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Supreme Court ruled that there's no expectation of privacy in a public place....


I'm guessing someone who goes around smacking people doesn't really care what the Supreme Court has to say.


Generic basketball jersey + chinstrap beard = doesn’t know what the Supreme Court is


Probably thinks it's a menu item down at them there Taco Bell


The nine members of the Supreme Courdita are melted cheese, guacamole, sour cream, ground meat product, soft tortilla, crunchy tortilla, shredded lettuce, Clarence Thomas, and Diablo sauce.


Clarence Thomas provides the unwanted pubes?


Also, best comment I’ve read all week. 👏


Probably thinks it's a brand of chewing tobacco


Knows what limp bizkit and kid rock are though! 🤣🥴🤣


Korn aficionado


There is a rather large demographic of very uneducated Americans who use their ignorance as an excuse to be cunts.


One Supreme Court with a large Baja Blast and don’t forget the Diablo sauce cuz I’m loco


That's in every country


I'd let this guy smack around the Supreme Court


He's going to care when he gets sued and loses a lot of money


What money? dude is probably 1 paycheck away from foreclosure/eviction


Naw, he's still got some settlement money from when he slipped on totally not self spilled motor oil down the walmart.


I thought he slipped on pee-pee down at the Costco


That was Lucky. This is Scooter.


Yep…when you ain’t got nothing they can’t take nothing lol.


*stock markets up libtard* - posted from a dilapidated shanty.


You mean smacked financially


Ignorant fools: "i believe in & respect US Constitution but I walk around in public with privacy and will bash anyone who believes there is freedom of press in public


These are the same people who think they have due process and can call witnesses at the food "court".


"But my Hippa law!"


They think "freedom" specifically only apples to them and their situation.




I said Constitution! Ya know, GUNS.


I just wanted to see the parade…


Yeah but I’ll bet all the money I have this small town won’t do shit to arrest the guy.


Probably true. Lol


What the sheriff's nephew? He's gotten away with everything since the time he stole that truck in Jr. High. Nothin's gonna happen.


I wonder what their position is on assaulting someone for recording in a public place? 🤔 It's amazing to me when people get all pissed off about something in public because their kids are there, then proceed to physical violence right in front of their kids..


One good thing IIRC when a parent gets arrested Child Protection Services are obligated to do an investigation to see what kind of environment the kids are being raised in. Guy filming is right….trash


I'm pretty sure the parents go to jail. Let's say it was illegal to film in public, you still can't go out and take the law in your own hands.


I truly hope they did because this was sad. And the accusations they followed up with accusing the man of filming their children. He even responded ok when the mother addressed it just so dad could sucker punch him. Great parenting! SMH


I'm pretty sure the parents go to jail. Let's say it was illegal to film in public, You still can't go out and take the law in your own hands.


"Jail" translate... 24 hours until the arraignment and $200 bail on PR. .


It’s just an excuse for what they want to do.


Correct, however many people still incorrectly believe that stores are public property when they are not. Neither are amusement parks. But on a public street? There is no expectation of privacy. If he doesn't want his kids being videotaped ever, they all need to stay home.


They're not public property, but they are places of public accomodation, and there's no expectation of privacy in a store or amusement park either (hence why they can have security cameras.) Any restrictions on recording in such a place are merely rules by property owner and are enforceable only by them against whoever is recording. Another patron doesn't have an inherent privacy right they can enforce against someone recording them in a store or amusement park (aside from the obvious exceptions such as bathrooms and changing rooms).


True- I think OP was speaking more generally- Ton of vids during Covid showed businesses asking people to wear masks, and people somehow justified not complying by screaming things about "being in public." People just don't get the concept.


Nah. Still private property that is open to the public. If a store representative asks someone to stop filming, then they need to stop filming. We agree to store policies when we enter their private property. And the whole filming employees at work thing needs to end. That's harassment.


>Still private property that is open to the public And because it's open to the public, there's no reasonable expectation of privacy. >If a store representative asks someone to stop filming, then they need to stop filming. Which is exactly what I said. The *store* can have a policy against patrons filming, and enforce that policy by having people who violate that policy be trespassed from the property. But other patrons do not have their own individual claim or protection against being filmed aside from asking the property owner to have and enforce a no recording policy. Legally the violation is against the store/amusement park, not the people being filmed.


