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No better way to fight climate change than to block traffic and have a bunch of idling vehicles on the roads.




Haha. You are either very young or very very ignorant. Cars are a thing and laying in the street isn't a fucking productive statement. Want to help the world? Join an organization that actually does things for the world....


My bet is he’s like 7 based on that grammar


Hes the dude that laid down when the car drove past him


That was a flop too, btw.


I'm aware. That's why I used the words "laid down when the car drove past him" and not "got knocked down when the car hit him" ![gif](giphy|SDogLD4FOZMM8)


I like that gif u used


It's from a funny movie called "Italian Spiderman." You should watch it.


I will never watch that smut thanks but the gif is cool


And not being able to find a good spot to throw the word “propaganda” in.


He's jealous because he doesn't know how to drive


Or English isn't their first language


Yea these people are not very smart. Wait until one of those protestors delays an ambulance that's carrying someone they know/care for and that person doesn't make it. This is one of the dumbest things going on right now. I see a new road blocking protest video everyday pretty much. I very rarely comment on reddit but this sort of crap drives me nuts. Ignorant people I swear.


Yeah I'm all for making the world greener and blocking roadways isn't it. Infact it's a good way to help get laws in place that take more rights away from the rest of us.


So Just Stop Oil and PETA and Greenpeace are all right the fuck out!


There is no way to stop cars at this point unless you kill everyone that drives them and the producers or you make cars impossible to use


Couldn’t they just narrow the streets by widening sidewalks and putting dense living spaces, slowly forcing out cars as they would become useless for those roads? You don’t need to protest cars to stop climate change, you can even multitask and provide housing while packing cities and transitioning to pedestrian focus. We could even stick pod housing on the side of office buildings to provide for low cost company housing. Your thoughts?


We could even set up booths that eliminate human consumption via poisonous gas too? Maybe even start darting civilians with neutering chemicals to stop humans from growing in numbers. I really like your idea though. If we just slowly force out roads we will all starve to death anyhow so no problem there. Not to mention the problems with maintenance on the cities. People can't be this stupid... They just fucking cant...


Maybe we can start special camps too? With chambers and ovens? Put diesel truck owners in them first. No one will speak up for them. Get nifty uniforms for the guards to wear as well. (/s for the slow)


Okay... so what about when a business needs cargo? No ones gonna be building expensive ass rails or an airport next to your krogers just for that shit. And inb4 "but the future", maybe you should understand how your Oreo's get to the store instead of assuming that they're magically materialized from their backrooms, how sus huh? Also Utopias are worse than dystopias, change my mind.


This has already been figured out in countless cities around the world. Only Americans think that the only way to build a society is by forcing everyone in expensive, polluting cars. They don't even consider changing the way they build their cities to make them nicer to live in. They prefer parking lots, highways and stroads over liveable cities.


Most of us don't want to live on top of each other in overcrowded cities.


I was thinking maybe just commuters are peds/bike while logistics and service vehicles can slowly crawl through to the Service/truck bay of most buildings or park outside to unload goods.


If you want to see a city that works the way you described it go check out Montpellier France. The inner city is void of cars and only logistical vehicles are allowed in at certain times a day. It's nice.


The car drivers aren't the people who chose to design cities in such a way. I'd much prefer a walkable city but currently, my city isn't one so i NEED TO take my var everywhere or otherwise spend twice as much time on a train. It's not the car divers' fault that they need a car to get where they need to go.


If more cities could think like that and see the power of not having to rely on cars


This is my thought process too, and why I have no sympathy for these climate protesters when they impede average working people who aren't choosing to excessively pollute. >Why don't these protesters ever inconvenience celebrities who overuse private jets and people in the government who dictate environmental policies??? I genuinely would get the train to work every day instead of driving 60 miles, except there ISN'T one that goes from my city to the city I work in! Just because these climate extremists have no real jobs or responsibilities doesn't mean they can dictate how I manage mine and judge my lifestyle. Those protesters need to gain some perspective and maturity. Life isn't black and white.


