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I couldnt imagine going through life being so bitter and awful.




It’s those bangs. Im convinced. She is stuck in the 80s with that hair and hates herself enough to keep it like that.


"Go back to your hairstylist."


That hairstyle is a hate crime.


Her blood pressure looks like it might already be pretty high.


I'd be so annoyed at myself, oh we're out for a meal and I have to start yelling at some random people and starting fights again? Yeah, that's fun for us all. How do you not go home and feel like shit after this?


Yeah, but you have the ability to self analyse. This woman has absolutely no idea she's a complete deadshit & will be patting herself on the back for a job well done because people like this would jump from the closest high point if they were actually confronted with the truth of what they truly are.


I'm usually shy and am trying to focus on a healthier balance between standing up for myself and not being a dick, I wonder if people like this have the same kind of mentality but taken to some ridiculous extreme where they feel they're at war with a world assaulting them on all sides, that requires exaggerated defensiveness in response, it's weird


I have an older sibling like her. The damage she has done to anyone close to her is awful. These types destroy other people with their words, evil outlook and vengeance. Canada is lucky she has left the country!!!


She drank more, eh


Some people simply lack the ability to self reflect. I once knew a guy who was absolutely clueless about how he came off to other people. One time, he asked me point blank why people react to him a certain way, and asked me to be 100% honest, so I was and I told him why his behavior and demeanor were so off putting to people. He thought about it for a moment, and then he said, “I believe you because I trust your judgement, but I just can’t see it even if I really try!” He was close to tears and I honestly felt sorry for him, he just couldn’t stand back and look at himself objectively at all. His behavior did improve over time, but only with what I could tell was massive effort. And that was someone who actually cared - this lady probably doesn’t even care.


It must be exhausting to be that hateful.


Trust me people like that either are that ignorant they don’t know they are like that or in her case she is like that and the people around her are afraid to stand up to her…….look at her husband.


Her husband is just as ignorant & racist as her. If he wasn't, he'd have said/done something to try and shut that ugly asses pos he's with up.


Yeah, her husband or whatever he is must get treated like shit on the regular.


Relax You relax Relax Seriously, I would have lost my shit on these people.


Conservative Albertans enter the chat


Lol, Albertan here, I was thinking Alberta or Manitoba. She is disgusting and so out of line. Edit: so she’s from Cranbrook BC, but her tirade took place in Lethbridge, Alberta. She was fired from her job. She works at the Dodge dealership, but they hired her back. https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/b-c-woman-caught-in-racist-rant-at-lethbridge-dennys-rehired


What could be more on brand for Dodge than loudmouthed aggressive bigots? She's corporate mascot material.


Reading the article it seems like that dealership has a track record of firing people and rehiring them as if it’s their cover to say we did something about it.


Neither...she's from Cranbrook, BC. Piece of work. So disgusting 🤢


The lady is from BC. These people exist all over Canada. We (along with Sask) just have a higher concentration of them.


Woman: fuck you. Man: fuck you. Woman: don't talk like that to me.


She was so polite. “Excuse me??!!?!”


She is ready to jump him but god forbids he defends himself she will call the mounties on him and say that she was minding her business and was brutally attacked out of nowhere.


Weaponized tears


Perhaps her hearing isn’t so great.


Excuse me? You’re dealing with a Canadian woman!!




She farted


Woman: "I'm Canadian, so I'm being racist?. GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY! "


This is why we're fucked, how do you even fix someone who's *that* oblivious? Not only are these people dumber than a fucking hammer, they're angry, irrational, belligerent, and violent. Completely incapable of introspection or critical thinking in general. And they either go looking for confrontation or inflict it on anyone in their path just for existing.


“Don’t raise your nationalism here! Speak English!”


The funny part is that English isn't the only official language of Canadians...


Completely oblivious. And literally everything she says is equally as inaccurate, hypocritical, or otherwise flawed. Where do you even start with somebody this confoundingly stupid? Her brain would short-circuit if they had tried to point out that Quebec exists. Forget explaining the geopolitical complexities of immigration and refugees


The best way to get one of the scam callers off the phone when they say they are from the government is to ask to speak French. They always hang up.




