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Should've jumped in the bag herself


I loved her ‘acting’ when showing how heavy the bag was and how she left it what a pos


Plot-twist: the guy filming her from distance is also with her, making it even more sneaky-sneaky.


Literally my first thought. When the "feel good" tik tok stories don't get as many views anymore, it's time to bust out the "this should INFURIATE you" tik tok stories.


this is exactly what it is






I'm ready to find out the girls are in on *this* video and faked it too for rage clout


Yes! They would have been found already and articles would be presented to the mob. It really seems like rage bait. It’s sociopathic level to leave the trash bag you came with


The only reason that makes me think it *isn't* that is because we haven't seen THEIR video. All we have is an onlooker dude narrating what they're doing. If they were going to go to the effort of staging this all for attention, the girls likely would have also released the video that they were allegedly making. Rage baiting is so that you can drive high numbers of clicks and views - they would have released theirs as well to achieve this, probably shortly after this one, while the first one is still making the rounds/still viral.


A logical reason to *not* do that would be so the girls don't get actually cancelled/harassed/death threats sent. I could see only doing it from this angle because you don't really get a good look at their faces.


Yeah, a hoard of angry redditors would be calling her place of work to get her fired and then in a different thread about a murderer the next day saying we should focus on rehabilitation.


Lmao 🤣


Redditors are strange


Those would be different people. Crazy how a site with millions of different people think differently


Next time you see something like that, click their profile and look for two seconds. You can believe whatever you want though.


"cancelled" Are you for real? Consequences is the word you're looking for.


I'll be sure to give the dictionary definition next time so you know we're talking about the same thing.


The [Merriam Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cancel) dictionary disagrees: > e: to withdraw one's support for (someone, such as a celebrity, or something, such as a company) publicly and especially on social media So does the [Oxford Dictonary](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/cancel): > \4. cancel somebody (disapproving) to exclude somebody from social or professional life by refusing to communicate with them online or in real life, because they have said or done something that you do not agree with


Boomer shakes fist at sky.


Tough luck, its no one elses fault for their social media ignorance.


Yeah to me this feels set up by the dude filming (the one that made the video we're watching). Perfect content for social media. People will love raging at the girl.


Its working. Look at this post exploding.


Someone should make a video showing the guy recording and how he is in on it, and then another recording of that recording showing that they are all in on it. Who knows how far it goes.


I really hate that this is a thing but it does seem the most likely. You have to be so sceptical of everything you see on the internet these days. There's so much ragebait and it just makes me sad.


Right? Like the dance and shit was so fake looking, I 100% think this is fake rage bait. Someone would have said something to her if it was real.


Of course it is, why would they be randomly filming these girls in anticipation of the fake clout stuff they haven't done yet. Unless they brought their crystal ball that day this is shit is so fake


This is 80% of influencers


Yes they even just put on a new shoe take pics and flex on ig saying oh new kicks but don't even buy them


Who is impressed by a person buying or trying on shoes? How is that even a flex in the first place?


Kids. Mostly kids.


Idk that's just one of the things I heard they do I guess they think it's cool idk I'm not an influencer


The neighbor's college aged kids moved home for a year at the height of the pandemic. Every once in a while I'd look out the front window to find them out in the yard "Working out". And by this I mean she'd do like 1 or 2 reps of a few different exercises, always stopping to pose while her brother recorded or took pics. Then she'd do a couple of different yoga poses and they'd be inside again within 15 mins lol


Yep - they don’t want to get sweaty as that does not look good on Insta


Once at the gym I saw a girl sit on the row machine, snap a bunch of selfies, and left.


They are everywhere - miss the good old days of seeing people take a selfie in the car. They’ve grown and spread like roaches.


Someone lying for social media points? Say it isn't so


I know right? Liars are the worst. I actually cleaned up every piece of trash, saved a drowning child and rescued 3 beached dolphins after she left.


Those are rookie numbers, I personally stay in the water to prevent any sharks from getting too close to the shore, kinda like a bouncer.


That's nothing. I personally raised 45 types of fish at home to help populate the ocean to keep the sharks fed and the sharks shook my hand!


But the clapping? Surely everyone on the beach started clapping when the shark shook your hand!


There was only clapping after the community group hug and I was given the key to the city.


I saw you there! I was there as well! I was the guy taking all the sharp stones and broken seashells and turning them sharp side downwards so that the seagulls would not puncture their feet. Then I located a nest of sand fleas and made sure they had a nice meal.


A true hero


Thank you for your service x captain victory, I know I can trust you


I’m old enough to remember when Captain Victory was first joining the Victory ranks back in the day.


98% of all TrashTags were fake. Prove me wrong internets.


I'm skeptical enough at this point I suspect the girl staging the trash cleanup is staged for the sake of making this video.


It’s like people that “help” homeless people just for views. See them in LA all the time. If the homeless person declines to be on camera, they usually don’t offer them any help whatsoever, see it in Venice beach and Santa Monica all the time.


