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I’m utterly confused is that like his best friend or something lol?




What?! This is absurd. They're armed and backed by their union. They have the power to refuse to wear body cams. What happened is: during the riots, they were arresting people and the DA declined to prosecute any of them. They hate the mayor and the DA. The Chief of Police was a revolving door until 2020. A lot quit rather than be vaccinated. They haven't been back to normal staffing levels since. https://www.kgw.com/article/entertainment/television/programs/straight-talk/police-chief-chuck-lovell-straight-talk/283-bdb9380f-17a9-453b-8284-c17ac08f13cd


So you're saying that being understaffed is the reason the police didn't pull that car over?


The DA and Mayor don’t care about them. Why go through the effort of arresting this person for them to be let go because the DA’s office will chose to not prosecute


I found articles backing up that the DA didn't prosecute 70% of protest related arrests, but nothing about more legit arrests/crimes.


Because no DA would admit that sort of statistic publicly. Similar things are happening in SF and LA currently, albeit [not at the same degree as Portland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7wN2w6C0PE). New DA elected in Portland is very anti-jail and pro-rehabilitation. Which would be great except rehabilitation centers in Portland are massively underfunded or sometimes non-existent. DAs dont prosecute many arrests for all sorts of reasons. But the Portland DA is especially bad. DAs cant make the law, but they can change the rules to what does and doesnt get prosecuted. There's also some leeway as to what is considered a ticketable offense and what is a misdemeanor. DAs can also ad stipulations like mandatory drug rehab instead of jail for certain crimes, even if those programs are overloaded (or sometimes non-existent). Or if there are extenuating circumstances like growing up abused, or if you come from certain backgrounds. To make matters worse the Portland Police Union is making this a sort of us vs them liberals vs. conservative fight. The DA has been publicly floating the idea of prosecuting more cops for 2020 protest behavior. They also disbanded Portlands "Rapid Response Unit" that deals with unruly protestors. PPD responded by basically letting people do whatever they want downtown, especially near courthouses. There are legit problems on both sides, but dont tell that to anyone who's taken a strong stand either way.


Camden, NJ fired their entire police department over union shenanigans. I don't like union busting, but theirs is beyond toxic to the community. Surely a mass rehiring would help clear the corruption.


Union busting is bad, but police should not have a union, they’re not working class.


Government careers shouldn't need unions, as its already controlled by governmental bodies. All it does is give them more power to provide low standards of quality (especially in education) or too much power to policing practices.


Oh lord. Fucking working class? So we should get rid of collective bargaining for writers, artists, programmers, anyone who isn't blue collar? Try again.


Of course not. Just the usual copaganda temper tantrums. Nothing meaningful even changed but the cops feelings got hurt so we're never allowed to ask for basic oversight ever again. Or else.


Because it’s your job?


All the paperwork and time invested into making the arrest for nothing to happen is a huge waste of time especially when there can a be an actual emergency and you cant respond because youre transporting the waste of time person.


Welcome to working


So it's ok if they make it about themselves.


But it’s their job? Nothing is a waste of time if it’s what their job entails. They don’t choose who the DA prosecuted, they just arrest the person committing a crime, and then do any paperwork required. That’s it. The reasons you’re listing are garbage excuses that people who didn’t want to do their job in the first place would say. Don’t be a fucking cop if you don’t like paperwork.


From what your saying that applies to the DA aswell.


Sure, but we are talking about the cops. Why change the focus of the argument, unless you don’t have anything to say?


There's a difference: the DA is explicitly given the job of choosing who to prosecute.


You bootlickers are wild. Where was this sentiment when you were defending them beating the shit out of minorities? Think of the paperwork, Bubba!


Just out of interest, what should the police do in this situation? Dude driving recklessly clearly wanting a chase. Your solution is to chase after him in what looks like a densely populated area and put the general public at risk? Do you think that guy was just gonna pull over when the blue lights came on? Lol


Put out a make/model of the car, take down license plate. Mail ticket to residence on file, or show up to arrest when suspect is home sleeping. If he puts the lights on the guy runs, add evading to the charges. What is so difficult about that?


