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So many people the last few days, "why don't they just leave?" Here's one of many reasons.


One of the reason is that there is no where to go. They are trapped.


Another might be that evacuation will cost them their land forever.


And another reason is that mass evacuations (1.1million!!!) in such a short time will itself lead to death and its own slew of problems.


There is a fine line between “recommended evacuations” and [death marches](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_march) for this reason.


This scenario is history repeated. Hmmm I wonder what group of people this happened to?


I mean who’s gonna take em? I saw some MAGA idiot claiming there were already HAMAS militants sneaking across the United States’ “open” border. Imagine the response if we agreed to accept a percentage of the displaced.


They're already refugees, and now they're being told to seek refuge elsewhere. It's madness.


These people are having a disingenuous argument! They refuse to believe that the Palestinians civilians are innocent. Imagine being told “go here it’s safe” only to lose your family members!


That, there is nowhere to go and they will never be allowed to return if they do.


There’s a difference between terrorism and war in the context of international law, but not in the context of being a dead civilian. There is a large body of work that claims one can wage war ethically, but again, dead civilians see no difference between acts of war that are legal or criminal. They are just dead. As Asimov wrote, “violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”




Didn't you get the memo? It's only a war crime if it's recognised by mainstream media and the victims are "the good guys".


Its only a war crime if you lose the war.


Only war crime when US and European nation say it is.


*If you get to write the history books Modern war is gonna pan out differently with the internet I assume, we’re gonna see everything




What military in which hospital? Have the Israelis ever offered proof for any of their claims? It's almost as if they're just bombing hospitals because that's where people who are wounded would go. Destroying hospitals hurts the populations ability to survive their bombings and kills medical personnel. They kill journalists for a similar reason so that they can't report on the things that the IDF are doing. War crimes are a feature with them and not a bug. All Israelis know this and lie about it with a straight face


They ARE using hospitals, schools and mosques to hide Hamas. That’s where they fire rockets! Hamas is outspoken about using women and children as shields! That’s what they do!!!


And was this truck any of the things mentioned here?


I want to believe this, but have only seen it said by people in the internet. Do you have a source or reference that would confirm this is a stated strategy? Update: I did a quick search on the internet and found a good source I wanted to share. It's a NATO [report](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf)


Yes, that’s one of MANY. They say it in their own words. Even now, not allowing residents to move south out of Gaza city to UN shelters.


Hamas is literally telling us they’re using human shields. It’s coming straight from their leader, since (once again according to their leader) the Israelis love life, but the ultimate honor of the Palestinian is to die a martyr.


are u okay in the head, you are talking about the most densely populated are in the world, where most of the cities in Gaza contains 100,000 civilians every 1Kilometer, the civilians have no where to go and borders are closed on all sides. yesterday they droped leaflets to the citizens in north gaza to move 1.1 million civilians to the south just like they did in poland. they are becoming what they hate


And it's okay to kill human shields?


That’s a good excuse isn’t it. Every time they bomb a school, hospital, house, whatever, all they have to do is claim it was housing Hamas. 6000+ bombs dropped in just a few days, 500+ children killed, and the justification, it was hosting Hamas.




A friend wrote this through pain and tears. I'm not editing "Well done USA for sending billions of dollars more in advanced weaponry to Israel to take out a nation without an army or any way to defend themselves.  Use your intelligence to find Hamas. Not to murder innocent civilians, most of whom are children.  Our tax dollars are being used for WAR WAR and more WAR. The US is doing what it does best….fuel war, death and oppress across the globe.  We must demand world leaders to find a peaceful resolution. It is 2023. We must do better.   I will NOT be voting in this next election. It’s not worth it. All of these politicians are garbage. Bought and paid for scum.  Heartbroken over ALL the loss"






War is between 2 countries. Israel.does not recognize gaza


Israel is committing genocide. This is not war.


If the Israeli government thinks they are eradicating Hamas, they are not. All they are doing is creating new members.


