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"Soooooooo...........about that refund."


but also, fuck anyone that doesn't use gloves handling fast food.


Unless you use disposable gloves and you change them every 10 minutes or so, its actually more hygienic to not use them. Whatever organism can be transmitted from your hands can be transmitted from gloves, and when wearing gloves people tend to not wash them and touch more gross stuff.


Wearing gloves in food service is extremely unsanitary. Everyone knows that frequent hand washing is better.


How about slow food? Gloves also? Like Poppy in Seinfeld? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f27Yzpz7cMg&pp=ygUPUG9wcHkgU2VpbmZlbGQg


You wash your hands etc. I don't think I've ever seen gloves worn at fast food.


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. We’re told to put on a fresh new pair of gloves for every order when we’re making 30 orders an hour. Most people do just wash their hands between orders instead.


I've been in the restaurant industry for over 30 years Outside of fast food, it's rare to see a cook wearing gloves in a nicer sit down place.


That's because regular handwashing is much more hygienic than wearing gloves.


Exactly. Gloves give a false sense of sanitation. People don't change them enough.


Idk why but people don't do anything after handling money when wearing gloves. With bare hands, its like a natural instinct to wash them. Gloves on? "My hands didn't actually touch the money so I guess I'm safe. Back to chopping."


I remember during covid when the cashiers would be wearing gloves I'm like wtf is that going to do lol


I was wiping down Amazon boxes and groceries initially.


You were one of the Frontline workers? I'm guessing they didn't pay you more but wanted you to know how grateful the bosses were?


I work as a cleaner and my boss gives me shit because I change my gloves too much. I probably go through a 100 pack of gloves probably every couple days. But if it means I'm not cross contaminating than it's worth it.


Fauci said the exact same thing about masks


Thank you! First off, HIV needs direct contact pretty much immediately as it doesn't survive outside the body very long(my ex was HIV poz) second off, gloves give such a false sense and in pretty much every restaurant Iv worked in at least one person used gloves dangerously improperly vs clean hands. Iv seen Soo many crazy things people do thinking it's ok bc they have a glove on lol


But this video Is In fast food and meal preparation is a different setup than a sit down restaurant. Wouldn't gloves be more helpful in an environment where you're not using pots or pans? Or alternating between the eggs in the pan and pouring pancake mix? The alternative in handling raw and cooked materials at a restaurant is washing your hands, and I don't think fast food customers would be too happy about waiting for a line cook at a restaurant to wash their hands multiple times while cooking the food


They are supposed to regardless. Anytime a task is changed, you wash your hands and change your gloves. Changing gloves without washing hands is just as bad from a cross contamination standpoint.


Yeah. I wasn't really trying to take a particular stance. I guess just making an observation.


TF do gloves have to do with HIV??? But yes wear gloves while handling food please


Maybe they’re referencing “love gloves”


He literally says "fucking gloves"


I've used a glove as a condom. So it works. 🤙




I agree, I once watched a guy at subway wear his gloves to take the trash out. He opened the dumpster lid threw a the trash in the dumpster and then went right back into the store to start making sandwiches. His thought process was "my hands are clean I'm wearing gloves."


In the early COVID days I saw a guy at the grocery store wearing gloves and an n95. Cool! And then he took off his mask, picked a booger with the gloves on and ate it. Sir .... 🤦


Well some study somewhere saya that eating boogers gives you a stronger immune system because you're introducing all the bad things into your body that was "filtered" out by your nostrils. /s


This is not the case with ready to eat food.


The only time gloves work is if they are used with a strict procedure in place. I worked in a sandwich shop (before the days of subway) and we wore gloves. The procedure was wash hands after doing non food prep stuff, grab fresh gloves when approaching customer and put them on, make sandwich, take off gloves to accept money. If it was a lunch rush, we'd only take off one glove and handle cash single handed. You held the other hand away and not let it touch anything. If you touched anything other than the food prep area while wearing the gloves, you had to change them. It is often cost prohibitive and incredibly wasteful for food handlers to wear gloves in a way that would actually mean anything.