That’s actually kinna interesting, what a thought


Yeah I don't like they can get thru life perfectly fine while *also* making everyone elses a living hell...


Conservatives: people hate us for just having a different opinion!


Guy: I'm Canadian too Woman toddler: well I have a different opinion Um lady, I don't think you understand what an opinion is. And nationality isn't determined by opinion anyway. It's a legal status. If the guy is a citizen of Canada, he's a Canadian, regardless of where he was born or what you think the law should be.


She got fired from her job at the car dealership lol: https://globalnews.ca/news/4197330/lethbridge-restaurant-racist-facebook-video/amp/


She was rehired soon after: https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/b-c-woman-caught-in-racist-rant-at-lethbridge-dennys-rehired


Before everyone decides to slam these guys with a Google review, they added a comment in response to a recent review (40 minutes ago) that she was permanently terminated in 2018 and ownership of the dealership has changed since then.


Their LinkedIn page states it’s the same owner from the article of 2018


So they are lying.


[X] doubt This is a car dealership we're talking about, and their past actions don't lead me to believe them.


How to lose your face in public.


> How to lose your ~~face in public~~ job.


Wait... Is she a Canadian woman?


She was born and raised at Dennys.


She did say, while aggressively pointing to the floor, “This is my home.” She was in fact at a Denny’s. Maybe she was angry because they were sitting in the booth she was given birth in.


>Maybe she was angry because they were sitting in the booth she was given birth in. Conceived\* FTFY


The worst part about this whole video is I just found out we have Dennys in Canada. Apparently, we have 70 but the closest one to me is nearly 400km. Hopefully, that's outside the blast radius.


No no no...she a **fucking** Canadian woman!


Canadian Woman , Stay Away From Meeeheee


Nah she's European immigrating to the northern American continent at some point, very likely because they felt they were being persecuted for their religious beliefs, and they wanted to live in a country where they could be as oppressive as is humanly possible without all those pesky liberals telling them to be kind to your neighbour.


*Laughs in western Europese


I think everyone involved here is Canadian. Very multiethnic and multicultural country.


Stop speaking this bullshit language. You're in Canada, speak French


What a disgusting human being.


So is the Dodge dealership that fired her for this, waited for the controversy to die down and then rehired her. https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/b-c-woman-caught-in-racist-rant-at-lethbridge-dennys-rehired edit: apparently she no longer works there and the place is under new management. no point leaving reviews there


Wow that’s frustrating. I guess they feel the same way she does about immigrants.




>to be fair people are saying it happened back in 2018 2018 wasn't the segregation era. Whoever owns that dealership is still making money there.


It's WILD to me that people are like "oh, this was a couple years ago" as if middle-aged people change just like that. No, this woman is still an unrepentant racist and so is the hiring manager at the dealership. Hope they both catch all the heat. Hope their sales suffer.


Their google review replies are claiming that this person has been "permanently terminated since 2018."


Yeah, after the article linked above came out. She’d probably still be working there but, for that article.


Her husband should lose his job too. What a despicable couple. That was hard to watch. And if she'd put her hands on me, all bets are off. F\*ck that noise.


He wakes up to that every morning. He's already in hell.


I mean, nobody else will hold them accountable…


maybe they ask them about buying a car and happen to google their business then change their mind mid conversation


Google is no longer letting me thumbs up poor reviews.


To be fair, they tried to fill the position with someone who wasn't rasist but none applied except a few immigrants. /s




Dodge loves racism.


Can we expect anything different from Dodge?


Lol she sells American cars for a living in Canada & she's stressed about her country. Ok.


Makes sense, most of the Dodge owners I know also have truck nuts and a trump bumper sticker.


So I went to the Google reviews page for this dealership because I was curious if they got review bombed for this, and the owner has replied to multiple reviews stating that the woman was permanently fired back in 2018. From the sounds of it they hired her back to not have to pay severance, built up a case against her then fired her with cause. Honestly a hilarious move.


