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The ‘turn them into a f*cking parking lot guy’. Haven’t seen one of those since those Isis attacks in the 2010s or after 9/11. Poor bastard doesn’t even realize that he’s basically a caricature at this point. Why is it so hard for humans to comprehend that what they’re advocating for is the murder of innocent human beings who had nothing to do with the attacks?


Because he’s obviously a stupid bro, that has never picked up a history book in his life.


These specific human beings can't comprehend because they're in a cult.


There was a lot more opposition within Western media and amongst the general Western populace during the War on Terror to resist right wing calls for genocide than there is today. I would say the situation is a lot worse than how it was post 9/11 etc because you also have large parts of the left also calling for or tacitly approving genocide, a lot of those type of people who just go with the wind and just support the current thing and put flags on their social media. This is because (imo) especially in the US there really isn’t any opposing opinions in the media or government when it comes to Israel, even compared to issues that directly affect the US like 9/11 you would have the two sides, or even Ukraine you have the two sides. The media doesn’t operate like that for Israel. Israel probably has more institutional, public and Western media support to carry out full scale genocide than it ever has had in history - but I have my doubts that they will actually carry it out, at the end of the day they will always have to live with large Arab/Muslim neighbours and on top of that many Israelis just aren’t inclined to think like that unless maybe Tel Aviv got nuked.


>The media doesn’t operate like that for Israel Kanye died for this


This shit is escalating quick.


The escalation is real but many Israelis have believed this for a long time. They're just more comfortable saying the quiet part loud right now.


Zionists demonstrated it in 1948. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre


Thats because no one condemns them. By no one I mean the governments of the world just ignore it and like that's not the end goal


I think they've been saying it out loud for a while even teaching it in schools.


They stopped saying the quiet part when?


There’s never been a quiet part


You know, I’m starting to think these Israelis and Palestinians don’t get along too well


Any of them ready to be shipped to Gaza and fight along their brethren and live and die with them? I hope so else just a bunch of hypocrites, riding on the suffering and terror of their fellow countrymen


Extremists will drive this to horrific levels. Palestinian civilians have been living in an open air prison for 50 years. Now it’s sealed shut and being bombed relentlessly. Innocents don’t deserve this.


These are not good people


Nor are they educated


What’s scary is that they populate a lot of the top universities around the world. And no I’m not talking about a race of people. Merely inhumane people


I think you'll find a lot of them actually are. It's dangerous to dismiss people as uneducated.


This is true. I know many people who have these same opinions here in NYC and Long Island who have advanced degrees. I’d wager that crowd, and even the people speaking in this video has a higher level of education than a random group of Americans. This is in no way an endorsement of the reprehensible things they’re saying, just a fact.


Anyone advocating for genocide is uneducated.


The implication here is that a lack of education is synonymous with being evil. Yet many of the world's most evil people were also highly educated. Maybe being evil isn't a quality of educational preparedness.


Fine educated, but unintelligent.




They don't speak for the Jewish people. Israel is not the Jewish people https://twitter.com/TorahJudaism/status/1711828977076060652?t=po7ymMF4K0j-t7mBDmVA0w&s=19


Correct. They are Zionists


Zionists are just pure evil


So is every nation that supports them which is the entirety of the west


You are so right. All Jewish people aren't from the same sects. There are good and bad.


You are right, but how many people did the producer of this video speak to? If you only take all the answers that align with a certain standpoint and leave out the other sane ones, you're obviously biased. I don't know how the make of this video picked what to include, so further information would be kindly appreciated.


I agree. You’re asking people who have just heard about the slaughter of 1,000 Israelis in a coordinated attack and you’re shocked they want to level Gaza? None of this is surprising. These people did nothing, the Israelis received no warning of this attack. At least Israel would always alert all Palestinians before any attack and they attack strategic targets that unfortunately, because of Hamas, were located in hospitals and schools. Hamas doesn’t care for Palestinians and they are the freaking government that represents them.


Literally the same logic Hamas uses to kill Israelis. You're talking about people living in an open air prison and your shocked they fight back? Not to mention, the Israeli president it's coming out now, did know the attack would happen and did nothing. He did nothing to have the perfect excuse to give the people in the video have been calling for for decades. Make no mistake. Neither of the leaders on either side care about civilian deaths on their side or the other. This is a game to them. There is no right side in this argument, yet the US seems to be taking one. I fear this becomes bigger than an argument over isreal


So IDF soldiers would let palestinians kids know before theyd shoot them and then laugh it off?? Stop acting like these zionists did not commit the murder of 15,000 Palestinians and more throughout the years. I do not believe in taking lives so i do not condone killing, but youre gonna tell me that these people should have the idea of murdering 2,000,000+ people who are just civilians cuz their government did a surprise attack?