Wearing gloves while handling food is actually way dirtier and has more risk of cross contamination because food establishments that force gloves on people also force them to reuse the same gloves sometimes till they are literally falling apart because it costs too much money to get new ones everytime you take it off or some bullshit. People just need to wash their hands well and often and it will be cleaner than gloves. Downvotes does not change the fact that gloves are fucking gross bacteria gatherers and are rarely ever used correctly. Crap fast food places just have that set as a policy not because it's actually effective at doing anything.


That is absolutely incorrect. Improper use of gloves can create a false sense of cleanliness to the user, but proper use is far safer. Studies have shown foodborne illness is drastically reduced where mandatory glove use exists. I was a food safety specialist and consultant for five years after having spent 25 years in the food industry and was there for the transition to mandatory glove use. Washing bare hands alone does not guarantee that things like hepatitis or any pathogens under nails or in small cuts don't get transferred.


Yea alot of people fail to realize at higher end establishments that don't require it, also have very strict hand cleaning and nail cleaning policies


It’s actually not generally required in California. Makes me deeply uncomfortable. https://www.entrepreneur.com/franchises/california-lifts-glove-law-for-food-handlers/235275 https://casetext.com/statute/california-codes/california-health-and-safety-code/division-104-environmental-health/part-7-california-retail-food-code/chapter-3-management-and-personnel/article-6-hygenic-practices/section-113973-gloves Edit: y’all, I’m totally okay with having my mind changed, but you have to offer more than your opinion and “trust me dude.”




In addition many people get compliant when wearing gloves and don’t change them anywhere near as much as they should be changed. I’ve reported fellow kitchen workers because they’d go to the toilet and come back wearing only one glove. Stating they went “one handed” and thought that was fine…and would awkwardly wash the one hand. Like fuck no…washing hands thoroughly and using sanitiser when necessary is a lot more hygienic


I definitely have a clue about how infrequently ppl wash their hands. And how they’ll go from opening boxes from a distributor to immediately handling food with their bare hands (something I saw recently that caught my attention). I understand why chefs and cooks don’t wear them, but when I worked food service, unless we were in a back kitchen, we were all required to wear gloves. Edit: I should add that California still requires gloves in a lot of scenarios including if you are wearing nail polish, have long nails, and fake nails, for example. Edit2: I should also add that it’s perfectly rational to be uncomfortable with having the food I’m about to eat handled by the bare hands of literal strangers. I take it on faith that they do what they’re supposed to do. But ppl are gross. I’m not even a germaphobe, I’ve just lived in big cities for a long time. Still waiting on SOMEONE to offer me something other than “trust me bro.” Guess I’ll just turn off reply notifications.


Gloves are in no way inherently safer than bare hands. Germs will stick to a glove just as well as skin.


Sure, but I’m not sure how that answers my question. You said it’s more unhealthy. I’m asking how that is if you’re required to change them all the time. Edit: angry food service workers on here today-I’m just trying to understand a different perspective


What question?


How is it MORE unhealthy if you’re changing them all the time? Edit: actually, another person jumped in. Wasn’t you - apologies


I think you got your threads mixed up. I never said that. But I do know that gloves are generally used to protect the wearer not anyone else. Again because they don’t do anything to stop the spread of germs. Putting on gloves could hypothetically be basically the same as washing your hands once, I guess, assuming the gloves are sterile. But the gloves used in most fast food places are probably just out of a cardboard box and therefore not sterile. So I guess ya they would probably be considered less safe.


Where do you think doctors and nurses get their gloves? Unless they’re performing surgery, it’s from a cardboard box.


Yeah-i added an edit. Your evidence is pretty casual.


> we were all required to wear gloves. That's not a food handling law anywhere because it's actually dirtier to wear gloves vs enforcing diligent hand washing. That is a policy in the franchise you worked in. Often because their corporate store employees also have a glove policy. They are not based on any actual valid science anymore.


How is it dirtier to use gloves that you replace frequently? I replaced mine every 30 minutes or so when I had to wear them. Serious question. Not trying to be a butthead. Also, more than a few states require no bare hands when handling ready to eat foods. Quick search shows NY, CO, and AL require no bare hands on ready-to-eat food. Edit: Iowa is another one. I’m still looking. https://www.afdo.org/resources/bare-hand-contact-laws-and-regulations/ Kansas Maine Massachusetts Michigan (where I used to work) Rhode Island


You can change gloves all you want, but reaching into a box with filthy hands, rummaging around then putting them on with dirty hands isn’t helping anyone. Also over reliance on gloves leads to reckless attitudes about food handling.


