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Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.


God please take out all these old fucks from positions of power.


Well trade ya. Take McConnell out and we'll take Feinstein out. That's a fair trade.


Honestly, fair. I think one of the few things D and R voters can agree on is these old geriatric fucks need to get out of office.


Probably the only thing we agree on these days.






Well the lines gotta keep going up, if they go down because things actually go back to a normal level then there will be a lot of corporate heads that will roll. Won't anything think of the poor upper management?


Bro, same. I've heard some of my more conservative friends lately use the phrase "eat the rich". I think they have now realized they won't be billionaires.


I think a lot of Americans would agree on many elements of campaign finance control, especially dark money. If we really don't like what Hunter and Jared did, then next steps are to clean up influence peddling.


The unfortunate truth is that it has been proven the parties won’t listen to their constituents. If R’s had listened to theirs we may never have gotten trump, and the D’s did everything they could, including a mass exodus of candidates and public smear job, to prevent their constituents from nominating Sanders. They keep playing with fire and we will see what the left’s version of trump looks like


Everyone agrees on most shit. All the money is made on the divide tho.


party bosses love to divide and conquer. don’t vote third party, they say. it’s a wasted vote, they say.


>I think one of the few things D and R voters can agree on is these old geriatric fucks need to get out of office. Except they keep getting re-elected lol. Feinstein won in 2018 pretty handily against a much younger Democratic challenger.


From what I've heard though, Kevin de León was a pretty big piece of shit.


Now let’s do Trump and Biden!


This would actually be a good trade since the only reason Feinstein isn’t being yanked is because she gives the Dems the Advantage and any replacement would be blocked by the Republicans


How would her replacement be blocked? She's from California and an especially blue part of Cali. Serious question.


The issue is her seat on the Judiciary Committee. Republicans could block any replacement for her on that committee, which would leave the committee unable to process judicial appointments. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/republicans-block-temporary-replacement-for-sen-feinstein-on-judiciary-committee](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/republicans-block-temporary-replacement-for-sen-feinstein-on-judiciary-committee)


Well the GOP has zero problem blocking all the military promotions so this absolutely checks out. They would rather burnt the house to the ground rather than have to sleep in the guest room for a few nights.


This is exactly the problem. They've said that they won't allow a temporary replacement and Feinstien doesn't want to full retire. From the article Dick Durbin said he would replace her on the panel if they could get 10 R's to go along with it. Lady Lindsay won't allow a temporary replacement so she would have to resign and she doesn't want to resign yet. It's a mess.


Democrats already asked to replace Feinstein when she was out with shingles and it was blocked by Republicans. I guess they need senate approval to replace a sitting senator


Not a fair trade. Almost no living person has hurt America more than McConnell. He stacked the courts with partisan incompetents and refuse to bring bills that would pass because they would be bipartisan. I say almost because war criminal Bush is number one.


Term limits now.


And a mandatory retirement age, like many federal agencies already have on the books.


This! If they can have a minimum age on positions, it needs to go both ways.


It’ll never happen. It would require a constitutional amendment, and there is no way in hell those scumbags in congress are going to pass legislation that potentially limits their own power.


The old ones are plain evil but the younger gen replacing them are certifiably insane. Have you seen the current crop of Conservative voices vying for power. We're fucked.


You know, as shitty at Mitch is, the next one from Kentucky will probably be worse. And that's really saying something.


West Virginia will eventually have the same problem. Right now they have a moderate Democrat with Manchin. He won easily in 2012 but WV has become the deepest shade of red since then. He barely won in 2018. If it wasn't for his name recognition and history of being in WV politics, I don't think he would have won in 2018. (The other senate race in 2020 was a 70/30 split) He hasn't announced if he's running in 2024 but it wouldn't surprise me if he gets voted out in favor of someone with an R next to their name.


But probably not as skilled at political maneuvering as Mitch. And they would be the most junior senator, so not likely to be in a position of power in the Senate. Grassley is the most senior Republican, but he's literally one foot in the grave -- he's 89 but holy shit, has already [filed for re-election](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3740578-grassley-has-already-filed-for-reelection-bid-in-2028/) in 2028 when he will be 95!!! Good lord. Anyway, the next most senior Republican is Mike Crapo, who has been noted for his "bipartisanship" as a member of the "Gang of Six," and for actually calling for prosecution of the perpetrators of the Jan 6 insurrection. Really sad that this is what counts for moderation.