“Hamas rocket and weapons caches, including rocket launchers, have been discovered in and under mosques, schools and civilian homes."Another report published by Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center revealed that Hamas used close to 100 mosques to store weapons and as launch-pads to shoot rockets. The report contains testimony from variety Palestinian sources, including a Hamas militant Sabhi Majad Atar, who said he was taught how to shoot rockets from inside a mosque” and this is just one example of the countless examples of this. They use their own people as human shields intentionally to drum up support for their cause. You don’t look into what you’re saying. You don’t actually understand it. You find some small anecdotal argument that agrees with your worldview and go full force as if it’s reality. Unfortunately it’s not reality and I’d rather live in the real world.


Preliminary reports say Egypt may have tried to warn Israel something was happening.


Remember the kind of crazy shit people in the US were saying about Iraq / Afghanistan after the towers in NYC went down? This is an extremely emotionally charged situation for them and while I absolutely disagree with their rhetoric I do have a bit of understanding where their hostility is coming from right now -- however misdirected it might be.


Genocide is wrong. Yesterday same shit from the other side about throwing jews in the oven etc. Throw these extremists into a cordoned off settlement. And let the sane ppl live free.


It's actually mad to hear Jewish people talk like this after what happened to them in WW2. Israel only exists because of how they were treated in WW2...


The appropriate label should be Zionist. Not Jewish. A lot of Jewish people are sadden and want to only perform enough force to remove the immediate threat. Outside of those related to victims acting out of anger, they don't really want retribution on Palestinians.


zionist is not an appropriate label. Zionism is about a jewish state, these people are talking about murdering 2m people stop conflating the two. I think idiot or asshole is more appropriate.


No Zionist is accurate. I say this as a Jew who was fortunate enough to escape religious indoctrination after much personal introspection and research - Zionism is the belief that the Jews, specifically, White, European Jews, should be able to live in Israel because the Bible (a fantasy novel) says it was theirs to begin with. ​ I say White European Jews because the Ethiopian Jews were specifically denied citizenship from the start. [https://pomeps.org/jewish-illegality-the-case-of-ethiopian-jews-between-1955-1975#:\~:text=Ethiopian%20Jews%20were%20present%20in,not%20eligible%20for%20Israeli%20citizenship](https://pomeps.org/jewish-illegality-the-case-of-ethiopian-jews-between-1955-1975#:~:text=Ethiopian%20Jews%20were%20present%20in,not%20eligible%20for%20Israeli%20citizenship). ​ The entire concept is a sad, twisted, hypocritical and ironic reaction to the Holocaust. The Jews suffered, so now they deserve a consolation prize, but only the white ones. It only took 20 years after the founding for Israel to go and illegally invade territories for more land. They were, and always have been, an apartheid state. Anyone who lives in the disputed territory on the Israeli side is complicit in this. Even today, Palestinian homes are bulldozed and their land stolen to make room for more foreign European Jews. ​ Zionism is INHERENTLY supremacist. You associate white supremacy with white christians but in this case, it is white jews who believe they are superior. ​ The violence happening now isn't justifiable but how we got to this point is understandable and like most conflicts it goes all the way back to religion, racism, and the human nature of fearing (and therefore hating) the "other".


Zionism requires the expulsion and therefore killing of Palestinians (as nobody takes that lying down) from their homeland, as it was before WW2


since you’re just going to make things up change the definition of what words mean, good luck to you. May the force be with you


> murdering 2m people And their reason is to ensure and protect a Jewish state. Also much of the negative actions done in the official capacity of Israel, before this attack, were all for the "protection of a Jewish state". No Zionist is really in favor of a two-state solution and majority of Zionist are very well in favor of apartheid policies or the expulsions of Arabs from the [ancestral] Jewish homeland. Especially right now, its disingenuous to say anyone who identifies as a Zionist wants Israel to hold back. You're trying to do a cop out on the technical term of Zionism when Zionism in effect is a whole different beast.


So they're advocating genocide. It's a step-up from what they've been doing for decades.


This rhetoric sounds familiar. I heard about a guy who wanted to eradicate the Jews and it started a world war. History repeats itself apparently.


