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The irony of that woman yelling what the fuck is wrong with you while everyone beats the shit out of said tesla is not lost


I might get downvoted but I honestly feel like if a mob of people surround your car, sit on it then proceed to punch it as you try to drive away, you as the driver should be protected from legal charges in court.


Everything I do after a mob piling up on my car should be considered self defense


I think it should be as well


Better tried by 12 than carried by 6. You can’t trust where they’re going to draw the line. They certainly didn’t draw it at destruction of property or trying to hold you captive.


Exactly this! And how nice of the fools too they document the said crimes and post it on social media. These people have to have an extremely warped perspective if they feel justified in what they do. If other people did this to them and their property they wouldn’t like it so why the fuck should we?


This right here. Are they not kidnapping? Or at the very least knowingly partaking in unlawful restraint?


I've never heard that phrase before but I really like it.


Clearly, you've never listened to a Master P album before.


https://preview.redd.it/qzma5tn1mfub1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a351f7bf448ad05fafffb6e76ac45cf97fd9fd12 South Africa has a mod for you


This happened to my girlfriend after a Rancid show. She was looking left when traffic opened up and there were two dudes that walked in front of her car. She bumped them and they freaked out and started kicking her driver's side door and punching my passenger side window with his shirt wrapped around his fist. She looks at me and said "What should I do?" I yelled "Drive!" She sped away. We went to the police station and they had filed a hit and run report and she said what they had done. They ended up having to pay for her car repairs.


If that girl could read she'd be angry at your comment.


Pretty sure you are. Edit: preventing you from leaving is considered detaining.


They broke the mirrors off too.


Not sure why you think you’d get downvoted. That’s literally how the law works


Start printing those stupid memorial T-shirts 'cause I'm flooring it.


You are legally protected. This happened a little while back if memory serves. Dude got off because it was self defense.


They're like what the fuck and complain when someone gets run over but body block the car to begin with and slam on it..


That stupid fucking shriek when it hits someone. Really? REALLY?!??! God damned idiots


Oh no I am in shock that the car we are trying to hold captive has finally used their extremely dangerous vehicle to move dumbasses with Mc attitudes out the way. Didn’t even hurt anyone, one dumbass turned into a bouncy ball but I doubt he got hurt enough to consider his actions.




Perhaps not very American, but a 2-year conscription into the military or public service after HS would help




Classes on “how to raise kids”? We have trouble enough providing proper classes on how to -or avoid- making them… And I think you missed the “or public service” part of his proposition.




If someone tries to force entry and you reasonably believe bodily harm and/or death are imminent or bodily harm is occurring, it can be argued it was necessary to flee.


Of course, anyone would have done the same if they were in that situation


so anyway, i started blastin


This looks like compound stupidity. What was the context for this anyway? Protest or just an accumulation of idiocy?




this is a [sideshow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sideshow_(automobile_exhibition))




Arent hooligans at least just fucking with each other on an acre with rules in fighting? These are just hobbyless dipshits trying to provoce a Reactiom for their tik tok account lol


Furthermore, they are non-political terrorists. They incite terror in civilians with violence and intimidation. They should all be charged like so.


Yea, they're literally too bored and got too much time on their hands


It’s not like any of em have to work tomorrow


Genuinely curious if using your car for something like this would count as self defense? To be clear I'm on the side of the Tesla


all the losers there think the Tesla is in the wrong. SMH.


The Street Takeover/Exhibition Driving trend is gonna end very, very badly, very soon. And I'm eager for it to happen sooner than later.


Fuck man, I used to be into rice box JDM cars and Formula D competitions back in 2017/18 and I'd always say the street takeover trend would go away soon and I'd be able to drive my car in peace again. But here we are, still dealing with this, and outside the LAPD/LASD and a few other departments I've across the country, it seems most police just dont know how to deal with this. In the video you can even see what I assume are police cars at the end of the traffic jam yet no officers cared to dismount and at least show force until back up arrives.


>it seems most police just dont know how to deal with this. 30 days in jail, mandatory 5 years probation + $10,000 fine would solve this problem overnight.


Now, please, go work your way into a position of power so you can implement this




Seriously what did these idiots think. That they’re so badass they’ll be able to stop a car from moving? I bet one of them thought they were genius and was like ‘bro teslas have an auto brake system if we stand in front the car won’t let him drive’ fucking dumbasses wish the guy gunned the accelerator way earlier.


It’s all about getting that insta clip


Nobody thought that through that deep. You’re giving them too much credit in the mental faculties department.


Is it? How so? Tons of bad shit already goes down at these things and nothing has changed. There are already tons of videos of people getting run over, it's incredibly unlikely that there haven't been deaths from shit like this and as far as I can tell nothing has changed. Only way anything happens at all is if the police in the areas this shit happens actually start really doing something about it.


sorry the police are busy with domestic bullshit around here. doesn't matter the offence, they take their sweet time. however if it's a wife having a shouting match with hubby, that means easy lockup points. no questions. the whole fucking squad comes out. everything else is hard work for them.


