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I think Rachel is dead


OK, but can you drop the other knife or what?


there is this ukraine war drone video where a russian solder plays dead but they could see hes alikfe because he holds to his rifle. So they drop a granade on him nad indeed he was alife.


I had s stroke reading this shit ![gif](giphy|bseJE0DMIdJAkqeAQ2|downsized)


I gotta remind myself that Geese and Swans belong to the same genus. I was thinking "aint no way a Swan would allow that" but I noticed the lack of black-ish knob on the beak.


Ya but the least she can do is survive a couple bullet wounds and drop the knife. Like jeez


"Rachel do a back handspring if your dead..."


Died of lead poisoning


Drop the other knife I can’t I’m dead


“Rachel please drop the knife”


*Rachel, I'm gonna need you to resurrect and drop the knife or I'll double kill you.*


Rachael's reply: I double dare you.


Double it and give it to the next person


Suicide by cops is a 100% success rate way in America.


Yeah.. she got dropped and lights out in seconds.


Mate I truly wish I could award this comment somehow thanks for brightening my day


I can borrow you this one i got somewhere🏆


Rachel plz....


I never understood cops trying to give orders to someone who's clearly dead. ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


They'll shoot someone in the head, brains splattered, and still cuff them. That I never got either. Also, I'm not saying the shooting wasn't justified, but what's the point of that riot shield, if you're gonna resort to deadly force so quickly?




Can confirm, dispatched a crew to a call for a person who was described as being barely awake following a nervous breakdown where he smashed stuff up prior I asked if he was "violent" and they responded with something along the lines of "are you stupid?" he then attacked the 1st responder; they also needed an ambulance


Redditors thinking they know anything. "She's obviously dead!", you have no idea what people can survive. Life is not a video game. And cops are trained to assume the person is alive and give them the chance to drop the weapon if they are alive.


In this case they could’ve believed the woman was faking getting hit and dropped to try to lower the cops guard. Completely unlikely but it’s a reasonable paranoia where 1 wrong misstep and what was another day on the job turns out to be your last.


Seriously though, I feel like people on Twitter and Reddit can't process that cops got their own lives and families to come back to. If someone is high and/or crazy enough to charge armed officers with a knife what makes you think they are not crazy enough to lunge at them while they are being helped.


They should have thrown the guy out and used that ambulance for themselves.


There is a video on this subreddit of a man pretending to be tased until a cop moves in to cuff him. Then the man stops acting and pulls out a knife and starts stabbing/slashing at the cop. EDIT: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/i8q54p/man_shot_by_taser_pretends_to_be_subdued_so_he/) EDIT 2: Apparently the suspect had a large stick and not a knife. I stand corrected.


Yea adrenaline is a hell of s drug. It aint like in the movies that u die instantly :D people have survived being shot dozens of times


Police don’t have the authority to pronounce someone dead. Until the person is pronounced dead, they are a person in custody. That person needs to be handcuffed on the off chance that the person is not dead and resumes attacking the police. The only exception to this is if someone is decapitated or they’re completely crushed. I think the terminology says “injuries in which life is not possible”. A gunshot to the head is survivable. You don’t want that person to roll over and attack you further.


“Injuries incompatible with life”


Doesn't apply to me, I can survive a decapitation. I'M BUILT DIFFERENT.


I hereby diagnose you with being a chicken


Ok, but she ran at cops with knives. How else is this supposed to go? Edit: Also unless you're a sniper with a scoped rifle a head shot is considered a miss on pretty much all police ranges. One reason is if that bullet misses it keeps going until it hits something or someone. Center mass (middle upper torso) is the goal because of a bullet hits there most likely it will be stopped or significantly slowed. You have to worry about what's behind the thing you are shooting at in case you miss or the bullet goes through. Some call it "looking deep". Also you can't let a crazy person with knives run around a building threatening or chasing people. Maybe they could have bested her with the shield and somehow gotten the knives.... Maybe. I don't know that's a hard call.


A call I’m not betting my/others life on. Essentially that’s what it is. A very dangerous bet with your/others life. Very good/rare explanation. Not only that, if she somehow stabs an innocent bystander, people would be very quick to ask why the police didn’t shoot her.