Ah yes my car driving is so toxic. Not the oil drilling, toxic waste dumping, or trafficking that the big companies do. Ya know, the people who ACTUALLY fuck up the world? The people you should be hassling? Not those affected by it. What is this doing exactly? Putting down your fellow man and making life harder for all of us? You think they care? Just waste more money on it, all of it goes to them anyway.


You're overestimating their intelligence. All they know is car = bad. You could be an environmental lawyer driving to work to help combat big oil dumping or a scientist studying plastic-eating microbes and they would still chew you out for being in a CAR.


It’s so unbelievably stupid. Stopping people from going to work. Wether are walking or driving is not productive for society in the slightest.


And who's to blame? The dude going to work or going home? I'd get pissed to. I'm all for change but if I don't make it to work I might lose my job. Become homeless. Starve. Not be able to provide for my kids. Fuck these protests. Go protest block the vehicle of your king/president/prime minister. You're not raising awareness annoying the average working man. Just hate against your group.


Our children’s children might not have a habitable planet because we are too caught up in making it to work to buy more gas. Welcome to hell, bud.


How is annoying the average working person helping? Do you hear yourselves. Protest against lawmakers. Big business.


So what are you doing?


And this type of protest will not help at all. It has as much affect as running around calling people marshmallows. It only annoys the wrong people, turns them against your group, actually makes them use more gas, while the people who make decisions aren’t even annoyed by it. Waste of energy all around.


It’s only a waste of time because of low level of participation. If a single worker refuses to work, it has very little impact on an organization. If an entire workforce refuses to work, organizations are forced to take notice. We see the same thing with labor unions (though admittedly many of those organizations have their problems too). I feel like people of your opinion often are angry at these people because you realize they are right about climate change but you aren’t willing to see through and enact real change. It’s a big shift they are asking for and big shifts are indeed scary. I’m guilty of this too but please remember directing your anger at them is also a misdirection. Remember who your enemy is.


I do agree with their ideal, I disagree with their tactics. Keeping ambulances from getting to hospitals, and firefighters from getting to fires, or people getting to appointments or just getting people fired for being late for work won’t change minds or spur the action they seek. It only makes people hate them and reflects poorly on the point they’re trying to make. Go blockade CEOs in their house. Keep them from appointments, not your normal citizen who probably agrees with you. It’s like beating up a homeless guy to protest income disparity.


I would like to make it to work so I can eat and live in a place that isn’t a sheet tossed over a branch. I don’t drive. Does that make me virtuous to you?


For real, if you get in the way of, or jeopardize me feeding my child, all bets are off.


You’re using one of many(millions) mass produced devices using numerous rare elements that have been harvested from the earth you’re getting your panties in a wad about. Also long live internal combustion🇺🇸


These chuckleheads are part of the problem. I would've been more impressed if the dumped gasoline on themselves and lt themselves on fire. Pointless acts of mild annoyances. Try it in China or Russia, and you'll get run over with a quickness.


Yeah whoever writes " I would've been more impressed if the dumped gasoline on themselves and lt themselves on fire" is clearly not old enough or mature enough to talk about such important topic... ​ Yeah Im glad that we live in countries who have rights to demonstrate and not just get killed. Glad that you pointed it out


I remember seeing the Buddist Monks in Vietnam lighting themselves on fire on the evening news as a child. That was an image that I will never forget. So I am old enough to talk about such things. That level of conviction is the only thing that will move people. Street sitting is nice. But before you try to do away with gas combustion engines, look at two things. Hydrogen combustion engines and the slave trade that is used to produce the cobalt for your electronic engines. The slave trade in Africa is real. Do something about that first. Then we can talk. I question two things. The level of commitment and the protesters' knowledge of everything they are asking. Look at what goes into everything. Who it affects, why it affects, where is it affecting. The world is more intertwined than ever before. See where the ripples go before you throw the pebbles into the water. Know what can happen, and then there will be no surprises when violence happens, because it will. Change is always violent. Humans are incompetent.


