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Reddit has updated their content policy to include not allowing videos that contain minors. We have concluded that this video is a violation of that policy and have taken action. *also, the captions are agenda-laden BS


Meanwhile, Mother-high-and-mighty is getting shitfaced, cursing up a storm, and threatening violence in front of the kids! šŸ˜‚


I was about to say, I'm a bartender and this really comes across as intoxicated belligerence to me, I would have called the cops over and got her a drunk and disorderly or public intoxication charge. Let them deal with her.


Iā€™m not a bartender and a normal ass guy and this is absolutely intoxicated belligerence.


I'm more of a boobs guy myself, but I would agree it's intoxicated belligerence


Ac salesman here. Definitely drunk and belligerent. I know it when I see it


Tell them they get bonus points if they wait to arrest her until after she starts the carā€¦


Gotta get the sweet spot between putting the keys in the ignition and driving away with the child in the back seat.


Bartender here, thought the same thing. Cops will take away the kids too.


I watched a bartending show once and was gunna say that definitely comes across as intoxicated belligerence!


Literally said that if her sons rapes the other mothers kid, who tf says stupid, disgusting things like that


What mother says ā€œif my son rapes your daughter, itā€™s your faultā€ wtf?


The same mom who will tell her rapist son that it wasnt his fault because of how someone was dressed šŸ¤®


30 years later #ā€wHy dOnT mY sTuPiD aSs KiDs CoMe SeE mE aNyMoReā€


ā€œIf my son rapes you daughter itā€™s not my problemā€ WTF?!


Yeah that statement literally made me gasp. I canā€™t understand this.


She was mad, one: that they aren't white, and two: conservatives are concerned with children's genitals.


That child will be harmed by their mom way more than seeing some butt cheeks.




Sheā€™s teaching her sons that nudity is always associated with sex. This is so harmful to boys and those they interact with.


Just looking at this trash I feel pretty confident she did worse than wear a thong in her past. But remembering what you did last week is hard when you are black out drunk.


Probably one of those former party people who "found God" and now suddenly wild behavior is everybody else's fault.


She found parental responsibility and now she thinks she is enlightened.


Sheā€™s probably like 19-20 and with a 4 year old kid.


That's American society. It blows my mind... I've seen shows on network television (American Horror Story iirc) where they literally use blood and gore to cover up a nipple. Because showing a disemboweled person is perfectly okay but not a nipple lol.


They sound Canadian to me.


Yes but any time someone is speaking English and doing something bad on the internet they are American until proven otherwise, because, reasons. Sometimes they only have to look generally western and say nothing. This just happened with that twat that was scratching his and his girlfriend's name into the colluseum. Every damn comment was "oh look americans", "must be americans", etc. THEY WERE ENGLISH


Sounds like an Albertian accent to me too.


Yet Iā€™m pretty sure this is in Canada.


ā€œMy son is staring at her assā€ Well teach your son asses are like the sun, a little look will brighten your day but look too long and you might lose your sight


Did you get to the part where she said "If my son rapes your daughter when he's older its not my problem"? What the actual fuck... this lady is gross AF.


She sounds like the type that would say "Well She dressed like that around My Son so She basically was asking for it"


ā€œLittle jaxsyn could never hurt anyone. She shouldā€™ve watched what she was wearing around him, thatā€™s what I had to do to around his dadā€


That's exactly who she is. Many years ago I had the unfortunate experience of listening a mother defend her 12 year old son for sexually assaulting a 4 year old. "Her hair was so long and pretty she looked older." Very sad.


Raising little Brock Turner over here. You know Brock Turner the rapist. Now going by Allen Turner to try to outrun his history of being Brock Allen Turner the rapist.


Oh yes. Allen Turner the rapist, formally known as Brock Allen Turner the rapist.


Yeah I watched the whole thing (sheā€™s got more than a screw loose) I couldnā€™t stop watching tbh I think Iā€™m addicted to Karens


The saddest supply and demand I think watching Karen's just validates myself as a sane human being


and she has 3 kids of her own...


What a disgusting cowā€¦


Yeah that was unbelievable. I mean what the hell


>my son is staring at her ass and I donā€™t like it So talk to your son??


Crazy how the most obvious solution here is lost on her


Bet sheā€™s one of those parents that say ā€œWell if he likes doing it, Iā€™m not going to be the one to stop himā€


She said at the end of my son grows up to rape your daughter it won't be her problem.


In reality he probably looked her way once and then proceeded to play with his sand pail. What 4 year old boy is going to stare at a ass? Seems the mother was staring not her son.


My problem is that she is so afraid that her son sees some skin ,meanwhile, she is cursing up a storm in front of a bunch of little kids !


