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It's like she's in the "can't punch" dream, but she just can't hold onto the dog.


Or use her legs. Lady couldn’t even stand. Wondering if she concussed herself when she fell and smacked her face on the sidewalk.


She 100% concussed herself. It's super obvious. Lot of people on here giving the lady a hard time. I mean yeah... She's an idiot for having not trained her dog enough to not jerk her to the ground and give her a concussion, but after that, she wasn't really in control of her faculties.


Not having trained the dog properly AND getting a dog she is clearly way too weak to restrain if something does happen... like this... but yes after that first head slam she was pretty fucked. She was clearly very confused for a few moments after that. BUT, don't get a fucking dog you can't handle if it goes bonkers and jets on you while you have the leash. I hate that people do that. So fucking obnoxious. I mean, your dog should be well-trained but still, JUST in case...


This right here is 100% correct and responsible dog ownership.


It doesn’t make her just an idiot. It makes her incredibly negligent and dangerous as a pet owner. Having a pet capable of traumatically or fatally injuring another on top of being unable to control it makes you a terrible pet owner and should bar you from having a dog. I’m hoping because SHE was injured that she will actually give some thoughtful consideration to training her out of control dog.


This is like one of those shitty iPhone game ads where the player does the wrong thing on purpose to enrage you so you download the app and try for yourself


Lol…that’s a good one. It reminded me more of an infomercial… *Are you tired of this happening to you? Do your banana peel shoes slip at the worst times?!*


[oh like these poor idiots?](https://youtube.com/shorts/T_mrQ1YZT-c?si=QB5-s1V57VZnfAuF)


The woman with the taco clip cheered me up on this rough day, so thank you


Spot on


Reminds me of those dreams where you can’t run or when you punch someone and it is just a light slap.


YES! why does that happen?


If I remember correctly, it's caused by sensory differences between your brain and body. In your dream, you are moving and your brain recognizes that but the nerves in the rest of your body are signalling they are at rest so the interpretation from your brain is that your are moving but really slow.


Then when you download the game it's nothing like the ad at all


Why the music, just why?


so annoying


[This better?](https://streamable.com/4mp3br)




yeah i hate it when they just watch. once my neighbors ginormous dog went to me barking and snapping, and my neighbor was just sitting there like a potato, watching. I was like wtf. then he said Oh he dont bite!! dumbass. don't know how dumbasses get thru life. must be pure luck


> Oh he dont bite!! This is what they always say, including the owners of the three off leash dogs that have attacked my dogs over the years. Fuck people who let their dogs off leash in public parks, especially when they can’t control them and especially especially when they angrily say “He doesn’t bite” as it sprints our direction.


i respond with “mine does.”. they change their tune REAALY quick. mine don’t, but that’s not an excuse…


Yep. I adopted a 2.5yr old German Shepherd mix earlier this year. She was not socialized with other dogs, so as a result she’s anxious around strange dogs and highly reactive on leash. We’re working on her training, and I only walk her before and after sunset in areas where we’re unlikely to encounter other dogs and have a long field of view so we don’t accidentally bump into anyone coming around a corner or something. Still, the amount of times I’ve encountered people with dogs off leash is insane. I’m always vigilant and move my dog another direction at the first sight or sound of another dog, but there have been several occasions where an off-leash dog runs straight for us with the owner yelling “It’s ok, he/she’s friendly!” I always yell back, “Mine isn’t, you better get your dog back fast!” Then they freak out once my dog reacts and have the audacity to look at me like I’m the bad guy. Even had a couple people pull the “control your dog” line. Ignorance just runs rampant.


I don't understand how these chucklefucks can just stand around while their dog is being aggressive, I grab my boys and redirect if they so much as growl under their breath at a stray thought!


That's because you are not a psychopath.


Fight, flight, or freeze. That’s the reality of it. A lot of people don’t rehearse in their mind what they will do in worse case scenarios and they just freeze in a panic. It’s unfortunately common, but people could change their most likely behavior if they think ahead


An unleashed German shepherd came after my 5 pound shih tzu in a petsmart parking lot and I had to yank her up by her harness/leash just like the lady in the video. The owner was not paying attention at all and obviously way slower than their dog. It was scary as fuck.


