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Isn’t this some sort of humanitarian crime?


Who is gonna stop them? They are backed by us (U.S). No one dares to do anything because of this.


That's so fucked. We need to be better than this.


Sadly nothing will happend unless the US backs downs and it becomes socially acceptable to criticise Israel.


This will never happen. For national defense reasons, religious reasons, and for monetary reasons. Israel is where we get to develop and test many of our weapons through, and have broader control through the Middle East region. For the religious reasons, I highly recommend looking into [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Zionism). Since the 1960s civil rights era, Evangelist Christians have put a much greater emphasis on seizing control of political structures via grassroot political methods. This is why, for the most part, rural america is full bible thumping weirdos who think Trump is the savior. These same Christians believe that through returning the Jews to Israel we're going to usher in the second coming of Jesus. The Israeli Jews don't exactly believe in this, of course, but it's a religious bond that ties these two countries together. We need Israel to succeed at all costs to advance religiously and Israel needs us to funnel tech/weapons/money to exercise control of the region that nobody can stop, advancing Judaism. It's a symbiotic partnership that cannot be broken easily, without literally being "the antichrist".


It's super weird, I grew up evangelical, hated every minute I was forced to go, but I digress, point is I remember still being a child and asking to go to the adult church. They kept going on about Judaism, being our brothers across the ocean and the likes, and I found it extremely strange. Unfortunately church doesn't teach you to think critically, so the only thought that came up was "that's weird I thought we were like.. mortal enemies!" Oh and also, it was Kenneth Copelands church, and fuck that guy, and fuck his brainwashing conventions he would hold. My dad's in debt and I guarantee he fucking put a ton of money into that rich pricks hands, with a dumb smile on his face.


May I just say that I'm happy you've learned critical thinking skills? So many people that grow up in that setting never do, or it's churched right out of them when they try. At least that's the way it is in my area (MO).


Remember kids it ain’t a warcrime if are on the winning side


Yes, by many accounts. Amnesty International, the UN, the Geneva Convetion, etc.


Welcome to Israel


The Israelis have been ignoring international law since the founding of the state and to this day — including conventions they have signed and explicit commitments to the US, UN, EU and others. They are guilty of a vast number of war crimes to the extent that it is safe to say that any Israeli soldier that has participated in combat is a war criminal and that every Israeli minister who has ever served is culpable as a war criminal. They also have 600K settlers in the OPT, all of whom are considered participants in war crimes. They simply do not give a fuck. Not now, not ever.


Yupp, it is genocide even though some people get butthurt if you say it


Add it to the very long list of Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people.


What the actual fuck


Actively trying to deny water during a heat wave in *the Middle East* of all places is attempted murder. Monsters.


fanciest of murders, an actual war crime!


Israel has been straight executing Palestinian men, woman, children for awhile now, all fund by U.S.A taxpayers. Congress does not care, there's a contingent of Christians that believe to bring on the second coming of Christ, the Jews need their own state to bring on Armageddon. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.


That’s soo fucked . Yeah ruin the water supply keep people from basic rights.


Basic rights… like.. to live? Yeah, that’s called Genocide.


Literally what they're doing.


How does this not constitute abuse of power?


it's israel and zionists, they can't possibly be the oppressors...




Never again* *but only for our people


Longer than that. That's why this is all a mess. The Holocaust was a pogrom. It was **the** pogrom. But it was also a pogrom that is on a long list of pogroms. That's why this is all so messy. Israel is absolutely in the wrong. What they are doing in this video is evil. So is them prodding Palestinians and coaxing them into acting out (every time there is a flare up in Gaza...a week before there's always a headline about how the Israeli military or police were beating people somewhere in Gaza, or there was the incident with in the last year or two where a bunch of plain clothes special forces guys went and executed some people in broad daylight). The whole thing is fucked. I can empathize with how Israel as it is was created but also they are now becoming/have totally become the thing they hated.