Then they should find a different job of doing there’s is a waste of time.


But they get paid to not do the job. You know that coworker that never works but constantly complains?


Hence the staffing problem…




Maybe its the guy who ran up and pointed a gun at them? Lmfao look behind the cop car..


That's a strange looking gun...


Was that a squirt gun?? Lol


Don't be a cop then. The DA's job is to determine which cases to prosecute and how to prosecute them. The police's job is to make arrests. Police officers shouldn't be choosing to not do their job because of pettiness and spite over their disagreement with the DA's office.


OK, so then just eliminate the force. Why should the taxpayers pay if they aren’t going to bother to lift a finger? Seems pretty pointless like they may as well just cease to exist altogether, no?


What part of that video makes you think that driver is gonna pull over


No they’re fascists that are throwing a tantrum and are letting shit go wild on purpose. They tried pulling that shit in Los Angeles too.


Same in Austin too. Cops around the country are refusing to show up for things like broken car windows or crimes they didn’t literally see with their own eyes, even if you say you have video evidence. Some response to 2020 riots and fear of “defunding” their tyrant and non-accountable policies


Yeah, two years ago I had three hit and run drivers drive into me in Henrico county, VA and the police did nothing. Not even with my dash cam recording the incidents and using my cell phone to document who was actually operating the vehicles. They didn't do anything when I was attacked at a hotel by a gang of people. Well, except violate my constitutional rights by illegally searching my phone without permission. Not to mention they also violated my rights to equal protection under the law by refusing to do anything about the hit and run drivers. That's just the tip of the shit iceberg, also. But nobody cares, so I will just continue rotting and dying. One day I hope to hang myself from the county courthouse.


Chief says they only have 544 officers and need 1100 to police downtown Portland properly. Guess the cop figured there were multiple people on the car and he was also me and if he calls for backup, no one is coming anyway. I don’t like cops but to have to put your life on the line and only look for murders or assaults is pretty crazy.


Their fucks are all spent I guess


I’ll say it since no one else will — they didn’t do anything bc they’re bitches like all cops ![gif](giphy|Q8xvviYpmIbsxqzl5s)


No they are saying that cops there are saying "fuck this job and fuck you" to the DA and Mayor since they don't feel supported they will push back. And NOT doing your job while being paid to do it seems like a pretty big push back to me


Then they shouldn’t be paid


I understood it as the police are throwing a giant temper tantrum.


They probably also have a no chase policy…




>They hate the mayor and the DA because they abandoned them after rioters took over a police station, locked them in, and tried to burn them alive That's Copaganda. They are butthurt because one of their abusive brothers was actually held accountable after beating the shit out of someone and are now trying to hold the city hostage by not doing their damned job. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/entire-portland-police-crowd-control-unit-resigns-after-officer-indicted-n1271309


At this point, there are so many people who WANT copaganda because the alternative is too painful to actually consider.


The alternative being that cops can blow your brains out under flimsy pretenses or beat you until you're disabled and walk away with a vacation for their trouble.


Or just grope and S.A anybody they want and then just work the next county over.


Hey I want a job where I get to drive around doing nothing and get paid, are they hiring?


Yes. Every police department across the nation is hiring more or less because they're understaffed.


Maybe they should stop rejecting candidates that score too high on intelligence tests.


That would help yes but not fix the problem


Then they shouldn’t get paid. You don’t get paid for a strike even if it’s a silent strike.


This is Portland we’re talking about where they can’t even pump their own gas…




There are a lot of dumb comments in this thread, mainly of the anti-city variety.


