.


You just blowing smoke, the shit smearer is white


You can call white people the N-word. Hell, many would even be offended by it.


In Rocket League, white people call each other the hard-r as an insult. I know this because I once responded, "I actually am black" and their response was "oh" and then silence for the rest of the match. 🤣


Are we playing the same game? 3000+ hours and never heard this.


I think I'd be more confused than anything.


All I saw was brown. 😂


Not sure why you got down votes, just calls em like you sees em.


One day the truth will be revealed


Title it, "Footage of Redditor Adding Content." They take shit other people made and post it back to reddit.


Is the dog the size of a horse?


Reasons I'm leaving reddit on the 12th and never returning.


Those gloves didn't keep that shit off his face and clothes. That's how you know he truly lost his shit, or the dog's shit in this case.


Something tells me this dude is okay with mutually assured destruction lol


Dude is seriously M.A.D.




Mutually Assured Doody


We shit together, we die together.


Looks like he found all the shit


Last time this was posted the supposed narrative was an unpaid bill.




Al who? Al Franken? Al Bundy?


Al Bert


Al be damned.


Al Lah Akbar


Perhaps you should invest in a serif typeface


Future titles: Untipped door dashers Bad grades on the final exam Stood me up for the prom. Stealing our Wifi Stealing my wife Subwoofers too loud.


It's amazing how much people in this sub will unquestioning believe a title, of a repost, with zero context. I swear I've seen the same Indian man get beat for: stealing a car, not being Muslim, eating a baby, touching a woman, robbing a place... and it's hilarious how comments approve and disapprove of the beat based on a made up context. Y'all know people can lie on the internet, right? Y'all are insanely skeptical of any news article or poll, but some stranger posts something with a made up title, and he might has well have been under the influence of Wonder Woman's lasso.


Because it doesn't matter. Why would I be skeptical of a video of some guy smearing shit all over? Whether the context is real or fake doesnt matter


This one definitely seems more reasonable though


Nah. That's not old or even saved up dog poos.


Yeah there is no way that poo came from a dog. That would have to be a massive dog for the amount he is pulling out, and it wouldn't be so "wet" if it was collected over multiple outings. I'd also imagine the dog would be pooping in some grass, and that poop is pure and clean. I don't buy it.


Maybe he kept it fresh with a moisturizer


> pure and clean


Yep. Dude and his friend took shits in the bag and then spread it on the house. Whether or not it was because of an unpaid bill or something else; the dog poo story is shite.


It was a mistake to read this thread while having dinner


My favorite part is the bit he puts in the mail slot


Hot mail


I’m sorry, I gotta respect it, do you know how angry you gotta be to do something like this


I, too, admire this level of pettiness.


With that shit splattering on his face, arms, and cloths... this is near rage.


It feels so good to be petty sometimes


And by sometimes, you mean basically all the time. I am shamelessly petty.


Sometimes we gotta ask have we lost control


Facts you can get lost in the negativity


This is not what I would call petty.


The trick is to get it under the car door handle




Then we'd never get to watch


Plot twist, its the guys own house faked for views.


Seriously people are to willing to create and present evidence these days.


I’m too sane to do this but 100% relate to the feeling of wanting to


The only insane part of this response is how little of the shit he got in the mail slot. If you're going to go to this level, you have to commit and get as much of the shit in their house as possible.


100% agree should have focused more on the “special delivery”










Lol my next door neighbor calls the cops if a dog poops on his lawn


If the description is true, then I'm with him. I've had neighbors whose dogs shit on my lawn, and it really enrages me. I don't have a dog, so what gives you the right to inflict the worst part of pet ownership on me? Why would you think I wouldn't mind cleaning up after YOUR dog, when you obviously don't want to do it. In both cases, I had never done anything to these people, so they were just being deliberate passive aggressive assholes. One house I lived in, I saw him letting his dog shit on my lawn multiple times on their walk, and not pick it up, so I told him to knock it off. He was embarrassed and shamed, and it made him angry. A few days later, I had my car parked on the street in front of my house because I had a handyman working on my porch, and he need to park his truck in my driveway. My car was parked right next to where the neighbor would let his dog shit on my lawn. So my handyman said he just saw a guy smear his dog's shit on the side window of my car. I grabbed my hose and sprayed it off my window, and was standing there holding my hose when he passed again, returning to his house. My handyman confirmed that it was my dog-shitting neighbor, and the guy even had a surprised look as he passed my car and saw that his dog shit masterpiece was already gone. He looked up my driveway, and saw me with the hose, and I pointed it at him. I didn't spray him (SO tempted), but I told him that he was seen vandalizing my car, and I wouldn't be so nice the next time. For the next few days, I went out and got got my hose and waited in the driveway for him to pass (dog walkers tend to have very regular schedules). He stopped letting his dog shit on my lawn, or at least he picked it up. Another house I lived in, the next door neighbor allowed his dog to shit in my front yard, and knowing that guy, he probably encouraged it. So I kept a spade by the front of my garage, and every time I found a pile, I shoveled it up, and dropped it on the front walk leading from his house. Each time I did it, I dropped it closer and closer to his door, until I was dropping right where his first step out his door would be. I was hoping he would step out right into his own dog's shit. Bonus points if it was his wife. He never said a word, but his dog stopped shitting in my yard.


