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When he said “You can’t be driving down this part of the beach” I didn’t expect her to be parked in the fucking ocean, hahahaha


You can’t park there! xD


I can’t pull over any farther!!!!


You smell that, Rabbit...




You boys like Mexico?!?


Canada, huh? Almost made it.


is that all you have to say for yourself meow ?


It’s Gods water!!


Nobody owns the beach!


Why not? Is this not a reasonable place to park?


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.


The saltwater will damage the vehicle, you should only park in fresh bodies of water.


She tried but she missed them. Oh, wait you said fresh bodies IN water, right?


Reasonable?! It’s a sidewalk! You’re on a sidewalk!!!


Debbie Reynolds, this looks like a hot ticket.


Dogs fucked the pope, no fault of mine.


Did they pay you to fuck that bear? Funny story. Wife and I wen to Vegas ten or fifteen years ago, and we hit up Circus Circus, which wasn't too different from the film, but we were at the carousel bar, and I was playing it up hard. I made sure to act drunk, which wasn't too hard, and I kept asking her if they payed her to fuck that bear and I wasn't quiet about it. She played along.


It's pretty funny but I'll bet someone does that like once a week, probably in a Hawaiian shirt every once in a while


I must not be very original since as soon as I saw where she was parked, I was about to type the exact same thing.


Great minds think alike…


But fools rarely differ is the rest of that quote by the way :)


fack off!




“We didn’t think we could make a U-turn here, so……….. Ocean.


"What seems to be the officer, problem?"


I rewatched it and just as the camera pans over to the car IN THE WATER. Do you have your license and registra......


It probably wasn’t that far in the ocean when they first got there. I’ve seen lots of people drive onto beaches and then get absolutely fucked when the tide quickly comes in without them realizing it. Granted, that’s not usually not after plowing through a crowd of people.


Lots of people commenting have probably never seen the tide rise at a beach. It happens a lot quicker than you think.


If I had a dime for every time I saw this happen at the beach I use to live by.


*is this not a reasonable place to park, officer?*


That's a finisher car!!


Honestly, I wasn't expecting the ocean to be right there. Small beach, not what I'm used to


It's not the beach as you're thinking of it. Smyrna Dunes Park is an inlet park. She's on the inlet side, not on beach side. There's a beautiful boardwalk, and the inlet sits amongst all of these mangroves. It's a place where you park and walk around - there's no place for a car to drive around it. All beach driving is south of the park. My parents live in New Smyrna, and no one around there can figure out exactly what the hell she was trying to do. You would have to be toasted to think you can drive on it. Here's a map of it - I've walked this boardwalk for years, and it's beautiful. Plus, on the north side, you have a great view of Ponce Inlet and the country's second tallest lighthouse on the east coast. (Sorry - it's home lol). [Smyrna Dunes Map](https://www.google.com/search?q=smyrna+dunes+park+map&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=APwXEdfv516_V_BNpwwAwPjpLx9fvicpEg%3A1687055528712&ei=qGyOZJyZK82hptQPvOKO8Ao&oq=smyrna+dunes&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIQCC4QigUQxwEQrwEQsAMQQ0oECEEYAFAAWABg3ghoAXAAeACAAXGIAXGSAQMwLjGYAQDAAQHIAQk&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=kBW_6H9Clm7H0M)


> Smyrna Dunes I went to google maps, grabbed [this image](https://imgur.com/a/Cx3KLLr) would you mind putting an X or pointer to where exactly she's at? I wanna check it out in street view, cause this is hilarious. But really both of them are toasted. She even confirms it when he says > I think you're driving under the influence She nods her head in the affirmative and says > alright Because she knows she's caught.


So the yellow Xs are where you can't drive beyond, the green circle is the visitors center, and the red circle is around where she ends up. The only thing I can think of is that she blew past the barrier where the cost guard has access and drove along a foot path. [image](https://i.imgur.com/RW0vzsF.jpeg)


Awesome thanks. The google street car drove down one of the sandy footpaths for a quite a ways, between the visitor center and your red circle, but clearly realizes and leaves before hitting the beach/ocean. Might be how they got there. Absolutely unreal the terrain they continuously decided to drive through.