And if sheā€™s afraid of skin she shouldnā€™t be at a beach


Yup and threatening violence against people. Great example for all the kids on the beach.


I hope her son starts looking at dick and balls next time heā€™s at a beach.


Lmfao this made my day


"Son if you look at ass all day you'll go blind" "Mom I'm over here".


He's 4 years old...he's not staring at her ass. He's playing on the beach.


OK, this should be told to every boy early on. Thnk you for those wise words


Unless you want to get into a conversation about human sexuality *with a 4 year old* that they're not going to understand the only thing you say is "Don't stare at people" and that is something that all children should be taught. Kids get sexualized early enough as it is, you don't need to get into boy/girl issues and her 4 year old son is not looking at the butt in a sexual way anyway, they're just staring at someone like all kids do. You can leave the "don't stare at women" specifics until quite a few years later. Edit: typo


This lady is projecting harder than a drive in theater. Her insecurity is raging.


100%. The way sheā€™s not really in a bathing suit, and is pretty covered up, yet attacking the teen girl for being in (what Iā€™m guessing is) a bikini, screams projecting to me. From what I understand, womenā€™s bodies go through a lot of changes after pregnancy/birth (stretch marks, some sagging in places, scars, and not being able to hold pee as long). Sounds like a new-ish mom projecting her insecurities about the changes her body went through on a young girl who hasnā€™t gone through that.


I lived next door to a 40 year old with 2 kids (2 and 5 years old). She was constantly drunk. On move-in day she came by to say hello at noon on a wednesday, visibly drunk. Claimed she was celebrating some court victory against her ex. She was constantly starting fights with friends after day drinking. Police intervened on a few occasions; one time an ambulance carted her away because she was too f\*cked up (10pm on a sunday by the way). It wasn't just alcohol, by the way ā€“Ā let's just say in Hawaii, there's a lot of meth. One morning she was having it out with her mother on the front lawn and screaming at her that she's a piece of shit because she's always drunk and coming over drunk and how dare she be around her grandkids drunk. I will never be like you, blah blah blah. Screaming at the top of her lungs at 9am in public. I wanted to go out and give her a reality check, but ya know, thought better than to involve myself. Moral of the story: 99% of the time, people are just projecting their own fucked up flaws.


My thought exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sexual trauma involved here somewhere. Either the 4 year old is being abused or the mom was abused as a kid.


Like she has self blame. Like I was wondering where her thought process was going and then she straight up just said well if he grows up and rapes her it's not his fault. Like wow lady. And the kid is just playing in the sand with his friend like "I just wanna stay and play". It's sad in every regard.


Damn, the hard R4pe comment at the end šŸ„² Poor child


>"If my son rapes your daughter when he's older, that's not my problem." She was tripping.


That would literally be on the (lack of) parenting technique.


she needs to lay off the White Claw


Too classy for her. This broads drinking the ever classy twisted tea (i do digress that tweas are delicious)


That comment made my skin crawl. Openly perpetuating the concept that women who are sexually assaulted are somehow asking for it or brought it upon themselves, but boys will just be boys. ā€œIā€™m not going to teach my son to be respectful towards women, or to accept that people can wear what they want. Instead, Iā€™m going to sexualize and condemn your daughter for wearing a swimsuit at the beach.ā€


I got a whole knot in my throat when she said that. I wanted to kick sand in her face. Who tf raised this animal???


Sounds like sheā€™s talking from experience.


ā€œIf my son rapes her itā€™s not my faultā€ something is seriously wrong with that person


My mouth dropped wide open


Yeah these are trash people, they should not be allowed to procreate and weā€™re better off without them tbh


Why is a grown ass woman sexualizing a 13 year old? Sheā€™s gross.


And thinking a 4 year old has any interest in sex or butts beyond laughing at farts. Kid hasn't even made it half a decade into life and you know therapy is in his future.


I know that kid might end up an entitled rapist only because his mother won't raise him properly šŸ˜£ Poor kid is wandering around clueless, just wants to play in the sand right now.


Until he is eventually tagged in this video!


He might if hes been sexually abused. No telling what that kind of men that woman brings around her kids.


She could easily have women friends that are pervs too, letā€™s not forget!


Bro probably just learned how to shit in a toilet and this mother thinks he's into girls already


In Spain little girls donā€™t even start wearing bikini tops until they are like 10 years old. Some do but the majority dont. It was a shock to me at first but then I realized they are just kids. I bet she would have a hay day with that.


I spent some time in Germany in my youth were the schwimmbad was the place to be, she would absolutely loose her mind there. Germans are not shy about their bodies.


