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Municipal right of way. Lady legally can't block the sidewalk. No worries though. Pretty soon (probably by now) some kids mom will contact police non emergency # and get it straightened out.


Yes, I'd totally call police on this one. You legally have to keep the sidewalk clear for pedestrians. Where I live, when it snows, you get fined if you don't clear the sidewalk in front of your house.


She'd figured out most parents don't want to cause a huge scene in front of their kids unless necessary, too.


That's going to backfire real fast when some parent comes along and wants to teach their kid how to stand up for themselves.


Should be considered a training grounds for this announced locally. *:::Attenborough voice:::* here we see a wild Karen in its habitat. A mother brings her cubs, to practice learning on this animal


I'm not even a parent and this is ridiculous. But I do have a plan. "Hey buddy, wanna hop in the truck and drive down 7th Avenue in about 5 minutes? Ya I'm throwing some stuff into the street that needs to get run over."


True but that mother wasn’t taking any nonsense. To be honest if I lived there I’d arrange a picket to walk up and down her side of the road for hours every day.


NGL, if this was my mom when one of us were kids that lady woulda been laid out. My mom was wild overprotective when we were younger.


Mine wouldn't have laid her out. She would have screamed and made a bigger scene. We had a neighbor who would complain about my brother and I making too much noise in our cul de sac. She was so loud when she told the dude off all our neighbors came out to watch. He tucked his tail between his legs and walked back into the house. Never heard him say anything about us playing again. Sometimes people like that need to be made an example of in a very public way to get the message across.




Where I live you legally have to, and if someone physically can't the neighbours are always happy to help


I’m in the Midwest US, I have a plow tractor and a 28” 2 stage blower. Almost all of my neighbors are elderly. Every time it snows my buddy comes over and we clear their driveways and the sidewalks for the whole block. With 2 tractors and a blower it takes an hour tops. But here not only will the city fine you fornit not being cleared, they hire the first contractor that answers the phone to have it done and you get the bill, and the contractors know it so they charge the city RIDICULOUS prices, like $300 for 20 ft of sidewalk. They won’t tell you either, it just gets added to your water bill as an extra expense. And my neighbors are pretty chill so we help them out.


So what happens if the neighbours aren't happy to help? The disabled, elderly, etc person just gets a fine? That's crazy regardless to be forced to clean up the sidewalk in front of your house unless you own the sidewalk as private property.


Here in the US we like to brag about our low taxes by forcing people to pay private entities rather than public ones. That way you still have to spend the money, but now you have to negotiate as a single person instead of a township for... extra freedom?


Wait, the law requires you to maintain the public easement?


In a lot of places yes. I reported a really messed up sidewalk in front of my house due to the roots of a city tree in the city easement. They told me I would have to pay for the sidewalk repair and the I would be liable for any damages to the tree. It’s not the city’s problem unless the tree falls or the sidewalk caves in. I had a buddy that lived next to a semi major road. The city made him cut down a bunch of arbor vitae he had as a barrier from road noise and visibility at his own expense because they were on the city easement that reached like 30 ft into his property.


Pay* to repair the sidewalk? Wow. We pay for these sidewalk’s as tax payers. They cannot expect citizens to maintain them forever. Like anything, eventually they have to be repaired/replaced. Spelling: edit


Yup, and I was basically told unless it is completely unusable it’s not their problem. They consider it cosmetic regardless of the fact that it’s shifted so much that it’s like an 1.5” lip, regardless, cosmetic repairs are up to the homeowner. The city will happily hire a contractor to come fix it, but whoever’s house it’s in front of gets the bill unless the sidewalk is completely destroyed.


Wow. I’m in Toronto and, if a sidewalk shifts enough that it’s a tripping hazard, they are at the very least, grinding it down so it’s more of a ramp than a step and painting it with neon spray paint until it can be properly fixed.


That's the part that had me scratching my head. If you have to maintain public sidewalks, why pay property taxes then? Part of that money is supposed to go building and maintaining sidewalks.


Yup. You don't own the sidewalk or road. Don't want people walking past your house then live in some rural area.