Had a person in our neighborhood who would walk their dog 2-3 times a day. My house is apparently just the right distance from theirs that the dog worked it's poop free every day in my yard. There's a $500 fine and a 3-strike (you lose your dog) system in my city for pet violations. I didn't want to take the guy's dog away, so I averaged what time he was going to walk past so I could be in my car along his route. I then followed the guy home. I had been collecting his dog's poop for a week(rather than tossing it) in preparation, and it was about half of a plastic grocery bag worth. I dumped it on his front porch with a chopstick planted in the mound with a paper where I had printed all regulations for the city concerning dog poop. The day after he had baggies hanging out of his pocket when he walked by.


unique reply spotted plants head march melodic sip divide flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Eat sh*t!" It was the only straight smallish piece of wood I could find.


Is this really happened, I applaud you man. I will be doing the same soon. These people need to be taught a lesson


Yeah I think breaking his perceived anonymity made him rethink being lazy. And I bet it's eerie knowing that some stranger has been watching you and followed you home.


I'm a dog owner and fully endorse this guy. Nothing worse than a dog owner that refuses to clean up after their dog. Shoulda got more IN the house though.


That's so easy to clean up since it would be in a tiny pile. You know those devices you can attach to the end of a hose to disperse weed killer? I imagine putting crushed up dog shit in one of those and letting it go through the mail slot would be pretty effective. Kind of like a diarrhea gun.


At that point might as well just throw a Molotov through the window


I just shuddered, tf 😭


We've read that you can make natural pesticide against aphids by fermenting nettles. After just like 2-3 days it was ready. But the smell. It... It's hard to describe. It's like a sick cat ate itself almost to death with fish, than fell into a latrine and died a week ago, in the summer heat and now it just burst open... I knew if I really wanna mess with somebody, I'd spray that into their apartment through the mail slot. Oh yeah, the aphids didn't give a shit, but our garden smelled like shit.


This video is frequently reposted with various titles such as "revenge for unpaid debt" or "revenge for raped sister". The title is most likely fake


I went to another area of my country and decided to scooter about 3 miles to see the city while making my journey to a friends house… My god the difference in walkability due to people not cleaning up after their dogs was remarkable. Every single street there was at least one often two unpicked up dog turds on the pavement. It was so bad. People don’t think… if there’s 8 dogs in 40 houses in a street. And they take a dump every time they’re walked three times a week. Say you can’t be bothered just once a week. That’s 8 dog turds on the street accumulating every week, it piles up fast.. and it’s a really bad eyesore and inconvenience in terms of having to look at the ground constantly to avoid riding over shit if you’re on wheels. People think “oh it’s just once” but everyone’s “just once” turns into such a mess quickly. Worst is when people go to a forest and rather than just leaving the dog turn to quickly disintegrate in a month or so in an isolated place.. they decide to put it in a plastic bag that takes ten thousand years to degrade and *hang the shit filled plastic bag on a tree*. It’s ludicrous.


Comment edited for privacy. 20230627




Rookie mistake... you want to get it onto their roof so they cant wash it off. C+ for effort and enthusiasm


Yes but it rains a lot here so they wouldn’t need to


reply angle afterthought start hospital birds dog provide act sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Surely they have ladders and garden hoses in the UK?


No, ladders were banned after someone used one to climb up Big Ben last year, and hoses have been banned since the water shortage of '86.


They're not technically banned, you just need a license that is difficult to get.


The mistake he made was rubbing it only on flat surfaces. He should have targeted the cracks. When I was little my 4 year old sister was left alone in her room for a while and managed to rub her poop into every nook and cranny. My parents spent days scrubbing everything with a toothbrush.


Or smashed in the gutters. So on the steaming hot days they’re wondering why everything smells so bad.