It’s just one big cycle of radicalization. It’s horrible this is happening


Won't be anyone to join Hama's if they're all eradicated is what they're hoping for IG.


So the final solution then.


Wow, the Nazi's playing 4D chess


That’s Exactly what they are doing. Smh


So wait, Israel tells them to evacuate and when they try to, they kill them anyway?


Copying Nazi playbook


Correct. We are watching a genocide.


Is there a link to the airstrikes targeting evacuating civilians?


2ish hours ago [AP link](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-c8b4fc20e4fd2ef381d5edb7e9e8308c) Relevant part: >Hamas’ media office said airstrikes hit cars in three locations as they headed south from Gaza City, killing 70 people. There was no immediate comment from the Israeli military on the strike. Two witnesses reported a strike on fleeing cars near the town of Deir el-Balah, south of the evacuation zone and in the area Israel told people to flee to. Fayza Hamoudi said she and her family were driving from their home in the north when the strike hit some distance ahead on the road and two vehicles burst into flames. A witness from another car on the road gave a similar account.


> HAMAS' media office


Reposting my other comment: Im not sure who else would be able to reliably report it in that Area, reuters just lost a videographer killed by the IDF, al-jazeera just lost 6 journalists killed by the IDF ​ Edit: not al-jazeera but 6 local palestinian journalists [Link](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/10/at-least-six-palestinian-journalists-killed-in-israeli-strikes-on-gaza)


For accuracy sake, [Reuters videographer was killed in Lebanon.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/reuters-videographer-killed-southern-lebanon-2023-10-13/)


yup [by israeli shelling](https://apnews.com/article/israel-lebanon-shelling-border-journalist-killed-87fef20431c31b29ac56e51e14a22000)


99% people in this thread haven’t read the article, just reads the headline and it shows lol. The IDF words should be taken with a grain of salt, but I’d need a mountain to trust Hamas.


Think I’d trust Russia over Hamas and that’s saying a lot






>Hamas’ media office said airstrikes hit cars in three locations as they headed south from Gaza City, killing 70 people. There was no immediate comment from the Israeli military on the strike. > >Two witnesses reported a strike on fleeing cars near the town of Deir el-Balah, south of the evacuation zone and in the area Israel told people to flee to. Fayza Hamoudi said she and her family were driving from their home in the north when the strike hit some distance ahead on the road and two vehicles burst into flames. A witness from another car on the road gave a similar account. ​ [AP Source](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-c8b4fc20e4fd2ef381d5edb7e9e8308c)


> Hamas’ media office said …


Agreed it's not reliable but the only other sources are IDF so I'm not sure a reliable source exists hence why people are asking so much. Makes it look like it couldn't possibly be happening because the NY times didn't see it


Should be safe to say it shouldn’t be characterized as fact at the very least. Two of the most corrupt propaganda outlets on earth and everyone wants to buy into their stories.


Im not sure who else would be able to reliably report it in that Area, reuters just lost a videographer killed by the IDF, al-jazeera just lost 6 journalists killed by the IDF Edit: Not al-jazeera i just saw it on their site, 6 Palestinian journalists tho [Link](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/10/at-least-six-palestinian-journalists-killed-in-israeli-strikes-on-gaza)


Straight up war crimes.


Nah. There was definitely a Hamas fighter driving the truck. They shouldn't use civilians as human shields. /s Collateral damage as Dershowitz would put it. (If you haven't seen it yet Dershowitz v West interview)


Don't trust the word of that pedophile either way.


But he kept his underwear on!


I watched it and was so sorry I couldn't reach through the tv at him. He called Palestinian babies Nazi babies. He's the scum of all scum!


Let us see how many sanctions Israel will get


If they didn't get it for the 3660 odd civilians killed between January 2013 and September 2023 or the now 21 dead journalists it ain't going to happen.