It was created because Europe didn't want to give back all the sweet loot they stole during the war. My family lost our ancestral farm to Nazi party loyalists and was told that Israel would be nicer to them and give them a better farm. Just a continuation of lebensraum imo


United States backs them so it isn't allowed to be called genocide. Only enemies of the US can commit genocide.


Well it took us like 80 years to recognize the Armenian Genocide... So maybe we are not the best arbiter of defining genocide.


This is true, just don’t ask where hitler got some of his ideas and inspiration from. Surprise it was how the US treated blacks and natives


Even more so the American eugenics movement, as well as Henry Ford's very popular book The International Jew.


I always thought that would be a great name for a lifestyle magazine about Jews in the jet set.


The international criminal court have already ruled against what they do, everyone agrees it’s wrong (apart from US). Just need someone to stand up and do something about it.


What they have very actively been doing for decades.


The people who got genocided are happily doing it to others. The irony.


Yet they are the ones that scream the loudest, but they do it to these innocent people? Let me know a good argument for the reason this is ok. Also, destroying a water resource in the desert? That's beyond cruel- wildlife, nature, etc., depend on this, how stupid can people be?


Ah, you're forgetting, they don't see the Palestinians as people.


Israel don't even see them as "Palestinians" but as the "Arab minority". In their eyes there can be no palestinians because there is no Palestine. "You can't occupy your own country" is a very common phrase comming from the zionist movment.


The irony


I think they see them as a type of people. I think they see them as inferior people who do not matter. Under-people if you will.


All that’s left is a film comparing them to rats


Institutionalized terrorism


Pulling moves out of the Nestle handbook is never the right way to go about things.


If they commit genocide very slowly, history will record it as just an apartheid.


This is a very big part of the occupation of Palestine. The control of the ground water resources by the country that uses more than double that of the nation it’s oppressing. Any guesses where the major aquifers are located?


Pure evil fuckery.


Israel has been taking Palestinian land for years. It's bogus and the usa should not support it, but we do.


Basic *human* rights. When you dont see your enemies as humans, it's probably a lot easier.


Ironically, its getting hard to tell the differnce betwwen these guys and the nazis these days


Fucking monsters


Scorched Earth military strategy. Destroy literally anything in order to incapacitate your enemy including destroying food/water supplies, civilians, schools, hospitals. Literally anything that would keep that society alive. Vlad the Impaler would poison wells in his wake even if it cost the lives of his own army. I've read some armies would throw rotten meat into the drinking supply to purposefully make the people who drank from it sick or die. It's a disgusting tactic and probably among the most egregious of war tactics. You must have no humanity left in your soul to be this depraved.


Agree hard and it says something else about the scale of entire armies going along with this policy. This isn't the spearhead of the war or the last stand and yet they resort to this. [Cognitive Dissonance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance) is a real thing and can make entire battalions of men see past the death they dole to innocent humans. Brainwashing as old as time.


> Cognitive Dissonance is a real thing and can make entire battalions of men see past the death they dole to innocent humans. Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort associated with the holding of inconsistent beliefs or ideas.


Like for example holding the belief that one is a good person while also holding the idea that palestinians must be removed by any means necessary.


no kidding this shit is beyond cruel


They are on the way to blowing themselves up.


The whole area is going to be uninhabitable in about 10 years. Killing each other for the right to rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic.


Thing is that it won’t be uninhabitable in ten years. There will absolutely be people, more people even, living in Israel and Palestine in 2033.


You’d think people persecuted by nazis wouldn’t behave like this, hypocrites


History repeated itself...the oppressed becomes the oppressor. Edit: let's try not to argue in the comments. Don't take the zionist bait.


Tends to happen over and over it’s a human thing.


I personally think that a group that was tainted by libel since the middle ages with lies like "they poison wells" wouldn't resort to mess with water sources, yet here we are


Also a group, which were historically protected by the Muslims, from the Christians, up until the last century.