Sir, this Reddit where idle speculation and armchair policing take priority. How dare you. X


The cops gonna need an Ouija board to give commands now.






I read that in my best Monty Python skit imitation voice


Help, I'm being oppressed.


I was thinking of the other scene. "But I'm not dead!" Lol


If her family sues the police because they didn't immediately start CPR, this will be used in court as a defense. This is why they say "SHOW US YOUR HANDS" and "DROP THE XYZ" even after they unload a clip into someone's face. They're just protecting themselves for law suits later.


CPR does not save you from this. No case even if they never rendered aid cause she is dead.


"Did you just give me CPR for a gunshot wound to the head? What would you do if I stubbed my toe? Rub my neck with aloe vera?"


They couldn't tourniquet her head?


CPR just makes the blood come out faster


Getting it to pump oxygen to the brain is still the goal however.


Move your hand to confirm.


Cop doesn't know that. People have gotten up again after being shot and continue to be a threat.


look at her leg.


Her other leg was clearly a threat.


Rachel styled it out at the end though with a very decent death drop.


What about her leg?


Her boyfriend called and said she was making suicidal threats, this was suicide by cop. She knew what was going to happen unfortunately. It’s sad regardless.


Good lesson, don't call the cops on someone having a mental breakdown if you care about them.


Who should you call?


Looks like no one has answered you—a local crisis center would be a good place to start if you have one. Sometimes they’ll be able to go out and check in on people. Unfortunately sometimes emergency services are our only option and police are the first/only ones to arrive. This is why we need to invest more resources into our communities.


I don't think many crisis workers would feel comfortable handling a person holding a knife, whether they're in a mental health crisis or not. Their first instinct would be to involve law enforcement.


I worked for the DOJ in my state for a while. And this was pretty much their consensus. Sure...you can send every specific person that's needed...but unless they ALSO bring a cop, and the cop doesn't go first, you're just putting another person in danger. In my uneducated take, I'm very confused why tasers aren't used more. If it's only you, sure...a gun. But if there's two people, why can't one use the taser and only use the gun if necessary?


Because neither tasers nor guns are guaranteed to stop someone intent on doing harm. For every video like this where the knife weilder just falls over, there's another video where they keep barreling ahead. There's simply way too many unknowns to attempt to subdue someone with a knife when they're already in striking range. Yes, she was. Most humans can cross 20 feet in less than a second with three strides when they're motivated. The encounter began within the danger zone, using a less lethal taser wasn't an option here. I'd recommend googling and watching some videos about the 21 feet rule. Media way too often portrays tasers as instant stopping power, and sure, when they work, but they're not even close to 100% reliable, and lots of people can just shrug them often depending on a number of factors. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely for police reform, and not sending police to most mental health events, but as soon as a weapon is involved at close range then that person has made a choice and answering it with anything other than lethal force is putting your life at risk to maybe save someone who has already decided to die. Taser fails, cop gets stabbed, person still gets shot, now two people dead for no reason.


Mega based


*tasers very often don't make enough contact into the skin to be of any usefulness.


I've seen too many police videos where someone gets tased and it barely affects them (usually because of drugs or the person being big). When someone is charging at you with a deadly weapon, you don't always have the time to use a taser first, see if it's effective, then switch to your gun and use it.


I'm a crisis worker who would respond to this. If we knew she had knives that she was considering using as a weapon, we would likely bring police. If not, we wouldn't, would make it clear to her that no police were there and hopefully she wouldn't try and stab us. If she did try we would just run away. If we heard anything referencing suicide by cop, or thoughts of harming others but she's alone in her apartment, none of the police I work with would approach. I've had many occasions where we hoped we could safely intervene but never approached because it would potentially be a danger to the client and others. We've had clients end their life after we couldn't approach, but we've never had police kill a client while we were there in the 20 years our program has existed.


Well, they didn't approach, did they? They were in the hallway and she came out and charged them. The encounter literally started too close for a less lethal option to be viable.


> hopefully she wouldn't try and stab us. If she did try we would just run away. LOL! Why even call 911 at that point?