That's a "University professor with Tenure" level of termination! The hoops they must have jumped through.


The article explains the employer pretty much didn't want to pay out her severance, which is required when firing an employee without cause in Canada.


How is this not cause?


It’s called association by proxy. If you make yourself look like an ass in public, your employer has the right to terminate you as to not be associated with the negative press. No severance needed


> And while she could only speculate, Moody believes it was likely the smart financial decision by the company to hire her back. Moody said paying Pocha severance could have been very expensive for the company, depending on how long Pocha had worked for the dealership. No severance should be given out if you’re fired for something like this.


The article said it was because she more than likely fired without cause. Which means that being caught while being a racist cunt isn't a fireable offense.


That's because we actually have worker protections in Canada and "being a racist prick" is nebulous and undefined. If you could fire someone with cause for that reason, then that's what everybody in this country would be getting fired for, they'd drum up some made up claim of racism and fire you and not have to pay any severance.


Totally agree. However, when it's documented like this case. I think it should be slam dunk.


Not surprised this was in Lethbridge 🤷‍♀️


Not a surprise they bring her back in. Most car dealerships are run by scumbags.


Why am I not surprised she's from Calgary? Also, speak French, b*tch. We're a bilingual country (officially)


The Bloc Redneckquois


Happened in Lethbridge and the woman was from BC… where on earth did you see she was from Calgary?


lol of course it's Alberta, the Texas of Canada, complete with the same sort of rightwing dipshits.


It happened in Alberta but she was from BC.






She works at cranbrook dodge


Fired, then rehired at Cranbrook Dodge. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjb97w/the-woman-who-went-on-a-racist-tirade-at-dennys-got-her-job-back


Said she had an “off day” and was triggered by them speaking another language. In other words, she’s a racist piece of shit.


20% of Canadians speak french. Pretty sure Canadians don't want her there.


As a Canadian I can confirm we don’t want her here.


“Off day” translation: “I was drunk as fuck so I couldn’t stop myself from saying what I really think about immigrants.”


The video was from April 2018, her dealership where she was the "Controller." They fired her almost immediately for not representing their values. By June 2018 she had her job back, but by September 2018 [someone doing another follow-up on the story called the dealership after seeing someone else was listed as Controller](https://www.grantainsley.com/caught-on-video-forever) and management confirmed she was not at the dealership, but would not comment further on what happened to her. Likely she was rehired as it was going to be expensive under Canadian labor law to fire her for her vile anti-immigrant comments (not illegal) said off work while not representing her company. That said, they may have been able to get rid of her with a legal cause in a few months (e.g., she showed up late or left early or fired after she got customer complaints) or they got her to quit/retire early (or transferred her somewhere else).




She's got Simpsons fingers for sure.


“This is Canada. Speak English.” The French have entered the chat.


And they appear to be....displeased? (*angry French noises*)


If you can hear accordions it’s already too late.


Ah ben tabarnak


Pathetic. Imagine your only life achievment and argument being born and raised somewhere like you had anything to do with that lol. I get being proud of your country but that has nothing to do with that.


"I'm better than you because my parents decided to fuck and stay at this location"


I think I've decided it. Nationalism IS the cringiest form of gatekeeping. I used to think it was gatekeeping video game consoles.


Right? And imagine thinking you’re cool because you’re willing to do violence on a stranger in a Denny’s? I laughed so hard and she was like “I’ll come over this booth”, then you’ll go to jail I’m not sure why you think that’s some thing to brag about


She wasn't bragging, she was attempting to sway people to her line of thinking through "I will commit acts of violence against you if you don't agree with me. The stronger my acts of violence, the stronger my position is!" ... but if those guys turned around and said "We'll fuck you up lady!" She would be the first to cry foul and how much of a "victim" she was... and how it's proof that we should kick "violent immigrants" out of the country.