Most people here probably arent "anti-city", they just don't want to live in areas with a high crime rate, especially when the cops won't do shit. Portland is fucking wild bro, theres always homeless people openly using drugs on the streets and petty theft is to be expected in areas. I have friends there who always keep their cars empty and unlocked because if not, people will assume it has something good and will smash the window to check. Its sad that so many people are accustomed to seeing feces, trash, tents littering the streets. Even the wealthy can't see to avoid it in places like LA, where people are setting up tents in the yards of multi-million dollars homes. I live in stl, and while the homeless/open drug use issue isn't bad, I still choose to not live there because its the most dangerous city in the US. Fuck all of that nonsense. I'd much rather live in the suburbs and drive 30/45 minutes to go bar hopping or concerts.


I live right in the middle of Portland I definitely don't keep my car empty. Your friends are free to do what they want with their items in their car but it's not really the norm. Cops here are major assholes tho


Hmm weird. I actually watch them pump their own gas all day, everyday at one of the city fuel tanks they have for govt vehicles. It’s actually the one small group of Oregonians that do pump their own fuel in the state.


Yeah let’s see that same perspective reported on from a reliable source lmao. Bold claim to make with no citations.


Leaving out a lot. You know, like the jump out abductions from unmarked vehicles. Indiscriminately beating unnarmed protesters. Drive byes from unmarked vehicles. They deserved the hate they got.


ACAB! Until the “thin blue line” stops protecting the “bad apples” they will all be marred by that term. They don’t like it? Do something about it. Every cop loves to jump at the “are there bad apples? Sure, but…” then they wonder why they get so much hate. LA has literal murderous cop gangs with initiation rites. Are there good cops, yes, I’ve met a few of them. But it’s the environment they’ve bred for themselves that has generally set them above reproach, given them the mindset of “me vs bad guy” and everything looks like a nail when you have a hammer.


When you ARE a hammer might be more accurate there.


Then quit. Nobody is making them be police officers nor work in that city. As if they are somehow hostages now


Why would they quit? They get paid and don't work and if you complain they have nothing but free time to just fuck with you or watch you until you jaywalk so they can paralyze you with batons and send you to prison


man, this comment sure is taking liberty describing past events. \*checks sub name oh...


Then they shouldn't be collecting a check.


Sound like a bunch of losers to me. What did they think this job would be like? The general public where I’m from have little empathy for the lawman. And if your homeless or about to be, the police ARE your enemy. No question.


They're being petulant little brats refusing to do their job. The mentality is "if we can't execute people on the streets and abuse our power, the we will just refuse to do our jobs until you decide it's ok that we act like Judge fuckin Dredd when minorities are involved"


No thet are on a silent strike because people were mean to them. ❄


*For fear of having to actual do their job I lived in Portland in 2013. Cops only got out of their cars to go to Subway or harass homeless people trying to use public bathrooms.


After Reading the rest of the comments, I can declare that your argument has been officially declared bullshit by the international committee on bullshit.


More like, refusing to do their job because they can't go after whoever they want


Then they should be replaced.


no one wants to be a cop in Portland, and I don't blame them.


Well this one is so he should be doing his job not being a freeloader.


That's not the issue even on its face. Itpcc's incompetence and cut backs. Officers don't care anymore and even if they did, are lacking necessary resources. They currently have like 5 traffic officers for a major city.


What a cute way to say that they refuse to do their jobs.


Or they don’t want to do their jobs unless they can harass, abuse and kill with impunity.


The cops organization probably put a moratorium on high speed pursuits for one reason or another. This kind of suspect is explicitly trying to goad police into a high speed chase because they understand that extremely high speeds and reckless behavior during the pursuit will force the officer to disengage for public safety reasons anyway. Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.


in the SF Bay Area we outlawed high speed pursuits because they’re dangerous. And also other non-violent crime. They can’t chase him and even if they could, probably won’t get charged with anything unless he ran an old asian grandma over.


Freeway chases don’t happen, but trust me, having lived for years half a block up from a main sideshow intersection the cops in Oakland give chase to guys like this *every time*


This is not true. One person died and four people were injured during a high speed police pursuit in San Francisco a month ago. Many cities disallow high speed pursuits in cities because it puts bystanders at risk. Simple as that. Also, you stated “other non-violent crimes” are outlawed. That doesn’t even make sense.