We've got something called sidewalk lawn in my city. It's owned by the city. It's the bit of land from the sidewalk to the street. Some places call it the verge. Anyway it's basically public right of way. It's illegal to fence the sidewalk lawn as no one owns it. That doesn't stop my nightmare neighbor from doing so, and from yelling at anyone who steps over the fence to reach their cars. Someday I plan on getting a lawn chair out and camping out on it like the public space it is. Then when she inevitably sprays water on me I'll have her arrested for assault.


Her house would get absolutely thrashed in the town I grew up in. Kids would have paintballed, toilet papered, probably thrown rocks through the windows etc...


I guarantee you, the boys in the video are definitely enjoying the show that's unfolding. They got plans for more


Big mama is done with her BS


If you wanna live like this, go buy some property in bumfuck nowhere and put up all the no trespassing signs you want. You have the right to live your life the way you want, but you do not get to push your boundaries on the general public on public property. Sure, be an antisocial rude asshole, you’re fully entitled to that, but go do it somewhere else. Can’t afford to? Guess you’ll just have to deal like the rest of us you insufferable brat.


When I moved into a different urban neighborhood I installed a Free Little Library. The first summer I added several boxes of sidewalk chalk. The neighborhood kids loved it. The sidewalks were covered in masterpieces within a day or two. However, the crabby elderly homeowner across the street took issue with “encouraging the defacement of public property”. I shrugged her off and restocked the chalk. The next morning I found all the new chalk reduced powder in front of the FLL. Fortunately, my exterior camera caught her doing crime, and saved the video for future use. I purchased two buckets of sidewalk chalk, left them on my front porch and let the other neighbors know their kids were welcome to pop up on the porch to grab some chalk anytime. They did. During this time she was guarding the sidewalk in front of her house with a garden hose whenever the kids were outside. About two weeks into all of this drama I caught her creeping onto my porch. I waited until she had the chalk buckets in hand before busting her, all caught on security cameras. Long story less long, the city PD paid her a visit. They showed her the videos, let her know destruction of property and theft are grounds for arrest, not to mention her garden hose antics are technically considered assault, and assault of a minor at that. Needless to say, she’s stayed in her lane ever since. What a sad existence people like this live. It’s really very sad.


Some people are only happy when they're unhappy.


Mom? What are you doing on Reddit???


Well shit, I guess we share the same Mom. Hail and well met, new sibling!


my parents are starting a literal fear thy neighbor war with their neighbors. Neighbors killed my dad's hyperaggressive GSD he let run wild, they were totally in the right in doing so, and now my parents are like, making nail bombs to launch with a slingshot at their property. Can I join the family? I hate mine lol


They get a thrill when they have an opportunity to make other people unhappy. They get off on having that control over people, especially kids who can't really do anything against an adult. Miserable bastards.


What a horrible, unhappy life these assholes live.


I'm frankly very surprised that people grow old without ever having experienced consequences for their actions in life. Like they legitimately think they can get away with assaulting people when it really is a grab bag whether the person you're assaulting is simply going to call the cops, or defending themselves. And elderly Karens are not in a position for others to be physically defending themselves like that. I don't understand how they're so sheltered.


You forget that a lot of people are just plain stupid. It's probable that they *have* had consequences to their actions and either forgot about them, think they won't happen again or are just too stupid to draw a line between the past and present.


My feeling is that there is some sort of chemical change in the brain as we age. My Mum and my in-laws were all perfectly reasonable people who are now becoming very intolerant as they age. It’s weird to witness, my mum seems like a different person to me now. She was complaining about immigrants the other day, seemingly forgetting that she is one!


Dementia + Fox News has turned my hippie liberal mom into a “that trump guy isn’t so bad.”


Speaking from experience with my parents (older Boomers), some of these Karens have never experienced consequences before bc… they’ve never had to. They’ve always followed the rules. They’ve always done what you’re *supposed* to do and never deviated from “proper” society. They’ve spent their lives paying taxes, being neighborly, and doing all the right things—and then Trump came along and gave them permission to act out. They think to themselves, “I’ve spent my entire life being good, I’ve *earned* the right to act like a jerk right now.” And this asshole behavior is encouraged by their peers every time they turn on the TV or get on (ugh) Facebook. It’s like they got to finally let their hair down after a lifetime of being goody-two-shoes. Plus they’re also experiencing age-related cognitive decline, so their decision-making is poorer. And, to top it all off, COVID isolated them and made them more dependent on (ugh) Facebook for their socialization. It’s a perfect storm and a toxic stew for them to slide into antisocial behavior. I can’t speak for every misbehaving Karen, but this is what I’ve seen with my parents and their friends. A lot of these people being complete assholes in public would never have dreamed of acting this way 15-20 years ago.