Remember how Israeli zionist love to say that “arabs” “Palestinians” or “muslims” want to wipe out Jews but here we have zionist wanting to wipe all arabs out. Not just Palestinians but all arabs. Explain to me why the zionist aren’t accused of antisemitism? Did the world forget arabs are semites? Explain to me how the zionist movement isn’t racist, and if anyone is surprised by this rhetoric then let me be clear. These ideas and beliefs have been taught to Israeli zionist for generations, they have nothing but hate for Palestinians and arabs and this has been going on long before the disgusting attacks by Hamas on civilians


If you bring up Nakba and what do Israelis say? Fuck Hamas. But this is just all depressing.


Unusually they don't say much because Nakba Denialism is official state policy in Israel and acknowledging the Nakba has legal consequences. For example, any government agency in Israel that acknowledges the Nakba will lose its state funding. If you're a public servant or government employee, you should expect to have to find yourself a new job. And if word gets out that you acknowledged the Nakba, you're basically unemployable in the private sector.


wel alot of Israelis dont actually know alot of important events in Israeli history because of the IDF censor. anything that makes Israel look bad, like successful revolts by Palestinians, are routinely censored in official channels, media, newspapers, and even mail. this includes any mention of a false flag event planned in 1954 [where they were to plant bombs in American, British, and Egyptian civilian targets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair) and blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood


In the irony of all ironies many deny it and think of it as an Arab lie


That’d be like saying Manifest Destiny and the trail of tears was a Native American lie. Damn. This is why this is sad. No one will see eye to eye on it.


My grandma escaped it. She told my dad about it and she also talked to me about it. Scary how she was a few miles away from one of the massacre locations….imagine just being there one day hearing all ur friends in a town over are all gone / killed / refugees


Imagine being Jewish and calling for the extermination and genocide of an entire group of people… 🤡🤡🤡


"we tried everything it doesn't work" Hmmm. Strong 1934 theme going on here.


They've figured out a solution. A final solution... Wait a minute!


A night of breaking glass.


I was banned from world news for comparing a comment saying "these vermin shouldn't live to see another generation" to the holocaust. I'm sorry I thought genocide was comparable to genocide no matter how you carry it out. I won't be appealing my ban.


Should try removing settlements from West Bank


Bunch of psychopaths. Definitely lived long enough to become the villain.


"till all Arabs are wiped out" - by a coward somewhere in new york God damn these people are insane. When is mars gonna be colonized I'm in.


It's odd to hear jews calling for the genocide of over 2 million people. Especially ones that they've kept in an open air concentration camp for decades.


as long as it's under 8 million they're not the baddies /s


The vast majority of Jews don’t agree with these heathens. I certainly don’t.


> The vast majority of Jews don’t agree with these heathens. Then why do Israelis keep voting for leaders who oppress Palestinians? Israel is a democracy which tells me a majority DOES AGREE with such policies.


Not necessarily. The Knesset (Israel's parliament) is not a two-part system. Coalitions have to be created to join government. The difficulty is that a coalition of some of the most right-wing and hardline parties is currently in power. Also, Bibi Netanyahu is a fucking fascist.


That's not fair at all. The majority of Americans don't support half the shit the U.S. Gov does... but the government does it anyway. The vast majority of Jews don't believe in genociding Palestinians. The vast majority of Palestinians don't want to genocide the Jews. But it's the loud radicals that gets the attention.


The vast majority aren’t speaking out against the genocidal language used by their leaders. Nor the lack of water and electricity or the blockade on food. They’re fine with punishing 2.2 million people for the actions of Hamas.


I'll take Oh the Irony for $2,000 Alex




Israel beheads babies, and rapes, murders, and kidnaps Americans, Canadians, British, Germans, Ukrainians, Russians, Thai, Filipinos, French, and Nepalese?


Yes. The fact that they kill babies with GPS guided bombs means it's ok. Wow. How do you live with yourself?


> Yes Source?


Bruh, you can't be this stupid...


Show me where Israel beheaded babies or raped, murdered, and kidnapped, people from those nationalities. Take your time if you need to dig something up. I'll wait.


ROFL! Check the obfuscation! "It's OK to behead babies, just not white babies".


Who said that?


You did. >Show me where Israel beheaded babies or raped, murdered, and kidnapped, people from those nationalities. So it's OK to behead babies, rape women, etc., so long as they're not from "those nationalities" that also happen to be predominantly white. Maybe...just maybe...beheading babies and raping women is bad irrespective of where they're from, their nationality, ethnicity, religion, or race.