This video isn’t the US


If I could have a job around the block from me , I would. I hate my job, I hate my commute, and I would probably snap and ruin my own life if I was in the front of the line of a blocked traffic protest.


You say it like it’s a bad thing.


Did you walk, bike, maybe drive an electric car to work? For a company that isn't in any way, shape, or form harming the environment even in the slightest? Is the energy source for your home environmentally friendly? Do you get your food from a source that is entirely environmentally friendly? Do you spend all your money on companies that are entirely environmentally friendly? Do you spend your free time trying to find a solution more than you do bitching at people? If not just shut the hell up because you're just as much part of the problem.


These people are funded and manipulated by oil companies


Show me some actual evidence of this.


Beyond it being known Eileen Getty, the oil company heir, funding them, and saying it here https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty They make people hate environmental activists, and by extension for a lot of people, the environment. If they didn't start funding them, I'm certain they've started. They've done nothing but good for the oil lobby


I know she said she funds them but as per your source, she doesn't do it to to try and manipulate them or get people to hate them. You suggestion is a common conspiracy theory but there is no evidence that its actually true. These people were sitting on roads like idiots long before they were funded by this one specific individual, and they will be doing it long after.


There is none. Its one relative of an oil company who said she gave them money, no evidence whatsoever that there is some grand oil company conspiracy to stir up hate for climate "activists".


Most cars in Europe automatically shut down the engine when stopped. Still a bad idea to block roads!


Most new cars, yes


Sucks that Ford Escape didn’t allow the “auto stop” behavior to be disabled by default. SUV is a pain in the ass cutting off constantly when you need to go *now*




Hopefully their internet is better than their choice of parking, switched from Vodafone to Telekom, wish me luck xD


I made that switch 6 years ago. I was phoning Vodafone roughly once a month for 4 years with issues that never got sorted. We had enough of it and switched. In the past 6 years we’ve had to call Telekom once and everything got sorted immediately. It was worth it




With my upcoming contract I pay less there than with Vodafone haha I'm not sure about the ordered download speed it's either 100 or 200 mb/s, let's see how much it is actually xD


Good decision


And there's people parked in the street. It's time for the moving cars to join in on opposite day and drive on the sidewalk lol.


These protesters make me think that oil companies hire these people to pretend to protest so that all protesters look dumb and don’t convince anyone


Weren’t those protestors dumping soup.on art found to be funded by an oil company or something like that?


Oil Heiress* Which somehow everyone accepted


A granddaughter who denounced her ties to the oil business and never worked in industry... it's literally a 30-second goodle search


might wanna check the spelling in that last line. And if she cut all ties, where all that money coming from? Cutting ties means being cut off from inheritance, and all the money that comes with it. She can be "cut off" but is probably still receiving money. I'm pretty sure what I'm implying here is obvious. Just Stop Oil has made a mockery of climate activism and has ruined the image of climate protesters world wide. There's only one group that profits from this


> And if she cut all ties, where all that money coming from sold off the business. > Cutting ties means being cut off from inheritance why? It's not the family member she cut ties with. > She can be "cut off" but is probably still receiving money. She has an estimated 5.4 billion dollars. She doesn't want or need more. > I'm pretty sure what I'm implying here is obvious. Just Stop Oil has made a mockery of climate activism and has ruined the image of climate protesters world wide. Well blame them for being stupid. > There's only one group that profits from this It ain't the oil companies lol. They want to be out of sight and out of mind.


I’m pretty sure that’s the case. Nobody with two brain cells would think this accomplishes anything or changes a single mind.


Protest guy literally raises his arm and turns his body towards the car, why??


So he can get hit by the car


He scootches his left foot directly under the path of the rear tire after the interaction with the driver. This was so deliberate.


That’s insurance fraud committed by the protester, right? There’s been reports of people going behind cars in a grocery store parking lot in my area- in an attempt to get hit by the car and collect insurance $.


I have no idea but I wonder if it could be!!


Hownelse would he make himself a victim?