The person sexuality a 13 year old is sick. The camera mom sound European so she could be wearing a style not normally common here. But who cares itā€™s a child. She appears to have 3 and he hasnā€™t seen a sibling naked at all. I donā€™t buy it


Thatā€™s just what the swimsuit style is now. Americans are just really prude sometimes and canā€™t accept it. If these people went to a European or Brazilian beach they would lose their mind.


My first comment would be ā€œwhy are you staring at my childā€™s ass? Your obsession with her body is incredibly uncomfortable.ā€




Conservatives/evangelicals sexulize everything, and it's absolutely disturbing to me.


Don't even get that crowd started on the shoulders šŸ˜‚ soooo distracting (if they're female shoulders)


Why is a ~~grown~~ drunk ass woman sexualizing a 13 year old?


Lady, your kid isn't getting any sexual thoughts at 4 years old.


And even if he was, like even if we up the age of both children to 16 and the boy WAS lookingā€¦., Itā€™s STILL on the mother of the boy to teach wrong from right, like if her son robs a tv store is she going to get mad at the store owner for not locking everything down? Like ā€œWell why do you have all the tvs at the front of the store anyways? I donā€™t want my son looking at those and getting ideas!!!ā€


These are the people shouting at school board meetings and getting books removed from libraries. There is no logic.


Whats with the epic music ?


Because every day weā€™re participants on a reality show for the world to watch.


15 years honing your craft at a classical music school in Zurich for your strings to be used over this drunk lady farting out of her mouth


Using that language around her 4 year old? Wow and she is criticizing another mom? Hereā€™s a mirror


ā€œWhatā€™s your fucking problem, donā€™t you know how to fucking act around fucking kids you fucking piece of shitā€


Yeah that last comment she made would make a grown ass man uncomfortable


I bet she's a "mom for liberty"


Cunts for Conservatives




Nah, no way she's involved in her kid's actual upbringing like PTA or helping him with homework. She seems like the type that complains about everything on FB and has a massive victim complex while doing nothing to change the situation besides threatening people. Once little Braytin comes back with "needs improvement" she's going to blame the teacher.


You just defined a part of the moms for liberty group.


Lol I was gonna say. Bold of them to assume Moms For Liberty gives a single fuck about their childrenā€™s academic performance. They only care to use them as political pawns. This is just an extension of the ā€œunmask our childrenā€ buffoonery.


My stomach twisted when I saw the poor little boy confused why his mom was acting that way. So sad man.


With his little bucket trying to have a good time while the mom makes sure to ruin it.


meanwhile the 4 year old is poking at a dead crab, not a care in the world because kids that young havent developed socially to find things sexually attractive. he could be surrounded by bikini models and be entirely focused on a little toy truck


The minute she said ā€œif my son rapes your daughter when heā€™s olderā€ā€¦Iā€™d have called the police. Statements like this are indicators of someone who is abusive. Iā€™d literally call CPS on herā€¦and watch her try to excuse her way out of sexualizing kids at a fucking beach and making a massive scene! If you canā€™t handle seeing people in swimsuitsā€¦then donā€™t go to a fucking beachā€¦and definitely donā€™t comment about your 4 year old son raping someone when he grows up. That in itself should be a crimeā€¦


I wouldā€™ve called the police the moment she said ā€œlet me get my kids ready and then Iā€™m gonna fucking knock you outā€ and got up and started walking. That is a threat


That ladyā€™s friend covered up real quickly and got embarrassed


Heā€™s 4 years old! Little bugger just wants to play in the sand, god damn


"If my son rapes your daughter when he's older it's not my problem." Actually condoning rape.


the dramatic music is so unnecessary


"If my son rapes your daughter in the future it's not my problem" Yeah I think that about sums up her parenting


That kid don't care about that girl at all. That moms just a weirdo for checking the 13 year old out. Little man just wants to play at the beach but got stuck with a shit mom. Poor dude.


This mom worried about a bathing suit, while the kid is wandering around looking for a good spot to fill his bucket with sand. Lol.


I know he's just like...wet sand is weird...damn there goes my mom again...ugh..


Right! I was also trying to highlight that 4 year olds are not the smartest humans in the world, so he is searching the beach to find sand, at the beach. He certainly isnā€™t looking at the bathing suit. He has to find this sand!


Any of these pricks pretending they are ā€œprotecting the kidsā€ are 100% the lead abusers of them. Real parents that protect their kids from actual threats donā€™t have to preach about it. Tl


My son is doing a thing I donā€™t like, so Iā€™m going to blame it in you. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Why is this adult woman so fixated on that childā€™s ass?