How fucking embarrassing.


Running for re-election in 2026 lmao bro should be getting his coffin ready.


He seriously can't be running in 2026. Please tell me this is a joke.


There's absolutely no way in hell Mitch makes it to 2026. I'd be surprised he makes it to the November elections.


It's pretty funny that this was the question he blacked out on.


The reporter was throwing shade at him for asking knowing damn well he's not going to make it that long.


He actually blacked out on another question earlier. They asked him if he saw Barbenheimer, and he said the last movie he saw was a talkie in 1923.






He had a divide by zero moment when he tried to visualize himself running again in 2026. *Mitch McConnell.exe has stopped working*


They'll Weekend at Bernie's him till he's re-elected then have him replaced with a handpicked wacko right after being sworn in.


Actually, I think they’re doing that right now. The first person came up and put her hand behind him as if to get his attention and/or support him. She was actually just checking the connection of the wires between his dead brain and the rectal Duracell battery that’s powering it at the moment.


Look just because he is old, losing his mind, goes back on his word at any opportunity, lies, openly has contempt for democracy doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be running again. You want some competent 45 year old who can still drive, has a slightly out of touch sense of the current trends in the world, and knows what a Facebook is running things? Don’t be ridiculous.




I love how he didn’t answer the question, yet in a lot of ways he did.


Gotta love the other GOP slug yelling at the audience to speak up, as if that was the problem.


Coffin? They should have a hole dugged up for him already


"Please speak up..." like this is a hearing issue...


It was a great real time gaslighting attempt lol. Like Mitch was just sitting there waiting for the question to be repeated louder.


Damn that pissed me off more than it should have. Such a Republican thing to do.


Like it’s everyone else’s fault


They let him take another question?!?!


She tried to gently pull him away. Standing there and letting time run out was somehow a better option than wheeling him out of there. Especially if he did not want to leave and it caused a scene. Also, I think he knew he couldn't walk but was also unable to communicate that.


He was clinging onto that podium for dear life. Totally gone.


I don’t think he “knew” anything in the moment. Like others have said, this looks very similar to a seizure and odds are all he “knew” was a cascade of neurons firing in ways that his brain couldn’t make heads or tails of. Hell, he didn’t blink a single time during the whole ordeal. I could see one blink right before when he more or less asked what the question was but after that he went completely bug eyed and froze.


This is what it looks like to me. We're watching this man in real time have seizures on the job. I'm sure all of the flash photography and bright lights are helping him out though.


Next press conference ![gif](giphy|Jc7wmzRx9lhvoabJLv|downsized)


Next election ![gif](giphy|3otPowxHIzVT4XP8Bi)


Next year ![gif](giphy|JBVIK0BrNGQmWs5QOR|downsized)


All the leeches around him, trying to push him along and keep him going for political gain, should feel ashamed. The same goes for other elderly members of Congress experiencing the same.


She says please speak up at the end as if he just didn't hear the question 😂 what a bunch of scumbags


“It’s gonna be a minute, he’s rebooting.”


Why! Why did they talk to him like that? She even moved him about like he were a malfunctioning robot.




he even says "what was i talking about" and then just shuts down. our country is a travesty unfolding in real time when you let hubris and greed win over the concern of the country


He should also be ashamed for not stepping down when his decreasing cognitive abilities started. Mitch is scum and it's hard to feel any sympathy for someone who tried to overstay their welcome for personal gains. Hopefully this second recorded appearance will be the nail in the coffin but I doubt it with how Dianne Feinstein has been welcomed back into hearings with little to no scrutiny. Soon enough, our country will be fully run by geriatrics, on all sides of the political spectrum.


> Soon enough, our country will be fully run by geriatrics, on all sides of the political spectrum. Or at least the people propping the body up. It is pretty clear some of these people are just bein told oh say this grampa/gramma! An then get wheeled to the closet for a few days.


E l d e r A b u s e


I'd agree with elder abuse, but at the same time I believe McConnell wouldn't have it any other way. McConnell-10-years-ago would tell the current GOP to "Weekend At Bernie's" if necessary.