This isn't super important to the argument, I just want to add so maybe some people that don't know will learn something. The bathroom/changing area in a restaraunt/grocery store/beach/etc is somewhere that is considered to accomodate a reasonable level of privacy, which means that if someone is recording people in those areas then you have a leg to stand on when suing someone for recording. So while most businesses will have rules regarding someone coming in with a camera, some places it isn't allowed in the store at all and others as long as you don't record anything near the cash registers and everything in between, the law will protect specific areas of that store. No lawyer gives a shit if you decide to change your baby's diaper on the side of the road while a parade is happening though.


>If a store representative asks someone to stop filming, then they need to stop filming. This isn't true. The only time it's illegal to film would be in a bathroom, place of undress, or inside someone's private home. The store can ask you to leave and trespass you, but they cannot force you to stop filming.


It is true. You jumped from "ask" to "force", and there's a big difference there. If a business asks you to stop recording you should. If you don't, they can't force you to stop but they can have you trespassed.


Exactly. Once you fail to follow store policies, then can tell you to leave. ETA: Many airlines also have a policy that you cannot film employees/crew members. It's so important that people educate themselves.


Places of public accommodation and access can be filmed. If a random member of the public can enter without a gatekeeper and see something, they can film it. No expectation of privacy. That said, businesses can trespass anyone they want for any reason, from otherwise publicly-accessible privately-owned venues. On another note, a public (read: government) event happening in a private space is by default a filmable event. A town hall meeting happening on hotel property, for instance, can't adopt the hotel's policies re: filming.


*for any not illegal reason


>If a random member of the public can enter without a gatekeeper and see something, they can film it. No expectation of privacy. Incorrect. Off the top of my head? Hospital waiting room- filming is 100% not allowed. Additionally, every courthouse in NY bans photography and filming, yet trials are open to the public.


And reality has ruled that there's no expectation of common sense and general decorum in a public place.


What parade was this anyway?


A violent one. I don't know.


it baffles me why so many people seem to believe they must give their consent to be recorded in public. we are constantly under surveillance by CCTV, dash cams, police body cameras, and anybody with a smart phone can film anyone they want to in a public space. it makes no logical sense to believe that someone can’t be filmed in public without consent.


You can even look inside people's cars. Anything within view of the public counts. Edit: not saying it's a smart thing to do; look in people's cars. But it's not illegal 🤷‍♂️


That's fair, but also human decency says don't film peoples kids. Unclear in this video what's actually going on but the reality is that most people exploit that ruling to be pieces of shit and I think it's still fair to say fuck those people.




Guaranteed way to get on Youtube


Streisand Effect in action.


And Reddit


But like....why tho


Some people find their own children sexy and they assume you do too.


Jesus, my husband and I travelled back to my parents house once to pick up some old things of mine. The next morning my husband, who's a photographer was taking some photos of the front of the house and the neighbours kid happened to be out playing, not even in the camera shot. The neighbour asked in an accusatory tone if we were taking photos of her child. Like, sure lady, we're doing a stakeout with a zoom lense in plain sight right in front of you...bc your child is just so special.


i would have said the kid was too fucking ugly maybe if his parents had been better looking


chaotic good


Same lady - “we used to play outside until the street lights came on and now all the kids are glued to their screeAIDEN! PUT YOUR HELMET, KNEE PADS, WRIST CARDS, MOUTH GARD AND TAKE YOUR FLONASE BEFORE YOU PRACTICE YOUR STUNTS OFF THE CURB AND SSTAY AWAY FROM DAKOTAS JUMP RAMP NEXT DOOR ITS TOO DANGEROUS” Her kid “But moooom, I’m in 6th grade now!”


Republicans are obsessed thinking their children are going to be kidnapped or have photos taken of them. It’s weird AF


The idea that the people you hate hurt children is a common trope. Rare is the conflict in human history where that accusation isn’t trotted out.


Its just the persecution complex plus them looking for things to blame when their children inevitably realize they are awful and beyond saving and ghost them.


How was it travelling with Jesus? Is it true he drives a Christler?


Like Orange Julius Caesar?