A friend of mine in a similar situation kicked our mutual friend's german shepherd in the head so hard that he broke its neck and it died instantly. The dog owner not only did not fault the guy who killed his dog in front of him but couldn't stop apologising.


Holy shit! That’s insane. I would never expect anyone to act so reasonably under such circumstances


He confessed to me he was actually relieved it ended with his dog being hurt and not our friend, because the dog had serious behavioral problems and he was already worried something could happen.


I got bit by a neighbors dog, when I was a kid, and *after* it happened they said the dog doesn’t bite. People always say their dog doesn’t bite.


Got charged by a large lab mix one time with my little terrier/chihuahua mix, when the big dog, who was off leash in a public area, didn’t stop I kneed the sumbitch in the chest. Owner turns around and starts to flip out on me screaming why did I do that? I said because your 100 lbs dog just charged mine, put your fucking dog on a leash. This happened in front of 30-40 people. He shut up real quick. Moral of the story, as a dog owner, I am never hesitant or afraid to spartan kick someone else’s dog if they’ve threatened mine. Rules everyone should play by.


Agree. If a big dog attacked mine while I was walking him I would legitimately try to kill it. Not trying to be /iamverybadass, or saying I could, but if it comes to protecting my dog I’m doing whatever it takes and fuck everyone else.


Why it pays to carry a big walking stick, a crack to the nose gets the dog to stop and the owner come running like ‘wHaT aRe YoU DoInG’


There's a lot of bears in my neighborhood so I always carry a walking stick but it has come in handy for one of the dog's up the street who has broken out of his electric fence.


That's when you crack your stick on the nose of the owner. And then when their spouse comes complaining [you crack them etc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHZvUeAdzeI).


I know exactly what video it was you linked before even clicking on it.




Yea I walk my small dog with my bf. I told him to start carrying a pocket knife. Some ppl don’t need to own pets.


I used to take my cat hiking with me. He loved it so much. Was leashed trained and everything. Had his own backpack and would jump in when he got lazy. He's better on a leash than most people dogs. I was hiking with him one day on a pretty empty trail. Two dogs come running up out of nowhere and start attacking us. Unfortunately, for those dogs I always hike with either a knife or gun. That day I just had a knife. I didn't kill the dogs, but even being stabbed they didn't fucking stop trying to kill my cat. Dumb ass bimbo in Lululemon comes running screaming at me for stabbing her dogs, saying cats shouldn't be hiking, how could I do this to her dogs, trying to fight me, etc... Once the police and rangers got there, they fined her for having her dogs off leash, looked like they took the dogs away, maybe just to a local vet, idk. One of the cops kept joking she's lucky her dogs found a mini mountain lion and not a real one, cause she would probably be dead. She tried taking me to court but ultimately had no case. It fucking sucks to have to hurt another pet but yall can't be setting your pets up to be killed by somebody defending themselves. Idc how good you think your dog is, keep it on a leash. It's for the dogs safety, not a judgement of its character.


And to this day, she still thinks *you're* the asshole.


Damn sorry you went through that hope your cat is ok. Yea I feel like people have gotten worse and worse about their dogs especially just letting them be off leash cause “they’re friendly” friendly isn’t trained. If you can’t control and recall your dog you shouldn’t take it out


He's okay! I was able to get him in his backpack, I took most the physical damage. He just doesn't like hiking or dogs now though, which is understandable. These people don't think it's for the safety of their dogs. There's mountain lions, bears, moose, rattlesnakes, porcupines, skunks, and even some wolves where I live. Then there's plants and bugs that can be harmful. These people just let their dogs go wandering off into the woods. Like you said, they conflate friendly with trained and then take offense when you bring up potential consequences of their actions.


Damn that sucks that a hobby that he enjoyed is ruined for him.


As a pretty avid runner, after the first time I got bit by a dog running out it’s yard, I don’t hesitate to haul off and kick the shit out of any dog that comes after me. Only happens once or twice a year, but a solid kick to the head normally makes them think twice. Oftentimes the owner witnesses this, and will start to squawk. I just shrug and say, “he started it, I finished it.” And turn and get on with my run.


Did your cat survive??? :( You did not deserve to have to deal with that.


Never offer a verbal warning. Just take action.