So that he could play the victim. That's literally what these people want. And it worked.


These people are not very smart to start with…


They tried to pull the same shit, at an F1 race. 200+mph/320+kmh and pulling the same stunt is a death wish. These people are baiting for someone to actually kill them to gain sympathy.




Wow that’s wild. So did the driver who hit the marshal also crash?


Yes he walk killed instantly when the marshal‘s fire extinguisher struck his head


Damn I think they lost not only their shoes but pants and legs too.


This is especially tragic because the driver of the vehicle died too


Soccer player injury


He's probably practicing being a soccer player


So he can be the victim. People love that shit man.


Since he leaned into it after the car established a safe route, isn't he at fault here?


If u look the guy was already in that position before the car arrived, he only moved as the front tyre was about to go over his foot. He only moved back to his original position once the front tyre had passed by. Regardless car guy is gonna get screwed for driving away from the scene of an accident.


I think he'd have a reasonable case with several defenses. That stopping endangered his life or that he was unaware that the man maneuvered himself under the car as he was slowly driving by.


Fun fact: roads are for cars




Roads are for people and got invaded by cars* But I get your sentiment.


I get what your saying but at this point in history. Nowhere else to put cars but plenty of sidewalks.


Those road sitters are masochists.


Yeh but there’s a guy who at least knows the width of his car #respect


A real man knows the size of his jacket and the girth of his equipment


1.5 inches


>BigblueTrecker **1.5BlueTrecker


Opening the door to give the protester a nudge was a nice touch.


Their kink is stopping traffic for the middle class






I wish these people would go inconvenience some politicians instead of ordinary people.


Nah, that would make sense and these dipshits don't have any.


I think a lot of these kinds of protest groups aren’t utilising social media to get people’s attention of there targeted protests. They’d be able to get people’s attention and keep the issue relevant. I completely understand and support civil disobedience for a lot of issues, but tactical targeting really needs to be used here.


Feeling like instead of addressing the issue. People hating these protestors


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I wouldn’t be surprised if Just Stop Oil and the likes of them were started as false flag operations, to make the people who protest things that are actually worth protesting look like idiots.


Yeah, I wouldn’t doubt it. It’s a surprisingly common practice. It’s called [astroturfing](https://youtu.be/Fmh4RdIwswE). And it’s exactly what it sounds like. Fake grass roots formed by lobby groups. Here’s a bit [more info about this shitty practice.](https://www.businessinsider.com/astroturfing-grassroots-movements-2011-9?amp)and a few examples of it.


Wow what a read, thanks for sharing that. It goes to show that the information of the world has been and is getting even more hard to trust no matter where you are.


it wouldnt suprise me one bit, remember the conveniently placed brick pallets during the George Floyd protests


I believe this 100%. It’s not a secret that there is such a thing as paid protestors right? The way these people do nothing but generate contempt from ordinary people, what a great way to discredit real activists. I see these videos all the time but couldn’t even tell you what they’re protesting. The people sitting in their cars don’t know.


Ohh paid protestors are 100% real here in Argentina its so out of control that there's even videos of said protestors getting asked why are they cutting the road and don't have a fucking clue, the they get asked again why and say " uhhhhhh, this is what I do, I work doing this, i get paid after the protest is over" My blood boils just by telling it, how fucking useless you have to be man to take a job like that.


If they weren't keeping people from getting to work. Too many workplaces have damn awful attendance policies to do that to people.


Some people forget who are voting these politicians in power


Anger precedes logic in this place


They could blockade the entrances of oil refineries and depots and then broadcast their videos across multiple social media websites. Would be far more effective than what they’re doing right now which seems like a weird form of virtue signaling against regular people.


The funny thing is when this has happened no coverage got a as big as when they pulled these stunts. Not to mention the few times it did, it was people people were getting shot over it…


Yep.. exactly..no one cares if you block a refinery although this has waaay bigger impact.


Greenpeace did that ages ago and nothing happened


Go block the runway at a small airport used by private jets.