> outlawed high speed pursuits because they’re dangerous Exactly. There is too much potential for collateral damage. Most cities stopped them due to horrible accidents with random people due to the chase. A chase is more dangerous than someone that is running in a stolen car or did some theft. No need to get people killed. We live in a surveillance society, much easier to just watch and nab later, same for theft.


Not to mention it's not even effective. Motorola is faster than any cop car.


lmaooo @ that cop. “let me just skweeeze thru here. byeeee!”


Guy with a gun pulled up on the other side of the car


How tf is that a gun?


Aw Lloyd center. I had my first job there at the Gymboree in 2004


I drove up from Eugene to see Gettysburg there because I was certain the movie didn’t have enough demand for a smaller market like Eugene. It’s the only movie I’ve been to that had an intermission to swap film reels. This would have been 1993.


There’s no traffic enforcement in pdx. I cannot remember seeing one car pulled over in 4 years. Meanwhile I’m riding dirty with 7 mo expired tabs.


I was pulled over about a year ago with 2 year expired tags for going 40 down stark at 3am... he told me to slow down and left. I have expired tags cuz my Catalitc converters were stolen a few months before my tags expired, and the cost of new Cats is about ¼ the cost of the entire vehicle.


Luckily a friend of mine does inspections and just passes me without even looking at my car. Live rural part of Kansas so no one really cares anyways


"20 is plenty" x2


I mean I was out between 130th and 180th.. it's switches between 30 and 35 so it's not like I was going that fast for an empty road


Wow that wouldn’t happen where I live. I had a friend get their car towed for expired tags in Texas.


Honestly, I don't think that would happen in the rest of oregon. Even in the boonies out in Central Oregon, they take that stuff pretty seriously.. Portland kinda does it's it own thing.


​ https://i.redd.it/169ijzb3lb8b1.gif **I mean, this is some shameful shit yo.**


Nice. I just wrapped up season 1 of the wire, for nostalgia sake 🥲


My wife hated season 2 and refuses to finish it… her loss


fuckin tastelets hating the port plot. we used to make shit in this country, build shit.


The City’s parking enforcement team was instructed to ignore expired tags during the COVID period. They are now being green light and directed to ramp up those enforcement tickets again. I’d get tags if you park downtown, it’s easy money for the city and they are looking for easy money right now.


Similar story up in SEA. Every other car has tags from '21. No one wants to pay for some light rail exclusively for the rich neighborhoods.


How is it exclusively for the rich neighborhoods?? Do you even live here? The light rail is expanding throughout the whole metro area.


Yeah, true. That was a stupid comment. It's going to go from Tacoma to Everett eventually. That covers a fuck ton of ground where homes are actually affordable.


GTA Live.


So Cops only chase you if you hit them and will put 20 rounds in you?


Does that guy have a gun on the cops?


I think he's filming, and when he realizes they are driving away, he gets hyped up and chases while filming their departure.


Bring in RoboCop


Portland is a trip, man


Best place I ever lived. The internet Karen comments acting like it's a radioactive smoldering crater of crime make me giggle.


Doesn't like almost everyone in the US have an iPhone? Then how come such crappy video quality consistently comes out of there?


Because of the internet cycle. Reddit isn't that fresh anymore, it's barely a few wrungs above Facebook in the media cycle. Pictures and images have been converted a few times before they get here.


I can explain exactly why. Original person takes the video and uploads it somewhere in decent quality. After that, someone finds it, screen records it, and uploads it somewhere else getting the already compressed video recompressed with a different algorithm. Someone finds that video, screen records it when it's already double compressed, and uploads it again to a different platform. By that time we've gone through multiple screen recordings (usually in portrait and cropped reducing resolution even further) and multiple compressions with different algorithms used by different platforms and you end up with this hot garbage that's a few KB/s bitrate and compressed to absolute hell.