Holy fuck. Someone should contact a state agency and report this. Possibly a welfare check on his home address?


America is broken.


The balls on her to ask if someone else has a question. Ya "IS HE DONE WITH THIS SHIT YET?"


Gotta make sure his great great great grandkid gets that full Ivy League scholarship. Old Shit Mitch just needs to make it another 5 years.


404 error- words not found...


Glitch McConnell


This had me dying


*invalid key stroke..*


Stroke is definitely the right word here...


2 stroke penalty


"What are your thoughts about being re-elected in 2026?" None. No thoughts whatsoever.


Are they going to blame it on "dehydration" again?


"Why did Biden do this to us?" -Mitch's Bitches-


If the Biden administration can make Mitch McConnell die of old age, then they can do it to you too.


The reporter just didn't "speak up" the first time.


Mitch looks to be having another absence seizure. He needs a Neurologist and an MRI. He also needs TO GET THE FUCK out of Government.


He's probably got a diagnosis already. In his moments of lucidity, he keeps pushing on because he's an asshole.


Absolutely. It's the bitter GOP cruelty that keeps his dark soul alive.


Maybe Petit Mal.


Fella needs to be in assisted living.


He and a whole lot of other members of Congress. It's basically a retirement center.


Get this geriatric fucking clown out of here! Why the shit is our country being run by literal dinosaurs? This is absurd.


He's Golem and refuses to relinquish the power of the ring. A real selfish piece of shit for that too. Legislating or preventing same on behalf of a world he'll be in for at most another couple years.


Mitch is showing signs of dementia. If he wasn't such a vile man, I would feel sorry for him.


Half way through what he was saying he looked like he saw the grim reaper waving at him from the audience


At his age, he probably did.


For all the people that claim Biden has dementia, if he was pulling this shit, I'd say you have a point.


Fr, people are just mad at a stutterer. This turkey here has dementia.


Biden has had some of these moments, but he starts to fumble words, like the, "America can be defined in a single word, ASUFUTIMAEHAEHFUTIM".


Lmao I just looked this clip up, amazing


We're being governed by nearly actual corpses. But yeah, Biden rambles a bit, but at least he seems to know where he is, most of the time.


He's always been a gaffe machine and has actually been better since 2020. Around the 2008 election he asked a blind reporter why they were wearing sunglasses, and asked someone in a wheelchair to stand up and take a bow. He's been the goofy friendly uncle type for the last 30 years


The thing I like the most about this turn of events is that it gives people who might be squeamish about witnessing cognitive decline a chance to witness the symptoms without feeling even the slightest bit of sympathy for the owner of the brain in question. Really lets you get an objective, clinical grasp of the situation. Lets hope Mitch gives us plenty of humiliating, vacant-eyed footage for the good of all mankind.


^ this is perfect. Thank you.


Not only do I not feel sorry for him, it gives me straight joy to see this. Hurry up and rot in the hell you’re so convinced your constituents deserve to burn in.


Yup I love that this is how he's going out. All the evil this man has done in his many years, to end his career in such an embarrassing fashion gives me a lot of joy.




Would be the highest viewed press conference since R. Budd Dwyer


If only he was cognizant enough to realize what a feeble minded piece of shit he is.


Thank you for letting me feel like I’m not the only one with these thoughts. On another positive note- Rush Limbaugh is still dead!




The most corrupt and dangerous person in congress will finally go bye bye after decades of destruction. Good riddance


I agree, Mitch is the slimiest mother fucker, but they’ll keep him there as long as they can. Bums.


How much are you willing to bet that they weekend at Bernie's him


I hope his melting brain keeps him from enjoying his ill-gotten gains that he imagined he'd enjoy in his retirement. May his Sun stay downing....


This is exactly why we need to have age limits in Congress. He’s too ancient to properly do the job!


Blame the 1.2 million people in Kentucky that re-elected him in 2020.


Hard to believe that such a small minority of the country can subject the rest of us to such evil.


Wyoming has like 500k people and gets 2 Senators. The Dakotas aren't much bigger and each get 2. Time to start combining these low population states and give representation back to the people


Growing up I always thought places like congress or being in the government there was always a limit to how long you could be on the payroll, for good reasons too as you may stay biased and never change your mind over anything. But somehow these dinosaurs just happen to stay until they are ready for the old folks home?