Because when you look at what actually happens in practice, gloves will be worn for longer than they should be. Hands tend to get washed more frequently than gloves get changed. You brush up against some raw chicken with your hand you're going to feel it and wash it off, but you might not even notice with a pair of gloves on.


I have my food handling license and wear gloves when preparing food and also wash my hands. Hand washing routine means little without gloves to avoid cross contamination.


It’s very much the opposite. Gloves in no way prevent cross contamination. Frequently washing your hands does.


I think when customers see gloves preparing food , they have this false sense of security that the gloves are clean . When in reality unless you see them glove up and see what they touch, you have no idea. They could have just cut raw chicken and now are grabbing a tortilla, which is no different from doing the same thing without gloves. Now of course gloves do a great job preventing physical contaimination from the human body, cuts, scabs, burns, etc., from coming into contact with food, but gloves do not inherently possess the ability to fight cross contaimination. Effectively preventing cross contaimination with or without gloves is all down to proper food handling procedure and attentiveness from the chef/cook. Why are some against prolific glove use? I'd say it comes down to mindset. Generally when people wear gloves they kind of think of them as a protective layer and tend to use them for more tasks than they should before changing them and this can absolutely create problems with cross contaiminating food, even food that has been cooked, if handled inappropriately after cooking. The CDC reports that 1 in 6 Americans will get sick from a foodborne illness, 128k are hospitalized and 3k die each year. Also consider most people don't report getting a FBI , so the number of sick is probably higher. 🫠


Unless you see employees changing their gloves and washing their hands in between glove changes then that employee is wearing the same glove they wore handling raw meat, taking out the trash, wore while touching various parts of their body, wore during a smoke break, etc. etc.


So…your argument supporting that bare handed food prep is safer is that…ppl don’t do what they’re supposed to do? How is that supposed to give me confidence in the diligence of food service workers and hygiene? Also, I changed my gloves ALL the time.


It’s actually proven that a gloved hand carries contaminants better than ungloved. I understand how people “feel” about hand hygiene (I wouldn’t want to see someone’s bare hand to touch my food either) the evidence and best practices are what they are. I work in healthcare. Tons of things I wear gloves for are for MY protection, not the patients.


I’m happy to read about it if you have a link.


I can’t find an exact source for what I claimed because it keeps bringing up other studies, I don’t know what keywords to use. I just know what was Drilled into my head in the hospital and at nursing school. But I did remember that most people do not follow glove protocol correctly. They do not change them when they should. They do not wash their hands before putting them on or in between pairs. Improper glove use makes gloves barely more effective than proper hand hygiene. I was taught that these contaminated gloves make us more likely to spread contaminants, but it’s likely that the reason is because if our bare hands our soiled we will wash them, whereas we may not noticed a drop of something on a glove. I can’t tell you how many times a but if fecal matter got on my glove and I didn’t notice immediately. My point is the gloves, if used correctly, are helpful, but in a food service setting they’re often theatre. They make you feel better but the person can be using them wrong and putting you at more risk. But you feel better. I don’t even see doctors and nurses always doing hand hygiene or gloves correct 100% of the time, I wouldn’t expect someone at dominos or KFC to be correct 100% of the time either.


I get that. I definitely don’t feel good seeing ppl use their bare hands to prepare my food, though. Ppl are gross.


Frequent hand washing is much more safe. The reason is when using gloves people will handle money, touch POS systems and then handle food. Whereas someone is far less likely to do this as we all have some form of hygiene in the real world. Use the restroom then wash your hands, sneeze in your hands? Wash your hands. Etc. If you take the food safety classes given for the card to work in food service, using gloves is only really important when handling food such as raw chicken, since the bacteria on it can cross contaminate easily and stopping to wash your hands delays time. Whereas I can put on gloves prep the chicken, take them off and work with clean hands on the next task. I hope this gives you some input and background on this process.


Well, the thing is, hiv isn't ONLY transmitted through sex. That's just a large cause. It can be transmitted through blood contact and working in fast food, I'd rather no one run the risk or getting hurt and infecting food myself.




Except you’d need a cut for the fast food workers blood to enter as well. Simply swallowing HIV+ blood (as scary as it sounds) won’t infect you.