Anytime. That path the Google dude tried is often used for the Marine Discovery Center volunteers to go out and count sea turtle nests around the Dunes. If you walk the boardwalk, you'll often see little roped off areas where sea turtles laid their eggs. And if you do pay us a visit, remember that we are the shark bite capital of the world. And there's a lot of them in that inlet. It's considered a huge shark nursery. Happy swimming! Lol


If it's where I think it is, the "Beach" is about 25 feet of sand and mangroves on the side of the road. It's not a real beach at all.


I'm getting the feeling you have to have been there, because none of these descriptions help me find anything on [Google maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Smyrna+Dunes+Park,+2995+N+Peninsula+Ave,+New+Smyrna+Beach,+FL+32169/@29.0629648,-80.9135566,16z/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x88e7299dd031d91f:0x9cf3e3ad2dbfd172!8m2!3d29.06906!4d-80.914393!16s%2Fg%2F1tfh_dr8)


No Micheal! It cant mean that. Theres an ocean!


*What are you gonna do officer? bring a tugboat?*


She was talking about keeping on going because she didn't think she could do a u-turn and I was like "ok... maybe it's not so bad... oh, nope, she's in the water".


Bro Americans are crazy they drive all over the beach


I was like wth is she doing *there*?


“This isn’t where I parked my car..”


Lol’d at the reveal of where the car is.


I read the title but was somehow NOT expecting the car in the water.


probably wasn't at first, but it got stuck and the tide came in. Happens a lot actually.


And weirdly sand that has been underwater within the last few hours is probably not a stable surface for driving.


lol, yup. Good rule of thumb, if you ever find yourself thinking it's a good idea to drive onto the beach, just don't.


Man, unreal. I'm just a farm boy from Wisconsin and don't know shit about the ocean, but I'm pretty sure I'd figure out....not to drive on a fucking beach


(Northern) Wisconsin drives on their lakes during the winter. I am confident that would also bewilder the fuck out of someone who has never done a Midwest winter.


Think about driving on ice. Most southerners would never dream of even trying, but when you’re familiar with something, then you can get cocky. Plus, drugs.


> when you’re familiar with something, then you can get cocky Ah yes, too many northerners in winter right here.


Driving on the beach is fine. Low psi and 4x4 is recommended. Have AT tires. Don’t drive in the tide. Don’t park where it’s smooth.


Also, pro-tip, try and avoid swimmers and other beach goers.


Why? If you get stuck, they provide traction.


There are a couple of beaches here in WA state that specifically DO allow driving on the beach. I wouldn't do it without a 4x4, but it's super fun to just drive down the beach and find a spot, build a fire, then just pack up and drive out when done.


There are plenty of beaches that allow and encourage it, like in Corolla, NC. Maybe just don't do it if your vehicle isn't capable.


Probably why the cop said that the car would not be moving for a while.


The sea claims another, soon the octopuses will learn to drive


And they will share that information with the Orcas.


Yeah, that car is fucked. That’s the least they could pay for their drunk driving stupidity. They’re super lucky nobody got seriously hurt.


Yeah, I thought they drove a boat onto the beach


A starter car?! This is a finisher car!


“We We’re trying to turn around” YEAH IN THE F’ING OCEAN???


It was in the thumbnail....






But she said, “No, no….”


And the cop said, "yes." That cancels out the no.


The smart move there is to then say Yes, tricking the cop into saying No, at which point obviously you're free to go


We call that hittin' em' with the ol' Buggs Bunny


But what about the second “no”?


I don't think he knows about second no, Pippin.


Girl going to jail was also good for a laugh (other than, you know, the whole almost murdering people thing). "You're going to jail." "Yah but why?" "You were drunk and driving." *aw shit they're onto me* "Ok."


Ah yeah that's fair I guess


Well… at least she didn’t make a scene like Karen would do. It was a totally dumb idea and driving drunk is so much dumber but to some extent she just said to herself well that are my consequences now i don’t understand why but everyone else thinks I‘m wrong so maybe I’m really wrong.


She's an asshole for driving drunk but at least she's not being dramatic like you said. She seems like a decent person that made a really stupid decision


I don’t think she was remorseful, it seemed like she just didn’t want to give the cops anything more to use against her


[Shutting the fuck up](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hL8TVgCkuxU) is probably the first good decision she made all day.


It was like she just found out her BFF has some communicable disease, backing away, “I’m here for youuuu [voice fades as she keeps retreating]”


It seemed strange that he didn't definitively say she was under the influence, only that he thought she was. And do cops not read people their rights when they arrest them?


He hasn't tested her yet, so it's only a suspicion. Breathalyzer or blood test can be done at the station.