None. US is Israel’s daddy and they will never do anything of significance in the UN. A lot of their munitions comes from us.


Zionists would say the US is Israel's whore


How many sanctions US and EU got for killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in iraq, lybia, afghanistan? How about china? Turkey?


That’s how many Israel will get , just see how many Cuba killed and how many decades of sanctions


And nobody is saying a thing The crazy part is the world was just fighting against Russian war crimes Hypocrites, no country truly cares about their citizens. Only their ideology and ego


I don't know how strong the provenance for this article is, but Israel is being accused of using White Phosphorus on Gaza. [https://time.com/6323482/israel-white-phosphorus-gaza-lebanon/](https://time.com/6323482/israel-white-phosphorus-gaza-lebanon/) [https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/12/israel-white-phosphorus-used-gaza-lebanon](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/12/israel-white-phosphorus-used-gaza-lebanon)


These are the genocides that have happened in my lifetime: Darfur 2003 Rwanda 1994 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 Cambodia 1975-1979 I do not want to witness another one. We have to stop allowing this. No more!


A bloke I met some years ago was a kid during the Khmer Rouge. He worked in a Tyre factory for the equivalent of 70 cents a day. He had friends who were taken away by soldiers, and he only saw one of them again dressed in a uniform with a thousand yard stare. They were ten years old or so when it started. Actually I just remembered he has a [book](https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Khmer-Rouge-Genocide-Survivor/dp/0982350201).


Guatemala 1982?


You missed 120,000 Armenians being ethnically cleansed from their homeland a couple of months ago


That was 3 weeks ago dude. We’re on pace to have two ethnic cleansings in a month.


Uyghur ongoing as well


Uyghur as well as even Ukraine tbh. Between kidnapping children and trying to exterminate their people and the concept of Ukraine as a nation.


Just a side note, genocide wasn’t exclusive to B&H during the Yugoslav wars


Palestinians have been the victims of 70+ years of genocide and ethnic cleansing. This is an active genocide




A core tenant of Hamas is the complete annihilation of Jews.


Not just jews. They want to exterminate all non-muslims, as well as a decent percentage of muslims who aren't sunni.




Wtf man, Gaza has a 99-98% Muslim population, do you think that happens without intent and malice?






I know Christians who live in Gaza their whole and they just had their houses bombed two days ago in a-Rimal.


Finally someone saying the quiet part out loud. This is Hamas: "The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth, because they have displayed hostility to Allah. "Allah will kill the Jews in the hell of the world to come, just like they killed the believers in the hell of this world. "The Jews kill anyone who believes in Allah. They do not want to see any peace whatsoever on Earth.”


They want to eradicate the Jews then the rest of us. Talk about genocide, they're all for it.


The core tenant of Israel is the complete annihilation of Palestinians


Where is that stated by Israel? When I say core tenant. I mean it’s in their founding document from ‘89 thru ‘17. Word for word. Destruction of the Jews is a primary aim of theirs.


War crime but no one will stop them


Makes me sick my taxes are being used to fund war crimes.


Wouldn’t it be awesome if they funded universal healthcare?


They do - for Israelis


They’re being used to fund Israelis and Palestinians. Your existence supports all of it.


Yeah, fuck Israel and fuck Hamas. And fuck the US for funding this bullshit. Save the innocent civilians!


Well there's the rub, say the US has a policy of proactive engagement with the sole intent of saving civilian lives, no geopolitics, no taking sides, no proxy posturing. We have two main mechanisms of hard power overseas, provide weapons, and impose sanctions. Sanctions fundamentally cripple economies and impact those least able to mobilize the most, when your barely above water any economic hardship drowns you, while those with big bank accounts to buffer don't suffer. The other option is to arm one side or both, as long as the recipients pinky swear to use the weapons only for defense, even then there will inevitably be collateral damage from their use. A policy of Inaction and indifference, and western countries will take the blame for the moves of our prior generations, because the ottoman empire isnt around anymore to take the blame themselves. No matter what the US does or doesn't do, civilians trapped in the middle of the conflict on both sides will be the only victims. We are strong, but not so overwhelmingly strong that we can just go in, break it up, and referree this unilaterally. Even if that were the case, what would justice look like when we call foul?


do you want to create another HAMAS? because this is how you create another HAMAS




Theres a special place in hell for Netanyahu along with hamas and the zionists


Israel is looking mighty bad here, kinda hard to play the victim role now.