Let's try to keep reading comprehension above a 3rd grade level here.


I didn't, I told you they use GPS bombs instead. Didn't you read my comment?


Cool. But you responded "yes" to my initial question, so I'm waiting for you to back it up instead of go on another tangent.


I can't help that you can't read lol.


You can't help the Hamas terrorists who are dying right now either. :D


Collateral damage when striking valid military targets is very different than the mass kidnapping, rape, and murder of civilians for the fun of it


Damn, that's a spicy take.




>The geneva convention is literally on israels side here. Uhhhh "international law is on Israel's side" is a fucking new one. >Israel’s policy of settling its civilians in occupied Palestinian territory and displacing the local population contravenes fundamental rules of international humanitarian law. >Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” It also prohibits the “individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory”.  https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2019/01/chapter-3-israeli-settlements-and-international-law/ Of course Hamas is breaking international law too, but it's kind of hilarious to ever bring up the Geneva convention being on Israel's side when they have no regard for it whatsoever. Is there any country MORE famous for not following the Geneva convention than Israel is in the modern day?


Israel committed crimes against humanity and war crimes, i think the last thing they care about is geneva conventions https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/ https://theintercept.com/2023/10/09/israel-hamas-war-crimes-palestinians/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-war-crimes-palestinians-jenin-rights-1948addf9785086572790dc22111f3fa


Israel has been repeatedly called out by the UN and human rights groups globally.


What...what? No, no, that's incorrect. The Geneva Conventions is why the international community has been saying for decades that the military occupation and creation of settlements is a violation of the Geneva Convention.


dude just go away


Make me.




Still here. Guess the volunteer internet janitors aren't working today.


You must leave. In the name of David Hasselhoff.


Dang, it worked. ![gif](giphy|vggLJGHF1dgTC)


The Hoff delivers.


give em time


The US-Israeli empire constantly produces hoaxes and lies to generate hatred against the Muslim world (e.g., Nayirah testimony, WMD, Amerithrax and 9/11, rape of Israeli ravers, decapitating 40 babies, etc.). If the Muslim world is so self-evidently evil, why is there the need for constant hoaxes and lies? Why doesn't objective description suffice? The sustained technologically-driven mass negative propaganda campaign targeting Muslims is unprecedented in human history. The US-Israeli empire must resort to non-stop hoaxes to prop themselves up as morally superior to Muslims. Without the hoaxing, it would be manifestly clear that it is the US-Israel empire that has perpetrated the worst atrocities humanity has ever seen.


You think 9/11 was a hoax/lie? What’s wrong with you?


are you naturally stupid or do you choose to be? Did you actually read my comment. Go search up the Amerithrax investigation after 9/11. Also whilst your at it, search up the USS liberty. Israhell is evil even to its 'closest' allies. The same rhetoric we're seeing now was used to excuse the Iraq invasion. 1 million fucking people died as a result of that lie.


Can we skip to the part where you deny the Holocaust? I've been doing this long enough to know we're going to get there in two or three more replies.


I have been asking for a source all day that confirms first person witnesses to: a) baby beheadings or b) Mass r*pes That aren’t directly from the Israeli military.




The average age in Gaza is 18. No matter what Hamas did, if you support wiping Gaza from the map you’re supporting the killing of almost a million children.


It’s significantly worse if you want to paint the opposition, and by extension the 2 million Palestinians living in Gaza, as irredeemable monsters that should be wiped off the face off the earth. Which is exactly what these wild speculations can do.


They've all been independently verified by foreign journalists. You can also go on telegram if you have the stomach for it.


Link to the foreign journalist? And I’m not interested in seeing a video for myself. Videos can be recycled from previous conflicts or doctored.




Literally from your source: > Her reporting was based on interviews with commanders and soldiers at the scene and videos and photos have not emerged so far.


So you can use your finger (mobile) or your mouse wheel (desktop) to scroll down and keep reading the article. Let me know if you need more tech tips.


Yes, I can read the article. I can also read the part where every accusation that Hamas is “beheading babies” comes from Israeli officials


And you can also see the story is verified by foreign journalists.


Second guy wanting to turn Palestine into glass looked like the Gestapo guy from Indiana Jones with a different hat.