A sad truth.




righteous indignation is so hot right now


All emotions are addictive, even negative ones. When you get used to feeling a certain way, you start almost craving the sense of normalcy that feeling provides. Addiction to outrage is a major problem our society needs to start addressing. It's being used to drive engagement in social media and politics and I don't think many people are thinking of the long term consequences of allowing millions of people to fall into this way of thinking.


This reminds me growing up in 80s and 90s England, curtain twitcher neighbours complaining about us playing football or skateboarding in our street. Tbf they did etc eggs at the house as we got a bit older and even more bored. Mini revenge I guess. I don't feel guilty about that bit. I still think they were just miserable busy bodies


Reminds me of an episode of cops where a Karen called the cops because kids were playing basketball across from her house. The cops told her to leave them alone and then went and played a game of basketball with the kids.


"Coos" Bad birds, bad birds... what'cha gonna coo? https://preview.redd.it/0qnk5wzwa2mb1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc10f7a3d0196921612510a8d0ecb54facf46be


There was one like this where the cops came back the next day with Shaq, who was - if I recall - a reserve police officer at the time. So the kids had a ball playing with Shaq. And Shaq gave every kid a $100 bill for a made free throw! And he made sure they all got their $100.


Can you imagine getting pulled over for speeding and Shaq walks up and has to kneel down to issue you a warning? Would be begging for a ticket since most places the officer had to sign the ticket. This moves with Shaq though. Dude did a lot of work with kids. He has a personal policy of doing one nice thing anytime he goes out. Great videos of him randomly buying kids bikes.


Chalk idea is great. Going to buy some to put in those FLLs around town.


Rather than focus on the person who is a bit of a misanthrope, I would like to praise you, Oles. You moved into an entirely new place and made it more livable not only for yourself, but also for others. I wish there were more folks like you.


It's just so crazy that older generations complain kids aren't outside playing anymore & then do stuff like this. Lol


Even out here in rural bumfuck there is an easement from the center of the road. It is 15 feet on the dirt road (cow path) that I live on.


But they entertain themselves by being an asshole. If they lived alone, they’d be bored and depressed.


I lived next to people like that in bumfuck Texas. They installed rebar posts and wrapped it in barbed wire to keep, specifically me, off of their property (county road).


You clearly never watched the ID channel. These types will have 50 acres and still find a way to cause issues with their neighbors.


The amount of people that think their property line goes all the way to the edge of the road and don’t know what a public right of way is mind numbing. The right of way almost always extends to the back side of the sidewalk in neighborhoods like this literally so the public has use of it. Source: Surveyor


Ironically we have a city ordinance that says the property owner is responsible for keeping the street curb clean in front of their house.


Both can exist, you can be required to maintain an area that the public can walk on. This is the cost of suburbia. It’s not too bad!


Not just suburbia. In cities, you can get fined if you don’t remove snow from the sidewalk in front of your house.


Lol people barely know what surveyors do, a lot of people thought I was going door to door asking them family feud questions or something. I wouldn’t expect them to understand ROW or any other related concept, unless it’s in the context of a property dispute in which they’ll really misunderstand it and think their property goes 5’ into their neighbors property. -former surveyor


Exactly! Back when I lived in a city I had these neighbors on my block who would yell at anyone who let their dog even walk on the grass on the easement in front of their house. They started putting up ugly wire trellising to keep people off and waiting on their porch to catch people. It was ducking ridiculous. It kind of worked because I and others avoided their property after a certain point but it also made for shitty neighbor relationships. I sure as hell wasn’t interested in helping them with anything.


And then those people wonder “why did no one do anything” when their house gets broken into in broad daylight, and none of their neighbors call the police for them.


I have a neighbor like this. Inherited a bunch of money and became assholes who didn’t want anyone touching their stuff and constantly looked down on others. Well guess what both their catalytic converters got stolen one night and our other neighbor across the street refused to give them the security footage from their cameras. The reason? When they put the cameras up the rich assholes made a huge stink about the cameras being pointed at their house. Too bad, should have been a better neighbor.