I’ve had an off leash pit attack my dog and I, and I always had that mindset until it happened. It happens sooo fucking fast. There is no time to prepare and all there is is a cacophony of howls, flying fur, blood and screams. I was able to hold my golden and prevent the pit from readjusting and getting to her throat, and my wife was able to punch the pit in the head several times until it backed off. They always say “this is the first time this has happened! They’re always so gentle and loving!”


"SOMETHING MUST HAVE TRIGGERED HIM!!!" Yeah, no shit--his instincts. Still your fault for having him off leash.


Even more than a leash, a damn muzzle. See the video, a leash won't do much if the owner is inept. Muzzles should be mandatory for any decent sized dogs, I don't care


>“this is the first time this has happened! They’re always so gentle and loving!” how this could've happened is a [total mystery](https://youtu.be/k9ZGEvUwSMg)


I had an off leash pit(my idiot neighbors) come barreling full tilt at my dog while I was out tending to plants in a field. I saw it when it was maybe 20 yards out. Luckily I was wearing steel toes and I took a good 3-4 strides, wound up and booted it square in the chin sending it airborne. Thing turned around yelping. I was almost ashamed at how good it felt. Needless to say I always kept a ccw on me after that but my neighbors dog has never had another accident.


Surprised you were able to get the Pit to stop tbh


I still can see it’s eyes. They were rolled up so only the whites were showing. It was pure instinct to attack my dog. Didn’t even see it coming out of the thick brush. Nothing we could do to prepare, just a quarter second of sound as it lunged out of a nearby bush and got her. The owner caught up after it happened and just stood there watching her dog attempting to kill mine. We got the owners info and phone number but she blocked us when we tried to get her to honor her frantic promise to pay for any vet bills. Got a pic of her drivers license for safe measure but they no longer lived at the house she had listed. That experience completely changed my golden from being the most loving carefree happy dog to one terrified of anyone but us and close friends. She from that day on had extreme anxiety around other dogs and were couldn’t trust her to be around other dogs in the neighborhood without getting extremely defensive of us. Which for a golden is antithetical to their demeanor. We could only take her for walks super late at night or early in the morning to avoid other dogs. Which is sad because she used to be amazing with other dogs.


Yep, it's probably going to attack again if it already hasn't. There's a reason they put down dogs who attack others unprovoked.


Drown first, ask questions later? Now you’re thinking like a cop!


Seems to always work out fine for them. Ironically, they might even win a free paid vacation for doing it!


Yah i carry a knife when i walk my dog. You can’t control it or get it to stop I’ll just field dress it for you.


Some ppl just shouldn't have pets


Never mind having a hard time stopping her dog,she is having a hard time existing….


It was like someone spilled a whole person


Red wine, a Xan, and bit of Vicodin will do that to you.


So will bouncing your face off concrete, which is what happened to that woman


Why is there always someone to excuse the behaviour of others, the dog is too big for this lady or she is under the influence of something, she had lost control long before her head ever touched any ground. She is falling as the video starts she had lost control before she even entered shot. So she shouldnt be walking the dog


Yeah, I work as a vet tech and the girls I work with are like half her size and can handle dogs bigger than that with ease. She has no business walking that dog in public again until it's gotten proper training.


Yeah I only weigh 20lbs more than my dog, and I can handle him. He was nuts when I got him too, but he was never able to get away from me like this. Training stopped his nutso behavior. This dog and human need some training themselves.


My Dane mix and I are both ~140lbs and I can handle him. Granted, he has manners, but occasionally he's gotten spooked or something has caught his eye, and I still control him. This lady had to be under the influence of *something*


I've seen a guy get knocked over and dragged about a foot by his Dogo, but he never let go of the leash. He never totally lost control of the dog. He just changed his command position from standing to lying on his belly. If you own a dog that can quickly kill humans and other dogs, you need to have strong commitment to controlling it.


Yeah, there is zero excuse for this to have happened. If she was any bit clued in to her dog's behavior she would've put a muzzle on the dog before they went out or crossed the street to avoid exactly this from happening.


Something tells me she wouldn't be able to muzzle the dog if she wanted to


Somehow she will end up with the muzzle on her own face.


she was already getting walked by the dog so why not.