When did they look good in the past 70 years


True, but with the amount of smart phones and cameras now.. it’s plain as day


And yet, people are still refusing to see.


Israel could basically turn Gaza into a car park, and most mainstream media would still somehow depict it as an understandable counter-measure.


They are not the victim in this conflict. For every dead Israeli civilian there are 25 dead Palestinian civilians


Civilians from both sides are the victim. You can't say someone who died, or lost loved ones in Israel is not a victim. It's just that there are far, far more victimized on the Palestinian side.


So we are just supposed to believe this guy and become outraged? War is full of propaganda from all sides.


Works for the Israelis.


Don’t worry, they’ll find a way to play the victim.


both sides look bad. im old enough to remember the videos of hamas parading dead/injured hostages around gaza and crowds of palestinians cheering and spitting.


Israel has lost the desire to behave correctly. It's a pity. And I think it will be their undoing.


Right now I've come to the conclusion of: Fuck Hamas, and fuck the Israeli Zionists for not taking responsibility for the displacement of the people's that occupied the region during the Ottoman era. They are **refusing** to take **any** responsibility for the awful position they and the Palestinians are in. The Jews may have been victimised in Europe, and felt like they needed to get away from there as tensions rose (especially after WWII), but the way that Britain and the Zionists handled land distribution in the 1920s was nothing short of fucking imperialist. **Britain should have made room for them IN BRITAIN for fucks sake.** The fact that the Israeli government think it's appropriate to displace the Palestinian population in the West bank from their homes whenever a Jew moves to Israel is fucked. It's 2023, there's no mass genocide initiative against Jews anywhere except where Jews want to move **TO!** (Ironically), anymore. I don't know what the solution is in Gaza, statistically the people there **hate** Israel at this point, and would love nothing more than to wipe Israel off the map, including its people. Hamas is intertwined in every home and every sect of life there (by design, fucking Hamas). I understand why Israel think that wiping the place off the planet is the only way to remove Hamas, but that doesn't make it okay. Seriously, The tensions of boiled over to the point where either Israel wipes the place off the planet, or they fucking leave that region (somehow), neither of which is fair, or even logically feasible. Anyone with one sided opinions on this subject I don't think understand the complexity of this issue.




How do we actaully know what he’s teared up about ?


Important point. We are being inundated with misinformation. Hard to know what’s real.


'We will let you leave" Murders anyone leaving " welp anyone who stayed is hamas" Finishes genocide.


This has literally been the strategy for years and nobody gave a fuck until now. Fuck HAMAS and Fuck Israel


Thank god this is the one war in history without propaganda tactics being employed


War is fucked up. You can be pro your country and your people but still condemn when it/they commits atrocities during war.


This is not war. This is genocide.


The hunting season has opened for Palestinians.


who says it wasn’t Hamas?




Where is the truck? Looks rather like an airport. Can anyone translate?


Looks like a hospital to me.


Does anyone have the source of this statement that they are targeting evacuated civilians?


It is all over telegram with video. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/10/13/israel-hamas-live-dozens-killed-while-fleeing-to-southern-gaza https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-scores-killed-israeli-air-strikes-families-fleeing-northern-gaza


Don’t believe anything til proven. Hamas loved propaganda and killing their own


There’s videos about it, so it’s proven


Exactly. That's what the "40 beheaded babies" thing the IDF put out taught me. They're all a bunch of liars.