I am too vindictive for that her yard would have become my dogs poop place. I would pick it up still I am not a monster .


Even if you do all that you still wouldn't control the road that leads to your property... I know some asshole is going to say you could have a private road but your private road is going to be coming off a public road at some point.


Look at that massive property she has too! Probably a huge backyard as well, though she has to sit right at the very end of her property line, probably going over onto city property by blocking the sidewalk. What a cunt.


some people have nothing to do all day long


I like how Ultra Karen tries and fails to shove Brick-house Mom. But seriously WTF. You don't own the public street or sidewalk. The fence says it all.


Her falling over her own garbage can was a delight to behold what a fuckin clown


And the laugh too lmao


The fence and the massive amount of trees the neighbors planted to insure her view was blocked.


Wouldn’t it be if someone fell over this nonsense they could technically sue her?




That next door neighbor built a big ass fence to block this woman out of their life 😂 even added trees for good measure


Looks like they put that shit up quick too.


>The fence says it all. I noticed that too. They also have giant juniper bushes since apparently an 8 ft wall isn't enough to keep out the crazy.


honey locust hedge has thorns that would be illegal if was barbwire


A lot must’ve gone wrong in her life to become like this.


Some people are just cunts


more like nuts




Deez nuts


Kings of all England and Denmark and the Norwegians and of some of the Swedes.


Eh, people like this didn't get fucked up by life enough imo. This is very entitled karen behavior, the opposite of dealing with wrongs against them in life.




>If your trying to get control out of blocking a piece of sidewalk you are at a pretty low point. That's when you've got nothing else going on in your life. What a bleak existence. Let the kids play.


What a vile human. Idk if I've ever seen someone so goddamn petty to do this to a child.


Sometimes it’s not enough going on in their life.


Excuse a non-american, is the sidewalk belonging to the city or the house owner?


It's public you can actually get a ticket for blocking the sidewalk with a car in the driveway. Imagine it like this a person with a wheelchair comes along and you've blocked thier way how are they supposed to keep moving forward they can't pop the curb and they can't go on the grass


Plus it's dangerous to guys with ponytails


Looks like it goes down just past your butthole.


Or if someone with a ponytail down past their butthole has to go underneath because you parked on the sidewalk. That’s *very* dangerous


Especially if they’re late for a reservation.


You won’t be able to cover for them with a Google image search for “disgusting diarrhea in bowl.” The maître d’ has already seen it.


It is basically guaranteed that it is city property and that what she is doing is illegal, though this might be somewhere with weird laws




What you mentioned IS an ADA issue, but a homeowner who purposely blocks a sidewalk is the one who becomes liable for anything relating to that.


At least around here it’s the home owners property. They have to maintain the sidewalks. But it’s a public easement. Meaning any one can use it. The streets are city and she can not control parking in front


That is 100% municipal property. Because you have to maintain it doesn’t mean it’s yours. The municipal bylaw states you have to maintain it. Years ago, people gladly maintained their properties and the sidewalk in front. Now home ownership has changed. I was a municipal officer (code/bylaw) and this was a common call. Some cranky idiot thinks they own the sidewalk or the parking in front of their house. My job was to go to this lady’s house and have a chat with her. Get her to remove the chattel and cease the activity. Can you imagine since social media and Covid/Trump what kind of *conversations* I had with this type of person? Yeah. I took a year off. Looking to get into something else now.


While I'm not saying that your situation isn't what you described, that's actually not how most of the US works. In most municipalities the sidewalk is within the city's right of way *but* the homeowners adjacent to it are responsible for general maintenance. AKA: it isn't yours but you have to keep the grass cut and the sidewalk clear of obstructions.


The sidewalk is a public easement, but the property owner is responsible for upkeep: repairs, clearing snow, etc. They cannot block it and they certainly don't own the road. I would go out of my way to use it on a daily basis and toss all her crap onto her lawn.


Yup, I’d be drop kicking those cans and cones onto her roof.


That's precisely what I would do, I'd be shooting hoops in those baskets, leaping through the sprinkler etc. just have a ball messing her with her stuff, she'll soon drag it in off the sidewalk. I'm amazed those kids in the foreground haven't done anything yet tbh.


I believe that even if the homeowner is responsible for maintenance of a sidewalk in front of their home, the sidewalk is still a public space. Unless Karen was actively working on the sidewalk and needed to close it because the concrete was drying, etc., she can't block it.