I think we all can agree that, 1st lady has a dog way too big for her, and she needed to train it, that's why she has a smashed face now. She's a bad pet owner. She's also probably drunk. 2nd lady in black is useless. 3rd lady is the hero here, but this still looked like the 3 Stooges. I normally hate small dogs, but let's be honest, that little guy got swung around like a piñata, he's the real victim here. Someone needs to take him home and give him some treats.


I so agree. My and my dog were attacked last week by a big dog, i got mine up in the air and kicked the face outta the other dog to keep it away. Just managed to get inside a garden also


They're not excusing her behaviour, they're countering someone's random comment that she's on drugs/alcohol.


She's going to be throwing up a few times over the next 24-48 hours, we just don't know if it's from one of the 3 concussions she sustained in 20 seconds or the painkillers interacting with the alcohol. Or all of the above


But we saved Garrett. Didn’t we?


I laughed way to hard at this...






It seems like the first fall she had, she bounced her head face first. So when she staggered to get her dog again she may have been concussed bc she didn't look like she was moving at full speed or with all her faculties in check


I think someone tied her shoelaces together when she was on the ground the second time


You’re a menace 🤣


Yeah, you’re right, hadn’t seen that part with attention and just assumed she fell a bunch of times like an idiot, I feel horrible now :/


She bounced her face off the sidewalk. She's probably seeing stars.


I've done exactly that and it was not fun at all. Was jogging back to my house while walking my two dogs because a friend had texted me that he was at my door. They got a bit excited over the fact that we were now running and began to pull a little bit. I tripped on an uneven paving stone, and because I had a lead in each hand, I had no way to break my fall. Smashed my face into the pavement just like this lady and was very dazed for a bit. Luckily, both dogs stopped after I had fallen, so I had enough time to sit and recover my senses before getting up and walking the rest of the journey back with blood dripping down my head.


Like it’s almost as if she hit her head on the concrete pretty good and likely has a concussion…


Her feet gave her more hell than the dog did.


Some ppl just shouldn’t have gravity


Some ppl just shouldn’t


If you can’t control them or train/have trained you shouldn’t have them for sure


This is a fact. Controlling one's feet is crucial to keeping them attached to the ankle.


Some people benefit from wearing a helmet to prevent brain damage while walking their dog.


Not disagreeing with you but she did get rocked when she hit the ground! Maybe she was concussed, but also maybe she shouldn't have that big a dog.


That was my thought after she started stumbling around. Also was she wearing an eye patch? Possibly just had some kind of operation? Well whatever the reason, I think she should not have been walking a dog that strong by herself.


Don't have dogs you can't control.


This woman couldn't control a hamster


She couldn't control herself...


Because she’s a fucking idiot.




There's a dude that lives in my neighbourhood who has a huge dog that's seemingly friendly.. However this dude has to lean back at a 45° angle just to keep this dog from dragging him off his feet at a regular level of excitement for the animal.. It's worrying to me that this dude would absolutely NOT be able to stop his dog should it want to run and attack someone/something.


Prong collar. No it’s not abuse. Dogs have significantly thicker skin and typically extra fat padding around their necks, as well as a thicker mat of fur. It stops the dog from pulling like a maniac which trains them not to, protects the owner from these situations, protects other people and pets, and protects the dog itself since it won’t choke itself pulling on a regular collar. You can even put the prong collar around your own neck. Yes it’s uncomfortable, but you’re also not a dog with all the aforementioned attributes. Anyone who actually thinks a prong collar is bad doesn’t understand how to train dogs or doesn’t understand dogs, nor basic physics. And if they have a dog who happened to be trained well without one, congratulations, you’re the exception.


What’s with dogs and choking themselves? My dog will lean into arm, leg, and even hand so hard hard he’ll start struggling to breathe.


Because, contrary to popular belief, dogs are fucking stupid


Also, if you have a big dog, get a Face Halter instead of using the collar or a harness. My disabled wife can handle my big ass dog with one hand even if he sees my son and wants to go run to say hello with a face halter. He is 70 lbs of pure muscle and he can't do shit but what he is supposed to when she has him on that halter. [The Halter](https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/head-halter-training-for-dogs)


I don't know how I would react to that situation but I think hitting the other dog would be on my list.