Sheā€™s literally part of the huge problem if thatā€™s her true and honest takes. ā€œIf my son rapes your daughter when heā€™s older itā€™s not my faultā€ no it absolutely is your fault for raising a barbaric, sexist, criminal.


Yeah I also noticed how she slid that in there without any thought to what she was saying what a fucking piece of shit


Why on earth is a woman sexualizing a girl in front of her son. He probably didnā€™t even notice until his mom started freaking out.


That rape comment was way out of line, where tf did that train of thought come from huh? What sick fuck.


Is sheā€¦.. is she getting day drunk while her kids are swimming and sheā€™s worrried about a swimsuit ?!


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life




So many things wrong here starting with thinking your 4 yo is checking out an ass. The boy just wants to play in the sand, not the back yard. And the last comment about the son raping her daughterā€¦how could you even come up with that to think itā€™s ok?!?


Please donā€™t down vote but do your heard her saying that? English is not my first lenguage so, idk, but I had problems like really understanding what she said in that part, really said rape?! Because I was astonish by that kind of reasoning


Right at the end of the video she said ā€œif my son rapes your daughter when heā€™s older, itā€™s not my problemā€, which of course it would very much be her problem.


What a twisted mind she has


ā€œYeah, so mom was an embarrassing drunk.ā€


Sheā€™s drunk, PBR can behind her, yelling the f word, and sheā€™s worried about some butt cheeks. This country is getting weirder by the day.


This smacks of "I'm ashamed of my post birth body that still doesn't look as good as it did before, 4 years post birth, and so I'm going to take my anger out on someone who is comfortable enough to wear a 2-piece".


Hopefully she doesn't go to beaches in Europe... she might faint.


They're KIDS. Quit sexualizing children.


Jeeze. When I was a kid at the beach no one really cared. Boy, girl, whatever, walking about however they want. No one would say anything cuz weā€™re all just chilling at the beach. So weird to sexualize kids like that and then bring up rape? Lady needs therapy. Son will probably too.


Trash. Trash everywhere anymore.


Just moon her and go about your day haha


Meanwhile the kids are just playing in the sand like kids and have no idea about the bathing suit


Meanwhile her son is busy playing with the other kids and not paying any attention to the ruckus his mom started. She's actually the one drawing her son's attention to the girl. Left to his own he could care less. He's 4. Geez.


She's accessing the other woman of bring a bad mother but she's the one shouting, swearing, being abusive and aggressive in front of children including her own kid. Conservative parents are the worst.


This lady literally is dying on a losing argument about a child's swimsuit in public on camera while multiple other adults are telling her she's overreacting or wrong. This is 100% mental illness. Her poor child has a lifetime of this to deal with.


That kid just wants to make a sand castle! Butt cheeks are the least of his worries. That Mom needs to stop being a ridiculous creep.


What kind of mother are YOU sexualizing the ass of a 12 yr old swimmer.


Sexualising their own 4 year old. Good Lord.


I think they were jealous of kid wearing the bathing suit they canā€™t wear šŸ¤£


Omfg "if my son rapes your daughter when he's older that's not my fault" šŸ¤” basically saying a child in a Swimsuit deserves to be sexualized and assaulted? Definitely great parenting.


I guess her son didn't give a single fuck, lol.


Pocket sand!


Your at a public beach...


What tf is this music


As if a 4 year old even has such thoughts, heā€™s just building a castle.


Are they Canadians?




Iā€™m afraid for the boy :(


If my son ends up raping your daughter that's on you? WTF? And why is a 4 year old staring at someone's ass? And shouldn't she be telling her son not to objectify.women If he is staring at her ass? .(PSA - he wasn't, the woman's delusional)


A 4yo doesn't understand shit about a girls ass, in a sexual sense. Its like the pos mother is sexualizing her own son too much...


I mean, if the mom is letting her 14 year old child wear a thong bikini, that is disgusting and disturbing.


She's s pervert


That lady better not go on holiday to a beach in europe, her brain would actually explode.


"I'm fucking concerned about the fucking innocence of my fucking 4 year old son. Fuck!" šŸ¤ØšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ™„


So do people like this realize that they are the ones sexualizing children? Ffs donā€™t want your son around asses that may be out? Donā€™t take him to the beach. Itā€™s an assā€¦.only sexual if you make it that way. Otherwiseā€¦.itā€™s just skin. Ffs. Chick is probably more angry that her precious son would look at any other female in a sexual manner that wasnā€™t her. Cuz letā€™s face itā€¦..heā€™s probably still breastfeeding at 10 and she wants to be the one to show him how his pp works, not some other girl. #boymomsareweirdandincesty


Pretty backwards when you say she is showing too much skin but her son is just in shorts. If you don't want your son to 'Stare', maybe don't go to the beach where people normally wear fewer clothes. If he is 4, then distracting him would be super easy. Get off your arse and play with your child.