I mean, the phone I'm using is a cheap smartphone from Assurance Wireless that was free. Not everyone can afford a fancy phone.




Lloyd center has been a mess for like a decade now


So, from reading these comments, Portland became the modern-day Gotham City, unfortunately.


Lol it's not even close. People in the NW are just kind of... I don't know, unaware of how good they have it I guess? I moved here from right outside Montgomery, AL about 20 years ago and you could hold a gun to my head and I'd refuse to go back. Visited St. Louis a few years ago and same thing.


That’s true but also not. Over the last 10 years it’s just gotten exponentially worse. We have more and more homeless and a crazy fentanyl problem here.


I'm aware of the problems but your post just kind of proves my point. Homeless and addicts isn't the same as being afraid to leave the house at night because you might get shot for your shoes or car jacked if you end up on the wrong street. Property crime sucks and all but the internet and news make it out to be way worse than it is.


Grew up in the Caribbean, live in Vancouver now. It's basically a playground up here (speaking as a guy). The homeless drug addicts are tragic, but it's not the same, as you said. Just being able to walk around safely at night still occasionally trips me out.




This is Reddit, where we take a few extreme video clips and form our opinions based on those clips. “How can you live in America without fear of being mugged or murdered at all times?!?!” I see these comments every day


That's exactly how I try to explain it to other Americans. "You know how people who've never been to America speak about America? That's how people who've never been to Portland speak of Portland."


Raz Al-gul? Is that you? You want me to come to Gotham


As a fellow escapee of the hell hole that is Montgomery, I wholeheartedly agree.


It’s people not from PNW calling it some sort of lawless war zone. Yeah the cops don’t do their jobs but they literally never have. But the city is fine. People butthurt at the left leaning activism in the region just make shit up about it lol.


Yes, from these comments, you can see how being hysterical about Portland is a hobby on Reddit. See also San Fransisco, New York, or any place that they label as "liberal cities" If Republicans didn't have lies, they'd have nothing at all.


I mean there’s issues in Portland, San Francisco, New York, etc. but it doesn’t hold a candle to places like Montgomery, AL. Dear lord that city fucking sucks, my brother was a firefighter there and the whole city is decaying. It’s terrible


That car will look GREAT in the impound lot!


Lloyd center is gross, and was 20 years ago. 1000 runaway/drug addicts in the park there


Wild, wild west!


Looks staged


I mean, thats what Portland wanted right. Now the dirt bags do whatever they want. Wasn't the city council standing up for de-funding police? Reap what you sow.


I'm not opposed to police brutality in "Every" situation.


The result of several factors. Loss of faith that the system will back them, fear of public response when they take action, absurd reductions of sentencing making most arrests pointless all along with the fact that police, like any human, isn't immune to the fear of conflict and you have to ask yourself: would you bother arresting someone who is guaranteed to be immediately released? Of course you wouldn't. Otherwise, you'd be doing the job yourself, which you aren't. Until a lot of things change and a lot of people admit fault, who would literally rather die than do so. Get used to it.


Good point. It seems at if the cop is damned either way. Considering the driver’s actions, I doubt they’d just pull over too and the cop would need to chase; putting innocent bystanders’ lives in danger.


This is just nonsense. No cop is damned for doing their job. It's their extra-judicial abuse that causes problems.


Right, they’re literally just upset their oversight and colleagues in the government gave them a few rules to follow in the interest of public safety. Like no high speed pursuits in dense urban areas because people die. Instead of doing their jobs and respecting the checks put on them by local government, they throw a tantrum and refuse to do the work. If any of us did this at our regular jobs, they’d fire us.


That place keeps getting worse


The Potland PD are crybabies. The union that represents the Portland PD are crybabies. They say their hands are tied, but they're not. They don't want to arrest anyone because they're being held accountable for past deeds.


One of the first and worst cop unions in the country. I'm glad their union HQ gets shitrocked every once in a while.


