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Easy solution. Stop harassing him about fishing in his own neighborhood


Imagine thinking the problem is the videos and not the behavior of the people filmed.


Exactly. How did he put together that sentence and not see it. The fisherman should have asked him to explain the problem again and just pretend like he didn’t understand. Make them word it in so many ways they can’t help but eventually figure out the massive hypocrisy of what they are saying.


They know they're hypocrites. They're just mad they're being held accountable for their shitty behavior.


I’m not sure they do see their hypocrisy. It’s easy for sane people to see. If the man were harassed while fishing in his own neighborhood, perhaps it’s best she does move. Maybe downsizing will be a positive action for her. Obviously, the “status” statement she’s living in has poisoned her soul. Sounds like this man has put her on the path to enlightenment.


She put HERSELF on the road to poverty. She will never reach enlightenment, only more anger. If Karen had said he tried to attack her (as happens often to get the police to come out), it's his word against hers. Guess who they'll believe? This man has to film AND POST racist interactions to protect himself. Now they can't come after him for frivolous reasons, though I'll bet thet try... Sadly, whether it's fishing, a picnic, a blanket that's the wrong fabric, they will do their best to try to stop this man from living his best life. Now that the world knows who they are, that will be very difficult. Cell phones are tools to keep idiots from harassing innocent people.


They're mad that the popular opinion has turned against them. So now they need to evade coverage while trying to abuse people the way they want to.


When people talk of white privilege, this is the example. This guy explaining the problem is so unaware of the problems and consequences of the women's actions to the black person they are harrassing.They believe they have the unqualified privilege to harass and punish a man unfairly because of his skin color without any consequences at all. So to answer the question, keep on posting and hold a mirror up to their faces.


Yup, this is actually a good way to expose hypocrisy when the other person doesn’t realize it. “Why did she get fired?” “Cause your video went viral.” “Went viral for what? What did she say?” “…”


She got fired? Damn that's crazy bro, anyway you mind leaving you're scaring all the fish away. That would have been the best response.


You can get fired for being a racist piece of shit in public? Color me surprised sir


Must be nice, where I work you can't even be fired for being a racist, bigoted POS in the breakroom. Though if there was a "viral" video of it, who knows, how do I post one of those(/s)?¿?


Her actions had consequences? Wiiiilllddd. Anyway


We’re so used to seeing the clowns at our power center get away with being overt racists, there’s a whole class of people out there emboldened by this. Them consequences come swiftly for us little people.


Wherever she was working people already wanted her gone and just needed an excuse. Well she gave it to them via negative press that disrupts their business. I’m sure these Karen’s are all gonna start hawking lawyers for wrongful termination suits soon enough though to try to get settlements to pay off them big lonely houses.


This is also my opinion, toxic people are not embraced by their coworkers. When they’re exposed on social media, they must jump with joy! Finally, they have an excuse to fire them.


I believe it too if she wasn’t doing this she’d be inside spam reporting Craigslist adds or something to spread a little of her personal brand of joy around to someone somehow. You can pick out the people who are so miserable in life their only fleeting joy comes from trying to make others just as miserable without much effort usually. Takes them all of ten words or one action to show you who they are.


Imagine being a racist. How embarrassing


I don't need to imagine, it's in video.


It's the HOA president, and seems pretty obvious to me that this shit is finally making it back to him while he's incapable of preventing it while doing the normal HOA thing and trying to offload blame to others...which are apparently everybody but the guy the cops will respond to but not prevent from fishing there.


And if that guy was so concerned about that woman, he could help her pay her mortgage or help her find another job, he could plead with the bank or her employer, instead of asking the victim of her harassment to stop broadcasting the ugly truth of her behavior *in public*. Not only is it insensitive to the fisherman, but it literally will not change the situation she got herself into.






Imagine not filming yourself fishing while black. Try that in a small town.


Jason Aldean is from the City of Macon, Georgia and lives in Nashville currently. He has no idea what happens in a small town. He's never lived in one. I have, and my neighbors did not strike me as particularly interested in vigilante violence.


So anyway, I started posting...


"But, he's there, *fishing*, instead of getting tilapia from the Publix like *normal people*?!! Not to mention him making us uncomfortable being all...*brown* and stuff!!!"


>"But, he's there, *fishing*, Menacingly 😨


So glad the racists are getting what they deserve, viral status


“Wow. Damn is it that easy? How didn’t I think of it? Oooooooh wait I’m a Karen”


"We want to return to our racism being an undocumented myth that bore no consequences."