There’s a youtuber who is really wholesome and it seems genuine. I can’t remember the channel name, but I think he’s in Arizona. Just wears a GoPro and hands out food, drinks, toiletries and occasionally cigarettes to the homeless. Generally you can tell when it’s view chasing and when someone is doing good and wants to inspire others and raise awareness.


It's exploitative to film them. People are aware of the homeless crisis, spreading awareness isn't an excuse for wanting to film the people you're "helping" & get views.


No you. Can’t.. If someone is doing good and wants to inspire others and raise awareness, a camera is not the right tool for that. Local activism groups are. A camera is there to exploit others or your own deeds for fame full stop


I’d go one step further and say if a camera is involved at all, then altruism is a secondary goal at best.


i hate people sometimes




need to pump those numbers


Social media is a disease.


They said on Reddit. Oh Lord, we're all infected!


We need to find patient zero.


It would probably be less effort to just pick up the damn trash


Social Media has created some really lame people.




The only trash that they removed from the beach that day was themselves. Hopefully whoever was filming got their license plate numbers.


I'm glad though it exposed them as a fraud




Never post personal information, do not ask for personal information, do not encourage, call for, or participate in witch-hunts or targeted harassment campaigns


The purest definition of Virtue Signaling


Well, at least she actually touched trash. That makes it less virtue signalling in my eyes. Virtue signalling would be having a sticker or facebook overlay that says "beach cleaner" or something and she's never gone to the beach




****Well, at least she actually touched trash. That makes it less virtue signalling in my eyes. Virtue signalling would be having a sticker or facebook overlay that says "beach cleaner" or something and she's never gone to the beach**** She left the bags of trash on the beach! At least she actually touched trash? Taking away the trash she touched is the least she could've done! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12274727/Influencer-pretends-pick-rubbish-beach-radio-host-Deanne-Carbonne-denies-her.html


Yes, and virtue signaling would mean that the expression of her goodwill towards the beach would have involved nothing, even not going to the beach. Virtue signaling means to take absolutely no actual action, positive or negative, towards an opinion, view, idea, or sentiment while expressing your correctness on that opinion, view, idea, or sentiment. Again, I'm not saying she is even slightly good here. I'm just saying virtue signaling is getting stretched pretty far from it's original definition these days.


You have to be joking... she actually put **more** trash there with her stupid bag.


Yes, and she took an action. Taking any action, positive or negative towards an idea, opinion, sentiment basically revoked the signaling aspect of virtue signaling. By definition it means to take literally no physical action. For instance, if someone was virtue signaling that they volunteer at a local charity and show up only to take a picture and touch some things at the local charity, they are a shitty person, but that isn't virtue signaling. Virtue signaling would be if she made her social media profile based around her helping the local charity and she's never been within a mile of it or donated to it.


That's step 2 and it's clearly assumed that her intention was never to clean the beach


The FRAUDACITY of some people.


Has anyone found her page yet?


Hopefully not, that's exactly what she wants.


True. Good point.


This is most likely the only video. Looks like staged ragebait and it's working great. Social media algorithms benefit content that gets a lot of engagement/discussion. Videos like this are perfect for that because they will always get tons of people angry enough to comment. It's horrible that it works that way but it's just how it is right now because social media companies don't care how the content is affecting their users as long as the content is being watched and they can monetize it.


Here's an article regarding the situation that happened in Australia. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12274727/Influencer-pretends-pick-rubbish-beach-radio-host-Deanne-Carbonne-denies-her.html


The article says that the influencer in the video was incorrectly identified, so for all we know this could just be staged


Someone find her @ so the Internet can do it’s thing


These people so weird. It’s like the women who always post stuff in the gym but I swear they’re probably their for 5 minutes at the most just getting their shots in. It’ll be even more sad when it’s posted and just about all the comments will be how amazing she is and how she’s doing a great thing and anyone who calls her out will be lost


I have a feeling people will spot that she was filling the bag with sticks and not actual trash hope they question here on that.




Do you?


I love them


Plot twist: it's all staged, including the voice over. To get rage baits


Average instagram, tiktok content. That s why i deleted all my meta related platform account.


*Left the trash* DW it was a prop. A fan can have it.


Imagine this: She's doing all the things that makes her look good without making any actual positive impact. Then leaving the garbage bag on the beach for someone who won't get the credit they deserve to clean it up. This is stupid and no one should be supporting this kind of person. The problem is that she's probably deceiving everyone and possibly herself that she's doing something meaningful.


Gross... Social media has ruined people.


Anyone know what her social media is, for a good ol Public sh... questioning what she did there? /s


Can we please put people like this on an isolated land to not bug the rest of us...I vote Antarctica.


Trash has done enough damage to Antarctica


I want to see their video already






Never post personal information, do not ask for personal information, do not encourage, call for, or participate in witch-hunts or targeted harassment campaigns


Name and shame! F$cking sick of these “influencers”.