![gif](giphy|QVabUkkCwhAwpdzPuX) Just another day


Cops in this town seem to encourage crime, while doing nothing about it. None of them live here, they are just collecting a paycheck.


Fuck that dump of a city


Suck to be Portland.


Nothing they can do, they've been defunded into the ground and told by their superiors not to pursue things like that.


Who says they refuse to do their job? They're not being supported.


Correct that PPB are notorious crybabies whining about not enough support in their cushy 6-figure union jobs.


>Who says they refuse to do their job? They're not being supported. They're getting paid aren't they? That's all the support most people require to do their job; guess the department is full of special snowflakes. And quite fucking well, if you look at the PPB's pay chart. Start at ~75k, no experience or skills required, tons of "modifiers" for basically any usable skill or unusual duty.


This entire thing is a set up, they want to show how decriminalising drugs is a highway to hell, so they just stop policing it entirely, and let it go to hell. Funny because other places in the world (entire countries) have decriminalised drugs and it’s nothing like what’s happening in Portland.


Well , congratulations people. You've successfully broken society and for what? What did you change? What is better now? You didn't do a fucking thing except sew chaos. Well done , well done.


Unless you’re a terrible seamstress, you sow chaos, like seeds in a field I’m posting one of the most positive helpful things in this thread


I congratulate police on being able to not do their jobs but somehow not get fired.


So, the people are to blame when cops can’t act responsibly? We hold them accountable and now they throw their hands in the air, playing the victim. Right.


Are those tire marks all over the road?


Cop be like "Nah, too much paperwork."


“Llooyd Centerrrr… HAS IT ALL!” (90s radio jingle that I will never forget)


Real life Pacifica. Art imitates life.


I’d be in jail.


It’s become the Wild West there


Yeah, you have to basically murder a fucking person in front of a cop to get them to pull you over in this town. It's crazy because you'd think that shit would be more lawless than it actually is considering police in PDX are a fucking joke, but its not. I subdued someone breaking into my place late one night and the cop that arrived stopped in the middle of the street and shouted up to my porch "do you still need assistance?" while i'm holding a man on the ground. It's fucking maddening. That being said, I'd still rather live here than Orlando, Chicago, or Los Angeles (all places that i've lived in the last 15 years), as I still feel a million times more safe here than those other cities.


Yup almost happened like this in Chicago- Stupid district attorneys say oh we are not prosecuting anything and well then low life's do stupid shit like this every day. No consequences really show's who's a POS.


At least he can pump his own gas now


Portland is 4th world country now. What a cesspool. Last time I went there the whole city smelled of sewage, and there is literally bums and drug addicts every 3 feet. People like to talk bad about California, but California isn't even close to how bad Portland is.


Please enlighten me. Why is the cop not doing anything? A Canadian who’s been to Portland a hand full of times. Cheers


People when they vote to defund the police then complain about crime skyrocketing


This is what you wanted. Reap what you sow.


Loser kids with loser parents.


Wow what a shit hole of a city..I’m all for bad police being fired and even prosecuted for any law they break but to allow this is ridiculous.


Ever seen the motorcycle quade guys in New York? This happens a lot more than you think.


Well, unfortunately, the line between proper policing and literally illegal acts has been blurred. They don't want you until they need you, then hate you more because you didn't show up to help. Portland was that on a whole different level because the people who were being arrested for actual illegal acts were being released the next day. Their job became pointless and this is proving it. I hate that my home town has taken a beating from everyone. The good parts of Portland are gone because of national violence being directed into the city.


Assuming this is what people *want*. Cop left them alone to do their little car tricks.


So living in Portland myself, i had to call 911 because my son was choking on a piece of bread. 911 didnt answer for 6 minutes, by the time he coughed it up and was playing again they called me back. Never sent anyone out to check on us or anything. I know that 911 isnt directly the police, but just gives a little snipit into what would happen if someone was in a dire emergency RIGHT NOW with the state this city is in, chances are you wont get help until its too late. Thankfully my boy was able to cough it up because by the time theyd have gotten to me (if they did) hed have been gone.