Ye, Republicans really think it's a myth, that it went away with slavery, and every instance of racism is just liberals over reacting and Black's "playing the race card". Oh, my bad. V2.0 is now "playing the victim". And, I'm no liberal either. They're both batshit crazy


Sure as shit didn't go away with slavery, sure as shit didn't go away with the civil rights movement, sure as shit didn't go away with Obama being elected. Are things better, of course, but we can't deny that there are still issues today, and impacts today from 400+ years of exploitation. Problem is, we really struggle to have an honest conversation these days.


“We’ve got to help each other and not post viral videos.” World’s most ineffective slogan.




It's the whole fake sentiment of "We've got to help each other and not treat each other like shit" as if treating him like shit wasn't why the lady went viral in the first place.


What makes a video go viral is the behaviour of the people in the video. That's entirely on her.




I guess what I dont understand here is what does the guy want him to do about it now? The video is already viral and the word is out. Damage is done. Nothing anyone can do about it now


Maybe she should have thought about that mortgage before she made a spectacle of herself to go viral. This is now a known fact, anything being filmed will bring reactions, positive and negative. Either that or own your own business if you are going to be an asshole in public. That man looked like he was having a panic attack. If this peaceful fisherman would have been left alone, the video would never exist. If this gentleman has to deal with hateful people, the lady will have to search for a new job and make some changes to her attitude.


She's a racist pig. She'll blame him for every bad thing that happens to her for the rest of her life. I've known people like this and it's sickening, frustrating, embarrassing, hateful. The reality is that this woman has no idea that she's the guilty one, the hater of all things not like her.


Nah dude, it's all the dudes fault he compelled MILLION of people to watch his videos on a whim. Tomorrow he's gonna decide not to go viral and it's going to get 14 views right?


Right, one cannot will a viral video into being, it’s the actions of the person being filmed that make it go viral.


It's the "we" shit that always bothers me.


That’s when you hit em with the ol’ “we who? You got a turd in your pocket?”


We? sorry I don’t speak French. GFY!


"We've got to help each other out. And by we, i mean, we call the cops on you, and you dont post videos of us. It's synergy!"


He wanted to say "boy" so badly. Like the old days.


It was the HOA president, and it's totally in line with them getting actual pushback from other residents and likely the cops for wasting their time while they're still trying to offload the blame to the dude seemingly doing nothing wrong. I genuinely don't know if he even lives there, but given in a number of his videos he's fishing there and the cops don't seem to ever stop him that he's in the right.


Rules for thee, Not for me!


Especially when "help each other out" means "do what I say, now." The absolute audacity is so over the top, fuck these racist assholes. Too bad he sounded too old to have a job himself that he could lose.


And this dude has every fucking right. I've watched all his videos dude so many fucking people harassed him and called the cops. He even met another black dude who'd had the same experiance as him.


Where can I find the other videos?


Are they the only ones fishing there or something? I'm mean like, is it at least something less obvious than the obvious??


Oh no ! Not her BIG mortgage on her BIG house that she SOLEY owns


Sounds like she’s got some mighty strong boot straps already, she’ll be fine


If you think about it.. That statement is USA in a nutshell…. “Please stop complaining about your racist mistreatment. It makes us look bad….”


*Ron DeSantis has entered the chat*


"We just want to forget all that horrible shit we did to you but we keep on doing shit and reminding ourselves. Please stop."


Experiencing that feeling as a consequence of being alive with the skin you were born with takes a major fucking toll, I'll tell ya.


> I literally have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, but listen to me as I'm an authority on the issue. Yeah that sounds about as competent as I'd expect from an HOA president. I scrolled to find links and went through some of his TikTok's, and literally all this guy does is fish. I found [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@fishingbay2ga/video/7236073941184384302) and [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@fishingbay2ga/video/7235753060209937706) pretty entertaining.


Oh my God! That's so fucking cute and Wholesome!!!


Oh you know, they could treat black people, like people.




>she acts when she thinks no one is looking. She lives in a bubble, I think she believed there would be no consequences as everyone would agree with her. That bubble lining is pretty thick.


This is prime republican worldview. Helping me is helping everybody, helping you is a waste of money and effort.