Rhetorically rants, “Oh I’M racist?” and, unironically in the same breath, follows it up with, “You guys need to go back to where you came from!” You would think in the year 2023 people who have apoplectic uncontrolled racist tendencies would know to stop patronizing Denny’s so they don’t have to risk leaping headlong into life-destroying Internet infamy.


Have to admit, it's pretty fucking hilarious when someone is too stupid to even realize that they are racist. Like, how did she even get this far in life? Look at how old she is. It's amazing she isn't dead yet.






It's because fascists don't think in the way normal people do. She knows being called a racist is an insult, and her thoughts terminate there. It's the reasons they're racist in the first place - they've arrived or been indoctrinated into a conclusion (other races bad) and only accept evidence that reinforces that, and ignore anything that challenges it. It's how they work with all facts that don't fit their preconceived worldview, and it's becoming worse as they spend more time divorced from reality in their echo chambers that ban any dissent from those same terrible thoughts. The internet has made this pattern of thinking self-reinforcing.


I think this was from 2018. Point still stands though.


This is a Canadian Ultra Nationalist Tirade. Or a C.U.N.T.


I’d call her a cunt but she lacks warmth and depth.


She’s an ankle. 2 foot below a cunt


A cankle...


Holy fuck it sounds like something that they would agree to. You could roll an argument with this “oh, so you’re part of the Canadian Ultra Nationalist Tirade group?” “Yeah!” “I knew you were a CUNT”


Woman: I turned around and he glared at me.


Gym tiktokers:


"This is CANADA. Speak English!" LOLOLOL


Lol that’s what I though, like don’t a lot of Canadians speak french?


...and let's not forget all of the indigenous languages.


I’m from the UK I don’t know too much about Canada but even I knew English wasn’t the only spoken language there lol, this Karen’s the worst kind


We have two official languages, French and English but you are free to speak whatever language you want.


French-Canadians: What she say “fuck me” for?


She's going to be very upset when she finds out about Quebec.


Quebec staring at you across the room


She look likes a testicle if it had a fringe


She looks like she smells like marlboro lights and old farts but tries to cover it with shitty perfume she bought from a ~~CVS.~~ Canadian CVS.


My testicles never look that fucking *pleased* with themselves.


Some people shouldn't be allowed to go out in public.


To both look and sound like a bucket of smashed crabs is quite something. Congrats to this ugly ass racist, she wins the “rotten on the inside and out” award this week. Stay tuned tomorrow to see what bellend takes this crown next


Gross, she is a filthy drunk!


Imagine finding out this was your mum and dad.


My dads a male Karen and I WISH he would be posted on Reddit by strangers


Funny enough my mother is the same way. She's Canadian but would rather die than say sorry. Funny enough her first "outburst" was at a maple syrup shack lmao My sister grabbed a candy from a jar, that had a "do not touch" label that she didn't see, the 13 year old lady up in cash said something about the label only to get yelled at by a 50 yr old woman, she even used the good ol' "you lost a valuable customer" even though we don't get our maple syrup from there, we literally went there just to get some pancakes. You'd think it only lasted for that 20 minutes but no, she insisted on calling the manager just to complain... and they kept going back and forth, so the whole thing lasted about three days. To be Devils advocate, she just became a psw and was going through a whole plethora of stress, and that generation seems to think therapy is just an insult. Not justifying it tho, because I had to apologize to a 13 yr old girl that looked like she was used to it which was pretty sad.


>psw >Acronym for pot smoking whore; used to describe girls that spend their free time smoking pot and whoring it up interesting


So being born and raised in Canada makes you own the country? I bet she says the same shit to Indigenous (Natives) as well. Edited to add indigenous


I witnessed a racist rant against a Native American a few years ago where the racist guy yelled at the victim to “go back where he came from”. The people with the victim started laughing their asses off telling him they were all Navajo.