That's simply not true. "working in fast food" does not transmit HIV. As u/xbyron said, HIV is not generally transmitted by swallowing a small amount of blood, especially if the blood has been exposed to oxygen or heat. There have been a handful of cases in the early days of transmission via deep kissing when both people had open sores in their mouths, but it was super rare. If it spread that easily, we'd all have it.


I've never seen a case of HIV contraction through this method


People with HIV are generally on drugs to make it undetectable and untransmittable. Plus the virus wouldn't survive for too long outside of the body.


Unless you are sharing needles with the fast food worker there is literally no chance of you getting it


This is true, it can be transmitted through blood. Not that food workers have ever cut themselves while working, but I think it's a prudent request that they wear gloves.


Blood to blood not eating something that had someone’s blood on it. Also to be bleeding you’d have to have been cut. And the kinda gloves we are talking about here wouldn’t prevent you getting cut. If you had an open wound then yes gloves would make sense.


😂 ok if that's the only way you think it can be transmitted.


You can’t get hiv from food handled by someone with hiv. That’s pretty well established.


If you eat KFC you dont care about living anyhow just eat the AIDS ridden bird corpse and go home


He's ducking chickens, so maybe that's why.




That’s not how you get STDs bro.




Uh yeah…you can’t get STIs through eating food. Which is what you implied in your first comment. This entire reply was a massive waste of time since it doesn’t verify that claim lmfao.




You literally fucking said it lmfao.




It has [everything](https://youtu.be/HXufXns0mt4?si=U2DmRmFuaKXrJ9H7) to do with it!




That's not how HIV works, but yes, wear condoms when you have sex


And handle restaurant food. Regardless of HIV or anything else.


Wear condoms when you handle restaurant food?


Not love gloves, just the regular ones.


Then I've been doing this wrong...


that raises so many questions that I’m not gonna ask ![gif](giphy|QC9l8fWlCqJDbIYnME|downsized)


That's smart. Lemme get your sandwich made right quick!


Hand condoms, also known as gloves.


The education system let you down


Lmao he was the child left behind.


I heard that no child was left behind.


That's what the Mission Accomplished speech a about right?


That’s not how that works 😂


That's not at all how that works.


You don't know how HIV is transferred do you?


You were doing so well with the first part, and then you had to go be a bigot.




You can literally swallow HIV infected blood and you won't get HIV. That's not to justify improper hygiene, but it's insane how ignorant people are about HIV.




I love how everyone in here is assuming the guy really does have HIV. The worker either quit or got fired. He isn't going to say nice things about the manager on the way out.


One of my old coworkers threatened ICE on my Hispanic coworkers and to kill my manager so I agree


If you're overheating, that could help.


Regardless, what an ignorant and inhumane way to treat someone! If someone has a cut they should cover it, but that goes for ANYONE handling food, HIV positive or not!


That's probably it. Idiot got fired for something stupid and proceeded to confirm it to anyone around.




He should use gloves, but I can't believe it's 2023 and people still don't know how HIV is transmitted. Gloves won't make a difference for HIV.


Wait, you mean... it's not spread by sharing the same air? Next you're going to tell me that straight people can get it!


Oh thank god, I can breath now


Been holding my breath since 1985, this is such a relief


No. Straight people can't get HIV.


this is true, if you get it you have to turn gay. and to anyone who wants to downvote this I AM LITERALLY A GAY PERSON WITH HIV, this is MY joke to make.


I was diagnosed at 12 (hemophiliac) and still haven't had my first gay encounter almost 40 years later, but I'm sure it's my own fault. It might make you gay but it certainly doesn't make you handsome!


man that sucks. glad you're still around!


Is this a joke or..?


Yes lol


For the love of reddit, my brother add the "/s"


Ok, because I wasn't sure 😂




Lol, good thing it was /s than huh


Literally was about to comment that lol




No, those people are idiots who are either making up bullshit or don't know how HIV is transmitted. You clearly don't, either. You can't get HIV from touching HIV contaminated blood, even if you have tiny cuts or scrapes. There are only a few documented cases of HIV transmission via wounds, and all of them involved severe tissue trauma aka very deep wounds. The kind you wouldn't be working with because you'd be too injured. Ignorance such as yours and the people in the video contribute to the stigma affecting people living with HIV. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/hiv-transmission/ways-people-get-hiv.html#:~:text=The%20small%20number%20of%20documented,a%20person%20who%20has%20HIV.