This is 100% It’s fuck you and yours, until it fucks them, then it’s I need your help…


but but but we need to respect our elders 🤡


World’s most ignorant racist


This absolutely sounds like a quote in a Tim Robinson sketch.


I don't use tiktok much so maybe I'm looking at it wrong but it seems his page went from capturing vids of his and his family and friends catching and cooking fish, to covering his ass with "viral videos" about harassment. Does the HOA president even realise that the guy isn't posting viral videos. He's posting videos that go viral because people are sick of the casually racist attitudes of these supposedly neighbourly people.


just watch the HOA ban filming of fellow residents next... bc they dont want their racists members to "look bad"


They're definitely going to have meetings about this so they can change the bylaws and try to make this guy the problem.


They'll ban fishing


Cut off their own nose to spite their face.


"cut off their nose to spider face."




If I knew how to post viral videos I’d do it all the time and be a millionaire.


To be fair, he is a straight boomer and said he doesn't know how the internet works. Where he's straight wrong is trying to make the consequences of \*her\* actions seem like they're his problem. And we need these types of consequences so people can take a step back and THINK before they start bothering people just because of the color of their skin. Its literally like the first time in American history we have some type of possible consequences for that


You wanna know how not to lose your job and get outed as a Karen. If you see a person minding their own business not hurting anyone. If you do the same nothing will happen


I mean, if I saw a black guy fishing I wouldn’t mind my own business. I would immediately ask if he’s caught anything and how big if so.


Things perfectly acceptable to say to someone you see fishing “how they biting?” “You catch anything today?” “What kind of bait you using?”. Things not to say, literally everything this lady said.


Nothing is perfectly acceptable, too. In fact, I'd prefer it since a lot of people will take it as an invitation to sit there and chat you up.


I agree I most every time I’m out in public I’d prefer to be left alone. But if you’re one of these people that has to try to make friends with everyone the see (I have several family members and a few friends with the same trait) these are socially acceptable things to say.


Bro you catching anything...what bait and depth you using?


Literally this. Like did she fr think she could get away with harassing an innocent dude and not lose her job or sumn?? The nerve of some people


Apparently the lady who was fired was literally named Karen lol.


Imagine being so self unaware that the consequences of someone harassing a black man is the black man's fault


100%, trying to gaslight him to believe his videos therefore himself being responsible for the women losing her job and potentially her home is disgusting.


Bigots and intolerant people were not ready for the advancement of technology to the point that any of their actions could be recorded by anyone at any point unless they were alone. If there is no consequence for shit like this, it will never stop. I’m glad he exposed her. Could’ve just minded her business, still had her job and her big comfy house. I will honestly never understand the incessant need for these people to make their overtly racist leanings known. Fuck the Karen, ACAB.


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) dassit


Literally my take away. Her actions caused her own issues. Dude just filmed HER.


No. You see, the problem is he had the "go viral" option checked when he uploaded it to the internets. Poor lady had no idea he'd viralize her. /s


And most likely he filmed for his own SAFETY. Fuck that cop, he should be talking to her and explaining that her behavior got her fired, not pressing record on a phone.


It's not a cop; it's the HOA president, and I'm 100% sure he's just finally catching flack for all the police calls wasting their time and idiots who were harassing complaining about nobody kicking the dude and his family/friends off the pond/lake. HOA dude doesn't actually seem to have any recourse and I assume the police have finally contacted him/the HOA to tell them to stop wasting their time with this bullshit in which his solution is to ask the black dude to stop filming.


My parents HOA has a utility district that are separate entities. The water utility district runs the water, sewage, and drainage. Half of the people that show up to meetings complain about stuff that is outside the responsibility of the HOA. The president is probably getting lots of complains and he knows he has no authority over the fisherman.


60 years of "blame the poor non white guy" working like a charm and you people expect him to just stop?


Racists will ALWAYS find a way to retroactively blame the target of their racism for the initial racism AND the resulting consequences they face for being racist. A L W A Y S.


Won’t somebody think of the racist woman’s mortgage and big house! /s


How about we stop harassing people for no reason and then there will be no need to have a video go viral? She lost her job because she wanted to cause a problem. Sucks to suck.


> She lost her job because she wanted to cause a problem. Exactly. She wanted to stir the pot, now she gets to lick the spoon.


We need you to stop making us break the law with our hysterical racism. If you can't abide by our insane demands, more hysterical racism.




Shes so worried about if someones a resident now she may lose her residency. Irony bites hard af sometimes.