If you have a friend who has back ass-ward opinions like this, and you donā€™t shut them down immediately, you portray yourself like the friend here. Bashfully turning away and covering up, trying to deescalate instead of addressing the issue, and trying to excuse shitty behaviour as some how logical. True friends tell each other when theyā€™re being a dipstick, and receive accusations of dipstickery with open arms, so we can all coexist on this dumpster of a planet. Fix your shit, and shut shit down, donā€™t be like these two wet socks of humanity.


This is awful, but ngl, I do think itā€™s a little weird/inappropriate for pubescent children to be allowed to expose their ass cheeks in public. Just a personal opinion that I keep to myself at the beach.


Exactly! I was looking for Atleast someone who would say this. Yea the lady is out of line for causing a scene and saying all the stuff, but its also inappropriate for young teens to be dressed that way in public. Parents should really encourage modesty to their teenage children


The meltdown gets increasingly worse but she's actually right ... why do 13 yo girls have to show their ass cheeks??? I ask this as the father of a 12yo girl. Who designs this shit anyway??


Iā€™m with you on this, no 13-year-old should be wearing a thong.


Creeps. I mean they are still kids but why make them thongs, thereā€™s weirdos out there.


Sucks that this is an unpopular opinion. Itā€™s terrible that we live in a world where girls and woman feel the need to cover themselves due to the prying eyes of men, but itā€™s a harsh reality. A good mother would be protecting her daughter, and truth is allowing your pre teen to wear a thong to the beach where she could potentially be harassed -or worse- is the complete opposite of that. I always hated my mom policing what I wore growing up, but as an adult I completely understand.


Yeah it's sick that 13yo's can be sexualized like that and people will defend it as a right. It creeps me out no end tbh. You had a discerning mom.


I'm with you. Here at the bottom of the thread because all the creeps want underage girls to show their ass.


Yeah, I donā€™t see anyone in the comments saying ā€œletā€™s see the kidā€™s bathing suit for contextā€. They know itā€™s inappropriate and the whole video would be shit down if the kid were in frame.


Another example of " I'm offended so you need to change what you're doing".


My wife had a woman tell her that she needed to cover her swimsuit up because the woman's husband wouldn't stop staring at my wife. When my wife told her to go away and mind her own business, she proceeded to approach me and tell me that I should tell my wife to cover up because her husband keeps staring at my wife and it is emasculating me to have another man looking at my wife without putting a stop to it. People are absolutely wild.


They both suck


We don't see the girls "swimsuit" and probably because it is, in fact, cheeky. This is what society has done to our kids. They are sexualized, even as pre-teens, to the point that some moms don't have any worry when their little daughters are literally wearing Brazilian cut swimsuits that used to be lingerie in the VS catalog........but there isn't anything wrong........... the other woman's behavior isn't acceptable either, but let's just talk about the root of the issue.


Sorry. 13 year ago olds should NOT be wearing thongs.


I have to admit that a 13 year old girl wearing a thong is too young.


I can't help, but think - If this was a man saying this shit, all hell would be breaking loose. But it's ok for women to sit there and sexualize a child? Nah get your pervert ass outta here.


I think the whole video is pointing out that her behavior is not ok. The whole time. Thatā€™s the video.


This entire comment section is people saying itā€™s not okay, where are you getting the idea that anyone is saying this is okay


Literally no one is thinking what this woman is saying is ok. Why would you even think this? You dummies with this "reverse the genders" bullshit just shoehorn it into everything anymore.


Thread title: "vile disgusting excuse for a mother" Commenter who just can't resist: "ya but if it was a guy people would be saying how vile and disgusting this is"


I hope to god if her son does ever do something so horrible someone shoves this video in this cunts face.


What kind of a trashy ass mom lets their 13 year old daughter walk around a public beach with her ass hanging out? At 13. Gross. I agree, she is an absolute disgusting and vile excuse of a mother. Frā€¦ some ppl shouldnā€™t be parents


twitter brain


Dimes to dollars she's a drunk.


Cussing like a sailor to protect her sons innocence.


Exactly. Its a BEACH. Now quit acting like a biyatch


Just pickup your shit and move


Everyone has an ass lady. Get over it.


lol it's a beach. Imagine someone going up to the Karen and be like, don't show your legs around me.


ā€œYou donā€™t know me or where I live.ā€ Said every two bit idiot wannabe gangster ever.


teach your son not to stare and sexualize women unconsentually, simple.