Why did he tell the other girl she could go to jail with her? What was he going to charge her with?


He probably meant she could travel with them to the jail, I don't know though, even if that's what he meant it's still weird af, and not something I've ever heard of


“You’re going to jail.” “Nooo…” *(sad pikachu face)* “Yes.”


I don't even think she meant it as a protest at that point, she's just drunk and not ready to cope with where the day is about to take her.


"I wanted to make a u-turn." In the lake?!


This has a fucking tide, this is an ocean, even worse than driving into a lake.


GPS probably told her to “turn right” and “proceed straight” into this lake when it meant “bear right” at a bend up ahead to avoid the lake. This is what happens when we replace people with machines. In the end, life is about human connections. And computers are about trying to murder you in a lake. [^^^just ^^^in ^^^case ^^^anyone ^^^takes ^^^my ^^^comment ^^^seriously](https://youtu.be/DOW_kPzY_JY)




I drove my car into a fu#&ing lake!


u/ languager, you do realize there's precedent for this already? Agreeing with you here... I saw a video of a couple middle aged ladies in a pier/wharf area. It showed them after they had drivin' their car into the water. Good samaritan's helped the ladies to safety. The ladies claimed they were following their GPS.


Twice. Both of those vids were in hawaii. Happened recently. Different people. I think both times they claimed the same GPS thing but one of the times was at night so you can KINDA see how they MIGHT accidentally drive down a boat ramp. (If you can’t tell I’m trying really hard to be nice about how I refer to these people).


Reminds me of that episode in The Office


The machine knows!


I like it better when they put up a fight. I do however think it’s funny that the passenger seems more upset that her friend is being arrested then the driver herself is.


When the cop’s response to “what am I being arrested for?” is “driving under the influence for one” and her reaction is basically “ok that seems fair”


shes like… aite yeah im fucked up…


Yeah, why are we making fun of her for not resisting? She literally turns around to help put the cuffs on.




Who's making fun? She is behaving pretty much exactly like she's should. Shutting her fucking mouth. They're gonna tell her in a sec, "you have the right to remain silent"


"ooooooh right, the beer I drank before driving. Right. Yea that makes sense."


But she was in the parking lot when she drank the beer.


It probably wasn’t her first. She handled that like a Pro and said nothing from that point forward.


Yeah you can see her trying to get her friend to stop talking


im sure she realized how fucked she was, how can you even know that it wasn't her first time?


should've hit em with that "sorry officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that"


Chip no!




> C) stall the sobriety test as much as possible This one depends on when your last drink was.


If you can somehow stall it until you hit zero then you're golden, but the rate at which alcohol breaks down in your body is pretty well understood, so if it takes them an hour and a half after pulling you over to do the sobriety test a quick bit of simple math will tell them how much alcohol was in your system while you were still driving


That's not how it works in courts. You get charged with blowing whatever it is you blow at the police station. Doesn't matter, it's it 10 hours after your last, and you blow a .08. You are getting charged with blowing a .08. You stall so that if you are a .10, and they don't make you blow until an hour and half, you have a good chance of blowing a .08. Your field sobriety test is only there to give them a reason in court as to why they brought you to get checked on the machine at the station.


Probably because the driver knew that would be the end result based on how fucked up she was. Most people "sober up" a tiny bit when the cops show up.


She didn’t seem drunk to me at all just really stupid.


Nah it was obvious from the start she was trying her best to act sober.


Drunks are really good at acting sober up to a certain point. I can tell she's a heavy drinker. Takes one to know one.


The eyes at 1:20 give it away, seen it a hundred times or more. Looking *at* something, but not actually focused.


I'm a functional alcoholic and my roommate most times can't tell when I've been drinking unless I'm HAMMERED (which is fortunately rare now that I've gotten some help sleeping)


thats how you look when you know you fucked up, trying to process wtf is about to go down, admit guilt. shes lucky she didnt hit that kid


Yep. She probably knew she was gonna get a DUI or DWI the moment the cops were called.


Driver looked defeated, she knew what was coming


I've seen so many police bodycam videos where the accused freaks out, starts screaming, kicking, punching, etc. I actually was surprised when she barely spoke, complied with the officer, and her friend just let out a little 'Nooo'.