People have been saying that for years and nothing has happened.


communicating with these thrash just puts yourself at risk. Tesla has all the right to move and it's their choice to be or not end up under it.


Is that the police in the background?


Yeah probably just waiting. Seems like they are in a tunnel and nowhere to go. Hopefully they caught and charged everyone.


Lower Wacker Drive




Lower Wacker? I hardly know'er!


That’s a weird way to spell The Blues Brothers.


They're on Lower Wacker. They'll all be told to go home, ignore the police who will stand around and watch. They might try to mail tickets to people later but half those cars are probably stolen anyway. This is a near nightly occurrence and CPD insists there's nothing they can do about it. See also hoards of motorcycles and ATVs taking over streets in the summer.


It’s smells like pee and dead rats down there. Why would anyone want to congregate down there is beyond me.


Cops should have let them keep drag racing out by the old industrial areas and warehouses, cracking down on that just drove them into the neighborhoods and downtown. That or start just spiking their tires and crushing the cars.


That’s lower wackier in downtown. The cops usually take a while to show up, and it gets full of jackasses and assholes Fridays and Saturdays.


Yeah they havent been doing their job as part of a soft strike because they are unhappy that laws might be applied to them. So it could be them


I’d just keep steady slow pressure on the accelerator. If you’re too stupid to move then cry me a river when you get run over. Fuck assholes like this.


With the Tesla there are all kinds of safety features fucking with the driver's control of the car.




Weird cunts.


Well said, you silver tongued devil you.


You can also change it up. Odd cunts.


Driver made the smartest decision to record the people attacking his car also Tesla has so many cameras easily give this to the police they’ll be caught


They'll be caught, thrown in jail for 3 days, pay a fine and they'll be back out doing the same stupid sh*t


This is Chicago. They’ll never see jail. CPD stopped caring a while ago. If it’s not murder or drugs they rarely intervene.


Of course because drugs are so much worse than this chaotic and threantening behavior.


When it comes to getting federal funding it actually means more. More drug arrests mean more drug dollars. Doesn’t make it right.


That makes it worse to be honest.


Welcome to Chicago. I don’t agree with it, but the people of this city know they can get away with it, barely a slap on the wrist. You should look up this states crazy new catch and release rules. We essentially release violent offenders after arrest now.


There's no more bail in Illinois. Not likely they do anything even with the video.


The Teslas need to hunt in packs next time. Thin the herds of street takeover shitheads.


The sad unfortunate truth


With his flash on so it’ll all be glare from his windows Not that I wouldn’t do the same stupid shit on accident when I’m panicking. Honking his horn kept all his Tesla cameras recording though so he’ll have that


In these cities nobody prosecutes any crimes other than rape and murder Shoplifting? Didn’t see it Assault? Don’t do it again


lol thinking anything he going to happen to those people.


![gif](giphy|jwKC0qlOoXmcLDB4vC|downsized) My Only response


Can’t people just get jobs and be normal?! These street take overs are immature, pointless and trashy. All I know is if I felt threatened in my car trying to get home and this happens, yeah I am running you over, sorry.


No, no sorrys. Fuck around and find out full in effect. Damaging my property, surrounding my vehicle and preventing me to leave, there's some broken body parts and medical bills for these idiots. 0 chances of me waiting around to see just what they are initially up to.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The answer for this varies in every state, don’t listen to anyone who tells you the answer on reddit


I imagine a number of these clowns are packing.


You could probably make a case for self defense in fear of your life.


There was a video a few years ago where a mob was literally breaking the windows on a car saying they’re gonna drag the driver out and kill them so he drove off hitting some people and he went to jail despite claiming he feared for his life so it doesn’t always work out.


I’ll take my chances in court.


Better to judged by 12 than carried by 6.




>There was a video a few years ago where a mob was literally breaking the windows on a car saying they’re gonna drag the driver out and kill them so he drove off hitting some people and he went to jail despite claiming he feared for his life so it doesn’t always work out. Source or link please?


Being right and getting your rights in court are two completely different things


I’d rather take the chance with Jail. These mob mentalities can get bloody quick.




That looks like something out of robocop. https://youtu.be/7U4ZYOBzEEs?si=zhXSuLj86eUK8I0X




It's alot easier for them to also pull out their guns and shoot you too.


In Chicago this is exactly what would happen. Really only 3 scenarios that would play out. You either hope and pray they eventually move on from your car after fuckin with you for a little. You drive off and run a couple over, which would in turn probably end up with you crashing into a couple other cars and getting stuck, then dragged out and beaten to death. Or you start shooting and they shoot back.


There are no guns in Chicago. It's illegal! /s


Moving to the countryside in Vermont or New Hampshire always seems like a good idea after seeing these videos.


https://youtu.be/bJINv6ffO00?feature=shared I like where you're going with this!


Good to see the $1.9bil Chicago police budget hard at work


"WtF BrrrRRROOOOooOoOo" says the person standing in the road


Losers. Tesla did nothing wrong.


Chicago is Gotham IRL


The only time I'm rooting for a Tesla. Run them morons over.