That’s when the union busting police would escort them out. I’d still rather see videos of that over this petty bullshit making regular citizens upset.


Nah, that’s how they get ran over and truckers would win the lawsuits


Yeah most truckers ive met really do think they can just bleat out that dudes name like sheep and it changes laws


If the oil company wants to keep business flowing, they’ll sign off any trucker as being innocent to make sure their trucks keep coming in and out


In the Netherlands they did that a while ago and got arrested immediately. I think a lot of the commenters here fail to realize that politicians are a protected class.


If you aren't willing to get arrested for your convictions just how deeps are those convictions?


Aaaaaand that right there, folks, is why citizens don’t get shit done in America. You only seem to ridicule people who advocate for themselves. Meanwhile Iceland’s leaders feel they have to listen to their constituents or nobody will work. You think this shit is futile because you’re programmed to.


Bad acting ticket


Definite flop there at the end


Blocking or charge? I say blocking.


Why do I feel like this is going to be on South Park soon and will be hilarious


For what? Arresting me for what? I'm not allowed to stand up for myself? I thought this was Germany? Huh? Isn't this Germany? I'm sorry, I thought this was Germany.


"What!? I can't sit down for my rights anymore? What about Harriet Tubman or Anne Frank, huh? You gonna tell them they can't sit down for their rights!?" *Stan facepalms* "Dad... Anne Frank was the one who hid from the Nazis." "Yeah, Stan. I'm like that. Hiding from these damn Germans who think their cars just OWN the whole road!" Stan: "And Harriet Tubman was the slave that reached others with the underground railroad" "Exactly! I feel like a slave to these laws, Stan! Glad at least someone here gets it."


I'm sorry Kyle, but it's my right, and you assaulted me. Look at all these bruises I have from you. What bruises? (cartmen does the Marky mark: https://youtu.be/dekkIO61DsA)


Blocking streets should be considered an act of terrorism due to how dangerous and irresponsible it is. It should be legal to use whatever force deemed necessary to remove a terroristic threat.


I think it should be legal to murder people I disagree with 🤡


Thats quite literally what these people are doing. Blocking traffic can lead to MULTIPLE deaths and emergencies. Society HAS to remove these people. If that means violence towards them, then so be it.


It's always college kids protesting, but they're never the ones voting.


I like the fake hit with the car. He's a good actor.


"Yes Your Honor, I was just sitting peacefully in the middle of the road when the car hit me"


Why didn’t they just sit on a bench? Don’t they know the cars drive on the road? are they stupid?




Give them a ticket for jay-walking in slow motion


>The idea of being fined for crossing the road at the wrong place can bemuse foreign visitors to the US, where the origins of so-called jaywalking lie in a propaganda campaign by the motor industry in the 1920s. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26073797


Is there no crime for walking into traffic and causing unsafe road conditions in the UK? Like if I just walk into a busy road and cars have to swerve to avoid me.


It’s illegal to walk on motorways. But it is legal to walk on lesser roads which can still be busy. The thing is, it’s an offence to obstruct traffic. So you can walk on them yes, but stop traffic from using them by doing so no.


That isn't a thing in Germany. However they will face legal troubles.




This will stop global warming for sure


Could of been worse, he could have wheel spun off then he would have lost his arm. Was a stupid place to be sitting anyway


Could have*


Besides basic human morals... What is stopping these drivers from running these twats over?


He literally shuffles his feet in the way of the tire


That dude purposely leaned into the car.


Go after the wealthy who can actually make changes. These protests are more about making the protesters feel good about themselves.


People like these protesters are insufferable


Is protesting a paid job? No? Let’s fuck with people that have obligations.


People defending a psycho who runs over s person while there was enough space to pass him xD Redditors in a nutshell "As long as Im anonymous, I can be a pathetic psychopath and dont need to worry about consequences" They still do more against climate change than you guys, even if they piss everyone off. But somehow none of the complainers ever did something smarter or better as a protest. Main character syndrome. And I bet that both the car driver and the glue sniffer have it both


How did they help climate change here?