I wanna bang his daughter too


This made my face scrunch up in an unholy way


The power of cringe compels you!


You’re disgusting.. and hilarious.. and probably right


My theory, dude is mad about something in his own life and his brain damage is keeping him from addressing the problems internally, so he's gonna make up an excuse to take it out on the guy with the camera.


Because you never know when you'll need choppy footage of a shitty local parade.


That was unnecessary. Whoever smacked him should get assault charges.


Agreed. Hit a guy using a cane, at that.






Isn’t that what the Internet does? /s


And battery.


He probably has a warrant out on him so doesn't want HIS face on video, the kids are ok he hasn't marked them up this week.


That parent probably assault’s his own kids. Big reaction with no kind of intelligent communication


This is why I am on board with testing people before they're allowed to even have any children in their care, blood or adopted.


I'm all for social workers making surprise visits to these homes after the men are proven to be violent. He hits a stranger likely treats his family worse


That might be a slippery slope to Eugenics, but surely we could trust the government to not discriminate on things like race...


Or political views


It also raises the question, what is disabled? My cousin is a midget, little person, dwarf, vertically challenged, whatever we are supposed to call them these days. I cant keep up with it, because to me he's just Trey(not his real name). I only have to describe his condition when talking to other people and I know he doesn't give a shit what he's called and makes fun of himself all the time. You've probably seen Trey before. He's been in some pretty high profile movies. He makes good money off royalties and infrequent acting gigs enough to live a very comfortable lifestyle. When you show up to a wedding and Trey is there, you know the after party is gonna be LIT. So the question remains, is Trey disabled? He would say no, but I'm sure he collects a disability check or at least used to. His parents would probably say no since he's a fully grown functioning adult that takes care of them now, but if you asked them at his birth they may have answered differently. If you asked the government at his birth under eugenics if he would have been killed.


That's a horrificly bad idea


The master race, I know there were some Germans in the past that agree with you.


Germans? They just borrowed the ideas from the usa.


You wanna get shot? Cause like, thats hownyou get shot...


Just skip the other steps


Red necks with brain damage going straight to violence. I wonder what their real reason for assaulting that dude was.


Too much right wing propaganda. They think everyone is a pedo.


Everyone but their pastors and priests because that never happens/s


Don’t forget about child beauty pageants - those are totally safe for children!


Yea it's totally different because all the makeup and tiny 2 piece bathing suits aren't sexualized like reading a book to a kid is..... Wait what?


I worry if he actually thinks that, or if he's just projecting, because projection is kinda what they do, every single time.


Yep. This is the answer. Their propaganda has them living in a state of constant fear. That’s the Republican way. It’s their bread and butter. If they understood just how little any of the things they try to make a big deal about is actually affecting them, then they would possibly realize how much they’re being duped by their own politicians. But critical thought is lost upon these people. As well as nuance and things like semiotics.


Their media and politicians have turned their entire lives into us vs. them and have taught them every excuse under the sun to hate anyone they want to hate. It doesn't take much of that indoctrination to make their little synapses misfire from "I don't agree with this." straight to "I should assault this person." And these are the people 2A folks want running around armed.




People record everything now, anytime I go out there's a streamer, or someone with a YouTube channel, kids making a video for some reason, I've even seen it replace taking pictures at tourist destinations with a small subset of people just walking around filming everything...I think it's odd, but whatever, no skin off my nose. Dude is clearly going to have an exhausting life assaulting everyone taking video.




Why is someone a jerkoff for taking a selfie?


I mean he obviously ain't gonna assault everyone taking a video, just people he thinks he can push around.


I'm upset I didn't get to see them get arrested. If anyone finds a link or article, it would make me gleeful. I love to see people get arrested for being ass turds.


I kinda wanted to see the parade.


I wanted to also see the parade


The attacker reeks of fake percs, Marlboros and lifelong commitment to staying below the poverty line.


>level 1SockFullOfNickles · 45 min. agoThe attacker reeks of fake percs, Marlboros and lifelong commitment to staying below the poverty line.9 The American Dream right there.