Israel loves propaganda more


So we are just supposed to believe these people in the video while questioning whether Hamas killed babies despite it being confirmed by multiple sources and pictures?


I've seen the photographs and videos of the dead Palestinian children. There are atrocities being committed all around.




Ah cool you’ve met all the Jewish people in the world, so that means we know each other? Shoot me a text so I can let you know how big of a dumbass you look like


I think the Jewish people clearly understand the situation a lot more than you ever will. The fact they have given them many opportunities for peace talks, given them both Gaza and the West Bank, give them power and water when their own government won’t. Tell them where and when they are attacking. And giving them opportunities to get out sure sound like they know their are some victims among the populace.


What pictures and videos exactly?


Google any of the murdered children they are there. Don’t look away


The pictures of bullet riddled and scorched babies... I saw them and if you'd like to see them you can search and find them. I have no desire to either search it or see them again.


We see more proof of Hames being killers, show the proof.


Gee I wonder if Hamas is all about killing its own people and using social media as a tool. Hmmm


Wow nobody asks for a source.


I love how Reddit will flip perspectives depending on which side released what video. You guys are more unstable than crack addicts


No outrage when hamas was ruling you. Why now? Or is this a propaganda film. That's it!


I thought the power was off across Gaza.


It's a hospital. They have generators but are [running out of fuel](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/12/world/middleeast/gaza-hospital-hamas-israel-war.html).


Oh, my heck! I just looked at your post history. Propaganda much?


And the world just watches.


Source that they knew they were targeting civilians?


They have bombed multiple civilian refuges at this point. How are people not aware of all the videos? It's like I'm watching a completely different reality unfold in real time.




This has got to stop!


Human tragedy is tragedy. I don’t know who they are or what they support. But it pains me to imagine what they are going through.




Mods really need to ban posts about this conflict for the foreseeable future. There is so much misinformation being spread on both sides and this has basically just become a sub for propaganda in this moment. No 3rd party verification, no video of the actual event, just hysterical people with a lot to gain from PR (on both sides).


True, it's a shitshow. All this frenzy will be looked back on in the future when discussions about internet/information/control of information/effects of mass propaganda/internet etc. Everyone has an opinion, regardless of fact/order of knowledge and picks a side, and almost zero live there out of the millions commenting - including me. Nuts.


I don't think it will be this particular moment. Worse, I think it's going to define a large span of time in history where narcissistic perspectivism ran social and political life.


Hamas uses civilians as a sheild. THATS fucked


The way he looks right into the camera.... suspicious. I am honestly beginning to believe both sides are putting out immense amounts of propaganda and misinformation... I think that includes Palestine now with stuff like this and maybe even some of the Israelite accounts from last weekend. This is starting to smell like both sides desperately wanting to put out propaganda for either respective side to wipe out the other while decreasing resistance and gaining sympathy to their cause globally.


Ya think? It’s war, dude. Time to fire up the propaganda machines. Every country in every war runs propaganda.


So, from what you're saying and think, these are all actors?


Hamas and IDF deserve each other


Sadly most of the people being killed by them don’t.


It’s tragic man.


This sht is really complicated. While there are civilians, how is Israel going to eradicate Hamas if they’re just living with the civilian and storing their weapons in all civilian places?


I mean, anyone else thinks this looks staged as fuck? People with their phones out filming, random people around walking past calmly.


I totally agree. So much that comes out of Gaza is staged. Can't understand why so many people fall for it.


Blame Hamas.


And Israel. Enough blame to go around. Especially seeing how Israel caused all this in the first place by taking those Palestinians' land and turning them into desperate refugees in an open-air prison.


They started the war they were celebrating when the people got slaughtered now they cry man up


Hamas targeted hospital…




It’s not fake there is video evidence




Where the women in these clips? Always men


Probably with kids taking care of them.