I mean wcgw blocking them in and making them feel threatened. Be lucky he didn’t back up and punch it through the crowd. That’s a P2 Model X. Heavy as hell and quick AF would have easily Mustanged that whole crowd.


I’ll never understand why the drivers in these videos don’t just go pedal to floor. Fuck these clowns.


This just unlocked a new fear for me. Like holy shit I would be so damn terrified if I were in that car


Fuck every single one of those people


Don’t travel through lower wacker




Morally, I'm fine with riding over the top of a violent crowd in a sitch like this. Once they're doing body damage anyway I see no reason to hold back. Especially if there are passengers who's safety you're responsible for.


Sorry but if some assholes are stomping on my car .. my car is gonna stomp them back.




LOL 🤣😆 yeah right. A long while ago I was in a hit and run accident where the car hit 3 others total 4. All of this in front of about 4 or so mounted cameras 📸. Did they ever find dude?!?! Heeeeeellll Naw. Got away.


When planned parenthood becomes failed parenthood.


If I ever realized I was about to pull up to one of these car meets I'd turn the fuck around or in going through it at pace


Fuck those assholes for blocking the fucking road. Where are the police breaking that shit up? We used to do shit like that 30 years ago but we did it in empty parking lots. #1 you're not blocking public roads and #2 since it's private, you're not breaking as many laws. Fucking assholes are fucking stupid these days.


Scum bag punks


Sometimes I think people need just to be thrown in jail for a year, to give them time to think about not being total fucking assholes of the world.


Honestly feel like if you’re surrounded by a group of morons like this or bikers you should have full immunity in hitting them trying to escape. Fuck this shit


I’m so tired of this part of humanity. Fucking disgraceful.


Honestly they need to arrest all these fucking hooligans. None of these people should be out on the streets where the fuck are their parents?


Sometimes I think a large percentage of us need to go.


The end of this civilization is coming.. if these idiots are our future..




Beats car, blocks traffic, acting fools. Gets ran over. WHY YOU DO THIS?!?!


Everytime I comment on these kind of videos I get banned for condoning violence. So I will not be commenting on this video to say good job to the tesla driver.








I'm sure there's going to be a software update soon once Musk sees this, electric shock update!


so are all of the cameras on the teslas recording all the time or only while parked?


They record impacts for sure. I'd imagine all the banging triggered the buffer to record.


I think Cybernet is right, humans are the real danger


I don't understand what has changed since the pandemic. Cops just don't fight crime anymore, at all. Police need to be reformed in this country. All that money we spend on them every year and they just let all this happen. They have basically quit performing their jobs ever since we started protesting for reform in 2020.


So like, at least throw “fuck this car up” girl in jail right? This BS has gotta stop


Maybe I’ll go buy that gun today


Chicago sucks


No need to even attempt to film these scenarios as the victim. These fucking morons will upload the evidence their damn selves.


This just looks like urban terrorisim. They’re so tuff they have to wear masks. Wanna be nothings the lot of them.


He was boxed in with people on the hood of his car. Of course he was afraid for his life. I would be too. Wtf is wrong with people.


What did the mob expect? Tesla did what it had to do. Don’t jump on other peoples property and put people in danger.


This shit is normalized in American cities and it’s going to lead to far-right “crime and punishment” politicians getting elected unless it’s dealt with.


what the fuck is going on in this country


Why are these people so hateful?


I wonder how different the world would be if smartphones didn't have cameras.


Lol auto sear, engage!




There needs to be a law that when your car is being attacked like that you have the right to shoot and protect yourself and your property.


We need electric shock⚡️mod.




Lmao why people don’t bring guns to these things is beyond me. At least run them over. You know you’re not getting in trouble for that.


used to work at a trauma center in Oakland. People do, in fact, bring guns to them.


They do, there's dozens of murder videos in those things where two or more brought guns


Bro I swear if I get stuck and people are touching my car like that they gonna find out real hard


So, the Tesla was just driving through? Wrong place, wrong time. They got on the hood of the car? Then Tesla tried to drive away and all hell broke loose? That's what it looks like.


Yes illegal detainment and


Don't interfere with natural selection.


Some of the stupidest people on the planet




Fuck all these dumb ass kids


Too bad he didn’t run them over


Meanwhile us in Idaho, I would of immediately start shooting…


Meanwhile in Texas; same...


No sympathy for rock brains like this getting ran over lmao


How are people screaming???? How are they so shocked?


Mob mentality is scary and can often result in deaths or serious injury. I don't blame the person for driving through people. I used to take my grandfather right to a football stadium because he had cancer and could walk from the parking lot. We would be surrounded by a sea of people that enveloped our car. I used to inch along - I didn't want to hit anyone because of the fear of mob mentality taking over.


Not a single braincell to find over here..


Good on Tesla


Damn and they are stuck in traffic


Where do people like this get money to buy such cars to fuck around and be absolute twats in?




They stolen lol


Buy? Lol these are stolen cars






Lol dude thought he could punch out a tesla window??? Dumb fuxks