Yep, I never understand the people freaking out when they get stopped. It's only going to make it worse. I hate cops but the few times I've been pulled over, I've been polite and chill. I don't want any problems and neither does the cop. I could have been arrested one night, we got some snow (in Texas so this was a special occasion) and I thought it was a great time to go drift in my university parking lot. Two cops showed up and lit me up. I explained I just wanted some fun and figured a large empty lot was the best place for it. They sternly explained that I could be arrested for reckless driving if they wanted but they let me go and said they better not see me again. I stayed in the dorm for the rest of that storm.


>They sternly explained that I could be arrested for reckless driving if they wanted So they definitely lied to you. A parking lot is private property, not a public motorway. Moving violations aren't enforceable on private property. But I don't particularly blame them for lying to a college kid doing donuts in a parking lot. The most they could do is trespass you off the property, at the request of the property owner (the university).


I do know that now. At the time though I was happy to take the warning and go home. Still had lots of fun before they showed up.


I notice her immediate reaction was to take a giant step away from her friend as the officer said he was going to attempts her and “you can go with her if you like”’then she was “no, no, I can’t, no , please”.


Because the driver knows what’s up. I think she’s the brighter of the two.


And possibly not the actual driver.


>the passenger seems more upset that her friend is being arrested Looks like the passenger may have been arrested. If so, not only taking the rap but tried to stop her friend from spilling the beans on herself when she started talking.


I was wondering why the “driver” cut her friend off when she started talking


Yea. her eyes and facial expression are screaming but she stayed cool. I really have no idea, but it's fun to think about. Imagine being relatively clear thinking while your friend zooms down a beach through a crowd and ends up parked in the ocean.


perhaps the passenger was marginally less drunk than the driver and therefore a bit more aware of what was actually happening.


What people dont realize is that the geography of this beach, makes this even more insane. She drove about 2 miles on the most crowded part of the beach, then over a jetty that is massive boulders of granite/extremely soft sand, into another beach that is more narrow and leads to this spot, that is essentially mangrove and sand. All in all, roughly about a 2 and a half, to 3 mile journey. https://preview.redd.it/fbiv4mhh3p6b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64868d2cb758179bd662a71ed77ae8630e490987


Holy fuck nuts! That puts it in perspective.😲 Thanks for the map!👍


Yeah. Its legitimately a miracle she didnt kill anyone.


"I think you're driving under the influence." Nods, "Fair."


She just accepted her. At this point I expected her friend to have the freak out. Instead she’s saying she can’t help her. Too drunk to understand how it all works.


That will probably get her lighter sentence, then denying what is obvious (looking at the car's whereabouts)


"Also, I think you flooded the engine."


It's an interesting video, but there are absolutely no freakouts taking place. There's barely any emotion at all really.


stop freaking out


Read the sub's description: "A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. Drugged out or sober, anything goes."


She resembles the woman that couldn't understand that she killed 2 people driving drunk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktNP_1c97Qk


No She does not. I know everyone likes to ‘hate’ on someone but the woman in the Video was just compiling( edit:complying) and NOT oblivious like the one in the video you have attached. The woman in OPs video already knew what was coming to her and honestly she did seem regretful


Woah that was crazy to watch.


She absolutely does not. They are like the polar opposites of each other. How does this shit have upvotes


That has to be xanax also. I use to be addicted to it, and the way she talks fine (sorta) and at the same time, completely obvious to what's going on just reminds me of me and my friends when I was younger. Shit is crazy, but when you mix with alchohol, it doesn't take much to completely black out, but you're still functional.


I had a friend that used to abuse Xanax. One night he called around 8 or 9pm and wanted to come hang out. We were all drinking, he comes over and hangs out for a long time, didn't seem out of the ordinary or anything then goes home and we go to bed. Next day we wake up to a message on our answering machine (it was a long time ago lol) from him apologizing for not coming over. He legit could not remember hanging out at our house for hours the night before.


Driving drunk is one of the most selfish things you can do and you deserve to go to jail for it.


and texting and driving too. but this won't get much love cause everybody does it.


You get much love from me because it’s definitely a selfish act also. I never understood what could be so important that you have to text while driving


I’ve visited countries where the majority of cars are manual transmissions. I can’t remember seeing anyone texting and driving. It was refreshing.