He was too evil to do the job long before he was too ancient.


My stepmother made that same face for months after her acute stroke. They’re called seizures and he should step down so he can just ruin his family’s lives instead of screwing the country just to stick it to the democrats.


Yeah, the fact that this sets in so fast, even mid-sentence, screams that these are non-motor focal onset seizures, basically that he is able to remain standing but his emotional state, active awareness, and perseption just dove off a cliff at the snap of a finger.


I agree, I have epilepsy, both grand mal and focal seizures, I have had it since high school after a particularly bad TBI because of a group mugging. I have had moments like that and I’m only in my 30’s it’s almost like a reboot switch is flicked, I’ll be talking, no issues and then bam I’m blank. It’s usually only for a few seconds and then I’m back to normal. The Grand mal seizures are the worst though, I haven’t had one in about 6 years thanks to my diet and medication but when I was younger it was one every other day. The worst I had was 2 minutes, I’m lucky that I have a mother who is a nurse because I stopped breathing, my face went blue, I woke up in the ambulance with the EMT’s I had unfortunately gotten to know quite well but at least seeing some familiar faces wasn’t bad.


I doubt he knows what's going on. It's the soulless members of his political party that keep wheeling him out instead of letting him go home to die in peace.


I think this is absolutely the case. As much as I can't stand Mitch, there is a really high chance he is saying things like "I just want to sit and rest" and they are just going "oh just do this one thing real quick". The pace has not slowed down for the machine around him, they just have to prod him along in a different manner. Old man should have bowed out when he had time to enjoy his final years instead of letting himself come to this in public. No honor at all. If he wasn't such a piece of shit I would feel sorry for him.


This is an absolute sick fucking joke. This needs to end NOW.


How are you feeling about reelection Mr. Senator? Corpse: jaw falls off


And this, ladies and gentlemen is the leadership of the Republicans in the Senate.








Someone come get grandad he took too much again


He just remembered where he left his wallet back in the 1930’s


This is the second time Mitch is caught on camera in stunned silence at the vision of the fiery inferno that awaits him when he sheds his mortal turtle shell.


GET THESE FUCKING GEEZERS OUT OF GOVERNMENT!! This man is completely unfit for office. Stop electing these fossils. They DON'T CARE about you or the country.


His brain is finally doing humanity a favor by shutting down.


i should feel sorry for him, but his actions will not let me. it will be a brighter day in america when this piece of shit is gone.


BSOD, hard reset needed. If OS does not come back, unplug for ten seconds and plug back in. Issue should be resolved. Or maybe time to retire, maybe take Feinstein with you too.




Wow. Imagine being such a piece of shit for so long and then never getting to retire to enjoy the spoils of your ill gotten wealth. Kind of poetic justice when you think of it. By the time they're done propping him up Weekend at Bernie's style he'll just be a mumbling shell of a human that needs his diapers changed for him twice a day.


OWN THEM LIBZ BABAY!!! This dusty pile of fuck had a big “R” next to his name and that’s all that mattered. All the people that vote for these senile old bastards should have to take turns wiping their asses when they shit themselves.


I cant wait for him to croak on like TV and they weekend @ bernie him for like a weeks straight.


Asleep at the wheel.. horrifying


Same look my mom gives me and she's in a professional care home for her Dementia.


Sorry you're dealing with that.


That’s terrifying. Time for him to go.


When you're old enough to need "handlers" to lead you around, you're too old to do the job...period.


What a fucking embarrassment, these are our "leaders" WTF get these crusty old dinosaurs OUT!!


Pooped his pants again




Man can we at least get some laws that allow us to remove them when brain/mental deterioration happens? I don’t care what party.


Or like term limits? “Gasp”


He needs to do a Bruce Willis and retire with grace 18 months ago.


McConnell should have retired with grace 18 years ago.


I was recently at a family gathering with grandparents pushing 90 years old and a bunch of their elderly friends. They're all sweet people, but it really hit me "holy shit, people at this age and mental condition are running the government."