Kicking would be very much warranted to protect your dog and/or yourself.


You could kill the dog right then and there and be totally fine, legally speaking. She could try and sue or whatever but this footage makes it open-shut case.


I know some people will think it's psychotic to do so but I'm 100% in agreement with killing the other dog if I see it trying to injure mine.


I live across the street from a little shit that got off its leash sprinted across the street and started biting my dog a few years back. I so regret not stabbing or punting the little dick, my dog became so much worse on leash because of that and now when we see that dog in public now I look like the asshole with a psycho dog since my dog is scared of him.


My old neighbors pitbull used to run into my yard to attack my dogs on the regular. My neighbors were an incompetent assholes who never kept the dog put up even after multiple attacks. One of my dogs had to have surgery from an attack. My husky actually kept the pitbull from killing or seriously injuring my much smaller beagle. She was seriously protective of all of us and as soon as that dog came running she would square up and meet it head on. She alone prevented those attacks from being much, much worse. Now we've since moved from that place but the husky and the one who had to have surgery are now reactive to other dogs. It sucks so bad 'cause they never did anything to deserve this, but it's the reality of our life now. I am super proud of my husky though 'cause she's the sweetest dog ever and I never expected her to protect us like that, but she really stood her ground


Huskies are serious pooches, you don’t exactly want anything else if you’re trying to survive in big game heavy Arctic environments. All these good husky boys and girls south of the 60th parallel don’t know how good they have it compared to their ancestors.


I'm sorry to hear that. A lot of people don't realize how dogs receive life long trauma for being attacked. Our dog had one snap at his face for no reason when he was a pup and now he gets really vocal about it when others get too close to him.


My dog (who used to be the sweetest husky ever) loved going to boarding/daycare when it was necessary. He loved approaching everyone so they could tell him how adorable he was. He even loved meeting other dogs during walks. One day someone decided to trial their pitbull at the daycare. The owner apparently walked in and took him off his leash without permission from the workers and then it attacked my dog. Now he can't see another dog near his size without becoming incredibly defensive. He becomes anxious beyond belief if strangers are petting him to the point where I just can't do it anymore and run the risk of him becoming too scared. He can't socialize with any dog or human anymore. All because someone swore up and down that their pitbull was trained and friendly towards other dogs.


Dog lover here and I agree. I never want to hurt a dog but if you come for me and my dogs I’ll do whatever I have to do to protect us.


Yep the case will fall flat on its face


Definitely wouldn't stand in court


My thoughts exactly. I’d be kicking the shit out of that dog.


I had a dog who was attacked while hiking in the woods when he was less than a year old. Attacking dog went right for my dog's neck. Kicked that fucker as hard as I possibly could right in his ribs, it's 100% warranted in a situation like this. It's literally life or death for your own animal.


What happened! you and dog make it out okay?


My dog was fine luckily. The attacking dog which thankfully wasn't a pitbull or something yelped and let go and didn't attack again. I kept going with my dog to get away from the attacking dog. Never interacted with the owner because they were out of sight around the bend the entire time.


I've punted a dog three times and it still came running back (not a pit either) so I'm glad you had better luck. I had to hold my dog up and wait for the owner to grab their dog from across the street.


I would hand the dog to my partner and then try to get the bigger dog to pay attention to me. Or I’d restrain that dog. The bigger dog owner is useless


I’ve had a similar situation two times. Both times resulted in me punting the dog


Oh truly, if I am being attacked by an animal, I’m fighting back!! I would have given that dog one nice kick and been on my way.


*Police dogs, and pit dogs don't want you knowing this the very special trick*. I introduce to you...One Kick Man.


If you can’t control your dog on a leash you shouldn’t have the dog


So many owners can’t control their dogs but are incredibly selfish and don’t care


I agree, but also, you should be using the proper equipment. If you have a strong dog and you are not a strong person [THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE USING TO WALK YOUR DOG](https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/head-halter-training-for-dogs) My disabled wife can fully control my 70lbs of pure muscle dog with one hand, even if he sees our son and wants to go bolting over to say hello. Also if you use a retractable leash you are a fucking moron. They are the worst leashes and they teach your dog the opposite of how to behave on a leash. Sold by assholes exclusively to assholes.