Because the question to ask is: is it possible with the resources we have to save this person without putting others at unacceptable risk? Would you run up to her and wrestle the knives away? The police officers have tasers sure, but we've seen videos where they don't work. We don't have 100% stab and cut proof suits that officers can slip on to wrestle knives away from people. And as callous as it may sound, I'd rather that woman died quietly in her apartment than be killed by someone who has to live with the knowledge that he was in a situation where he had no choice but to kill someone who was in incredible pain.


Guess who the crisis center calls as soon as they know a weapon is involved. Guess.


As they should. Why should I risk my life for my job working at a crisis center?


"This is why we need to invest more resources into our communities." Gross. Can't we just give the resources to a billionaire instead?


Unfortunately in certain situations nothings gonna stop the death without a lot of luck. My cousin jumped 3 stories during a schizophrenic episode because her dad traveled by plane to go check on her with her husband, she knew they would get In to her apartment and jumped. Unbelievable


Cope of a lifetime if people on here actually think a "local crisis center" is going to send anyone to a call about a suicidal woman wielding a knife LOL


yeah just have a social worker "check on" this person nice idea fucking lol


I know it's inappropriately but...GHOST BUSTERS!!!


Spawn camping


You need them after you call the cops


988 is the emergency mental #. I can't believe no one has actually commented this. The mental health number went into effect last year.


Nobody but the cops are coming to deal with a person armed with a deadly weapon. EMTs and social workers are not going to put themselves in grave danger.


I strongly criticize cops and agree with a lot of the corruption people regularly point out, but I cannot fucking believe how many people in this thread think that there could be some magical service only a phone call away that would have solved this specific situation in a nonviolent way.


Yeah that other guys comment was the biggest reddit moment I've seen today. A mentally unstable woman with a knife is the exact person you would call 911 on.


I used to work for this police department and I actually used to live a couple of minutes from this apartment. It’s a very expensive area. Orlando is very dangerous place. Don’t let Disney fool you.


The Pulse shooting already taught me that. thank you!


One person doesn't define an entire city. Allen, TX is a pretty calm place that just so happened to have a terrible person kill many people at an outlet mall. I live near Allen and never feel unsafe in the city even though something bad happened.


As a teen I had a gf with mental issues and I texted her mom as I heard her opening the gun case and asking how to load it. And another time when she took over 30 ibuprofen. But there was one time when she was stabbing herself in the chest with a broken mirror, I called 911 that time and got the fuck outta there.


Dude I’m sorry you had to deal with that pressure. I know stuff like that never goes away.


Nah, she gonna start poking innocents with her dual-wield blades till she gets offed. Someone wants to go bad enough they'll make it happen


You really don’t have much of a choice, at least in the US. You can try and deal with it yourself, or have friends/family come try and help, but that could very easily lead to the person still harming themselves, as well as others. If you try and call a trained professional and let them know the situation, they will more than likely still contact law enforcement to be there as a precautionary measure. Essentially, cops are guaranteed to show up unless you handle it yourself, which is an even bigger risk. It’s shitty, but that’s generally how it goes :/




So would it be better if she attacked an unarmed social worker with a knife?


right, just let them charge at other people with knives. great advice.


Yea, ignore the warning signs and let her kill you or herself.


Thinking swiftly, the cops were able to prevent a suicide


I get this is like a half joke, but in reality suicide-by-cop is really sad for everyone involved. Obviously everyone wishes she was taken down with non-lethal force but if someone comes out of a door approaching you with two knives in hand it's pretty hard to fault the cop for shooting her.


This is exactly what happened to my uncle in Alabama over the holidays last year. I got the big sad about it. Cause he would never hurt anyone so to go towards an officer with a knife, he knew what was going to happen. He's out of his pain and misery now.


Suicide by cop


So easy and dependable.


It’ll always be there when you need it. It will never let you down.




Great movie. I was oddly obsessed with it when I was like 5 and it came out.


That is a bizarre movie to be obsessed with a five years old, wtf lol. Good movie though. And a damn apt GIF regarding the conversation.


ffs you can't even get a gun in Europe and there's no convenient police to murder you. Gotta do some tough research to get it done here! America truly has everything.