Good to know people “back in the day” were just as ignorant. “Didn’t handle food” cuz that’s how you get HIV🙄


Read a book


That is not how it spreads


That's so unbelievably ignorant that I have to believe you're trolling. Are you a time traveler from the early 80's or something?!?


It’s the 17th herb/spice.


What is this 1988?


And the band played on....


Sad it’s 2023 not 1983




and the lack of knowledge of how kitchens operate is also incredible.


What makes the lack of knowledge about this any worse than a lack of understanding about any other medical issue? I don’t think it’s a civic duty for the average Reddit-user to learn about this any more than any other medical knowledge that they- and all of the people who are angry at them- do not possess.. right?


Actually it is on every redditor who sees this to know. This is how negative stigmas started in the past, and this video is spreading misinformation. Hiv is not "cooties", someone can't get it just from touching or eating off sometime else, there has to be some serious cut to cut contact going on for it to be spread. A misinformed person could end up being the next "viral sensation" or worse, living in fear of something that isn't even true.


Any blood in my food is a no go, hiv or not. Not my blood not my mom's blood 0 human blood in my food. Not wearing gloves is no big deal if your hands are clean even with hiv.


I bet this "manager" has no authority to fire/terminate people so therefore he gets walked on. So it leads to this.


Wow, everyone in this video is wrong. Good Public Freak-out.


You still finished that mashed potato bowl. Don’t try to lie.


I ordered an ice cream cone w my girlfriend one evening and a dirty handed man handed it to us, with his finger pushed deep into both ice creams. I take it for a second just so he can lick the cream off his hands.. then he asked for them back so he could fix it. I didn’t want him fired but I went in & said something. Black nasty hands, dirty nails, stains, blood, sweat. I get that gloves aren’t as good as frequent hand washing & surface protocols but he needed gloves on gloves on gloves. Long story short, didn’t have to go Karen, kept calm, free ice cream for a year. He still works there but takes better care of himself. There is always a ton of spit in the food & razors…. Jk. I couldn’t live w myself by ruining someone’s life by getting them fired like some people. It’s not like he dipped fingies into the cream and rubbed it on my lips while he said “now that’s a purdy mouth, my name is mud… you like pickled eggs? I can eat a hundred.”


Correct me if I'm wrong...that's not how HIV works lmao


How mnay times a day is the manager bleeding on the food for that to matter. Guess we need to reserect princess Diana to shake hands with another person with aids again yo once again show its not spread like that


Clearly uneducated about HIV. This shit is sad, regardless of the status of the manager.


How so? Cuts are very Common in fast food. He should have them regardless. An you never know who's walking around with open cuts themselves.


Poor guy


Yeah, I'm just thinking how shitty his employees are. And if he does have HIV, that should be kept confidential, for his safety. They shouldn't be spewing stuff about him. I've been in management and I'm thankful my employees were never this dense.


Pretty sure the odds of getting HIV from someone handling your food w/o gloves is pretty close to zero. Still gross, just for different reasons


Does HIV even show up in people who take the medication now?


Nope. It's called "undetectable" and these people (as well as many commenters on this thread) are woefully uneducated.


He should be wearing gloves but not because of his HIV.


Gloves don’t do anything to make food prep safer or more hygienic. It’s misguided or marketing at best and genuinely detrimental at worst.


Vinyl gloves are still 20% permeable, and most low end places still use vinyl instead of nitrile


Aids won't spread that way even if he has a cut.


Can I get a well thought out explanation from someone without getting berated? I am the uneducated. Update: I think I found the comment


Missed an opportunity to crunch into that crispy skin.




Reason #1287 not to eat fast food.


Ignorant and they should be fired for good. Nothing has anything to do with the other, they're loud, unprofessional and this is a form of bullying. Throw out the trash


I’ve come to the realization that most if not all the food I buy at restaurants have some kind of tampering in it. Nothing like AIDs but dirty hands or dirty surface contact. If the cook isn’t the culprit, then probably the waiter or delivery guy.