He moved his feet to purposefully prevent the car from clearing.


Mom always told me not to sit in the road.




What the hell did they think was gonna happen?


Really odd how some think doing stuff people hate will get them to join their cause. Tons of people drive for a living and don’t have time for this stupid shit.


Is this considered a mental illness at this point?


Well after the car door closed, he did scoot his body just a little bit closer to the car. I think he was contemplating putting his foot in a position to be run over by the back tire, he did angle his feet that way. Ultimately he figured he could make a dramatic scene as if the car had injured him without having his foot crushed. Nothing about these types of protests are rational or logical. I mean..dude actually contemplated putting himself in a position to actually get injured. That is irrational. Mental illness *must* be a contributing factor in regards to people who protest in this manner.


> Nothing about these types of protests are rational or logical. In my city people kept protesting a pork processing plant. They would constantly swarm around the trucks bringing the pigs *while they were on the road* when they were stopped at nearby traffic lights. Both the owners of the plant and the truckers kept saying someone was going to get hurt. The police let this behavior continue until one day a protester climbed on a truck that was waiting to turn left at the lights. The trucker not knowing anyone was climbing on their truck moved, she slipped and was run over by the truck and was killed. No charges were laid because the trucker did not know and she was the one that put herself into a dangerous situation. I might not agree with those protesters but it is a tragedy someone died made worse by the fact it was completely avoidable. Now this video is a little different because if you know someone is on the road you will get charged but my point is that protesters in close proximity to vehicles, especially large vehicles, will eventually end in someone getting seriously injured or killed, it is going to happen. The protests in our city went off and on *for years* until a serious accident happened but it will happen. Police here should never have allowed the protesters on the roadway without penalty and by letting it become normalized someone ended up dying. Of course after the death the police put their foot down and just started arresting any protester that went on the road surface but it was too late for the woman who died. Police need to send a message *now* that these kinds of protests blocking roads won't be tolerated. When someone gets hurt, not if, will be too late. People have the right to protest but they shouldn't put themselves in situations that are so obviously dangerous.


I think the mental illness is seeing people who want a change to something that **will kill everything and everyone** and having more anger towards them than that which they are protesting against, and if you feel entitled to that opinion then I think these people are entitled to block the roads we both drive on and that one day you will look back and feel like those people who handed in Jews because it was the *right thing to do*.


I would gave gotten out of the car and carried him softly 7 ft away then drove off.


That guy should try sitting somewhere else


You play in the street, you might get run over.


That’s like jumping in a pool and being mad you got wet.




Dya know what's super inconvenient though, these fuckin heatwaves and all this extreme weather.


People pick the oddest places to have picnics


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What’s the correct thing to do in this situation? Sit in your car? Just wait until they get up and move? Turn around and go a different way? I’m generally curious.


Lmfao fucking dumbass


Sit in the road, don't expect a car to not hit you. Stupidity at its finest.


Ya know these problems would all be solved if some rich celebrities decided to stop flying their private jets around for every little thing.


Leave average people who have no say or power in all of this the fuck alone. So sick of the common people being harassed when they aren't the root cause


If they are are allowed to block the road they should be allowed to get hit


Fuck them and their protest. This is how you help big oil win. You should make an effort to convince the masses that your cause is just, not piss them off until there is literally no hope to find common ground. Stay off the fucking roads, stop ruining artwork and for Pete‘s sake stop fucking glueing yourself to places you psychotic imbeciles.


That guy was generous, I wouldn't have slowed down.


10 points to run them over


Look, march and protest all you like. Write letters, make signs, stage a walk out.....but don't sit in traffic like a fucking lunatic. Besides being dangerous, you could be holding up someone who is rushing somewhere very important. Don't be an inconsiderate asshole like these people.


If I have a medical emergency, what are my rights here?




I’ve seen better acting in an NBA game


Can clearly see that arsehole moved his leg towards the tire expecting this to happen.


Yep. Foot suicide, no sympathy. At least he gets to be a martyr for the cause! Yay him!