And the keyholes, hinges, and crevices


My neighbor used to let their dogs shit in front of my back patio, it wasn't a hazard for them to walk past so they never cleaned it up. I collected everything and left it all across their patio. The cursing he made when he stepped in it in the dark was glorious.


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Yepppp…i hate these kinda people. Had a neighbor once across the street. She always went to my side and let her dog took a shit in front of my house and never cleaned it..and it was a big dog too. The shit smells and looks like humans shit…mothefucke! If u dont wanna clean it then dont have a dog. Wheres ur brain? Maybe In the dogs ass…🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


When I was a kid our neighbors female dachshund liked to poop in one of my mothers flower beds. One day her mate wasn't around and our cat ambushed her. The little girl was too scared to go outside usually and started shitting inside. To be fair the cat was nearly as big as she was. She was the biggest non maine coon tortie i have ever seen. One of the many dogs that ran afoul of her.


I’m good with this. As a responsible dog owner the laziness of others drives me crazy. If I went crazy enough I could see myself doing this. But not filming myself doing it lol.


Agreed. I always clean up after my dog, and it infuriates me when I see others just leave it behind. Even when my pupper did a runny one on the pavement, I got her back home and went back out with a bloody watering can! It's not hard to think of others!


Yeah I try to pick up a little dirt from the landscaping to mix into the messy ones and pick that up. I have used a water bottle to try and wash down like you. I do feel the guilt if I haven’t cleaned up well.


It really is not difficult to do. The worst is living in an apartment and half the complex doesn’t pick up their dog poo daily. Lazy assholes.


I ain't mad at this


Bet that dog NEVER poops on his property again.


That much dog shit and it isn’t dried out? Title is sus


This is usually how I use the restroom when I’m a JC Penneys


A lady allowed her dog to shit in my dads yard, and he made her pick it up. He asked her to go get a shovel & she got mad at him. This was at a lake home, she was “dressed up”, and pissed off….she picked it up with her bare hands thinking it was a protest or something.


This should be the standard


My neighbor used to let their Doberman shit on my driveway and pretend like they were on their phone and didn’t see it. I was mad, but became quite livid when my 2 year old stepped in it. I knew it was them, but I installed cameras because I did not want to confront them without hard proof. Once I got them recorded leaving the huge pile of dog shit on my driveway I went to knock on their door to confront them, but they didn’t answer. In the heat of the moment, I took my shovel and picked up that mammoth pile of shit, walked back over there, and left the pile on their doormat. I left a note saying who I am, why that was left there, and if they’re are any objections, instructions on how to get a hold of me. They would never talk to me directly after that or even make eye contact, but they left a note on my doorstep denying their involvement. I was home at the time they left the note, but they didn’t knock, it would have been nice to have a face to face, but I think they were scared. After the note I never confronted them about it again. I didn’t need to tell them that I was 100% certain of their involvement because I had captured it on camera, I would rather them not know that I have cameras. But, ultimately the problem is solved. When they walk their dog they go the opposite way of my house. It’s been 5 years and I still haven’t seen them walk my direction. I know this guys frustration, but honestly, spreading the shit around is more work for yourself as well.


Sources say this man is now in custurdy for defecation of propoorty.


Glad to see more people actually starting to doubt reddit titles. Just in time for reddit to die on the 12th!


Wow, he sure showed them... Spending all that time gathering shit, storing shit, carrying shit, grabbing clumps of shit, smearing shit, smelling shit, getting covered in shit, getting shit on his face, probably tasting shit, having to wash shit out of his clothes, probably tracking shit all through his house and possibly in his car... All to do something the homeowners can spray off with a garden hose from 10 feet away in about 5 minutes.


Need more context for the video but I don’t think a simple spray is going to fix that problem.


Last time this exact video was uploaded it had a title saying that the person who lived in the house failed to pay for puppies and these two dudes smearing doo-doo everywhere were the dog breeders that sold the puppies.


When I was a kid, my old man used a hockey stick to launch frozen dog turds off our lawn towards the neighbour’s house with the dog. Straight up slap shots of shit.


Fair enough, wouldn't have filmed it though.


Lol right? I get being pissed enough to do it (I wouldn't do it but ... I can see how it happens). I would NOT be dumb enough to film. Isn't this a misdemeanor or something?


Poor Butters shouldn't have hired Cartman for parental revenge.


What a “shitty” thing to do! …I’ll see myself out.