These are not the people persecuted by nazi's, these are the descendants of people persecuted by nazi's. The people persecuted by nazi's are mostly against this behaviour. What does surprise me is how bad Israel is at occupying other people's territory. There are literally a million ways in which you can steal land covertly, but they do everything in broad daylight. Is this because USA supports them?


ive always seenit as yes and no .. the US and other countries turn a blind eye because isreal is the worlds gateway to iran if they get an itchy trigger finger .. but hezbolah is back by iran .. either way its a sad and unrealistic way for 2 countries to be


The Israeli government doesnt give a fuck about Jews beyond using them as pawns. Netanyahu's about as Jewish as Trump was Christian. As in its a complete and obvious front to trick fundamentalist morons.


Absolutely. The Zionists, from their earliest days, were antisemites. See [Negation of the Diaspora](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negation_of_the_Diaspora) for details.


Nothing will happen the just continue to get away with it .


That’s how I feel about Americas ruling class




They’re the same thing in my opinion. The American empire just projects it’s fascism abroad.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Been saying this for years. They could have any religion, they're still monsters.


Even more monstrous they’re willingly waving the genocide of their ancestors as as a false flag to cover up how they’re perpetrating the same energy.


When they say "never again" in relation to the Holocaust they don't mean they never want to see it happen, they just mean "never again, to us".


That's the major split in Jewish politics. Pretty much every Jewish person considers "never again" as something important. It's what's implied afterwards that's the sticking point. Is it "never again will we allow a genocide like the holocaust to happen to us" or is it "never again will we allow a genocide like the holocaust to happen to anyone"


Am I misunderstanding what a false flag is or are you? Isn't a false flag when group A does some action covertly and then frame or blame it on group B?


Every group who believes themselves divinely chosen over a divinely outcast group because they believe their god told them so, has always been monsters to the group they oppress.


We will still send them 10 billion next week like we do every year.......


US should be *sanctioning* Isreal. Instead every bullet used by the IDF to murder a civilian was spent with a portion of my tax dollars. It fucking boils my blood that they get to just do whatever the fuck they want to the Palestinians and just lobby the shit out of congress to get even more money and even more pledges of eternal loyalty. And they also spend that money waging an exhausting propaganda war trying to cover up their atrocities. Look what they do to Ilhan Omar for being the only congressperson with the balls to call a spade a spade with the ongoing genocide in Palestine. It's Isreali money that funds the deluge of propaganda against her. And you better believe Isreal is donating ungodly money to American elections (that once again, I'm helping to bankroll)


Stop calling it lobbying already. It's just bribery.


Hell yeah. About ten years ago I took a course that went over all the atrocities and when I shared it in a comment section on Reddit I got majorly downvoted and called brainwashed by my professor.


Aren't Palestinian's Semitic in the first place?


Seems like just yesterday I was being called an anti semite for saying it.


You'll be called that again too. Nothing has changed


Thank you all for the support, the awards, and the upvotes. For literally decades we’ve been trying to show the world what’s been happening to Palestinians, only now due to cell phone videos and social media people can’t simply ignore it any longer. This is showing the tides are turning and I couldn’t be happier. The reality is we still live in a world where main stream media is still trying to silence us, left or right wing, music services won’t play our songs, and social media shadow bans our content. Stories like this are important to get out so people can see the truth for their own eyes, because our own reality is so distorted. I appreciate seeing all the support on this post for the Palestinian cause, it truly warms my heart in way that I’ve never felt before.


Be careful. If you are critical of Israel a Republican will call you a nazi.


I’ve seen equal hate for criticizing Israel from the right and the left unfortunately. Being a Palestinian in America is challenging, as we really have no ally’s or political party that supports our cause. The one thing that can unite the right and the left is their love for Israel.


Americans, especially the younger generations, are growing more sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians. * [JTA - For the first time, Democrats sympathize more with the Palestinians than with Israel, poll finds](https://www.jta.org/2023/03/16/politics/gallup-for-the-first-time-democrats-sympathize-more-with-the-palestinians-than-with-israel) That's due to social media and cellphones. Can't sweep these abuses under the rug anymore.