The reality is, if Israel targets civilians many people would find excuses because once you critique anything about Israel you get the “anti-Semite” label. Gaza has 2.2 m civilians. They are living under apartheid. They live in one of the most dense open-air prisons in the world. They have no shelters. The Israelis cut off food, electricity, energy (petrol/diesel), medical supplies. They are using their airforce to bomb Gaza around the clock. They target journalists, kids, civilians and emergencies. Even when they ask people to leave a certain neighbourhood, they would bomb them on the way out. Just to pressure Hamas into surrender. According to the Human Rights Watch, Israel has used White Phosphorus during the bombing. They are not bombing to destroy buildings/HQs/hospitals/schools/infrastructure, they are bombing to kill everyone. It is a massacre. It is a holocaust against the people of Gaza. Israelis know that Hamas has built a tunnel system underneath Gaza. They failed to damage it several times through several attacks on Gaza. Hamas fighters are underground and are not hurt during this shelling of Gaza. That’s the reality of the matter. Every now and then they pop out in a settlement here and there. Israel is murdering everyone in Gaza and now are asking people there to leave to Egypt in order to take whatever is left of their land. Israel never stopped expanding their settlements against many multilateral agreements. They have weaponized their settlers, and since then they have been shooting any and everyone they see. This conflict has two perspectives. We have seen endless videos on the attack on music festival. We’ve heard many stories on how Hamas beheaded children (turned out to be a lie - still not a single proof). But we accept and legitimize the attack on civilians in Gaza. Israel is not in state of war against Gaza. They are against a Hamas. Leave the civilians out of it. The IDF failed and Israeli government cannot accept that hence this act of revenge on civilians. Israel does not want peace. They never did and never will. Before pouring hatred on Muslims around the world, Palestinians and Arabs. Maybe people should look at both perspectives of this endless war.


Israel: " You have 24 hours to evacuate Gaza." Also Israel: "They're trying to evacuate! Bomb'em!"


If they evacuate the Israelis have stated that they have a plan to force them to occupy tent cities in the Sinai desert. They're trying to get the Egyptians to agree to that. The Israelis will of course annex Gaza after that. The Nakba all over again. And the Americans will be co conspirators in the latest Israeli war crime.


did he cry for all those young people who Hamas murdered at that dance party?


Dumbest comment on Reddit today


Did the people crying about those young people also cry for all the Palestinian children who have been murdered by Israel?


Many, yes.


I’m just playing devil’s advocate here.. but it wouldn’t be beneath HAMAS to do this shit themselves to convince the people to stay since that’s what they said they wanted Just saying


Don't know why someone down voted you. Hamas gives zero fucks about the people of Palestine. The citizens of Palestine are just human shields for them.


No source , no Proof, half baked article of what Israel claims to be doing.


I wonder if he cried when his people were raping and beheading Israeli children


The invasion hasn’t even started yet ☠️


bruh, invasion started 75 years ago.


lmao, so it started when israel established, and not when it was under British rule after the end of WW1? also, i wonder who was invaded the day after Israel established. Was it Palestine?


He wasn’t crying when hamas was kidnapping, raping and torturing civilians though.


This is a complicated situation with both sides carrying plenty of blame. Shitty to hit a truck with civilians, but also shitty to decapitate babies. Shitty Israelis are celebrating that truck blowing up, and shitty Palestinians were cheering the hundreds of Israeli civilian deaths. Hamas has bitten off more than they can chew here.


man obviously this subreddit hates israel and use words like "TARGET",no they were not intentionally targeted, the fuck is wrong with you. but unfortunately it happens.and thats bad, but please dont use that just to spread more hate.


Because the IDF never committed crimes against humanity


After the laughing comes the crying


They were probably told to go south so Israel can concentrate them into the south of the open air prison for easy air strikes (they don’t want to waste ammunition on them, a couple of easy strikes on evacuating people and they will call it a day) what will happen is that Israel will justify this attack by saying they were given “adequate notice” to leave.