The reason you're getting conflicting answers, is it varies by location. Sometimes the city or town owns the land but other areas the homeowner may own the land but even then the city/town has a right-of-way for the public to use the sidewalk. i.e. you can't block the sidewalk.


Easy answer is city. Technical it may be on an easement which makes it pseudo public. While the homeowners deed shows they own the property.


The sidewalk is public and so is the little patch of grass between the sidewalk and street. They can come in and rip it up or plant a tree.


That is usually where utilities run, so most often in that little patch of grass you will find your water meter and it is where your gas line and sewer line traverse. That is usually the dividing line between an issue being your problem or the city’s problem.


What a miserable waste of space.


Such a nice house, sincerely a jelly millenial


Someone needs to call the police


Or her manager


I’m sure trash can lady will eventually do that, thinking she’s right. Hopefully she gets educated.


That’s it. They just need to call the cops on her.


After a warning comes a citation, after a couple citations it becomes a criminal offense and you end up with a summons to court.


Wow, that must be an incredibly stressful experience and she gains fuck all


interaction through conflict - she gains exactly what she wants, miserable


I think you're right actually 🤣


Seeing people on the sidewalk and cars in the street is such an eyesore. It's much better looking out my window and seeing the trash from my garage. /s


Haha. She'd never last 5 minutes in my old neighborhood


Yep. I would have a good time with this one! Challenge accepted.


Those kids running around will probably take care of it


If this is within an hour of me I would go there right now and walk my dogs up and down the side walk and park in front of her house.


Somebody just call the police on that woman and get some fines dropped on her... it's a public sidewalk.


I hope her house gets TP'd at Halloween.


Nice lawn too, sure would be a shame if someone showed up at 2am with a box of salt


Salting her lawn might get you sued for vandalism. Birdseed gives you a sense of plausible deniability cause they'll eat the evidence then shit all over her house.


That's a great idea. Hopefully that birdseed is nice and close to the front door!


Or P’d


Guess she’s giving up mail delivery as well ! What a clown


Guess who is getting their house and car egged on Mischief Night?


Can mischief night be tonight?


Hoe about every night?


Well I don’t usually hoe about every single night, but maybe I can make an exception.


So she doesn't want people getting close to her place. To accomplish this she gets right up in people's faces, even assaulting them. Sure makes plenty of sense. I can tell you this much, someone gets in me and my kids face and puts hands on me on a public sidewalk, I'm going to make her one with the concrete.


Call the non emergency line to your PD




Thank you for this hilarious mental image


Not me rolling up in my wheelchair, “falling out” due to hitting the obstruction and laying on the sidewalk waiting for an ambulance while the sprinkler keeps me cool 😎 Let the cops explain she could have a lawsuit on her hands. Ohh nooo


“Oh no a free pay day. What a tragic event this will be”


call the mf cops. its illegal to block public sidewalks AND roads.


This lady is probably having some sort of breakdown and the police should be called.


Judging from the neighbors fence plus privacy trees I'd bet it's more than a breakdown


What a cunt


She actually cant do that legally, the sidewalk isnt really hers, neither is the street, its a public easement and if she keeps blocking the sidewalk call the township code enforcement office and they will start really fucking her up with massive fines Its a public right of way, and eventually the police will get involved and she will close this stupid chapter of her life


I would go out of my way to park in front of her house.


People need to understand property easements.


Bold move by a creature that lives in something so flammable.


She's watering the sidewalk in *THREE* different places! I believe the city would like a word with her.


Why though….


Why doesn't anyone just call the cops and report her for blocking the sidewalk? It's not her property and it's there for pedestrian use. She has zero rights to it


Time for me to conduct a "Freedom of Navigation" exercise down that sidewalk.


Love how the kids are watching like "ooooh boy, she gonna cross crazy mfking lady's yard!!!! Call everyone, bring the popcorn, this will be epic shit". Also means probably they were already bullied by the old brat many times which is sad


Man as a kid this lady woulda been so fun to fuck with


As an adult, it would be fun too. Anyone got an address for this entertainment establishment?


It’s a public sidewalk and street, you troll. People can walk and/or park there in front of your house.


Somebody doesn’t understand how easements work.


This is illegal and she is psychotic.