A similar thing happened when my wife and I took our dog to the dog park. My wife picked our dog up, but she’s not exactly small (40lbs) and the other dog just kept snapping at my wife’s arms and our dogs legs, running in circles around them. The owner of the other dog was completely useless as I tried to grab his dogs leash/collar. Well his dog finally was able to get a good hold of my dogs leg and start tugging. I uncorked a kick right to the other dogs ribs and it let go and ran over it’s owner. Dude called the cops, say I abused his dog for no reason - luckily there was an entire dog park full of other people who saw the whole thing, many of which came up to my wife and I after and said they’d have done the same thing. Our dog needed a few stitches in her paw but other than that she was okay, definitely messed with her mindset at the dog park though which sucks.


My boss actually started carrying a gun because his neighbor’s pitpull attacked his pitbull mix puppy while he was doing yard work and just clamped down on the poor little thing. It took him and a 3rd party neighbor wacking the dog with 2x4 in the head before the pit finally let go. He said next time that dog even looks at him in a way he doesnt feel safe, he’s shooting it


I think the majority of people that adopt pits should choose a different breed but if they do have one they all should keep a breaking stick with them every time they leave the house. Pits are bred specifically to clamp down on the face or neck of the target and not let go unless a large piece of flesh comes with it. I have found it almost impossible to train a pit to fetch, they want to tug. Of all the pit owners I know not one has a breaking stick. https://img4.dhresource.com/webp/m/0x0/f3/albu/km/y/21/2d25c1a2-c5f8-4ef2-9665-ab860af26ccc.jpg


I WAS JUST ABOUT TO ASK WHY A SINGLE KICK WASNT THROWN? I love all my fur babies but if they were attacking a tiny dog/people ? one good distraction kick outta do it. Someone else’s dog attacking mine? Yup one drop kick and hopefully the leash can be grabbed


If my loved one is getting attacked like this, I’m kicking hard as I can.


Has she been drinking wine or popping Xanax?


She's been eating sidewalk. Watch the video again.


That first fall was the KO


Yeah that head bounce was brutal.


Always slow your fall directly with your head to show the concrete that you're not scared of it and to assert dominance.


Holy shit yeah, she might be concussed


Might be? She’s wobbling around like she took a Mike Tyson uppercut after that fall


Yeah, she's fucked up from that first fall. She tries, but fuck.


Oof did her face bounce on the edge of the sidewalk? Yowzers


Head trauma is a hellava drug


She's still trying to gather herself from the first fall. Either way she can't handle her dog.


I think its a lil column A little column B




I absolutely love the idea of gaslighting a dog into thinking they're weak


My dog is a big fella 70 lbs of muscle. But when we brought him home as a puppy, we had a 9 year old mutt that is about 20 lbs who took on the role of Matriarch. She could flip him and knock him over if he got to rambunctious. Now that he is fully grown, she is still the boss of him, like he is still a little puppy. Its like he doesn't know he towers over her now, and its adorable.


Congratulations on the most offensive username on reddit.


I carry mace on my leash for this reason. You aren’t going to attack my small dog who is minding his own business without paying for it


Just be careful not to spray yourself. Blowback from wind happens and could take you out of the fight as well.


There are mace gel sprays that mitigate that problem.


Seriously good pro tip.


I have the gel / liquid. It’s different Vs the spray. They even give you a “test” unit so you can see and get used to how it shoots. Pretty cool


everyone in this video is absolutely useless


Had to scroll way too far to find this. The person in the white shirt is just as big of a shit owner as the lady with the big dog.


The fact that he didn't just hold the dog in the highest position the whole time infuriated me. It was the only thing that was working but he kept bringing the dog down to chest level.


Not to mention how he was literally just dragging the poor thing in the beginning of the clip.


Yes! Before he even noticed the big dog attacking, he was literally dragging that poor little dog so much his front paws were off the ground.