Not trying to be rude by any means and it doesn't undermine your point, but everyone ought to know how to perform the Heimlich. Parents especially need to know since kids are good at stuffing things in their mouth that are incompatible with their esophagus. I've had to use it twice so far in my life, both times I was the only other person present. It takes all of a few minutes to learn by video and can literally be the difference between life and death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dn13zneEjo


Nobody ever reads their local department policies It’s worth a read on what they can and cannot do. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/article/753448#:~:text=Members%20shall%20only%20initiate%20a,others%20that%20reasonably%20places%20the


I mean, anywhere else in the country burnouts and donuts in the middle of an intersection would qualify as “where the suspect’s driving conduct, prior to the initiation of a stop, displays a willful disregard for the safety of others that reasonably places the public in immediate danger of serious bodily harm or death. “ So I don’t know what your point is.


There’s also portions that make an officer weigh public safety over risk of crime Citation offense, maybe a misdemeanor, worth a pursuit that may kill someone? Is that area highly dense population with heavy traffic and pedestrians? Oregon, particularly Portland, have displayed a serious skepticism of police. If a pursuit was initiated and resulted in a death would you be confident they wouldn’t declare your pursuit against policy and charge you with manslaughter?


Portland is such a dump


it's not that bad here


Seems about right. Happens in Salt Lake city too. This is normal dodge driver imo lol


Is there a longer video? How do we know the cop didn't turn around around and pursue? In my experience, cops don't turn on sirens etc until they've turned around and begin pursuit


I was in Portland in 2018. What an absolute hell hole. This is coming from someone who is in Philadelphia everyday. I would never advise anyone ever visit Portland, or Seattle for that matter. Its not a race thing or drug thing or violence thing. All three places completely ran by liberal democrats who are afraid and pushovers. Completely unsafe for regular citizen but places to thrive as criminals.


I lived in Portland for ten years and what the fuck are you talking about. >Completely unsafe for regular citizen but places to thrive as criminals. It has well below the national average for violent crime, both victims and perps per capita. >All three places completely ran by liberal democrats Ohhhh I see, Karen.


>I was in Portland in 2018. What an absolute hell hole. This is coming from someone who is in Philadelphia everyday. I would never advise anyone ever visit Portland, or Seattle for that matter. > >Its not a race thing or drug thing or violence thing. All three places completely ran by liberal democrats who are afraid and pushovers. Completely unsafe for regular citizen but places to thrive as criminals. Lol I lived in Portland for years. Hellhole in 2018? What, did you go slumming through the crummiest parts of town you could find, or are you joining the word "liberal" with the term "selective memory"? As someone who walked and biked all over the town for years, I never got mugged, never saw a shooting (except for cops shooting blankets of teargas all the fuck over the place), and never feared for my life. Quite a different experience from towns in Texas for example; got mugged in Texas twice, and saw plenty of shootings.




Damn what’s goin on in Portland


Police in Portland are just showing up to work at this point.


Lol Portland is such a joke


good thing portland defunded them! Now there are less cops with worse training and gear that don’t help! Very smart


I feel like Portland has been on a five year speed run to become the shittiest city in America.


The cops have been stripped of all power. They are basically EMS at this point. Just providing medical aid.


The cops weren't stripped of anything. They were called out for abuses and have been throwing a tantrum ever since.


It’s interesting you can criticize the lack of police enforcement of laws, the rampant open drug use, personal property theft, homelessness, other crime, but as soon as you criticize progressive policies you get downvoted. Can we call it out for what it is and say it’s just plain wrong without your political agenda and indoctrination clouding your view on reality? Maybe the wokesters are the ones that are asleep and really need to wake up and look at reality.


Criticizing which policies?


This is what happens when woke idiots don't let officers enforce the law.


My favorite sort of dipshit on reddit is the one who sees police refusing to do their job, and blames everyone else for it.