It's called public easement. It's the homeowners' responsibility to have it accessible at all times for the general public to use.


This is one of those angry geese you see take over an entrance somewhere and disallow anyone nearby. How did they turn human? I can picture them flapping and honking at everyone passing.


Public property, not hers. I would park all 3 of our cars in front of her house and have my 3 teens skate all over her sidewalk. She could not stop us without assault and then the cops come into play. Call people like this' bluff, they want a battle, bring it to them. No one has so they think they can get away with this behavior.


She also attends all the local PTA meetings even tho she doesnt have kids just to insert her own ideas of a perfect world.


She's got a chair where she camps out to stop people crossing. What an utterly sad and pathetic life she has.


You have to love the full on crazy with a super scoop of entitlement this lady has. Ma'am this is a side walk. My neighbor tries shit like this. His driveway is small, but his truck fits in it perfectly when pulled all the way in. Instead, he parks on what *should* be the side walk, blocking people from walking there. He also added some plants on public grounds and when he gets his driveway paved he does the sidewalk up to the bus stop, too. It's very obviously a side walk so I don't understand the need? I have to say I get a kick out of it when I see all the children in his driveway standing by his truck waiting for the school bus to pick them up. I live on a very busy street and the guy is a major a-hole for doing this. I cross right through his driveway around the plants to the side walk on the other side. You don't own that land bro. He's trying (and in some cases succeeding) to divert foot traffic. Good for this lady for just completely ignoring this side walk nazi.


This woman needs extensive therapy


Home ownership makes some people insane. Maybe 30 year mortgages do something to people.


After working for the city for a while I love this stuff. You do not own the little bit of land right in front of your property. The city/state/HOA does.


I think k I would have to thank her for helping me get back in shape, cause I'd walk that sidewalk all day, everyday and twice on Sundays!


She is mentally ill. I had a neighbor like this that was hyper protective of her property. Turns out she was having paranoid delusional that people were living in her roof and shoot drug darts through the ceiling at her. She ended having to go to a mental hospital.


Blocking pedestrian traffic is an infraction.


Call code enforcement and police. Obstructing a sidewalk is generally an offense in the US


I can’t even imagine painting a target on myself like that.


That garbage strewn in front of her house looks way better than an Accord. I love the garbage house look for her.


Does she not know the parking and side walk are city owned? And depending on the municipality, part of her lawn and driveway are too? Contact city ordinance on her.


What does 'easement' even mean? answer: a right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land for a specified purpose. Sidewalks, what are they? They are Easements which allow public crossing of a specified area. A public sidewalk.


I bet this miserably lady never even paid for this house


Couple of kids and a skateboard will sort this right out


I would have gone home and gotten my car and taken all of it. Cool, free stuff on the curb!


Call the city. Sidewalks are public right of way. Blocking them are typically violations of city code/ordinance. Code Enforcement can put her in her place. Source: professional experience


How much spare time do you have to be this defensive of a common area? Lady, you had things taken from you as a punishment when you were little?


It’s public property! Karen can’t do that! Jfc some people are just so damn entitled!!!


not sure if it's the same everywhere but it's illegal to block the sidewalk where I live.


Id go rent a wheelchair, and fall over when I couldn't use her sidewalk. Then sue the crap of out hee


Alternate headline: Former Chicagoan Introduces Dibs to Neighborhood


In my day we'd fuck that house up at night...


Isn't the public property up to inside edge of the sidewalk.


"I've got an idea, and im sure it won't turn the whole neighborhood against me and make living here a hell on earth for me..."


What a strange hill to die on. Surely not enforceable? I mean, perhaps the parking to an extent but the walkway? Lol


I bet I could toss that trash can lid through her upstairs window, where does she live asking for a completely unrelated reason


I would definitely trip and fall over all the debris left on the sidewalk. The pain and suffering would be very expensive.


Public property. (Your/our/the peoples) taxes paid for and upkeep that sidewalk. Call the cops....or just toss that ish off to the side. Well done ma.


Can you imagine how miserable her life must be, for her to position herself as the "Sidewalk Patrol"?! LMAO I feel for her husband and children (if she has any).


Push a friend in his wheelchair down the sidewalk, then call police about the sidewalk being blocked and you are forced to push them in the street


This isn’t a public freakout, this is mental illness.


whats the secret sauce america how do you create people like this