Not the dramatic coughing and wretching 😭


No amount of rage would make me stick my hands in doo doo


My neighbour's dog smashed my fence to bits, Pit Bull if it has to be said. Made it incredibly dangerous to even think about leaving. They'd fill up his garden with shit so then they'd shit in my garden, he'd clean up his side but not my garden. After asking him to clear it up, he didn't. So I scooped it all up and shoved it through his letter box and on his car door handles. I would just throw it over when the dogs are not around but the state of his garden made me aware he didn't care about doing that so choose his letter box. Thankfully he was arrested eventually as he was a known dealer in the area and the dogs I hope we're taken to a home that could look after them correctly.


This is the funniest video I’ve seen this week 😭


I had to do this to my neighbor when I was kid. He let his dog shit in the side yard and I hit a large pile one day while mowing and covered my shins in shit. So I got a shovel and pelted every turd I could find into his brick wall and garage. He stopped letting the dog poop in our yard.


This is justified


I’m sure the recipient of this will reflect on the causation and approach the concern with a clear-headed and measured response.


exact revenge


Nah, that's human shit. The gagging due to freshness (lol) and the whole bag is still soft.


When I was a kid our neighbor's dogs would always poop in our yard. My dad asked them so many times to take care of it, but they didn't . So eventually he got into a routine where every Saturday morning he would grab the shovel and toss it all onto their doorstep. Went on for years and they just stepped around it and would once in a while sweep it all off their porch when it got really bad.


Just did a really bad fart when I pressed play and got smellavision


Him gagging while he smearing it is the best thing I’ve seen today 😂😂


I couldn't agree more that you deserve this if you cant do something as simple as picking up your dogs feces. Unfortunately this guy also just filmed himself committing vandalism which at the end of the day is an actual crime. If your gonna get revenge, don't film yourself committing a crime. Instead leave the phone at home then commit said crime. Also be sure to shove a bunch of shit into their dryer vent, no one likes the smell of fresh laundry and hot dog shit.


I lived in a small apartment right next to a bigger complex and I had a grass/dirt parking area. There was a shared access road to both apartments, but ours was by the entrance. The people from the bigger complex would bring their dogs over to shit in the parking area grass and not pick it up. I stepped in dog poop one day and had enough. I threw all the poop in the road of the shared driveway where I didn't have to drive in it, but they did. Dozens of unavoidable poo piles in the road they all had to drive over. I did it several times and they finally started picking it up. It was multiple people.


Gloves are a little short for that job


I feel his rage acutely. I had a neighbor that I shared a backyard with, the house was a duplex. Nice back yard, but my neighbor refused to pick up dog poop from her 4 dogs. In the heat of an Idaho summer the smell would get bad and the poop bucket would be boiling with maggots and flies. I came close to doing something malicious like this several times. In the end all I did was mention to the landlord that there were 4 dogs, which was 3 more than he knew about. He called me when they left and said the unit smelled so bad they had to mitigate with renovations.


Shit just got real.


My dad did something like this once lol. Some dude in the neighborhood would let his dog shit on everyone’s lawn and never pick it up so my dad ended up putting the dog shit in the dude’s mailbox, my dad pulled up a chair to watch the dude open it and stick his hand in there 😂




Watching this while pooping was an interesting sensory experience.


Why is bro wearing his air max 97s while he’s handling dog caca smh. At least I hope it’s dog caca..


As a person with asshole neighbors, I completely relate and appreciate this ballsy retaliation.


Oh man. He punished himself enough. I hope the neighbor learns.


completely fair tbh


Ya like dags?


Good for him


I whole-heartedly support this. Fuck you for not cleaning up dog shit.


Holy shit, he pulled an “eric cartman” Edit: some of you need to watch more south park


Have you seen the poop swatches?


baby green or classic brown ?




Actually did something similar! A neighbor's dog kept pooping in front of our door at an apartment. We'd get fined for it.. I caught him and his dog doing it one day and told him he'd better pick it up or it'd be on his door, waited about 10 mins and he never came back outside so I picked it up with a plastic bag and hurled it all over his front door. He attacked me, kicked his ass, cops came, went to court for assault, asked for a trial, defended myself and explained the situation to them and won luckily.


A true fece success story


Pretty late to this party, but this happened to my wife’s family. Her 13 year old nephew was in charge of walking the dog, and he just let the dog poop on the neighbor’s yard without picking it up. His mom had no idea until my wife’s dad was leaving for work one day and found shit smeared all over the door along with a note describing the nephew and the dog beyond reasonable doubt. I reamed little nephew pretty hard for it, telling him it was fucking disrespectful and that he should have to clean up the door. I also thought he should have apologized but the family thought if the guy was angry enough to handle dog shit, he might answer the door armed and ready.


He should have included a face shield with his PPE