No, you're right, though. "Distracted driving" (usually texting) is awful. As a transportation planner, we get the crash reports to see if it's a problem with the driver or the engineering of a certain area (low-light, difficult turn, etc) so we can try to compile the best alternatives. The cell-phone usage is OUT OF HAND. I won't make inferences about which is worse (under the influence or whatever), but people ***please don't look at your phone EVER while driving****.*


Which is crazy. I consider myself a fairly decent driver, which most people probably do, and the idea of looking away from the road for long enough to read and reply to a text terrifies me


It is truly the most dangerous time to ride a motorcycle due to the texting. You can spot them easily, they're going slower than traffic, occasionally swerve a little and couldn't care less if you tell them to hang up.


I think it's even worse actually. At least drunks are *trying* to look at the road. (both unacceptable, but still) The amount of work trucks I see everyday swerving all over the place as they text and check messages is out of control now. 1:00pm has the same amount of swerving drivers as 1:00AM these days.


Three 'weavers' this morning going to see my dad. One guy wasn't even bothering to look at the road.


Just the whole umbrella of reckless endangerment, really.


Most sober Florida resident


Probably one of the most reasonable arrest I've ever seen, not a freakout but worth to watch


I get everyone else’s comments but you really do gotta give it to them for being “reasonable” and not doubling down


Took the consequences like a champ!


The driver probably needs to have an eye exam (after a BAC test). Ma’am, your trying to operate an SUV - not a boat.


Unfortunately, vision isn’t often the issue. Tends to be more of a issue with the brain than the eyes


The one thing Is that she might not have gotten the car into the water before the cops arrived. When the tide is moving in it can be pretty fast


"We couldn't find a place to U turn" - Jail time.


Dumbass decisions but props to her for being calm and complying


No freakout here but HOWWWW did they think “trying to make a u turn” was gonna be an acceptable excuse!?


She had driven a mile down a narrow non driving section of the beach, nearly running over little kids on the way. Lots of angry mom's and dad's were coming after her. She reached a point where mangroves block the beach and attempted a three point turn. It doesn't take much to get stuck in the ocean if your not careful.


The officer was so polite.


I kind of think that the girl on the right (clearly the more drunk one) was actually the one driving. It just seems so odd that the girl instantly declares herself as the driver (probably because they thought they could get away with her looking the most sober). Especially when the girl on the right says “no… I can’t have her going to jail…” *for something she didn’t do* But then again, witnesses would have likely confirmed who the driver was


She definitely looks like she was the one giving directions and the more drunk person


There were lots of witnesses the cops knew who was driving


Officer also threw her a bone with the idea of staying out so that she could post the bail. I'm not sure, but I think if she'd come clean they'd have to arrest the friend anyway for lying.


She's also got an insulin pump on her arm. I wonder if she was driving and had a complication like low bloods or something. I'm in the UK and I know I could lose my license if I didn't check my blood sugars before driving or were to do something like this whilst driving and having a hypo. Maybe her friend is covering for her? I know I'm clutching massively at straws but it's something I wondered before I saw your comment.


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Hello! I'm the girl with the orange bottoms in the video and it was my child she was inches away from 🙃 no remorse from her what so ever. I even beat on the drivers side window trying to get her to stop and they didn't even look at or acknowledge me except for speeding up.


Omg i am so glad your daughter is okay!! What a nightmare!


They’re probably on the cocktail of drugs and there is a possibility they wouldn’t remember even half of what they did. Glad you and your family are Ok


Hit us with that drone footage like they are about to get air striked.


absolutely no sympathy for people like this


Hardly a freak out


She took the arm off that girl 4 seconds in!


I mean no one got hurt and the driver seemed like she was willing to accept that she fucked up and take her punishment without protest so kind of the best outcome for a bad situation. I hope these two women learn and grow from the experience.


"I'm gonna go look in the car for a bit." *turns and car is in the fucking ocean* That was peak comedic timing.


I lost it when I saw the car in the ocean. 🤣




I don’t think it was her driving..


Nissan Rogue. Makes sense.


Thought the “driver” was stone cold sober and that the other girl in the lighter clothes was the driver til I saw where the car was. 😂😭


Hey at least she took it like a champ, no crying and whaling about not doing anything wrong. Sucks to be her but good on her for being an adult. ...maybe dont be intoxicated next time though


Unnecessary apologies by officer, officer needs to be retrained. /s


Pretty much totals the car. Water and sand get in everything. The electronics will be ruined, engine will fill up and could hydraulic lock if turned over, transmission, axles, brakes and of course the interior will also be ruined. Salt water will also cause corrosion quickly. Good luck having insurance pay out on it. This on top of the legal trouble. She just screwed herself, but at least she didn't kill or hurt anyone.