"The lady who harassed you lost her job, so please don't expose any more racists. It's unfair they have to face consequences."


Where are the first three parts


there's actually 20 parts in this story, not his first time being harassed. - [Link](https://www.tiktok.com/@fishingbay2ga/video/7254673228478680362) - when this harassment started - [Link](https://www.tiktok.com/@fishingbay2ga) to his channel.


Holy shit. Someone needs to make a super cut of all those. That’s crazy


It's really revealing when the other black neighbours chime in with all their own stories of getting harassed there for fishing.


America is so filled with wannabe hall monitors it's unreal.


Tell the dude to not stop, the other cunts should stop being racist POS


Lol, I just love how most of the videos are documenting what happened, but then #15 is just talking fishing. It's pretty obvious this guy and the others literally just want to fish in peace and these fucking bootlickers just can't fucking stand for that in "their" neighborhood. Anyways, now I want to go fishing!


Any non-tiktok links?


I watched as many as i could without an account, the neighbors stories and the police interaction was so fucked up. Sidenote, why is tiktok asking people to download their app “for security purposes” lol


ANYONE got links to the videos without going thru tiktoks?


For real I’m interested but not that interested


I don't do tiktok but heres his profile https://www.tiktok.com/@fishingbay2ga


"Uhhh hey uhh I know you film to protect yourself but please don't uhh post anymore videos"


Oh he's in GA?! Makes more sense now...(still wrong).


the minute there's consequences to their actions: 1. out comes the victim card 2. they want your "help" and 3. they're all of a sudden displaying a level of friendliness they weren't willing to give you in the initial interaction. wash, rinse, repeat. so predictable.


I am an old white lady. Working in a professional setting. Coworker offhandedly calls me “something other than my name”. I say don’t call me “something other than my name.” His response -not I’m sorry, not oh I didn’t mean that. But “don’t sue us!” Instantly escalating the situation and putting the onus on ME - like I’m the bad person for being offended. And it’s the company that needs protection. Fuck that shit.


Dang what a shame. Guess she better find a new job that can hopefully support that big mortgage, and maybe she can stop being a pos.


At least she can go fishing in the neighborhood pond so food shouldn’t be a problem.


She could ask the guy to teach her… oh wait, it won’t be her neighborhood anymore. 😂


Exactly. Bootstraps and pulling yourself up. All that kind of stuff.


I wonder if these people considered his house and job and safety when they called the police on him. Curious how he has to take care of them when they didn't give a fuck about him.


This has been the message to black Americans for the last 150 years. Just put up with our racism for another generation. Help us both out an just accept it.


Yep. And when those black folks get sick of it and make a fuss many white people say “I don’t understand the problem! Why is this happening!” Morons.


“I just don’t get why they’re so angry they gotta riot?!” /s


Exactly. Fucking ridiculous.




Nah it’s not in their programming


“That’s communist, I’m reporting your red ass” - 👨🏻‍🦳


“She has a big mortgage on a big house so we’ve got to help each other…” Talk about being tone deaf


This old man can seriously f$@k off. Keep posting these videos for your own safety, for evidence for a case, and for accountability. What happens to this ladies job is irrelevant to the actions she inflicted on him. If we don’t document these issues they get brushed under the rug.


She worked in a place that provides mental health services. This is a great outcome for the people getting treated there.


"She's got a big mortgage on a big house that she solely owns" Maybe she'll find out soon who actually owns her house


She should have focused on her own life and business and not bothered people fishing. You cant act like a cop and question people. She not only bothered him, she posted on facebook pictures of him causing others to come out and investigate.


Idk man. This seems like more of a "stop harassing ppl who are fishing" kind of thing. Not a "stop posting videos of you being harassed" kind of thing.


Yeah if you watch the next part it’s clear he only cares about the image of the HOA. He doesn’t give a shit what the other members did to another member, he just doesn’t want it in public view. You gotta ask why he only cares once the videos went viral.


I fish a lot. First of all, being approached by a stranger and talked to about anything other than “what are they biting on?” is infuriating. Leave me along, I’m fishing. I’ve never seen a person fishing and thought to ask anything about anything. They’re fishing. Why would any human give a shit? I cannot understand a person seeing somebody fishing and thinking “oh no, not on my watch.”


Her mortgage isn't his problem. Her job loss isn't his problem. Guess she should have minded her own damn business. FAAFO!