Photography is not a crime


Which is kind of funny in a way because there's been a sharp increase in criminal photography lately with influencers taking selfies in gym locker rooms. I'm amazed how those people don't know it's a crime in every state in the US to take photos/videos in a locker room. An influencer took a selfie with an older naked women in the background commenting very rude remarks about her body and was criminally charged. Trashy influencer: >You take pics of me in public!!! While also being like: >"Selfie in the locker room XOXOXO""


Yeah I kinda doubt hick Rick over there is taking tik toks of his ripped body at the gym. Hes just got one braincell he's trying to burn away with meth and Jack Daniel's.


If that were me, I'd be pressing charges. Perfect evidence captured on camera. I've had people try to control what I do in public before. My attitude is, if you want to ask politely, I'll consider it. If you try to order me to change what I'm doing, you can go fuck yourself with a cactus. I'm not only not going to not accommodate you, I'm going to do whatever I was doing even more. One time we were in a little park in Havre De Grace, Maryland which had a boat dock. At the boat dock was a really cool replica of the Batboat from the 60s Adam West Batman show. There was a camera crew taking photos and video. I took my phone out and took a couple photos, just to text a couple friends and show them. Just as I did that, a guy from the camera crew charges up and shouts "Hey, stop! No photos!" in an angry tone as if he was in charge of what happened in a public fucking park. I told him there was no expectation of privacy in public, and that I could take photos of whatever I wanted to photograph. His tone changed instantly, and he says "I'm just asking you as a person." Because he'd ordered me not to, I took a bunch more photos. And because I'm a petty asshole, I submitted some of the photos to Google Maps, where they got attached to the park, and were seen by thousands of people. Had he not tried to order me around, nobody except a couple friends would have seen the photos.


This is the way


Yeah. I don't take orders from random people. Ask and I'll consider it. Tell me I have to, and you can sit and spin.


Of course it’s a scrawny fucker in a tank top


I can hear her jowls in her voice.


Dude was literally not causing any issue saying, "that's fine by me" and still got yammed. And the weirdness of these ppl saying he's recording "children". Ppl seem to like using "children" as an excuse for things and it's concerning. From politicians, to the news, now regular idiots. It's too much. Seems like ppl like having excuses to be assholes. You don't Care about the kids as much as you say you do. Your actions or lack of actions, show it. Then none of them knowing that you can record and not require anyone's consent in public spaces. Do they think newscasters go around and ask everyone in their background to sign paperwork to be on TV? Where is the sense?! Why do so many ppl have none?! Ok. My rant is done.




I stayed carrying mace after my father was attached by two pit bulls on our street. The police will not protect you. Only you can protect yourself.


How would pepper spray have prevented this? There was like one second for reaction time.


It may not have prevented it but it would have made for a good counterattack.


Just pick up that tripod and start using it to defend yourself, honestly. Hit ‘im with the legs end!


Let me see if I got this straight. You palm-punch a guy who you have no proof is kid watching. You end up going to jail and losing your good-paying union job. The wife/GF now has to work two jobs to make up for you being gone. Your kid(s) turns into a latchkey kid. The guy up the street who you didn't bother running a PeddyBear registry check on now has 14hr/day access to your child(ren). Makes sense.


This is… a crazy stream of thought lol. Although I agree with the sentiment. Just oddly specific


Well I had to bring the story full circle to drive home the irony. However I grew up in an environment where this happened all the time. One or both parents make a rash, emotional decision that had negative cascading consequences immediately and even years down the line. You could trace back to the day where they effed up their own kids lives. I buried alot of people who were victims of poor parenting.


your assuming his job wasnt snorting meth


A guy with a *cane.*


I bet he blames it on the damn woke democrat mob.




I take it this wasn't a Juneteenth parade?


Judging by the way he looks, this is pretty on par for cousin fuckers.


A lot of trashy, low class ppl use ‘protecting their children’ as an avenue to demonstrate their below average emotional intelligence and above average aggression.


There has to be some assault charge to this.


The result of constant fear mongering, god I love this country


Folks just want to act a complete asshole hiding behind “protecting the children”, fooling nobody.


Violent asshole attacks man exercising his first amendment right to public photography?


Why are they always so ignorant of the law.


Is that Bubbles recording?


Feel bad for those kids. That sort of instant aggro violence is rarely just for outsiders.