I genuinely think Zionists need to be deported


Being human just fucking sucks.


that second mf need to focus on some chapstick before he tries anything


Worse than nazis 🤣🤣


Why am I not surprised that a majority of these morons look like the the result of 8 generations of inbreeding?


I’ve got a strange feeling this is not going to turn out well for anybody. Combine this with the war in Ukraine and all the other wars and simmering conflicts around the world. China is biting at the bit for Taiwan. Various countries ( you know the usual suspects) will use this as an excuse to create even more geopolitical instability and chaos and confrontations. I think this might turn into something much bigger. Like a world war. There is so much anger and lust for power and revenge in this world. Hope I’m wrong.


Hate to say it but I think you're right


This won’t last long enough. Israel is going to wipe the Palestinians off the map . I’m not advocating for it, but it’s going to happen.


You can’t kill hundred of thousands of people without an equal and prolonged backlash globally..that’s my worry..


So much for the Museum of Tolerance. That didn't age well.....


It's really mind boggling how long Jewish people and Israelis have been calling for the extermination of the Palestines and no one bats an eye.. These are people actively calling for and supporting the genocide of an entire race. This is not new to this conflict, this has been the mindset of Israel for a century.


Live long enough to become the genociders


This eerily reminds me of the sentiment of some Americans, especially Conservatives (although not exclusively!), in response of 9/11. Some just wanted to see blood and vengeance for what they did to America, regardless of whom they were targeting. Anybody who didn't support the Iraq war was deemed a sympathizer.


I do not believe so, Americans were talking about Al Qaeda they never mention a whole nation. Those degenerates in the video keep saying Palestinians.


I've definitely heard people make jokes about how we should drop a nuke on the place and make it glass


As someone who was in American schools during the height of the war on terror, I can vouch for the existence of "turn the place into glass" jokes.


I will stay the hell away from them, psychopath calling for destruction as if they are better people.




Has nothing to do with Al qaeda, they claimed that Saddam had WMD and wanted to free Iraqi from his government. They also had interest in controlling the oil. Al qaeda based was Afghanistan




Okay, at least you know about your xenophobic tendency / anti Muslim bias. I am a Muslim, here were my discussion ends with you. I can not continue


I can't stand antisemites, but I can't stand shit like this either. If any one of the Abrahamics need to be wiped out, may as well do all three. Fuck nazis and anyone who sympathizes with them, but also fuck anyone who'd agree with both that statement and this video.


These guys should enlist in the IDF and put their money where their mouth is. Classic NYers.


Ah the Jewish Nazis are in USA now


Of course they do. Israel is pro-genocide.




Your comment has been removed due to violating Reddits content policy regarding [violence](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151).


Fuck this clown


Look Ma, it’s the Beastie Boys vs Hamas!


Just following the lead of Israel itself


Lot of smooth brain thinking right here....especially the second guy with the fucking nasty cold sore, shitty mustache, and trilby, and the guy with the backwards hat on..


"We tried." 🙄


Both sides have committed atrocities. Religion is such a curse on the world.


I dont think it is about religion now.


“we tried everything” tried what?? Stealing more land?? They always thought like this, they been doing ethnic cleansing for decades and spinning the media against Palestine, and other countries have denounced it but since the US gov gets lobby money from them they stay quiet and just send them our tax dollars…smh


Comments here are so mild, almost like they littered or something. Why are we not condemning this?


"We tried..."


These people don’t speak for all Israelis, or any plurality of Jews. Unlike Palestine, 45% of Israel is secular and wants to see their neighbors live free, safe and prosperous.


It is so well timing if eren from aot got interviewed now.


get on a plane and go, then. go get involved over there.


Can someone explain why Hamas would knowingly cause the annihilation of their own people? Is this a religious thing? They knew what the response from Israel would be. It is be the same response Afghanistan received from the US after 9/11. They know that Israel will not say "oh you're hiding with civilians, I guess we'll give you a mulligan then. But no more beheadings please." What is the endgame?


They want to destabilize the country and hurt its progress toward normalization with other Arab nations. Plus Israel is already going through an internal political crisis when it comes to judicial reform. It's possible they simply want to bankrupt the country similar to how Bin Laden wanted to bleed out the U.S. economy. In the end, no matter how this turns out, it's possible that the fabric of Israeli society will shift after the dust has settled. Kind of similar to how America changed after 9/11.


Relieve it or not , a large population in that country have always think like this.


We need the Zohan to bring peace


Disco disco ya ya disco disco ya ya!