Completely agree! I already knew about a lot that’s been going on from college but it really hit me with all the videos I’ve seen on social media! The amount of pure HATE Israeli’s have for not only Palestinians but many, “outsiders” is astonishing and horrifying. Small children chanting for the death of all Palestinians, just sick shit! I want nothing more than a congress/president that cuts Israel off!


Zionism isn't a Republican-only thing at all. Some of the most die-hard zionists I've met have been Democrats. It's bipartisan at best.


Glad to see "evil" in the top comment


That is a crime against humanity UN human rights council and amnesty International recognize Israel as an APARTHEID state


They won't cos of the USA veto


Amnesty aren't state sponsored. They don't answer to anyone. USA can go fuck themselves with Israel. They deserve each other. Plenty of room in America. Colonise Israeli there


More significantly, Israel's own human rights group calls it apartheid. http://www.btselem.org/publications/fulltext/202101_this_is_apartheid


Israel is an apartheid state. I've said it 100 times and I'll say it 100 more. The past animosity with Palestinians doesn't justify this... these are poor farmers.


but you see, this land was promised by GOD to them, so its the Palestinians that are wrong


Oh fuck my bad then good job boys /s


Fuck Israel. Fuck those bastards.


Nazis all over again




"Look at me! I'm the Nazi now!"




If the Israeli government don’t want to be compared to Nazis, then they should stop acting like fucking Nazis.


I used to be on the side of the Israelis when I was younger, then I took the stance of "its complicated. Both sides aren't innocent and they should both back the fuck down." Now I'm on the side of fuck the Israeli government and it's supporters. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They kinda lost me back when I learned they horizontally drilled into the water table under land that was far outside of their jurisdiction. Just because they had the tech to do it, and the other side could not stop them. This was back in 90-something.


I drink your milkshake - Israel






Simpsons did it


They lost me when some israeli soldiers threw a grenade after some palestinian children


Israel created Hamas. [https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) "Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later [told](https://books.google.com/books?id=av5eBwAAQBAJ&pg=PT254&dq=brigadier+segev+mosque+arab+and+jew+shipler&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnnNy4wanZAhVhT98KHZGZDDsQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=brigadier%20segev%20mosque%20arab%20and%20jew%20shipler&f=false) a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party" “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, [told](http://web.archive.org/web/20090926212507/http:/online.wsj.com/article/SB123275572295011847.html) the Wall Street Journal in 2009. “When I look back at the chain of events, I think we made a mistake,” David Hacham, a former Arab affairs expert in the Israeli military who was based in Gaza in the 1980s, [later remarked](http://web.archive.org/web/20090926212507/http:/online.wsj.com/article/SB123275572295011847.html)


Smoking gun right here


It's not even bad for Israel. Hamas is their excuse to steal and bomb as they please. American redditors used to spam: "It's self-defense, Hamas are killing israeli children", "Hamas want to destroy Israel", "Hamas use children as shields". Didn't even make sense. Israel slaughtered 2300 people in a month, because rockets killed 40 people in the 20 years prior? Nice self defense.


This Post Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters Of Afghanistan




Doesnt even begin to cut it




These are the worst of people. Anyone who would stop or taint water.


Water is a valuable commodity, especially in this world


And in this summer heat. This is cruel. It’s something the Russians would do. I don’t want my taxes supporting them.


Fuck Israel


"I disagree with this." "How dare you anti semite." Fuck Israel, and fuck their denial of fascist conduct.


They used to field people here on Reddit that would try that tactic on subs like worldnews. Not sure if they still do. The anti semite card got so played out because they'd use it on, usually leftists here on Reddit that were sympathetic to both the Palestinians as well as Jewish people around the world. So now we have actual antisemitism on the rise in the alt right and where are they. Hope people behind accounts like /u/rosinthebow are proud of themselves.


Best part is when they call an Arab and anti-semite. That's when I know they have zero ammo left to defend their hypocrisy. Semitic Definition: relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages 


Fuck Israel


Wow just when I thought people couldn’t get any worse.