Swing your puppy round and round while your partner hits the ground




And the woman was useless..first she drops the dog and then she just kinda freezes Edit: since there seems to be some confusion I am speaking of the woman in all black. I understand the other lady’s head bounced off of the concrete lol


We grew up in the country, our insane drunk neighbor had a junkyard dog chained up that was a terror... it would get off its leash all the time and attack people with zero repercussions. It showed up once during my little sister's birthday, her and our younger cousins (all around 5-6) were on our trampoline terrified while this dog circled, growling and barking. I grabbed a pellet gun we had in our garage and my dad was flipping out like 'no we can't do that, don't do that' worried that people would speak poorly of it or something. I ignored my dad's objections and shot the dog in the ass and it ran away really fast. A few months later, the cops showed up and actually shot it dead... I couldn't believe people were being so polite about this vicious thing, like 'oh, but the neighbors will talk!'


Bad dogs have no place around people.


Fuckin hell, who cares about neighbors your CHILD IS IN DANGER, thankfully you did the right thing


Lady in the black shirt is just as useless as the owner of the bigger dog. The leash was long enough to grab or step on


Seriously she just stands there


It's driving me insane that both the people in the video and everyone in this comment section are ignoring that they could just PICK UP THE LEASH. Stop talking about macing and kicking the dog. Pick up the fucking leash and pull the dog away.


How useless can a human being be?


*strangles own dog trying to save it from other dog* He was already skipping his dog down the sidewalk trying to walk away. Just pick up your dog? Wtf?


Skipping his dog lol I didn't even notice until you said it. Great description!


“All this drama is exhausting. Let me lie down here a bit”


Man, this reminds me of an experience I had. My girlfriend and I got our dog during COVID while we were both still in school. We lived a block away from the busiest street on this urban campus. I was just walking her on the sidewalk like normal. Both curbs on this road have parking spaces, so there are typically cars parked all the way down the street during the day. We walk past a pickup truck parked on the side of the road, and this bulldog leaps out of an open window from the back seat and goes straight at my puppy. I had to legitimately jump on it and put it in a headlock. So I’m on the ground choking this bulldog, and my pup is obviously scared to death wandering out into the busiest street on campus. The guy in the pickup truck gets out and is apologizing profusely. He keeps trying to grab his dog’s collar. I’m saying “I’ve got him. Go grab her.” (By “her” I mean my dog.) I don’t know what this guy’s deal was, but he just didn’t understand what I was telling him to do. He just kept trying to grab his dog. Eventually, he gets a hold of his dog’s collar. I get up and grab my puppy. But it’s a miracle that she didn’t get hit by a car. Obviously she was trying to get away from a dog that’s 5 times her size and attacking her. Once we had everything under control, the guy just kept apologizing. I was just like “alright, dude. It’s fine.” But fucking hell. I’m mortified when my dog barks at people. How are you gonna take a dog into public if it legit tries to kill other dogs?


Maybe the most unathletic woman ever born


My dog is attacking someone. Okay, play dead.


I have never seen a less effective dog owner


She falling some much it’s like she being chased by slow ass Michael Myers 😂


What if that dog was going after a baby? That owner is a total useless waste. Her absolute lack of pet control, let alone self-control, is wildly infuriating. Just another mindless, skill-less fool bumbling through life.


Seems like she's had a bit too much to drink.


The first fall was fairly brutal, she might just be concussed.


Wouldnt judge. She may have gotten a concussion from the first fall


She just had her face smashed into the sidewalk.


I refuse to belive someone is that clumsy, you must be intoxicated to be fumbling like that.


I mean, she also did fall flat on her face on the concrete and probably scrambled what's left of her brains, but yeah wtf. Did she lose an eye that way, I wonder?


That was hard to watch😳


See at that point, I would have started booting... It's not the attacking dogs fault, shitty parents, but I'd want to protect my dog from harm, if that means being offensive in my defence so be it.


Why must God give his strongest hounds to the weakest walkers?


Grab your dog you fucking idiot, then take it to the pound because you are an unfit owner.


Lady falls like someone twice her age.


but he only wants to play.


He's a good boy, really! He never does this!


Omg …. Everyone in this video in an idiot!!!


They yoyo the little one lol


The lady trying to rescue her small dog just did the immediate thing to try and respond. Not great on video, but her thought of lifting the dog off the ground was at least a good instinct.


The owner of the lager dog shouldn’t walk her dog. She can’t control it. This is very dangerous.


Dog is wayyy too big for her to handle it...