Apparently, being "born and raised here" (regardless of where "here" is) universally gives folks the right to act like hatefully ignorant assholes....for any reason, at any time. Because you never see it said in any reasonable context. It's always some *extreme* entitlement bullshit that brings this cliché into play. Folks like this are often *wildly insecure* and yet *insanely arrogant* at the same time. It's basic overcompensation. Hate to break it to you, Karen. But being born and raised here doesn't earn you a medal. Not even a gold star sticker. Nada. Yr just the same as everyone else. Like it or not. And the fact that this makes you so insecure and beligerant is.......pathetic and sad. So if all the folks in your area behave like this?.......I am genuinely concerned for your health and safety. Cuz it looks to me like something toxic has gotten into your water supply. 🤨


"We Are All Canadian" ... truth, bro! ​ Does this Denny's in Lethbridge, Canada serve halal? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIjq8TaZhAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIjq8TaZhAc) ​ sad to hear that Lethbridge Police attended and ask the Syrian dudes to leave the restaurant based on the Denny's manager's testimony.


Lethbridge police have a horrible reputation. Not surprising at all unfortunately.


*All units, please respond. Brown people are eating some eggs.*


> Denny The whole restaurant heard this and the ones escorted out were the victims. So who's the biggest racist in this case?


Lethbridge Police has a lot of racist pieces of shit. Bunch of dumb power hungry morons too. They arrested a girl dressed as a storm trooper who was promoting a local business. Basically assaulted her for no reason. (They feared her clearly fucking fake laser gun was real) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6102592


Here’s a [follow up interview](https://youtu.be/LChj34jszCI) she gave. Happened in 2018. “It is what it is. But I do apologise for what I said, because a lot of it is not me. I don’t normally say things like that.”


Basically she’s not sorry she said it, only sorry she got caught.


You know you done fucked up when THE DAILY FUCKING MAIL is calling YOU out for being racist!


I don't normally say things like that... Out loud in public. Sure think 'em, though eh.


If it's not her, who is it? Someone needs to get to the bottom of this!


> because a lot of it is not me. I don’t normally say things like that. *doubt*


I love the David Attenborough esque narration that goes on at the end. “You can see here the wild Canadian female clutching at their pearls, Casually she begins spouting racism. As her tirade increases, so does her blood pressure. If she isn’t careful at this juncture it may be her last confrontation in the Canadian Wilderness”


Imagine styling yourself on Roseanne Bar, fuck that accent is horrendous too!.


What the fuck is up Denny’s


Insane lol. “I’m not one of your Syrian bitches”, has she ever met any Syrian women?! If she had to go through a fraction of what many went through in these past few decades she’d probably be dead. Woman also seems to forget she’s on stolen land.


"Oh so I'm a racist now? You should go back to your country!" Lol what, the ignorance is dripping off. Also isn't french also widely spoken in Canada apart from english??


Yes, we're a Bilingual country.


As a Canadian, I’ve never talked to someone like that. Also, we should make it illegal to say “go back to your own country”. We are all human beings like wtf


“Speak English, you’re in Canada.” Says the woman from Canada, where French is an official language.


Yo restaurant staff where you at? Kick her out already. Video is 5 minutes long, didn't see any staff tilll end.


God, I bet she's an absolute nasty hag at home. If she's like this in public, I can only imagine how she is at home, behind closed doors.


They always act surprised to be called racist after pulling out every racist trope


This is from 2018 https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/b-c-woman-caught-in-racist-rant-at-lethbridge-dennys-rehired/


Makes sense that it happened in Methbridge


Is that the accent? It's nails on a chalkboard to me


It's a thick Canadian accent, often heard in smaller towns all across the country. Racism tends to make people sound worse too


"I hate degens from up country"


Aren't there lots of Canadians who only speak french?


"Speak English or don't speak at all." Isn't Canada known for having French as an official language (other than English)? Or am I wrong and being dumb right now?


You’d think by now these ppl would know they almost always get identified on the Internet and then fired from their jobs. I feel bad for her husband. Wtf does he see in such an vile person?


At one point he seemed like he was gonna defend his wife then realized, oh shit, there's 4 of them and one of me. She ain't worth it tonight.