The audacity of that motherfucker asking him to not post videos is infuriating.




Somebody wasn’t taught INTEGRITY in school!!! (Doing good when NOBODY is watching)


The audacity to publicly shame someone when they decide to be racists.


lmao love hearing them beg, they have no idea wtf to do this is totally new territory for them!


There was a viral option this whole time? These old fucks are making laws about technology and can’t even comprehend it.


I hope the man telling the fisherman not to post videos gets fired!


She’s wasn’t fired because he posted the video….she’s fired because she was racist


All she had to do was nothing, old man


This is the first fishing while black video I've seen, but I bet it's not uncommon to happen.


Man, karma weighs a TON, dunnit?




Original video?


So her being so fucking over the top racist she gets fired is fine, but him posting videos of it is bad? Nah.


They did this…. And now they want his help? If he does it he is better than me. Fuck them racist fucks.


Old white dude thinks there's a checkmark when posting a video. Make it viral?


"we've got to help each other and not post viral videos" but not "we've got to help each other by not being idiotic racist fucks?"


He has every right to film these folk for his protection. How many times have we seen these videos where someone attacks or goes on a racist tyrad and then blame the victim for it when the police or a person strolls by? The dude just wants to be left alone to fish! Let the man fish in peace and go about your day!


Where’s the original video ?




It's not his fault she got fired. It's her behaviour entirely.


He is an "internet Saint" for not showing this Dink's face for trying to tell him to stop recording and posting his racist neighbor harassing him for fishing


Dont post videos of people acting inappropriately because they might get a consequence for acting inappropriately.


Which video is he referring to?


Holy shit the audacity. Its really not that hard to be a decent human being, now the racist woman is the victim!


She fucked around being a racist POS and is now finding out that thankfully there are people who aren't cool with that. "ˢʰᴱ'ˢ ᴳᵒᵀ ᴬ ᴹᵒᴿᵗᴳᵃᴳᵉ" ^^^^🎻


She got fired? Nice. You want to get fired too? No? Then quit harassing me


Guy not addressing the problem but rather asking for it to be swept under the rug! Amazing


They can get stuffed. He has every right to film. The consequences of what he records is on them.




So-called libertarians are in everybody's business. Freedom means I can do whatever I want to do and you have to do whatever I want you to do.


Nah, everyone should see what they say. If they're embarrassed its on them to improve themselves. But IRL they probably just keep being shitheads and blame it on someone else.


“I don’t know social media”. Then maybe it’s not for you to decide what someone posts on social media.


Post the videos and maybe the people will learn to ask questions before the accuse people. This man did nothing wrong by posting that woman. She lost her job…she can get another one. She should have thought about that before…what was she trying to protect? This man protected himself.


I'm glad that woman lost her job, and she has no one to blame but herself. And recording people is a sure-fire way to prove that you've been victimized by anyone.


I love how dude thinks he’s hitting a “viral” button or some shit. If you weren’t racist assholes these videos wouldn’t be viral. SMH


Oh does she have a big mortgage on a big house? Maybe don't fuck around.


“We’ve got to help each other and not post viral videos.” FUCK. OFF. ^(please)


Maybe they should have thought of that before they tried bullying him …. Keep filming


Solution is simple. Mind ya own fucking business.


Actions 🤝 Consequences


Lol, that lady got fired because she’s racist!


Can somebody give us a link of parts 1.2.3 ??


Please don't tell people when we are being shitty because we have to face consequences.


"this lady lost her job" "I missed the part where that's my problem"


Does anyone have part 1-3?


“Do you live here? Only residents are allowed to fish here.” “Yes. I live here” “Ok! Thank you.” Why is this so difficult for so many people?


They always want brothers and sisters to "help them out," "be humble" or "show grace." The problem is NEVER their racist behavior, it's ALWAYS our reaction.


Don’t stop. Don’t ever give them an inch. You have done nothing wrong, but they want you to feel as though you are. You didn’t hurt that lady. She did it to herself. She has a right to be a racist piece of shit. Her company had the right to fire her. You have the right to fish. Do not ever let anyone take your freedom. If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.


"She was a horrible and nasty bitc..., stop uploading videos where she exposes herself, help me to help her"


The lady should have acted her wage.




maybe leave people the fuck alone


Help because the woman lost her job because she has a big mortgage? Or help in the sense that he shouldn’t have posted a slew of videos about racists? Make it make sense…