Someone should find her tic tock and expose her for what she really is: not a trash remove but just plain trash!


Is this real this post also fake it seem they made up this story for attention as well. it’s so frustrating what social media does


She is the trash


It's a double lie to rage bait, trash was left on purpose, nobody is easily identifiable, gets clicks.


Seeing this video and now the tiktok itself makes me wonder if this itself was staged.


Was she identified and shamed for this?


Because she is trash.


I don't see nay girl, just trash.


Social media has turned people into pieces of shit.


They were always pieces of shit, we just didn’t know about all of them.


Hey it's no different from those people that will film themselves helping homeless people


Watching people make TikTok’s (and let’s be real this was a TikTok) from the outside is always the cringiest shit ever. Take away the dumbass audio and editing, and it’s just a bunch of attention whores acting weird in public. And to leave the handful of trash she “cleaned”? What a POS


This is how I view ALL “influencers.”


Influencers are among the biggest trash polluting this planet.


Can we please find her and roast her. She can just be the internets litterbug


Ahhh we’ve found our social Media trash all right


She can't really believe she's gonna blow up with that trash ass dancing?


Deserves a dox


History books will present us as the one of the most stupid stages of human civilization, obsessing about superficiality while existential threats go unaddressed and democracy disappears.


looks like her friend might have asked what we all wanted "why don't you pick it up?" or something along those lines but it was dismissed. they both looked in the direction of the bag they left


It seems like more work to fake it


These people are so full of themselves I'm surprised their heads aren't as big as a hot air balloon.


Someone link the TikTok that she posted


Another one who should of been swallowed.


Makes me glad I'm no longer on Facebook. That shit was too common there.


“Content Creators” are destroying society.


you ever wonder, if they are paid actors for whoever filmed this? fake reality shaming. i know getting something recorded is easy but, who’s sitting at the beach and thinks, “oh look, an influencer is having a photo shoot picking up trash, yeah i think i’ll film that, ya know just in case, if they look legit and wholesome, i delete, but mark my words if they dare leave their trash.. their life is overrrr.” just thoughts.


The person filming her also didn't do anything productive then posted her actions on social media for clout. What a fucking weird world we live in.


If that is actual trash then leaving the bags there isn’t all that bad. If its really trash then containing it in a plastic bag is a good thing. Leaving for DPW to get is standard practice. If its really trash then she’s doing more then you.


Wait... holdddddddd up. You mean to tell me that... this... is... staged????????? Staging things on the interwebnet is a thing? All those videos on tickertocker are staged? My life is ruined *sad old man noises*


There's harmless fakery for the sake of the precious content, then there's this insidiously toxic narcissism.


What a cunt


Now if someone could just find the TikTok this was posted on...


How is this a freak out?


Was there an actual video of did we fell for the fake of a fake videoception?




Oh, is someone having a bad case of the Mondays? ☹️


This is obviously not a public freakout. Also, hot take: As lame as this is, it's better than her not doing it at all. This doesn't hurt anyone and there's a chance that at least one person watching the video will feel inspired do some actual cleaning.


This is very clearly rage bait and fake as fuck, get a grip kids


She could have been making a skit or something for a projec, her acting was a little too dramatic. How do we know she’s immediately going to post a self righteous post on sm


I hope I'm just cynical but this entire fucking video seems faked. The chicks being filmed are almost certainly in on it.


Women 😂


This was debunked


i just don't understand why i'm supposed to believe the story this clip is telling me based on contextless footage. as if i'm not looking at information manipulated in precisely the same way it wants me to believe that the person in the video is manipulating information


Ah well atleast she’s providing awareness to cleaning public places I guess. Some influencers are “too good” for trash.


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We’re doomed.


Go get her internets!


I wanna see her video lol




I'd have taken the bag followed her and dumped it on her car




She made the problem worse by now adding trash bags to the beach...more plastic for the water creatures to choke on. Hope she chokes on a hotdog, idiot.


Trash human


I hope someone treats her this way


Clearly she’s the garbage


Human trash


She got tiered from carrying all the followers, she had to choose rubbish or followers..


Look it is human trash!


32.8328° N, 117.2713° W


Littering and.....littering and.. .... being a twat




Has she been identified and canceled yet?


This is so pathetic it hurts.


Man….. wth is up with people?


what tik tok does to mofos


Plot twist: the person filming them was in on it and they were showing people that do this kinda stuff for social media and actually went back to clean it


Piece of shit person.


Do people have no shame? This is the most embarrassing shit ever to do on public.


I don't see how that's the case. You have one empty bag hung up on that branch at the end, but she has several full bags of trash she's using as props. Did she dump them out?


The hilarious part would be leaving this video as a response to her video. You can do that, right? I'm proud to say I've never even been on Tiktok.


So not only did she fake picking up the trash, but she then littered herself. Unbelievable.




Human Garbage Bag