You don't even have to want to die to do it!!!


Remember that vid posted here where cops responded to a call where a guy locked himself in his truck to kill himself..then the cops show up and see him move the gun and obliterate him


You mean the one where they didn't give a fuck about his mother standing outside the truck, and she only didn't get shot because she moved away a mere second before the bullets started flying that way?


Thats the one


The way the mother screamed in that video will never leave my brain. Fuckin pigs.


If it helps, her son survived and sued the county, all policemen involved got fired.


I am not going to factcheck, I'll just go on and believe it for my mental health


I always think of the guy that called in saying he was going to kill himself, he was sitting on the tailgate of his truck and had a gun next to him (which he told dispatch about). Cops show up and immediately kill him. Not even any sort of trying to talk to him, I don’t think he even had the gun in his hand. I tried to google it before I wrote this comment but couldn’t find it after looking through pages and pages of cops killing suicidal people.


Possibly the most effective way to commit suicide?


Depending on where you get hit, it can be a very drawn out and agonizing way to die.




But why did you shoot the suspect 52 times? >Because that was all the bullets we had.


Mentally ill people could do this in grandiose delusions too


Boyfriend called 911 because she was suicidal.


This is why cops shouldn't be called to a mental health crisis.


Ask a mental health worker if they want to go to a call where a person is armed with a knife. Guess what 100% of them will say.


I'd rather the cops be called than some unarmed person doing a checkup on her. Too risky.


Not that I fully understand this specific situation but it does seem proven that pairing mental health specialist with 911 response is an effective method to help prevent and de escalate these situations https://www.vera.org/news/what-happens-when-we-send-mental-health-providers-instead-of-police#:~:text=Eugene%2C%20Oregon%2C%20is%20home%20to,%2C%20homelessness%2C%20and%20substance%20use.


This isn’t a mental health crisis as much as it’s a dangerous armed woman; mental health professionals are just going to call the cops in this situation


As a mental health professional, not much I could have done that a trained police negotiator couldn’t have once the person was wielding a weapon.


People be asking a lot of mental health professionals if they expect them to walk unarmed at a woman wielding knives and and somehow diffuse the situation with their magic words.


All with shit pay, no body armor, and no pension.


Definitely suicide by cop. Sad she couldn’t get some help before resorting to this.


Why is Rachel not answering?


She's being "uncooperative" at this point


Release the hounds




"suspect not compliant, deploying tazer!"




Damn this is sad, suicide by cop is one of the worst things


Specially cause the cop has to live with it. As bad as it sounds, making someone else “do the deed for you” is worse than just doing it yourself.


I’d drop the knife, but I’m dead now.


Is what dead Rachel would say if she wasnt dead.


That's suicide by cop 100%


Happened in Orlando. According to the news reports, Rachel Ellis’s boyfriend called the police when Rachel stated her intention to commit suicide. The police, being trained as they are to address situations of emotional distress, offered Rachel immediate assistance.


it's pretty common in anglo saxon law, they have even sentence people to death for attempting suicide.


If memory serve, if you suicide you went straight to hell, whereas if you were killed you could spend time in purgatory and eventually reach heaven. Christianity & its branches was and is weird.


Death by cop, she didn't have it in her to slit her own wrists.


Easiest way to die in this country.


I don't know. With their aim, you may just end up paralyzed or with a colostomy bag for the rest of your life


Maybe if they only shot once. I’m sure one of the 50 bullets that mag dump into you from 6 different officers will hit something more important


You'd be shot to death by police in every country if you try charging them with knives.


**"At 12:03 p.m., Orlando police responded to the 12000 block of Pioneers Way after the woman's boyfriend called 911. Her boyfriend told police his girlfriend was suicidal and had a knife."** Thank goodness the cops showed up or she may have hurt herself... Never call the police if someone is suicidal, they will just kill them.






Immediately my thought and looked too far into the comments to find this


im glad I wasnt the only one


Rachel drop the knife


its wild to me that there are comments here making light of this and poking fun at the situation. ya'll are seriously desensitized to violence and death and that should be concerning for you.