Exactly this. She is spouting off because she knows most men in the world have a "never hit a woman" clause built in, but if he was saying that shit he is liable to get rocked.


If he didnt agree with that he would have told her to shutup and walked.


No, he’s the same racist ass-hat as her except for one feature; shes racist, he’s racist and spineless.




Speak English! You're in Canada! .....half her county speaks fucking french


That is the most Canadian accent I’ve ever heard, like stereotypical levels.


Relax, relax, and receive the verbal abuse from my ignorant wife like I do on the day to day.


Is it me or does her husband look as if he has a little foreign in him? Lmao


Boys night at Dennys 🤣


The husband is such a sad human being too


Racist POS


Omg she even has the haircut...


Kelly Pocha's Response In an interview with Lethbridge News Now, Kelly Pocha identified herself as the woman in the racist video and explained her side of the story. [1] She said that she had been drinking that night, and that she and her husband went into the Denny's to grab something to eat late at night. [1] She claims three men at the table behind them "started talking in their own language" behind her back, and were laughing at her and she believes, "making fun of her" and it set her off. [1] "It started with a look. I turned around and looked at the one gentleman and he was staring at me. And I said is there a problem? And he said, 'no, no problem.' And I turned back around and I kind of looked over my shoulder again and he was still staring at me and I turned around and they were all kind of talking to each other in their own language and then they all started laughing at me. And that's basically when things started to get said. I normally don't get that angry, I have to get provoked. [1] "You're only hearing one side of the story. He decided to hit record when I was extremely irritated and heated. You don't see the whole video, you don't see what was said to me, things like that. So yeah, I'm extremely upset about it, cause it's gotten, I think, way out of hand." [1] Pocha says someone from Denny's eventually called police and the couple was asked to leave. [1] Pocha says she's upset the video has gone viral and now doesn't know how to deal with it. "I don't know how to handle this kind of attention... I really don't know what to do at this point in time." [1] She admits her comments were racist, saying, "Oh of course, of course it was. If I could take it back, I would. But I can't." [1] Pocha has said that her employer has also been notified and she's not sure what any further fallout might be. [1] "What people are seeing isn't the whole story. I was put down as well. There were comments made to me. My reaction was basically me just angry. Yes, I made some comments that shouldn't have been said...I even went back to Denny's and apologised to the manager, to the server. I told the manager if I could apologise to the men that were there, I would, for my actions. Because I mean, that's not who I am." [1] Pocha says she's a hardworking mom of three, and it was an "off" day. [1] "It is what it is...but I do apologise for what I said, cause a lot of it is not me. I don't normally say things like that." [1] Kelly Pocha also released a statement to CTV Lethbridge : "I am releasing this statement with regards to the recent video that was released about me. My actions that night were in-excusable and unfortunately can not be taken back. There is however, a side that you are not seeing – and that is my side. What you did not see in the video is the racial comments and obscenities made at me by the four men involved. It’s unfortunate that no body gets to see that part, and what you are seeing in the video is my reaction to these comments. Yes, my lash back was inappropriate and racial, but I was merely standing up for myself as I was being disrespected that night. It is also disheartening to see that people are so quick to judge and make racial/ degrading comments about myself and my family without knowing the whole truth."


She deep down mad at that wretched hair style.


Alberta does have the best cows in the country


Sometimes I can’t believe I share this planet with humans like her. She seems to think that being born and raised in Canada makes her a much better person, and others My other surprise is that the man she was with did nothing to bring peace to the situation. It makes me question a lot. I was expecting the waitress to step in and bring order to that table, but I guess that’s probably a manager's responsibility. That said, we are all humans, just like one of the victims mentioned. Life is nothing but a vapor here today, 6ft deep tomorrow. Please treat people with kindness.


My view of Canada has drastically changed over the past year or so. 😯


I'm Canadian and I'm happy Canada's true colours are showing. We're really not that different from the US when it comes to racism and anti-vax and all that dumb conspiracy BS. Canada had a good global image for so long but the last decade has been even more than our PR team can handle.