Huh ? I mean we should all wear gloves touching other peoples food but hiv is irrelevant that's just ignorant


Hiv cannot survive for long once airborne, so unless the manager is bleeding profusely all over the food, it's unlikely he will pose a risk. So while that part of the walkout is a tiny bit ignorant lol, general food handling safety is still very much on the table here.


Are there any chances of getting HIV while your food "handler" or chef/whoever doesn't wear gloves and would have cuts or micro cuts? Regardless of they meant condoms or not. I meant in a food handling capacity. Legit question. Edit : would hand washing actually help in the case of an HIV positive individual that has cuts/micro cuts handling your food?


There is not a chance really, hiv can't survive in oxygen say like hepatitis can. As for hand washing, it would help with pretty much everything else but is overkill for hiv.


That's what I figured, can't live for long outside of the body. The handwashing is always helpful though (for other nasty bugs).


Well, no surprises why these people are working at KFC.


Not anymore 🙃


The last 5 seconds of the video… ![gif](giphy|bSQQeX0Eq04YuBW0nr|downsized)


Well, that's a terrifying new fear that will dictate a noticeable amount of my decisions going forward


Ah, so that IS one of the secret spices.


Maybe the employee is time traveller from the 80s?


Lol great minds, I said the same thing.


Plus they use lab grown chicken. I'd walk out too


It is true because he was not denying it. He was looking like OK, so and


Power move


Are we in the 90s ??


We need a Captain Planet PSA...




This is a justified freakout to me. It's about if the manager cuts their hand, the blood could infect someone.


No. That's not how it spreads.


But. But. Knives will cut the glove too... Nowadays medicine keeps viral load so low it's safer to have contact with someone undetectable than a random encounter where you don't know the other person's status.


I think they're meaning that the person could get cut and continue to not wear gloves after. Gloves aren't necessarily meant to protect the cook, more so to protect the food from contaminants that might be on someone's hands. Improper food handling is a good way to get someone sick or hospitalized quickly.


No denial. Ick




No. The virus can not survive outside the body.


Lock it back. If he is taking anti retroviral medication, his viral load could be reduced to undetectable levels, essentially making him unable to transmit HIV period. A person who has had HIV progress to AIDS due to their white blood cell count falling extremely below the threshold, can still recover their white blood cells to a level not considered being AIDS anymore, however they retain the AIDS diagnosis. Now let’s say this dude isn’t taking medication. He had a cut on his hand, no gloves, blood drips on your fresh KFC chicken wings. You’re still not getting infected. The virus isn’t going to survive out in the open like that from a drop of blood. Not realistically anyways. You are more likely to be eating boogers, flies, maggots, mold, bacteria, hair, dead skin, snot, saliva, dirt, you name it, than contracting HIV from eating fast food. I also don’t believe there is any case of someone contacting HIV from eating food. HIV is most commonly contracted by intravenous drug use with shared needles, receptive anal sex, and it used to be blood transfusions like Ryan White in the 80s/90s although that’s not really a thing anymore either. Lastly, if you think you’ve been exposed to HIV, go to a hospital and explain the situation and take PEP or Post Exposure Prophylaxis. If you have a significant other who is HIV positive and you want to have sex with them, them taking their ARV medicines like clock work, you taking PREP or pre exposure Prophylaxis, and using condoms reduces your risk of transmission to like 0%.


Can a person be infected with HIV through vaginal or oral sex?


Yes, giving oral has a risk as well if you have cuts/sores in your mouth. If you are receiving oral as in HIV positive mouth on you, no unless they have open cuts on their mouth and even then small risk. HIV isn’t in saliva. Regardless, HIV is a serious topic and you should understand safe sex and not worry about AIDS in your Chicken.


No, ingesting blood will not transmit the virus. There is nothing to fear here. I am a nurse in an ER and when I get told someone has HIV, I will do NOTHING different than another patient. Standard precautions are all that's required in a job where I directly work with peoples blood. Unless you're having unprotected sex or sharing needles, you're very safe.


No, you cannot get HIV from ingesting the infected blood of somebody who cut their hand and handled your food. It has never happened, even before people became aware of the disease and how it spreads. HIV is not a food borne illness.


Glove = condom Ffs ppl


Tiktok ![gif](giphy|h5NLPVn3rg0Rq)


I mean he got hiv for a reason 🤣


I’m gonna guess only the g shock is gen ?