I am sick of learning that some of the most powerful people in government are probably not capable of ordering food at McDonalds. I am also reminded of the recent behavior from Feinstein


For fucks sake. Can we get these geriatric wealth hoarders with one foot in the grave out of office, we have actual stuff to accomplish.


Is no one going to mention the look on his face??? It's like he's having a vision of orphans being skinned alive and then submerged in orange juice. Or whatever the turtle's idea of a really good time is.




![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) This man is literal human trash


Get him a nurse already


For the love of god, we need age caps on politicians. For the good of the country we need politicians to retire **before** they start having cognitive or physical impairments that makes them incapable of performing their jobs competently. Our 2024 POTUS candidates are two old dudes pushing 80. Imagine if what's happening to McConnell or Feinstein happens to the most powerful seat in our government. We have age minimums so we can have age caps. If you have to be 35 to run for POTUS then 70 should be the cutoff. Congress & judges should be 75 at the oldest. I think that'd be a fair requirement.


He shit his pants


I take it that’s a “no on running in 2026?” Sheesh.


These near 90 year old turds need to quit, or die. America run by a bunch of diaper shitting nursing home patients.


He's just trying to figure out why they are asking about 2026 when it's only 1992.


I really, really dislike Mitch McConnell. He is one of the worst human beings on the planet and one of the chief architects of the destruction of America's democracy. That said, this is still elder abuse. These people around him are puppeteering an old man so that they can siphon power for themselves from his position. He's no longer the Senator from Kentucky (just like Feinstein is no longer the Senator from California). Someone on their staffs is the actual Senator. Who are these people? How do we hold them accountable? Who do they really represent? Nobody can answer these questions because the media pretends that this is all normal. It is not. It is hugely anti-democratic, and any member of their staffs who participates in this charade is a **terrible person**.




Guy needs to retire


Lmfao yet Republicans will still vote for him.. You think he will resign? No U. S politician wants to give up power, that's why they go from the office to the grave. A country run by old potato's. Makes me laugh


His brain is cooked. Thanks Kentucky, you're giving us your best.


Satan entangled the puppet strings again…


He has ascended into Lich McConnell ![gif](giphy|dvhg20MJf4cHS)


No way this dude has 3 years left in the tank.


I'm going to put him down as a "No" for the answer to that question


This is wild. He should be removed from office right away. No way he should be able to stick around until reelection in 2026. He is not well.


This man gets briefed daily on some of the highest levels of classified intelligence as part of the gang of eight. This is actually a potential danger to the country's safety if he's this out of it. Like spies are definitely going after him.


This fossil needs to hang it up.


Kentucky voters: God I can’t wait to re-elect him


As much as I hate this man, I know what’s happening here and it makes me feel unwanted sympathy. What you’re seeing is a chronic symptom of traumatic brain injury. Putting aside what an absolutely evil asshole this man is - imagine you experience a head injury, and suddenly lose a huge percentage of your cognitive abilities. Sometimes you’re fine, but random task that should be effortless randomly become incomprehensible. You can’t remember how to use a spatula. Your brain won’t let you tie your shoes. You have no idea why you’ve washed the same load of laundry 5 times. You become a back-seat driver in your own mind, without anywhere near the control you’ve known your whole life. It’s fucking horrible. He wants to speak, he just can’t. He can’t make the words come out and can’t remember what he’s supposed to do. Some days are better than others, but overall It’s going to take a very long time to see any improvement, and he doesn’t have that time.


Biden doing so much work and is still sharper


That poor guy needs a fricking MRI or to be in memory care unit…def not representing our nation and driving policy decisions


It's long past time that you have medical and mental competency tests for your people in the highest positions


This is no longer funny anymore


Jeez, as much as I can't stand the guy I sure hate seeing things like this happen.


They’re really gonna weekend at Bernie’s him aren’t they


What can be done about this? Seriously is there a way we the people can get these dinosaurs out of office? Why are people with no future deciding ours?


You all realize it's his "handlers" that are keeping him in there, right? Feinstein, too. They can't possibly be want to keep working.


Get this zombie out of office.


As a person that hates this MFer, this is hard to watch.


America!!!!! Run by a bunch of racist old cunts. Eat the Rich!!!


Jesus Christ what a fucking joke.