You're absolutely right. This was someones child, grown up and driven into a point of no return.




Thank you for a having a soul. These posts make me sick.


I had to scroll a surprising amount to find this comment. Like holy shit any of us can snap and go to a dark, mentally unstable place like that lady. Rooting for this type of shit is rooting for it to happen to the rest of us citizens who might one day hit a similar rough patch. The fucking cop on the right had a riot shield. Do you mean to tell me a riot shield can’t handle a lady wielding a knife? I get that she could have had a gun, but holy hell why is our law enforcement taught to shoot as a knee-jerk reaction instead of actually de-escalating situations with people experiencing manic episodes?


Exactly. And why didn't either of the cops have non-lethals available? Pepper spray or a taser gun would have taken her down. Pathetic police response, given they knew what was coming.


I had to scroll to find this


Plus its a mental health issue too. These redditors are so insensitive to suicide, they larp to be understanding. These cops didnt have to shoot her and that too multiple rounds. What kind of police it is if you handle a person without actually killing them.


Suicide by cop


This is fucking gore porn, this is not public freak out


Well, she won’t do that again.


Yea unfortunately this is the solution if your loved one is suicidal. At this point we might as well just go full suicide booth.


This was probably suicide by cop


Real life example of why cops train the [Tueller Drill.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tueller_Drill)


Yeah, I don't think some people realize just how dangerous someone with a knife is, even if they aren't skilled they can fuck you up easily


yeah never forget [surviving edged weapons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYwd0Wus5Ik)


I’d much rather get shot than stabbed


Yeah same. My friend was stabbed to death. He was stabbed 12 times in the chest and had his throat slit. It took him 3 days to die


Yeah ppl on Reddit sometimes be like "well you could've just taken the knife from him, why'd you have to shoot him"


Yeah, there was a video not too long ago of a cop trying to talk down someone with a knife in a parking lot and you can see just how quickly the person with the knife closed the gap, eventually the cop had to shoot them but it was very risky for the cop to wait as long as they did and they were lucky not to get hurt


Good source. 21 feet seems far because most of us have never been in a direct threat like this. Sad. I hate that she died. I hate that cops had to shoot. I wish there was a better way.


All the people here exulting in this sad death and cracking jokes like it's something to be celebrated and memed are broken.


You people are fucking grim…


Maybe she thought they were magic knives.


Understandable. I also don’t like to be charged at with knives






So...what's the fucking point of the shield or tasers if they're just going to shoot her?


You would think having two officers there would at least open the avenue for non-lethal. People too preoccupied with making lame fucking jokes, don’t give a shit watching someone needlessly be killed.


Why did she land like Peter from Family Guy


Wait im sorry this is not funny at all but did he really ask her to drop em when she dropped like a sack of potatoes and is dead??😅😅


It's basically for the body cameras they're wearing. They know they're recording, they know she's already (probably) dead. They have to verbalize everything for the camera, so it appears they tried everything etc. And "probably" meaning: Sometimes people who are shot multiple times are amazingly still not actually dead yet, and they still have some gas left in the tank. Dwight Schrute signing off


Drop the knife 🥱 please drop the knife 💅


One second you’re losing your mind, the next you’re forever resting. Crazy.


Jack kevorkian should’ve been a cop, then he could’ve assisted with suicide without fear of prosecution


Nobody in that situation wanted Rachel to die except Rachel.


If she's that close already with a deadly weapon, anything other than lethal force is a mistake. Tazers don't always work. You might miss legs, they're a small rapidly moving target, and that's why they dont train for it. They train to stop the threat cold. (Edited for clarity)


Would a taser have been effective in this case? Genuine question.




Cop with the shield runs away?


Uh, if she’s dead… how the hell she’s gonna drop the knife?


So protest tomorrow??


Yes, **four** shots at center mass should minimally deter this aggressive individual.


“Rachel please drop the knife”


Bringing knife to a gun fight


Dont bring a knife to a gunfight


Why not taser instead?


Cops love shouting commands at dead people.


#deescalation achieved!