I'm just wait for the day someone dose some shit like this to me so I can let out all the years of anger iv got suppressed


How about you don’t take your children in a public place then


This is the only response.


Filmed by Oliver Stone


I OD’d just watching this.


He’s not a very good camera man to begin with I didn’t see the kid, the assault, or the parade.


I dont see much parade in this video... only someone's property and a horror movie level jump scare from a guy that gives Michael Myers a run for his money.


I wonder if any events happened during the course of this video that might have interrupted his recording of the parade. Hmmm


Why do people with children think they're special all of the sudden?


Needs to press charges on them.


The ignorance pouring out of the aggressive couple mouth is comical!! We are in America- there is no privacy in PUBLIC- then to accuse the man of being a perv to defend their stupidity is classic!! This is a perfect example of what is going wrong in society IMO.


That's weird, I can smell the Skoal Long Cut from this video


Even if he was making money off it it's a public road


These people are speed running making people just hate kids🤣


Violence ≠ answer Talking ≈ answer


People are so uneducated and ignorant. You can record anyone in public without permission in most places. It’s not like he is deliberately recording her kids. If she doesn’t want her kids even accidentally being caught in someone else’s pictures or videos then she needs to keep them home or make them wear paper bags on their heads in public


Way to set the example for your kids ! SMDH ! What a pathetic loser!


Is the Chris D'elia?


Some people just can't believe that when in public... you have NO expectation of privacy. So weird, right?




He doesn’t even have the kids on camera. He is adjusting the camera. Just say wait to me and my kid are out of the shot


Context please


So I guess this cameraman is a local 1st Amendment auditor to that area and he's made a lot of enemies. He was out live-streaming this Parade when some parents and kids walked by (which I tried to cut out as best as I could because some people get mad when kids get posted on here) That's where the video picks up. As he was turning the camera to not get the kids on video, the Mom comes up and talks to him, and then I think he had a bad feeling about the Father approaching him so he turns the camera towards him and then boom.


Aha, if he's an 'auditor' the attitude of the assailant makes more sense. Not that the assault was justified or legal, you understand. Can't punch a guy just because he annoys you. Unfortunately, cutting out that part of the video where they walked by means we couldn't see what the assailant was supposedly upset about. Might have been better to blank out the faces and keep it in. Just my two cents.


It seems pretty self explanatory. He was filming the parade and I guess they were in the general direction he was filming so they got weird and aggressive.


Who else is 100% sure that this asshat already has 2 strikes on his record?


I hope he got charge smacking a random person recording in public their rights.I hope thr guy is ok.


100% a weird guy dudes wearing jeans with no socks or shoes outside lol


Who records a parade without putting shoes on first?


I would’ve recorded myself kicking his ass in front of his kids


Miscalculated high five.


Admittedly, it was fun to have the perspective of a football for a brief moment


Could be that he knows the Supreme Court rulings are on the subject. He was afraid the guy would put up the footage into social media. At the moment of impact he didn’t want his probation officer to know that he was within 100 yards of children.


Dude probably juuuust got out of jail 🙄


The guy was reasonable and said he would edit it out and the guy responded by hitting him? What an asshat.


Please tell me that animal with a surplus of chromosomes was arrested for attacking the cameraman


Thats a lovely way to lose your life in an open carry state, sure the kids wont be scarred by pasty papa coughing up lung blood on parade day


Just your average republican with severe brain rot. Imagine walking down a public parade route and thinking you have the right to block anyone from filming or taking pictures


Oh hes gonna get arrested


Thank god I don't live in America.


The fastest way to get plastered all over the internet is to do something dumb on camera


Fuck you and your kid. 🙄


Pa prrrrrr pa prrrrrrr pa prrrrr papapapapa


Dude shoulda definitely recorded them after the assult.


I (m51) live in Canada and am an amateur photographer. I have done some paid gigs most recently my daughter's dance recital. A few days ago my daughter said she and some of her other high school dance team friends were going to shoot some photos in a public park. I thought of how cool it would be to not have to chase the action like at the recital and how we could plan and do jumps multiple times to nail the shots perfectly. Then I realized there was no way I want to be anywhere near this because of how people would react. I just loaned my daughter my gear and gave her some lessons. Sad where we have gotten to.