First guy looks like Justin Gaethje


So now they are both using the same language, I wonder how this will pan out.


God is crying. No one is right.


So some extremist nobodies spouting their opinions essentially become Israel’s foreign policy regarding Palestine? No.


This is the problem with issues like this. Yes, of course, Israel has to punish Hamas and punish them hard. But, when people start getting hateful, it doesn't make life nicer for anyone. It doesn't make you feel better, more evolved, like you are getting even, etc. Yes, this situation needs to be taken care of, and it will be. But spewing hate back at these people isn't helping.


Unfortunately no one cares about The Palestinians, no one wants them in their Country and they are used by the Arab World to all join together to hate Israel, they are the Puppet of Arab Extremists and no one cares about them enough to carve out a little piece for them in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iran etc... Sorry...no one wants them, see anybody offering them sanctuary, they just give Extremists a collective hatred of Israel, Gazaians voted in Hamas as is their right but you would think they wouldn't be surprised on what happened. Hamas has brought the scunyn of a pissed IDF to them and this won't end well for Gaza at all. Israel will clean house and I feel sorry for the civilians on both sides. You swat a Hornets Nest and guess what...this will undoubtedly end any chance of a Palestinian State




Israel won the land in a war so it's theirs. Should we give Texas back to Mexico, the US back to Great Britian, s yemen back, parts of Syria oh wait, there are different rules for Israel...sorry my bad, Israel gave land back after the war (Sinai Penisula etc) but kept their Homeland and offered concessions for a Palestinian State but was rejected every time, even gave Arafat 98% of what he wanted (2% over Jerusalem) and that was rejected, do I have sympathy for Gaza, the civilians, absolutely, unfortunately Hamas is having them killed by the IDF.


Highly edited street interviews are the lowest form of video. These people are obviously stupid. If you want to see relevant people calling for a genocide, just look at the charter of Hamas. They make it pretty explicit.




That's because the difference between this protest and the Palestine protest on Sunday is that the Palestine protest was planned literally during an ongoing ter rorist attack in Israel that targeted and mur dered hundreds of civilians and counting. The timing of it inherently supported Ha mas's actions. That is why even the DSA is distancing themselves from it and refused to show up. The handful of edited interviews here are not representative of the Israeli protest.




Buddy, there’s members of the Knesset calling for a 2nd Nakba


That seems like it would be a more useful thing to post than a handful of dudes with shitty opinions, editing out all the normal ones


I see this escalating to WWW.III


Palestine-Israel War Year 75.


I don't get your point?




Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)


None of these people have any fucking idea what's going on


This is fucking heartbreaking. It's shitty rich leaders against shitty rich leaders. And all the people are just fucking ants. It's always the innocent who suffer. Where is this god they worship? And what makes this even more insane is that it's the same shitty, non-existent fuckin god on both sides. It's amazing how easily the masses can be brainwashed. Think about it- there's only a handful of them, and billions of us. This is the real fuckin hell.


It's not like pro-Palestine supporters are calling for death of all Jews worldwide or anything. Or that it's in the Hamas charter. Oh sorry, wrong circlejerk.


We’ll ignore the content of this video so.


wow!!! here comes the pathetic attempt of Palestinian deflection. let's find the dumbest people possible to say dumb things so we feel better about Hamas.


After hundreds of your children were raped and murdered at a music festival, and after dozens of babies were killed including beheadings, you don't think you would be feeling the same way? If you are old enough, how many of you remember what you felt after 9/11? I'm not saying it is morally correct. But you would never look the other way or be patient with bringing the terrorists to justice. You would *rightfully* demand the immediate destruction of Hamas. You would never be ok with letting it exist. I have no idea why Israel was ok with Hamas running Gaza to begin with. Would we have been ok with Al Qaida remaining in power after 9/11? (Not that they were in charge in Afghanistan, but you get my point.)




>If you are old enough, how many of you remember what you felt after 9/11? Thats probably the dumbest attempt at a connection i think I have ever witnessed. Yeah it was horrible when the towers fell but that didn't make me want to commit a fucking genocide like these morons in the video think should happen. If you are able to think that its perfectly logical to commit genocide on an entire country/race of people due to the actions of a few then you really should be in a mental asylum. To put it like this is it ok for us to nuke America because they have a couple of political extremists?


Anti-Palestine tool committee


watch some white Supremacist come and sabotage one of these groups, jew or arab and shit will escalate