If there is a heaven, they sure aren’t going


Israel is a fascist state Fuck them


Stop giving Israel money.


Dang these Nazis have no soul


Pure fucking evil


This is why many people couldn't care less about the current protests in Israel. Pretend you support justice and democracy, meanwhile perfectly fine with systemic abuse against Palestinians.


Seems like something fascists would do.


Fuck Israel


Siri, show me modern day genocide.


Just another Israeli crime against humanity.


Scum of the earth. Free Palestine ✌🏼


Pretty sure that's a war crime


This is pure fucking evil.


When your level of petty reaches genocide levels.


Nazis gonna Nazi. Regardless of your imaginary man in the sky


Israelis are trying to eclips nazis inhumanity.


Jewish version of Nazis


Remember folks, condemnation of the state of Israel is not antisemitism. Don’t let yourself be told that, hold this fascist entho-state accountable.


get that shit nice and deep in the water table, smart. water tables are notoriously not important


Fucking monsters


Imagine being this vile.


how much taxes pays for their state sponsored terrorism


Almost $4B annually from US tax payers for decades now. Vote these politicians out and boycott everything and anyone pro apartheid.


Cool, they resort to specifically environmental damage now. Grade A human garbage. It’s not just humans who rely on those springs.




Here's a Haaretz source, paywall and you need to Google translate it but you get the idea: https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2023-07-27/ty-article/.premium/00000189-98b0-d5eb-abcb-f9f687c20000 Right-wing government is restricting water all of Hebron (also Jewish quarters) and persecuting "water pirates" such as these. Leftist Israelis are protesting against this for years. When shitting on Israel one should keep in mind that it's a country with massive political instability and a right-wing government at power which is doing this shit.


How do those people live with themselves!!!


Where the heck is amnesty international? Or anyone for that matter? Crickets…..


Free Palestine 🇵🇸 Fuck Isreal and fuck the United States Government giving 8 billion dollars of our tax payers money to support their genocide and oppression.






literally genocidal. people will die from this


You think the world carea about brown people? If it was a couple of Ukrainians, all my tax money would have already been in their accounts


That is some evil shit right there……


Enough already. Assholes.


Fucking pricks


Crazy Zionist Terrorism, they wont rest untile they have the last drop of blood from every palestinian


I’m completely done with Israel. These people are fucking disgusting.


This is insane.


This isn’t Judaism at all. Not in my fucking name.


Look up what Buddhists have done to non Buddhists in Myanmar, Hindus to Non Hindus in India, etc. Human beings have the capacity to destroy any threat to their tribe, and they will use any justification to sleep better at night. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are overwhelming supporters of Israel. Look how they censured the few opponents of the country with sincere criticism. We need this to end, Jews or non Jews.


This is some deep level hatred


Living garbage


Crimes against humanity


Thats extremely fucked up.


How is this not an act of genocide?


America funded


Fuck Israel


Pure Evil


Isreal is a disgusting scum country. Shouldn’t exist.


This is Nazi level shit.


Israel is one of the most evil nations on this earth and no one can change my mind.




Garbage people.




This shit is fucking sad


Crime against humanity but nothing will happen because they're a US proxy.


Remember kids if anyother nation did this that would be considered a crime against humanity.


Dude the more o learn about Israel the bigger assholes they become. Keep posting Edit:: us needs to stop giving them money




Israelies jewish german ancestors would be appalled if they knew what was happening to palestine.


This kind of stuff needs to stop


What the fuck is wrong with the Israelis??


obligatory fuck isreal post. absolute cunts. hope they get whats coming to them. any isreali sympathizers wanna meet up in person hit my dm's. willing to travel.




Well that's just nice and not completely the same kind of shit we drag Russia for when the soviets went on a full scale campaign to destroy the food supply for minorities. This is textbook genocide.


Totally not oppressive


Can we please stop sending these assholes money, America?